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Smoking Ban

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Dont know what the people on here think but we,ve had to put up with getting treated like leper,s now for 4months and its realy pissing me off and putting me off going to nighters esp the ones at Civic venue,s who just dont cater for smokers in any way shape or form. I,m not having a go at promoters by the way it aint there fault. Last week at Middleton myself and upto a hundred other people got pissed wet thru and froze to death trying to have a smoke. Any sensible suggestions.( And no Fcuking smart answers saying pack em in,) to overcome getting treated like kids trying to sneak a smoke at school.


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Dont know what the people on here think but we,ve had to put up with getting treated like leper,s now for 4months and its realy pissing me off and putting me off going to nighters esp the ones at Civic venue,s who just dont cater for smokers in any way shape or form. I,m not having a go at promoters by the way it aint there fault. Last week at Middleton myself and upto a hundred other people got pissed wet thru and froze to death trying to have a smoke. Any sensible suggestions.( And no Fcuking smart answers saying pack em in,) to overcome getting treated like kids trying to sneak a smoke at school.


Totally agree with you, I consider the smoking facilities when making a decision where to go. As you say, these big civic venues just haven't catered for it.


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I'm an ex smoker and can't stand them but on reflection the ban is slowly doing more to kill of northern soul than all the politics and in fighting. Some places severely lacking in atmosphere with more outside than in :unsure:

I for one would welcome the ban being over turned. maybe we should petition the government...or at least have an area inside the room set aside for smokers.

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I don't think there is an answer Steve other than give the allnighters a miss in Autumn/Winter if you need to keep going outside for a smoke.

Im in the same boat and since the ban I ain't been out to a club or even a pub [miserable wet Summer with nowhere to smoke].

I think our only hope is that some kinda re-think is undertaken at a later date and certain places are allowed to opt in or opt out of the ban. Can't be too much to ask for the odd pub or venue to be "smoking" as long as any staff employed there are aware of it.

If there is to be a review I guess it would be on economic grounds with the big Breweries leading the way. Lost count of the number of pubs up for sale or lease around here and my wife mentioned she'd heard on Radio 4 that up to 100 Bingo Halls were facing closure.

So no advice really. We're fcuked!!!


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Dont know what the people on here think but we,ve had to put up with getting treated like leper,s now for 4months and its realy pissing me off and putting me off going to nighters esp the ones at Civic venue,s who just dont cater for smokers in any way shape or form. I,m not having a go at promoters by the way it aint there fault. Last week at Middleton myself and upto a hundred other people got pissed wet thru and froze to death trying to have a smoke. Any sensible suggestions.( And no Fcuking smart answers saying pack em in,) to overcome getting treated like kids trying to sneak a smoke at school.


totally agree steve it certainly spoils my night.

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I don't think there is an answer Steve other than give the allnighters a miss in Autumn/Winter if you need to keep going outside for a smoke.

Im in the same boat and since the ban I ain't been out to a club or even a pub [miserable wet Summer with nowhere to smoke].

I think our only hope is that some kinda re-think is undertaken at a later date and certain places are allowed to opt in or opt out of the ban. Can't be too much to ask for the odd pub or venue to be "smoking" as long as any staff employed there are aware of it.

If there is to be a review I guess it would be on economic grounds with the big Breweries leading the way. Lost count of the number of pubs up for sale or lease around here and my wife mentioned she'd heard on Radio 4 that up to 100 Bingo Halls were facing closure.

So no advice really. We're fcuked!!!


Rod. I could never give up the Nighters mate. Its part of me. Just going to sign the petition that Chalky has posted the link to.


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Rod. I could never give up the Nighters mate. Its part of me. Just going to sign the petition that Chalky has posted the link to.


you could also e-mail the department of health and the secretary of state for health....doubt you will get a personal reply but you never know dhmail@dh.gsi.gov.uk

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Whats the petition for? Compulsory outside smoking areas?


The freedom of choice!

Fat lot of good that will do in this f***in policed nanny state we are turning into faster and faster

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Guest Cher1962

Just signed it.

I must admit I didnt really mind in the summer and felt that you met other people that you probably wouldnt have got the chance to speak to inside but must admit really cant be bothered at the moment venturing out, paying to get in somewhere and then spending half the time outside in the cold. It hasnt stopped me going out just yet but can imagine it may do in the next few months when it is bitterly cold!


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I find it shocking that this drug is so potent it stops people going out to soul nights - I applaud the ban - no more smelly clothes, no more passive smoking and hightened cancer risk) Smoking or soul music, and smoking wins - how scary is that??? :unsure:

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Well its certainly starting to be a major deciding factor on if i go out or not bother,

Often wondered what would happen if (civic buildings aside) everybody just decided to ignore the law, and i mean everybody, with say a central pool of donations to cover fines etc, surely they would have to think again, just a thought as i know not everybody would participate,

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I find it shocking that this drug is so potent it stops people going out to soul nights - I applaud the ban - no more smelly clothes, no more passive smoking and hightened cancer risk) Smoking or soul music, and smoking wins - how scary is that??? :unsure:

Donna, not a question of smoking or soul music, i can do both in the warm comfort of my own home, and in good company,

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p.s. I have packed in both drinking and smoking (14 days now) but I still would fight for a persons right to smoke in a pub or club situation. Blimey, remember the days when you could smoke in the cinema and on the top deck of the bus?

p.p.s. seeing as how I have not touched any alcohol for 14 days, how come I've still got f*cking gout?

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I think this winter will see so many pubs and clubs close down that the government will soon have to rethink it's policy. What on earth is wrong with smoking and no smoking pubs?

Had this exact discussion down my local a few weeks back, all the bar staff and the owners were smokers but they was not even allowed to smoke in their own premises, if 2 pubs were identical and stood side by side but one was a smoking pub and the other a non smoking pub which pub do you reckon would have the better atmosphere and nore bodies in, i reckon the smoking pub personally,

give us a choice on something that the goverment loves to tax us on

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Guest Mark Holmes

Couple of solutions.

Wear thermal underwear.

Get one of those big brollys like the queen mum used to have then 4 of you could huddle undeneth it with one fag sharing the exhaled smoke and you would be so cozy and dry as well.

Get one of those hats with the umbrella on the top to pop on when you have to go outside.

Bring your own tent.

Hope this helps

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Totally spoils it for me too. I seem to spend a lot of my time now queuing to go out into some ridiculously impractical area simply to have a cigarette.

It's absolutely killing most of the (former) places I used to go. Given the choice between freezing my balls off outside and feeling like a social pariah, I'd rather be round at either my gaff or someone elses where the rules are a bit more relaxed and we can do what we want in a relaxed fashion.

So, house parties are the way forward. Or promoters could think more along the lines of hiring a private space where these rules don't apply.

Mind you, I've met a whole heap of other pariahs since this thing started! I'm not generalising but in many cases club goers tend to be the fun, slightly neurotic, buzzy types like me who are born clubbers and often the life and soul of a place, so it's a shame that we're now being disciminated against. Can't tell you the amount of places I've been just lately where the action has been in the smoking area LOL. I met so many good people in the outside smoking area @ the Forum the other week it was almost like a private party......

Ian D

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Guest edsuede

I find it shocking that this drug is so potent it stops people going out to soul nights - I applaud the ban - no more smelly clothes, no more passive smoking and hightened cancer risk) Smoking or soul music, and smoking wins - how scary is that??? :D

thumbsup.gif With you all the way there Donna.

It always strikes me as ironic when smokers complain about their lack of 'rights' at soul dos now that the ban is in. What about all us non-smokers that have had to put up with smoke-filled venues for decades - our rights to smoke-free air have only just been recognised!!!

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Guest Trevski

Really spoiling my enjoyment of venues. Used to love to sit with a drink, and smoke a few fags while listening to a spot I really wanted to hear. Now I feel really 'edgy' having to sit without a fag. Middleton last week, pi**ing wet thru, it's a joke. Wouldn't put up with it in France or Italy, for example, where I believe, they just ignore the f***ing ban now! Just ordered a particularly nice brolly with a whangee handle, perhaps this is the way to go! laugh.gif


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Couple of solutions.

Wear thermal underwear.

Get one of those big brollys like the queen mum used to have then 4 of you could huddle undeneth it with one fag sharing the exhaled smoke and you would be so cozy and dry as well.

Get one of those hats with the umbrella on the top to pop on when you have to go outside.

Bring your own tent.

Hope this helps

Or stick on a few nicotine patches?

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Having seen some one die of lung cancer,and literally put bits of his lungs in the sink,there is only one answer

Please dont smoke,think who you are hurting not just yourself.


Bit late to be hearing that sort of comment. I'm sure there are many smokers who have watched loved ones die from lung cancer, however traumatic it is, some people (and I mean most smoker who I know in that situation) cant just stop.

Totally agree the smoking ban is a nightmare and a major hinderance to the scene. Maybe smaller soul nights in the larger Holt's pubs are a solution. Holts have spent good money improving their smoking facilities in their bigger pubs... might be worth a thought when looking at venues!.


Edited by Miss BurySoul
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Guest Fatius Bumius

I was really against the ban when it came in, free country and all that, should have the freedom to smoke. Not be long before the Government bans farting in public or taxing you on it. Can imagine it now, a Fartometer in your cotton gusset :D

Those that wag their fingers and scowl at smokers should try packing in a bad habit they have, it's not easy. 20 a day habit for over 20 years, it's daunting thinking about packing in.

Being addicted to those little white sticks full of nicotine was having a deciding factor on me going out or staying in once the ban came in. I managed a couple of soul nights, nipping out for a smoke, and finding I smoked more than I did before the ban came in. It's a sad day when a fag takes control over your social life. Not happy smoking one and going back in, but smoking 2 or 3 one after the other to get my nicotine fix. Went away in August, smoked like a chimney and half decided it might be better if I had a go at packing in. Totted up how much I could save over a year, about £1500+. Heck of a lot of money on a bad habit. Then there's the addition of this little white stick eventually making me ill before my time. A routine check at the doctors showed I'm fighting fit, nothing wrong with me, but he showed me a screen, inputed some data, how many a day I smoke, over a period of time, and it showed an estimated age when it would be likely I would get a smoking related illness,it came up with 46 years old, now that's not far off, and there's no way I want to be ill at 46! I went along to New Leaf, got a prescription for patches, stuck one on and took each day as it came. The first month was awful, talk about moody cow. It got better after the first month. Anyway, coming up to 3 months now, i'm about £350 better off, coughing like something not right though, all the crap coming off my chest but I can go where I want, when I want without having to worry about where I can nip for a smoke. I'll tackle the stone of fat that's accumulated another day rolleyes.gif If it wasn't for the ban coming in, I would be still sat smoking.

I know it's not ideal, or an answer to the smoking ban, try and stick a nicotine patch on to see you through the night, mind over matter, a bit of will power and you might be suprised at how long you can go without a fag.

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I don't think the problem is the smoking ban......it's the rules and regulations that go with it that are totally over the top. Surely if a venue has a room that could be set aside for smokers to go in, as long as it was well ventilated, and isolated from the other room, what's the problem?

I too am a reformed smoker, and I'm loving not having to breath all that shit in. But I really can't see a problem with a smoking room indoors. The government has just gone from one extreme to the other. Some common sense would solve a lot of the problems.


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I'm an ex smoker and can't stand them but on reflection the ban is slowly doing more to kill of northern soul than all the politics and in fighting. Some places severely lacking in atmosphere with more outside than in :(

I have to agree with your point it was bad enough in the summer when people who wished to smoke could do so outside in relative comfort now in winter its a different story.The atmosphere is diluted and D.J.ing can be a nightmare a bad choice of record can not only clear the floor but clear the room as everyone takes that as a cue for a smoke!!

At least now its winter the fagbreak is a very hurried affair without the long chat and everyone is back inside pronto to boost the dancefloor once more whistling.gif:D


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I have to agree with your point it was bad enough in the summer when people who wished to smoke could do so outside in relative comfort now in winter its a different story.The atmosphere is diluted and D.J.ing can be a nightmare a bad choice of record can not only clear the floor but clear the room as everyone takes that as a cue for a smoke!!

At least now its winter the fagbreak is a very hurried affair without the long chat and everyone is back inside pronto to boost the dancefloor once more whistling.gif:D


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I know it's not ideal, or an answer to the smoking ban, try and stick a nicotine patch on to see you through the night, mind over matter, a bit of will power and you might be suprised at how long you can go without a fag.

Gotta be worth a go? Most smokers I know have been doing it when they get on a plane for years...

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I don't think the problem is the smoking ban......it's the rules and regulations that go with it that are totally over the top. Surely if a venue has a room that could be set aside for smokers to go in, as long as it was well ventilated, and isolated from the other room, what's the problem?

I too am a reformed smoker, and I'm loving not having to breath all that shit in. But I really can't see a problem with a smoking room indoors. The government has just gone from one extreme to the other. Some common sense would solve a lot of the problems.


Absolutely right!

Ian D

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Guest Fatius Bumius

Wished I'd have thought of sticking a patch on during my 4 hour flight to Crete, plus 2 hours booking in time, plus an hour at the other end, god 7 hours without a fag!! I thought patches were for someone who wanted to quit, but after using them I can see they could help in situations when you can't smoke. Worth a go innit ?

I'd have been one of the first to laugh at anyone suggesting I stick a patch on!

Edited by Fatius Bumius
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Wished I'd have thought of sticking a patch on during my 4 hour flight to Crete, plus 2 hours booking in time, plus an hour at the other end, god 7 hours without a fag!! I thought patches were for someone who wanted to quit, but after using them I can see they could help in situations when you can't smoke. Worth a go innit ?

I'd have been one of the first to laugh at anyone suggesting I stick a patch on!

id rather have a nicotine craving than look like a pirate pirate.gif

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For years smokers never bothered me and they don't bother me now. At Middleton it was fookin freezing out side and just plain daft to see so many people have to go out side, the Northernsoul scene is full of naughty people doing naughty things all night so why don't we just be naughty and smoke inside? I don't smoke by the way....... It clashes with my speed. rolleyes.gif

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Guest Fatius Bumius

"id rather have a nicotine craving than look like a pirate"

You aren't supposed to stick it on your eye :D

I would have benefited by sticking it on my mouth wicked.gif

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I was really against the ban when it came in, free country and all that, should have the freedom to smoke. Not be long before the Government bans farting in public or taxing you on it. Can imagine it now, a Fartometer in your cotton gusset :(

Those that wag their fingers and scowl at smokers should try packing in a bad habit they have, it's not easy. 20 a day habit for over 20 years, it's daunting thinking about packing in.

Being addicted to those little white sticks full of nicotine was having a deciding factor on me going out or staying in once the ban came in. I managed a couple of soul nights, nipping out for a smoke, and finding I smoked more than I did before the ban came in. It's a sad day when a fag takes control over your social life. Not happy smoking one and going back in, but smoking 2 or 3 one after the other to get my nicotine fix. Went away in August, smoked like a chimney and half decided it might be better if I had a go at packing in. Totted up how much I could save over a year, about £1500+. Heck of a lot of money on a bad habit. Then there's the addition of this little white stick eventually making me ill before my time. A routine check at the doctors showed I'm fighting fit, nothing wrong with me, but he showed me a screen, inputed some data, how many a day I smoke, over a period of time, and it showed an estimated age when it would be likely I would get a smoking related illness,it came up with 46 years old, now that's not far off, and there's no way I want to be ill at 46! I went along to New Leaf, got a prescription for patches, stuck one on and took each day as it came. The first month was awful, talk about moody cow. It got better after the first month. Anyway, coming up to 3 months now, i'm about £350 better off, coughing like something not right though, all the crap coming off my chest but I can go where I want, when I want without having to worry about where I can nip for a smoke. I'll tackle the stone of fat that's accumulated another day rolleyes.gif If it wasn't for the ban coming in, I would be still sat smoking.

I know it's not ideal, or an answer to the smoking ban, try and stick a nicotine patch on to see you through the night, mind over matter, a bit of will power and you might be suprised at how long you can go without a fag.

Well done....................... :D ive just done 16m with out a fag (no patch's,gum or pills),and its fookin brill ........a quitter never wins

Edited by soulbarner
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Guest Fatius Bumius

Well done....................... ive just done 16m with out a fag (no patch's,gum or pills),and its fookin brill ........a quitter never wins

16 minutes or months? 16 minutes is long enough when you can't smoke

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Guest andyrattigan

I find it shocking that this drug is so potent it stops people going out to soul nights - I applaud the ban - no more smelly clothes, no more passive smoking and hightened cancer risk) Smoking or soul music, and smoking wins - how scary is that??? :D

Spot on Donna thumbsup.gif . I used to be a heavy smoker and packed it in about 8 years ago. Best thing I ever did. So nice to go out now and not wake up with a banging headache, stinky clothes and a whezzy cough because I breathed in the equivalent of 20 fags from other peoples ciggies. Long may it last.

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Couple of solutions.

Wear thermal underwear.

Get one of those big brollys like the queen mum used to have then 4 of you could huddle undeneth it with one fag sharing the exhaled smoke and you would be so cozy and dry as well.

Get one of those hats with the umbrella on the top to pop on when you have to go outside.

Bring your own tent.

Hope this helps


thumbsup.gif With you all the way there Donna.

It always strikes me as ironic when smokers complain about their lack of 'rights' at soul dos now that the ban is in. What about all us non-smokers that have had to put up with smoke-filled venues for decades - our rights to smoke-free air have only just been recognised!!!


Or stick on a few nicotine patches?
Is it the cigarettes they're addicted to or the nicotine?

I'm an ex-smoker, although saying that I packed up in 1991, for years smokers didn't give a thought about my rights. So why should I be bothered about theirs, now that the boot is on the other foot so to speak?

As for the idiotic suggestion of ignoring the ban, yes why don't you do that at these venues, see how many more events get held at them as a result, how about none? But then of course the closure would be as a result of the smoking ban and not the selfish actions of a few people addicted to nicotine, would it?

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Guest JJMMWGDuPree

Having come down with an 'intolerance' to some polutant which appears in several products including cigarette smoke, I haven't been able to go to a pub or a club in years. Now I'm finally getting out again, so the way I see it the pendulum just swung my way. Anyone who's not going out now because they can't smoke is simply experiencing the life I had to put up with.

But they can at least do something about it.

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Having come down with an 'intolerance' to some polutant which appears in several products including cigarette smoke, I haven't been able to go to a pub or a club in years. Now I'm finally getting out again, so the way I see it the pendulum just swung my way. Anyone who's not going out now because they can't smoke is simply experiencing the life I had to put up with.

But they can at least do something about it.

Hi JJ.... as a new member could I ask you to do us an intro in the intros forum - https://www.soul-source.co.uk/index.php?showforum=44

Ta :ohmy:

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im a kinda reformed smoker...having smoked baccy with weed for 20 years(but not fags)....then i got diabetes and had to stop the baccy...although doc said weed was ok i still gave that up as neat weed is great but having the munchies and being diabetic isnt !...anyway i understand the craving and not enjoying your nights out as i was like this once craving for a spliff(which wasnt half as bad with neat weed i might add !)...i would leave places early to go home for a spliff...couldnt have a sneaky skunk one..if you tried all heads would turn instantly!....

now ive stopped and dont miss it,although it was a major thing in my life for so long,i love coming home not smelling of smoke..and o dont miss standing in a club as someone exhales in your face !

as a dj it does ruin the night a bit when people are constantly leaving every 15 mins,especialy in small soul nights in the south west that are only half full anyway !

i dont think petitions ever work and i dont think this or any goverment will do a u turn on this one...

there should be rooms for smokers..and i dont feel sorry for bar staff as most ive known are smokers anyway and if not they dont have to do that job...but overall im for the ban..and remeber if you give up you will have more money to spend on vinyl or going to another nighter !!

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Wished I'd have thought of sticking a patch on during my 4 hour flight to Crete, plus 2 hours booking in time, plus an hour at the other end, god 7 hours without a fag!! I thought patches were for someone who wanted to quit, but after using them I can see they could help in situations when you can't smoke. Worth a go innit ?

I'd have been one of the first to laugh at anyone suggesting I stick a patch on!

Northern Soul Patches - all decorated up like anniversary badges, sporting logo's like 'keep the faith' etc..

it's only a matter of time...

It's true though, I went nearly 24 years at the Tower weekender because it was too far and too cold to go outside. 10 fags would usually last me 2/3hours and lasted me 2 days.


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Northern Soul Patches - all decorated up like anniversary badges, sporting logo's like 'keep the faith' etc..

it's only a matter of time...

It's true though, I went nearly 24 years at the Tower weekender because it was too far and too cold to go outside. 10 fags would usually last me 2/3hours and lasted me 2 days.


Blimey, 24 years is a long time to spend at a weekender! laugh.gif

Ian D

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