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Wigan-why Can People Not Move On


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Why are some folk so pre-occupied with whats worn at our events ????........

I know, just reading Night Nurses thread on baggies (Yes or No) seems he's been ripped into twice for wearing jeans and NOT donning the uniform laugh.gif

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Guest Matt Male

Having done at least one event a week for all them years quite simply I just had enough of the scene, not the music the scene

There, that's better. Very cathartic, more should try it :thumbup:

Well said Byrney. Nothing wrong with admitting a break from the scene. With me it was the drugs, very thin, very paranoid and doing far too much for my own good. Just in time too as not long afterwards my friends were starting to do it mid-week, not just at the weekends, it got a bit mad and one close friend died :thumbup: This was about '86 i think.

Looking back i wish i'd had the will-power to continue on the scene and just pack in the gear side of things, but at the time leaving the scene to stop the drug taking seemed the only option and i wasn't thinking straight in those days whistling.gif . Now i wish i'd stuck around longer and ridden out the bad times.

Got back into it (the scene) in 1996/7 (so ten years away). Older, wiser and fatter thesedays, i'm enjoying every minute. :thumbup:

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Well said Byrney. Nothing wrong with admitting a break from the scene. With me it was the drugs, very thin, very paranoid and doing far too much for my own good. Just in time too as not long afterwards my friends were starting to do it mid-week, not just at the weekends, it got a bit mad and one close friend died :D This was about '86 i think.

Looking back i wish i'd had the will-power to continue on the scene and just pack in the gear side of things, but at the time leaving the scene to stop the drug taking seemed the only option and i wasn't thinking straight in those days :ohmy: . Now i wish i'd stuck around longer and ridden out the bad times.

Got back into it (the scene) in 1996/7 (so ten years away). Older, wiser and fatter thesedays, i'm enjoying every minute. :D

Good post :lol: .I think it got to most of us in the end.

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My most nostalgic memory is closing my eye's for half an hour on M's Balcony n awakening to the intro of "Ronnie & Robyn" - what is there left to say....... :ohmy:


should of had some better gear! :lol: sorry Karen .

Per-so -n -ally Wigan was good to start,not a patch on the Catacombs for atmosphere though,i stopped going as soon as the oldies progressed?? from "M´s" to it´s own all-nighter,seemed to go downhill from there on plus the fact Samanthas,Cleethorpes and Yate were more of a crack,all the (most of)the later to be influential d´j s and collectors seemed to head away ´76 onwards didn´t miss it then at all,certainly glad i went though,

memorable moments.............

Richard playing Vala Reegan-Fireman,my favourite record at the time.

The first night Levine guested.Mr Big Shot,Petals,Cissy Houston,Laura Greene,Janie Grant etc WOW

Walking up the stairs(eventually)to a Catacombs monster sound(Velours)with different vocals(Frankie Valli)

My coaches ,full of reprebands picked up all over,Gloucester,Cheltenham,Catacombs service stations but packed from Cheltenham onwards!Still managed to find room for Smokey,Robbo,Terry Ryder etc(wonder why)Terrys sheepskin took up more room than him!

Police searches at Keele services(always chuckle when Keele stages all-nighters)

Not many people mention the Thieving Bastards ripping off bags,records etc,the nasty bastards selling iffy gear,rose tinted glasses maybe.

definately up there as a turning point for the scene though,the tourists drove away the hard core collectors and then the collecting side got more intense i think.



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Guest Scarborosoul

As a Casino goer from 74-80 (when i joined the army) I can say with all honesty i have been to nighters over the last 20+ years that have been as good BUT for sheer atmosphere, excitement and sounds NOTHING has up to now compared to the Casino. Being in the Casino on an anniversary night or a night when the likes of Jnr Walker (or Edwin or many of the other artists that appeared there over the years)where on cannot be emphasised enough how GOOD they were. I have never yet been to a nighter that would match up to it.

Im not being nostalgic or looking through rose tinted glasses but for those who never went just imagine Jnr Walker on stage and people not stood around watching but the hall being full of people doing what or scene is about DANCING...fcuking amazing!

I love the oldies sessions but i still go to the likes of the wilton and lifeline tho not since it moved. (soz chalky but i will get there).

Also remember that at the time it was voted best club in the world ahead of studio 54. YES it was a shyte hole but what a shyte hole. For most of us that attended it was a weekly pilgramage to be part of an extended family of soulies. YES there was the normal crap going on but it was worth putting that to one side to be there.

We should leave the Casino where it belongs in memories that shouldnt be spoiled by the likes of RW. The Casino has gone the memories remain. A large amount of people who were original attendees are still around on the scene and that must be a fantastic testiment to the people past and present and to our scene past and present.


Edited by Scarborosoul
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As a Casino goer from 74-80 (when i joined the army) I can say with all honesty i have been to nighters over the last 20+ years that have been as good BUT for sheer atmosphere, excitement and sounds NOTHING has up to now compared to the Casino. Being in the Casino on an anniversary night or a night when the likes of Jnr Walker (or Edwin or many of the other artists that appeared there over the years)where on cannot be emphasised enough how GOOD they were. I have never yet been to a nighter that would match up to it.

Im not being nostalgic or looking through rose tinted glasses but for those who never went just imagine Jnr Walker on stage and people not stood around watching but the hall being full of people doing what or scene is about DANCING...fcuking amazing!

I love the oldies sessions but i still go to the likes of the wilton and lifeline tho not since it moved. (soz chalky but i will get there).

Also remember that at the time it was voted best club in the world ahead of studio 54. YES it was a shyte hole but what a shyte hole. For most of us that attended it was a weekly pilgramage to be part of an extended family of soulies. YES there was the normal crap going on but it was worth putting that to one side to be there.

We should leave the Casino where it belongs in memories that shouldnt be spoiled by the likes of RW. The Casino has gone the memories remain. A large amount of people who were original attendees are still around on the scene and that must be a fantastic testiment to the people past and present and to our scene past and present.


That about sums it up Ricky,post!!

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Well said Byrney. Nothing wrong with admitting a break from the scene. With me it was the drugs, very thin, very paranoid and doing far too much for my own good. Just in time too as not long afterwards my friends were starting to do it mid-week, not just at the weekends, it got a bit mad and one close friend died :( This was about '86 i think.

Looking back i wish i'd had the will-power to continue on the scene and just pack in the gear side of things, but at the time leaving the scene to stop the drug taking seemed the only option and i wasn't thinking straight in those days :( . Now i wish i'd stuck around longer and ridden out the bad times.

Got back into it (the scene) in 1996/7 (so ten years away). Older, wiser and fatter thesedays, i'm enjoying every minute. thumbup.gif

Seems to me Matt you did the right thing knocking it all on the head, now back to enjoy it; fair play.

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  • 1 month later...

Why move on when the Casino was one of the clubs that paved the way for the Northern scene, I know there were other clubs like the Wheel and the Torch, and they all have thier avid supporters and memories toboot. When peoply say "those were the days" they really were. Remember the Northern kids were in a way the rebels of music, ignoring the mainstream crap that was played on radio, and travelling miles every weekend to hear something that no 'normal' person would entertain. I know folks still do this, but then it was all new and exiting. I mean, people still follow Christ and he's been dead for over 2000 years but he paved the way for Christianity.

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Marraige, babies, mortgage, proper job, kids at school, kids at Uni, moving house/s, cars, more babies............... All this and where were we supposed to fined the time in the 8t's to go out on Friday and Saturday. So it all comes down to LIFE.

I wouldn't worry about the Casino, I never went; mainly because there were other All-nighters that were better :thumbsup:

How do you know if you never went? :P
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it was before my time and am not gonna slag of the casino and the part it played in making the scene what it is today but people always seem 2 always seem 2 say that if you didnt go 2 the casino u have never experinced true nothern soul allnighter. why did the scene seem 2 stop after after it closed was it down 2 lack of venues/police please let me know ur opinion on why it seems that the scene has never recovered 2 the hights since the casino closed

It's got FA to do with 'moving on' mate - there are bound to be those that use Wigan as a bit of a Big Up - but majoritively, the ones that post about...and there are many (Why? Cos it was without doubt, without compare), Wigan just to recount their youth/childhood.

I swear, that the amount of Wigan posts (unlike your own), spin around happy times.

Any prodding post (again, like your own) is just a negative, and has no place on here.

You are just marking yourself down, to me and others that have read your shitty opening thread.

Sorry, I'm sure you are not a 'Hater'....but this thread makes you look like one.

Again sorry (I'm not really as I take it you never got there - too young, to not arsed, having a break...whatever).


A true and Positive Soulie



(As an aside, could someone start a Poll on how long I will last on this board?)

Edited by Barry
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The problem (If indeed you deem there to be a problem) with Wigan is that it was the biggest, best attended and longest running of those great 60's/70's venue's that helped fire our interest in the great Music which is NS ........ note I neglected to use the term "The Best" as this can only ever be subjective, but because so many people went to the Casino there are always going to be more posts/comments on how good it was, and lets be honest it MUST have been good to run for 8 Years....

For some strange reason certain people read all these "I had a great time at Wigan" type posts as "Wigan was the absolute Best... Period!", and thus start with the usual this, that or the other venue was 'Better' even though the original question was NOT "Which was the Best?"..

Then of course out come the oh-so original Stereotype comments of "People only ever went to Wigan to dress up in Comedy Trousers and listen to Tony Blackburn" or the stunningly well thought out repost of "Why dont you move on?"...... this is the point where to me they have already lost any arguement they had.

I don't think any of the Casino regulars ask that we all should pay homage to the shrine that was Station Rd, but only to give the old place a little respect......... after all I think it's earned it!..

Edited by Teapot
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The problem (If indeed you deem there to be a problem) with Wigan is that it was the biggest, best attended and longest running of those great 60's/70's venue's that helped fire our interest in the great Music which is NS ........ note I neglected to use the term "The Best" as this can only ever be subjective, but because so many people went to the Casino there are always going to be more posts/comments on how good it was, and lets be honest it MUST have been good to run for 8 Years....

For some strange reason certain people read all these "I had a great time at Wigan" type posts as "Wigan was the absolute Best... Period!", and thus start with the usual this, that or the other venue was 'Better' even though the original question was NOT "Which was the Best?"..

Then of course out come the oh-so original Stereotype comments of "People only ever went to Wigan to dress up in Comedy Trousers and listen to Tony Blackburn" or the stunningly well thought out repost of "Why dont you move on?"...... this is the point where to me they have already lost any arguement they had.

I don't think any of the Casino regulars ask that we all should pay homage to the shrine that was Station Rd, but only to give the old place a little respect......... after all I think it's earned it!..

According to a thread in Freebasing, commonsense has died. Well this post proves that not to be the case. Very well put & nail on head for me, i LOVED the Casino but i cant remember the last time i mentioned the place,it was part of my youth & early 20`s but its gone, over ,finished & i`m still enjoying my music. As for what people choose to wear, what the fcuk do i care :D ............... right i`m off to play my new funky house 12`s i bought today.

Some might say ive moved on a bit to much :D

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It's got FA to do with 'moving on' mate - there are bound to be those that use Wigan as a bit of a Big Up - but majoritively, the ones that post about...and there are many (Why? Cos it was without doubt, without compare), Wigan just to recount their youth/childhood.

I swear, that the amount of Wigan posts (unlike your own), spin around happy times.

Any prodding post (again, like your own) is just a negative, and has no place on here.

You are just marking yourself down, to me and others that have read your shitty opening thread.

Sorry, I'm sure you are not a 'Hater'....but this thread makes you look like one.

Again sorry (I'm not really as I take it you never got there - too young, to not arsed, having a break...whatever).


A true and Positive Soulie



(As an aside, could someone start a Poll on how long I will last on this board?)

Too long already IMHO :thumbsup:

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I do actually think the original poster has addressed a genuine concern. it's my opinion that those who were too young to have attended the casino shouldn't have to walk on eggshells with the scene's grand old dames. do we, those who were merely lucky to have been born early enough, walk on eggshells with torch veterans who never attended wigan? I don't think so. some people do harp on about it, and some, patently, do need to move on. all this talk of 'prodding, negative & shitty threads that have no place on here' is, dare I say it, a tad arrogant? I went several times, bought the badges, sifted in the record bar, stomped about stage right, & being a generous git, I always passed my bottle of coke along that same stage for strangers to swig. as the labour movement used to say, we're a wide church & none of us hold 'the key'. I just think we should be more generous in spirit at times, it is christmas after all, sherry & mince pies or no sherry & mince pies.

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  • 1 month later...

it was before my time and am not gonna slag of the casino and the part it played in making the scene what it is today but people always seem 2 always seem 2 say that if you didnt go 2 the casino u have never experinced true nothern soul allnighter. why did the scene seem 2 stop after after it closed was it down 2 lack of venues/police please let me know ur opinion on why it seems that the scene has never recovered 2 the hights since the casino closed

great to read peoples views on the casino

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I do actually think the original poster has addressed a genuine concern. it's my opinion that those who were too young to have attended the casino shouldn't have to walk on eggshells with the scene's grand old dames. do we, those who were merely lucky to have been born early enough, walk on eggshells with torch veterans who never attended wigan? I don't think so. some people do harp on about it, and some, patently, do need to move on. all this talk of 'prodding, negative & shitty threads that have no place on here' is, dare I say it, a tad arrogant? I went several times, bought the badges, sifted in the record bar, stomped about stage right, & being a generous git, I always passed my bottle of coke along that same stage for strangers to swig. as the labour movement used to say, we're a wide church & none of us hold 'the key'. I just think we should be more generous in spirit at times, it is christmas after all, sherry & mince pies or no sherry & mince pies.

If I'd have been a Cub mate, the first badge I'd have earned (fr you anyhow) would have been my arrogance badge.

If you skip through my posts, I generally give a view, an honest arse-free one, based only upon my good times dancing and attending Northern nights...and on the back of that I occasionally get taken to task by people like yourself....as I am a nobody in real NS terms.

If Keb/Brian Rae/Ady or whoever came on here rattling on (as I do) about what formed their views, I know you wouldn't have a go, you'd accept them.

It'd be nice if you would respect my miniscule input (and my involvement was anything but, I put in).

I can talk, at length, about every Nighter that ran from '79 to '90 - it just happens, I was a kid when Wigan thrilled me, and I occassionally like to share that....but if you want5 I'll apologise to you for that and look after your view of the way this thread has run!?:?

Please have a little perspective, I know I'm an easy target for the type of sniping poster like yourself - but I have as much right to post on here as you ever will.

As the COD's said - 'I'm A Good Guy'.

You just need to read between my lines. :wink:

Edited by Barry
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Loved it, but as people rightly say, gotta move on if not for ourselves, for the scene as a whole. just a thought can you imagine if the health&safety laws of today were in place then, barrier control on the road, clean toilets, fixed roof, attendance guidlines, pie`s changed everyweek,smoking laws, imagine 500 people stood outside smoking, yuk yuk yuk to me its things like this that made the place, some of the best nights ive had have been in run down dilapidated sh*T holes :sleep3:

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Loved it, but as people rightly say, gotta move on if not for ourselves, for the scene as a whole. just a thought can you imagine if the health&safety laws of today were in place then, barrier control on the road, clean toilets, fixed roof, attendance guidlines, pie`s changed everyweek,smoking laws, imagine 500 people stood outside smoking, yuk yuk yuk to me its things like this that made the place, some of the best nights ive had have been in run down dilapidated sh*T holes :sleep3:

Ahh me old mate Harry - those were the day's weren't they n toilet's like I've never seen since :yes: oh n the pushing n shoving with your holdall going in one direction n your body in another. Vicky Baine's (never liked it myself) but you did along with Cecil Washington.. alway's reminded me of you... oh n the Museum garden's after... wouldn't change any of it for nothing...

Sweet memorie's...

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Guest Scarborosoul


you say you can harp on about every allnighter from 79-90 dont you realise that those of us that were infor the long run at the casino are STILL here!! Apart from 10yrs in the Army 80-90 i have been and will remain a true NS lover. Most of us have moved on with the scene, but as said by someone else earlier in the thread 72+ is most of us older ppls YOOF and is remembered as a time of freedom and being able to do WTF we wanted before we got tied down etc etc etc. After the casino closed,YES some ppl left the scene but how many have come back?

It doesnt matter if you went or didnt go those of us who did will NEVER forget the place or what it meant to us in our youth. Since that time where has there been that you could go to every week and later twice a week:)

So those ppl who think we live in the past..we dont we just have the memories that most of you wish you had. It wasnt just the place it was the era that we were in. Real phet, no Aids, real footie hooligans and a time when to us youngsters life was fecking superb.


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[quote name='Scarborosoul' date='Feb 1 08, 01:32 PM' post='6878

So those ppl who think we live in the past..we dont we just have the memories that most of you wish you had. It wasnt just the place it was the era that we were in. Real phet, no Aids, real footie hooligans and a time when to us youngsters life was fecking superb.


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I don't have a problem with 'Wigan Casino' being part of the scene's history, I attended the venue many times and have some good memories of the place but they are just that memories, what I do have a problem with is the constant reference to the place as being the holy grail of Northern Soul venues and the constant milking of that eight year period to promote some events on today's scene by has-been or never will be's who contribute nothing directly to the scene now and who basically use the 1973 - 81 period as a way to feather their own nests now, sure celebrate the music of the past at Oldies events but why rape the very Soul of the Casino and all that was good to come out of that venue and period, some fantastic music which should be celebration in it's self without this old hat 'Keep The Faith', 'Brothers and Sisters' bullshit that continues on the current scene, respect to those who contribute, attend, and try to keep things fresh and bugger the rest as I'm simply not interested in the past or rather the past glories of one or two people who have lived off a period in the scenes history for the past 26 years and who either don't understand or wish to be part of the Northern scene circa 2007, treating this scene like a product rather than a passion is at best insulting, 'Keep The Faith' to be honest I'd rather share it thanks....lol

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

well said mark i myself am part of the gloucester crew who would frequent visit most if not all of the so called top venues back then some in the same night we enjoyed them all purely for our devotion to the music and the friends we made on the scene.we would suss out what djs were playin where because at that time we knew a record we wanted to hear would be played no arguments there as we listened to our peers for direction and ninty percent of the time it was spot on .

i think all venues had their good and bad points some were better than others but that opinion should be based on a personal level and today most people spout on about the past to show that they have a history on the scence but they should as you say be enjoying it for other reasons .

lets face it none of us can dance like we use to as were all getting ready for our free bus tickets so lets

enjoy the music and the people as it is now

regards colboy

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:lol: hi all , well wigan again... ? what can one say... well firstly i was lucky enough to have gone there mid 70s.. And most people i would have thought who are on here would have been quite young ??? which means we were all learning the ropes.. a new thing, meetin new friends ( for life). new sounds, some good , some crap. Same could be said for any new event we went to around that time.. EXCEPT wigan was big.. not only the place, which heid a hell of a lot of soulies.. ( like stoke) . also got on tv + in the news + was known around the world. which is why its always spoke about , more than say THE MECCA, or CLEETHORPES PIER, + ( winter gardens ) to take the extra crowd.. Any major town had there own big event, lots of um.. AND they were all well attended. even if wigan was pretty full MOST of the time ( not all )... i.e , Notts , leic (ha) live there.. also Coalville, Sheffield , Hinckley, Derby , Wakefield , Bedford, Manchester, Peterbrough , Yarmouth, Yate, London, list could go on + on.. Think Wigan was there at the right time.. But now weve all been + done that, and mostly all moved on, you have to move with the times.. we were so young, fit, it was a new exciting time, glad i was there. you will never beat it. lucky were all still here to chat about it, even better that were still out there dancin to it... and still collecting it.. ha, cheers MARTYN. :ohmy:
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ok I'll get me polys and be gone

Would that be Polyvelts or 'Polygrip' Dawny?... :lol:

......... Ok I'll get my 'Full length Leather coat' should I!..........errr.... well I would have done but some Twat nicked it with my bag at Wigan!!..

Edited by Teapot
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  • 1 month later...

i like many other people started going in74 but stoped in 76 77 why? because it became comercial a victim of its own sucses ,at the begining it was a top venue for soul music and people that was already on the scene also a lot of people went to see what it was all about and got in to it nothing wrong with that` but then it also started to atract non soulies it started to become a trendy place to go it became comerciel the music went down hill , i started to notice dick heads who never heard a soul record in there lives and the theving was geting worse am sorry to have to say it but for me the proper soulies stoped going a long time before it closed , but thats my own personel opinion yes it became crapp but it looks to me there aint never going to be another place that can come close , its very simple there was so many of us in those days and we was all young and most of the scene now is stil mostly made up of us lot , there simply isant the amount of young people on this scene to ever come clost to re creating that terific atmosphere we had back then , i wish people would stop using this term "move on" i know loads of other people my age and over who was around years ago and are well up to date i like underplayed stuff r&b crosover modern and more select nighters that cater for ether one but i also go back to other clubs that are basicly full of people i knew from mr ms years ago that are happy enjoying the music from back then they are happy er? not moving on its what they want to hear so whats wrong with that ? i never ever go on about the casino to younger people that never got to go because they dont want to here it do they ? but its nice now and again when asked to tel um , am a wigan lad and am proud of the casino and also most of the people that went will tel you the same thing nothing will ever come close to it and its fantastic to go to any venue in the uk and nine time out of ten you can bet there will be some bugger there who you know , ps before any body says it yer i know i canot spell

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Guest charnley

i like many other people started going in74 but stoped in 76 77 why? because it became comercial a victim of its own sucses ,at the begining it was a top venue for soul music and people that was already on the scene also a lot of people went to see what it was all about and got in to it nothing wrong with that` but then it also started to atract non soulies it started to become a trendy place to go it became comerciel the music went down hill , i started to notice dick heads who never heard a soul record in there lives and the theving was geting worse am sorry to have to say it but for me the proper soulies stoped going a long time before it closed , but thats my own personel opinion yes it became crapp but it looks to me there aint never going to be another place that can come close , its very simple there was so many of us in those days and we was all young and most of the scene now is stil mostly made up of us lot , there simply isant the amount of young people on this scene to ever come clost to re creating that terific atmosphere we had back then , i wish people would stop using this term "move on" i know loads of other people my age and over who was around years ago and are well up to date i like underplayed stuff r&b crosover modern and more select nighters that cater for ether one but i also go back to other clubs that are basicly full of people i knew from mr ms years ago that are happy enjoying the music from back then they are happy er? not moving on its what they want to hear so whats wrong with that ? i never ever go on about the casino to younger people that never got to go because they dont want to here it do they ? but its nice now and again when asked to tel um , am a wigan lad and am proud of the casino and also most of the people that went will tel you the same thing nothing will ever come close to it and its fantastic to go to any venue in the uk and nine time out of ten you can bet there will be some bugger there who you know , ps before any body says it yer i know i canot spell

Hi Great post loved wigan, Was only 15 /16 when i first went, but went to other nigthers before that enjoyed traveling to and from every venue enojoying meeting people talking / chatting about other venues / music. djs, you always felt as you was part of something special. But we all are not getting any younger, Times change, Remember what your mum & dad first said to you when they found out you had been dancing all night no sleep and no beer ? REMEMBER THE FRIENDS AND PEOPLE YOU MET OVER ALL THEM YEARS. Not that much as changed only yourself afew years older and now parents & grandparents plus i cant spell as well mate andy .c

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  • 2 weeks later...


you say you can harp on about every allnighter from 79-90 dont you realise that those of us that were infor the long run at the casino are STILL here!! Apart from 10yrs in the Army 80-90 i have been and will remain a true NS lover. Most of us have moved on with the scene, but as said by someone else earlier in the thread 72+ is most of us older ppls YOOF and is remembered as a time of freedom and being able to do WTF we wanted before we got tied down etc etc etc. After the casino closed,YES some ppl left the scene but how many have come back?

It doesnt matter if you went or didnt go those of us who did will NEVER forget the place or what it meant to us in our youth. Since that time where has there been that you could go to every week and later twice a week:)

So those ppl who think we live in the past..we dont we just have the memories that most of you wish you had. It wasnt just the place it was the era that we were in. Real phet, no Aids, real footie hooligans and a time when to us youngsters life was fecking superb.


Hi Rick,

'those of us that were in it for the long run'!

Mate - that is such a poorly thought out diss - you don't know me do you?

...and I'll not even mention the laughable 'apart from the ten years in the army' line.

Anyway, I'll take it that you base your 'I'm more of a Soulie than you' comment on the plain fact that I don't attend nighters as regularly as I once did, as it happens I f*cking gave my poorly paid life over to it for years Rick.

For your information, I didn't stop being heavily involved with the furtherance, purchasing, promotion and playing of independant black music to my kind (not even for a stint in the Army???), the day I stopped attending nighters.

As you don't know anything about me, may I pose these three questions for you, they may help you along with your general, clueless view of me...

Did I stop buying Northern around 1990?

Did my love for the music that shaped my youth diminish an iota the day I started playing other forms of black music to people who also loved other forms of independant black music?

Do you think that people whom you would see as people worthy of note on the Northern scene, people whom promote events, people whom are mainstays of this scene, people whom also post on this board - do you think they would greet me, in a social setting, with anything less than respect?

I think you'll find the answer to the above questions would be a simple - No!

The reason I post about Wigan and the nighters I attended in my time are simply because I attended them, am I not allowed to post my memories?

Point out to me a reference that I have made in my nighter memoirs where I have stated a negative.

I simply post about Wigan and every nighter that I attended heavily because I can and my memories are as relevant to this board as anyone elses.

I don't know you Rick but if GOD gave us the option to play Soul Top Trumps, I'd happily play you anyday.

I am unable to let sh*tty poorly thought out responses lie, and this must be the fourth time I've had to vilify myself to people like you that are unable to read my posts for what they are.

I don't need you telling me that you are in it for the long run, or that you spent 10 years in the Army, if you want your fifteen minutes of message board fame Rick, I suggest that pick on someone less able old chum.

Edited by Barry
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Its not about the venues, its about the music, the Casino was just another venue, yes, it was a life changing experience for me & many others.....warts n all, but, but I went to other venues as well as WC & when it closed we moved on to the next venue playing the kind of Rare Soul we enjoyed............

Not just trying to be controversial here, but the impression of Northern Soul that most non soulies have is based on certain portrayals in books & the general media, who have been advised by people who for thier own gain need to continue the Wigan legend/myth, history has been re - written, the nasty bits glossed over & now & for some years there is an older generation of soulie returning to the scene, who have no real passion for the music, just want to get together socially with like minded people & dance to the records of thier youth & have a good time, bragging about how they packed it in cos after Wigan closed the scene died, when we all know, most were tourists & didnt have the commitment to the music...........nothing wrong with that in it self, but I find the whole thing cringingly embarrassing & as far away from the true ethos of the scene as can be.

The real scene is still out there, playing the newly discovered & under played gems, along with the rareities that you dont always get to hear & contantly coming under fire for being elitist or what ever, well the scene is elitist, it was, is & always will be about discovering & promoting soul music that was never valued at its time of release or if a new release gained a wider audience thru being played on the scene...........its our job to continue to do this, for the sake of the real NS scene & for the as yet undiscovered artists we'll be dancing to for years to come............Wigan Casino did this in spades................so Im always slightly confused as to why, if people were genuinely into the music for the right reasons, do they now ignore the true reason for the scenes original existence & want to wallow in some awful nostalgic bubble, thats based on a lie, that theyve all bought in to & continues to line the pockets of the unscrupoulous people who take advantage of them & enbarrass the rest of us.

People cant move on from Wigan, because they see it as some label to wear to impress people, if they loved the music, they would be supporting venues & promoters who to this day, carry on the tradition that the venues from the 'golden eras promoted in the first place.

ATB Russ

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Bloody hell Russ, you have just said what I have always thought about then gave up as knew I wouldn't get the words right!! When I do say something I just sound bitter and narky, you have expressed it perfectly, and people won't want to recognise themselves but I do think you have described 90% of todays scene to a T.

I always feel hypocritical in threads like this as I now am a part timer and realise that and am happy with that now, for a number of reasons, but one of the reasons my attendances dwindled in mid to late 90's was the disappearance of the type of scene you describe, it warms the cockles of my dodgy heart to hear someone still thinks like you do!

We need to have a beer sometime and you and Steve C can re-energise me!!

Edited by jocko
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Interesting points Russ. I do think we have to be careful with the word tourist though. Could the guy/gal who went assiduously to the Casino (& other venues) from 73 onwards be considered a tourist in the commonly understood sense of the word? Some of these people, rightly or wrongly, couldn't make that musical transition of the post Wigan era. I myself got onboard the beery 'Don't You Just Know It' vibe of West Hampstead & the 100 Club, but I guess it must have seemed very bizarre to some folk. I never attended Stafford, but from what I've heard it was very left-field & as revolutionary as Blackpool Mecca in its heyday. It wouldn't suprise me if some folk couldn't make head nor tail of that scene either. I guess it's a case of horses for courses. The good thing is that there seems to be something out there for everybody, wherever you go, be it the UK or over here on the continent.

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Interesting points Russ. I do think we have to be careful with the word tourist though. Could the guy/gal who went assiduously to the Casino (& other venues) from 73 onwards be considered a tourist in the commonly understood sense of the word? Some of these people, rightly or wrongly, couldn't make that musical transition of the post Wigan era. I myself got onboard the beery 'Don't You Just Know It' vibe of West Hampstead & the 100 Club, but I guess it must have seemed very bizarre to some folk. I never attended Stafford, but from what I've heard it was very left-field & as revolutionary as Blackpool Mecca in its heyday. It wouldn't suprise me if some folk couldn't make head nor tail of that scene either. I guess it's a case of horses for courses. The good thing is that there seems to be something out there for everybody, wherever you go, be it the UK or over here on the continent.

I agree, there are enough venues to cater for everyone these days, I just dont wont to be confused or asscotiated with the cheesier side of things, not only this, but I get a little tired of being berated or mocked for my love & passion of NS in its true form, as opposed to the one that is just based on some retro idea of reliving Wigan Casino every weekend or what they consider WC to have been like, based on what people have written etc.

I found the transition from traditional NS to 100 Club/Stafford sounds quite a stretch.............I remember attending the 100 Club in the early 8ts & not knowing a single tune, more than that, most did not come into my perception of NS either, however, with the 100 Club in particular, as it was my nearest AllNighter, I persisted & it wasnt too long before I got into the 'groove' of things.................I spose my dogged need to hear fresh sounds helped too, but I remember vividly, a friends enthusiasm for the music, which I initially did not quite 'get' at all & wondered what this had to do with my personal take on NS. Having said that, there were many venues in the 8ts which catered for the more traditional NS sounds...........

Sounds quite strange reading this back now, as we all kinda except these tunes as part & parcel, its difficult to appreciate these days just how ground breaking some where at the time.........beat ballads, latin, R n B etc, etc, all part of the rich tapestry.......I think the point Im making here, is the fact that at no point during this time did I consider a) Leaving the scene cool.gif Not listening to any NS other than that played during the 7ts at my fave venues..........

Best Russ

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Guest Scarborosoul

Hi Rick,

'those of us that were in it for the long run'!

Mate - that is such a poorly thought out diss - you don't know me do you?

...and I'll not even mention the laughable 'apart from the ten years in the army' line.

Anyway, I'll take it that you base your 'I'm more of a Soulie than you' comment on the plain fact that I don't attend nighters as regularly as I once did, as it happens I f*cking gave my poorly paid life over to it for years Rick.

For your information, I didn't stop being heavily involved with the furtherance, purchasing, promotion and playing of independant black music to my kind (not even for a stint in the Army???), the day I stopped attending nighters.

As you don't know anything about me, may I pose these three questions for you, they may help you along with your general, clueless view of me...

Did I stop buying Northern around 1990?

Did my love for the music that shaped my youth diminish an iota the day I started playing other forms of black music to people who also loved other forms of independant black music?

Do you think that people whom you would see as people worthy of note on the Northern scene, people whom promote events, people whom are mainstays of this scene, people whom also post on this board - do you think they would greet me, in a social setting, with anything less than respect?

I think you'll find the answer to the above questions would be a simple - No!

The reason I post about Wigan and the nighters I attended in my time are simply because I attended them, am I not allowed to post my memories?

Point out to me a reference that I have made in my nighter memoirs where I have stated a negative.

I simply post about Wigan and every nighter that I attended heavily because I can and my memories are as relevant to this board as anyone elses.

I don't know you Rick but if GOD gave us the option to play Soul Top Trumps, I'd happily play you anyday.

I am unable to let sh*tty poorly thought out responses lie, and this must be the fourth time I've had to vilify myself to people like you that are unable to read my posts for what they are.

I don't need you telling me that you are in it for the long run, or that you spent 10 years in the Army, if you want your fifteen minutes of message board fame Rick, I suggest that pick on someone less able old chum.

Whooaaaa NEDDY. WTF you on m8 coz its causing you major paranoia, you maybe need to cut down on the gear a wee bit.

The post that i entered was in no way ABOUT you it was a general answer to the thread and in no way was i saying anything about me being a better soulie than anyone else. I mentioned the time in the army as a point when i was off the soul scene for many years and unless you have been and done the forces bit i suggest you keep that out of the conversation it was far from laughable.

Why you think you must vilify yourself to anyone escapes me, at the end of the day your just soulie on a scene that is far bigger than you could ever be, unless feelings of grandure go with paranoia.

As for my message board minutes offame, i dont need it and dont want it as i am well known on the scene and i am on the scene because its something i love not something i am looking for fame from.

As for anything else you mention i will ignore them with the contempt they deserve. If you have any more problems with PM me your phone number and we shall have a "face to face"


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Its not about the venues, its about the music, the Casino was just another venue, yes, it was a life changing experience for me & many others.....warts n all, but, but I went to other venues as well as WC & when it closed we moved on to the next venue playing the kind of Rare Soul we enjoyed............

Not just trying to be controversial here, but the impression of Northern Soul that most non soulies have is based on certain portrayals in books & the general media, who have been advised by people who for thier own gain need to continue the Wigan legend/myth, history has been re - written, the nasty bits glossed over & now & for some years there is an older generation of soulie returning to the scene, who have no real passion for the music, just want to get together socially with like minded people & dance to the records of thier youth & have a good time, bragging about how they packed it in cos after Wigan closed the scene died, when we all know, most were tourists & didnt have the commitment to the music...........nothing wrong with that in it self, but I find the whole thing cringingly embarrassing & as far away from the true ethos of the scene as can be.

The real scene is still out there, playing the newly discovered & under played gems, along with the rareities that you dont always get to hear & contantly coming under fire for being elitist or what ever, well the scene is elitist, it was, is & always will be about discovering & promoting soul music that was never valued at its time of release or if a new release gained a wider audience thru being played on the scene...........its our job to continue to do this, for the sake of the real NS scene & for the as yet undiscovered artists we'll be dancing to for years to come............Wigan Casino did this in spades................so Im always slightly confused as to why, if people were genuinely into the music for the right reasons, do they now ignore the true reason for the scenes original existence & want to wallow in some awful nostalgic bubble, thats based on a lie, that theyve all bought in to & continues to line the pockets of the unscrupoulous people who take advantage of them & enbarrass the rest of us.

People cant move on from Wigan, because they see it as some label to wear to impress people, if they loved the music, they would be supporting venues & promoters who to this day, carry on the tradition that the venues from the 'golden eras promoted in the first place.

ATB Russ

Wish I could have writen that Russ........BRILLIANT.


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People cant move on from Wigan, because they see it as some label to wear to impress people, if they loved the music, they would be supporting venues & promoters who to this day, carry on the tradition that the venues from the 'golden eras promoted in the first place.

ATB Russ

What utter rubbish. A badge to impress people? I'm proud of being part of that scene at the time but thats it. I remember Wigan as the best times I ever had in my entire life, whats wrong with remembering those times and saying that, for me, Wigan was the best venue ever. I've been to Blackpool, 100 Club, Stoke, loads more, nothing has ever come close, and if you think everyone should be travelling the country every weekend to support venues at our age, then I feel sorry for you not having anything else in your life except northern sodding soul.

Speaking 30 years since I last went to Wigan, nothing will ever touch it or come close to it, for atmosphere, excitement, great people and brilliant music. What the hell is wrong with wanting to preserve that? (And don't give me a lecture about 'moving on', at least 50% of my favourite records are post Wigan so it's not like I've not heard anything since)

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What utter rubbish. A badge to impress people? I'm proud of being part of that scene at the time but thats it. I remember Wigan as the best times I ever had in my entire life, whats wrong with remembering those times and saying that, for me, Wigan was the best venue ever. I've been to Blackpool, 100 Club, Stoke, loads more, nothing has ever come close, and if you think everyone should be travelling the country every weekend to support venues at our age, then I feel sorry for you not having anything else in your life except northern sodding soul.

Speaking 30 years since I last went to Wigan, nothing will ever touch it or come close to it, for atmosphere, excitement, great people and brilliant music. What the hell is wrong with wanting to preserve that? (And don't give me a lecture about 'moving on', at least 50% of my favourite records are post Wigan so it's not like I've not heard anything since)

HERE, HERE well put pete :thumbsup:

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What utter rubbish. A badge to impress people? I'm proud of being part of that scene at the time but thats it. I remember Wigan as the best times I ever had in my entire life, whats wrong with remembering those times and saying that, for me, Wigan was the best venue ever. I've been to Blackpool, 100 Club, Stoke, loads more, nothing has ever come close, and if you think everyone should be travelling the country every weekend to support venues at our age, then I feel sorry for you not having anything else in your life except northern sodding soul.

Speaking 30 years since I last went to Wigan, nothing will ever touch it or come close to it, for atmosphere, excitement, great people and brilliant music. What the hell is wrong with wanting to preserve that? (And don't give me a lecture about 'moving on', at least 50% of my favourite records are post Wigan so it's not like I've not heard anything since)


I went to Wigan too you know, admittedly, I went after it was crap apparently, but to me 77 - 81 was fantastic, if you read the post, I am know way knocking the venue, in fact I am in agreement with you, up to a point, but its gone, I personally dont give a flying f**k what you listen to or support Pete, but then I have never seen you romping round the dance floor in a pair of Spencers & a beer towel, saying everything post Wigan is crap.

I dont care whether you travel the country or not, its not my problem or concern, but those people that do, surely you'd get bored hearing the same records week in week out.

If you read the post its about the music & the fact that some people refuse to move on from what they see as the ultimate NS venue of all time.............in fact bollox to it, Im f***ed if Im gonna be slapped down & ridiculed for trying to promote a current scene,.......... I cant even be arsed to even finish this & dont see why I should explain myself & BTW pse dont intimate I do not have a life..............Ive spent 30 yrs making sure people like you are safe in your nice warm bed at night & have freedom of speech............which means in essence you can come on here & slag me off, for being passionate about a music scene that will die, if certain people dont continue to push the barriers & we leave the music in the hands of a bunch of gold diggers who have forgotten why we got into it in the first place. Im bored of this continual abuse by peopple who cant move on...........Im gonna do something else before I say something I'll regret.

Bottom line is Im more in to whats happening on the scene now than then.

I have the up most respect for you Pete, but please leave out the personal insults & stick to the point of the thread.


Edited by Russ Vickers
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Most of the threads I have read in this section have been along the lines of great times had at certain venues over the years or similar.

I think the thread title here in some respects has lead to some of the posts I have read, which is a bit dissapointing in all honesty.

End of the day I know it's not all fun and larks and Wigan was not everyone's cup of tea. EVERYONE is entitled to his or her opinion, but ALL that have posted in this thread thus far have a far better taste in this great music of ours (I'm sure) than the bloke who's just walked past my window. :lol:

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Most of the threads I have read in this section have been along the lines of great times had at certain venues over the years or similar.

I think the thread title here in some respects has lead to some of the posts I have read, which is a bit dissapointing in all honesty.

End of the day I know it's not all fun and larks and Wigan was not everyone's cup of tea. EVERYONE is entitled to his or her opinion, but ALL that have posted in this thread thus far have a far better taste in this great music of ours (I'm sure) than the bloke who's just walked past my window. :D

i started this thread to gauge what people thoughts were about wigan,the scene back then and why no other venue has ever hit the hights that wigan did. as i was to young to go and would of love to of gone myself, it was not to knock the casino or the people that went.

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i started this thread to gauge what people thoughts were about wigan,the scene back then and why no other venue has ever hit the hights that wigan did. as i was to young to go and would of love to of gone myself, it was not to knock the casino or the people that went.

I understand that mate and I wasn't knocking you. I was 15 when Wigan shut and like you I never went.

Was just an observation, don't doubt a downbeat title was not intentional. It just bothers me when I see good souls sniping at each other. Some will groan and look at the ceiling at such rose tinted sentiments. However in the grander scheme of things the fanatical rare soul fan is still an obscure beast.

Hats off to the Casino and the people who went to it I say! :D

Hey you ever been to the 100 Club Rhino? Longest running nighter of all time dude! wink.gif

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I went to Wigan too you know, admittedly, I went after it was crap apparently, but to me 77 - 81 was fantastic, if you read the post, I am know way knocking the venue, in fact I am in agreement with you, up to a point, but its gone, I personally dont give a flying f**k what you listen to or support Pete, but then I have never seen you romping round the dance floor in a pair of Spencers & a beer towel, saying everything post Wigan is crap.

I dont care whether you travel the country or not, its not my problem or concern, but those people that do, surely you'd get bored hearing the same records week in week out.

If you read the post its about the music & the fact that some people refuse to move on from what they see as the ultimate NS venue of all time.............in fact bollox to it, Im f***ed if Im gonna be slapped down & ridiculed for trying to promote a current scene,.......... I cant even be arsed to even finish this & dont see why I should explain myself & BTW pse dont intimate I do not have a life..............Ive spent 30 yrs making sure people like you are safe in your nice warm bed at night & have freedom of speech............which means in essence you can come on here & slag me off, for being passionate about a music scene that will die, if certain people dont continue to push the barriers & we leave the music in the hands of a bunch of gold diggers who have forgotten why we got into it in the first place. Im bored of this continual abuse by peopple who cant move on...........Im gonna do something else before I say something I'll regret.

Bottom line is Im more in to whats happening on the scene now than then.

I have the up most respect for you Pete, but please leave out the personal insults & stick to the point of the thread.


Continual abuse? From me? What did I say apart from the fact that at our age soul music shouldn't be the be all and end all? I just don't like being stereotyped as a can't-move-on-from-Wigan type, which is what you did in your post. F*cking hell Russ it's only a bloody message board/forum, it's hardly important, my girlfriends Mum died on sunday night and I had to break the news to her, thats quite important but disagreeing on a message board is not worth losing sleep over.

Edited by Pete S
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Think what it was to me was within a very short period of time from knowing relitavly nothing about northern soul music and the scene as a whole, indeed never reall stepping foot out of yorkshire, i was taken to this place that was the ultimate night out and from then on loved every minute of the place, after it shut it was very hard to find a place that gave me what wigan gave me, the clifton hall at rotherham gave me back a certain amount of this and was a great venue in its own right, but there was something about that place for me personally, and believe me over the years ive been to some great venues and met some of the best people ive met in my life, but i don`t think i could ever replace those nights, i am a great believer in moving on the scene and it will be with me forever, just those nights were so special to me, and the memories will live with me forever, remember this is only my opinion biggrin.gif

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Continual abuse? From me? What did I say apart from the fact that at our age soul music shouldn't be the be all and end all? I just don't like being stereotyped as a can't-move-on-from-Wigan type, which is what you did in your post. F*cking hell Russ it's only a bloody message board/forum, it's hardly important, my girlfriends Mum died on sunday night and I had to break the news to her, thats quite important but disagreeing on a message board is not worth losing sleep over.

Not continual abuse from you Pete, I meant generally from some towards anyone who supports anything other than WC & its legacy of music.......looking back, 'continual abuse' is probably being over the top, so I apologise for a poor choice of words, but you get my meaning........I have gone on record many times regarding WC it was great, probably my fave venue of all time, I am not slagging WC off, I am just saying that I find it quite strange that people who at the time of the Casino were obviously, at least to some extent, were supportive of a forward thinking scene, I know Im not allowed to say things like 'upfront' or 'progessive' because apparently that offends some people, if some one can please give me a better word or phrase to use I'll be grateful, but that was what the scene was then pretty much, so why cant people be similarly supportive now ?????, I respect anybodies opinion to go where they want & to listen to what they want, but its beyond me why anyone would want to continually relive there youth..........I havnt put this very well, to be honest & Im now losing interest, so I'll be off .............very sorry to hear of your GF loss Pete.


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Not continual abuse from you Pete, I meant generally from some towards anyone who supports anything other than WC & its legacy of music.......looking back, 'continual abuse' is probably being over the top, so I apologise for a poor choice of words, but you get my meaning........I have gone on record many times regarding WC it was great, probably my fave venue of all time, I am not slagging WC off, I am just saying that I find it quite strange that people who at the time of the Casino were obviously, at least to some extent, were supportive of a forward thinking scene, I know Im not allowed to say things like 'upfront' or 'progessive' because apparently that offends some people, if some one can please give me a better word or phrase to use I'll be grateful, but that was what the scene was then pretty much, so why cant people be similarly supportive now ?????, I respect anybodies opinion to go where they want & to listen to what they want, but its beyond me why anyone would want to continually relive there youth..........I havnt put this very well, to be honest & Im now losing interest, so I'll be off .............very sorry to hear of your GF loss Pete.


I understand Russ. Apologies if I got what you were saying wrong.

And thank you thumbsup.gif

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It may be a shopping centre now but there is still one corner dedicated to the casino with various memorabilia for sale by contacting russ @ wigan casino.co.uk or whatever it is.

So he is still wringing the last drops of blood from a stone that was dry years ago :g:

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