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Ian Levine, Motorcity, Centre City, Blackpool Mecca, And Swons

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I'm pleased you know more about my own life than I do. I could have sworn I worked there 1973-74 when I went on my US trip and lost my job when i came back. Now you've corrected me on my life, I must be 54 instead of 56, and it must be the 6TS 27th anniversary this year. At least I'll be able to have another Kent's 25th celebration next year now!

I can vividly remember it, because it was a very hot summer, and you were in rugby shorts, and you'd had in all my twentieth century releases (The Exciters, Evelyn Thomas, and Carol Woods) and you'd put them all away for me till I came in, in a brown paper bag, which was very kind of you, and I was very grateful. As these records weren't released till 1975 and 1976, there's no way that the year could have been anything earlier, unless I was time travelling.


Last night I found an old copy of "Collectors Soul" fanzine, run by Tony Berry from down this way around 1969/70, and in a column on obscure Motown by Ian the first single reviewed is the Dalton Boys...wish I'd taken notice then and not waited until it went big...

That was the first stuff I ever wrote as a journalist in my whole life.


Ian, who found J M "Ain,t nothing you can do" first.

For some reason my memory says Neil Rushton. But I'm not sure. It had nothing to do with me, that's all I can be sure of.


As Andy or someone else said, its random and for you to sneer at my listening to it when I've never even heard it, then I like to point that out. I will now listen to it and give you my view, but please don't think that every record I listen to is the epitome of my Northern Soul taste.

I wasn't criticisng you, I was criticising such a God-Awful record.

Guest Andy BB

"You are ignoring this user".

Oh don't be like that Timmy.

I'm a massive fan of yours. I would have stopped buying Viz years ago if it wasn't for your hilarious antics.


I can vividly remember it, because it was a very hot summer, and you were in rugby shorts, and you'd had in all my twentieth century releases (The Exciters, Evelyn Thomas, and Carol Woods) and you'd put them all away for me till I came in, in a brown paper bag, which was very kind of you, and I was very grateful. As these records weren't released till 1975 and 1976, there's no way that the year could have been anything earlier, unless I was time travelling.

Let me throw in here the fact that I definitely started working on Cheapo's stall in early March 1976, while Ady was off on the aforementioned US record hunt. I continued working there after he came back because Graham Stapleton had told me that he'd heard from Ady (presumably while on this trip) that he didn't want to work there when he came back. (Not true, as I discovered from Ady in due course, although he was characteristcally magnanimous about me nicking his job...)

I worked there until May 1978 when I took a two week holiday and found that, in true 'All About Eve' fashion, I had been 'replaced' by Laurence the 'Saturday Boy'.

So although Ady was still a barrow boy in '76, it was only for a few weeks.

To answer your James Wells reply, Ian - no, I didn't. If memory serves, you turned up at around 5PM with James and I had already made plans to go and see Siouxsie and the Banshees that night.

Otherwise I probably would have been happy to do so. I was and still am very broadminded :rolleyes:


When I was at school there was this swotty effeminate kid who used to get picked on all the time.

His dad was minted and I remember him going out one weekend and buying every single colour Pringle jumper available at the time in a bid to ingratiate himself with the lads who had picked on him. He even gave a few away to his new-found friends.

He was the indisputable Pringle King, he even started to get a bit cocky.

Of course, time marched on, Pringles went out and as he couldn't really go to the match he was always too late in picking up on how the fashions had changed. He was no longer the Pringle King, just the chubby kid who lived in a newsagents. I felt a bit sorry for him sometimes but then remembered how cocky he'd been.

I saw him recently walking around town in his Yellow Diamond jumper, were nearly forty now so we're all grown up and stuff, I stopped him and asked how he was doing. Turns out he'd bought a small factory and some old jumper designs and was producing the "Bringle Dyamond" in an effort to introduce a new generation to the wonders of wooly golfwear. I told him it wouldn't work, that the Dyamond Bringle was a poor imitation of the original but he wouldn't have it. He refused to move on. So I moved on.

I don't know what reminded me of that.

Do you mind, I wear Bringle Dyamond now that everyone else wears Stone Island


Actually I really like it and it could have quite easily been played at our early 6TS nights, i wonder if Tony concurs?

I do, and I've just added it to my 'tunes to keep an eye out for' list - it sounds a lot like the very early Motown 45s (i.e. pre-'Motown Sound') and I would certainly not have minded playing it at West Hampstead (or anywhere else back then!).

And, actually, I probably wouldn't have played it if you and Ian hadn't been debating it so thanks very much to you both :rolleyes:


Any one bored yet?

You never see John Manship in All About The Soul. Butch when he's on usually looks at Wants. Keb's recent posts were only a few he'd made since he'd joined.

I wonder what contribution Mr Levine would and could have to the excellent 'Look At Your Box' section on this site? Will all of his posts and his only interests be in this thread?

Think it would be good if he stuck around and checked out some of the other interesting and worthwhile forums on this here fine site.

I was and still am a bit miffed about all the 'me me me-ness' of this thread. However in fairness better to have had a northern soul scene with Ian Levine as a part of it, than not at all.

Lastly despite all the YouTube stuff I still think the Vandals is a great tune and proves the man can make northern soul! :rolleyes:

All part of the rich tapestry that is the northern soul scene and in the final analysis, all good clean fun! :lol:


Any one bored yet?

...If I may paraphrase the Human Beinz/Isley Brothers...

"No no no, no no na-nooo-no-no, no no-no, no-no-na-na-na-no no no, NO!"




You are only 56 ffs did they make you push the barrow up and down a big hill for two years ? And if you turn up any copies of that Dore single can i have one please ?


...If I may paraphrase the Human Beinz/

"No no no, no no na-nooo-no-no, no no-no, no-no-na-na-na-no no no, NO!"


My mate had a Brazilian copy of that 33rpm!

That's really interesting Martin :rolleyes:


My mate had a Brazilian copy of that 33rpm!

did it go "nnnnnnnooooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo, noooooo-nooooooo-naaa-nooo-nooo noo-noo" (etc.) when he played it then? :rolleyes:


did it go "nnnnnnnooooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo, noooooo-nooooooo-naaa-nooo-nooo noo-noo" (etc.) when he played it then? :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)

I only know two of these and they were rubbish.

Smiffy - someone whose opinion I trust - what are the other eight like ???

You wouldn't know them would you.. :yes: You haven't been out for years and you haven't been a part of this scene since you declared it was dead in the early 80's and moved on to create ALL that pop sh--te......poor old has been :yes: Its definitely your 'weakspot'.

You see this thread is neccessary because unless YOU and your cronies (one of whom felt it neccessary to send James a threat on facebook! Dickhead!) remind us of your so called contribution, we ALL forget and thats because we dont give a f--k. Its irrelevent. While you were declaring the scene dead and popping out crap records, the rest of us were continuing and developing the scene WE HAVE ALWAYS LOVED. You 'pop' up every now and again on here when you smell an easy dollar and expect me to show you respect. Well, you dont deserve it mate. As, I said your an opportunist and NOTHING to do with 'soul'. You may be something to do with vinyl, im not arguing that. BUT, although wide in girth, your shallow in 'soul' and that is a FACT. You even have to ask someone elses opinion (smithy) of whether a record is good because you dont know it. Lets hope he gets out enough or your truly f--ked for opinions! :lol:no.gif How about getting out to hear whats going on yourself.Sad! Tell the threatening fool to feel free to use my facebook.... :rolleyes:

Edited by paul-s
Guest Andy BB

Any one bored yet?

No way. My spare copy of Family Man is increasing exponentially in value by the minute.


You even have to ask someone elses opinion (smithy) of whether a record is good because you dont know it. Lets hope he gets out enough or your truly f--ked for opinions!

To be fair I did say I didn't know them, I can't give an opinion on something I haven't heard (unless it's modern :rolleyes: )

p.s. it's Smiffy

Guest Andy BB

I can vividly remember it, because it was a very hot summer, and you were in rugby shorts,



'When I was at school there was this swotty effeminate kid who used to get picked on all the time.

His dad was minted and I remember him going out one weekend and buying every single colour Pringle jumper available at the time in a bid to ingratiate himself with the lads who had picked on him. He even gave a few away to his new-found friends.

He was the indisputable Pringle King, he even started to get a bit cocky.

Of course, time marched on, Pringles went out and as he couldn't really go to the match he was always too late in picking up on how the fashions had changed. He was no longer the Pringle King, just the chubby kid who lived in a newsagents. I felt a bit sorry for him sometimes but then remembered how cocky he'd been.

I saw him recently walking around town in his Yellow Diamond jumper, were nearly forty now so we're all grown up and stuff, I stopped him and asked how he was doing. Turns out he'd bought a small factory and some old jumper designs and was producing the "Bringle Dyamond" in an effort to introduce a new generation to the wonders of wooly golfwear. I told him it wouldn't work, that the Dyamond Bringle was a poor imitation of the original but he wouldn't have it. He refused to move on. So I moved on.

I don't know what reminded me of that.'


Guest in town Mikey


You are only 56 ffs did they make you push the barrow up and down a big hill for two years ? And if you turn up any copies of that Dore single can i have one please ?

If anyone else says they like this record, Ian can add another one to his list of stories about how he broke the biggest sound in the Northern Soul brand in 2008.


And it strikes me that certain members of this list have subverted and twisted the meaning to describe what they want to mean, even to the exclusion of Motownesque uptempo records whose very existence SCREAMS the words Northern Soul.

Yes to an extent Ian I would say you yourself have done just this with your productions and also your CD titles "NS 2007" etc. "Authentic Motownesque uptempo records" are part of northern soul, but they are not all of it - not by any stretch. Had you been part of the scene continuously for the last 40 years you would realise that. From what I can see your definition of NS is based purely around this sub genre of Motownesque stuff and that is reflected in your productions which attempt to re-create that very type of commercial sound, but using modern tecniques which don't quite work for me. That's my view and I know you won't agree with it.


"Demo" as in CD Burner Copy !!!! DO try to keep up Ian!!!

Hi Ian 8-)....

...and "Epic" and all "Mecca Mafia" and "SoulfulDance@" people........

....by honest co-incidence i joined soulsource just as ians "war and peace"

like supa-thread has reached a crescendo!

.......god they like a rant on here dont they? tee hee...

.....and people like me, that like most soul or soulful dance styles from the early 60,s to today havent really got anything to moan about! l.o.l.... :lol:

....twas funny to read that Ian felt myself and other Blackpool based Mecca regulars held too much musical sway by the late 70,s........u taught us Ian......u and Colin of course!

......god, re-The Mecca,there are too many fabalous tales and memories to mention.... and i have gone down in print before about the Mecca effect on the soul/jazz-funk-disco-rare-groove-house scenes in the North.-and of course,-Wigan Casino was equally as important at the time-just very very different by the late 70,s.,from the Mecca-Ritz type scene...

i love the soulful dance scene of 2008 and venues like the Southport/Hilton weekenders etc....but i also love the x-over/rare/modern soul interface and have an undying love of anything Mecca/Wigan/Wheel etc...i can still remember being a spotty 17 year old at the Mecca in 73......

anyway Ian, i disagree with MANY things u say about today.... BUT i totally support your right to reply mate, on here,-and if it wasnt for u, Colin,Neil Rushton,Les Cockell (R>I>P> x ) Richard Searling etc...i wouldnt be the awkward self-thinking individual i like to think i am.

......its all gravy.....

"mixed with love"

pete. :rolleyes:


Ian, sorry if you´ve already answeared this but did James Wells `Baby I`m Still......` get a 12 inch release?

Also a non soul suorce mate would like to know if The Fabulous Jades `Come On And Live` was ever played covered up at the Mecca?

Cheers Paul


Ian, sorry if you´ve already answeared this but did James Wells `Baby I`m Still......` get a 12 inch release?

Also a non soul suorce mate would like to know if The Fabulous Jades `Come On And Live` was ever played covered up at the Mecca?

Cheers Paul

Hi Paul,

In Ian's temporary absence, let me partially answer the first bit of your two parter - BISTSM was ceratinly promo'ed as a 12 inch single - I'm looking at my copy now - but I have a feeling that the commercial release was restricted to '7 inch edit'...

...unless anyone remembers it differently? I'm pretty sure that only a few (if any) 12 singles had been commercially released in the UK at that time. I'm also pretty sure that the first one to achieve that "honour" was Boney M's "Daddy Cool"....


'When I was at school there was this swotty effeminate kid who used to get picked on all the time.

His dad was minted and I remember him going out one weekend and buying every single colour Pringle jumper available at the time in a bid to ingratiate himself with the lads who had picked on him. He even gave a few away to his new-found friends.

He was the indisputable Pringle King, he even started to get a bit cocky.

Of course, time marched on, Pringles went out and as he couldn't really go to the match he was always too late in picking up on how the fashions had changed. He was no longer the Pringle King, just the chubby kid who lived in a newsagents. I felt a bit sorry for him sometimes but then remembered how cocky he'd been.

I saw him recently walking around town in his Yellow Diamond jumper, were nearly forty now so we're all grown up and stuff, I stopped him and asked how he was doing. Turns out he'd bought a small factory and some old jumper designs and was producing the "Bringle Dyamond" in an effort to introduce a new generation to the wonders of wooly golfwear. I told him it wouldn't work, that the Dyamond Bringle was a poor imitation of the original but he wouldn't have it. He refused to move on. So I moved on.

I don't know what reminded me of that.'

ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON :lol::yes::rolleyes:


Hi Ian 8-)....

...and "Epic" and all "Mecca Mafia" and "SoulfulDance@" people........

....by honest co-incidence i joined soulsource just as ians "war and peace"

like supa-thread has reached a crescendo!

.......god they like a rant on here dont they? tee hee...

.....and people like me, that like most soul or soulful dance styles from the early 60,s to today havent really got anything to moan about! l.o.l.... :lol:

....twas funny to read that Ian felt myself and other Blackpool based Mecca regulars held too much musical sway by the late 70,s........u taught us Ian......u and Colin of course!

......god, re-The Mecca,there are too many fabalous tales and memories to mention.... and i have gone down in print before about the Mecca effect on the soul/jazz-funk-disco-rare-groove-house scenes in the North.-and of course,-Wigan Casino was equally as important at the time-just very very different by the late 70,s.,from the Mecca-Ritz type scene...

i love the soulful dance scene of 2008 and venues like the Southport/Hilton weekenders etc....but i also love the x-over/rare/modern soul interface and have an undying love of anything Mecca/Wigan/Wheel etc...i can still remember being a spotty 17 year old at the Mecca in 73......

anyway Ian, i disagree with MANY things u say about today.... BUT i totally support your right to reply mate, on here,-and if it wasnt for u, Colin,Neil Rushton,Les Cockell (R>I>P> x ) Richard Searling etc...i wouldnt be the awkward self-thinking individual i like to think i am.

......its all gravy.....

"mixed with love"

pete. :wub:

Welcome my tall & soulful friend.

Now we all know who is wholly responsible for "Copacabana" being played at The Highland Room - take a bow (& the plaudits) Mr Haigh. :lol:


Judy Moss.

Queen of the Wheel.

hi ian is this Judy who is tall and very attractive, she has been at the last couple of cleethorpes and she was at al jacksons 50th a couple of years ago she used to pal around with Rich hilel and that crowd.



Didn't discover either Joe Matthews first. I had Lenny Curtis in 1973, but didn't play it much. All the others were my little babies, especially Mel Britt.

Lenny Curtis came off Bradford market approx 1971 if memory serves.

Didnt get many plays in those day tho.



We want a few times we used to catch the bus down from town (half-fare) :wub:

I still see John Hillel about, but see alot more of his brother Richard.

still see john and occasionally richard, they are both still the happy souls they always have been :lol: john was at the Greatsone last month he comes down when he gets the chance (not doing reocrd fairs)



Lastly despite all the YouTube stuff I still think the Vandals is a great tune and proves the man can make northern soul!

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Here's the best Four Vandals video.



anyway Ian, i disagree with MANY things u say about today..

Yes I know you do, Pete, but you're still my friend on facebook, and I have many fond memories of you.

We just don't share the same music taste.


Ian, sorry if you´ve already answeared this but did James Wells `Baby I`m Still......` get a 12 inch release?

Also a non soul suorce mate would like to know if The Fabulous Jades `Come On And Live` was ever played covered up at the Mecca?

Cheers Paul

James Wells was twelve inch promo only. You couldn't actually buy one in the shops.

Fabulous Jades was never covered up, but was a big favourite of both me and Les Cokell. Another one that was big in 1973, the best year ever for what we played.


Hi Paul,

In Ian's temporary absence, let me partially answer the first bit of your two parter - BISTSM was ceratinly promo'ed as a 12 inch single - I'm looking at my copy now - but I have a feeling that the commercial release was restricted to '7 inch edit'...

Totally correct. I think Alan Black at Polydor only made 200. Only comercial release was the seven inch.

Posted (edited)

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Here's the best Four Vandals video.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Edited by stomper45
Posted (edited)

hi ian is this Judy who is tall and very attractive, she has been at the last couple of cleethorpes and she was at al jacksons 50th a couple of years ago she used to pal around with Rich hilel and that crowd.


Judy Moss went to the Wheel, Mecca, Torch, Wigan, and was at Kev Robert's big do in Derby last year that me and Gav went to.

I guess it's too late to plead for Gav to come back on here, after he keeps "reasoning" with people privately ??

How about Simon White ??

The most intransigent trolls on here are increasing in number, a bit like a virulent bacteria under a microscope. I could use some moral support.

Edited by Ian Levine

Actually it'd be interesting to see a list of stuff found in London that made it's way up North, Mick is always telling me that he discovered more or less every record played at the Torch! :wub:

I'm not sure the quantity discovered down south was that great but there were only a handful of people searching

circa 72-ish, that'd be Mick Smith & Clive Everet, Ken Rowlands & Nigel Martin, probably Ady although I don't

remember much more than a scruffy parka and clapped out scooter, Tony Rounce for sure albeit via Record

Corner I suspect, Dave Rivers & Dave Burton me a bit and perhaps about 3 or 4 others. Thing was at least one of us

could bring a new sound to the Torch every 14 days and invariably did.

What did happen was that if a record was being sought, Ski-ing in the snow comes to mind, bet was you could

find it quicker in London than anywhere else in the UK. I once stopped at a petrol station on the South Circular

saw a junk shop, went in and came out with a Darrell Banks on Atco, 4 Pros & Bobby Reed on Loma within about

10 minutes.

Chris L


I'm not sure the quantity discovered down south was that great but there were only a handful of people searching

circa 72-ish, that'd be Mick Smith & Clive Everet, Ken Rowlands & Nigel Martin

It was actually spelt Ken Rolland.

I always correct people who spell yours Lawler or Laylor


Scoey,s near the Winter Gardens, mid week used to go there as well.

Summer of 74.

So did I - Think Pete Haig went and Epic - Bernadette Hunter was the good looking girl at the time and her elder sister wasnt bad either!

Sure Steve MCWilliams went(Fylde coast) as well Remember games room - Dancing Room TV room with all the cushions on the floor!


Hi Ian 8-)....

...and "Epic" and all "Mecca Mafia" and "SoulfulDance@" people........

....by honest co-incidence i joined soulsource just as ians "war and peace"

like supa-thread has reached a crescendo!

.......god they like a rant on here dont they? tee hee...

.....and people like me, that like most soul or soulful dance styles from the early 60,s to today havent really got anything to moan about! l.o.l.... :lol:

....twas funny to read that Ian felt myself and other Blackpool based Mecca regulars held too much musical sway by the late 70,s........u taught us Ian......u and Colin of course!

......god, re-The Mecca,there are too many fabalous tales and memories to mention.... and i have gone down in print before about the Mecca effect on the soul/jazz-funk-disco-rare-groove-house scenes in the North.-and of course,-Wigan Casino was equally as important at the time-just very very different by the late 70,s.,from the Mecca-Ritz type scene...

i love the soulful dance scene of 2008 and venues like the Southport/Hilton weekenders etc....but i also love the x-over/rare/modern soul interface and have an undying love of anything Mecca/Wigan/Wheel etc...i can still remember being a spotty 17 year old at the Mecca in 73......

anyway Ian, i disagree with MANY things u say about today.... BUT i totally support your right to reply mate, on here,-and if it wasnt for u, Colin,Neil Rushton,Les Cockell (R>I>P> x ) Richard Searling etc...i wouldnt be the awkward self-thinking individual i like to think i am.

......its all gravy.....

"mixed with love"

pete. :wub:

Hi Pete, welcome to soul source.

Good to see you Sunday, even if Lou was worse for were.

Dave&Lou x


Hi Ian 8-)....

...and "Epic" and all "Mecca Mafia" and "SoulfulDance@" people........

....by honest co-incidence i joined soulsource just as ians "war and peace"

like supa-thread has reached a crescendo!

.......god they like a rant on here dont they? tee hee...

.....and people like me, that like most soul or soulful dance styles from the early 60,s to today havent really got anything to moan about! l.o.l.... :lol:

....twas funny to read that Ian felt myself and other Blackpool based Mecca regulars held too much musical sway by the late 70,s........u taught us Ian......u and Colin of course!

......god, re-The Mecca,there are too many fabalous tales and memories to mention.... and i have gone down in print before about the Mecca effect on the soul/jazz-funk-disco-rare-groove-house scenes in the North.-and of course,-Wigan Casino was equally as important at the time-just very very different by the late 70,s.,from the Mecca-Ritz type scene...

i love the soulful dance scene of 2008 and venues like the Southport/Hilton weekenders etc....but i also love the x-over/rare/modern soul interface and have an undying love of anything Mecca/Wigan/Wheel etc...i can still remember being a spotty 17 year old at the Mecca in 73......

anyway Ian, i disagree with MANY things u say about today.... BUT i totally support your right to reply mate, on here,-and if it wasnt for u, Colin,Neil Rushton,Les Cockell (R>I>P> x ) Richard Searling etc...i wouldnt be the awkward self-thinking individual i like to think i am.

......its all gravy.....

"mixed with love"

pete. :wub:

Hi Pete Great to see you here.

You still working in Psychiatry land?

As one man said Psychiatrists can heal the mind but they can do nothing for the soul! :lol:


Here's today's big treat, in memory of Les Cokell


Welcome my tall & soulful friend.

Now we all know who is wholly responsible for "Copacabana" being played at The Highland Room - take a bow (& the plaudits) Mr Haigh. :lol:

Hi Andy, i was at Malc Jackson,s on Tues. night, and he reminded me about Copacabana.

I had forget about that :wub:


To get a different perspective on this thread, is it not a bit like a Football fan going to a Sportsman's Dinner to hear the memoirs of a 'Nobby Styles' or a 'Denis Law'?

Nothing wrong in giving an old major player or 'early influencer' a bit of air time, to answer questions on the past, either as a bit of nostalgia for those who were old enough to be around at the time, or as an insight into the early days for those who weren't.

Sure, things have moved on and I dont imagine that Fergie will be giving Styles or a Law a run out this weekend... but I guess they'll still be making a couple of bob on the speakers circuit... and why not?

If Ian uses the word 'I' or 'me' to a great extent... it's because this is HIS thread. It's about HIM and his involvement with the scene.

If I go to listen to an old Footy player, I expect him talk about himself and his own experiences and recollections. That's what I'm there for!

I guess, 20+ years from now, the Beckham's and Rooney's may well be doing the same... and along with this some of the wannabes and wilbes may have their own Soul Source thread's where, if we're still around, we can read about their successes, trials, tribulations and memories.

Meanwhile, of course, if you don't want to hear about our earlier days, from one of the key players at the time, then simply don't go to the Dinner!


Posted (edited)

Best what, supply of ashtray material?

Pete, 00,s dancers are always gonna go above your head, the same way Reggae does to me.

Edited by davetay

To get a different perspective on this thread, is it not a bit like a Football fan going to a Sportsman's Dinner to hear the memoirs of a 'Nobby Styles' or a 'Denis Law'?

Nothing wrong in giving an old major player or 'early influencer' a bit of air time, to answer questions on the past, either as a bit of nostalgia for those who were old enough to be around at the time, or as an insight into the early days for those who weren't.

Sure, things have moved on and I dont imagine that Fergie will be giving Styles or a Law a run out this weekend... but I guess they'll still be making a couple of bob on the speakers circuit... and why not?

If Ian uses the word 'I' or 'me' to a great extent... it's because this is HIS thread. It's about HIM and his involvement with the scene.

If I go to listen to an old Footy player, I expect him talk about himself and his own experiences and recollections. That's what I'm there for!

I guess, 20+ years from now, the Beckham's and Rooney's may well be doing the same... and along with this some of the wannabes and wilbes may have their own Soul Source thread's where, if we're still around, we can read about their successes, trials, tribulations and memories.

Meanwhile, of course, if you don't want to hear about our earlier days, from one of the key players at the time, then simply don't go to the Dinner!


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