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Ian Levine, Motorcity, Centre City, Blackpool Mecca, And Swons


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On suSU - not Su Su.

If you didn't like the remixes I respect your view, but I think the K-Klass remix is very Souful and I am proud of it. The original song is faithfully followed and the new strings and keyboards nicely complement the original but update it. The Soulful House crowd rejected it because it was not tough enough.

The Axwell remix of "High Energy" is not Soulful but is a real winner which again I am very happy to be associated with - if Concept had spent some money on marketing it would have been a huge hit.


Hello Neil.

Please accept my deepest condolences. I didn't phone as I thought you'd want to be left alone for a few days.

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wash & wear love is one of the greatest EVER to have been played on this scene, full stop.

redeeming points? if we didn't get past the intro I'd be more than happy, after that it's mess

your pants with joy time, all the way. I never felt like this about kenny smith or the anderson


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What?????? I never knew that - one of the very BEST crossover records ever made. He also recorded as Melvin Britt on Montage in 1980 "Magic" being a minor spin.
Hello Steve,

Mel Britt sang lead on 'Girl In The Window' / 'Life Walked Out' by The Mist. 'Girl In The Window' got airplay in Chicago in 1971. The Mist were basically a continuation of The Visitors who also featured Mel for a couple of years but he didn't sing on any of their 45s.

He also sang as Otis Day & The Nights in the movie Animal House.

I wrote those things a few years ago in the liner notes to a Grapevine album called Chicago Soul Survey.

I know Mel because his songs are in the Millbrand catalogue. He was lined up to be a surprise guest at Prestatyn a couple of years ago but he couldn't get a passport in time.

He looked great in SWONS.

Best regards,

Paul Mooney



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Mel Britt sang lead on 'Girl In The Window' / 'Life Walked Out' by The Mist. 'Girl In The Window' got airplay in Chicago in 1971. The Mist were basically a continuation of The Visitors who also featured Mel for a couple of years but he didn't sing on any of their 45s.

He looked great in SWONS.

Yes. I think he's one of the great highlights, heightened by the fact he has never appeared in England.

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i think the old pics are great, i remember when my hair used to be that long, i should have kept it, i might have got it braided back in

Looking at Andy's pics, I actually find it hard to believe I ever allowed myself to have long hair.

I guess it was Colin Curtis's influence.

Think how much more fun I might have had in the 70s, like I did in the 80s, if only I'd kept my hair short like it was in the 60s.

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Goin a bit thin on top meself, so asked the doc if he could give me anythin to keep me hair in, tw*t gave me a shoebox :thumbup:


the oldies are the best,( or is that too controversial to say on here :lol: )

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Great thread btw, apart from the annoying posts from those that don't like it, i say annoying coz i reckon lifes too short to be doing stuff i don't like, unless i have to, got plenty i can be getting on with,

Pete Eccles

Great post, and thankfully most people agree with you.

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Guest Jimmy Scriv

Ian the large record store in Blackpool was called Northern Records allthough it sold all types of music. I remember getting the Millionaires Never for Me and Charles Wright Keep Saying from there. Spooky seeing photos of Wendy Lofthouse as its her brother Petes 50th birthday today. He still goes to Northern Nights but not seen Wendy for years. Regarding the Gallopers in Cleveleys I saw Major Lance live there it was a strange night as the backing band hadn't got a clue. Jim Hodgkinson of Scabby Donkey fame was the DJ there.

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It's obvious that you were instrumental in discovering many brilliant 1960s 45s that were spun on the Soul Scene the 1970s and many went on to be Soul Classics!

But it is also obvious that you dropped the 60s / Northern Soul Scene and moved on to other areas of music and lifestyle!

And the Scene moved on without you! I empathise because I did the same thing in the 90s when House music came through!

"Disillusioned" with old fashioned stuff (Drugs really), I sold my (expensive and worthwhile) collection of 45s to Mick Smith and spent the next 5 years "loved up" dancing to Funky House!

About 5 years later the middle of a major life mess up, I put on an old LP by The Artistics and I remembered what a truly beautiful thing Soul music really was!

So I was back collecting, discovering, spending, and loving 60s Soul music again!

My mates who had stuck with the Soul Scene had amazing collections by now, and all I could do was listen and appreciate what I had missed out on!

I now attended Soul events when I can and have been made to feel so welcome! Like a returning lost member of a family!

It really is (IMO) the most FANTASTIC Scene with the nicest people and of course the best music ever made!

But you must pay your 10 quid - walk through the door - have a beer or two and really appreciate what this lot have been doing for the last 30 years!

This is the "Soul Scene" (IMHO)

You can only feel part of it if you become part of it !

Real respect!

Mossy x

Edited by mossy
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Ian the large record store in Blackpool was called Northern Records allthough it sold all types of music. I remember getting the Millionaires Never for Me and Charles Wright Keep Saying from there.

Yes they did have some copies of Charles Wright.

They must have had a hundred copies of The Millionaires. If only I'd been a bit more enterprising back then. I remember finding a UK Capitol copy of Frank Polk "Trying To Keep Up With The Joneses" in there too.

What else did you find in there ??

Was it REALLY called "Northern Records" ??? What's there now ???

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About 5 years later the middle of a major life mess up, I put on an old LP by The Artistics and I remembered what a truly beautiful thing Soul music really was!


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You should try it again !

I did. I started DJing again from 1998 to 2003.

And we filled The Rocket. 1500 on the opening night.

Then we got boycotted, and I walked away in disgust.

I love the music but I HATE the scene.

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You should try it again !

Yeah ????????

Ya think ??????????????

I reprint this in reply to you.....

It was May 2007 at Northampton. The Elgins and The Four Vandals were on live.

I came along with my good friend to film them.

During rehearsals, there was one woman there who clearly was no fan of mine - "What are YOU doing here ???" "Haven't you done enough harm to our scene", "Why don't you go back to your Disco records and leave us true Northern Soulies alone", etc etc. You know the type, loud and rude and basically stupid.

Anyway, her brain obviously sussed that we were filming, so she kept dancing in front of the cameras to block them, pretending she didn't notice we were filming.

I politely asked her to move - to hear... "We paid to get in here, we support the Northern Soul Scene, so phuck off" was basically the answer I got.

"Oh well" thought I, "don't worry, it's more important to film the show than the rehearsal."

Later than night I was filming the Elgins, SPECIFICALLY to get the one song I wanted to film, my own song "Don't wait Around", which I wrote with Clay McMurray and Karen Pree, which I always wanted on video and never had, and which Chalky had specifically got them to perform, so that we could film it.

And as soon as it started, as soon as the one song that I most needed to film had started, this stupid stupid cow starts dancing right by the camera and purposely bumping my arm with every beat of the song to nudge it and ruin the filming.

"Phuck off" I hissed through clenched teeth.

Knock, nudge, knock, nudge, middle aged old bag with flailing arms trying her best to provoke.

I just saw red. 'PHUKKKKKKKK OFF" I yelled, elbowing her as hard as I could, after eight years of boxing training.

She went flying across the room into a crowd of people and I carried on filming my beloved song.

Later on her irate husband came over to me, angry as hell, having fallen for her bull that she wasn't doing anything wrong and was just minding her own business. Luckily Paddy Grady had a cameraman of his own who was near to me, who saw the whole incident, and backed me up that she was looking for trouble on purpose, just to ruin my filming.

I was actually ready to hit her husband in the end, and I am a non-violent person and have never ever hit anyone ever without being provoked.

I just wanted to share this with you, to show how sometimes Northern Soulies can be much ruder than anyone gives them credit for, and more outspoken than football fanatics.

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I did. I started DJing again from 1998 to 2003.

And we filled The Rocket. 1500 on the opening night.

Then we got boycotted, and I walked away in disgust.

I love the music but I HATE the scene.

Why do you think the Rocket did not work out ? This happened when I was dancing to Defected records output in Bora Bora so I really dont have a voice !

What went wrong ?

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Yeah ????????

Ya think ??????????????

I reprint this in reply to you.....

It was May 2007 at Northampton. The Elgins and The Four Vandals were on live.

I came along with my good friend to film them.

During rehearsals, there was one woman there who clearly was no fan of mine - "What are YOU doing here ???" "Haven't you done enough harm to our scene", "Why don't you go back to your Disco records and leave us true Northern Soulies alone", etc etc. You know the type, loud and rude and basically stupid.

Anyway, her brain obviously sussed that we were filming, so she kept dancing in front of the cameras to block them, pretending she didn't notice we were filming.

I politely asked her to move - to hear... "We paid to get in here, we support the Northern Soul Scene, so phuck off" was basically the answer I got.

"Oh well" thought I, "don't worry, it's more important to film the show than the rehearsal."

Later than night I was filming the Elgins, SPECIFICALLY to get the one song I wanted to film, my own song "Don't wait Around", which I wrote with Clay McMurray and Karen Pree, which I always wanted on video and never had, and which Chalky had specifically got them to perform, so that we could film it.

And as soon as it started, as soon as the one song that I most needed to film had started, this stupid stupid cow starts dancing right by the camera and purposely bumping my arm with every beat of the song to nudge it and ruin the filming.

"Phuck off" I hissed through clenched teeth.

Knock, nudge, knock, nudge, middle aged old bag with flailing arms trying her best to provoke.

I just saw red. 'PHUKKKKKKKK OFF" I yelled, elbowing her as hard as I could, after eight years of boxing training.

She went flying across the room into a crowd of people and I carried on filming my beloved song.

Later on her irate husband came over to me, angry as hell, having fallen for her bull that she wasn't doing anything wrong and was just minding her own business. Luckily Paddy Grady had a cameraman of his own who was near to me, who saw the whole incident, and backed me up that she was looking for trouble on purpose, just to ruin my filming.

I was actually ready to hit her husband in the end, and I am a non-violent person and have never ever hit anyone ever without being provoked.

I just wanted to share this with you, to show how sometimes Northern Soulies can be much ruder than anyone gives them credit for, and more outspoken than football fanatics.

Ive had worst nights than that. But it has never put me off living my life and enjoying what I love!

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Why do you think the Rocket did not work out ? This happened when I was dancing to Defected records output in Bora Bora so I really dont have a voice !

What went wrong ?

A committee was formed specifically to stick it to us, to put on a gig nearby in direct competition, and every major DJ they could coerce into doing it turned up, plus word of mouth went out that anyone from the London "in crowd" who went to ours would be snubbed by their friends.

I could name several members of this forum who were on the committee, but five years later, what the hell would be the point. They won, They held on to their little London monopoly, and they kept their scene private and small after all. Their added bonus was that it caused me to quit DJing again, and I imagine it's taken the last five years for their jubilation at that fact to have finally died down. It caused me to quit all the other big stuff I was doing, like Togetherness in Fleetwood, The King George's Hall in Stoke, The Ritz, etc etc.

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Ive had worst nights than that. But it has never put me off living my life and enjoying what I love!

I do live my life, and I really really really REALLY enjoy what I do, even when people slag me off for doing it, and say it's not Northern Soul, and scream from the rooftops that no-one wants it, and why am I making it ???

Yet I STILL enjoy what I do, Mossy.

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A committee was formed specifically to stick it to us, to put on a gig nearby in direct competition, and every major DJ they could coerce into doing it turned up, plus word of mouth went out that anyone from the London "in crowd" who went to ours would be snubbed by their friends.

I could name several members of this forum who were on the committee, but five years later, what the hell would be the point. They won, They held on to their little London monopoly, and they kept their scene private and small after all. Their added bonus was that it caused me to quit DJing again, and I imagine it's taken the last five years for their jubilation at that fact to have finally died down. It caused me to quit all the other big stuff I was doing, like Togetherness in Fleetwood, The King George's Hall in Stoke, The Ritz, etc etc.

Why do you think the London scene reacted to the Rocket like that?

I used to live in london in the 80s and found all the lads at the 100 club really nice !

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I do live my life, and I really really really REALLY enjoy what I do, even when people slag me off for doing it, and say it's not Northern Soul, and scream from the rooftops that no-one wants it, and why am I making it ???

Yet I STILL enjoy what I do, Mossy.

Good stuff Sir !

I got into 60s Soul via my own intrest in the MOD thing when I was a teenager ....... so i dont have much to do with "Soul Scene politics"

So good luck to you !

I dont know much about your music because I am a 1960s yoof but I love what I love and I hope you do well with your thing !


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Good stuff Sir !

I got into 60s Soul via my own intrest in the MOD thing when I was a teenager ....... so i dont have much to do with "Soul Scene politics"

So good luck to you !

I dont know much about your music because I am a 1960s yoof but I love what I love and I hope you do well with your thing !


great post, i wish others on here would show the same sentiment


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Hello Steve,

Mel Britt sang lead on 'Girl In The Window' / 'Life Walked Out' by The Mist. 'Girl In The Window' got airplay in Chicago in 1971. The Mist were basically a continuation of The Visitors who also featured Mel for a couple of years but he didn't sing on any of their 45s.

Hi Paul. As I said in my previous post, I'm pretty sure that Mel Britt sings on the Dispo 45 so your information about him not singing on any of their 45s is not correct. Not only does Ray Forman say this in the interview I did with him about his group the Visitors (which you can listen to on my webpage), but you can hear Mel as the baritone that comes in at the end of the song. I never specifically asked Mel about this the two times I talked to him because I had no reason to question what I had heard already, but it seems like it is true. Did you specifically ask him if he is not the Baritone that comes in at the end of Little Golden Band? Hopefully I will get a radio interview set up and will clarify this. Thanks.

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Hi Paul. As I said in my previous post, I'm pretty sure that Mel Britt sings on the Dispo 45 so your information about him not singing on any of their 45s is not correct. Not only does Ray Forman say this in the interview I did with him about his group the Visitors (which you can listen to on my webpage), but you can hear Mel as the baritone that comes in at the end of the song. I never specifically asked Mel about this the two times I talked to him because I had no reason to question what I had heard already, but it seems like it is true. Did you specifically ask him if he is not the Baritone that comes in at the end of Little Golden Band? Hopefully I will get a radio interview set up and will clarify this. Thanks.

Hello Bob

Sorry I hadn't read your previous post.

I didn't specifically ask Mel but he said he joined The Visitors after they'd cut their Dakar 45s and wasn't on any sessions. He probably forgot about the Dispo 45.

Actually it was his brother who first told me Mel was on The Mist tracks. He could remember hearing "Girl In The Window" on the radio.

Looking forward to catching up with your recent shows.

Best regards,


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Hello Bob

Sorry I hadn't read your previous post.

I didn't specifically ask Mel but he said he joined The Visitors after they'd cut their Dakar 45s and wasn't on any sessions. He probably forgot about the Dispo 45.

Actually it was his brother who first told me Mel was on The Mist tracks. He could remember hearing "Girl In The Window" on the radio.

Looking forward to catching up with your recent shows.

Best regards,


Another Chicago collector actually also told me that girl in the window was played on the radio, he remembered hearing it. It's funny because Ray Forman said he didn't know the record was even released and didn't remember the name "the mist" or what it came from.

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Er, I think you really meant to say 'over' Ian's dead body, Malc?

I had originally put " over " Ian's dead body , but was trying to be clever , and changed it to " with " ........

I knew someone would pick me up regarding it :thumbup: ........

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
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I do live my life, and I really really really REALLY enjoy what I do, even when people slag me off for doing it, and say it's not Northern Soul, and scream from the rooftops that no-one wants it, and why am I making it ???

Yet I STILL enjoy what I do, Mossy.

If anyone talks to you Ian , they will immediately be aware of your passion for the music .......

Your belief and enthusiasm is an example to us all ......

Malc Burton

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I want to go back there again.

I want to look like that again.

New diet starts now.

I'm quite sad after seeing this, Andy, seriously sad.

I have no intention of making you sad?

Think of it as a sweet part of your life mate! :thumbup:


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Brilliant thread! I have been away for a while and it's taken me an age to catch up.

Ian welcome to the lions den mate, no one can ever accuse you of not being brave!! I mean your presence on here must be like a red rag to a bull for a lot of people.

I think some times people can forget that there is another human being taking the flack when we all start to criticise and when the band wagon starts to roll there are plenty of passengers.

I criticised SWONS to have Pete Smith put it into crystal clear perspective for me and that was when he said how important it was and is to have documented so many of our loved artists and tracks.

In this time of internet access, CD's n soul nights every one is now an expert with an opinion. I have never realy listened to any one else's critique on music because it is a very personal thing and when a piece hits the right spot to an individual it can become a magical moment that turns into a time machine of memories, yes this doesn't happen all the time but when it does wow!

Frances Nero - Footsteps Following Me........... fookin wow!

My only yard stick is the dance floor, you can talk as much as you want about a tune but it's the dancer who decides.

You don't have to like every thing Ian Levine does, that would make you a sheep, but to hate every thing Ian Levine does..... well, that makes you a knob .

Lets have a little bit of the love that our music is about, its only a night out and its only a fookin record so lets all stop sniping.

Keep up the good work fella.

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He looked even better than this when his hair was shorter, (and he was in gym kit), about four years before this pic, his wedding pic, was taken.

Sophie_John108web.jpgat And obliging that I am, Here he is again!!!!This time at his Daughters wedding in 2004. Along with Sue and Joanne, Not forgetting Sophie and John, The Bride and groom.

Andy. :thumbup:

Edited by Andy Simpson
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There was a big shop right on the seafront in Blackpool, at the base of Victoria Street or near it. In 1971 they suddenly acquired hundreds of thousand of cut-out records for 20p each. Loads on both UK labels and on US.

I got both Bobby Hebb and Frankie And The Classicals on English Phillips in there. And on US labels, Thumb A Ride, The Millionaires "Never For Me", Lenny Welch on Mercury, just loads of stuff you'd never expect to have found in Blackpool.

It was called "Moochers" - they also had ton & tons of reggae singles (things like Harris Wheel on Crab etc) - there was one in St Annes also - remember pulling out lots of copies of Vibrations - "Surprise Party For Baby"

Incidentally back then Starpic had Motown "cut out" albums for 49p - Marvelettes - Barbara McNair - Tammi Terrell etc.

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Another Chicago collector actually also told me that girl in the window was played on the radio, he remembered hearing it. It's funny because Ray Forman said he didn't know the record was even released and didn't remember the name "the mist" or what it came from.

It's actually ethe other side "Life walked out" that is soooooooo much better.

Just goes to show even with radio play it's still bloody rare.

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I agree Ian he looked so much better with short hair! I had my arm around him because he had his tight rugger shorts on in this photo! Taken 2004 At The National Northern Soul do, Perth, Australia.


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A committee was formed specifically to stick it to us, to put on a gig nearby in direct competition, and every major DJ they could coerce into doing it turned up, plus word of mouth went out that anyone from the London "in crowd" who went to ours would be snubbed by their friends.

I could name several members of this forum who were on the committee, but five years later, what the hell would be the point. They won, They held on to their little London monopoly, and they kept their scene private and small after all. Their added bonus was that it caused me to quit DJing again, and I imagine it's taken the last five years for their jubilation at that fact to have finally died down. It caused me to quit all the other big stuff I was doing, like Togetherness in Fleetwood, The King George's Hall in Stoke, The Ritz, etc etc.

Utter, laughable bollocks. I have never been on a committee in my life and there was never one of any description over this. I knew I'd have to wade through all this self-congratulatory stuff (though I have enjoyed some bits and learned a bit more about "This Thing Of Ours") until you came to this bee in your bonnet.

Edited by ady croasdell
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A committee was formed specifically to stick it to us, to put on a gig nearby in direct competition, and every major DJ they could coerce into doing it turned up, plus word of mouth went out that anyone from the London "in crowd" who went to ours would be snubbed by their friends.

I could name several members of this forum who were on the committee, but five years later, what the hell would be the point. They won, They held on to their little London monopoly, and they kept their scene private and small after all. Their added bonus was that it caused me to quit DJing again, and I imagine it's taken the last five years for their jubilation at that fact to have finally died down. It caused me to quit all the other big stuff I was doing, like Togetherness in Fleetwood, The King George's Hall in Stoke, The Ritz, etc etc.

Oh come off it Ian. I know there was a rival night on one of the nights you ran there, but there were several Rocket's and the attendance dropped at each subsequent one after the first night.

This is nothing to be embarrassed about, as most new venues seem to garner interest for the first night, then people don't come back and the numbers drop off over time. The first one was very widely publicised on TV and in the mainstream press, and it would be impossible to sustain that on a regular basis at the point in time. That's just the way it was.

I think all this conspiracy stuff is fascinating, but overblown and not an accurate reflection of what went on. There were other reasons why the Rocket didn't succeed, such as the DJ roster, the location of the venue etc. Too easy to lay blame at the door of what you consider to be the murky shadows of London's northern soul underworld - they're not that influencial on where the punters spend their money.

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I have never realy listened to any one else's critique on music because it is a very personal thing and when a piece hits the right spot to an individual it can become a magical moment that turns into a time machine of memories, yes this doesn't happen all the time but when it does wow!


Every now and again you read / see / hear something that makes you go :lol:

I just had one of them :yes: moments reading that statement

:thumbup: Imber

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Guest James Trouble

I do live my life, and I really really really REALLY enjoy what I do, even when people slag me off for doing it, and say it's not Northern Soul, and scream from the rooftops that no-one wants it, and why am I making it ???

Yet I STILL enjoy what I do, Mossy.

I think this highlights one of the reasons why most folk have a problem with what you are doing.

Just because something is "Northern Soul" it doesn't mean it is good, and just because something is not "Northern Soul" it doesn't mean it's bad. Your new productions are NOT "Northern Soul" because they are not played on the the "Northern Soul Scene", so to call them "Northern Soul 2008" is just going to get people's backs up. I'm afraid they have as much to do with the "scene" as that Linda Lucardi "Eye Contact" thing that you made which I posted up.

People ask, "Why do you call it Northern Soul when it clearly is not?". And you start spitting at them.

The fact that these reworkings of old hits are just plain bad is not really the point. Although it does add fuel to the fire.

Now, if you were making tracks as good as Kings Go Forth or Sharon Jones, I and many others would be defending you from hell and high water. And that's the truth. But I'm afraid you're not. You're an intersting museum piece, but you've lost touch, you're out of place, and untill you make new music that is relevent you're nothing more than a fascinating piece of history.

I would even go as far as to say that what you are doing is making it so much harder to get new good music accepted on playlists because of the suspicion and feeling of uneasiness that you have created about new recordings.

You are making music that you want to be "northern soul" but is not, which is ironic and it 's winding folk up because you slag off the current scene, knock it's members, knock it's DJs, knock the records, knock the clubs, knock the forums, but then you want it to accept what you are doing. It's almost like you are saying 'you lot are shite, I know better and you should accept this' or "I hate you but you should love me". I think people find that hard to swallow. Especially as what you are doing is not really very good, musically. Make good music, and it will get played. Make "northern soul by numbers" and I don't think it will, it will be laughed at.

Not that it should matter if a track gets played on the northern scene, it shouldn't. Do you think Sharon Jones and Daptone think about that? :thumbup: Nah, the are too busy taking over the world, spreading good music to the masses... Which is what you should be doing. Leave the northern soul thing alone, get back in touch with what's going on in the streets, learn the methods of creating the sound that sounds right today and not right for an 80s boy band, and use your experience to create exciting new tunes, not 'northern soul by numbers'. With your contacts and connections to all these great singers you could be doing something to rival what Daptone are doing, which would be great, and I for one would support it. But you're not, so I won't.

I guess this means you'll be ignoring me again, and I'll have more threats through the post :lol:

Edited by James Trouble
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I have no intention of making you sad?

Think of it as a sweet part of your life mate!


It was. It was one of the best photos I have ever seen of myself, and both Janet and Sheila looked great, and the other guy brought back personal memories.

I had just never seen it before.

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