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Well, it's happened to all of us hasn't it?

At some point most of us have had a record in our hands that is very special. Then, for one reason or another, you allow the record to leave the cosy comfort of your collection and then spend the rest of your life regretting the fact that you'd allowed it to slip through your fingers.

It may have been for a number of reasons. Possibly there was another fresher record that you wanted and in order to get it, you may have had to trade that special one, thinking that you'd be able to get it again in the future.

Or, in my day, it could be that one of the special ones was about to be bootlegged, so it'd be traded in a swap deal or sold to an 'oldies' collector. That's where my Eula Cooper, Four Perfections, Tomangoes, Yvonne Baker and Detroit Executives went for instance - all of them being mega-rare at the time.

Or it may have been a financial imperative. I've had about 4 seperate Northern collections over the years. My first collection was sold to finance a trip to the U.S. in 1976, which co-incidentaly meant I amassed a second collection almost immediately. I eventually got back to the UK and used Collection No.2 to fund a few essential purchases - cars, clothes, women and investments in a 'live fast, die young' lifestyle which obviously failed miserably! Collection No.3 came following lots of trips to the U.S. in the 80's where I hit lucky a few times before hitting a slump at the end of the decade which Collection No.3 got me over and helped me to finance the development of a great compilation series (Mastercuts). This was when I sold a BEAUTIFUL little Modern collection to Pat Brady which would now be worth £30K by itself! Then, in the 90's I got lucky again and acquired a tasty UK collection and some lovely RARE U.S. originals which contributed to Collection No.4. But then I had to finance another venture, so bang went my my Alexander Patton, Lou Johnson, Garnet Mimms, Levi Jackson and Major Lance promos along with a ramp of U.S. goodies. Some of you on here bought 'em so I know they went to good homes!

I've got battle-hardened over the years and I'm now used to maintaining a 'floating' collection all the time. I keep everything in one form or another, so I still have everything that I've ever owned or wanted right here. But, alas, Stanley Mitchell is not on a Dynamo white-promo anymore and the Professionals is a boot LOL.........

However, every so often, I sometimes wake up in the dead of night covered in a film of sweat reliving the tortuous moment when I had to let a goody go!

One instance that springs to mind was when I flogged the ONLY test-pressing in existence of the Si Hightower ep to Colin Dilnot in the late 70's. I KNEW it was a one-off and incredibly rare but, to be honest, it was WAAY to slow for the Northern scene at the time and wasn't one of my preferences anyway. So I let it go to a good home - to someone I knew would really appreciate the record and nurture it until it was ready, which, as it happens, is EXACTLY how things turned out. So a good decision in my opinion.

And this is how I've managed to justify letting some key records go over the years LOL.....

But I wonder whether Les McCutcheon, Johnathan Woodliffe and Kev Roberts have similar nightmares over THAT 1st copy of Frank Wilson? Were they happy? What circumstances made them pass on the only-known copy of the ultimate rarity? And can they sleep at night LOL....

So what records have YOU let pass through your fingers and then regretted it forever?

The records don't have to be mega-rarities either. They could be records which have a strong sentimental tie for you or which remind you of a particularly good or poignant time in your life. Or they may be unique copies in some way or other. But it still tugs your heartstrings on occasion just thinking about that particular record, who you sold or swapped it with and the reasons why you sold or swapped it at the time.

There's gotta be some GREAT stories here, so let's hear 'em!

Ian D :)


Great idea for a thread ian but i went through serious depression some years ago and don`t want to go through it again thankyou :lol::lol::lol:

This thread will get rid of that pain Harry! :P

It'll be cathartic to re-live the experience and pour it out for the benefit of younger SSers who HAVEN'T FELT THE PAIN LOL... angry.gif

For instance, I'm living the pain of NOT going to L.A. to spend Harvey Weinsteins money now and that's YOUR bloody fault! I WANTED Don Cornelius to sue you LOL. We'd have made a fortune........ :)

Hey, how was it last night? And did the pics come out OK in the Evening Post........?

Ian D :D


Yep - great thread Ian

I've never had an amazing collection. Just a few bits along the way - a mixed bag really.

I've sold a lot for differing reasons, had a load stolen and lost some in renovation work at home.



They did ian, the events tonight mate so great timing a full page spread in the yorkshire evening press, will post some up after ive been to chemist laugh.gif Heres a start AL WILLIAMS W/D for £30 sold for £30 :)


They did ian, the events tonight mate so great timing a full page spread in the yorkshire evening press, will post some up after ive been to chemist :P Heres a start AL WILLIAMS W/D for £30 sold for £30 :)

Yep, forgot it's tonight LOL!

I went to the chemist yesterday and ended up in Hoxton last night listening to Disco-Trance LOL and today I'm feeling the PAIN, which is what this thread is all about! ohmy.gif

So any advance on Harry's Al Williams W/D? For £30? :lol: Mmm, the chemist must have been closed...... :lol:

Good luck tonight mate and regards to the missus.....

Ian D :lol:

Guest vinylvixen

This thread will get rid of that pain Harry! :P

It'll be cathartic to re-live the experience and pour it out for the benefit of younger SSers who HAVEN'T FELT THE PAIN LOL... angry.gif

For instance, I'm living the pain of NOT going to L.A. to spend Harvey Weinsteins money now and that's YOUR bloody fault! I WANTED Don Cornelius to sue you LOL. We'd have made a fortune........ :)

Hey, how was it last night? And did the pics come out OK in the Evening Post........?

Ian D :lol:

If you're prepared to pay for the therapy, then I will but if not.....I can't - too painful :D The plot involves Italian picture sleeves, dark deserted carparks, Old Town demos, clandestine meetings in damp basements, English R&W Motown, impoverished lodgers, mint UK Sue and a cast of thousands....I will get over it one day - but it's a long haul. 40 years down the line I'll laugh about it :lol: Looking forward to other people's tales of woe....I do feel the pain tho'. A certain Mr FineWine left his collection in a cab - I sent him a few replacements - I knew how depressed he must've felt......but did tell him that he was a soft lad and not to do it again :lol: Jo

Guest CliftonHall1

They did ian, the events tonight mate so great timing a full page spread in the yorkshire evening press, will post some up after ive been to chemist laugh.gif Heres a start AL WILLIAMS W/D for £30 sold for £30 :)

Al Williams, DON'T talk to me about Al Williams!

Count box of 25 issues sold for £50 each in one weekend in '79.

Thought it was a bit cheap even then, still......

Guest vinylvixen

When the IMAGINATIONS first got played i bought an ISSUE and then came across a DEMO so sold my issue and bought a DEMO little did i know....... :)laugh.gif:P

Doh :lol: ain't hindsight a dreadful thing :lol: Jo


Rosebuds - Say you'll be mine (TOWER)

Ringleaders - Baby what has happened to our love (M-PAC)

Pat & the Blenders - Just because (FAST EDDIE)

Futures - Part time party time (PIR)

Most miffed about Pat & the Blenders as it's a good record. It was the one with the rare b side and wait for this... I gave it away! Second has to be the Ringleaders, I sold it for £15 just before it went big. sad.gif Others less bothered about, least of all the Rosebuds as it's w*nk imho. :)


Doh :) ain't hindsight a dreadful thing :P Jo

Suppose that was the great thing about record collecting back then, it was word of mouth, no technology like today, and i suppose learning by your mistakes was part of the game laugh.gif

Guest vinylvixen

Suppose that was the great thing about record collecting back then, it was word of mouth, no technology like today, and i suppose learning by your mistakes was part of the game :)

I've got some soul BandAids if you need them.....I keep them for emergencies :lol: I don't think I could become 'battlehardened' like Mr D - I'm too soppy and sentimental...typical girly attitude to collecting vinyl laugh.gif:P


Well i've never had any big money records :P so i will just revel in HARRYS PAIN :) coz its his fault i'm not shopping right now on RODEO DRIVE tongue.gif xxxxx


If you're prepared to pay for the therapy, then I will but if not.....I can't - too painful :D The plot involves Italian picture sleeves, dark deserted carparks, Old Town demos, clandestine meetings in damp basements, English R&W Motown, impoverished lodgers, mint UK Sue and a cast of thousands....I will get over it one day - but it's a long haul. 40 years down the line I'll laugh about it :P Looking forward to other people's tales of woe....I do feel the pain tho'. A certain Mr FineWine left his collection in a cab - I sent him a few replacements - I knew how depressed he must've felt......but did tell him that he was a soft lad and not to do it again :lol: Jo

Clandestine meetings in a damp basement? :lol: I wish I'd thought of that LOL....

OK, then Jo, I'll PAY for the stories godammit!

And the way that I'll pay is by gauranteeing a theraputic session right here on SS. Yep, that's right folks, you too can get rid of those nightmares forever by pouring out your hidden, submerged memories and secret fears on this very thread.

It's called 'Vinyl Therapy". A sort of A.A. for painful record experiences, which we need to log for posterity. wicked.gif

As I said to Harry, it may be painfull to some but it's absolutely cathartic and you will ultimately emerge from the experience a more relaxed and well-rounded young woman knowing that you have shared your experiences with others. :)

So, as Al Pacino stated several times in his role as Puerto-Rican gangster Carlito Berganzi (where he displays the duplicity and subsequent torment between his reformed spirit and the endless seduction of the street), in Brian DePalma's superbly directed "Carlito's Way"...........

Here comes the PAIN........"

Ian D :lol:


Loads of 'em and I think about it every day , Frankie Beverly [ Fairmount ] , Al Williams , Joseph Moore , Larry Atkins on Romark [ £6 !!! ] Jimmy McFarland [ £15 !!! ] Silky Hargreaves Dearborn issue £6 , Rufus Lumly Stateside red and white £30 !! ,etc etc .This isn't really helping Ian :) Cheers ,Eddie


Well i've never had any big money records :lol: so i will just revel in HARRYS PAIN :P coz its his fault i'm not shopping right now on RODEO DRIVE :lol: xxxxx

Harry's never gonna hear the last of this is he Di? :lol:

And I haven't even started on him yet LOL...I thought I'd let him revel in his moment of glory but I'm coming in for the kill next week when we should have been in LA raising hell! boxing.gif

Still a great story though and there's deffo a screenplay in it. I don't know if Dean Cavannaugh caught the story but he'd love it. So maybe we can still get that dosh out of the Weinsteins LOL.... :)

Good. Things warming up nicely now.....!

Ian D :D



when i sold my collection about 17 years ago there was one record which i wish i had kept GASOLINE POWERED CLOCK - FOREST FIRE ON MAIN STREET (INST) any idea what this goes for??

chris :)


Al Williams, DON'T talk to me about Al Williams!

Count box of 25 issues sold for £50 each in one weekend in '79.

Thought it was a bit cheap even then, still......

Aha Mr Senior, I thought you'd pop up on this! :)

I STILL have all those nice white-promo 12"'s I used to buy off you in the 70's LOL...

Amazing how having a few copies of something makes you sell 'em too cheap at the time.......and then they come back to haunt you as a painful memory years later.....

EXACTLY what this thread is all about LOL........

My God. No one's gonna thank me for this are they........? g.gif

Ian D :P


Loads of 'em and I think about it every day , Frankie Beverly [ Fairmount ] , Al Williams , Joseph Moore , Larry Atkins on Romark [ £6 !!! ] Jimmy McFarland [ £15 !!! ] Silky Hargreaves Dearborn issue £6 , Rufus Lumly Stateside red and white £30 !! ,etc etc .This isn't really helping Ian :lol: Cheers ,Eddie

It's theraputic Eddie! :)

Your pain is good for the well-being of all of us LOL......

But the Larry Atkins on Romark is a bit difficult to bear. ph34r.gif

If it's any consolation at all, I had both the Ty Karims, a Virginia Blakely, a Delilah Moore (one of the Modern ones I sold to Pat) and a Chico Lamarr I sold to Tim Brown.

And you're right, this isn't really helping is it? :P

Who's bloody idea was this???????

Ian D :lol:


Tower original one off acitate of "i`ve had it" George Smith with talking intro,super cool label !!less than £20 i`m still in bits over it,probberly never see it again :)


Ron pedley was the best story, he was collecting philadelphia stuff at the time, got talking to this lad who told him he would sell him his FRANK BEVERLEY-FAIRMOUNT, said i`ll bring it for you next week £25, next week ron was barbed and the kid came up and said ive brought that record for you ron, ron in his barbed stupor told the lad to f*ck off :) so the lad went into the record bar and sold it laugh.gif should have seen rons face when i told him what he`d done the next day :P:lol::lol:


Tower original one off acitate of "i`ve had it" George Smith with talking intro,super cool label !!less than £20 i`m still in bits over it,probberly never see it again face.gif

Ouch! :)

Now that's EXACTLY the stuff of horror stories!

My commiserations Ken. Never has the title of a record been more appropriate! :P

I feel your pain. :lol:

Ian D :lol:


Ron pedley was the best story, he was collecting philadelphia stuff at the time, got talking to this lad who told him he would sell him his FRANK BEVERLEY-FAIRMOUNT, said i`ll bring it for you next week £25, next week ron was barbed and the kid came up and said ive brought that record for you ron, ron in his barbed stupor told the lad to f*ck off :) so the lad went into the record bar and sold it laugh.gif should have seen rons face when i told him what he`d done the next day :P:lol::lol:

Well that just serves ginger-minge right LOL! :lol:

That Ron got away with bloody murder back in the day so he had it coming and he got well and truly served there LOL. That'll make the bugger realise the consequences of his actions 'cos I bet he's really tormented by that to this day!

Now THAT is theraputic LOL....

Ian D :D


Hey, that's weird....?

How come we have more replies than views? How is that possible? Has the view counter stuck or something.........?

Oops, gotta go for a cuppa....

Ian D :)


Ouch! ph34r.gif

Now that's EXACTLY the stuff of horror stories!

My commiserations Ken. Never has the title of a record been more appropriate! :lol:

I feel your pain. :(

Ian D :D

Got a R Rice instead.............ah well,i did manage to fill the 100club dancefloor with it before it went :D anyone want to swap a R Rice for a George Smith :lol:

Guest paup-ine



ANY IDEAS? whistling.gif



[ Heres a start AL WILLIAMS W/D for £30 sold for £30 :lol:

Heres another one Patti & the Emblems Black issue sold it for £30 odd quid maybe £40 along with a John Bowie, Jay Trayner and a Sue Lynne all round the £20 mark. But not to worry. Life and health are much more important


Now here's someone who has their priorities right. thumbup.gif

Steve, your attitude is much too sensible for 'Vinyl Therapy' LOL.....

Quite right too: your health is your wealth at the end of the day. And there were a few black Patti & The Emblems around back in the day when it was a £2 'in every box' type record, I seem to remember.........

Ian D :lol:

Posted (edited)

Cheers Ian for reminding me.......oh the pain...lol some include - Soul Shakers - Teri De, Eric Mercury - Sac, Gene Toones - Simco Stock/Issue, Imperial C's - Phil La Of Soul, Chuck Holiday - Gloria but I think this was stolen out of my flat when I lived in North Wales?, Lou Pride - Your Love Is Fading - Suemi, Vondells - Airtown, Jesse Davis - Era, Twans - Dade, first copy of Johnny Rodgers - Amon but got that back, first copy of Little Nicky Soul - Shee again replaced that, and as Eddie said many many others, best thing to do is to forget about them as otherwise it drives you mental, if we knew then what we know now OMG millionaires all of us...lol

On a serious note I've let go of loads of great records in recent years with no regrets moved them on got other records so it works well stuff like Just Brothers - Garrison, Arin Demain - Blue Star, Gerri Hall - Hot Line, Donna King - Hot Line, Ellusions - Lamon, Rufus Wood - Espanola, Nat Hall - Loop, numerous oldies like Christine Cooper - Parkway, Johnny Caswell - Decca, Herbert Hunter - Spar Demo etc. etc. have all been and gone during my thirty plus years on the scene and the funny thing is I do not miss certain records have no desire to get them back again, forgotton some of the things I have had like us all and even as I write this titles keep popping up in my head...now I'm gonna find myself a nice tall building to jump off...lol one last thing despite all the records that have 'Slipped Through My Fingers' bugger two Tower Demo's of that has too...lol I can honestly say that I'm enjoying collecting records now more than I ever have in the past in terms of buying new bits and bobs, replacing the odd few and enjoying what I still have, one final note through all my collecting/DJ'ing career there are certain records which will never leave me still have Bobby Kline, Billy Prophet - Demo, Dena Barnes, Cashmeres - Hem, Four Tracks - Mandingo, Troy Dodds - El Camino, Ascots all three on Mir - A - Don, Jimmy Burns - Erica, Poets - Symbol Demo etc. etc. etc. some records you can learn to live without others there is far too much emotional attatchment to them, love, passion and the desire to own often something very few others can, finally the beauty is in a weird and wonderful way when a record goes to someone else if they get that same buzz and feeling ain't it worth sharing?....you bet it is...God after that I think I need to go and play a few tunes not that I've got many left you understand.....lol and some, Volumes, Falcons, Darrow Fletcher's and few other bits and bobs.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Where's that tall building just thought of some more - Betty Wilson - Dayco, Ray Pollard - Shrine, Sandi Sheldon - Demo (Final edit before I go totally insane, Hayes Cotton, Purple Mundi, Reggie Alexander, Martells, John Leach help!!!!!) oh shit again cheers Ian for making our day so grim now....lol

Edited by Mark Bicknell

Had a few "bits" through my hands over the years but I only ever regretted one sale:

1992 - The complete UK Motown catalogue (including the London, Fontana, Oriole, Stateside 45s and two copies, demo and beautiful green stock issue, of The Spinners on Columbia). NEARLY ALL on demos where applicable. AND in relevent company sleeves. No wol, sol, all with centres.

Took me about 17 years. Couldn't do it nowadays. It'd be impossible to start again. You'd have to sell body parts.

About 10 years ago in a fit of remorse, I set out to do the US catalogue. (Has anyone actually done that UK and US?) I gave up after about 6 years. Too overwhelming.

Still...enjoyed putting it all together and have most of the UK items I had on US Demos now.


Del Larks - Job Opening bought for £25, sold for £95 when I was short of cash, do I need to say anymore?

No mate you need say nothing more, still you made a profit....lol say's the man who sold Eric Mercury for £95.00 at Stafford......I'll get me coat.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.


Guest Codfromderby

years and years ago i bought the professionals (thats why)and al kent (acting lately) both for 20 quid, a bit later in the same month i sold the professionals for £20 as i felt guilty as to the amount i,d spent on records, oh well at least ive still got al kent and in a round about way i,m not out of pocket ,am i sad.gif

around the same time i remember swapping an lp by the califonia playboys for a new release 12" by herbie hancock, :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Had a few "bits" through my hands over the years but I only ever regretted one sale:

1992 - The complete UK Motown catalogue (including the London, Fontana, Oriole, Stateside 45s and two copies, demo and beautiful green stock issue, of The Spinners on Columbia). NEARLY ALL on demos where applicable. AND in relevent company sleeves. No wol, sol, all with centres.

Took me about 17 years. Couldn't do it nowadays. It'd be impossible to start again. You'd have to sell body parts.

About 10 years ago in a fit of remorse, I set out to do the US catalogue. (Has anyone actually done that UK and US?) I gave up after about 6 years. Too overwhelming.

Still...enjoyed putting it all together and have most of the UK items I had on US Demos now.

Out of curiosity, what did you sell it for Dave? I'm just computing what was probably a one-off collection and 17 years of collecting, not that I want to make you feel even worse! :rolleyes:

I hear stories of a Detroit collector that has a full run of U.S. Motown and I'm sure there's a couple of complete UK Motown collections, but I'm curious as to what a full UK collection would be valued at these days. :rolleyes:

Very painful though mate......... angry.gif

Ian D :lol:


Out of curiosity, what did you sell it for Dave? I'm just computing what was probably a one-off collection and 17 years of collecting, not that I want to make you feel even worse! :rolleyes:

I hear stories of a Detroit collector that has a full run of U.S. Motown and I'm sure there's a couple of complete UK Motown collections, but I'm curious as to what a full UK collection would be valued at these days. :rolleyes:

Very painful though mate......... angry.gif

Ian D :lol:

I sold it in two sections. Half went to another collector/dealer and half went in individual sales. I ended up with just over 13000UKP which paid for my latest acquisition on import - A brand new gleaming Harley Davidson FLSTC Big Twin Motorcycle! (Which I still have).

There are a number of US collectors who are 'almost there' on the US side of things but with stuff like Patrice Holloway needed to complete there's only gonna be so many can do it. It would need the same genuinely rare 45s to be going round and round within the same collections. I've resigned myself to the fact that I can't do it. ah well, it's only a hobby eh?!


Well, it's happened to all of us hasn't it?

At some point most of us have had a record in our hands that is very special. Then, for one reason or another, you allow the record to leave the cosy comfort of your collection and then spend the rest of your life regretting the fact that you'd allowed it to slip through your fingers.

It may have been for a number of reasons. Possibly there was another fresher record that you wanted and in order to get it, you may have had to trade that special one, thinking that you'd be able to get it again in the future.

Or, in my day, it could be that one of the special ones was about to be bootlegged, so it'd be traded in a swap deal or sold to an 'oldies' collector. That's where my Eula Cooper, Four Perfections, Tomangoes, Yvonne Baker and Detroit Executives went for instance - all of them being mega-rare at the time.

Or it may have been a financial imperative. I've had about 4 seperate Northern collections over the years. My first collection was sold to finance a trip to the U.S. in 1976, which co-incidentaly meant I amassed a second collection almost immediately. I eventually got back to the UK and used Collection No.2 to fund a few essential purchases - cars, clothes, women and investments in a 'live fast, die young' lifestyle which obviously failed miserably! Collection No.3 came following lots of trips to the U.S. in the 80's where I hit lucky a few times before hitting a slump at the end of the decade which Collection No.3 got me over and helped me to finance the development of a great compilation series (Mastercuts). This was when I sold a BEAUTIFUL little Modern collection to Pat Brady which would now be worth £30K by itself! Then, in the 90's I got lucky again and acquired a tasty UK collection and some lovely RARE U.S. originals which contributed to Collection No.4. But then I had to finance another venture, so bang went my my Alexander Patton, Lou Johnson, Garnet Mimms, Levi Jackson and Major Lance promos along with a ramp of U.S. goodies. Some of you on here bought 'em so I know they went to good homes!

I've got battle-hardened over the years and I'm now used to maintaining a 'floating' collection all the time. I keep everything in one form or another, so I still have everything that I've ever owned or wanted right here. But, alas, Stanley Mitchell is not on a Dynamo white-promo anymore and the Professionals is a boot LOL.........

However, every so often, I sometimes wake up in the dead of night covered in a film of sweat reliving the tortuous moment when I had to let a goody go!

One instance that springs to mind was when I flogged the ONLY test-pressing in existence of the Si Hightower ep to Colin Dilnot in the late 70's. I KNEW it was a one-off and incredibly rare but, to be honest, it was WAAY to slow for the Northern scene at the time and wasn't one of my preferences anyway. So I let it go to a good home - to someone I knew would really appreciate the record and nurture it until it was ready, which, as it happens, is EXACTLY how things turned out. So a good decision in my opinion.

And this is how I've managed to justify letting some key records go over the years LOL.....

But I wonder whether Les McCutcheon, Johnathan Woodliffe and Kev Roberts have similar nightmares over THAT 1st copy of Frank Wilson? Were they happy? What circumstances made them pass on the only-known copy of the ultimate rarity? And can they sleep at night LOL....

So what records have YOU let pass through your fingers and then regretted it forever?

The records don't have to be mega-rarities either. They could be records which have a strong sentimental tie for you or which remind you of a particularly good or poignant time in your life. Or they may be unique copies in some way or other. But it still tugs your heartstrings on occasion just thinking about that particular record, who you sold or swapped it with and the reasons why you sold or swapped it at the time.

There's gotta be some GREAT stories here, so let's hear 'em!

Ian D biggrin.gif

There's been loads, but 1 that I really regret getting rid of is Garnet mimms - looking for you, on uk united artists, is was a minter too, i'll get it back someday


Guest Jim G

There's been loads, but 1 that I really regret getting rid of is Garnet mimms - looking for you, on uk united artists, is was a minter too, i'll get it back someday


There is one here on auction...


Posted (edited)

There's been loads, but 1 that I really regret getting rid of is Garnet mimms - looking for you, on uk united artists, is was a minter too, i'll get it back someday


1982 .......

Pookie Hudson - This Gets To Me ( Jamie W / D ) - £15 ...........

I will dig the list out which contains the many others I sold cheap as chips around the same time , and post up the titles I listed for sale ........

That is if I can hold back the tears whilst I type laugh.gif ......

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton

aound the year 2000 i swapped my cecil washington and the tomangoes for a vivian carol

merben w/d.............. what was i thinking about. still beat myself up over it sad.gif:huh:


Nope Dave, that definitely sounds like a moment of madness to me. I don't even know the Vivian Carol Merben record but I do know that neither the Tomangoes or Cecil Washington grow on trees LOL......

A major nightmare inducer for sure. I still regret losing my Tomangoes in a swap deal in the 70's and I've never had another real one since...... :thumbup:

Commiserations mate. I'd be beating myself up too!

Ian D :hypo:


There's been loads, but 1 that I really regret getting rid of is Garnet mimms - looking for you, on uk united artists, is was a minter too, i'll get it back someday


My beautiful UK white promo went to Tim Brown along with the rest of my English, so I know exactly how you feel Steve! :thumbup:

At least with a lot of the UK gear, you know it'll probably appear again soon when someone's collection come up, whereas with some of the US ones it could be anybody's guess......

Ian D :hypo:


1982 .......

Pookie Hudson - This Gets To Me ( Jamie W / D ) - £15 ...........

I will dig the list out which contains the many others I sold cheap as chips around the same time , and post up the titles I listed for sale ........

That is if I can hold back the tears whilst I type laugh.gif ......

Malc Burton

And I wonder whether that was the one I found at Chris Peakes house in L.A. in '76 LOL......... :huh:

Dig out the list Malc 'cos there'll be a few nightmares there no doubt...... :thumbup:

Talking of which, does anyone on here have a copy of my 'Vinyl Junky's" list from '77 I think? It was an 80 page booklet with 1000's of records listed all cheap. Frightening............. :hypo:

Ian D :yes:

Guest Frank Elson

A sold all my singles years ago. Got just about everything on tape or CD now. I put together my own compilations from mp3 downloads (yes, naughty, but I figure I did sel a lot of records for a lot of folk).

Obviously there are loads of things I haven't got but the one I really, really, miss is The Poets "She Blew A Good Thing".


White labels ? I have a white label album from Contempo records, that has never been played. I actually have no idea what the tracks are. Long story :-)


My biggest faux pas was Andy Fisher "Hearts beating stronger" Fatfish, I asked a well known DJ/dealer for some address' in the states, a couple of days after I got back round he comes to see what I picked up, offered me £20 for said 45, as I was potless after the trip I let it go.

The real bummer was I didn't even record it. What a tit.



Yep - great thread Ian

I've never had an amazing collection. Just a few bits along the way - a mixed bag really.

I've sold a lot for differing reasons, had a load stolen and lost some in renovation work at home.


Bloody Hell Pete you and DIY don't get on do you... :lol::D

I had a 50 box of gems back in the early 80s that some light fingered basket nicked, included in that were a few demos, a couple ultra rare and some not so, but they meant a lot to me. I still happen across the light fingered one now and again, and still want to rip his head off ... not that I bear a grudge or anything all these years later :thumbsup:


And I wonder whether that was the one I found at Chris Peakes house in L.A. in '76 LOL......... :D

Dig out the list Malc 'cos there'll be a few nightmares there no doubt...... :thumbsup:

Talking of which, does anyone on here have a copy of my 'Vinyl Junky's" list from '77 I think? It was an 80 page booklet with 1000's of records listed all cheap. Frightening............. :lol:

Ian D :D

Nightmares ? the last time I read through it , I wept uncontrollably ........

I will just throw a teaser in for later when I dig the list out ..........

Doni Burdick " BT " , Rita DaCosta " DBMD " and Ronnie McNair " SIMC " ...........

Prepare to shed a tear with me children :lol: ...........

Malc Burton

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