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Ian Levine, Motorcity, Centre City, Blackpool Mecca, And Swons


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Ian i think i'm right in saying it was 75ish that you went to New York to work with Herb & Brenda Rooney along with the Exciters and this was your first footing into writting and producing records, Did you have the songs before you went of where they just of the cuff and how did you first get on in the studio?

Steve J

It was February 1975. I had two cover songs on mind - Love You baby and You're Gonna Make Me Love You.

I had the entire musical riff of Reaching For The Best in my head, to sing to Herb Rooney. I had even learned to play the piano part prior ro arriving in New York.

Of the first four songs we did, only "Suffering" was not pre-planned but was created by Herb Rooney from scratch.

In 1974, I was so horrified by Simon Sousan's early recordings that I vowed to do better, and I believe I did.

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It's not just that James, some of us actually like to listen to what Ian's got to say because he has more knowledge about soul music than anyone I've ever met. He set up this particular topic so that anyone who wanted to have a pop at him could do exactly that and I think he's handled himself with some decorum.

And also, Pete, so the people who cared, and who matter to me, could have a chance to correspond with me and ask questions.

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rather than both of you carry on your recent exchange

maybe work better if both leave it as it is

or if can't leave it, carry it on via pms


Sorry mike already posted a response.

As already stated, I'm going to leave it now as I think I could really mentally rip Mr Levines character to shreds, but it would be far too easy, and would make me feel like I'd bullied the fat spoilt only child at school.

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It may be of interest for readers on here to know where you got the inspiration for The Exciters "Reaching For The Best" from?

In 1974, Simon Soussan put out a record list through Brian Phillips.

Top of the list was "Reaching For The Best" by Bob Relf.

Described at the greatest Northern Soul record ever made, and much better than "Blowing My Mind To Pieces".

£35, but make sure you send a second choice alternative as there was only one copy and it was first come first served.

Loads and loads of poor innocents sent in their £35, only to get fobbed off with some second rate second choice.

So I decided to make sure there really WAS a record called "Reaching For The Best".

Ten years ago, when we filmed him and his health was good, we should have actually made it for real with Bob Relf.

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I'll second that Pete, except the bit about the Carstairs LOL.....

Ian is one of the most knowledgeable people about Soul Music that I've ever met too. He's ALWAYS been controversial and outspoken as long as I've known him and even his best mates will acknowledge that he can be a pain in the ass at times.

Once you get past the shameless self-promotion and arrogance, there's a guy who knows more about Northern Soul then 99.99% of most people.

Plus he's being remarkably well-behaved this time around IMO. A few years ago he'd have been immediately banned.....

I was. In December 2000.

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Just woundering how Ian went from Mecca DJ to producing records in the USA

Two reasons.

As I already said, it was a need to show that Simon Soussan's cruddy tracks weren't the only way forward.

And I felt I could do better than a lot of the original Northern stuff we were discovering in 1975, after the golden years of 1973 and 1974 had eaten through most of the classics, and new Sixties discoveries in 1975 weren't a patch on the previous two years findings. Not after the 4000 records I found in Goodwill in the summer of 1973.

When the Mecca crowd heard "Reaching For The Best" and then "Your Magic Put A Spell On Me", there was no politics, and they simply loved them.

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Two reasons.

As I already said, it was a need to show that Simon Soussan's cruddy tracks weren't the only way forward.

And I felt I could do better than a lot of the original Northern stuff we were discovering in 1975, after the golden years of 1973 and 1974 had eaten through most of the classics, and new Sixties discoveries in 1975 weren't a patch on the previous two years findings. Not after the 4000 records I found in Goodwill in the summer of 1973.

When the Mecca crowd heard "Reaching For The Best" and then "Your Magic Put A Spell On Me", there was no politics, and they simply loved them.


Some loved them.But once you realised they were basically manufactured to make money,and all contained similar beats,some changed their minds.

Some like authentic,fragile,not note perfect,sounds.

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Guest SteveJohnston

Two reasons.

As I already said, it was a need to show that Simon Soussan's cruddy tracks weren't the only way forward.

And I felt I could do better than a lot of the original Northern stuff we were discovering in 1975, after the golden years of 1973 and 1974 had eaten through most of the classics, and new Sixties discoveries in 1975 weren't a patch on the previous two years findings. Not after the 4000 records I found in Goodwill in the summer of 1973.

When the Mecca crowd heard "Reaching For The Best" and then "Your Magic Put A Spell On Me", there was no politics, and they simply loved them.

I think there was politics even then Ian The two track above along with "weak spot" "heading down fool's road" And 24 hours a day where at the time resented by some for one resion or another.

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I just rejoined this site after many years and b*gger me what do I find but you falling out with peopole again. I knew you slightly back in 1976 from the Highland Room and the Ritz. I remember well a couple of occassions in the Ritz where I talked mates of mine out of giving you a hard time (which was a hobby of many "stomper" fans of the time.) It was not just about the music you chose to play (Colin and Neil never got the same stick) It was about you. You are not a very nice person, you are an egotist, and you could start a row in an empty room. Has it never occurred to you that other DJs such as (for example) Richard Searling could play NY Disco and later Jazz Funk without suffering the abuse you did. The reason why is so so simple. No one I know of who has met Richard has a bad word to say about him because he's a nice person without ego.

Turning to your music, you've certainly churned out a lot over the years with very little critical chart success! Some (probably about 10) are IMHO excellent but you delude yourself about the overall quality. You think of yourself as "the one" who came out of a Northern Soul background into the record business when you are one of a number and not even 1% as succesfull as Pete Waterman. I'm not even sure that writing and producing 3rd rate music is even as laudable an occupation as compiling albums on existing modern soul material which several of your contemporaries moved into over the last thirty years.

Finally I think that one of the reasons you have turned up on this forum is to publicise your latest output. You certainly try to manipulate the reviews on Amazon - one reviewer has given five stars to everything you've ever done but never reviewed anything else !

Anyway you'll be pleased to hear I gave it the one star it deserves https://www.amazon.co.uk/Northern-Soul-2008...1657&sr=8-1

If my music isn't to your taste, you have no right to interfere by going into my own domain and attempting to put others off it.

You've sickened me more than anything on the previous eight pages of this thread, and if I were free to speak my mind without getting banned, I would tell you exactly what scum I think you are.

I cannot find words strong enough to express my loathing for you.

I would quit this forum now, if I hadn't had other messages of support.

I do not want to be anywhere near people like you. You do not exist in my world and I pray you never will.

I can handle the criticism and the slaggers, but you are just beneath my contempt, and the hatred you have just engendered in me already knows no bounds.

I need to stop here before I say what I really mean. But I will be vigilant.

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Just my opinion, about his personality, and it's a personality that is pretty hard to ignore. And to pretend his postings are not as much about him and his ego as they are about the music would be foolish, I'd suggest. He loves it, and he's called it on. Or am I wrong?

Again I have to agree with you, my god James this is the third time I have agreed with you in 24 hours, must be a record (45, Demo original of course :thumbsup: )


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Guest SteveJohnston


Not me kev,,

didnt get to the casino til 81

ive got his one of his wigan spots on tape tho from 73.

That must of been one of the ealy nights at wigan Mark would like to hear that at some time.

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Think you are spot on Ian. However, I'd suggest that the views of one of them on todays soul scene are more valid, simply because he's actively involved. Ian Levine could keep the majority of us happy for months I think, simply by recalling record trips, meeting/recording artists etc. These type of threads by others are some of the most interesting on here. I hope he gives that a go. Someone with his knowledge can only be an asset to SS.

I am interested in the music.

I always have been.

I am interested in the history of the soul scene, the artists, the DJs and the whole genre.

But sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but I have zero interest in most of the scene the way it is today, having become a collector's scene rather than a dancer's scene.

No time and no patience for it at all, and no desire to visit a club that would refuse to play an Ian Levine production.

My "Strange World Of Northern Soul" told the history of a scene that was vibrant and mattered, a scene when people really did love the music, a scene of Les Cokell and Tony Jebb and Colin Curtis and Russ Winstanley and Richard Searling and Kev Roberts, and, yes, me too.

It was fabulous.

In 2003, I watched Soul Sam clear a dance floor at the Ritz of over one thousand people in one swoop, then play an even more obscure record to follow it, to a completely empty floor with not one person dancing at three o clock in the morning, and I realised it was all over.

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content deleted as per house rules

account closed as per terms of use

don't do anonymous personal attacks on here

got something to say then use a real name/id

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I could grow to like you, Chrissie, even after all the bad things you said.

But James is just a misguided youth and underneath it all beats a caring heart..................well ok he has been known to believe his own publicity but you put him to shame in that, one day James will take his tongue out of his cheek where it has been firmly fixed for some time...................well I hope so. I don't dislike James as a person, infact I quite like him and enjoy the spats we have but you really seem to think that you invented northern soul and we actually need you back but hey, guess what, we don't. The scene has moved on helped by characters like James, all be it misguided sometimes, but it isn't the scene of the 70s anymore.

OH and by the way, I hate the carstairs as well :thumbsup:


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rather than both of you carry on your recent exchange

maybe work better if both leave it as it is

or if can't leave it, carry it on via pms


As you have been so fair and reasonable, I will respect your wishes with the greatest of pleasure.

From this moment on I shall answer no more of James Trouble's posts.

That other person, who used his first ever post to rile me and rub my nose in his insults on Amazon, is another matter entirely, though, Mike. That has really angered me.

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can you remember Ian dj'ing at Wigan circa '75/76?

It was the third allnighter.

I spoke to Russ only a few days ago and he confirmed this fact.

I was booked four weeks later and wanted to do it, but had to obey Bill Pye's dictatorial ultimatum, sadly.

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It was the third allnighter.

I spoke to Russ only a few days ago and he confirmed this fact.

I was booked four weeks later and wanted to do it, but had to obey Bill Pye's dictatorial ultimatum, sadly.





The laws of love

Ian Levine




Four Seasons

I'm gonna change

Ian Levine




Melvin Carter

Midnight Brew

Ian Levine




Van McCoy

Soul Improvisations

Ian Levine




Eula Cooper

Ler our love grow higher

Ian Levine





You cant close the windows

Ian Levine




Janie Grant

My heart your heart

Ian Levine




Gene Chandler

Mr big shot

Ian Levine




Laura Greene

Moonlight music and you

Ian Levine




United Four

She's putting you on

Ian Levine




Doni Burdick

Bari Track

Ian Levine




Reggie Garner


Ian Levine




George Clinton

Please don't run from me

Ian Levine




Jimmy Jackson

Footsteps in the shadows

Ian Levine




Kris Petersen

Just as much

Ian Levine





Love you baby

Ian Levine




Dave Mitchell

The trip

Ian Levine




Ede Robin

Theres got to be a love somewhere

Ian Levine




Debbie Fleming

Long gone

Ian Levine




Lily Fields

Love has so many meanings

Ian Levine


this is the date i had on the tape i was given,,the wigan trax were up to united four,,the others were art the mecca a few years later...

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Some like authentic,fragile,not note perfect,sounds.

Note perfect ???

Go back and listen. They were done on a cheap budget and there are lots of less than perfect notes. I didn't even progress to 24 track till I went to Chicago in July of that year.

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Guest Netspeaky


Some loved them.But once you realised they were basically manufactured to make money,and all contained similar beats,some changed their minds.

Some like authentic,fragile,not note perfect,sounds.

How can you suddenly dislike a record just because they were made to make money, all F**King records are made to make money, otherwise the record companies would be giving them away for free. You either like or dislike a record on hearing surely and nothing else.

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How can you suddenly dislike a record just because they were made to make money, all F**King records are made to make money, otherwise the record companies would be giving them away for free. You either like or dislike a record on hearing surely and nothing else.

Have to agree with you on that one Mark..............bloody hell I must be getting soft in my old age, agreeing with people including James :thumbsup:


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you really seem to think that you invented northern soul and we actually need you back but hey, guess what, we don't. The scene has moved on helped by characters like James, all be it misguided sometimes, but it isn't the scene of the 70s anymore.

No I don't.

You don't need me back at all.

In fact, those who resent the music I make neither need me back nor want me back.

But I grew to learn that not everyone on Soul Source thinks like that, and I have many good friends on here too, and I am thankful for them.

I isolated a thread with my name on it, so those who weren't interested in me or my music would give it a wide berth.

And I have refrained from posting on other threads to avoid controversy.

In principle it seems so so simple.

The opposite seems to have happened.

Can't we just let this thread be used by those people who are GENUINELY interested ???

People like Mark Freeman, Ian Dewhirst, Dave Rivers, Ian Cunlife, etc etc.

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The laws of love

Ian Levine




Four Seasons

I'm gonna change

Ian Levine




Melvin Carter

Midnight Brew

Ian Levine




Van McCoy

Soul Improvisations

Ian Levine




Eula Cooper

Ler our love grow higher

Ian Levine





You cant close the windows

Ian Levine




Janie Grant

My heart your heart

Ian Levine




Gene Chandler

Mr big shot

Ian Levine




Laura Greene

Moonlight music and you

Ian Levine




United Four

She's putting you on

Ian Levine




Doni Burdick

Bari Track

Ian Levine




Reggie Garner


Ian Levine




George Clinton

Please don't run from me

Ian Levine




Jimmy Jackson

Footsteps in the shadows

Ian Levine




Kris Petersen

Just as much

Ian Levine





Love you baby

Ian Levine




Dave Mitchell

The trip

Ian Levine




Ede Robin

Theres got to be a love somewhere

Ian Levine




Debbie Fleming

Long gone

Ian Levine




Lily Fields

Love has so many meanings

Ian Levine


this is the date i had on the tape i was given,,the wigan trax were up to united four,,the others were art the mecca a few years later...

great stuff Mark,, :thumbsup: .

Lily Fields must have been a new release ?.

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As you have been so fair and reasonable, I will respect your wishes with the greatest of pleasure.

From this moment on I shall answer no more of James Trouble's posts.

That other person, who used his first ever post to rile me and rub my nose in his insults on Amazon, is another matter entirely, though, Mike. That has really angered me.

I actually thought you were referring to my contre tente with James Trouble.

I realise now it was Pikey's Dog instead.

Oh well - they're the two founding members of the Ian Levine Appreciation Society on here.

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How can you suddenly dislike a record just because they were made to make money, all F**King records are made to make money, otherwise the record companies would be giving them away for free. You either like or dislike a record on hearing surely and nothing else.

Cause the scene is based on finding something lost and forgotten by all and sundry that missed its place due to one reason or another, sound quality or a distribution deal. Then to find out something has been tailor made bespoke undermines the whole concept of the game.

Its always been anti establishment, a renegade style of its own

Edited by Prophonics 2029
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The laws of love

Ian Levine




Four Seasons

I'm gonna change

Ian Levine




Melvin Carter

Midnight Brew

Ian Levine




Van McCoy

Soul Improvisations

Ian Levine




Eula Cooper

Ler our love grow higher

Ian Levine





You cant close the windows

Ian Levine




Janie Grant

My heart your heart

Ian Levine




Gene Chandler

Mr big shot

Ian Levine




Laura Greene

Moonlight music and you

Ian Levine




United Four

She's putting you on

Ian Levine




Doni Burdick

Bari Track

Ian Levine




Reggie Garner


Ian Levine




George Clinton

Please don't run from me

Ian Levine




Jimmy Jackson

Footsteps in the shadows

Ian Levine




Kris Petersen

Just as much

Ian Levine





Love you baby

Ian Levine




Dave Mitchell

The trip

Ian Levine




Ede Robin

Theres got to be a love somewhere

Ian Levine




Debbie Fleming

Long gone

Ian Levine




Lily Fields

Love has so many meanings

Ian Levine


this is the date i had on the tape i was given,,the wigan trax were up to united four,,the others were art the mecca a few years later...

Maybe I did do a second spot then, in November 1973. My first spot was the first week of October, but Russ has always maintained I did two diferent spots a month apart, not just one. If this date in November is correct, you may have just proved this. And my memory of only doing one is wrong this time. I think this is quite fascinating.

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How can you suddenly dislike a record just because they were made to make money, all F**King records are made to make money, otherwise the record companies would be giving them away for free. You either like or dislike a record on hearing surely and nothing else.

A brilliant, fabulous, and accurate quote.

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No I don't.

You don't need me back at all.

In fact, those who resent the music I make neither need me back nor want me back.

But I grew to learn that not everyone on Soul Source thinks like that, and I have many good friends on here too, and I am thankful for them.

I isolated a thread with my name on it, so those who weren't interested in me or my music would give it a wide berth.

And I have refrained from posting on other threads to avoid controversy.

In principle it seems so so simple.

The opposite seems to have happened.

Can't we just let this thread be used by those people who are GENUINELY interested ???

People like Mark Freeman, Ian Dewhirst, Dave Rivers, Ian Cunlife, etc etc.

So what you want is a thread where only people who want to say nice things about you are alowed to post :thumbsup: I am sorry but you open a thread about you, you have to be open to critsism as well, at your age you should be grown up enough and tough enough to accept it. wink.gif


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Cause the scene is based on finding something lost and forgotten by all and sundry that missed its place due to one reason or another sound or distribution, then to find out something has been tailor made bespoke undermines the whole concept of the game.

SAYS WHO ?????????????

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So what you want is a thread where only people who want to say nice things about you are alowed to post

Oooooooh yes yes yes please.


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Oooooooh yes yes yes please.


So I take it you are not going to donate a copy of your latest DVDs to my 50th Birthday charity event in aid of the North Beds Motor Neurone Disease Association next Saturday then :thumbsup: With a bit of luck Steve G will win it then he wont have to fork out his hard earned cash wink.gif

Well you can't blame a girl for trying can you laugh.gif


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How can you suddenly dislike a record just because they were made to make money, all F**King records are made to make money, otherwise the record companies would be giving them away for free. You either like or dislike a record on hearing surely and nothing else.

whhoooah...........didn't suddenly dislike it or any other record that was out to make money.Some records can appear to be a bit too contrived/twee ie; manufactured for the scene.

The general ethos of the scene is the Underdog syndrome,whether it be 60's or modern.

We all like to think we're the first to acknowledge a record,to hear it for what it is,to lift it from obscurity,to make it our own.

Is the scene not built on records that sold f -all.? Recorded by artists who generally made nothing out of their talent.

I don't like being told ,"this is soul,buy it".

ps- no need to vent you anger on me in your "bold" font.

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Lets all cheer ourselves up with a nice song.

My single, one and only, first place, top of the whole entire list, premier place, personal favourite song that I have ever written in my entire thirty three year career, written along with the wonderful and immortal Sylvia Moy. And a truly lovely and wonderful singer who's been dead for many many years now, and who I still miss.

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Lets all cheer ourselves up with a nice song.

My single, one and only, first place, top of the whole entire list, premier place, personal favourite song that I have ever written in my entire thirty three year career, written along with the wonderful and immortal Sylvia Moy. And a truly lovely and wonderful singer who's been dead for many many years now, and who I still miss.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

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So I take it you are not going to donate a copy of your latest DVDs to my 50th Birthday charity event in aid of the North Beds Motor Neurone Disease Association next Saturday then

I probably would for a charity like that, but they're still being edited as we speak, and won't be actually pressed until October.

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Not bad for disco

He was the lead singer on "Suspicion", he was a lovely bloke, a super talented singer, Sylvia's lyrics are the best and most heart wrenching she ever wrote, and it distresses me to hear you dismiss a record I hold sacred as being "disco".

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He was the lead singer on "Suspicion", he was a lovely bloke, a super talented singer, Sylvia's lyrics are the best and most heart wrenching she ever wrote, and it distresses me to hear you dismiss a record I hold sacred as being "disco".

I am sure there are records that I hold sacred that you would dismiss as girlie pop, but its all a matter of personal opinion


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I am sure there are records that I hold sacred that you would dismiss as girlie pop, but its all a matter of personal opinion

If you think that this C.P. Spencer record, with its wonderful mood and lyrics, so soulful vocal, and wonderful backing vocals by all four original Andantes, is disco, then there's really no hope for you where my stuff is concerned.

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Guest sarahleen

Lets all cheer ourselves up with a nice song.

My single, one and only, first place, top of the whole entire list, premier place, personal favourite song that I have ever written in my entire thirty three year career, written along with the wonderful and immortal Sylvia Moy. And a truly lovely and wonderful singer who's been dead for many many years now, and who I still miss.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

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Lets all cheer ourselves up with a nice song.

My single, one and only, first place, top of the whole entire list, premier place, personal favourite song that I have ever written in my entire thirty three year career, written along with the wonderful and immortal Sylvia Moy. And a truly lovely and wonderful singer who's been dead for many many years now, and who I still miss.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

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