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  Steve G said:
You know the bigger problem is the amount of DJs I see still back-cueing their records. I am always bolocking people for it.

Thank you Steve. Unless DJs start getting buried with their records like Pharoahs, soon enough the killers will all trickle down to us (slightly) younger types, and I for one don't want a load of cue-burned, white-streaked VG- copies coming my way.

  • Up vote 1

I'd like to thank this thread for conjuring up the mental picture of somebody Djing and at the same holding up the originals of the boots/carvers/whatever of what they are playing :thumbup::)

.... and also the concept that this would somehow be the right thing to do laugh.gif

The "top" DJ's could possibly have someone to do this for them? Perhaps scantily clad women like those that walk round with the round numbers at the boxing.


  paultp said:

I have that LP somewhere, put it on tape to play in my first car, always reminds me of my honeymoon in 1980 :thumbup:

All off topic too :)

My loft extension - all OVO apart from the CD's and my ipod.

just a bit of sarcastic fun paul,been here done this one, and i suppose we`ll do it again and again and again, as some people on here have quite rightly said, its not gonna make any difference, people will go where they wanna go, i just am thankful that i`m healthy enough and still have the passion to want to attend soul do`s,wherever whatever it may be, glad you liked the tune though, have a good holiday mate biggrin.gif


  paultp said:
I'd like to thank this thread for conjuring up the mental picture of somebody Djing and at the same holding up the originals of the boots/carvers/whatever of what they are playing :)laugh.gif

.... and also the concept that this would somehow be the right thing to do laugh.gif

The "top" DJ's could possibly have someone to do this for them? Perhaps scantily clad women like those that walk round with the round numbers at the boxing.

I think Flyny said that in Japan they have cameras trained on the decks at certain rare soul/funk venues !! :thumbup:


  paultp said:
I'd like to thank this thread for conjuring up the mental picture of somebody Djing and at the same holding up the originals of the boots/carvers/whatever of what they are playing :)laugh.gif

.... and also the concept that this would somehow be the right thing to do laugh.gif

The "top" DJ's could possibly have someone to do this for them? Perhaps scantily clad women like those that walk round with the round numbers at the boxing.

There used to be a camera above the decks at the CIS nighters in Manchester. You could see the record spinning round on a huge projecter screen....made for some very interesting viewing I can tell you..... :thumbup:

And as a promoter, all you need to do is say to anyone asking for a spot. Yes, but original vinyl only....otherwise , NO!


  • Up vote 1

  dj diva di said:
anyone fancy a cuppa ?? :)

Depends what label it's on Di! I only do original blends such as PG Tips or Tetley. I don't do imitations like Happy Shopper shite! biggrin.gif

Hope you and H are ok.



AS mr plumb has added the orwell i will add mine The Greatstone soul club, also the 3 Greyhounds, the D D A room in lowton, Phils burnley all nighter, all these i know are O V O. i try to avoid just oldies nights as i want to hear different stuff when i am out. I am obviosly a chin stroker and and anorak :thumbup:

the camera above the deck is a good idea or do as steve manion does photograph them on the turntable(he has a bad memory) so he knows what to look for.



  quinvy said:
There used to be a camera above the decks at the CIS nighters in Manchester. You could see the record spinning round on a huge projecter screen....made for some very interesting viewing I can tell you..... :ohmy:

And as a promoter, all you need to do is say to anyone asking for a spot. Yes, but original vinyl only....otherwise , NO!


Dj'd a few times at places where the odd DJ played boots and pressings - they always look a bit sheepish when the OV's come out onto the turntables!!!


  paultp said:
The "top" DJ's could possibly have someone to do this for them? Perhaps scantily clad women like those that walk round with the round numbers at the boxing.



you dont have to spend hundreds to play ovo....this friday i will have over 200 originals in my box some with a book price of £200 although ive not paid more than 50 for any of them....they are there if you look hard enuff and its part of the fun of being a dj on a budget...

and if you dont wanna play your 5000 grand tune then dont you only get to play about 20 tracks anyway you must have that many decent orginals

  • Up vote 1

  Soulsorts said:
How will you know if they have the original? Will they have to bring it along with them to prove it to the people who might ask about it?

I was going to suggest they carry they original with them at all times just in case the soul police are present but that seemed a tad sad.

I think if we are talking about very rare records its generally known by at least some others who has what. As these seem to be the only things worthy of putting onto a carver to protect them and stop devaluing.

i'm sure people saying they had this and that would be found out pretty fast.


  spacehopper said:
you dont have to spend hundreds to play ovo....this friday i will have over 200 originals in my box some with a book price of £200 although ive not paid more than 50 for any of them....they are there if you look hard enuff and its part of the fun of being a dj on a budget...

and if you dont wanna play your 5000 grand tune then dont you only get to play about 20 tracks anyway you must have that many decent orginals

Well said that man, my thoughts exactly, havn`t spent over £50 for years now, the media section on here is full of top class tunes, if i wanted to listen to records worth mega bucks then i`d go to that venue, if i don`t i won`t simple really, we all know the venues where to hear the super rare items and we should by now know the dj`s who play them, its a personal choice and each to there own, and no amount of disgracing promoters over there music policy will change my mind, i love and applaud forward thinking musical tastes, i also love the complete history of the scene its a whole deal for me, i can`t and don`t want to split it into different fragments :ohmy:

  • Up vote 1

  dj diva di said:
I notice the people replying on here are mostly collectors and dj's , WHY ??? coz the true dancers wont waste there time getting involved BECAUSE THEY DONT CARE :ohmy:

without collectors and DJs the scene wouldn't exist.


  dylan said:
without collectors and DJs the scene wouldn't exist.

I know that :ohmy: what i meant was the dancers who niether collect nor dj , and who just go to dance IN MY EXPERIENCE dont seem to mind as long as they can dance smile.gif


  Peter99 said:
Depends what label it's on Di! I only do original blends such as PG Tips or Tetley. I don't do imitations like Happy Shopper shite! :D

Hope you and H are ok.


:yes::lol: Sorry Pete its only asda brand in the Crosby household :lol: please dont call the tea police unsure.gif xxxx


  dj diva di said:
I know that :ohmy: what i meant was the dancers who niether collect nor dj , and who just go to dance IN MY EXPERIENCE dont seem to mind as long as they can dance smile.gif

thats true.


  epic said:
145 posts on this thread - what difference is it going to make to the Northern soul scene this weekend & any other subsequent weekend.

Absolutely zero!!!!

spot on mate :ohmy: amazing how did i not know there was going to be some masive list of clubs claiming to play originals only er? .........so all these promotors at these clubs know for sure that every record being played is an original ?? i think not in fact i know for f ... sure they dont. i canot see the point of all this as most people around our way know who plays boots and who dosent and its the same with the clubs there are 3 clubs within 30 miles of my club that play boots and i mean 99% and cds , but yet they do extremly well playing all the casino boots and there punters couldent give a monkeys what they are played on , on the other hand there are 3 clubs including my own that play fresh original tunes or a beter word quality soul . two of us do ok we get around 70 to 100 every month sorry to say the other dont do to well , we could only dream of the numbers that pressings are us get up the rd get in. but its not like we all dont know ?its back to the grate n soul divide again and dont we all get fed up with that one ? all i wish is that some of the self apointed original soul gods come and suport there own instead all this me me me buisnes again .after all we suport them . without naming the big venues we all go to . it would be very nice indeed if for once some of them well known peeps could put there money where there f... big gobs are and suport the little clubs that do play quality music as well as being original ,and another thing lol the worst thing in the world for me is having people surounding my decks and my record box i have some expensive tunes in my box and i do not like people rummaging through my box the way i see it is i wouldent dream of doing that to others and somthing that shouldent be encouraged . i also agree that those big wigan tunes where and stil are briliant but due to the pressings they have been murderd its a crying shame also i have moved on and i also like the past i have mixed feelings about all this its like being in nazi germany


  mepaul50 said:

spot on mate :ohmy: amazing how did i not know there was going to be some masive list of clubs claiming to play originals only er? .........so all these promotors at these clubs know for sure that every record being played is an original ?? i think not in fact i know for f ... sure they dont.

Incorrect, in your assumption.

By knowing who you're inviting to play, you know what they're gonna play.

I know at least 2 that absolutely f*ckin' DO know.



  Sean Hampsey said:
Three Greyhounds in Middlewich, Cheshire is OVO.

Played there on Saturday night. Very enjoyable it was too!

Can't help thinking, though, that this 'OVO thing' often hampers the promotion of good, current, Soul Music.

I'd have loved to have been able to play 'em some of my stuff that's only available on CD.


But the 3Gs isn't a northern venue is it? We're talking NORTHERN here Sean -

Guest andrew bin

  Peter99 said:
So, precisely where are the C.r.&.p venue's?

Not one been listed yet - which to my mind quite defeats the objects of the thread. :ohmy:



my thoughts exactly :lol:


  dylan said:
without collectors and DJs the scene wouldn't exist.

DJs are old hat.

Itunes 8 > create Genius playlist > stream it over the internet to the venue


  John Alden said:
I still fear, Steve, that it ain't gonna be solved as the root problem is very deeply um, rooted. The symptoms are too many venues and too many DJs and we don't seem to be able to change that. The effect is that the scene is a watered down version of what it was with no need to travel, you can hear the same boots everywhere.


Think it will need to go back underground, but not sure it's going to happen. Agree it's deep rooted John.


  Peter99 said:
So, precisely where are the C.r.&.p venue's?

Not one been listed yet - which to my mind quite defeats the objects of the thread. :ohmy:



Yep they're keeping a low profile.....but at least we have a list of OV venues now, which we will add to.

Posted (edited)

  Steve G said:
But the 3Gs isn't a northern venue is it? We're talking NORTHERN here Sean -

you could have played your cd's but we would have had to go out to your car :ohmy:


Edited by mark.b

  dj diva di said:
I know that :ohmy: what i meant was the dancers who niether collect nor dj , and who just go to dance IN MY EXPERIENCE dont seem to mind as long as they can dance :lol:

Im sorry to say it, but its true, they, meaning 90% of most people who attend soul do's dont give a flying fig :yes:

Im one of the 10% i think g.gif


  tim smithers said:
Im sorry to say it, but its true, they, meaning 90% of most people who attend soul do's dont give a flying fig :lol:

Im one of the 10% i think g.gif

You think?

It's up to the DJs to be imaginative, keep the crowd happy and keep the principles of the northern scene. If 90% of punters don't care whether it's OV or boots as you and others say, why would a DJ want to play any boots? It has to be laziness or lack of imagination on the DJs part. Maybe we should be listing DJs rather than venues then :ohmy:

As for "the people want Wigan classics" excuse - most of them Wigan classics ain't that rare or expensive either (no list of exceptions please I know there are some) so I don't see that as an excuse either.


one for the Northeast....

The Coachman...Darlington...OVO.. :rolleyes:


i have mixed feelings about all this its like being in nazi germany

Agree with that man. This really is like bloody McCarthyism with insinuations and charges brought in a wild attempt to find a scapegoat for current perceived ills on the scene.

I can't see why "Biffo" playing a few boots at his local do and keeping the floor happy is the ruination of whatever it is that some people hold dear. If Biffo is happy doing that then what kinda inadequate human being wants to rain on his little parade.

Not wanting to play the coy acronym game I'll list a couple of crap venues for Andrew: Middleton and Heywood. Didn't float my boat and nowt to do with format.



  chrissie said:
I am also a punter who cares. How many times have you been to a do or read a play list when someone has played a record and a lightbulb goes off in your head thinking, "so and so DJ playing a certain record and you no dammed well they haven't got the original" and as you also said play list with bogus labels listed. If you are absolutely certain someone has played a boot or re-issue at a venue it should be featured in the feedback of said venue.


Yeah i know for a fact that 100% originals are not played at places such as Hitchin, so why should i believe the same for anywhere else ? Not that im bothered, if i like the song then i will dance to it regardless of wether its a re-issue, accetate, boot or whatever.

Posted (edited)

  Vicyboy69 said:
Yeah i know for a fact that 100% originals are not played at places such as Hitchin, so why should i believe the same for anywhere else ? Not that im bothered, if i like the song then i will dance to it regardless of wether its a re-issue, accetate, boot or whatever.

I think I will leave that one to the promoter to respond to, I am sure he will be far more eloquent than I possibly could be and also beg to differ.


Edited by chrissie

  Peter99 said:
If the thread is to have any merit then surely it has to show some balls. :rolleyes:

Instead of mincing on about all that is OVO - let's have you naming and shaming. Come on - who are the heretics? And, where are the fookin C.r.&.p venues.

You've strarted - so you may as well fookin finish.


well said peter, i'll start the ball rolling shall i.........how about drax for starters...two pillocks playing off goldmine c.d's


  modernsoulsucks said:
i have mixed feelings about all this its like being in nazi germany

Agree with that man. This really is like bloody McCarthyism with insinuations and charges brought in a wild attempt to find a scapegoat for current perceived ills on the scene.

I can't see why "Biffo" playing a few boots at his local do and keeping the floor happy is the ruination of whatever it is that some people hold dear. If Biffo is happy doing that then what kinda inadequate human being wants to rain on his little parade.

Not wanting to play the coy acronym game I'll list a couple of crap venues for Andrew: Middleton and Heywood. Didn't float my boat and nowt to do with format.


Bingo - todays inapropriate banding about of the word "nazi". If ever a word was overused etc etc......

Why do you say you have mixed feelings Rod- then say you don't have a problem with Billy Bunter playing pressings. Where's the mixed feelings in that? Is there another side to your argument? If so what is it?

Posted (edited)

Incorrect, in your assumption.

By knowing who you're inviting to play, you know what they're gonna play.

I know at least 2 that absolutely f*ckin' DO know.

Tony yeah mate and i know as many that absolutely f*ckin dont know but claim they do . also it wasant an assumption it is somthing i know to be 100% true on at least two occasions so the only way i would be incorect would be if i was lying and am not !!so as people have allready stated this thread could have extremely damaging consequences , hang on i just noticed what i first said i stand corected i shuld have included the word (i know *some* )promotors that dont know .

Edited by mepaul50
Guest kev such
Posted (edited)

Addmittedly when i first started the Cream Cracker the DJs played boots and carvers etc.... Myself included. However for the last two years OVO is played by the DJ's, guests and residents.

I think that if you turn up to an event with a box of 200 tunes and you are on later in the evening then a DJ has to work harder with the tunes in your box if they are all origionals rather than a box of boots or carvers, if that makes sense. What i mean is, is that as a good amount of the generic tunes we carry will probably already have been played that would pose no problem to somebody with 200 CDs or countless boots and carvers where they will have a wider range of sought after tunes to play.

I am constantly buying tunes, and trying to better my collection but only buy OV.

Cant really see the point in buying boots and carvers if you wanna stand up there and DJ. However such things as for intance The Commands "Hey its love" on backbeat is the copy that i own and unfortunately not on the Dynamic label but i still play it off the backbeat. We draw the line at the Cream Cracker at Boots, Carvers etc.... Not wether its a first or second issue.

Also to finish on i will admit that i play Timi Yuro "It'll never be over for me" off of a boot, only one though.

And i will admit that it really pisses me off when i have sourced a tune, bought it for a hefty price (Pat and the Blenders, for instance) am looking forward to playing it out and some arse plays it before me on a £19.99 boot. :rolleyes: .

Kev (dont do modern) Such

But then again when you are dancing most of us dont care what format its on. I just prefer OV.

Edited by kev such

  kev such said:
Addmittedly when i first started the Cream Cracker the DJs played boots and carvers etc.... Myself included. However for the last two years OVO is played by the DJ's, guests and residents.

I think that if you turn up to an event with a box of 200 tunes and you are on later in the evening then a DJ has to work harder with the tunes in your box if they are all origionals rather than a box of boots or carvers, if that makes sense. What i mean is, is that as a good amount of the generic tunes we carry will probably already have been played that would pose no problem to somebody with 200 CDs or countless boots and carvers where they will have a wider range of sought after tunes to play.

I am constantly buying tunes, and trying to better my collection but only buy OV.

Cant really see the point in buying boots and carvers if you wanna stand up there and DJ. However such things as for intance The Commands "Hey its love" on backbeat is the copy that i own and unfortunately not on the Dynamic label but i still play it off the backbeat. We draw the line at the Cream Cracker at Boots, Carvers etc.... Not wether its a first or second issue.

Also to finish on i will admit that i play Timi Yuro "It'll never be over for me" off of a boot, only one though.

And i will admit that it really pisses me off when i have sourced a tune, bought it for a hefty price (Pat and the Blenders, for instance) am looking forward to playing it out and some T$#T plays it before me on a £19.99 boot. angry.gif .

Kev (dont do modern) Such

So your OVO apart from your last record Kev? :rolleyes: I'll start a new category..... :sleep3:

OVOAFTY (OVO apart from Timi Yuro)......Maybe time to invest ina Liberty UK copy :rolleyes:


  modernsoulsucks said:
i have mixed feelings about all this its like being in nazi germany

Agree with that man. This really is like bloody McCarthyism with insinuations and charges brought in a wild attempt to find a scapegoat for current perceived ills on the scene.

I can't see why "Biffo" playing a few boots at his local do and keeping the floor happy is the ruination of whatever it is that some people hold dear. If Biffo is happy doing that then what kinda inadequate human being wants to rain on his little parade.

Not wanting to play the coy acronym game I'll list a couple of crap venues for Andrew: Middleton and Heywood. Didn't float my boat and nowt to do with format.


Been to a lot of crap venues myself but i certainly would'nt say Heywood

was a crap venue

could you be more precise


Posted (edited)

  dylan said:
without collectors and DJs the scene wouldn't exist.

Take the dancers out of the equation and what are you left with?? DJ's and promoters complaining on SS that their particular do is half or nearly empty and wanting a cull of someone else 's do.

In my opinion this scene is primarily about the music and expressing yourself to that music, i.e, dancing. Everything else is secondary.

Edited by Maark

  chrissie said:
I think I will leave that one to the promoter to respond to, I am sure he will be far more eloquent than I possibly could be and also beg to differ.


Makes no odds, but next time the likes of World of Happiness - Ann Robinson is played out for example, demand to see it, the DJ himself told me it was an accetate in the pub :rolleyes: . Many times i requested this song coz i like it and i wanted to dance to it :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

  Steve G said:
Bingo - todays inapropriate banding about of the word "nazi". If ever a word was overused etc etc......

Why do you say you have mixed feelings Rod- then say you don't have a problem with Billy Bunter playing pressings. Where's the mixed feelings in that? Is there another side to your argument? If so what is it?

Steve, the first line is a quote from earlier in the thread and not my own words. I have no mixed feelings at all. I collect original vinyl myself but wouldn't dream of foisting that finance-draining obssesssion onto other people.

Perhaps Nazi is a word which immediately comes to mind in a knee-jerk reacton but it still fits in what I see as the scapegoating of others. I actually used "McCarthyism" but that was solely to illustrate the depths of my erudition,not to mention despair!!


Edited by modernsoulsucks
Guest Soultown andy

  Steve A said:

Been to a lot of crap venues myself but i certainly would'nt say Heywood

was a crap venue

could you be more precise



could say the same for middleton and so would the thousands [yes thousands]that attend every year,but whats the point here we go round and round in circles.Original vinyl at middleton well look at our djs fortnum weston flanny hinsley the willinghams etc what do you think,as for crap just sorry your one of the few who didnt enjoy it rod.


  Steve Plumb said:
My post of the week Pete :rolleyes:

That's twice in the last two weeks you've won my award, although i think i awarded it three times one week :rolleyes:

Thanks Steve, nice to know someone gets my jokes biggrin.gif

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