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Dj's Running Over Their Times


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anyone experienced this and what are your thoughts?

i was on before a well known dj a few years back and the dj before me said we're running about 10 mins late and i said oh well

then when i was finishing relayed the message and was bluntly told NO WAY!!

always niggled me a little bit and we never really saw eye to eye after that

sad really but hey!

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anyone experienced this and what are your thoughts?

i was on before a well known dj a few years back and the dj before me said we're running about 10 mins late and i said oh well

then when i was finishing relayed the message and was bluntly told NO WAY!!

always niggled me a little bit and we never really saw eye to eye after that

sad really but hey!

buy 'em a drink when they are on.Slip in a laxative.Doesn't get you your set length,but makes you smile.

PS,i've never done this ,(cos i'm not a dj),only relaying a story. :thumbsup:

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anyone experienced this and what are your thoughts?

i was on before a well known dj a few years back and the dj before me said we're running about 10 mins late and i said oh well

then when i was finishing relayed the message and was bluntly told NO WAY!!

always niggled me a little bit and we never really saw eye to eye after that

sad really but hey!

I always keep an eye on the DJ ahead of me and when he / she goes on, so can tell if he or she is "bullsitting" or not when they do the "I came on late" routine.

Best one we ever had was Cockney Mick who we had to forcibly remove from the decks to cries of "just one more" about 15 minutes after his alloted time.

If u r squeezed between 2 well known DJs might be best just do do the 50 mins and walk away gracefully -albeit 4 records short of a full set.

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buy 'em a drink when they are on.Slip in a laxative.Doesn't get you your set length,but makes you smile.

PS,i've never done this ,(cos i'm not a dj),only relaying a story. :thumbsup:

Star DJS who are filling floors and the crowd enjoy what their playing

let em carry on if they want.

I dont mind a shorter set if the guy in front has pleased our venue crowd

and done the biz,

and still dont pay him any more than the door person(joking)

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sometimes it happens... as long as people are understanding... trouble is everyones watch says differnt times so come the 3rd or 4th dj thats it ten minutes late.. maybe we need timers by the decks..

I dj'd in Paris a few years ago and it nearly kicked off big time because of this...

The dj before me was from Belgum and I was sorting my records, and when i was due on

he said to me ok to play one more

I said yeh fine.. (1 record not the end of the world is it..)

he then turned round and said when I play my one my mate is going to play 3 more then I want to play 2 more.

i said not really that 6 records

he laughed and said to bad

I said your taking the PisZ mate..

with that he fronted me...

i was like what the funk you doing..

trouble is all my mates and the Norwich lot was there..

Norwich lot told him to funk off..

with that he messed up all the switches and and dials on the mixer so we lost all sound for 10 minutes.. "girl"

and stormed off.. like a tart...

any way I think he got his fight he was after with the french over some thing else..

never forget him.. had a burberry hat on and a locoste jumper.. "Belgum Chav" :thumbsup:biggrin.gif:thumbup:

Whats that all about!!!!

Not got a problem with people from Belguim only Belgium Chavs... come to think about I have a problem with UK Chavs as well.. except Bearsy that is

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with that he messed up all the switches and and dials on the mixer so we lost all sound for 10 minutes.. "girl"

and stormed off.. like a tart...

any way I think he got his fight he was after with the french over some thing else..

never forget him.. had a burberry hat on and a locoste jumper.. "Belgum Chav" :thumbsup:biggrin.gif:thumbup:

Well if you name and shame am sure the winker won't get another booking.....totally disrespecting the paying public by mucking up the sound....as you say "tart" so who was it?

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sometimes it happens... as long as people are understanding... trouble is everyones watch says differnt times so come the 3rd or 4th dj thats it ten minutes late.. maybe we need timers by the decks..

Cant see my watch half the time :thumbsup: Like the idea of timers by the decks though ......................

Can i choose Jordan & Lisa Stansfield to be mine please


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Well if you name and shame am sure the winker won't get another booking.....totally disrespecting the paying public by mucking up the sound....as you say "tart" so who was it?

I can't remember his name I think it was Wan*er .. well thats what everone was calling him..

sorry better add this was a scooter do.. he wasn't a "soulie"

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buy 'em a drink when they are on.Slip in a laxative.Doesn't get you your set length,but makes you smile.

PS,i've never done this ,(cos i'm not a dj),only relaying a story. :huh:

Your right there kevh :D only joking mate....

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A little story.

At the second Prestatyn, the Thursday night was a much smaller affair and was really just for the DJs and guests. It was all held in the Queen Vic, so that gives you an idea of how many were involved.

The DJs for the night were picked on a pretty informal basis, and had an hour each. Roger Banks and I decided we would split an hour betwen us. With about twenty minutes to go Roger said "Turn your watch back ten minutes". I duly did so, and when the next DJ (And I won't embarrass him by naming him, but he's on SS) arrived to sort his records out with about five minutes to go, Roger said words to the effect "Blimey you're early", and showed him the time on his watch.

Now the said DJ wasn't totally daft, he didn't trust Roger, so came and asked me what time I made it (Obviously thinking I was more trustworthy) Of course my watch agreed with Roger's, so he left the stage and said I'll come back in fifteen minutes.

To the delight of me and Roger we could see him looking at his watch, shaking his wrist to see if it was still working, and holding it to his ear to see if it was ticking. It was only when he asked a couple of his mates what time they made it that he sussed he'd been done !

As the dawn of realisation spread across his face he approached the decks to find me and Roger helpless with laughter. He suggested that none of our parents were married and promptly put the next record on, and used the mic to tell everyone what a pair of twats we were. He really did take in good spirit though and saw the funny side, but not as funny as me and Roger thought it was :huh::D

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Love that story Dave!

To be honest, I've occasionally succumbed to the "just one more tune" syndrome - maybe if the track I've played hasn't gone down quite as well as expected, I'll do one just to make sure I leave the incoming DJ with a full floor (it's DJ etiquette, innit?). Or maybe I'm just enjoying myself too much...but it's the spirit in which it's done, basically don't take the p**s!

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Love that story Dave!

To be honest, I've occasionally succumbed to the "just one more tune" syndrome - maybe if the track I've played hasn't gone down quite as well as expected, I'll do one just to make sure I leave the incoming DJ with a full floor (it's DJ etiquette, innit?). Or maybe I'm just enjoying myself too much...but it's the spirit in which it's done, basically don't take the p**s!

Guess it also depends what the promotor has to say.....If he says "I am just playing a couple more", as a guest DJ, you agree and fiddle around with your selections don't you? I mean you don't start arguing with him etc. :D Steve

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If you're ever followed by Brian Waklin, he doesn't ask he just takes his chance as soon as you turn away to select a record he's in like Flynn doesn't matter how early it is. You turn back to find a his first record cued up and him with the mike in his hand. :D Mind you I bet you had to learn to be quick when Tony Jebb was at his hieght he never let a record play all the way through maybe that's why Brian is that way.

I'm quite sanquine about it really though I usually get a feel for what record I'll play to finish with during my set and it is nice to get that one in.

PS Messers Rivers and Cunliffe don't take that as a signal of weakness for this Friday :(

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If you're ever followed by Brian Waklin, he doesn't ask he just takes his chance as soon as you turn away to select a record he's in like Flynn doesn't matter how early it is. You turn back to find a his first record cued up and him with the mike in his hand. :D Mind you I bet you had to learn to be quick when Tony Jebb was at his hieght he never let a record play all the way through maybe that's why Brian is that way.

I'm quite sanquine about it really though I usually get a feel for what record I'll play to finish with during my set and it is nice to get that one in.

PS Messers Rivers and Cunliffe don't take that as a signal of weakness for this Friday :lol:

remember being told by one DJ,who was nearing the end of his set,that he had at least five more minutes to go,his watch was showing the right time,because it was a cartier......... :(
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WHilst DJing at Bisley last June I was asked by the promoters to do another 15 minutes to which I replied sure love to - but make sure you tell the guy following me. They of course said they would, but didn't He arrived 5 minutes later and was swiftly off to find the promoters and bring his mate who promptly said "I don't care as long as I get my full set". In the end all was sorted amicably but this could have easily ended up with a confrontation.

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remember being told by one DJ,who was nearing the end of his set,that he had at least five more minutes to go,his watch was showing the right time,because it was a cartier......... :D

A horse & Cartier?.......must a been a Northern bloke! :(:lol:


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Guest smudgesmith

I always keep an eye on the DJ ahead of me and when he / she goes on, so can tell if he or she is "bullsitting" or not when they do the "I came on late" routine.

Best one we ever had was Cockney Mick who we had to forcibly remove from the decks to cries of "just one more" about 15 minutes after his alloted time.

If u r squeezed between 2 well known DJs might be best just do do the 50 mins and walk away gracefully -albeit 4 records short of a full set.

Great idea Steve,that means we can all carry a smaller box :D

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sometimes it happens... as long as people are understanding... trouble is everyones watch says differnt times so come the 3rd or 4th dj thats it ten minutes late.. maybe we need timers by the decks..

I dj'd in Paris a few years ago and it nearly kicked off big time because of this...

The dj before me was from Belgum and I was sorting my records, and when i was due on

he said to me ok to play one more

I said yeh fine.. (1 record not the end of the world is it..)

he then turned round and said when I play my one my mate is going to play 3 more then I want to play 2 more.

i said not really that 6 records

he laughed and said to bad

I said your taking the PisZ mate..

with that he fronted me...

i was like what the funk you doing..

trouble is all my mates and the Norwich lot was there..

Norwich lot told him to funk off..

with that he messed up all the switches and and dials on the mixer so we lost all sound for 10 minutes.. "girl"

and stormed off.. like a tart...

any way I think he got his fight he was after with the french over some thing else..

never forget him.. had a burberry hat on and a locoste jumper.. "Belgum Chav" :(:P:lol:

Whats that all about!!!!

Not got a problem with people from Belguim only Belgium Chavs... come to think about I have a problem with UK Chavs as well.. except Bearsy that is

I just smile sweetly at the DJ following me and look all innocent, don't I mischief :lol: With toby I just tell him I am going to run over and it's tuff :lol: , with Dave (WOH) he asked me could I over run cos he was busy eatin his fish supper :D


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A certain "Older" DJ has this off to a tee, with ten mins left he'll say "another six from me then over to...... works every time :lol:


Yeah and I bet they were his "House" 12s as well Blake laugh.giflaugh.gif

Had this on the radio in the old days of Soul 24-7. The shows had to be precise lengths because they were re-run in 3 hour slots, so you had to do exactly 2 h 57 mins thus allowing 3 mins for ads etc. So the DJ in front of me had an annoying habit of cueing up some 7 mins 12" at about 6.58 :D This would have meant that his show would have ended up behing 3 h 05 mins and mine would have been 2 mins 52 - a nightmare for re-programming into 3 hour blocks. Anyway to prevent this happening I took his selection off on time (after 2 mins) thus preserving the balance. The next week he does the same thing with some ridiculously long thing, but this time stays in his seat behind the console "clearing up"and refiling his records into his bag, to prevent me from taking it off the decks and starting on time. So this time it was Plan B from me, gave him a bolloxing, and grassed him up to the station manager who was not impressed. Funilly enough he never did it again :thumbsup:

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the promoter shouldn't have allowed it to go late ....and i don't care who they think they are

agreed. What would be the point of a running order otherwise.. We're quite lucky that it doesn't happen to us much, we only have one regular DJ who runs over so we put him on last and he can argue it out with management. lol.



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In my book if a DJ starts his set late then he loses the time , unless there is a good reason .... always give the head liners 90-120 mins if poss. but this can be a problem for the hot box one's... I will mention no names ! lol :lol: ...

If the promoter is on the ball the dj's should start their set's on time if not the promoter needs a kick up the arse ! :thumbsup:


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Jo and I were DJing at errrrr ...... a venue :thumbsup: and the guy on after us failed to turn up, so we played another and spoke to the promoter, still no DJ, played another, then another ..... he eventually turns up and gets all grumpy with us :lol:

"You've gone over your time" he grumbles !!

We should have lifted the needle and said "Over to **** for the next hour" as he hadn't even taken the lid off his box! But Jo's too professional :D


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Well been reading through the posts,and have to say that i had a different experience,my time was almost up and the DJ up next actually told me to play another couple of toons cos he had enjoyed my spot so much. How chuffed was i :thumbsup: I did say no its your time now,but he insisted.

JB xx

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Live acts are the worst for over running their time. Some supposing their collective worth is greater than all of the jocks moulded together. :thumbsup:

yeh that shite band Who's Who they are a nightmare and they are plastice not even a real band..

giving it all that.. er your not actually Roger Daltrey mate!! Knobhead..

Can you tell I have had a problem with these TWICE..

First one was me and Moldie.

They was meant to let me know when the was coming out so I could introduce them instead the floor was rammed with dancers

and out they come and shouted to me turn that off.

I said funk off and carried on!!!

at the end of thier set I introduced the small faces as the greatest mod band ever and started playing a Small Faces track before the band could take thier encore..

2nd one

That did nearly kick off I went on the stage after the lead singer..

I think it maybe just me... when i dj i give it my all and get really into it.. so if some one or some thing happens I take it real personnnal.


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yeh that shite band Who's Who they are a nightmare and they are plastice not even a real band..

giving it all that.. er your not actually Roger Daltrey mate!! Knobhead..

Can you tell I have had a problem with these TWICE..

First one was me and Moldie.

They was meant to let me know when the was coming out so I could introduce them instead the floor was rammed with dancers

and out they come and shouted to me turn that off.

I said funk off and carried on!!!

at the end of thier set I introduced the small faces as the greatest mod band ever and started playing a Small Faces track before the band could take thier encore..

2nd one

That did nearly kick off I went on the stage after the lead singer..

I think it maybe just me... when i dj i give it my all and get really into it.. so if some one or some thing happens I take it real personnnal.


:lol: Why do they call you "Mischief"?

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In my book if a DJ starts his set late then he loses the time , unless there is a good reason .... always give the head liners 90-120 mins if poss. but this can be a problem for the hot box one's... I will mention no names ! lol :lol: ...

If the promoter is on the ball the dj's should start their set's on time if not the promoter needs a kick up the arse ! :thumbsup:

can you stop posting your flyers in the forums

its annoying and getting very close to spam

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A little story.

At the second Prestatyn, the Thursday night was a much smaller affair and was really just for the DJs and guests. It was all held in the Queen Vic, so that gives you an idea of how many were involved.

The DJs for the night were picked on a pretty informal basis, and had an hour each. Roger Banks and I decided we would split an hour betwen us. With about twenty minutes to go Roger said "Turn your watch back ten minutes". I duly did so, and when the next DJ (And I won't embarrass him by naming him, but he's on SS) arrived to sort his records out with about five minutes to go, Roger said words to the effect "Blimey you're early", and showed him the time on his watch.

Now the said DJ wasn't totally daft, he didn't trust Roger, so came and asked me what time I made it (Obviously thinking I was more trustworthy) Of course my watch agreed with Roger's, so he left the stage and said I'll come back in fifteen minutes.

To the delight of me and Roger we could see him looking at his watch, shaking his wrist to see if it was still working, and holding it to his ear to see if it was ticking. It was only when he asked a couple of his mates what time they made it that he sussed he'd been done !

As the dawn of realisation spread across his face he approached the decks to find me and Roger helpless with laughter. He suggested that none of our parents were married and promptly put the next record on, and used the mic to tell everyone what a pair of twats we were. He really did take in good spirit though and saw the funny side, but not as funny as me and Roger thought it was :thumbsup::lol:

:lol:Great story Dave.

Usually find the opposite happens with me & most folks move their watches forwards a few minutes to get me off early :lol:

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:lol: Why do they call you "Mischief"?

because someone had already took the mr twat title in his scooter club :D

i think it is pathetic and sad if a dj tries to get an extra record in when their time is up and the next dj is ready :lol: fooking egotistic or what rolleyes.gif

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sorry ... did not know it was not allowed.... a PM would have done the trick.... :shades: sorry to have annoyed you again

best regards


if thought a pm would have worked better would have sent one

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