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Whos Gunna Carry The Soul Scene On?

Guest Impetejones

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Might be worth trying this, but it's my club, so it looks it like a blatent plug, which it is of course...

It's going to run monthly Fridays next year, dates to be confirmed.


Apologies, that's what you get for trying to speed-read posts - I thought it was abroad.

Looks fantastic.

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Apologies, that's what you get for trying to speed-read posts - I thought it was abroad.

Looks fantastic.

Ehm, it is abroad. The link was to the website for Function in Malmoe, Sweden (that's why it's in Swedish :thumbsup: ), which is a monthly club organised by Jonte, Joppe, Sebastian (he's on this forum too) and me. James's flyer is for his do Soul Revolution in London, which sounds very interesting from what I've heard.

Edited by Helena
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Ehm, it is abroad. The link was to the website for Function in Malmoe, Sweden (that's why it's in Swedish :thumbsup: ), which is a monthly club organised by Jonte, Joppe, Sebastian (he's on this forum too) and me. James's flyer is for his do Soul Revolution in London, which sounds very interesting from what I've heard.

There we go then. :thumbsup:

Sorry, I'm flipping between five boards.

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Time for a comment me thinks, no I haven't already that was my wife Gail using my name in vein, although I did agree. :g:

Firstly on other folks comments, I agree fully with Chalky & J.T. the young up & coming need our support & encouragement. :thumbsup:

It's not a harsher world (more child murders in 50's & 60's than now) it's just that we are better informed & much more media aware.

I agree with most of what Deb says, I don't agree with kids at nighters really (bit hypocritical really as we did it!) but I love to see them at alldayers enjoying themself's & take my niece (11) to Drax Alldayer on New Years day every year & she leaves at 9pm & at Johnny Redpants Charity dayer there were kids there having a ball & behaving, having said that we must remember that there are predators out there & be careful. :D

Sorry but I don't agree with Barry, the scene to my mind is basically the same, the punters are just a lot more weathered & Why can't the passion be in the hearts of the younger generation, I fell in love with the genre at 14 & had the passion, remember it's not & never was our generations God given right to keep this music for ourself's only. :g:

Someone mentioned Laws & Rules, well they have been bent & broken since time immemorial & I'm sure this will carry on long after we are gone. I remember my wife Gail & her best friend sneaking into the Highland Rooms at Blackpool Mecca after thumbing it from Goole & they were the grand age of 14 at the time. :thumbsup:

It makes me wonder are we falling into our parents generation trap of, "Do what I say & not what I do". Are we more concerned because we remember what we were doing or not doing & how responsible little adults we were at that age, people worry about drugs but the scene was awash with them in the 70's & no doubt we all lost friends to them but these are our fears not the youths. :ohmy:

So Pete, Alex, Rosie, Kelly & any other young enthusiasts keep on doing what your doing & don't listen to us Grumpy old farts, we're just jealous of your youth really cos ours has gone, long ago, by the way I'm sick of hearing about teens & youths (3 pages here) it's starting to make me feel even more ancient than I am already, so please desist, thank you. :g:

Take care & be safe,

Spot. :D

i agree with your comments Pete, if we can cast our minds back some 35+ years ago most of us learnt our soul from local scenes and youth clubs, You'd go along on a saturday night pay your half a crown and listen and dance to the motown of the moment with a scattering of Doris troy, Robert Knight etc, then with your interest on a high you'd venture further, I can still remember my first allnighter at Samanthas in 1974. The thing was we were all of a simular age (except sam who was , and still is, 15 years older). Now its all changed , the local venues are closing at an alarming rate, usually due to poor attendance,this in itself is another issue,but true northern soulies wont attend in numbers due to too many "handbaggers" and these said "baggers" are only there cos its an over 30's disco.put on a sixties night and you get the same crowd. So firstly the young soulie has limited if any local places to go, He therefore travels to a venue where he probably knows no one, the music is mostly unknown to him and the crowd are of an age simular to his parents. I know when I was sixteen the thought of being at a "disco" with my parents was a non starter. Where as, we were in a gang of 20 or so, he would be in a gang of 3. Surely most teenagers would rather be with their own age having a white cider in the park and doing what teenagers do. I know some young uns go to venues but I doubt very much if there will be sufficient numbers to keep the scene alive, maybe just enough to keep one venue alive. As for the even younger ones they have no idea what genre of music they'll be into later as you change with time, in fact, many soulies went into punk in the late 70's only to return later. How many of the pre teens would be at venues if their parents could get a babysitter. Perhaps the way forward is to have local soul nights for under 20's with free admission.or would this just attract a shitload of "hoodies" with nowt better to do. I'd say weve a good 10 - 15 years left, enjoy it while you can.

"Motown" Westy


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This must be umptieth thread on this topic in the last year and I for one am getting very bored with it aggressive.gif , Will people stop writing us older peeps off, hopefull we have a good few years left yet and there an loads of people on the scene in the 30-40 age group who have another 20-30 years and they will slowly be replaced by younger people and so it goes on. To be honest in 1973 -1975 how many of us thought the scene would still be as strong as it is now in 2007.

I am getting very p*ssed at some of the younger soulies (14-35) thinking they are the saviours of the scene and they have a god given right to it and we should be changing to suit them. The scene has naturally evolved to where it is now over at least 40 years or more and it will keep on evolving as the younger people replace us, so lets just have natural progression and stop winging and moaning about it and enjoy :D

Don't get me wrong, I love to see new young people on the scene (16-25) and some of the people I see also as young (30-40s) leading the way forward now with great passion and knowledge but it is not something they have achieved over night. I have loved experiencing the changes over the last 33 years I have been about but by pushing change you could kill it. Your time will come leave it to grow and evolve natuarally through time as it always has done.

OK rant over :unsure:


Edited by chrissie
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Personally I think things have changed a bit over the past couple of years, but maybe I'm wrong? Do you think it could go something like this? :D


A record comes on in the sheep pen (click to hear)

"Bahhh, I don't like this, it's a bit too funky for me"

"Yes, baaaaah, we all feel the same, we dont' know it, this isn't northern soul!"

Another record comes on...(click to hear)

"What's this record playing now?"

"Baaah, that's the Flaming Emeralds, they played that at the Casino!"

"Baaaah, great I went there twice in 1978, if it was played there it must be good, shall we all dance to it?"

"I have it on CD at the farm as well, "The best Northern Soul album in the Farm ever vol2". I love northern, let's stomp!"

"Yes, baaaah, let's all dance to it, WIGAN FOREVER!"

In the end those sort of people and events will become like the Rock and Roll scene, a bit irrelevent apart from for the folk who like a social event, friends reunited, chatting about the old days etc. But what will remain important is the music and the cool clubs, because there will always be people looking to dance to cool music, in cool places all night long. And the music is, really, really good and will always have a place in clubs all over the world for hundreds of years to come. So stop worrying, it's good, it's exciting and there are great things going on at the moment. Get out there and enjoy it :unsure:

Just a couple of points:

Flaming Emeralds is a better record than Mellow Madness, and it was more Cleethorpes than Wigan. :wub:

Apart from that you are not far wong, and could make a similar points on the baggies thread whistling.gif

I'll get me crombie. :D

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Just a couple of points:

Flaming Emeralds is a better record than Mellow Madness, and it was more Cleethorpes than Wigan. :wub:

Apart from that you are not far wong, and could make a similar points on the baggies thread whistling.gif

I'll get me crombie. :D

I actually like the Flaming Emeralds as well :D

James Mitchell of the detroit Emeralds on lead vocals - "have some fun, have some fun" :unsure:

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Whos Gunna Carry The Soul Scene On?

Here's a surprise - I don't give a f**k who's gonna carry The soul scene on - I'm just so grateful I've had the pleasure of 30 yrs listening, dancing n collecting the music... :thumbup:

Remember in my early 20's people saying "can't imagine us dancing n collecting in our 30's n most definately not in our 40's n here we all are :yes: Can't really think of another scene that has stayed alive n so fresh as the Northern scene, but regardless TODAY is what matter's not the future - who know's what that hold's - so I'm just gonna get on n enjoy it biggrin.gif - some seem to have nothing better to do in their live's than mull over the same old same old ....


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Whos Gunna Carry The Soul Scene On?

Here's a surprise - I don't give a f**k who's gonna carry The soul scene on - I'm just so grateful I've had the pleasure of 30 yrs listening, dancing n collecting the music... yes.gif

Remember in my early 20's people saying "can't imagine us dancing n collecting in our 30's n most definately not in our 40's n here we all are :yes: Can't really think of another scene that has stayed alive n so fresh as the Northern scene, but regardless TODAY is what matter's not the future - who know's what that hold's - so I'm just gonna get on n enjoy it :D - some seem to have nothing better to do in their live's than mull over the same old same old ....


Well said :thumbup:

Mind you, it did take till today for my feet and hips to recover from Friday night :yes:



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god imagine being in a room full of youngsters talking sh*te getting up to silly pranks and generally behaving like 5year olds that would never do would it, not when the bulk of the people i know and love on the scene are truly world class at it :thumbup:

hahaha!!! :yes: .......spot on !!..

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Guest James Trouble

Just a couple of points:

Flaming Emeralds is a better record than Mellow Madness, and it was more Cleethorpes than Wigan. :lol:

Apart from that you are not far wong, and could make a similar points on the baggies thread :)

I'll get me crombie. :D

I know that, about Cleethorpes/flaming emeralds, maybe I'm being ironic :D

But I do think these sort of people are not the majority and pretty much all the people I meet on the soul scene in this country and in Europe are passionate about the music and partying, and IMO I think these threads about "the end of the scene", "what happens when we are all gone", "it's all comgin to an end" are way off the mark.

Things change, nothing stays the same for ever. But while there are plenty of interesting and in some cases truely great events to attend and share a passion for great music and dancing to great music with other like minded people it can only be seen as a good thing and cause for hope, optimism and excitment for the future.

Sarcastic irony aside, that's my honest opinion, for what it's worth.

Edited by James Trouble
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I realy look forward to the day when a solid core of 20-30 year old knowledgable soul fans all congregate in the same venue and dance to songs that have become well known due to being played in that particular venue.

James I hope you know me better than to think I would only want to collect big money playted out oldies ? if not you realy don't know me very well at all.

But my point there was to new people to the scene oldies or newies doesn't matter a jot they would all be newies to these people.

I guess I was letting of a little frustration and I hope to see the soul scene continue for many years.

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Isn't there a decent 'younger' Northern type scene going on in the States at the moment? I've received tons of U.S. Soul Club MySpace adds - there seems to be one for every city and the music seems to be a blend of Northern and local R'n'B for the most part.

The funny thing is they seem to know quite a few of the greats and current biggies but occasionally slip up on other stuff. The one in Chicago had never heard of "Do The Pearl Girl" and "Libras Really Do Run It" for instance but seemed quite knowledgeable on lots of other stuff.....

I even had a major L.A. female Mod DJ asking me if I could recommend some 60's L.A. Northern stuff as she wants to start featuring it in her sets. Different scene altogether but still encouraging I think....

Also presumably the young Americans won't be carrying the same kind of baggage that we have over here LOL.....

Ian D

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Depends on what soulies use term young say under 20 or what.

i am 26 and hope that in 10 or 20 years i can still go out and enjoy the music and have like minded people who are say 40 now into the scene and 60 then to still be around doing it. It's the ones who are 50 now and thinking i be 70 then. I shall not abandon it but hope that there is a few more my age and younger to come along aswell those oldies who can come

Don't worry they are out there. At a club that i went to in Leeds last week (Leeds seventeen Restaurant) there was a lad there who can't have been more than 17-18. Top dancer, danced all night and looked the part. I am now 53, my daughter is 13 and she know's the words to loads of Northern tunes simply by me playing them, she is not forced and listens to other stuff on her ipod etc. She even said to me once "Why don't new records sound like this" and "Why do I like Northern Soul Dad?" my answer was "Why do you think you like Northern Soul?" and she replied "because they are real songs". So there ya go, the new generation of Soulies are waiting til they are old enough to go to the nights.

I remember when i used to go to the Casino, I said to someone there "They're getting younger" meaning the crowd, he replied "No, we're getting older mate" He was right, there are always a younger generation that will carry on the beloved music, how can it ever die? simple, it never will!

Edited by steveluigi
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Isn't there a decent 'younger' Northern type scene going on in the States at the moment? I've received tons of U.S. Soul Club MySpace adds - there seems to be one for every city and the music seems to be a blend of Northern and local R'n'B for the most part.

The funny thing is they seem to know quite a few of the greats and current biggies but occasionally slip up on other stuff. The one in Chicago had never heard of "Do The Pearl Girl" and "Libras Really Do Run It" for instance but seemed quite knowledgeable on lots of other stuff.....

I even had a major L.A. female Mod DJ asking me if I could recommend some 60's L.A. Northern stuff as she wants to start featuring it in her sets. Different scene altogether but still encouraging I think....

Also presumably the young Americans won't be carrying the same kind of baggage that we have over here LOL.....

Ian D

Yes Ian, I have loads of U.S. members on my Myspace pages, seems to be gatting a bit of an airing over there now, although their definition of 'Norther Soul' is frequently different from ours, well! according to what they describe as 'Northern Soul' on their descripions on Ebay anyway. Strange really, as 90% of what we call 'Northern' comes from the states :rolleyes: . I was talking to 'Tommy Hunt' a few weeks ago asking him how much it would cost to fly him over and do an appearance in Leeds, he said not much seeing as he lives near Castleford, about 10 miles from Leeds LOL! Couldn't stop laughing :unsure: , a U.S. Soul superstar living just down the road from me in Wakefield. Heheh!

Edited by steveluigi
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This must be umptieth thread on this topic in the last year and I for one am getting very bored with it :rolleyes: , Will people stop writing us older peeps off, hopefull we have a good few years left yet and there an loads of people on the scene in the 30-40 age group who have another 20-30 years and they will slowly be replaced by younger people and so it goes on. To be honest in 1973 -1975 how many of us thought the scene would still be as strong as it is now in 2007.

I am getting very p*ssed at some of the younger soulies (14-35) thinking they are the saviours of the scene and they have a god given right to it and we should be changing to suit them. The scene has naturally evolved to where it is now over at least 40 years or more and it will keep on evolving as the younger people replace us, so lets just have natural progression and stop winging and moaning about it and enjoy :lol:

Don't get me wrong, I love to see new young people on the scene (16-25) and some of the people I see also as young (30-40s) leading the way forward now with great passion and knowledge but it is not something they have achieved over night. I have loved experiencing the changes over the last 33 years I have been about but by pushing change you could kill it. Your time will come leave it to grow and evolve natuarally through time as it always has done.

OK rant over :unsure:


You're right, I am now 53 and have been on the scene for well over 30 years and i still love Northern more than any other music. It was the likes of us (oldies) who paved the way for the young 'ns to listen to it today. They shouldn't be writing the older folks on the scene off, if anything, they should be thanking us for keeping it going for so long for them to carry it on. Things do change and so does the music style, but to me the old tunes will always be the best, played out or not.


Edited by steveluigi
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I remember a time when youngsters were looked down upon - made to feel 'out of it'.

I remember a time in the 80's when if you weren't in with a certain group of people you got hammered.

I also remember a time of 'social climbing', where certain people got involved with certain groups via bullshit.

The Northern scene, like any other, at its height was led as much by (social) politics, as by the music - it's a breeze now, much nicer, it seems.

In a way it's great the way maturity has tempered this scene - but in a way, I feel, it kinda feels like because it has matured, the edginess has gone out of it.

Yet again, I am wankered and am probably not explaining myself very well.

I want this to be a positive post and I hope it is, I just remember being made to feel a c*nt weekly no matter where I turned up (I was a penniless soulie at the time, if you had the money to get there, you went, you worried about how you got home at 8am), because I attended for me (the way I see it - I didn't travel to nighters for any other reason but the music and the thrill).

I've so much more to say but I think this just a pissed up bloke looking for a bit of therapy.

What I'm saying is the scene now appears so much more about what it should be about than what it used to be.

Anyway, I'm still here...and that's what matters.

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:thumbsup: Ha Ha, I've just re-read that and I apologise.

I think a moment that will sum up my above rant about how and it was then, was spending about two years trying to find a copy of 'It's Not Where You Start, It's Where You Finish' - Luckey Davis - £2.00 at Leicester Oddfellows Anniversary - made up - getting to the services on the way home with the 'mafia' etc and going for a piss (stupidly leaving my 7" on the table) - then coming back and they'd turned my LD 7" into an ashtray (Lighter under four corners until it melted and then they curled them up).

Would it happen now - nah, i don't think so - but you had to swallow it at that time.

Bastads!! :lol:

Edited by Barry
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I remember a time when youngsters were looked down upon - made to feel 'out of it'.

I remember a time in the 80's when if you weren't in with a certain group of people you got hammered.

I also remember a time of 'social climbing', where certain people got involved with certain groups via bullshit.

The Northern scene, like any other, at its height was led as much by (social) politics, as by the music - it's a breeze now, much nicer, it seems.

In a way it's great the way maturity has tempered this scene - but in a way, I feel, it kinda feels like because it has matured, the edginess has gone out of it.

Yet again, I am wankered and am probably not explaining myself very well.

I want this to be a positive post and I hope it is, I just remember being made to feel a c*nt weekly no matter where I turned up (I was a penniless soulie at the time, if you had the money to get there, you went, you worried about how you got home at 8am), because I attended for me (the way I see it - I didn't travel to nighters for any other reason but the music and the thrill).

I've so much more to say but I think this just a pissed up bloke looking for a bit of therapy.

What I'm saying is the scene now appears so much more about what it should be about than what it used to be.

Anyway, I'm still here...and that's what matters.

Hahaha LOL!

There's always a 'rite of passage' on most scenes I think.

Because the Northern Soul scene was very exclusive when I arrived (circa 1970), I had to go through a few months of being a 'div'. The Wheel boys saw us snotty-nosed kids as an embarassment at the time and so we had to keep a respectable distance. It was a bit like "Quadrophenia" when everyone looked up to Ace in the film. The Northern Soul ecquivalent to Ace, were the Wheel veterans.

I was lucky 'cos I stumbled into a tight bunch of Torch regulars from Heckmondwike and Liversedge - Sid, Rod, Smithy, Twink, Alan and they introduced me to the heirachy LOL..

I think that passion should be encouraged whatever a person's age is. If some kid of 16 has the same kind of passion that I had at that age, then they should be encouraged as much as possible. Someday those snotty-nosed kids will be the next generation of DJ, Collectors, Dealers, Writers and Fans.

One thing's for sure - the Northern Soul scene sorts out the wood from the chaff. That's why it's still here and thriving!

Ian D

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Guest James Trouble

Here is the answer to the original poster's question:

The northern scene should be embarrassed with itself for not embracing them! As good as anything made, ever. And they've been doing it for 10 years now. Maybe in another 10 years the normans might catch on :)

Anyway, enjoy the video, fcking marvelous :unsure:

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Here is the answer to the original poster's question:

The northern scene should be embarrassed with itself for not embracing them! As good as anything made, ever. And they've been doing it for 10 years now. Maybe in another 10 years the normans might catch on :lol:

Anyway, enjoy the video, fcking marvelous :thumbsup:

Yes quality indeed James...But go easy on the Normans mate :lol: ....

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Guest James Trouble

Bet it's found it's way onto a few "carvers" though laugh.gif


I hope so, as soon as I get my arse in gear I'll be getting it carved to play out.

But the chance of this getting the exposure it deserves on the wider northern scene in the UK? :D

The scene is being very naughty ignoring stuff like this. It deserves a slap round the face and be made to stand in the corner of a grotty working men's club till it realises the errors of it's way...


Edited by James Trouble
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I hope so, as soon as I get my arse in gear I'll be getting it carved to play out.

But the chance of this getting the exposure it deserves on the wider northern scene in the UK? :ohmy:

The scene is being very naughty ignoring stuff like this. It deserves a slap round the face and be made to stand in the corner of a grotty working men's club till it realises the errors of it's way...

Just play it off the album - it's a nice and loud pressing so no excuses and it's only one record so it's not like it's very heavy...or is that against the rules? :D

By carving up a perfectly good new release you're being very naughty . You deserve a slap round the face and should be made to stand in the corner of a grotty working men's club till you realise the error of your ways...


Edited by J-Brew
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:D Ha Ha, I've just re-read that and I apologise.

I think a moment that will sum up my above rant about how and it was then, was spending about two years trying to find a copy of 'It's Not Where You Start, It's Where You Finish' - Luckey Davis - £2.00 at Leicester Oddfellows Anniversary - made up - getting to the services on the way home with the 'mafia' etc and going for a piss (stupidly leaving my 7" on the table) - then coming back and they'd turned my LD 7" into an ashtray (Lighter under four corners until it melted and then they curled them up).

Would it happen now - nah, i don't think so - but you had to swallow it at that time.

Bastads!! :D

Hey Barry! :ohmy:

Your posts always make me smile mate! Did you replace your Lucky Davies? If you didn't and you still want one for the memories pm me. I've got a copy that you can have gratis cos you make me smile and I like yer drunken fooking ramblings! thumbsup.gif

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I hope so, as soon as I get my arse in gear I'll be getting it carved to play out.

But the chance of this getting the exposure it deserves on the wider northern scene in the UK? laugh.gif

The scene is being very naughty ignoring stuff like this. It deserves a slap round the face and be made to stand in the corner of a grotty working men's club till it realises the errors of it's way...


Well I buy all their (Dap Kings) LP's and 45's, as well as allot of tracks lauded over on the Funk scene, I'd love to hear a real mix when out, best of the best you might say..Northern, crossover, Modern, Funk and what ever else..and as time goes on I think thats what you will get at venue's, the northern scene back to what it was so to speak, playing the very best...


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