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Guest ScooterNik
Posted (edited)

No. I think they've taken the pi$$ and ripped you all off.


And that without seeing it? Can you tell me this weeks lottery numbers too please?

I subscribe to the magazine Classic Scooterist Scene.

They have had an ongoing feature for about 6 editions now written by a guy who was an "amateur" extra in Quadrophenia.

Makes very interesting reading.


I read the (I think) second and third parts of it and was dozing off TBH. Mind you, CSS has that effect on me a lot... If it wasn't free I wouldn't buy it sleep3.gifsleep3.gif

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Okay let's have a vote on it.

Are you looking forward to seeing this film when it's finished?

I personally am dreading the possible dissapointment after all the replies on here... I think we've got a 'hung jury'..... they pleaded their innocence but we though fook it and hung em anyway ha ha ha :lol:


one last point before I go oft and stick my head down the toilet.... :lol: I want it on record (whatever the label) that I think that there Dave Rimmer geezer is a hellova fine guy.. he's been put down somewhat on here over the last day or so and unduely too.. please stick to the topic of conversation... respectfully, to everyone :lol: on this forum...BIG MICK....


"I am definitely NOT involved in making a film about 'Northern Soul'. That, I think is an impossible feat. So, your not right in saying that."

But a play is?? :)

Ask those who saw it.? I dont know...seemed to. It worked for me. Mainly because it used Wigan footage and the dancers did there homework, the script was accurate and based on fact. Also, theatre leaves room for the audiences imagination to fill in gaps and create the atmosphere. But, being a luvvie, I guess you know that. :thumbsup:

Paul the dancers in the play were novices that picked it up over a few months. Their homework was to attend a few nights and dance around a bit. You can't slag the film when they've chosen dancers that have been attending nights for years and some of them are actually pretty good. Much better than the guy's from the play. Matty Paul and Liam are all top dancers. If there style isn't exactly 1974 then does that really matter. People will see them for what they are - great northern soul dancers.

I knocked around with one of the actors from the play for a few months whilst he was attending nights (the only one that was getting out regulary too) and he picked up a few routines but I didn't look at him and think "boy that lad looks like a northern soul dancer from 1974". Some things you can't learn and northern dancing takes years.

I saw the play and thought it was great. I didn't think the dancing was great but that didn't matter to me because I enjoyed it for what it was. If that hadn't have been your play you'd probably still be on here slagging it. I think you need to grow up a bit and get in the real world.


:lol: perhaps he,s walked out cos he knows the film is gonna be crap. only going on from what iv,e heard from friends who have been left sitting around for days waiting for something to happen while filming. they tell me also that the film is not truly representing northern soul as we know it. :lol:

Well! There a suprise :lol: ...wrong clothes for the period, No smoking in scenes, wrong badges for period, wrong shaped people for period, wrong style of dancing for period...not giving a flying f--k about the extras, a deep lack of knowledge on the subject matter....mmmmmm and now actors are walking... :thumbup: I hope Levine doesn't have a go at me for being negative :lol: But..................

pls expain..wrong clothes for the period & wrong badges


A bit premature there Pete (always been your problem wink.gif ). Maybe wait for my reply?? See HOW the hypocrites on here like to steam in on the whisper of a rumour when its about me. My questions about 'SOULED OUT' are based on fact...TRUST ME (to quote a rimmerism!) :thumbup: Not rumour.

And what are these facts Paul?

I have been involved in the film, and felt compelled to come on here to jump to its defence. I avoid commenting on here for a reason and its mainly due to the bitchiness and slating of people / projects within the scene, which actually prevents alot of people throwing themselves headlong into the scene and may prevent the music / scene from staying alive for years to come.

My question here would be why is everyone slating this before they've even seen it. I can only guess Paul that with all your knowledge of the film you've seen the clips and active scene sets, and know exactly how much its deviated from the original script? if you had, you probably wouldn't be saying all this, or maybe that was never gonna change!

I agree, to cover such an underground elitist scene such as northern soul is almost impossible. But this is just a fictional film, and there's only a small part of it shot in the "casino", which you'll notice when it comes out.

If it was so bad, why would reputable people get involved and show positive interest in the film (Russ Winstanley, Dave Evison, Keb Darge, Paul Weller to mention a few). Perhaps it will be sh*t, but i for one hope it appeals to a younger crowd who will watch teh film and get into northern soul and keep this amazing music going.

The dance scenes look good when you watch them in the editing room (something which i've had the pleasure of doing) and i dont think it will do the scene a disservice.

I've been brought up on northern soul and love the music, the people (well most), and the scene. We gave as much guidence to the director whilst filming as possible - if a dance scene didnt look right, we said so and it got cut! I'm not saying we're experts who've been on the scene for 30yrs, but most of us were brought up on it and have been going to nights and speaking to you good knowledgable people for well over a decade, so hopefully we've learnt enough from you all to help this film do you justice.

Guest east rob

And what are these facts Paul?

I have been involved in the film, and felt compelled to come on here to jump to its defence. I avoid commenting on here for a reason and its mainly due to the bitchiness and slating of people / projects within the scene, which actually prevents alot of people throwing themselves headlong into the scene and may prevent the music / scene from staying alive for years to come.

My question here would be why is everyone slating this before they've even seen it. I can only guess Paul that with all your knowledge of the film you've seen the clips and active scene sets, and know exactly how much its deviated from the original script? if you had, you probably wouldn't be saying all this, or maybe that was never gonna change!

I agree, to cover such an underground elitist scene such as northern soul is almost impossible. But this is just a fictional film, and there's only a small part of it shot in the "casino", which you'll notice when it comes out.

If it was so bad, why would reputable people get involved and show positive interest in the film (Russ Winstanley, Dave Evison, Keb Darge, Paul Weller to mention a few). Perhaps it will be sh*t, but i for one hope it appeals to a younger crowd who will watch teh film and get into northern soul and keep this amazing music going.

The dance scenes look good when you watch them in the editing room (something which i've had the pleasure of doing) and i dont think it will do the scene a disservice.

I've been brought up on northern soul and love the music, the people (well most), and the scene. We gave as much guidence to the director whilst filming as possible - if a dance scene didnt look right, we said so and it got cut! I'm not saying we're experts who've been on the scene for 30yrs, but most of us were brought up on it and have been going to nights and speaking to you good knowledgable people for well over a decade, so hopefully we've learnt enough from you all to help this film do you justice.

reputable people get involved? dave & keb, good blokes, but paul weller?? and as for rw, dont he ever get tired of flogging that dead horse? :thumbup:

And what are these facts Paul?

If it was so bad, why would reputable people get involved and show positive interest in the film (Russ Winstanley, Dave Evison, Keb Darge, Paul Weller to mention a few). Perhaps it will be sh*t, but I for one hope it appeals to a younger crowd who will watch the film and get into Northern Soul and keep this amazing music going.

If younger people do watch the film and decide to get into the NS scene will they want their own venue or mix it up with the olde farts that attend venues nowadays ?? :lol:

Chris L Olde Fart Extraordinaire :)

Guest dundeedavie

so hopefully we've learnt enough from you all to help this film do you justice.

personally i'm om your side and hope the film does really well but if you read this forum you'd have known that mentioning RW in the context of northern soul won't earn you much gravitas , if any at all .....and thats not from me btw thats from the ones who will no doubt reply to this thread inc paul s (who sees himself as an expert on anything artistic from theatre to french philosophy)

Guest rasfoz

Oh dear this probable shitty little film has really caused a stir, really stop & think about it seriously , we all know its gonna be the biggest pile of horse shit between here & china , its not gonna hurt the scene no but you will end up misrepresented as the baggy trouser funny dancing brigade to another legion of people who sees it , lets appreciate it for what it is without falling out with each other a steaming pile of shit with a slight novelty value :lol:


If younger people do watch the film and decide to get into the NS scene will they want their own venue or mix it up with the olde farts that attend venues nowadays ?? :lol:

Chris L Olde Fart Extraordinaire :)

Hopefully they'll do what the current young crop have done......mix it up with the olde farts, learn from your wealth of knowledge and maybe start to run their own nights to help keep things going. Room for everyone i'm sure you'll agree.

LJC (Youngish) fart :shades:


talking of mistakes,my mrs was watching merlin on the beeb at the weekend and apparently someone was eating a sandwich...in the dark ages !!! ohmy.gif

can just see all the history/magic forums this mornin,keyboards must be red hot with people complaining and vowing never to watch it again biggrin.gif ....or not


And that without seeing it? Can you tell me this weeks lottery numbers too please?

Yes, my comments are made without seeing it. I feel they're ripped people off before its even screened. They came on here looking for volunteers, people to work as extra's for a minimum of expenses and then folks have seen paid extra's there with them. They've used proper soulie's!. Taken the pi$$!... come on here & got what they can out for their own benefit. I'd wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't told the paid extra's to keep that info to themselves so you wouldn't even know!. wicked.gif


Guest ScooterNik

talking of mistakes,my mrs was watching merlin on the beeb at the weekend and apparently someone was eating a sandwich...in the dark ages !!! ohmy.gif

can just see all the history/magic forums this mornin,keyboards must be red hot with people complaining and vowing never to watch it again :lol: ....or not

First episode: The teacher wears glasses and the castle is fully glazed. Second episode: They use the venom of the snake to create the antidote to the bite. Accurate, but more modern knowledge than you'd expect? Bloody anachromisms and innaccuracies... they're everywhere!

But does it matter if its good entertainment? :D

Yes, my comments are made without seeing it. I feel they're ripped people off before its even screened. They came on here looking for volunteers, people to work as extra's for a minimum of expenses and then folks have seen paid extra's there with them. They've used proper soulie's!. Taken the pi$$!... come on here & got what they can out for their own benefit. I'd wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't told the paid extra's to keep that info to themselves so you wouldn't even know!. wicked.gif


So what if they're happy with their 15 minutes of fame? I think you'll find this kind of thing happens all the time, not just on this film. Its called 'keeping the budget under control'... FFS even BBC and ITV are guilty of it too. Are they rip off merchants or does it only apply to people producing this film?

You've a grudge against this film, but AS HAS BEEN SAID OVER AND OVER, its not meant to portray life as a soulie... its not a northern soul version of Quadrophenia, it just uses the 74 Northern Soul scene as a background upon which to hang the plot. Is that really so terrible?

Stop being so precious about it.


Okay let's have a vote on it.

Are you looking forward to seeing this film when it's finished?

Mick, I for one am really looking forward to it.



First episode: The teacher wears glasses and the castle is fully glazed. Second episode: They use the venom of the snake to create the antidote to the bite. Accurate, but more modern knowledge than you'd expect? Bloody anachromisms and innaccuracies... they're everywhere!

But does it matter if its good entertainment?

no mate..well not too me !..just pointing out innaccuracies happen in all productions even those with more money ,researchers etc...

obviously id like to be as accurate as poss but its not gonna do any harm to the scene if its not spot on


Paul the dancers in the play were novices

WHAT? They had never danced? Which version, I did it three tours? So, you know ALL the actors and their history? mmmmm doubtful!

that picked it up over a few months. Their homework was to attend a few nights and dance around a bit.

Sorry, didn't realise you were at the rehearsals mate....What an absolute Tosspot statement and very condecending towards the actors. Very arrogant and uninformed . AGAIN. Guess its cos your young eh? (the usual excuse you give).

You can't slag the film when they've chosen dancers that have been attending nights for years and some of them are actually pretty good. Much better than the guy's from the play.

SALLY CARMEN dances ALL of you off the floor! Truth. AND STEVE(original production) has been going to nighters (hes a soul boy) since 83? When did you start?

Dear, dear, mis-informed again young man. rolleyes.gif

Matty Paul and Liam are all top dancers. If there style isn't exactly 1974

not anywhere in the vicinity more like!But they could have done their homework and portrayed it with respect and accuracy?

then does that really matter. (DUH? HISTORICAL) People will see them for what they are - great northern soul dancers. (didn't say they weren't, but NOT IN THE LEAGUE OF WIGAN THOUGH, IM AFRAID. :( )

Its advertised ITSELF as a film about Wigan? How many times do i have to repeat it? I guess you will be in the remake of "The history Of Jazz Dance". Not your style , but your great dancers.....Just ignore the word HISTORY and it will be ok. I , at NO POINT, have said you are bad dancers? Just not HISTORICALLY correct for the advertised HISTORIC recreation of Wigan Casino!! Its as if, NO ONE has done any proper research on this project.

I knocked around with one of the actors from the play for a few months whilst he was attending nights (the only one that was getting out regulary too)

GO EVERY WHERE do you? Didn't know you were in touch with ALL the actors (9 of them) to find out where they went?mmmmm bit of a porky there i think? :lol:

and he picked up a few routines but I didn't look at him and think "boy that lad looks like a northern soul dancer from 1974".

Jesus, he dances how he wants OFFSTAGE...Its called ACTING ONSTAGE. Its ONSTAGE he danced Wigan styleeee. wink.gif

That will be because you weren't there and wouldn't recognise a dancer from 74 if they fell on your head! :D Or are you talking about the couple of dvd's you've watched.?

Some things you can't learn and northern dancing takes years.

oh? Whats the number then? 1 ....3 ....20? SO, on that basis, as long as people stick with it, they become GREAT NORTHERN DANCERS? And if someone is a natural, they must wait 10 years for a certificate? That must be a British Dancing Federation Scheme I haven't heard about.? :lol:

I saw the play and thought it was great. I didn't think the dancing was great

You wouldn't recognise it. It was from 76. wink.gif

but that didn't matter to me because I enjoyed it for what it was. If that hadn't have been your play you'd probably still be on here slagging it. I think you need to grow up a bit and get in the real world.

HISTORIC is the word you seem to be ignoring here? I didn't advertise it as that . IPSO F--KTO FILMS did.

ON your basis of intelligence, if i get a part in a film as A tap dancer, I dont need to learn to tap, I can turn up and do African Gum Boot! Cos im, good at it! :D Doesn't really add up, does it.

p.s. I cant really do African Gum Boot thumbsup.gif


Paul the dancers in the play were novices

WHAT? They had never danced? Which version, I did it three tours? So, you know ALL the actors and their history? mmmmm doubtful!

that picked it up over a few months. Their homework was to attend a few nights and dance around a bit.

Sorry, didn't realise you were at the rehearsals mate....What an absolute Tosspot statement and very condecending towards the actors. Very arrogant and uninformed . AGAIN. Guess its cos your young eh? (the usual excuse you give).

You can't slag the film when they've chosen dancers that have been attending nights for years and some of them are actually pretty good. Much better than the guy's from the play.

SALLY CARMEN dances ALL of you off the floor! Truth. AND STEVE(original production) has been going to nighters (hes a soul boy) since 83? When did you start?

Dear, dear, mis-informed again young man. :lol:

Matty Paul and Liam are all top dancers. If there style isn't exactly 1974

not anywhere in the vicinity more like!But they could have done their homework and portrayed it with respect and accuracy?

then does that really matter. (DUH? HISTORICAL) People will see them for what they are - great northern soul dancers. (didn't say they weren't, but NOT IN THE LEAGUE OF WIGAN THOUGH, IM AFRAID. :lol: )

Its advertised ITSELF as a film about Wigan? How many times do i have to repeat it? I guess you will be in the remake of "The history Of Jazz Dance". Not your style , but your great dancers.....Just ignore the word HISTORY and it will be ok. I , at NO POINT, have said you are bad dancers? Just not HISTORICALLY correct for the advertised HISTORIC recreation of Wigan Casino!! Its as if, NO ONE has done any proper research on this project.

I knocked around with one of the actors from the play for a few months whilst he was attending nights (the only one that was getting out regulary too)

GO EVERY WHERE do you? Didn't know you were in touch with ALL the actors (9 of them) to find out where they went?mmmmm bit of a porky there i think? :lol:

and he picked up a few routines but I didn't look at him and think "boy that lad looks like a northern soul dancer from 1974".

Jesus, he dances how he wants OFFSTAGE...Its called ACTING ONSTAGE. Its ONSTAGE he danced Wigan styleeee. :lol:

That will be because you weren't there and wouldn't recognise a dancer from 74 if they fell on your head! :lol: Or are you talking about the couple of dvd's you've watched.?

Some things you can't learn and northern dancing takes years.

oh? Whats the number then? 1 ....3 ....20? SO, on that basis, as long as people stick with it, they become GREAT NORTHERN DANCERS? And if someone is a natural, they must wait 10 years for a certificate? That must be a British Dancing Federation Scheme I haven't heard about.? :lol:

I saw the play and thought it was great. I didn't think the dancing was great

You wouldn't recognise it. It was from 76. :lol:

but that didn't matter to me because I enjoyed it for what it was. If that hadn't have been your play you'd probably still be on here slagging it. I think you need to grow up a bit and get in the real world.

HISTORIC is the word you seem to be ignoring here? I didn't advertise it as that . IPSO F--KTO FILMS did.

ON your basis of intelligence, if i get a part in a film as A tap dancer, I dont need to learn to tap, I can turn up and do African Gum Boot! Cos im, good at it! :lol: Doesn't really add up, does it.

p.s. I cant really do African Gum Boot :lol:

How do you come to the conclusion, 'its as if no one has done any proper research on this project' are your comments based on what you've actually seen being filmed or heard? again pls explain 'wrong clothes for the period & wrong badges'


So what if they're happy with their 15 minutes of fame? I think you'll find this kind of thing happens all the time, not just on this film. Its called 'keeping the budget under control'... FFS even BBC and ITV are guilty of it too. Are they rip off merchants or does it only apply to people producing this film?

Stop being so precious about it.

Just because some of you are ok with being taken the piss out of and exploited... doesn't mean we all have to think that way.

Members on here aren't stupid... of course they turned up for the filming of their own free will.

But from the experiences I have read about and those I have heard from those who actually went and did it... I think you will be hard pushed to find anyone with anything positive to say about the whole experience.

Apart from those on here who have been paid of course.

And as for your 'keeping the budget under control' statement... why offer to pay people's expenses in the first place then?

Could it be because they knew they wouldn't have got the amount of people they needed to turn up otherwise?

They came on here and took advantage of people's love for soul music and the soul scene. And it stinks imo.

But I for one can't wait to see the film.


Note to self: stay clear of cameras, journos, actors and or people doing films/plays/pop promos/art installations about the soul scene.

Anyone else spot this on sunday??

Forgive me if its already been discussed




Note to self: stay clear of cameras, journos, actors and or people doing films/plays/pop promos/art installations about the soul scene.

Or any other subject matter that's flavour of the month, in my experience. :thumbsup:


Can't wait for my asda bargain bucket job,sorry can't take this topic seriously.


First episode: The teacher wears glasses and the castle is fully glazed. Second episode: They use the venom of the snake to create the antidote to the bite. Accurate, but more modern knowledge than you'd expect? Bloody anachromisms and innaccuracies... they're everywhere!

But does it matter if its good entertainment? :thumbsup:

So what if they're happy with their 15 minutes of fame? I think you'll find this kind of thing happens all the time, not just on this film. Its called 'keeping the budget under control'... FFS even BBC and ITV are guilty of it too. Are they rip off merchants or does it only apply to people producing this film?

You've a grudge against this film, but AS HAS BEEN SAID OVER AND OVER, its not meant to portray life as a soulie... its not a northern soul version of Quadrophenia, it just uses the 74 Northern Soul scene as a background upon which to hang the plot. Is that really so terrible?

Stop being so precious about it.

I'm not being precious about it. Look at my previous comments on this!. If folks had known beforehand that they wouldn't be treated the same as paid extra's and decided to do it then fair enough but they weren't. Yes I know how it works and yes, BBC are terrible rip off merchants (Dont get me going on that one!) they treat people like shite!..



I'm not being precious about it. Look at my previous comments on this!. If folks had known beforehand that they wouldn't be treated the same as paid extra's and decided to do it then fair enough but they weren't.


In hindsight, I wonder how many people would do it again?


Just because some of you are ok with being taken the piss out of and exploited... doesn't mean we all have to think that way.

Members on here aren't stupid... of course they turned up for the filming of their own free will.

But from the experiences I have read about and those I have heard from those who actually went and did it... I think you will be hard pushed to find anyone with anything positive to say about the whole experience.

Apart from those on here who have been paid of course.

And as for your 'keeping the budget under control' statement... why offer to pay people's expenses in the first place then?

Could it be because they knew they wouldn't have got the amount of people they needed to turn up otherwise?

They came on here and took advantage of people's love for soul music and the soul scene. And it stinks imo.

But I for one can't wait to see the film.

:) ....

I didn't have much opinion on the film or what they were trying to do, its the way they've gone about it that has switched me off to it..



How do you come to the conclusion, 'its as if no one has done any proper research on this project' are your comments based on what you've actually seen being filmed or heard? again pls explain 'wrong clothes for the period & wrong badges'

My mate went to give them some memorabilia. He travelled a fair way and when he arrived they treated him like shit and didn't really care about period, detail etc. As he left my mate saw a 1977 badge on one of the actors. Obviously a 1977 badge featuring in a film set in 1974, would make it a futuristic piece. :) In some ways i think they are going for a sort of post modern, retro historical, biographical, sci-fi, post gothic, surreal, feel with this film. :thumbup:


My mate went to give them some memorabilia. He travelled a fair way and when he arrived they treated him like shit and didn't really care about period, detail etc. As he left my mate saw a 1977 badge on one of the actors. Obviously a 1977 badge featuring in a film set in 1974, would make it a futuristic piece. :) In some ways i think they are going for a sort of post modern, retro historical, biographical, sci-fi, post gothic, surreal, feel with this film. :lol:

I'm sorry, I just don't believe that.

That you've got a mate, I mean



Yes I know how it works and yes, BBC are terrible rip off merchants (Dont get me going on that one!) they treat people like shite!..


:) Seems like they are still ripping people off...look at all the free publicity the're getting on here. :thumbup:


Anyone else spot this on sunday??

Forgive me if its already been discussed


Can't really read that from this pc....Can anyone tell me whats the article is about... Don't have to be word for word. just an outline will do...


Can't really read that from this pc....Can anyone tell me whats the article is about... Don't have to be word for word. just an outline will do...

Huey Morgan out of The Fun Loving Criminals is playing a record shop owner in Souled Out.


My mate went to give them some memorabilia. He travelled a fair way and when he arrived they treated him like shit and didn't really care about period, detail etc. As he left my mate saw a 1977 badge on one of the actors. Obviously a 1977 badge featuring in a film set in 1974, would make it a futuristic piece. :) In some ways i think they are going for a sort of post modern, retro historical, biographical, sci-fi, post gothic, surreal, feel with this film. :thumbup:

Ok! here are some FACTS..not hearsay, rumour, or 3rd hand info.I was the costume designer on 'souled out' filming finished about 10 days ago. I've been a professional costumier mostly on film for over 20 years, also a northern soul fan for over 35 years.I lived & breathed northern soul from around '72-78 although I never lost my love for the music.I first visited the casino in early '74 & was a regular for 4 years. I can tell you that a lot a research went into costumes & particularly badges.I based this on first hand accounts (my own) plus my personal photo/memorabilia archive.Only pre '75 soul badges were used, very good replicas of the originals.In the case of the casino the first maroon rose design & heart of soul.I also took artistic liberty and reproduced a patch ' i'm on my way to see russ & kev at wigan casino' copied from an original '74 design.I used the first allnighter patch on one actor, a patch which although only given free back in Nov '73 to the attendees of that inaugral niter, was seen frequently on bags & clothing certainly thru '74.No actor wore a '77 badge, even the ace moovers inc liam/paul etc wore VA-VA,Torch, Pendulum,patches.Many others used were the ISC patches which were everwhere in '74.If your mate saw a '77 patch it was prob worn by one of the northern soul fans who came as part of an invited party/extras to take part in the filming, in fact I asked several fans to pls change if they had a shirt or top with a post '74 patch.As for the clothing, the central core of the extras were clothed in 28''-30'' bags(oxford) some with 4'' waistbands, based on an original pair I had made by Julian Jelonek, a tailor in mansfield , during the summer of '74.Skirts were copied using an original as a base pattern.Vests & simon style shirts plus original US bowling shirts were the mainstay, many extras brought original items, still with their original patches on & it was fantastic to see them being used again, I remarked on one , worn by a girl who couldn't have been more than 17, her mum bombed over, 'thanks' she said I used to wear it to the 'cats/mecca & casino!'.I can honestly say, to meet many soul fans of my age & share stories was a definite highlight of the filming experience.Another lady lent me 2 x skirts to use on 2 x dancers we wished to feature. Guys like Avon Horden even brought memorabilia & records, & he had a ball filming, even on the non casino scenes.The level of commitment was not just confined to the costume dept but also production design.In summary, I think much of the negative comments are very unfair, we are professional film makers & its not in our interest to make a shoddy film, remember also its not a documentary but a film set against the backdrop (sorry) of northern soul in 1974.Judge it when its out, & for those who don't give a **** simple, dont go & see it.Hope this clarifies a few things, I'm more than happy to reply to any q's relating to costume on 'souled out' but not any other matters! regards Elvis davis


Ok! here are some FACTS..not hearsay, rumour, or 3rd hand info.I was the costume designer on 'souled out' filming finished about 10 days ago. I've been a professional costumier mostly on film for over 20 years, also a northern soul fan for over 35 years.I lived & breathed northern soul from around '72-78 although I never lost my love for the music.I first visited the casino in early '74 & was a regular for 4 years. I can tell you that a lot a research went into costumes & particularly badges.I based this on first hand accounts (my own) plus my personal photo/memorabilia archive.Only pre '75 soul badges were used, very good replicas of the originals.In the case of the casino the first maroon rose design & heart of soul.I also took artistic liberty and reproduced a patch ' i'm on my way to see russ & kev at wigan casino' copied from an original '74 design.I used the first allnighter patch on one actor, a patch which although only given free back in Nov '73 to the attendees of that inaugral niter, was seen frequently on bags & clothing certainly thru '74.No actor wore a '77 badge, even the ace moovers inc liam/paul etc wore VA-VA,Torch, Pendulum,patches.Many others used were the ISC patches which were everwhere in '74.If your mate saw a '77 patch it was prob worn by one of the northern soul fans who came as part of an invited party/extras to take part in the filming, in fact I asked several fans to pls change if they had a shirt or top with a post '74 patch.As for the clothing, the central core of the extras were clothed in 28''-30'' bags(oxford) some with 4'' waistbands, based on an original pair I had made by Julian Jelonek, a tailor in mansfield , during the summer of '74.Skirts were copied using an original as a base pattern.Vests & simon style shirts plus original US bowling shirts were the mainstay, many extras brought original items, still with their original patches on & it was fantastic to see them being used again, I remarked on one , worn by a girl who couldn't have been more than 17, her mum bombed over, 'thanks' she said I used to wear it to the 'cats/mecca & casino!'.I can honestly say, to meet many soul fans of my age & share stories was a definite highlight of the filming experience.Another lady lent me 2 x skirts to use on 2 x dancers we wished to feature. Guys like Avon Horden even brought memorabilia & records, & he had a ball filming, even on the non casino scenes.The level of commitment was not just confined to the costume dept but also production design.In summary, I think much of the negative comments are very unfair, we are professional film makers & its not in our interest to make a shoddy film, remember also its not a documentary but a film set against the backdrop (sorry) of northern soul in 1974.Judge it when its out, & for those who don't give a **** simple, dont go & see it.Hope this clarifies a few things, I'm more than happy to reply to any q's relating to costume on 'souled out' but not any other matters! regards Elvis davis

Good for you mate and I can't wait to see the replies to this one.


I'm not being precious about it. Look at my previous comments on this!. If folks had known beforehand that they wouldn't be treated the same as paid extra's and decided to do it then fair enough but they weren't. Yes I know how it works and yes, BBC are terrible rip off merchants (Dont get me going on that one!) they treat people like shite!..


To my knowledge, extras only got paid recently.

They did two weeks of filming in the Kings Hall when no extras got paid, but then had to pay certain people for scenes back in the Kings Hall a few weeks later (scenes which they couldnt fit in during that 2 weeks) and some for the shots on location, mainly for continuity purposes........these are facts.

Although i'll admit the likelihood is that those who were filmed in the first Kings Hall stint were paid to come back as it's the only way they'd be convinced to do it (carrot as opposed to stick so to speak).


Good for you mate and I can't wait to see the replies to this one.

I couldn't give a flying fig what they are wearing, only what they are dancing to.

But even that's decreasing by the minute :)


To my knowledge, extras only got paid recently.

They did two weeks of filming in the Kings Hall when no extras got paid, but then had to pay certain people for scenes back in the Kings Hall a few weeks later (scenes which they couldnt fit in during that 2 weeks) and some for the shots on location, mainly for continuity purposes........these are facts.

Although i'll admit the likelihood is that those who were filmed in the first Kings Hall stint were paid to come back as it's the only way they'd be convinced to do it (carrot as opposed to stick so to speak).

mainly for continuity purposes?..Not acurate facts at all. Agencies were trying to get extra's down to stoke the morning of the day they were filming!

People weren't paid just to get them to go back though I agree paid extra's that I know about were at kings hall. Unfortunately I am not going into this anymore.

I know agencies were even told about the uproar it would cause if it got

out on set that they were using paid extra's!.

it's a total joke.



It's all a bit disappointing that some people want this film to fail for whatever reasons...........

I'll definitely go and see it, so I can make my own mind up, about how good it is or isn't, as a film!

Winnie :-)


In hindsight, I wonder how many people would do it again?

:) Hi Joan x :ohmy: No I wouldnt do it again,but thats not to say I'm not glad I have this experience as I feel it gives me a little more insight and the ability to comment on the topic from a more objective point of view than maybe if I hadnt been there?


Posted (edited)

It's all a bit disappointing that some people want this film to fail for whatever reasons...........

I'll definitely go and see it, so I can make my own mind up, about how good it is or isn't, as a film!

Winnie :-)

This is what I can't seem to grasp.

People are willing to ignore the fact that members on here have been treated so badly just because it's a 'film'.


Edited by jumpinjoan

Ok! here are some FACTS..not hearsay, rumour, or 3rd hand info.I was the costume designer on 'souled out' filming finished about 10 days ago. I've been a professional costumier mostly on film for over 20 years, also a northern soul fan for over 35 years.I lived & breathed northern soul from around '72-78 although I never lost my love for the music.I first visited the casino in early '74 & was a regular for 4 years. I can tell you that a lot a research went into costumes & particularly badges.I based this on first hand accounts (my own) plus my personal photo/memorabilia archive.Only pre '75 soul badges were used, very good replicas of the originals.In the case of the casino the first maroon rose design & heart of soul.I also took artistic liberty and reproduced a patch ' i'm on my way to see russ & kev at wigan casino' copied from an original '74 design.I used the first allnighter patch on one actor, a patch which although only given free back in Nov '73 to the attendees of that inaugral niter, was seen frequently on bags & clothing certainly thru '74.No actor wore a '77 badge, even the ace moovers inc liam/paul etc wore VA-VA,Torch, Pendulum,patches.Many others used were the ISC patches which were everwhere in '74.If your mate saw a '77 patch it was prob worn by one of the northern soul fans who came as part of an invited party/extras to take part in the filming, in fact I asked several fans to pls change if they had a shirt or top with a post '74 patch.As for the clothing, the central core of the extras were clothed in 28''-30'' bags(oxford) some with 4'' waistbands, based on an original pair I had made by Julian Jelonek, a tailor in mansfield , during the summer of '74.Skirts were copied using an original as a base pattern.Vests & simon style shirts plus original US bowling shirts were the mainstay, many extras brought original items, still with their original patches on & it was fantastic to see them being used again, I remarked on one , worn by a girl who couldn't have been more than 17, her mum bombed over, 'thanks' she said I used to wear it to the 'cats/mecca & casino!'.I can honestly say, to meet many soul fans of my age & share stories was a definite highlight of the filming experience.Another lady lent me 2 x skirts to use on 2 x dancers we wished to feature. Guys like Avon Horden even brought memorabilia & records, & he had a ball filming, even on the non casino scenes.The level of commitment was not just confined to the costume dept but also production design.In summary, I think much of the negative comments are very unfair, we are professional film makers & its not in our interest to make a shoddy film, remember also its not a documentary but a film set against the backdrop (sorry) of northern soul in 1974.Judge it when its out, & for those who don't give a **** simple, dont go & see it.Hope this clarifies a few things, I'm more than happy to reply to any q's relating to costume on 'souled out' but not any other matters! regards Elvis davis

Nice post...and yet again a classic example of some people on here assuming they know the ins and outs of the production from their living room Keyboard

I suppose if the music people would have been as forthcoming as you from the start...the rumour mill would have had nothing to moan about :)

Guest gordon russell

Jesus...you lot could cause an argument in a paper bag on your own...were you always this miserable and negative about everything and anything that takes you out of your comfort zone?

It's a bloody film...get over it :)

Fact Beeks, because people question things, it doesn't therefore mean that 'they' are negative or indeed miserable. On many things its a 'positive' thing to question...the poll tax for instance.

So, if you choose to comment, at least make it a comment, not a sound bite. Comfort zone? ERmmmm, what would you know about mine or anyone elses comfort zone. If applied to its logical conclusion, I could say that my being negative, takes YOU out of your comfort zone, manifesting in this inane comment :yes:

In the fullness of time the poll tax seems a lot fairer than the ever increasing shite we have now paul and that is a fact wink.gif . as far as the film,l understand your frustration with it.The makers of these things will always get it wrong because in the main they go to the wrong people for advice,they should of come to me :ohmy: ,but then the bloody thing would never have got made lol.The scene in the late 60's/early 70's was not at all based around sooper dooper dancers and we all know it,this is just a modern day middle aged myth generally subscribed to by the late 70's returnees.As you know,go to any nighter worth it's salt and the dancing is how it should be driven from the heart not the ego. atb tezza


This is what I can't seem to grasp.

People are willing to ignore the fact that members on here have been treated so badly just because it's a 'film'.


Yeah...those thumbscrews and the rack were a bit extreme...and where did they get that iron maiden from? Perhaps they hired it from the British Museum from the expenses they were supposed to pay you :):ohmy::yes:

Guest gordon russell

This is what I can't seem to grasp.

People are willing to ignore the fact that members on here have been treated so badly just because it's a 'film'.


this scene has been ripped off by many people and a large amount of folk on here care not one jot.There are venues up and down the country were sharp and dodgey practice has been and is still going on,mainly perpetuated by people who don't give a f**k.A lot of members on here only SEE what they want to see.If they have been treated badly (i'm sorry),but you could just see it coming. atb tezza


Yeah...those thumbscrews and the rack were a bit extreme...and where did they get that iron maiden from? Perhaps they hired it from the British Museum from the expenses they were supposed to pay you :):ohmy::yes:

The new you didn't last long did it Beeks.

Back to throwing veiled insults with a few smilies on the end to look as though it was said in jest.

If you were to read all posts before commenting you would have read that I said of course members turned up of their own free will.

Doesn't make it ok to take the piss out of them though does it?

Or are you one of those who think that is perfectly acceptable just because it's in the name of cinema?


this scene has been ripped off by many people and a large amount of folk on here care not one jot.There are venues up and down the country were sharp and dodgey practice has been and is still going on,mainly perpetuated by people who don't give a f**k.A lot of members on here only SEE what they want to see.If they have been treated badly (i'm sorry),but you could just see it coming. atb tezza

Some of us could see it coming Terry. :ohmy:

And yes there has always been dodgy goings on. Doesn't make it right though.

But hey ho... just another day at the soul office :)


This is what I can't seem to grasp.

People are willing to ignore the fact that members on here have been treated so badly just because it's a 'film'.


It's your attitude we find unbelievable Joan, right from the start


It's your attitude we find unbelievable Joan, right from the start

A bit like yours Pete on the Ian Levine thread when you said he was right to elbow that woman.

Would you have said that if it had been your wife?


The new you didn't last long did it Beeks.

Back to throwing veiled insults with a few smilies on the end to look as though it was said in jest.

If you were to read all posts before commenting you would have read that I said of course members turned up of their own free will.

Doesn't make it ok to take the piss out of them though does it?

Or are you one of those who think that is perfectly acceptable just because it's in the name of cinema?

Chill your beans Joan...im not having a pop :)

I know you're passionate about the music...in fact Joan I love youre taste...half of my refosoul is filled with records you've posted...just think you're blowing this film up out of all proportion...this film is a small production and from what I gather a love story set with a background of soul music...it seems like the crew are doing everything authenticity wise to try and please everyone while somehow pleasing noone...I just dont see the point in slagging it off until i've seen it...once it's released...if it's crap ill be the first to say so...until then I don't think it warrants so much thread time...after all...this forum is a Soul Music site...not a hollywood casting couch


This is what I can't seem to grasp.

People are willing to ignore the fact that members on here have been treated so badly just because it's a 'film'.



I could sort of understand your angst if your whole argument had started after the recent reports of what had happened on set but I seem to recall you were never particularly supportive of the film from the off.

I probably haven't followed the thread closely enough, but from a personal point of view, the constant negativity on the northern scene in general has worn me down. So many saviours and martyrs to the cause, materialising, who don't seem to grasp what the northern scene is about......... enjoyment. These 'chosen few' set guidelines on just how we should be experiencing 'this thing of ours', without recognising we most of us know what we want from it. It's the constant, having to justify oneself, whether it be about clothes, venues, oldies, whatever, so as to not have 10 posters implying that you're a philistine that I find most wearing.

Winnie :-)

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