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Souled Out The Film

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Guest Byrney

Hi Byrney

Truth is, this will all be decided in post production, there's absolutely no way of telling which music will be used where and how. The entire musical track and incidental music will be added after the film has been shot. I, and the rest of production, could speculate where contemporary artists might appear on the film's soundtrack, but this is an artistic decision to be made by the creative team - once we've all finished the mammoth task of filming! So quite a way down the line, but you lot will probably all be the first to know.

Ok, a tip for the creative team to do with what they will - given that you've made a decision to use contemporary artists which (although it pains me to say it) from a £s pov makes commercial sense I get it that to make this stack up you need to broaden your appeal to your key target audience. But IMO it would only work if Ronson and Co provide the non diegetic music / score to drive the narrative.

However if Duffy, Weller et al provide the music / background within the scenes; that coming from the Dj, in the record shop, on the jukebox or coming from the speakers at the Casino this would, I expect annoy (possible infuriate) a great many soul fans who have spent decades creating this scene around original artists and the original recordings.



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So they've not asked you to help then Paul? I remember Lee who was in your play went out to venues for months on end and I suppose that must have helped him get a bit of a feel of it :D If they are advertising for extras for filming now for August, how much time must that give them?

Lee and ALL the actors went to loads of soul events aswell as dancing solidly for at least 3/4 hours a day in the 6 week rehearsals and doing intensive stretching! :D They immersed themselves in it for the whole time they were on tour, even going out to events while touring! Im involved in other stuff at the moment, that involves directing and choreography.....and a methodology! :lol::lol:


Hi all

As with any dance/club/musical revolution of any age, it is always the late teens and early twenties who pick up on it first and make it their own. Of course this is exactly our intention in the film - it will look like it's full of really young people. But we still need 1000 people to make the Kings Hall feel rammed like a big NS night, which is why we need as many people of any age to get in touch and register their details as extras. Such is the magic of film, with smoke and mirrors and vaseline etc, the camera and art departments are adept at manipulating the different elements within the frame to create the desired effect.

ARE YOU PAYING THEM? if they are being used just to make up numbers and their faces dont feature, WHY woulfd they want to do it? No money, no exposure? Whats the incentive? :lol::D You can hire extras from one of the agencies surely?


ARE YOU PAYING THEM? if they are being used just to make up numbers and their faces dont feature, WHY woulfd they want to do it? No money, no exposure? Whats the incentive? :lol::D You can hire extras from one of the agencies surely?

No they are NOT paying them Paul.

This is on their advert - and I quote:

"Please note, there are no fees for extras or dancers. We will make a contribution to your travel."


Wow, just watched the part one film site interviews!

Jeff,the writer, says Winstanleys book is Factual! :lol: Russ, didn't have a clue what went on on the dance floor, in the toilets, outside, in the car etc and thats reflected in his book! So if they are basing it on those facts were in for a stinker!

Also, and I dont mean to be rude, the male actors seem a little camp to be portraying the people I knew at that time...apprentices, miners, builders etc. But then, i guess thats why they are actors eh! :D

The director seems to think the 'This England Documentary' has amazing dancers on it! I hope he has some other references or the standard of dancing will be way off what it truly was! :lol:


Hi all

As with any dance/club/musical revolution of any age, it is always the late teens and early twenties who pick up on it first and make it their own. Of course this is exactly our intention in the film - it will look like it's full of really young people. But we still need 1000 people to make the Kings Hall feel rammed like a big NS night, which is why we need as many people of any age to get in touch and register their details as extras. Such is the magic of film, with smoke and mirrors and vaseline etc, the camera and art departments are adept at manipulating the different elements within the frame to create the desired effect.

You're right, you'll need the maximum amount of bodies there, a few hundred will look well

dodgy. Speaking as a Logistician of some 20+ years, looks like you are still working out the

logistics of the movie, I seem to remember some musical film from the 70Ts (I think it was

American Grafitti - I could be wrong) they went to dance shools and got volunteers then

topped it up with ordinary shool teenagers. They cost from very little to nothing and give

the place a right age feel, did you think about that ?

What the heck do you do with "Vaseline" ??? No, on second thoughts I don't need to know !!

This is what a 800 people look like :

But I think you'd need an awful lot of Vaseline to make this lot look like teenagers :lol:

Chris L


No they are NOT paying them Paul.

This is on their advert - and I quote:

"Please note, there are no fees for extras or dancers. We will make a contribution to your travel."

Taking the p-ss , I feel. WHY would you want to go and be an extra in this, if your just a fuzzed out blob in the distant background. Why dont they put on a nighter, pay EVERYONE who comes a fee (say £80, the going rate for extras) and film that? They want soulies to turn up gratis and supply a crowd and an atmosphere for NOWT! Seems like exploitation. .....blacksploitation....soulsploitation..... :lol: take your, sploitation, pick.


Bloody hell swoz you had a bad day dont be a berk mate :D




SWO :lol:

Guest rachel

Sure there's plenty of people who'll volunteer just so they can say they're "in a film"...


"Please note, there are no fees for extras or dancers. We will make a contribution to your travel."

What about wardrobe for extras?

Just out of curiosity like ..


The director seems to think the 'This England Documentary' has amazing dancers on it! I hope he has some other references or the standard of dancing will be way off what it truly was! :D

What is a fact is that the This England footage, as Paul says, does NOT show the best dancers. It mainly shows people jumping in front of the camera to do daft acrobatics which had not been seen for 2 years until the cameras came out. What the directors really should do is study the OUTTAKES which really does show some great dancing: the shots of Pete Rickets shuffling (or 'stomping') in the show you only see his feet and his legs, in the outtakes you see all of him and he is truly fantastic (he is the black guy with the white t shirt and shades).

If you can't get hold of the outtakes I'll sell you a copy :lol:

Guest SteveM

Wow, just watched the part one film site interviews!

Jeff,the writer, says Winstanleys book is Factual! :lol: Russ, didn't have a clue what went on on the dance floor, in the toilets, outside, in the car etc and thats reflected in his book! So if they are basing it on those facts were in for a stinker!

Also, and I dont mean to be rude, the male actors seem a little camp to be portraying the people I knew at that time...apprentices, miners, builders etc. But then, i guess thats why they are actors eh! :D

The director seems to think the 'This England Documentary' has amazing dancers on it! I hope he has some other references or the standard of dancing will be way off what it truly was! :lol:

Factual ? Whats the chances of him appearing in this as himself ?

The scene looks like its to be used merely as a back drop to a "gritty northern drama". Nothing else. We've seen it before with football, brass bands, redundant steelworkers stripping , striking miners.


Wow, just watched the part one film site interviews!

Jeff,the writer, says Winstanleys book is Factual! :lol: Russ, didn't have a clue what went on on the dance floor, in the toilets, outside, in the car etc and thats reflected in his book! So if they are basing it on those facts were in for a stinker!

True. You can't base anything on that book. They ought to try reading Dave Shaw's "Casino" instead.


sadly, thats very true....EEEEEEEGos!!

My 15 year old has signed up because she is taking gcse dance and media studies and thinks it will be a really interesting day.

And she also thought it might be fun! :lol:

She is allowed to have fun. (Occasionally)

Guest SouledOutFilm

My 15 year old has signed up because she is taking gcse dance and media studies and thinks it will be a really interesting day.

And she also thought it might be fun! :sweatingbullets:

She is allowed to have fun. (Occasionally)

We would love to be able to pay extras, it's a sticky situation for all involved, and we absolutely appreciate that for some, working without payment is not an option. If we could pay extras it would make the recruitment process a lot easier. Sadly, the film is a micro-budget feature; if we had to pay 1,000 people the film wouldn't be possible to make, which is why we are asking people if they would like to volunteer.

The day will be really good fun, people will get to see the workings of complex dance and crowd sequences being filmed, meet the crew and cast, and get to dress up. It's a really great opportunity to have a bit of a laugh, and for performers to put it on their CV as feature film experience. For young people it will probably be their only opportunity to pretend they're at Wigan Casino too.

We could do with you guys' help to spread the word amongst your nearest and dearest. If you know anyone who fancies being in film, please tell them to get in touch.

Guest Matt Male

But I think you'd need an awful lot of Vaseline to make this lot look like teenagers :sweatingbullets:

Chris L

+ =

Guest SouledOutFilm

Hi all

please visit www.souledoutfilm.com for a video with interviews from some of the cast and crew.

Parts 2 and 3 will follow soon...


Thanks for clearing that up Jeff, you said it much better than me!

I keep wondering where my Islington invite is too...

Information about being an extra in the film:

We really need as many people as possible to register themselves at

www dot ipsofactofilms dot com slash souledout

We need 1000 extras to make the Kings Hall in Stoke really feel like a Northern Soul night in 74. For all those who have registered already, you WILL be contacted, please be patient. But please spread the word, it should be a fun day out - and obviously you'll get to be in the film too. And if you have any children who fancy themselves on screen (and you need an excuse to demonstrate a few moves to them), ask your nearest and dearest to register too!

If your desparate for extra's why not arrange an all-nighter (at the kings hall), invite people off the soul scene (fee of charge), you could ask everyone to dress 70's style ! :-),

Guest SteveM

If your desparate for extra's why not arrange an all-nighter (at the kings hall), invite people off the soul scene (fee of charge), you could ask everyone to dress 70's style ! :-),

Its in Stoke. Most of them will be anyway :sweatingbullets:

Guest SteveM

If your desparate for extra's why not arrange an all-nighter (at the kings hall), invite people off the soul scene (fee of charge), you could ask everyone to dress 70's style ! :-),

If people currently on the soul scene were to be extras, the rest of the country would be thinking how bad it was up North in the mid seventies. Teenage obesity and baldness rife.


I take it the production team visited Kings Hall Stoke on a dedicated night to actually witness for themselves what a northern venue 'in full swing' looked like and I also assume that is what you are wanting for your production.

I also assume that on the night in question IF you went was attended by the majority of souls all over the age of 35 plus.

Would like to hear if you did.... I sometimes assume too much,

Ah well of to the day job now to pay for taxes to the government...... ps If the position of hilda is still available Im yer woman...lol


We would love to be able to pay extras, it's a sticky situation for all involved, and we absolutely appreciate that for some, working without payment is not an option. If we could pay extras it would make the recruitment process a lot easier. Sadly, the film is a micro-budget feature; if we had to pay 1,000 people the film wouldn't be possible to make, which is why we are asking people if they would like to volunteer.

The day will be really good fun, people will get to see the workings of complex dance and crowd sequences being filmed, meet the crew and cast, and get to dress up. It's a really great opportunity to have a bit of a laugh, and for performers to put it on their CV as feature film experience. For young people it will probably be their only opportunity to pretend they're at Wigan Casino too.

We could do with you guys' help to spread the word amongst your nearest and dearest. If you know anyone who fancies being in film, please tell them to get in touch.

My husband's cousin is a young(17) trained dancer who specialises in street dance and gymnastics. If she applies to be an extra is there anything she needs to tell you on the form to let you know this?

Guest SouledOutFilm

My husband's cousin is a young(17) trained dancer who specialises in street dance and gymnastics. If she applies to be an extra is there anything she needs to tell you on the form to let you know this?

No, just ask her to fill out the details on www.ipsofactofilms.com/souledout. If all the details are inputted correctly, and she can dance, she WILL be phoned very soon! The extras team will be allocating people to certain roles and costume depending on their look and dancing skills, so this can be discussed over the phone.

In Soul x


Slightly pre-empting my touted appearance online, and dealing with the earlier question about my original inspiration - I was commissioned by New Writing North back in 1996/7 to write an original stage play for a youth theatre group, Bishop Auckland Theatre Hooligans. Having just read Russ Winstanley's "Soul Survivors", and also tinkering around with the notion of setting something in the early 70's - specifically 1974, one of those special years that sometimes come around packed with events that culturally, economically, politically, all seem to have a resonance that lasts long after the year's done. It just seemed natural that all combined to become the first version of "Souled Out". That piece, although generally held to be successful in terms of what it set out to do, was tailored for specific performers and a particular audience and left me with the nagging feeling that there was much, much more could be done with the source material. I was also just plain astounded that so little mainstream attention had been paid to the potential of what was not only a clearly important stage in the development of youth culture in the UK but also of a scene that arguably remained as vibrant today as it had ever been. I finished the first draft of the filmscript in 1998.

As the scriptwriter of Souled Out, then, if I can briefly put to rest some of the fears I've read on the original thread I started, (and what a thread it's turned into; a case of light the blue touch paper and stand well back) -

Souled Out isn't a history of The Wigan Casino, but a fictional story set in 1974, which partly takes place in that famous old dancehall on Station Road.

We are all committed to original source music by original artists, but this part of the project is a highly-complicated process of licensing negotiations that thankfully I play no part in whatsoever. The production does have to find the widest audience it can if it's to be a commercial as well as artistic success - mainstream films are hugely expensive to make. It's a hard fact of life.

Maintaining the overall goodwill and respect of the soul community is very important to us, and despite a few voices raising objections already we're heartened by the interest and support this project's generally been getting.

Function At The Junction I watched recently, for the first time. Once Upon A Time In Wigan I deliberately avoided, not wanting any of the events or tone of that piece to seep into my own. I hear nothing but good about it.

I've never been to an Islington dinner party in my life.

Hi Jeff

Think you are very brave to come on and answer peoples questions and in my book that warrants a bit of respect. Like others have said you could have just gone ahead and made your movie with no consideration for anyone. People as you are aware, are very passionate regarding the music and artists, and I think you have, hopefully, answered their questions honestly.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie and hope that production/directors and actors do this wonderful northern soul scene justice, ie in recreating the passion, atmosphere and lifetime friendships that went along with it, as Roddy mentioned in his post, demographs are also important as people travelled from all over the country to attend this venue, I am sure you are aware of this through your team. And last but not least, music policy ie original artists as previously mentioned.....keep it real and of course, credit where credit due.

Good luck with "Souled Out", I hope it is a massive success.....oh and a few tickets for the premiere wouldnt go amiss....... :thumbsup: lol...cheeky!!!

Kind regards



If people currently on the soul scene were to be extras, the rest of the country would be thinking how bad it was up North in the mid seventies. Teenage obesity and baldness rife.

CLASS - REAL CLASS :thumbsup::thumbsup:


People as you are aware, are very passionate regarding the music and artists, and I think you have, hopefully, answered their questions honestly.

Bit naieve!! The movie business is NEVER honest....it has one objective. To spend as little money as possible in order to make as much money as possible. Im sure the actors are being paid?

Or the extras could, as a group, be put on a points system (well known in film business), say 3% and then if the film makes money, they at least get something for their hard work...as it is they are getting a big fat NOTHING! Even 1%? How about it IPSO?


The extras team will be allocating people to certain roles and costume depending on their look and dancing skills, so this can be discussed over the phone.

In Soul x

Jeez you lot must be good - being able to judge people's looks and dancing skills over the phone! :rolleyes:

Guest xsquadie

OMG Ive just watched Pt1 of the films pro mo vid.

These people are going to get slaughtered on this site, Have you seen how young the actors are?

I did a quick check of members album posts from the last year, and I think in most pictures theres several over 35's (ish)

The actors are all way too young to have been around at Wigan.

Whats the point of asking for extras who were there, then spoiling it with actors who wern't born.

Its maddness, I tell you.



Jeez you lot must be good - being able to judge people's looks and dancing skills over the phone! :)

They'll end up with a lot of old "phone'ees,i'm 20 slim and dance like a demon wear baggie's talk like Kes etc etc. :rolleyes:


Hi Jeff

Think you are very brave to come on and answer peoples questions and in my book that warrants a bit of respect. Like others have said you could have just gone ahead and made your movie with no consideration for anyone. People as you are aware, are very passionate regarding the music and artists, and I think you have, hopefully, answered their questions honestly.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie and hope that production/directors and actors do this wonderful northern soul scene justice, ie in recreating the passion, atmosphere and lifetime friendships that went along with it, as Roddy mentioned in his post, demographs are also important as people travelled from all over the country to attend this venue, I am sure you are aware of this through your team. And last but not least, music policy ie original artists as previously mentioned.....keep it real and of course, credit where credit due.

Good luck with "Souled Out", I hope it is a massive success.....oh and a few tickets for the premiere wouldnt go amiss....... :rolleyes: lol...cheeky!!!

Kind regards


Hi Phyllis,

I'm sorry - but 'brave to come on and answer peoples questions'?

What's brave about logging onto an internet forum?

You can't seriously think they are going to take notice of anything we have to say?

These people couldn't give a spin or a backdrop about what we think!

They have come on here for one thing and one thing only - publicity.

So as far as this forum is concerned - its MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


met my 1st wife at Wigan, the way they are building there at the moment she may be resurfacing again soon :rolleyes:

I was a very young 15 1st time i went and boy did i look young, there was a lot of older lads there too so why not have a good mix of kids and wrinklys cos thats how it was in 73/74/75 !!!


Guest mrs norman maine

Here's a question - what about the DJ's?

Will they have actors playing the original Wigan DJ's I wonder?

Hope so - who do you think will play Dickie Searling? :rolleyes:


I think the Dad from the old Oxo ads will be a shoo-in if he's prepared to don a wig to capture the youthful Searling; he's aged pretty similarly, as you can see.

Though he's not as much of a doppelganger as Butch and that German Ulrich bloke from "The Lives of Others".

IMHO, I think there's nothing to worry about. Either:

a] It's accurate, captures the atmosphere and features original soundtracks, proper dancing, etc.

b] It's a travesty.

I agree with Paul S and Joan that the motivation of people in the business is money and publicity, so option b's more likely.

However, if it's a] great. If it's b]it will be highly entertaining. Like watching Richard Gere playing a psychiatrist in that film with Kim Basinger and the Freudian lighthouse. Or Richard Gere playing anyone. We can chortle away. Or have a grumble. Everyone's a winner!

Guest SouledOutFilm

It's really sad to hear so many angry voices on this board. I guess this is often the way with fans of one particular musical scene, when other people use that scene to create something. Everyone on the production is working like mad to make a film which everyone involved can be proud of, and which brings enjoyment to as many people as possible without compromising on the experiences and wishes of those who created the scene in the first place. I really really hope you guys like the film!

To answer someone's question earlier about costume - approximately half of all extras will be costumed, all absolutely fantastic pieces - a mixture of vintage and custom-made items. Elvis Davis the costume designer knows his stuff!


It's really sad to hear so many angry voices on this board. I guess this is often the way with fans of one particular musical scene, when other people use that scene to create something. Everyone on the production is working like mad to make a film which everyone involved can be proud of, and which brings enjoyment to as many people as possible without compromising on the experiences and wishes of those who created the scene in the first place. I really really hope you guys like the film!

To answer someone's question earlier about costume - approximately half of all extras will be costumed, all absolutely fantastic pieces - a mixture of vintage and custom-made items. Elvis Davis the costume designer knows his stuff!

I am used to people being knowledgeable after an event, but you lot on here know how good/bad/insightful/grossly wrong/authentic this film is before it has been made.

Will you put my lotto on for me this week?

It hasn't been made yet. Give it a bloody chance. Its frankly getting a bit embarrassing.

Any business venture is a risk. I wish them luck, AND I hope they make loads of money from it.


It's really sad to hear so many angry voices on this board.

Don't worry too much about it, about 90% of the people on this site were still in their

nappies in 1974 (or not even born) members on this site fall into about 4 catagories,

those who only read the stuff written they are called "Lurkers" they make up about

75% an contribute nothing, then there are "Humourists" mostly very funny but for purposes

to be ignored, then there's the "Chinstroking Purists aka The Soul Police" who will snipe at

anything they feel isn't 10000% pure Northern Soul (in their narrow tunnel like vison/view) they

should be ignored even more so then there's the real soul fans, they'll be the ones

encouraging, giving positive advice, pointing out the pitfalls, etc.

I have to say if I was making a movie about NS I would steer 100 miles clear of this

forum, the ability of a minority to slaughter their conceived enemies is legendary !!

Good luck.

ps how's the Vaseline thing going ??? :rolleyes:

Guest rachel

Don't worry too much about it, about 90% of the people on this site were still in their

nappies in 1974 (or not even born) members on this site fall into about 4 catagories,

those who only read the stuff written they are called "Lurkers" they make up about

75% an contribute nothing, then there are "Humourists" mostly very funny but for purposes

to be ignored, then there's the "Chinstroking Purists aka The Soul Police" who will snipe at

anything they feel isn't 10000% pure Northern Soul (in their narrow tunnel like vison/view) they

should be ignored even more so then there's the real soul fans, they'll be the ones

encouraging, giving positive advice, pointing out the pitfalls, etc.

I have to say if I was making a movie about NS I would steer 100 miles clear of this

forum, the ability of a minority to slaughter their conceived enemies is legendary !!

Good luck.

ps how's the Vaseline thing going ??? shades.gif

It's always nice to read your positive views on the site Chris.. are you the 1% masochist who likes hanging around with people you think so little of?


Don't worry too much about it, about 90% of the people on this site were still in their

nappies in 1974 (or not even born) members on this site fall into about 4 catagories,

those who only read the stuff written they are called "Lurkers" they make up about

75% an contribute nothing, then there are "Humourists" mostly very funny but for purposes

to be ignored, then there's the "Chinstroking Purists aka The Soul Police" who will snipe at

anything they feel isn't 10000% pure Northern Soul (in their narrow tunnel like vison/view)

Thats only three catagories :Dlaugh.gif

Guest Byrney

Thats only three catagories :D:D

He missed the fourth, those who went to the Mecca, Torch, Casino (slot venue here) for 5 years - disappeared for 18 years and then came back to tell us how much of a mess we made of their scene in their absence whistling.gif


Hi Phyllis,

I'm sorry - but 'brave to come on and answer peoples questions'?

What's brave about logging onto an internet forum?

You can't seriously think they are going to take notice of anything we have to say?

These people couldn't give a spin or a backdrop about what we think!

They have come on here for one thing and one thing only - publicity.

So as far as this forum is concerned - its MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Hey Joan,

BRAVE.....very much so....to come on here and be slaughtered, from people who are griping about a FILM, not a documentary I may add....this man has tried to re-assure everyone that the production will be as real as possible to the era, when in reality he doesn't have to acknowledge this forum or anyone on it.

As for publicity GOOD LUCK to him.....maybe some extra publicity from the Nationals about all the negativity on here might be helpful also, the numbers at venues are dropping, just like us older ones, so maybe this will entice some new blood through the doors to keep this scene alive when we have all gone.

I really dont get it...why people are so angry and negative about this....ffs its only a film not a personal biography. Why cant everyone accept that, go see it and then if it fails to impress....feel free to slaughter it.

With respect



Don't worry too much about it, about 90% of the people on this site were still in their

nappies in 1974 (or not even born) members on this site fall into about 4 catagories,

those who only read the stuff written they are called "Lurkers" they make up about

75% an contribute nothing, then there are "Humourists" mostly very funny but for purposes

to be ignored, then there's the "Chinstroking Purists aka The Soul Police" who will snipe at

anything they feel isn't 10000% pure Northern Soul (in their narrow tunnel like vison/view) they

should be ignored even more so then there's the real soul fans, they'll be the ones

encouraging, giving positive advice, pointing out the pitfalls, etc.

I have to say if I was making a movie about NS I would steer 100 miles clear of this

forum, the ability of a minority to slaughter their conceived enemies is legendary !!

Good luck.

ps how's the Vaseline thing going ??? shades.gif

You really are as big a parody as your hero Mr L aren't you.

Do real soul fans dissapear for 30 years and then come back saying their way is the only way, sure you could make a cult film out of that.

And real soul fans generally moan when Northern soul isn't 1000% soul, get it right.

I repeat for the millionth time Soul Police etc is just an excuse used by people with an inferiority complex, sometimes justly.

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