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Searching For Soul By Reg Stickings

Guest Ali Brad

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Guest Ali Brad


I bought this book at the Prestatyn weekender, and have read it cover to cover.Once started could not put down

It tells the story of Reg and his love of all that is Soul Music. If you read only one book this year make it this one The details of the places,people and the sounds (or as Reg calls them Choons) make you think or wish you where there. I applaud the man for his down to earth story and I think his words on the last page are what Soul music and true Soulies are about . the words are,

However the music has touched you and affected your lives, it's a passion that will stay with you for the rest of your days.





Thanks Reg for a well written book about the music I love


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Yep, good read.

Bought in on Saturday night and read it over the rest of the weekend whilst dodging between different rooms, 90mph gales and my chalet crashpad @ Prestatyn.....

I actually thought it was about searching for rare records in the U.S. - probably the boxful of rare 45's as the pic cover and "Searching For Soul" as a title had something to do with it, so an effective title and jacket design LOL....

So more power to Reg for getting a book done at all in this day and age. A lifetime of passion for soul is always an inspiring read!

Ian D

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Guest Trevski

Thought the first third was good, pretty much 'everyman's' introduction to the scene at that time,

the youth club, etc. Good read up till then. Second third of the book, lost interest with all that jazz funk/Caister malarkey. Last third a typical, 'returnee' to the scene outlook, nostalgia, baggies, oldies and whatnot. Box in the attic job, with the other stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again. Just MHO of course, hope it does well for him. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Trevski
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Thought the first third was good, pretty much 'everyman's' introduction to the scene at that time,

the youth club, etc. Good read up till then. Second third of the book, lost interest with all that jazz funk/Caister malarkey. Last third a typical, 'returnee' to the scene outlook, nostalgia, baggies, oldies and whatnot. Box in the attic job, with the other stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again. Just MHO of course, hope it does well for him. :P

Just to say, that the last part you mention was about REAL people and whether returnees or not - does it matter? Some people have families etc along the way, but just shows their dedication to getting back on the scene! It was about friendship too. Dont think Reggie's box was ever in the attic with other stuff, Reggie took many years to do this book and whether you like the Caister part or not, it was about HIS life and should be respected for that. Sorry but I had to say this as it annoys me when people cant at least respect other people's achievements, I dont normally get so annoyed on here but sometimes . . .

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Guest Trevski

Just to say, that the last part you mention was about REAL people and whether returnees or not - does it matter? Some people have families etc along the way, but just shows their dedication to getting back on the scene! It was about friendship too. Dont think Reggie's box was ever in the attic with other stuff, Reggie took many years to do this book and whether you like the Caister part or not, it was about HIS life and should be respected for that. Sorry but I had to say this as it annoys me when people cant at least respect other people's achievements, I dont normally get so annoyed on here but sometimes . . .

Real people, as opposed to what?  

Returnees, or not, does it matter? No, it doesn't, just pointing out what the last part was about.

Didn't say Reggies box was in the attic, I meant that's where his book was going, in my attic, with stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again! (Actually you've annoyed me now, so rather than the attic, if anyone want's a free copy, Pm me.)

Don't see your problem with my review, it was fair, honest and I don't think in any way dis-respectful. I totaly respect his achievements in producing the book, but I gave an appraisal of the book as I saw it. Why can't people accept that not everyone is going to think this is a brilliant book and are just as entitled to say so as those that think its great? All other reviews, comments etc, have been good. I read them and dissagreed, so I thought I would give my opinion, worthless as it may be to some, others prefer a balanced viewpoint, if there is one.

I would still say to anyone who hasn't got the book, buy it and make your own mind up, I did.

Just don't post on here if you don't like it, it seems it offend the "If you can't say anything nice, then say nothing at all" brigade. :P

PS You go on about respect etc, and then on your profile say you hate 4WD's! Can't you respect the fact that people can drive what the hell they like!You also say you hate falsness, well, It would have been false for me to say

 I liked the book when I didn't.

You also hate injustice, well where's the justice in denying someone their point of view? (One rule for you, one for others. Typical)

PPS here's my 4WD, so you can hate me just a little bit more! :D


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Why can't people accept that not everyone is going to think this is a brilliant book and are entitled to say so? All other reviews, comments etc, have been good. I read them and dis-agreed so I thought I would give my oppinion, worthless as it may be to some, others prefer a balanced viewpoint, if there is one.

It's getting worse on here every week for this kind of thing. Woebetide anyone who has an opinion that's different from the general consensus. We've got a new breed of member this last few months who just hate to see the boat being rocked and everything has got to be just nice and everyone must get along with everyone else and all like the same things. I don't like the f*cking Carstairs. I have not killed your family. I just don't like a record, get over it.

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Guest Trevski

It's getting worse on here every week for this kind of thing. Woebetide anyone who has an opinion that's different from the general consensus. We've got a new breed of member this last few months who just hate to see the boat being rocked and everything has got to be just nice and everyone must get along with everyone else and all like the same things. I don't like the f*cking Carstairs. I have not killed your family. I just don't like a record, get over it.

Hear hear Pete! I know you and I are not always nice and we disagree with each other quite often, but at least we tolerate, and probably respect each others point of view and the right we have to make it. I really cannot understand the "if you can't say anything nice" viewpoint, apparently that Mr Hitler liked dogs, and children, what a nice man! laugh.gif

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Real people, as opposed to what?

Returnees, or not, does it matter? No, it doesn't, just pointing out what the last part was about.

Didn't say Reggies box was in the attic, I meant that's where his book was going, in my attic, with stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again! (Actually you've annoyed me now, so rather than the attic, if anyone want's a free copy, Pm me.)

Don't see your problem with my review, it was fair, honest and I don't think in any way dis-respectful. I totaly respect his achievements in producing the book, but I gave an appraisal of the book as I saw it. Why can't people accept that not everyone is going to think this is a brilliant book and are just as entitled to say so as those that think its great? All other reviews, comments etc, have been good. I read them and dissagreed, so I thought I would give my opinion, worthless as it may be to some, others prefer a balanced viewpoint, if there is one.

I would still say to anyone who hasn't got the book, buy it and make your own mind up, I did.

Just don't post on here if you don't like it, it seems it offend the "If you can't say anything nice, then say nothing at all" brigade. laugh.gif

PS You go on about respect etc, and then on your profile say you hate 4WD's! Can't you respect the fact that people can drive what the hell they like! (One rule for you, one for others. Typical)

PPS here's mine, so you can hate me just a little bit more! :lol:


'if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY so why slag something down on here? If you didnt like it, fine, but dont offend someone I know who spent a lot of time on this. As you gave your opinion, I gave mine, what is your problem, take a pill and chill!!

Let me tell you about respect then and 4wds - I have it and they can kill!! You dont know me so dont slag me down - I wasnt personel to you just letting you know about how much Reg put into that book. No there is no rule of me or you, you certainly dont know me and I certainly wouldnt want to know someone as low as you!

Seems here we go again, are you going to start with 'do you know who I am' next? that normally seems to be the case with certain members on here - no I dont, and dont care - just before you do say it - 'do you know who I am?' no - good, lets leave it at that, actually my view is balanced - seems people have a jealously problem when they cant seem to do something that they know someone else has! I feel sorry for you.

Go on then give me facts about how good 4wds are then, do I go on here telling all not to drive, buy them, no - cos its my point of view, people know that as Im not a selfish person and dont need to drive something like that, I have friends who have them and we just beg to differ. If you want to slag my views down then I suggest you either pm me or tell me to my face.

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It's getting worse on here every week for this kind of thing. Woebetide anyone who has an opinion that's different from the general consensus. We've got a new breed of member this last few months who just hate to see the boat being rocked and everything has got to be just nice and everyone must get along with everyone else and all like the same things. I don't like the f*cking Carstairs. I have not killed your family. I just don't like a record, get over it.

Funny always seems to be the men who think they are right!

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Guest rachel

I didn't think Trev's post was offensive at all, thought it was a balanced review of his thoughts on the book (which were mixed, not entirely negative as far as I can see!). Can understand that people are defensive of friends but I'd say if you're going to publish something publicly then it's fair to expect both positive and negative reception.

Further posts on the book welcome - if you want to argue about other things then take it elsewhere.

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Well I read the book over a week ago and thought it was quite good reading, interestings to read of someone else experience in our world of soul music, love it or hate it, at lease Reg wrote it as he experienced, so why knock something that most of us would never achive because either were too lazy and let things pass us by or we're still having a good time on the soul scene.

Edited by shute
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Guest Trevski

'if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY so why slag something down on here? If you didnt like it, fine, but dont offend someone I know who spent a lot of time on this. As you gave your opinion, I gave mine, what is your problem, take a pill and chill!!

Let me tell you about respect then and 4wds - I have it and they can kill!! You dont know me so dont slag me down - I wasnt personel to you just letting you know about how much Reg put into that book. No there is no rule of me or you, you certainly dont know me and I certainly wouldnt want to know someone as low as you!

Seems here we go again, are you going to start with 'do you know who I am' next? that normally seems to be the case with certain members on here - no I dont, and dont care - just before you do say it - 'do you know who I am?' no - good, lets leave it at that, actually my view is balanced - seems people have a jealously problem when they cant seem to do something that they know someone else has! I feel sorry for you.

Go on then give me facts about how good 4wds are then, do I go on here telling all not to drive, buy them, no - cos its my point of view, people know that as Im not a selfish person and dont need to drive something like that, I have friends who have them and we just beg to differ. If you want to slag my views down then I suggest you either pm me or tell me to my face.

???? 'if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY so why slag something down on here? If you didnt like it, fine, but dont offend someone I know who spent a lot of time on this. What??/ Slag off? I didn't slag anything, I merely said parts of it I didn't like. "Do you know who I am" What's that all about? I'm no-one, just a guy who doesn't particularly like a book! Chill pill? Seems a bit of pot calling the kettle there!Slagging your views? How do you make that out? I simply highlighted the fact that you hate 4x4's as an example of your hypocracy.It's ok for you to hate something others like, but not for others to simply dislike something you do! You seem to have a serious intolerance problem that is best adressed by proffesionals. I like a lot of books, I also dislike a lot of books. Just because I happen to not care for this one, no need to go off on one. As for how much he put into it, I don't give a toss, just as I don't care how much P.G.Wodehouse put into his, or how much Harper Lee put into hers. As for him having difficulties with reading and writing etc, 

ability, or disability has nothing to do with litarary content.

Christy Brown's "My left foot" is not a great book because he wrote it with his left foot, but because it is a moving and superbly written account. It's whats on the pages that matter,and if you enjoy it or not, and as far as Reggies book goes, I didn't.

Jealousy because he did something and I didn't?? Not in the slightest!

If he would be offended, as you put it, because someone has read it, didn't care for it and said so, without

any malice or ill feeling, then he is a pretty poor specimen, IMHO.

as to "if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY Then whats the point of Film 2008, if they say every film is brilliant, or the Culture Show if they say every play, book and art exhibit is wonderful!

Finaly, when it comes to slagging saying " I certainly wouldnt want to know someone as low as you!" when, as you say, you don't even know me, is not only slagging of the highest order, it is downright offensive!

I defy anyone on here (apart from you) to read my review of the book and find anything derogatory, slagging or offensive in it. The moderators certainly don't, (thanks Rachel) and if they think its fair and balanced, where's your problem?

Just to save anyone time, here is the offensive, derogatory and slagging article

"Thought the first third was good, pretty much 'everyman's' introduction to the scene at that time,

the youth club, etc. Good read up till then. Second third of the book, lost interest with all that jazz funk/Caister malarkey. Last third a typical, 'returnee' to the scene outlook, nostalgia, baggies, oldies and whatnot. Box in the attic job, with the other stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again. Just MHO of course, hope it does well for him."

Edited by Trevski
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???? 'if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY so why slag something down on here? If you didnt like it, fine, but dont offend someone I know who spent a lot of time on this. What??/ Slag off? I didn't slag anything, I merely said parts of it I didn't like. "Do you know who I am" What's that all about? I'm no-one, just a guy who doesn't particularly like a book! Chill pill? Seems a bit of pot calling the kettle there!Slagging your views? How do you make that out? I simply highlighted the fact that you hate 4x4's as an example of your hypocracy.It's ok for you to hate something others like, but not for others to simply dislike something you do! You seem to have a serious intolerance problem that is best adressed by proffesionals. I like a lot of books, I also dislike a lot of books. Just because I happen to not care for this one, no need to go off on one. As for how much he put into it, I don't give a toss, just as I don't care how much P.G.Wodehouse put into his, or how much Harper Lee put into hers. As for him having difficulties with reading and writing etc,

ability, or disability has nothing to do with litarary content.

Christy Brown's "My left foot" is not a great book because he wrote it with his left foot, but because it is a moving and superbly written account. It's whats on the pages that matter,and if you enjoy it or not, and as far as Reggies book goes, I didn't.

Jealousy because he did something and I didn't?? Not in the slightest!

If he would be offended, as you put it, because someone has read it, didn't care for it and said so, without

any malice or ill feeling, then he is a pretty poor specimen, IMHO.

as to "if you cant say anything good dont say it at all!' EXACTLY Then whats the point of Film 2008, if they say every film is brilliant, or the Culture Show if they say every play, book and art exhibit is wonderful!

Finaly, when it comes to slagging saying " I certainly wouldnt want to know someone as low as you!" when, as you say, you don't even know me, is not only slagging of the highest order, it is downright offensive!

I defy anyone on here (apart from you) to read my review of the book and find anything derogatory, slagging or offensive in it. The moderators certainly don't, (thanks Rachel) and if they think its fair and balanced, where's your problem?

Just to save anyone time, here is the offensive, derogatory and slagging article

"Thought the first third was good, pretty much 'everyman's' introduction to the scene at that time,

the youth club, etc. Good read up till then. Second third of the book, lost interest with all that jazz funk/Caister malarkey. Last third a typical, 'returnee' to the scene outlook, nostalgia, baggies, oldies and whatnot. Box in the attic job, with the other stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again. Just MHO of course, hope it does well for him."

Up own ar*s springs to mind!

Go and get over yourself - I cant even bother to reply to that nonsense so I wont waste my time - no not cos I cant just cos Im a better person than that! Problem is ar*seholes like you, so as you wanted to carry on this without my suggestions of pm, that proves my point. And wots this about bringing others into this? I didnt - you are the one who needs help mate not me, I fight my own battles, shame you cant!

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Up own ar*s springs to mind!

Go and get over yourself - I cant even bother to reply to that nonsense so I wont waste my time - no not cos I cant just cos Im a better person than that! Problem is ar*seholes like you, so as you wanted to carry on this without my suggestions of pm, that proves my point. And wots this about bringing others into this? I didnt - you are the one who needs help mate not me, I fight my own battles, shame you cant!

For what it's worth guy's, i'm reading through it at the moment............it's one man's journey through his Soul years, past & present.......a personal account, with bit's that i'm sure we can all relate to?? I.m.h.o., it's worth a read. :thumbsup:


john mc.

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Guest Trevski

Up own ar*s springs to mind!

Go and get over yourself - I cant even bother to reply to that nonsense so I wont waste my time - no not cos I cant just cos Im a better person than that! Problem is ar*seholes like you, so as you wanted to carry on this without my suggestions of pm, that proves my point. And wots this about bringing others into this? I didnt - you are the one who needs help mate not me, I fight my own battles, shame you cant!

Who?? What?? Bringing others in??? I brought no-one in! If anyone made any reply because I brought you in, please own up! :thumbsup: (paranoia there methinks)

A name calling, foul language, derogatory, offensive post, a great deal of intelligence displayed there, I don't think!

Why would I want to Pm you, you are obviously an intolerant, bigoted person. Better person, I doubt that very much, and would ask the moderators to have a word with you for posting such vile and abusive drivel. I shall say no-more as intolerance, and narrow-mindedness on your level deserves no reply.

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Thought the first third was good, pretty much 'everyman's' introduction to the scene at that time,

the youth club, etc. Good read up till then. Second third of the book, lost interest with all that jazz funk/Caister malarkey. Last third a typical, 'returnee' to the scene outlook, nostalgia, baggies, oldies and whatnot. Box in the attic job, with the other stuff I'll keep, but probably never touch again. Just MHO of course, hope it does well for him. :thumbsup:

Trevski do think you are at best being somewhat flippant to the author here with your three line psuedo-analysis. The book was a good read from start to finish, and I do know how much pleasure it gave Reg to get the book published.

Fact is a lot of people got into jazz funk off the northern scene, and a lot of people left the scene in th 70s / 80s and came back in the 90s.....so f*ckin what? It's 2008 now - oh yeah!. OK they may not be allowed to wear a lifetime service to rare soul badge, but they can probably do without dismissive "returnee" comments. As for the other digs - Reggie in Baggies and digging oldies? - you obviously don't know the same guy that I see on the dancefloors in the southern clubs. You couldn't be further from the truth here Trevski. Reg is not like that at all.

I thought the book was a very personal account of one man's experiences on the scene and his life. Good read - including the Caister bits.


Edited by Steve G
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Guest Trevski

Trevski do think you are at best being somewhat flippant to the author here with your three line psuedo-analysis. The book was a good read from start to finish, and I do know how much pleasure it gave Reg to get the book published.

Fact is a lot of people got into jazz funk off the northern scene, and a lot of people left the scene in th 70s / 80s and came back in the 90s.....so f*ckin what? It's 2008 now - oh yeah!. OK they may not be allowed to wear a lifetime service to rare soul badge, but they can probably do without dismissive "returnee" comments. As for the other digs - Reggie in Baggies and digging oldies? - you obviously don't know the same guy that I see on the dancefloors in the southern clubs. You couldn't be further from the truth here Trevski. Reg is not like that at all.

I thought the book was a very personal account of one man's experiences on the scene and his life. Good read - including the Caister bits.


Hi Steve, a good, sensible reply to my views. without name-calling! Altho-"psuedo-analysis"? is a bit much. Psuedo, ie not genuine sham,bogus, phony, artificial, mock, ersatz, quasi-, fake, false, spurious, deceptive, misleading, assumed, contrived, affected, insincere; informal pretend, put-on. I don't think any of those definitions apply?  I don't think it was flippant either, it was my oppinion, pure and simple. I could have gone into greater depth but didn't feel I needed to. Simply made the point that the first part was most peoples, myself included, experience of getting into northern. The second part I found uninteresting and it didn't grab my attention as it was about something I had no interest in, and whilst I appreciate it was a good account of his experience it didn't really make me want to flip the pages enthusiasticaly. Third part was about him returning to the scene. I merely said it was again a typical returnees story. Not being dismissive. No I don't know him, don't particularly want to, just read it as I saw it, and thats it. Don't appreciate the 'digs' comments Steve, I wasnt having a dig anywhere just giving a view of the book as I saw it. Can't someone critisize something without it being seen has 'having a dig?' I certainly don't think your having a dig at me, because you critisize my post!

Still, I respect and welcome your opinnion, and the right to give it, neverthele


Seems to me that because people on here know the chap, they are taking it far too personaly. I was on about the book, not who wrote it! I suppose Tolstoy's mates did the same whan someone said War & Peace went on a bit! :thumbsup:

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I trust you're both grown up enough to leave it there, any more personal comments and will lock the thread.

Doesnt bother me Rachel, to be honest quite surprised at you, yes Reg is a friend of mine but seems some can slag people down and others cant, I know Reg would be hurt by the remarks and he wouldnt say anything sorry but Im not up my own ar*e like some are on here! I asked him to take it via pm and he didnt, so am I still wrong then? Lock it couldnt careless, I can have my point of view like anyone and at least I dont have to slag people down unless they start it first. Ive been on here a long time and most on here are great but there are a few that seem to slag people down on a regular basis and allowed to, but if I do - dif story! wots this about then? Thought you knew me better, obviously you dont.

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Guest soul kitten

sorry i agree with Trev ,was an ok book but was nt one i could nt put down,

its a personal account of regs life ,nothing to critize ,and i resepect him for making the time and personal effort to write this.

maybe knowing Reg makes the differance as you can relate more to his story.

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Guest rachel

Doesnt bother me Rachel, to be honest quite surprised at you, yes Reg is a friend of mine but seems some can slag people down and others cant, I know Reg would be hurt by the remarks and he wouldnt say anything sorry but Im not up my own ar*e like some are on here! I asked him to take it via pm and he didnt, so am I still wrong then? Lock it couldnt careless, I can have my point of view like anyone and at least I dont have to slag people down unless they start it first. Ive been on here a long time and most on here are great but there are a few that seem to slag people down on a regular basis and allowed to, but if I do - dif story! wots this about then? Thought you knew me better, obviously you dont.

It's nothing to do with who I know, it's what's in the best interests of the forum and a public slagging match is not - you both took it down that route and continued even after I asked for it to stop.

Topic closed - if anyone wants to discuss the book then they can start a new topic in All About The Soul. If anyone wants to discuss moderation they can do it in Members Feedback.

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sorry i agree with Trev ,was an ok book but was nt one i could nt put down,

its a personal account of regs life ,nothing to critize ,and i resepect him for making the time and personal effort to write this.

maybe knowing Reg makes the differance as you can relate more to his story.

Thanks, thats fine. yes its a personal account of reg's life and yes it took a lot of time and effort along the way and he is very proud of it. He is also the sort of person who would be hurt by remarks like Trev said, I never said it was brilliant but thanks for your comments. :thumbsup:

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sorry i agree with Trev ,was an ok book but was nt one i could nt put down,

its a personal account of regs life ,nothing to critize ,and i resepect him for making the time and personal effort to write this.

maybe knowing Reg makes the differance as you can relate more to his story.

Thanks, thats fine. yes its a personal account of reg's life and yes it took a lot of time and effort along the way and he is very proud of it. He is also the sort of person who would be hurt by remarks like Trev said, I never said it was brilliant but thanks for your comments. :thumbup:

After three years of being slated at art school, one gets to learn the difference between objective and subjective criticism.

Trevski gave his honest opinion (for that is what it was) and he is entitled to that and no-one can argue with him about if the mid section of the book didn't do it for him, cos that's his sentiment. In the same way that a played out oldie to one person may be fresh and vibrant to new ears Reg's story may be so so to some and a riveting read for others. I would be considered a "returnee" had I been around the first time, so I look forward to reading the book and live through Reg something I didn't experience for myself.

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sorry i agree with Trev ,was an ok book but was nt one i could nt put down,

its a personal account of regs life ,nothing to critize ,and i resepect him for making the time and personal effort to write this.

maybe knowing Reg makes the differance as you can relate more to his story.

Thanks, thats fine. yes its a personal account of reg's life and yes it took a lot of time and effort along the way and he is very proud of it. He is also the sort of person who would be hurt by remarks like Trev said, I never said it was brilliant but thanks for your comments. :thumbup:

To be honest, I don't think Trev actually said anything that was offensive. He actually finished his post by saying "Hope it does well for him"

As someone else who has actually had a book published about the Soul scene, I know that some people will think it's brilliant, others will dislike it. They are entitled to their views, whether I agree with them or not. I'm old enough and wise enough to live with that and not react hysterically.

Life's like that, people have different opinions, and are entitled to air them. Launching into an abusive tirade will not alter that person's opinions, and might actually make others think he was right.

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