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We have Tommy Hunt appearing at the fantastic Empire in Middlesbrough on Good Friday 10th April, so hopefully with your permission Ian he might be able to sing the new tune to the crowd. We have sold over 400 tickets for this night up to now.

Do you remember The Empire Ian ? as you played there a few year's ago alongside Paul Mooney,Mike Charlton etc, You thought the venue was superb with it being an old music hall.



Ian - a couple of " historical " questions for you ........ regarding The Good Will in Miami .

Did you already know about this prior to your first visit , or did you come across it by accident ?

Graham Warr found it. He was the DJ at The Catacombs in Wolverhampton. He only had one day there and was pulling out originals of Sam And Kitty, and Richard Temple, and the sheer volume defeated him, so he let me go through it rather than let it go to waste, and I gave him some free records as a finders fee.


It was stated that it contained 250,000 singles , to which you bought 4,000

It was probably nearer half a million.


Is there anything that you can recall having left , that you now know has turned up as a " desirable " record ?

Oh I left NOTHING.

I knew my stuff back then. If in doubt I took it. At that price I'd have been crazy not to.


We have Tommy Hunt appearing at the fantastic Empire in Middlesbrough on Good Friday 10th April, so hopefully with your permission Ian he might be able to sing the new tune to the crowd. We have sold over 400 tickets for this night up to now.

I'd be so so so grateful if he would. Would someone ask him in advance please ???


I actually don't think I ever posted this on Soul Source so far.....

Laverta Lewis's anthemic opening track for Soul Steppers - a testament to a brighter tomorrow.


Where did you " find " Laverta Ian ?

Malc Burton

She was signed to MCA as the lead singer of Dark Secret, in 1986, and I was hired to produce them. She's from California. She's married to Milton Brown. her real name is Debra Brown. Their two children recently did the backing vocals for P.P. Arnold.


What would be more amazing and interesting would be if you and Ian posted up one at a time 400 records that you have both discovered/played first/or made big on the scene - sort of 'head to head' - I'm sure once you get to 400 you could start again


Reading this months after it was posted, but an extremely succinct and potent contribution. Ian has made some good records over the years and some crap ones. He chose to become a record Producer and he has a big ego, which surprise, surprise is something rather common amongst people who like to see themselves as 'artistes'. He can be forgiven for all that on the grounds of his enormous contribution to the appreciation of American 60's and 70s soul music in this country. It is embarrassing indeed to see certain people trying to go 'head to head' with a man who discovered and broke more quality soul records than most DJ'S will manage if they lived ten lifetimes.

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Reading this months after it was posted, but an extremely succinct and potent contribution. Ian has made some good records over the years and some crap ones. He chose to become a record Producer and he has a big ego, which surprise, surprise is something rather common amongst people who like to see themselves as 'artistes'. He can be forgiven for all that on the grounds of his enormous contribution to the appreciation of American 60's and 70s soul music in this country. It is embarrassing indeed to see certain people trying to go 'head to head' with a man who discovered and broke more quality soul records than most DJ'S will manage if they lived ten lifetimes.

So why does he not contribute to this site instead of only talking about his new stuff he's trying to sell?

This is not youtube where he can veto any comments made so that only positive things are said. This is an open discussion forum which he made a mockery of with his bullying and threats and dummy spitting.

For example:

"I won't I WON'T I WON'T let you defeat my spirit. I shall merely think of ways to treat you with the absolute contempt that you most certainly and truly deserve, somewhere away from this forum.

And I have a bloody long memory.


Go breathe cyanide"


"I submit the case that these following words...

"Now, if the DVD and your Youtube stuff didn't exist they could only possibly find the original stuff, and fall in love with it .... So it is my opinion, and you can write it on my tombstone that you wish me to have, that you and your DVD and productions are a danger to the future of this music."

Are THE most quintessentially evil and disgraceful and soul destroying quotes that I have ever witnessed in my entire forty years of loving Northern Soul.

There are not enough words in the dictionary to express my contempt for anyone who would write such hurtful and sick statements as this.

I am ashamed to live in the same country and belong to the same human race."

He has claimed to have a box of 400 great and unknown northern soul 45s, but he will not share these.

It is perfectly reasonable to ask about his claim, it would be amazing if he has what he says he has. Why would someone lie about it?

I don't follow the argument that he should be treated like the queen of the northern soul scene and any critic of anything he posts on an open discussion forum is subject to threats and abuse, both directly on this site and via private emails from his 'mafia' (or is it circus?) just because he played records in the 1970s that would have been discovered anyway. Can you explain your logic please?

Edited by James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Are THE most quintessentially evil and disgraceful and soul destroying quotes that I have ever witnessed in my entire forty years of loving Northern Soul.

40 YEARS !! :wave:Blimey.. And there wuz me thinkin' you wuz only 28 !! :wave::D:g:

I (hopefully) look forward to catching you at the Marrs on Sunday, James, my dear chappy type person who abhors conflict of whatever sort.. thumbsup.gif


Fingers.. :wave:

Edited by FickleFingers
Posted (edited)

40 YEARS !! :wave:Blimey.. And there wuz me thinkin' you wuz only 28 !! :wave::D:g:

I (hopefully) look forward to catching you at the Marrs on Sunday, James, my dear chappy type person who abhors conflict of whatever sort.. thumbsup.gif


Fingers.. :wave:

Your SS profile states you as being 32 years of age : possibly the " 40 years " is a typo , and should read " 4 " .........

It is now time he kept his personal vendetta against IL personal Mr Trouble - and away from the realms of this thread on SS .

You have your views , and IL has his - end of story : For God's sake - give it a rest .........

As soon as I see you have posted on this thread , I know full well what to expect , and I refuse to believe that there are no others on the forum who do not feel the same as I do , and are sick to the back teeth of / with your rantings .

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton

Your SS profile states you as being 32 years of age : possibly the " 40 years " is a typo , and should read " 4 " .........

It is now time he kept his personal vendetta against IL personal Mr Trouble - and away from the realms of this thread on SS .

You have your views , and IL has his - end of story : For God's sake - give it a rest .........

As soon as I see you have posted on this thread , I know full well what to expect , and I refuse to believe that there are no others on the forum who do not feel the same as I do , and are sick to the back teeth of / with your rantings .

Malc Burton

I won't get dragged in again, Malc, not this time.

But I think the "forty year" quote was one which I originally made, and which was being thrown back at me. After all, I first bought Rose Battiste's "Hit And Run", and J.J. Barnes "Please Let Me In', in 1968. That was indeed over forty years ago.

I do think it was much harder in those days to discover such records, because the blueprint didn't exist, and I was treading on virgin ground where no-one had previously been.

Posted (edited)

I won't get dragged in again, Malc, not this time.

But I think the "forty year" quote was one which I originally made, and which was being thrown back at me. After all, I first bought Rose Battiste's "Hit And Run", and J.J. Barnes "Please Let Me In', in 1968. That was indeed over forty years ago.

I do think it was much harder in those days to discover such records, because the blueprint didn't exist, and I was treading on virgin ground where no-one had previously been.

He is deliberately baiting you again Ian , for the his smug satisfaction and amusement . You do wise in standing off , and this be the last time I will also rise to James Trouble .....

As I stated , as soon as I see he has posted on the thread , I - and others - know fully well what to expect - vitriolic tirades and rantings . He is attempting - as Did Oswald Mosely in the 1930's - to change people's minds and their beliefs to his own : it did not work for Mosely then , and it will not work for him now .

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton

Your SS profile states you as being 32 years of age : possibly the " 40 years " is a typo , and should read " 4 " .........

It is now time he kept his personal vendetta against IL personal Mr Trouble - and away from the realms of this thread on SS .

You have your views , and IL has his - end of story : For God's sake - give it a rest .........

As soon as I see you have posted on this thread , I know full well what to expect , and I refuse to believe that there are no others on the forum who do not feel the same as I do , and are sick to the back teeth of / with your rantings .

Malc Burton

got to agree there marc this threads should'nt be for personal vendettas john


Your SS profile states you as being 32 years of age : possibly the " 40 years " is a typo , and should read " 4 " .........

It is now time he kept his personal vendetta against IL personal Mr Trouble - and away from the realms of this thread on SS .

You have your views , and IL has his - end of story : For God's sake - give it a rest .........

As soon as I see you have posted on this thread , I know full well what to expect , and I refuse to believe that there are no others on the forum who do not feel the same as I do , and are sick to the back teeth of / with your rantings .

Malc Burton

Malc, a bit harsh to put this under John's reply and not James' because it looks like you're addressing John when he hasn't, as far as I know, said anything detrimental to or about Ian.



As I stated , as soon as I see he has posted on the thread , I - and others - know fully well what to expect - vitriolic tirades and rantings . He is attempting - as Did Oswald Mosely in the 1930's - to change people's minds and their beliefs to his own : it did not work for Mosely then , and it will not work for him now .

Malc Burton

You are either taking the piss or this is the most ironic post on SS ever. Some would say that is exactly what Iain does because he won't accept any other view of his work or his self. It is a very good analogy and to me is the exact reason why I haven't bothered to even listen or consider any of Iains recent work and as someone who I assume buys more contemporary music than a large chunk of people on here, including some of Iains previous work, I would be interested in what Iain does as contemporary music.

I only come in this thread for the car crash reasons that James correctly described as the majorities reason for coming here. I very rarely bother to listen to stuff because of his behaviour on here, Just because James has now behaved equally badly at times does not make it right, Your blind acceptance and one sided view of everything Iain says and does on here has lowered many peoples consideration of you Malc, I can only assume there is some level of self interest in this.

I am not sticking up for James, I told him recently to his face he should leave it as it it isn't really doing him any favours, but I sort of understand why he doesn't. He has been treated very badly and everyone just ignores that. As he says Iain seems to be allowed in your eyes and others to say what he wants, purely because of who he was. Just doesn't add up, some of the vitriol and threats from that side are just unacceptable. Iain calls anyone who says his stuff is crap dreadful names but he then proceeds to do the same about Kings Go Forth product just because James was involved in playing their record, what sort of double standards is that, do you think thats acceptable Malc?

The people I feel most sorry for are Mike who has to deal with this constant crap and the constant carping from Ian, he has been put in an impossible situation and also the artists, who are losing out, yet again. There are a couple of interesting articles in this months Manifesto about artists that have worked with Ian. Its obvious from conversations with people I am not the only one who has said they wont buy the product because of behaviours on here.

As has been said before this is just a huge sales pitch that will go away once that is over, ironically it has probably been the most counter productive sales pitch ever.


He is deliberately baiting you again Ian , for the his smug satisfaction and amusement . You do wise in standing off , and this be the last time I will also rise to James Trouble .....

As I stated , as soon as I see he has posted on the thread , I - and others - know fully well what to expect - vitriolic tirades and rantings . He is attempting - as Did Oswald Mosely in the 1930's - to change people's minds and their beliefs to his own : it did not work for Mosely then , and it will not work for him now .

Malc Burton

A fantastic post, Malc. I'm proud of you.


You are either taking the piss or this is the most ironic post on SS ever. Some would say that is exactly what Iain does because he won't accept any other view of his work or his self. It is a very good analogy and to me is the exact reason why I haven't bothered to even listen or consider any of Iains recent work and as someone who I assume buys more contemporary music than a large chunk of people on here, including some of Iains previous work, I would be interested in what Iain does as contemporary music.

I find your comments deeply saddening, and somewhat soul destroying. There's no point in me answering them one by one, as you admit your mind is already made up.

I came on here to discuss my work with those who are interested. When I realised doing this was causing controversy, I tried to limit it to a self contained thread, where hopefully only those would come who were genuinely interested.

I care deeply about what I do, and I take unfair criticism more personally than maybe I should, but that's my nature. I can't change it, and probably wouldn't even if I could.

Believe it or not, I find the constant attacks very tiring, and boring, and a waste of everyone's time.

And my name is spelt "Ian", not "Iain".


You are either taking the piss or this is the most ironic post on SS ever. Some would say that is exactly what Iain does because he won't accept any other view of his work or his self. It is a very good analogy and to me is the exact reason why I haven't bothered to even listen or consider any of Iains recent work and as someone who I assume buys more contemporary music than a large chunk of people on here, including some of Iains previous work, I would be interested in what Iain does as contemporary music.

I only come in this thread for the car crash reasons that James correctly described as the majorities reason for coming here. I very rarely bother to listen to stuff because of his behaviour on here, Just because James has now behaved equally badly at times does not make it right, Your blind acceptance and one sided view of everything Iain says and does on here has lowered many peoples consideration of you Malc, I can only assume there is some level of self interest in this.

I am not sticking up for James, I told him recently to his face he should leave it as it it isn't really doing him any favours, but I sort of understand why he doesn't. He has been treated very badly and everyone just ignores that. As he says Iain seems to be allowed in your eyes and others to say what he wants, purely because of who he was. Just doesn't add up, some of the vitriol and threats from that side are just unacceptable. Iain calls anyone who says his stuff is crap dreadful names but he then proceeds to do the same about Kings Go Forth product just because James was involved in playing their record, what sort of double standards is that, do you think thats acceptable Malc?

The people I feel most sorry for are Mike who has to deal with this constant crap and the constant carping from Ian, he has been put in an impossible situation and also the artists, who are losing out, yet again. There are a couple of interesting articles in this months Manifesto about artists that have worked with Ian. Its obvious from conversations with people I am not the only one who has said they wont buy the product because of behaviours on here.

As has been said before this is just a huge sales pitch that will go away once that is over, ironically it has probably been the most counter productive sales pitch ever.

Well.. !! 'SPOT ON' - I think, :yes::yes: and sums it up quite comprehensively on ALL points, I believe !! :D:P

Well said, That Man.. :D

Fingers.. :D


Your blind acceptance and one sided view of everything Iain says and does on here has lowered many peoples consideration of you Malc, I can only assume there is some level of self interest in this.

I hope you will apologise to Malc for this awful slur on his character.

He's a genuine, well-meaning, cheerful, all round stand up guy, and to criticise him because he has stuck up for me borders on the very fascism you were criticising him for mentioning.

If people are bullied, yes bullied, into keeping their mouths shut for fear of this kind of slander if they dare to stick up for me, then how, in a free world, is anyone ever to possibly defend themselves ??

I don't like schoolyard bullies, and I respectfully but seriously ask you to apologise to Malc Burton.

Posted (edited)

I think Jock just did a good job of verbalising what a lot of people on here think. And I see the suggestion is flying around again that those who disagree or dare speak out are Nazis.

As someone who's done more than his fare share of opposing the genuine extreme right in this country, I don't know whether to be narked or just laugh at the cluelessness.

Edited by Godzilla

I hope you will apologise to Malc for this awful slur on his character.

He's a genuine, well-meaning, cheerful, all round stand up guy, and to criticise him because he has stuck up for me borders on the very fascism you were criticising him for mentioning.

If people are bullied, yes bullied, into keeping their mouths shut for fear of this kind of slander if they dare to stick up for me, then how, in a free world, is anyone ever to possibly defend themselves ??

I don't like schoolyard bullies, and I respectfully but seriously ask you to apologise to Malc Burton.

If you don't like Bullies stop trying to bully people and stop using that histrionic Fascist analogy that you seem to think wins sympathy, all it does is show how poorly you use your education. It is a disgraceful analogy to use, even though you always do. I articulated my reasons for my opinion more than clearly, and have asked some questions that I am sure Malc can answer for himself. Yet again you do not like them so you try and ram your opinion home. Thank you for proving the exact points I was making better than any words.

If anyone should be apologising it should be Malc of all people for using the analogy in the first place as it shows scant disrespect for people who have really suffered from Fascism, and I know some Italians personally who will happily share some real stories with you, and it shows little knowledge of real history. Sadly it is only too typical of the level of one sided debate on here.

I have no interest in this any further Ian, you show your true colours each time something is said, I did so with no bias towards either side, I am just fed up of the facts being distorted on here. At the end of the day as I say all this thread continuues to do is hurt the artists you claim to care so deeply about.


So why does he not contribute to this site instead of only talking about his new stuff he's trying to sell?

This is not youtube where he can veto any comments made so that only positive things are said. This is an open discussion forum which he made a mockery of with his bullying and threats and dummy spitting.

For example:

"I won't I WON'T I WON'T let you defeat my spirit. I shall merely think of ways to treat you with the absolute contempt that you most certainly and truly deserve, somewhere away from this forum.

And I have a bloody long memory.


Go breathe cyanide"


"I submit the case that these following words...

"Now, if the DVD and your Youtube stuff didn't exist they could only possibly find the original stuff, and fall in love with it .... So it is my opinion, and you can write it on my tombstone that you wish me to have, that you and your DVD and productions are a danger to the future of this music."

Are THE most quintessentially evil and disgraceful and soul destroying quotes that I have ever witnessed in my entire forty years of loving Northern Soul.

There are not enough words in the dictionary to express my contempt for anyone who would write such hurtful and sick statements as this.

I am ashamed to live in the same country and belong to the same human race."

He has claimed to have a box of 400 great and unknown northern soul 45s, but he will not share these.

It is perfectly reasonable to ask about his claim, it would be amazing if he has what he says he has. Why would someone lie about it?

I don't follow the argument that he should be treated like the queen of the northern soul scene and any critic of anything he posts on an open discussion forum is subject to threats and abuse, both directly on this site and via private emails from his 'mafia' (or is it circus?) just because he played records in the 1970s that would have been discovered anyway. Can you explain your logic please?

what he, yourself and others said before all 4 of you were asked to sack the abuse and insults is of no concern

simply put

all were asked to sack the abuse and insults

the only concern relevant as far as this site is concerned is the members actions after being asked to stop

that's the score

posting up old posts before that or posts from elsewhere is just wasting time

You are either taking the piss or this is the most ironic post on SS ever. Some would say that is exactly what Iain does because he won't accept any other view of his work or his self. It is a very good analogy and to me is the exact reason why I haven't bothered to even listen or consider any of Iains recent work and as someone who I assume buys more contemporary music than a large chunk of people on here, including some of Iains previous work, I would be interested in what Iain does as contemporary music.

I only come in this thread for the car crash reasons that James correctly described as the majorities reason for coming here. I very rarely bother to listen to stuff because of his behaviour on here, Just because James has now behaved equally badly at times does not make it right, Your blind acceptance and one sided view of everything Iain says and does on here has lowered many peoples consideration of you Malc, I can only assume there is some level of self interest in this.

I am not sticking up for James, I told him recently to his face he should leave it as it it isn't really doing him any favours, but I sort of understand why he doesn't. He has been treated very badly and everyone just ignores that. As he says Iain seems to be allowed in your eyes and others to say what he wants, purely because of who he was. Just doesn't add up, some of the vitriol and threats from that side are just unacceptable. Iain calls anyone who says his stuff is crap dreadful names but he then proceeds to do the same about Kings Go Forth product just because James was involved in playing their record, what sort of double standards is that, do you think thats acceptable Malc?

The people I feel most sorry for are Mike who has to deal with this constant crap and the constant carping from Ian, he has been put in an impossible situation and also the artists, who are losing out, yet again. There are a couple of interesting articles in this months Manifesto about artists that have worked with Ian. Its obvious from conversations with people I am not the only one who has said they wont buy the product because of behaviours on here.

As has been said before this is just a huge sales pitch that will go away once that is over, ironically it has probably been the most counter productive sales pitch ever.


as said

only concern regarding moderation is members actions after teh point were all were put on moderation and then being asked to stop the abuse and insults

actions before this was dealt with by the site at the time

will move the two posts and any replies to feedback later on

Guest James Trouble

I hope you will apologise to Malc for this awful slur on his character.

He's a genuine, well-meaning, cheerful, all round stand up guy, and to criticise him because he has stuck up for me borders on the very fascism you were criticising him for mentioning.

If people are bullied, yes bullied, into keeping their mouths shut for fear of this kind of slander if they dare to stick up for me, then how, in a free world, is anyone ever to possibly defend themselves ??

I don't like schoolyard bullies, and I respectfully but seriously ask you to apologise to Malc Burton.

OMG, are you serious?

You have threatened me, you have had your circus threaten me, both on this forum and through private emails and messages. And you now write that! That is ridiculous.

I've a good mind to cancel my booking at Marrs Bar on Sunday and come to the Crossfire oldies fest to see if you and your circus will follow up your threats to do me over. You're a joke.

Guest James Trouble

40 YEARS !! :lol:Blimey.. And there wuz me thinkin' you wuz only 28 !! :lol::):P

I (hopefully) look forward to catching you at the Marrs on Sunday, James, my dear chappy type person who abhors conflict of whatever sort.. :thumbsup:

YOU NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY BOY, YOU.. !! whistling.gif

Fingers.. :thumbup:

I didn't write that, Fingers. That was a quote from Levine, the speech marks are a bit of a clue :)

Yeah, see you Sunday at the Marrs Allnighter, and probably Saturday at Rugby as well...

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

what he, yourself and others said before all 4 of you were asked to sack the abuse and insults is of no concern

simply put

all were asked to sack the abuse and insults

the only concern relevant as far as this site is concerned is the members actions after being asked to stop

that's the score

posting up old posts before that or posts from elsewhere is just wasting time


as said

only concern regarding moderation is members actions after teh point were all were put on moderation and then being asked to stop the abuse and insults

actions before this was dealt with by the site at the time

will move the two posts and any replies to feedback later on

Mike, I have made a reasonable post, I have asked who the music that has been recently posted by Levine is aimed at. There is no bias in that question, it is a question, simple as. I have been met with what amounts to insults from someone, I assume it's one of Levine's circus as he has only ever made 10 posts on this site EVER, and I defend myself.

If I am banned for this it will be obvious that Levine has got to you in some way, I assume by the same threats he has sent to me. It is totally understandable that you are pressured by this so I understand what might come next, but I will not bow to the same pressures that are being put on you.

As it stands, the way I see it is that Levine has threatened me and been allowed to continue as a member on here. If I no longer post anything on his threads it looks, and rightly so, as if I have cowered away from him, that I am weak. If I post anything, and it seems reasonable questions are now considered offensive, I am banned or suspended for days or I assume weeks now?

Levine should have been banned straight away and for good as soon as he made those threats, now I am once again going to be suspended from soul-source for posting a perfectly reasonable question in the face of vicious threats from Levine and his cronies.

I will not stop posting on this thread in the face of Levine threatening everyone who disagrees with him. I have not broken any forum rules here and have only defended why I have posted a question on this thread.

It stops now, either ban me from the site, ban Levine from the site, or ban both of us.

Edited by James Trouble


as said

only concern regarding moderation is members actions after teh point were all were put on moderation and then being asked to stop the abuse and insults

actions before this was dealt with by the site at the time

will move the two posts and any replies to feedback later on

Mike sorry it wasn't really meant as a comment on moderation, I was just trying to highlight what a pain this thread must be for you and the difficult position you are in, as I think people often forget that when mouthing off on here.

To be honest I would prefer if it was left, or at least the first part as that was a direct response to Malc's comments on here and I felt strongly enough to comment. I certainly do not want to cause you any hassle on this but for me I felt some of the comments coming from Malc/Iain were so one sided that I felt necessary to comment. I won't comment any more on this however, no matter what is said.

I really do not envy your job on here!!

Guest paup-ine

This is not aimed at anyone in particular.

There is no need for conflict on this site, enough of that is seen in our troubled world.

One can be honerable and strong by walking away with dignity intact.

I will be having light hearted fun and enjoyment in the Soul 45 thread :thumbsup:

P smile.gif


Mike sorry it wasn't really meant as a comment on moderation, I was just trying to highlight what a pain this thread must be for you and the difficult position you are in, as I think people often forget that when mouthing off on here.

To be honest I would prefer if it was left, or at least the first part as that was a direct response to Malc's comments on here and I felt strongly enough to comment. I certainly do not want to cause you any hassle on this but for me I felt some of the comments coming from Malc/Iain were so one sided that I felt necessary to comment. I won't comment any more on this however, no matter what is said.

I really do not envy your job on here!!


will leave as is

replied to your post as thoughtcomments was ref moderation issues


if you want to discuss site related matters then post in feedback

will answer any points raised there

anyway, ask that if anyone else does have any points or q's about moderation then do please post in feedback




Why doesn't Ian just answer the simple question posed by James: what kind of audience was that rather curious last song aimed at?

Because the only way I can keep peace and quiet on this thread is to simply not answer any question whatsoever posed by James.

So I simply ignore whatever he asks.

That last song is a wonderful piece of uplifting joyous soul, of the type we used to play in the Highland Room during its "seventies" period, when the stompers gave way to the Philly Sound. Think of it as a Jean Carne, Vessie Simmons, Phyllis Hyman type homage. Northern soul is a genre that encompasses several styles.

I make records that please me - I am answerable to no-one, I am my own boss, and thankfully I also have fans too.

Guest sunny101

Because the only way I can keep peace and quiet on this thread is to simply not answer any question whatsoever posed by James.

So I simply ignore whatever he asks.

That last song is a wonderful piece of uplifting joyous soul, of the type we used to play in the Highland Room during its "seventies" period, when the stompers gave way to the Philly Sound. Think of it as a Jean Carne, Vessie Simmons, Phyllis Hyman type homage. Northern soul is a genre that encompasses several styles.

I make records that please me - I am answerable to no-one, I am my own boss, and thankfully I also have fans too.

Have you ever thought about getting a slot on "Piers Morgan's Life Stories" ???? :D


I make records that please me - I am answerable to no-one, I am my own boss, and thankfully I also have fans too.

This may be stating the obvious but why not make records the please other people more than they please you, compromise the sound and sell more copies! Surely you can't make a living just making records for yourself? Or am I missing the point?

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Because the only way I can keep peace and quiet on this thread is to simply not answer any question whatsoever posed by James.

So I simply ignore whatever he asks.

That last song is a wonderful piece of uplifting joyous soul, of the type we used to play in the Highland Room during its "seventies" period, when the stompers gave way to the Philly Sound. Think of it as a Jean Carne, Vessie Simmons, Phyllis Hyman type homage. Northern soul is a genre that encompasses several styles.

I make records that please me - I am answerable to no-one, I am my own boss, and thankfully I also have fans too.

So is it just a homage, or is it just like it? I wasn't at The Highland Room, can you post up some songs that it is just like that were played at the Highland Room?

I've been told that I would have enjoyed the Highland Room, but if it was this kind of tune being played I'm not sure I would have.

I'm also a bit confused by your new definition of Northern Soul, only a short while ago you were saying that Northern Soul is a specific style, like Motown, if it doesn't sound like Motown it's not Northern Soul. But now you say it is several different styles.

What styles does your new definition of Northern Soul now encompass, that have changed from only a few weeks ago? I must say, that's quite a u-turn from yourself! How many years had you held your previous definition before you have started to use this new one?

I'd also like to know if there have been any independent reviews in the music press, such as Blues And Soul or Manifesto? How have the new recordings been receive by the soul press so far?

Edited by James Trouble

This may be stating the obvious but why not make records the please other people more than they please you, compromise the sound and sell more copies! Surely you can't make a living just making records for yourself? Or am I missing the point?

You're missing the point, Smiffy.

Guest paup-ine
Posted (edited)

Barbara Pennington -Spend sometime with You 1978 or ("a little time")

Very nice track Ian

P :wave:


Edited by paup-ine

Barbara Pennington -Spend sometime with You 1978 or ("a little time")

Very nice track Ian

It's even better now. Just WAIT till you hear the re-done version for the upcoming three CD set, "Running In Another Direction" - it's volume two of the remastered greatest hits, the sequel to "Reaching For The Very Best".

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Ian, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on some remixes of your work I have been doing? I've just been looking at the 2007 stuff at the moment, paying homage to your work and bringing them a bit more up to date, a bit more 2009, if you know what I mean?



Here's "Standing on my own two feet" (James Trouble sprung dance floor mix).


Edited by James Trouble
Guest James Trouble

i can,t get it to download unsure.gif

Don't worry, it's being released on CD EP, and limited edition vinyl 45s.

Guest James Trouble

And here's "Water Under The Bridge" James Trouble Baggie Remix.

Utterly fabulous, and will feature on the CD EP, but won't be getting a vinyl release.

Guest paup-ine

Ian, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on some remixes of your work I have been doing? I've just been looking at the 2007 stuff at the moment, paying homage to your work and bringing them a bit more up to date, a bit more 2009, if you know what I mean?



Here's "Standing on my own two feet" (James Trouble sprung dance floor mix).

Hi James,

Sorry I don't like it.

I think I am realising I am too old to attend one of your sets afterall. Sorry.

P smile.gif

Posted (edited)

Ian, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on some remixes of your work I have been doing? I've just been looking at the 2007 stuff at the moment, paying homage to your work and bringing them a bit more up to date, a bit more 2009, if you know what I mean?



Here's "Standing on my own two feet" (James Trouble sprung dance floor mix).

now that top notch james, all your own work as well. excellent laugh.gif:thumbup::boxing::yes::lol:

may be you could call your label motershitey

Edited by rhino
Guest James Trouble

Hi James,

Sorry I don't like it.

I think I am realising I am too old to attend one of your sets afterall. Sorry.

P smile.gif

I am now ignoring this user.

Guest James Trouble

now that top notch james, all your own work as well. excellent laugh.gif:thumbup::boxing::yes::lol:

A fantastic post, I am proud of you Rhino.


Ian, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on some remixes of your work I have been doing? I've just been looking at the 2007 stuff at the moment, paying homage to your work and bringing them a bit more up to date, a bit more 2009, if you know what I mean?



Here's "Standing on my own two feet" (James Trouble sprung dance floor mix).

What's the acronism for 'spat me tea all over me monitor"? laugh.gif


Don't worry, it's being released on CD EP, and limited edition vinyl 45s.

don't want to buy it i may not like it... :boxing:

really not heard it so may be a joke... rolleyes.gif

but if you have remixed it and posted up here hope Ian don't do you for copyright... :thumbup:

will try the new one you have attached.. and probably find out its a wind up.. :yes::lol:

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