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Ian Levine, Motorcity, Centre City, Blackpool Mecca, And Swons

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Ian, you should have a listen to the new Tom Jones single. It's not perfect, but if you moved your production away form the S,A + W sound ala 'I Should Be So Lucky', and into a rougher less electronic sound the records would sound more authentic and have appeal away from the clucking chooks at your feet and the nostalgia brigade.

Great that was.

Guest James Trouble

Great that was.

What, I Should Be So Lucky or the new Tom Jones single?


Ian, you should have a listen to the new Tom Jones single. It's not perfect, but if you moved your production away from the S,A + W sound ala 'I Should Be So Lucky', and into a rougher less electronic sound the records would sound more authentic and have appeal away from the clucking chooks at your feet and the nostalgia brigade.

I've been raving about the Tom Jones song long before you knew it existed.

I heard it way way before release.

It sounds like what I do. It sounds like the records I make.

That you can't see this, that you think my records sound like "I Should Be So Lucky" merely tells me to stop now and shut up. Because I don't suffer fools gladly.

Guest James Trouble

The Tom Jones single is brill, the youtube clip doesn't do it justice as I don't think it's the single version.

No it doesn't, but it's all I could find at short notice.

Ian, you need to take notice, chap. You're way wide of the mark with this offering. Or maybe you don't have the skills to produce an authentic sound? It might be worth getting hold of the Timmion lads, or the young kids who put together the Kings stuff, they'd be able to point you in the right direction. With their production knowledge and your experience and contacts I think you'd be able to shut all your critics up...

I really don't give two hoots how much of a self obsessed, self serving, egotistical nutter you are. If you make good stuff I'll support it. But if it's crap I'll tell you, especially as you keep on posting them on a discussion forum that I am an active member of...


That's not good at all, is it? Be honest...

Phuck off James

Guest James Trouble

Phuck off James

Get you! :shhh:

How do I report offensive posts?


No it doesn't, but it's all I could find at short notice.

Ian, you need to take notice, chap. You're way wide of the mark with this offering. Or maybe you don't have the skills to produce an authentic sound? It might be worth getting hold of the Timmion lads, or the young kids who put together the Kings stuff, they'd be able to point you in the right direction. With their production knowledge and your experience and contacts I think you'd be able to shut all your critics up...

I really don't give two hoots how much of a self obsessed, self serving, egotistical nutter you are. If you make good stuff I'll support it. But if it's crap I'll tell you, especially as you keep on posting them on a discussion forum that I am an active member of...

That does it.


You're a complete prick and so is Bridger.

You've succeeded in driving me away.

I'm not coming back.

I have better things to do than read shite from the likes of you.


Guest James Trouble

I've been raving about the Tom Jones song long before you knew it existed.

I heard it way way before release.

It sounds like what I do. It sounds like the records I make.

That you can't see this, that you think my records sound like "I Should Be So Lucky" merely tells me to stop now and shut up. Because I don't suffer fools gladly.




You're a complete prick and so is Bridger.

You've succeeded in driving me away.

See you on here in 10 years time then?

Au revoir

Simon 'The Prick' Bridger :shhh:


However it wasn't always an easy ride. Levine has always attracted a large degree of controversy throughout his life. He was almost cursed for being the offspring of rich parents, being Jewish and, eventually, being gay - all three things being the diametric opposite of what was essentially a working class scene in the North of the UK. I think it's fair to say that Ian Levine was never a natural fit

I don't want to hijack this thread but I gotta agree with Prophonics that this bilge is a slur on those of us who were there. To read that you'd think we were a bunch of neo-Nazi skinheads. Imagine our surprise when we found out that the records we were listening to were invariably made by Black artists!!

Im not saying Ian hasn't come up against discrimination. I've been appallled by the odd homophobic comment on the two recent threads. However I think it's up to Ian to say how much he considers his differences with other people to have been down to his sexuality or religion or whether he felt uncomfortable playing in the hostile environment portrayed by Ian D.

Im sure there were a few knobheads but why this gross stereotype of the rest of us


Guest Nik Mak





how very sad has the last few posts been an utter disgrace imo, :shhh::yes::no:

Get a grip, you're starting to sound like Nigel Evans banging on about Ross & Brand, an utter disgrace is slightly OTT imho, Ian's made some videos, some of us don't like them, Ian has thrown his toys out the pram, nothing unusual there.

He's fallen out with people all his life, he even manage to upset some of the gentle anorak folk on the Dr Who forum for christ sake, i actually think he enjoys the conflict.


Guest Stuart T

That does it.


You're a complete prick and so is Bridger.

You've succeeded in driving me away.

I'm not coming back.

I have better things to do than read shite from the likes of you.


:yes::shhh: Its been just like old times, with the same predictable ending.

Posted (edited)

That comes from SWONS and is the same clip used on this new set. Can't blame an old lady for forgetting her words 35 years later though! It was definitely the original singer of The Sapphires.

Yes Pete I cannot remember words to some of the songs I used to sing in the band

But if someone asked me to sing on Video I would have the words just out of shot

& I would look like I knew the words instead of looking as though @I dont know what Im doing here@ Cos thats what Carol Canty looks like! In my view it demeans the original recording and sticks out like a sore thumb!

What about my idea of sending the dvds to one of these late might Tv shows that critically appraise films/dvds/books/etc or Ian to invite open minded people from across the spectrum to have a discussion group - It could even be filmed for Source

Edited by Ernie Andrews

I think you'll find just the one person, Derek, the rest of us are just expressing an honest view about music/video via a forum.


Sorry Simon not just the one person. I'm surprised at you for a start.


Guest familytree
Posted (edited)

What a carry on!

I dont get it and before Im pulled up to read the thread, I have.

Cant believe comments about singers forgetting their lines.... have a heart, have a soul!

surely its as quoted and in the main a document for prosperity before most of the artists involved leave this mortal plane... I think who ever funds this project with their time and money has at the very least the right to do it their way. Whether you like the production or not do you not think its irrelevent and trivial? we have the original recordings/vynl if you want to hear it.

Im sure when some of them were asked to sing that it was very satisfying to know somebody somewhere respects what they did and pays them homage in this way, not to mention being paid.. a long time coming what ever the amount.

Do the same people complain when an old artist plays live that 'they dont sound great, they forgot their lines'? for gods sake its about respect and gratitude, none of us are getting any younger, lets enjoy the history and the legacy and take comfort that some people bothered to make them aware that they care about what they did before its too late.

Edited by familytree
Guest in town Mikey

That does it.


You're a complete prick and so is Bridger.

You've succeeded in driving me away.

I'm not coming back.

I have better things to do than read shite from the likes of you.


I do admire James and Simon's (Plus a few others)longevity on this thread. I gave up weeks ago.

But I laughed so loud at this post I thought I'd be sick. I'm using it in my sig.


I'm not very impressed with how some members have taken it upon themselves to torment Ian on this thread...so much that he's decided to leave.

How many times does he have to be told that folk don't like his music, there's other bleedin threads on soul source-surely you only have to tell him once if you think it's all rubbish really?

He's kicked off now because he thinks he's backed into a corner and he is defending what is basically his life's major work.

I know he's a big lad and doesn't need me to defend him but I think that some people should be ashamed of themselves. He's done a lot more good than harm to the NS scene and I think he deserves a bit more respect.


What a carry on!

I dont get it and before Im pulled up to read the thread, I have.

Cant believe comments about singers forgetting their lines.... have a heart, have a soul!

surely its as quoted and in the main a document for prosperity before most of the artists involved leave this mortal plane... I think who ever funds this project with their time and money has at the very least the right to do it their way. Whether you like the production or not do you not think its irrelevent and trivial? we have the original recordings/vynal if you want to hear it.

Im sure when some of them were asked to sing that it was very satisfying to know somebody somewhere respects what they did and pays them homage in this way, not to mention being paid.. a long time coming what ever the amount.

Do the same people complain when an old artist plays live that 'they dont sound great, they forgot their lines'? for gods sake its about respect and gratitude, none of us are getting any younger, lets enjoy the history and the legacy and take comfort that some people bothered to make them aware that they care about what they did before its too late.

That's 'vinyl' mate :lol:


can ian please come back on and answer my simple question: why did he not just interview these legends, about their life etc, while their own original track was played during and after the interview?

Guest familytree

That's 'vinyl' mate :lol:

why thankyou, see how nice we can be.. very encouraging! one would almost believe we were all adults in here... well most.

Guest Stuart T

can ian please come back on and answer my simple question: why did he not just interview these legends, about their life etc, while their own original track was played during and after the interview?

I don't think we need Ian to answer that. He'll just explain that the royalties would be too expensive to licence the tracks, and to use the originals would deny him the opportunity to introduce the roller disco production values that he cherishes. I wonder if Ian would be any good as an interviewer? The SWONS film was flawed because it tried to reproduce the music when artist interviews would have been much more interesting.

Does this DVD set explain that the 200 floorfillers are not the original versions and in 99% of the cases have never ever been played on the northern soul scene?


Well just ploughed my way through the last few pages very depressing reading indeed. There are a few people who should be ashamed of themselves.




Does this DVD set explain that the 200 floorfillers are not the original versions and in 99% of the cases have never ever been played on the northern soul scene?

99% of the people who buy it don't care


If Ian has gone now, does this mean we will never hear his new cd and know what a 'modern-room northern floorfilling soul stepper' is?

Sutty I must say I find your avatar a bit much. That's Northern ledge (and paid up ss member Tedsoul)Ted Massey. :lol:


Sorry Simon not just the one person. I'm surprised at you for a start.


Only giving as good as i got Derek, i've read back at what i posted & not once did i personally abuse anyone, the only thing i may have rephrased would have been the word "abomination", however i would have only replaced it with something like "very poor", this would have probably still been enough of an excuse for Ian to verbally insult me.

Surely on a discussion forum i'm entitled an opinion on a video/s & some accompanying music, as i said i haven't verbally insulted anyone, didn't threaten anyone with expletives but one person did.

I wasn't intentionally goading Ian either, just trying to defend my corner, to be honest considering some of the language that was used about me on this thread i think i did quite well not to lose it!



Get you! :lol:

How do I report offensive posts?

What kind of response could you possibly expect ???

You continually tried to wind Ian up (again) to provoke a response.

And it worked.

So now you look big and clever.

Well done.


Sutty I must say I find your avatar a bit much. That's Northern ledge (and paid up ss member Tedsoul)Ted Massey. :lol:



What kind of response could you possibly expect ???

You continually tried to wind Ian up (again) to provoke a response.

And it worked.

So now you look big and clever.

Well done.

Think Ian unfortunately showed some of his true colours, the Helen Keller 'joke' for a start was a disgrace & also the admittance that it's ok to elbow a female if they happen to be in your way whilst filming, not nice!



Think Ian unfortunately showed some of his true colours, the Helen Keller 'joke' for a start was a disgrace & also the admittance that it's ok to elbow a female if they happen to be in your way whilst filming, not nice!


Both comments originally made by me Simon. But after the poor lamb had deliberately inferred that I had criticised artists, which was a total misrepresentation, if not a downright lie, as I had not even mentionted artists, but commented on his bizarre comparison of himself to Barak Obama. He didn't have the decency, or class, to accept that he was wrong and as usual, resorted to the troll comments etc. Anybody want to comment on that, or should I just accept his crap. It works both ways.

Anyway, he'll be back. Everybody whoever posts a soul-source suicide note always is. Plus theres the matter of the dvd launch.


Sutty I must say I find your avatar a bit much. That's Northern ledge (and paid up ss member Tedsoul)Ted Massey. :lol:

its been the same for months and nobody's said anything, but as you seem to be offended i'm happy to change it! :huh:


However it wasn't always an easy ride. Levine has always attracted a large degree of controversy throughout his life. He was almost cursed for being the offspring of rich parents, being Jewish and, eventually, being gay - all three things being the diametric opposite of what was essentially a working class scene in the North of the UK. I think it's fair to say that Ian Levine was never a natural fit

I don't want to hijack this thread but I gotta agree with Prophonics that this bilge is a slur on those of us who were there. To read that you'd think we were a bunch of neo-Nazi skinheads. Imagine our surprise when we found out that the records we were listening to were invariably made by Black artists!!

Im not saying Ian hasn't come up against discrimination. I've been appallled by the odd homophobic comment on the two recent threads. However I think it's up to Ian to say how much he considers his differences with other people to have been down to his sexuality or religion or whether he felt uncomfortable playing in the hostile environment portrayed by Ian D.

Im sure there were a few knobheads but why this gross stereotype of the rest of us


Well I was there too and I can only report on numerous things which I both witnessed and heard with my own ears. Do you not remember the "Levine Must Go" campaign complete with banner or was that just a product of my over-active imagination too? How many people do you know who have solicited such a reaction?

"Neo-Nazi skinheads" and "hostile environment being portrayed by Ian D"? C'mon please Rod, that's really over-egging things a tad isn't it?

You only have to read both parts of this very thread from beginning to end to see plenty of evidence of the hostility towards Levine right here, prior to some of the more obnoxious posts being removed so they don't cause even more offence...........

Ian D :lol:


Well I was there too and I can only report on numerous things which I both witnessed and heard with my own ears. Do you not remember the "Levine Must Go" campaign complete with banner or was that just a product of my over-active imagination too? How many people do you know who have solicited such a reaction?

"Neo-Nazi skinheads" and "hostile environment being portrayed by Ian D"? C'mon please Rod, that's really over-egging things a tad isn't it?

You only have to read both parts of this very thread from beginning to end to see plenty of evidence of the hostility towards Levine right here, prior to some of the more obnoxious posts being removed so they don't cause even more offence...........

Ian D :lol:

Ian, the Levine must go campaign was about the musical direction Ian had taken at the Mecca. Nothing to do with his sexuality, religion or his parents wealth.


That does it.


You're a complete prick and so is Bridger.

You've succeeded in driving me away.

I'm not coming back.

I have better things to do than read shite from the likes of you.


what am i going to read while at work now?


Ian, the Levine must go campaign was about the musical direction Ian had taken at the Mecca. Nothing to do with his sexuality, religion or his parents wealth.

Had he even come out by then?


Ian, the Levine must go campaign was about the musical direction Ian had taken at the Mecca. Nothing to do with his sexuality, religion or his parents wealth.

You could be right Steve, but on the other hand I don't remember too many banners @ other venues demanding that certain DJ's should go when they were playing really bad pop music.........

For someone to take the time to make up a banner demanding that someone should go from a venue indicates to me that it may have been a bit more personal.........

Ian D :lol:


Had he even come out by then?

I think so. I remember him telling me about notorious New York gay clubs like The Anvil circa '75/'76, so I think the penny dropped for me around then......... :lol:

Ian D :huh:


has he really gone.......... :lol: .I bet that Trouble's been winding him up again.

Now i'll never find out who's got the master/acetate to Betty Boo.....................................

Kev(shallow end of the soul gene pool).


Well I was there too and I can only report on numerous things which I both witnessed and heard with my own ears. Do you not remember the "Levine Must Go" campaign complete with banner or was that just a product of my over-active imagination too? How many people do you know who have solicited such a reaction?

"Neo-Nazi skinheads" and "hostile environment being portrayed by Ian D"? C'mon please Rod, that's really over-egging things a tad isn't it?

You only have to read both parts of this very thread from beginning to end to see plenty of evidence of the hostility towards Levine right here, prior to some of the more obnoxious posts being removed so they don't cause even more offence...........

Ian D :lol:

Im sorry Ian but it still reads to me that because we were working class his sexuality and his religion prevented him from fitting in when in the main people were either unaware or considered it no big thing anyway. The only people I can think of who would make an issue out of that would be your BNP types.

Only Levine can tell us whether that was a problem for him.

By "hostile environment" I mean conditions where he was not likely to thrive and as he made a massive impact on the scene for most of the 70's I'd say he fitted in rather well.

As someone else has pointed out "Levine Must Go" was on a par with "Sam Must Go" or any other disgruntled chatter about dj direction you can hear any day of the week.

I deplore the few homophobic snide remarks I've observed on here but most of the disagreement seems to have centred on the music although both sides have departed at times from any rational debate.


Posted (edited)

Hi Ian, Sam had a banner hung over the balcony at the casino before he was sacked relating to the choice of music being played.

I remember Sharon Farrah telling me about the banner and T shirts wasn't that about him playing more chart music but wasn't that in his contract with the Mecca to play more commercial soul stuff.

My brother use to go to Heaven, I remember saying to him IL is back Djing in London on the soul scene, he replied Ohh! F++kin Levine Nooooo, my brother never went to a soul club in his life and hated the music.

I am still trying to form my opinion of Ian that has not been helped by his actions to the London clubs that gave him DJ's spots and residency's to get him back in the swing of things a few years ago and it all ended in a dreadful mess soul brother/sister hating soul brother/sister it really split the scene.

As I said before Ian D I totally disagree with you and your remarks and to use them to set a record strait that bigotry exist on the soul scene even going back 33 years, a few immature remarks I can imagine when the average age was 17 or 18 but it has been nothing more than that. :)

A few criticisms and every one who dose not agree with the way things should be starts to get called Fascist, Neo Nazi's, Troll's Bigots, FOAD I think was one of the worst things used on hear I didn't even know what it meant, all over a few mixes and video clips that from what I can gather Ian didn't even lay down or even shoot. I am sure if he had put his hands up and said ok its not perfect but we had to finish the project and get it in the shops for Christmas things would have been a lot cooler.

I am still LOL at that little old lady reading the words to one of her songs, reminds me of my Mum quality, Simon you have to see it for what it is a sad but a very charming reminder of getting older. :thumbsup:

I have had a think about this and she is not as old as I first stated.

Edited by Prophonics 2029

has he really gone.......... :thumbsup: .I bet that Trouble's been winding him up again.

Now i'll never find out who's got the master/acetate to Betty Boo.....................................

Kev(shallow end of the soul gene pool).

Serling. :)


All this makes me ashamed to be part of the NS Scene and part of this forum,WHERE THE F@CK WHERE THE MODERATORS. I think that this behavior by a few people being allowed to continue makes this site a trapestry. I may not be back and really after this i don't care to be linked to this site,


Posted (edited)

All this makes me ashamed to be part of the NS Scene and part of this forum,WHERE THE F@CK WHERE THE MODERATORS. I think that this behavior by a few people being allowed to continue makes this site a trapestry. I may not be back and really after this i don't care to be linked to this site,


I think you mean Travesty and not trapestry unless I am wrong and you mean this Gogs.


Edited by Prophonics 2029
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