Guest nffc Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Look what the Postman had for me today.... All I need now is some time to watch them.
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 nffc said: Look what the Postman had for me today.... All I need now is some time to watch them. How fabulous. I so hope you enjoy them.
Guest Simon Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian Levine said: Not very happy with YouTube at the moment, to say the least, so enjoy these while they last... This is what i mean about the 'Dumbing down of Northern Soul', this is so wrong it's untrue! Horrible jazzed up backing, really cheesy video, i'm sorry Ian but that's about as constructive as i can be, i just pray some young people don't see & listen to this & think it's NS because it clearly ain't imho. Simon
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: This is what i mean about the 'Dumbing down of Northern Soul', this is so wrong it's untrue! Horrible jazzed up backing, really cheesy video, i'm sorry Ian but that's about as constructive as i can be, i just pray some young people don't see & listen to this & think it's NS because it clearly ain't imho. Simon With the greatest of respect Simon............. piss off.
Pete S Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: This is what i mean about the 'Dumbing down of Northern Soul', this is so wrong it's untrue! Horrible jazzed up backing, really cheesy video, i'm sorry Ian but that's about as constructive as i can be, i just pray some young people don't see & listen to this & think it's NS because it clearly ain't imho. Simon The thing is, if someone was to say to you Simon, record Gwen Owens doing Wanted And Needed, what exactly would you do to make it any better than this? Presumably re-record the backing track with 100% real instrumentas. There's nothing wrong with the vocal. It's the only chance we'll get to see this performed, so why not celibrate that fact instead of looking on the negative side. p.s. of course I appreciate that you have your own opinions
Wiganer1 Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: This is what i mean about the 'Dumbing down of Northern Soul', this is so wrong it's untrue! Horrible jazzed up backing, really cheesy video, i'm sorry Ian but that's about as constructive as i can be, i just pray some young people don't see & listen to this & think it's NS because it clearly ain't imho. Simon ==== quick - duck behind the settee everyone!!
Guest Simon Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Pete S said: The thing is, if someone was to say to you Simon, record Gwen Owens doing Wanted And Needed, what exactly would you do to make it any better than this? Presumably re-record the backing track with 100% real instrumentas. There's nothing wrong with the vocal. It's the only chance we'll get to see this performed, so why not celibrate that fact instead of looking on the negative side. p.s. of course I appreciate that you have your own opinions I wish i could look on a positive side Pete but this is an abomination imo & worse it's masquerading as NS. It's great that Gwen still has the chance to record granted but all this does is kill off all the great memories i've had when hearing this out & about, i just hope i can erase the experience of watching this video from my memory. If that video doesn't make you cringe Pete then you're a better man than i! Simon
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Pete S said: The thing is, if someone was to say to you Simon, record Gwen Owens doing Wanted And Needed, what exactly would you do to make it any better than this? Presumably re-record the backing track with 100% real instrumentas. There's nothing wrong with the vocal. It's the only chance we'll get to see this performed, so why not celibrate that fact instead of looking on the negative side. p.s. of course I appreciate that you have your own opinions I wish I damn well appreciated it. But I don't. He just epitomises everything that makes me angry about closed minded purists and I bloody well HATE it.
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: I wish i could look on a positive side Pete but this is an abomination imo & worse it's masquerading as NS. You're the abomination. I'm sorry but you're a disgrace and an insult to anything I ever did in the forty years since I first championed Northern Soul. You have now made me angrier than James Trouble and Soul Sam put together and my blood is boiling. Thank f*** there are better people than you around. Leave this thread alone before I get so bloody angry that I get myself banned and get the whole damn thread removed.
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: I wish i could look on a positive side Pete but this is an abomination imo & worse it's masquerading as NS. You have as much soul as the doll of Lady Penelope that stares out from your avatar. That says it all really. You might as well be bleedin' collecting stamps. I am sickened to the core.
Guest rachel Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian, suggest you go and have another read of the forum rules - Simon has commented on a video that he doesn't like, this doesn't give you any right to make comments about him as a person. Will be deleting any more posts along these lines.
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 rachel said: Ian, suggest you go and have another read of the forum rules - Simon has commented on a video that he doesn't like, this doesn't give you any right to make comments about him as a person. Will be deleting any more posts along these lines. I want to apologise to you for any rules I have broken, but everything he stands for, and everything he does, and says, cuts deep to the very core of my being, and mocks everything I have ever worked for, and abuses every single principle I have ever believed in all my life, and his attitude is what made me take ten years before I finally joined Soul Source. Soul Source is wonderful but the one bad side to it is that it nurtures these type of people. I promise not to discuss it any more, and I thank you for your kind patience and understanding. I have blocked this person from both facebook and myspace, and now, as far as I am concerned, he no longer exists.
Guest Simon Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian Levine said: I have blocked this person from both facebook and myspace, and now, as far as I am concerned, he no longer exists. Oh damn, i'm down to only 258 friends on facebook now! Your problem is Ian you can't take crticism, i didn't personally criticise you i just made an opinion on the video, an honest opinion, one that plenty share, it just so happens that i was the one that typed it. And i'm not sure where you keep getting this closed mind stuff from, i've admitted i like some of your NS stuff, Venicia Wilson for instance, i like a lot of the high energy stuff you did way back, Hazel Dean, Miquel Brown etc. I just happen to have a strong opinion that it is wrong to call some of your stuff NS, play it & listen to it carefully aside classic 6ts/7ts productions & you can clearly hear a very big distinction. Simon
Dave Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: I wish i could look on a positive side Pete but this is an abomination imo & worse it's masquerading as NS. It's great that Gwen still has the chance to record granted but all this does is kill off all the great memories i've had when hearing this out & about, i just hope i can erase the experience of watching this video from my memory. I agree. A very well reasoned and reasonable post IMHO. Ian Levine said: You have as much soul as the doll of Lady Penelope that stares out from your avatar. That says it all really. You might as well be bleedin' collecting stamps. I am sickened to the core. Why is it that when someone expresses an opinion different to your own, you start with the childish abuse?
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Dave said: Why is it that when someone expresses an opinion different to your own, you start with the childish abuse? Oh the Levine-haters are really lining up tonight. YOU go and raise eighty grand of money you don't actually have, and spend ten years of your life refining something to perfection, chronicling all our soul heroes and heroines, and YOU see how many have passed away in the intervening ten years, and YOU do your best to leave a visual record of our music for people who actually CARE, and for future generations, and then YOU watch some dickhead dismiss it as an abomination, and see how YOU bloody well feel about it. But of course, you can't do anything other than criticise either, and you resort to using homophobic, bigoted, and quite frankly sickeningly pathetic statements like "with a shrug and a flounce and a swirl of chiffon". I'm on the verge of having had quite enough of all this. I care far to deeply to let these pricks get to me.. I repeat my old saying - I love Northern Soul music but I phucking HATE the scene.
Dave Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian Levine said: Oh the Levine-haters are really lining up tonight. YOU go and raise eighty grand of money you don't actually have, and spend ten years of your life refining something to perfection, chronicling all our soul heroes and heroines, and YOU see how many have passed away in the intervening ten years, and YOU do your best to leave a visual record of our music for people who actually CARE, and for future generations, and then YOU watch some dickhead dismiss it as an abomination, and see how YOU bloody well feel about it. But of course, you can't do anything other than criticise either, and you resort to using homophobic, bigoted, and quite frankly sickeningly pathetic statements like "with a shrug and a flounce and a swirl of chiffon". I'm on the verge of having had quite enough of all this. I care far to deeply to let these pricks get to me.. I repeat my old saying - I love Northern Soul music but I phucking HATE the scene. Levine-haters? How meladramatic is that? Just because some of us don't care for your "music" and aren't impressed by your self aggrandisement, it does not mean there is hatred involved! And please spare us the persecuted minority clap-trap with the homophobic jive! Some might say that the bigotry on this thread is mainly yours, with your intolerance of any contrary opinions?
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Dave said: Some might say that the bigotry on this thread is mainly yours, with your intolerance of any contrary opinions? There is a world of difference between a contrary opinion, and a bigoted and persecutorial dismissal, with a sick and biased agenda behind it. I have no more to say to you - ever.
Ady Potts Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian Levine said: I repeat my old saying - I love Northern Soul music but I phucking HATE the scene. But Ian, you are posting this statement on soulsource, & 'soulsource' IS all about the 'scene'. It's a scene that is full of all different types of people, from all types of walk of life. You'll never be able to change peoples minds & beliefs, you know that. Surely it's better to accept it for how it is. I know you've invested a huge sum of money in this dvd venture, plus a mountain of hours. But at the end of the day, that was your choice. Now you're looking to recoup your outlay, you are obviously under pressure to do so, the result being all this pent-up HATE that you are displaying. Carry on like this & you'll make yourself ill. Look, if your product is as good as you imply it is, then it will sell, end of story. But you must face facts it wont be everyones cup of tea, & the sooner you come to terms with that the better. Stop going off on one if someone doesn't turn round & complement it. But when you come out with a line such as "I love Northern Soul music but I phucking HATE the scene", well, think about it, what does that sound like to all us lot reading it. Will it be a case of when you've recouped your 80k, or however much it is, that you'll just walk away yet again? I honestly hope not, because you were an important part of this 'scene'. But somehow, hand on heart, I think you will. Be happy, pottsy
Guest Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 pottsy said: Will it be a case of when you've recouped your 80k, or however much it is, that you'll just walk away yet again? I honestly hope not, because you were an important part of this 'scene'. But somehow, hand on heart, I think you will. I will NEVER recoup the 80k. If I wanted to make a quick buck I would have originally, back in 1998 and 1999, filmed ten artists, not 131 of them. It was my Encyclopeida Britannica of Northern Soul. If criticism that is given is unbiased, and fair, and even minded, then I willingly accept it. But if it's destructive and vindictive, then I'm out for blood. I worked bloody hard for this scene - we used to get paid THREE QUID for DJing at Blackpool Mecca. In 1976 I brought in 3700 people for The Miracles alldayer, all my idea and all my pushing to make it happen, and they had the greatest attendance figures in the history of the entire building, and they gave me a lousy TWENTY QUID for doing it. Believe me, Pottsy, if I was wanting to make money out of the Northern Soul Scene, I wouldn't have spent eighty grand on a DVD set that only sold 4000 copies. Northern Soul's 200 Greatest Floorfillers" would need to sell an initial four thousand copies to recoup its recent editing costs, recently incurred just to put the thing out, and then a further thirty thousand copies before my share of it even recouped my outlay. That's never gonna happen. I did this as a labour of love, knowing full well that's what it was, but I'l be DAMNED if I'm gonna sit by and watch snotty nosed judgmental purists destroy all my years of hard work. IT'S CALLED ARTISTIC PRIDE, Pottsy.
Guest Paul Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Simon said: I wish i could look on a positive side Pete but this is an abomination imo & worse it's masquerading as NS. It's great that Gwen still has the chance to record granted but all this does is kill off all the great memories i've had when hearing this out & about, i just hope i can erase the experience of watching this video from my memory. If that video doesn't make you cringe Pete then you're a better man than i! Simon Hello Simon, It's one thing to dislike a record, for whatever reason, but to refer to it as an "abomination" (especially to the very man who created it) is a bit strong and will be interpreted by most people as being provocative. Most people find it fairly difficult to accept criticism, even if it's constructive, but I don't think anyone would like one of their creations to be called an "abomination". You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, of course, but I think you could have expressed it in a more friendly and tactful way ...especially as this is Ian's thread. Best regards, Paul
Dave Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Ian Levine said: There is a world of difference between a contrary opinion, and a bigoted and persecutorial dismissal, with a sick and biased agenda behind it. I have no more to say to you - ever. Oh do give over with the limping dog act! Having a different opinion to you is neither bigoted nor persecutorial. Referring to people, as you have on this site, as "nazis" and "hitler youth" is bigoted. Elbowing a female, as you have claimed to have done, because she was a "nuisance" is persecutorial.
Guest Simon Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Paul Mooney said: Hello Simon, It's one thing to dislike a record, for whatever reason, but to refer to it as an "abomination" (especially to the very man who created it) is a bit strong and will be interpreted by most people as being provocative. Most people find it fairly difficult to accept criticism, even if it's constructive, but I don't think anyone would like one of their creations to be called an "abomination". You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, of course, but I think you could have expressed it in a more friendly and tactful way ...especially as this is Ian's thread. Best regards, Paul Hi Paul, "Abomination" may be a tad strong Paul but if i hadn't written that i would have been lying about my true view, i could have said it just wasn't very good & a bit amateurish, i could have said the video is a bit like what you see at a bad Karaoke night etc. I agree i wouldn't want one of my dj sets for instance to be called an abomination but i would live with it & think to myself why people had said that, i would then have probably gone away & tried to better myself, i would have least tried to write a reply on here that challenged the view in a constructive way, i wouldn't have gone mental with name calling etc. I could easily have not commented, i knew what i was gonna get back but i wanted to because i care deeply about the image of Northern Soul & imho calling re-worked pieces of work like this NS is plainly wrong, the backing's all discoed up, it has a bad 8ts feel to it, the video is quite frankly amateur hour as opposed to proper NS which i think most of us know what that sounds like, the original 45 of 'Wanted & needed' is a good example. Probably best if i don't add any more input to this thread as all Ian really wants on this thread is people contributing who agree with him on everything & tell him how great he is, i'm afraid i can't do that, i acknowledge Ian's vast talents & the fact he's done more for NS in the past than i could ever dream about but i'm still always going to post an honest critique & that might not always be one everyone wants to hear. Best regards Simon
Guest Gogs Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: Not very happy with YouTube at the moment, to say the least, so enjoy these while they last... Well i loved it, thanks for putting this up Ian.
Epic Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Problem is Ian that everybody on here is a critic - you included - & you have to accept that we don't all like the same things - music included - it's part of what makes us what we are. Let's be honest if Motown were to bring a DVD of 200 performances could anybody say that they would enjoy every performance & song on it - of course not & the same goes for your DVD Ian. There are tunes on your DVD that I didn't like in their original form - you re-recording them is not going to change my opinion of them. I have not been on this thread very much after our disagreement about, should we say, your "recording techniques" - but have looked on it with interest. It has at times become a blatant sales pitch for your DVD - the likes of Kent, Golmine, Expansions, Hayley etc have never been afforded such a luxury & I feel the moderators have been more than lenient over some of your comments Ian. As I have said before the SWONS has a lot of merit to it - I just feel that perhaps a tad more humility on here Ian wouldn't go amiss - you might even get a few more people on your side.
Pete S Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 epic said: Problem is Ian that everybody on here is a critic - you included - & you have to accept that we don't all like the same things - music included - it's part of what makes us what we are. Let's be honest if Motown were to bring a DVD of 200 performances could anybody say that they would enjoy every performance & song on it - of course not & the same goes for your DVD Ian. There are tunes on your DVD that I didn't like in their original form - you re-recording them is not going to change my opinion of them. I have not been on this thread very much after our disagreement about, should we say, your "recording techniques" - but have looked on it with interest. It has at times become a blatant sales pitch for your DVD - the likes of Kent, Golmine, Expansions, Hayley etc have never been afforded such a luxury & I feel the moderators have been more than lenient over some of your comments Ian. As I have said before the SWONS has a lot of merit to it - I just feel that perhaps a tad more humility on here Ian wouldn't go amiss - you might even get a few more people on your side. To be honest, this is why I have hardly posted on this thread either.
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Pete S said: To be honest, this is why I have hardly posted on this thread either. Yes you have, Smiffy, and I particularly welcome everything you've had to say, both good and bad, because unlike some of the others, your comments are always fair minded and unbiased, even if I disagree with you about The Carstairs.
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 epic said: As I have said before the SWONS has a lot of merit to it - I just feel that perhaps a tad more humility on here Ian wouldn't go amiss - you might even get a few more people on your side. Well, Epic, I am not a particularly humble person, and never have been, although I do sometimes make an effort. This thread and the previous one which overflowed and caused us to go to part two, have had nearly 150,000 views, so people are certainly interested, if not always supportive. I believe it is probably the biggest thread ever on Soul Source. Maybe I don't take criticism all that well, but if I know I have done something good and right, and someone who I have no respect for starts rubbishing it, I would not be Ian Levine if I didn't fight back.
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 epic said: It has at times become a blatant sales pitch for your DVD - the likes of Kent, Goldmine, Expansions, Hayley etc have never been afforded such a luxury & I feel the moderators have been more than lenient over some of your comments Ian. This, Epic, is the one thing I most need to challenge. The likes of Kent, Goldmine, Expansion, and most particularly Hayley, have never done a project that involved almost every one of the legends that made our music, all at once, and celebrated all the songs we have danced to, and sang in the shower, and kept in our head, for the last forty years. Whether people love me or think my work is an abomination, no-one can remove the fact that I spent every penny I could muster to do a project involving every artist I could get to do it, which resulted in a set which contains over eighty per cent of Northern Soul's all time biggest records. However much people want to re-write history, I was there in the early days, and I made this set, and just in time before so many more of the wonderful artists passed away over the last ten years, and I honestly truly believe it is a set that any TRUE Northern Soul fan should have. Where I and others violently disagree is on what constitutes a "TRUE Northern Soul fan". And last thing, Epic, before I rush off to the studio to record a brand new song with Tommy Hunt today, is that after all your time at Blackpool Mecca, I'm sad that you didn't afford me just a little more respect than you have done.
Dave Moore Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 I too have avoided posting on this thread but to see the words "Gwen Owens" and "Abomination" in the same phrase has floored me! Some people just don't get it. Never will.
Epic Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: And last thing, Epic, before I rush off to the studio to record a brand new song with Tommy Hunt today, is that after all your time at Blackpool Mecca, I'm sad that you didn't afford me just a little more respect than you have done. If disagreeing with you or anybody else on this forum is seen as a lack of respect then I can do nothing about that - the whole cut & thrust of this - other forums - in fact life itself is nothing without debate & opinions - it's what seperates us from the beasts of the fields. I have stood your corner on many occasions - going as far back as the mid seventies with the whole Mecca/Wigan thing - to say I don't respect you Ian to say the least is harsh. Difference of opinion does not equal lack of respect.
Ernie Andrews Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 epic said: If disagreeing with you or anybody else on this forum is seen as a lack of respect then I can do nothing about that - the whole cut & thrust of this - other forums - in fact life itself is nothing without debate & opinions - it's what seperates us from the beasts of the fields. I have stood your corner on many occasions - going as far back as the mid seventies with the whole Mecca/Wigan thing - to say I don't respect you Ian to say the least is harsh. Difference of opinion does not equal lack of respect. I am in total agreement here with Andy, Ian - Since I got back into the Northern scene 10 years ago I have done nothing but defend what you have done infront of people who are not "Purists" as you say but people who love the feeling that the original recordings give you. Your updating of them does not give them that inner feeling Ian - If you re-recorded - Your magic put a spell on me with some background additions to beef it up - It still wouldnt have the same feeling to it as it did in the 70s. I applaud your intentions in what you are doing but its like having the Blackpool FC team of the 50s being given a face lift(new training techniques etc) - They would be murdered today , so when you view seee the old movies winning the FA cup its a nostalgia thing cos Matthews is never going to score in this Millenium and thats the same way as most in the Northern scene view things. This maybe a rash thing to say but If you went and found some really great records and exploded them onto the scene I think people would warm to you a bit more. It just seems like you are on a crusade and you are always going to have supporters and enemies.
Guest Simon Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Dave Moore said: I too have avoided posting on this thread but to see the words "Gwen Owens" and "Abomination" in the same phrase has floored me! Some people just don't get it. Never will. I get it ok Dave, don't worry about that, it's because i live & breath NS that i posted in the first place, if i didn't care about it i would've just kept my trap shut which would have been the easier option. It's not Gwen Owens that i rather strongly in retrospect described as "an abomination" it was the murdering of the original sound of the record & the amateur hour video that accompanied it. Simon
Dave Moore Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Simon said: I get it ok Dave, don't worry about that, it's because i live & breath NS that i posted in the first place, if i didn't care about it i would've just kept my trap shut which would have been the easier option. It's not Gwen Owens that i rather strongly in retrospect described as "an abomination" it was the murdering of the original sound of the record & the amateur hour video that accompanied it. Simon Hi Simon, Don't wish to get involved in any semantics or fall outs but maybe it's me that doesn't get it then. It's phrases like "I live and breath NS" that I struggle to get to grips with in this instance. All die respect but I think what you mean is "I live and breathe the Northern Soul scene". In my world there's a subtle but nonetheless categorical difference. When I commented that some people don't get it, I wasn't referring to NS, the music, or anything other than the fact that this DVD set is treasure trove of performances that have been captured for posterity. Not just for us current fans to enjoy, but for future generations of fans to celebrate also. That's the whole point. There is no film of many of these artists available anywhere apart from this set. The fact that the artists have had to re-record the songs is simply a matter of economics as has been explained on countless ocaisions. The whole of the UK rare Northern Soul set up is based on these artists, the very artists that created what you claim to 'live and breathe'! If you can't appreciate that that's fair enough, and it's up to you. Therefore, you don't get it. But many of us do. It reminds me of a banal comment when Brenda Holloway appeared in UK back in the 90s. "It's not the same without a band". He didn't 'get it' either. Yep, I agree it's not the same. But to have Brenda Holloway standing on stage in your home town (Burnley), singing songs that you'd loved for 25 years and more, only a few feet away and then have her spend time with us after, was worth every penny of any admission fee. I guess some people are just too happy to see their soulful glass half empty, whereas me, I prefer to view it as half full. I'll be getting the DVD set delivered shortly, I'll be pulling a few bottles of wine out the cooler, pushing the furniture back and celebrating the artists performances for what they are, not what I wished they'd been. As Ian will testify, I'm no fan of much of his production work and have been on the end of some vociferous comments from him, but this set is tour de force of Northern Soul performances and I struggle to see how fans can't see it for what it is. Back to lurking......
Prophonics 2029 Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 (edited) or anything other than the fact that this DVD set is treasure trove of performances that have been captured for posterity. Not just for us current fans to enjoy, but for future generations of fans to celebrate also. I have seen the track listing and I make it 150, 50 are new recordings of new material. I have listened to every Utube link sound file mp3 on both these threads and for me I don't like the sound of the music and cannot listen to them all the way through, a few of the performances or video clips have upset me seeing someone at deaths door has reminded me of my own bereavements, as Dave says its treasure trove of performances. I didn't get it when it came out on Swons the video or the DVD so its doubtful I will get it this time round. I am sure it will bring many people hours of fun. Edited October 28, 2008 by Prophonics 2029
Hitsville Chalky Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian my old chum , have you got film footage thats's complete of The Contours " Look out for the stop sign " ?
Steve G Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 The local HMV did not have it in, and having to fill in what seemed like an "immigration into the UK form" to get them to order one - I went the Amazon route. Should have it tomorow.
Guest soul99 easylay Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: You have now made me angrier than James Trouble and Soul Sam put together and my blood is boiling. By the way Ian, please see the thread "Breaking News" I hope you can forget your differences and wish Sam well Cheers TCK
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Dave Moore said: I too have avoided posting on this thread but to see the words "Gwen Owens" and "Abomination" in the same phrase has floored me! Some people just don't get it. Never will. Thankyou Dave. I love you. You DO get it.
Reg Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Dave Moore said: Hi Simon, Don't wish to get involved in any semantics or fall outs but maybe it's me that doesn't get it then. It's phrases like "I live and breath NS" that I struggle to get to grips with in this instance. All die respect but I think what you mean is "I live and breathe the Northern Soul scene". In my world there's a subtle but nonetheless categorical difference. When I commented that some people don't get it, I wasn't referring to NS, the music, or anything other than the fact that this DVD set is treasure trove of performances that have been captured for posterity. Not just for us current fans to enjoy, but for future generations of fans to celebrate also. That's the whole point. There is no film of many of these artists available anywhere apart from this set. The fact that the artists have had to re-record the songs is simply a matter of economics as has been explained on countless ocaisions. The whole of the UK rare Northern Soul set up is based on these artists, the very artists that created what you claim to 'live and breathe'! If you can't appreciate that that's fair enough, and it's up to you. Therefore, you don't get it. But many of us do. It reminds me of a banal comment when Brenda Holloway appeared in UK back in the 90s. "It's not the same without a band". He didn't 'get it' either. Yep, I agree it's not the same. But to have Brenda Holloway standing on stage in your home town (Burnley), singing songs that you'd loved for 25 years and more, only a few feet away and then have her spend time with us after, was worth every penny of any admission fee. I guess some people are just too happy to see their soulful glass half empty, whereas me, I prefer to view it as half full. I'll be getting the DVD set delivered shortly, I'll be pulling a few bottles of wine out the cooler, pushing the furniture back and celebrating the artists performances for what they are, not what I wished they'd been. As Ian will testify, I'm no fan of much of his production work and have been on the end of some vociferous comments from him, but this set is tour de force of Northern Soul performances and I struggle to see how fans can't see it for what it is. Back to lurking...... Yep Dave, I think that's about right...
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Hitsville Chalky said: Ian my old chum , have you got film footage thats's complete of The Contours " Look out for the stop sign " ? No, not at all. But I do have some very dark footage of Popcorn Wylie singing the original demo. I think it's on the Motorcity part of SWONS somewhere.
Dave Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: Thankyou Dave. I love you. You DO get it.
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Prophonics 2029 said: I have listened to every Utube link sound file mp3 on both these threads and for me I don't like the sound of the music and cannot listen to them all the way through, a few of the performances or video clips have upset me seeing someone at deaths door has reminded me of my own bereavements I give up in empty despair. I have wasted my whole life.
Dave Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 (edited) Dave said: I know. That was childish really! Edited October 28, 2008 by Dave
Guest Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Dave Moore said: I guess some people are just too happy to see their soulful glass half empty, whereas me, I prefer to view it as half full. I'll be getting the DVD set delivered shortly, I'll be pulling a few bottles of wine out the cooler, pushing the furniture back and celebrating the artists performances for what they are, not what I wished they'd been. As Ian will testify, I'm no fan of much of his production work and have been on the end of some vociferous comments from him, but this set is tour de force of Northern Soul performances and I struggle to see how fans can't see it for what it is. To be honest I'm at the stage now when I don't think I can take much more of all this. I'm too full of hate and anger to be objective
Dave Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: I give up in empty despair. I have wasted my whole life. True
Dave Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: To be honest I'm at the stage now when I don't think I can take much more of all this. I'm too full of hate and anger to be objective Mop your brow and try your best.
Prophonics 2029 Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Ian Levine said: I give up in empty despair. I have wasted my whole life. I can imagine you will not care for 90 0/0 of the records I think are great Northern soul nor do I collect DVD's, you cant please all the people all the time.
Guest Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 (edited) The Cooler King said: By the way Ian, please see the thread "Breaking News" I hope you can forget your differences and wish Sam well Oh puh-leeeeeeeeeze. He had his bleedin' finger straightened. Now maybe he won't be able to write such vicious nasty and vile things about me in Manifesto for the next couple of months. Maybe his finger will make it too painful for him to type the crap he normally types. You're taking the mickey, surely ????? Next thing you'll be asking me to commiserate with James Trouble for his ingrowing toenail. This is getting more and more like a Fawlty Towers sketch. WISH SAM WELL - for a bloody voluntary finger operation - gimme a break. Edited October 29, 2008 by Ian Levine
Guest Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I wish we had all seen the original black and white shows from the 60s - our 60s Soul heros singing the great oldies. There are a few classic black n white clips that are fantastic, but most live footatge has been lost with time ! Perhaps we were never meant to see our heros singing in person ? Perhaps we were just supposed to collect the old 45s ? And then still hang on to the Mystique that an unknown 40 year old 45s can give us ? Mossy
Prophonics 2029 Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 (edited) Ian Levine said: But that's the really horrible electronic sounding version. I can't bear to listen to it, not after how good it ended up when we remade it in 1998, and it was so superior to the first version. This one was SO SO SO much better. Just compare them... Give me a Prophet 10 a Jupiter and a System 100 any day. I like the simplicity of the original but the space and quality of the later recording is far superior but the horns sound date now, but Chuck looks great. Edited October 29, 2008 by Prophonics 2029
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