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Guest madkev

Seeing as jt has locked his thread I would just like to say that having spoken to my brother Rob about this issue. He will come and post his reply on here in a couple of days time, other comittments prevent him from doing so at this moment time. Kev Thomas

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Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Give me a PM when you want it reopenned Kev, as I said in the post, if there is something new to add let me know or a moderator and it'll be reopenned, seems sillty to keep going around in circles in the mean time...

Edited by James Trouble

Silly to go round and round in circles James??? Have you not been reading any of the other debates: Modern Vs Northern, Newies V Oldies, R&B vs well everyone it seems :thumbsup: Going round in circles for years and years and years and....seems to be a speciality of ours, lol


Only just found this topic. I don't know if this is any use at this late stage, but I can confirm that Rob Thomas got the Willie Kendrick track from a friend of Willie's, who we both know, back in the mid nineties, and that he played it to me, along with some other unissued Pied Piper recordings that he got from a producer in New York, several years ago. As far as I am aware, he played it out yonks ago too. I tried to persuade him to let me release it on Hayley but he couldn't because he didn't know who officially owned it. I was under the impression that Ace/Kent have the release rights through their previous deal with RCA, but if this is true, don't understand why they don't issue it. Can anyone provide an answer? IMHO good records like this should be available to everyone.


Only just found this topic. I don't know if this is any use at this late stage, but I can confirm that Rob Thomas got the Willie Kendrick track from a friend of Willie's, who we both know, back in the mid nineties, and that he played it to me, along with some other unissued Pied Piper recordings that he got IMHO good records like this should be available to everyone.


I,m sure the artist and all involved in recordings like that would agree with you Rob

knowning that all the hard work ect ect they put in all those years ago is at last appreciated

Dont Keep The Faith !.....Spread It !!!

Regards Ian Cunliffe


Only just found this topic. I don't know if this is any use at this late stage, but I can confirm that Rob Thomas got the Willie Kendrick track from a friend of Willie's, who we both know, back in the mid nineties, and that he played it to me, along with some other unissued Pied Piper recordings that he got from a producer in New York, several years ago. As far as I am aware, he played it out yonks ago too. I tried to persuade him to let me release it on Hayley but he couldn't because he didn't know who officially owned it. I was under the impression that Ace/Kent have the release rights through their previous deal with RCA, but if this is true, don't understand why they don't issue it. Can anyone provide an answer? IMHO good records like this should be available to everyone.

Don't worry Rob they will be. It's down for Rare Collectible And Soulful Vol 3 and there are a lot of other great Detroit surprises on there too. We just wanted to build up some interest in the tracks first and this thread has at least helped that.


Don't worry Rob they will be. It's down for Rare Collectible And Soulful Vol 3 and there are a lot of other great Detroit surprises on there too. We just wanted to build up some interest in the tracks first and this thread has at least helped that.

About time Ady......I await to be hooked :ohmy:


Don't worry Rob they will be. It's down for Rare Collectible And Soulful Vol 3 and there are a lot of other great Detroit surprises on there too. We just wanted to build up some interest in the tracks first and this thread has at least helped that.

Ahh... so it's been one big marketing ploy... :ohmy:


Ahh... so it's been one big marketing ploy... :ohmy:

Unfortunately I'm not that bright!

Oh and my apologies to you Joan for saying the record/acetate concerned was The Cavaliers, you were right it was Willie Kendrick I'd got the message the previous night at Xfire and only odd bits of my brain were functioning.

Guest topcatnumpty1

Has turned into that by coincidence Joan,but i think it started out as EGO vs. EGO.It,s all so samey going back years and years ---D.J,S come and go--but the music will keep turning up --does it really matter who,s got bragging rights( i.e. --"i had it or played it first").

Just my humble opinion--but what do i know anyway!!!


Tony Coleby.

Ahh... so it's been one big marketing ploy...


Only just found this topic. I don't know if this is any use at this late stage, but I can confirm that Rob Thomas got the Willie Kendrick track from a friend of Willie's, who we both know, back in the mid nineties, and that he played it to me, along with some other unissued Pied Piper recordings that he got from a producer in New York, several years ago. As far as I am aware, he played it out yonks ago too. I tried to persuade him to let me release it on Hayley but he couldn't because he didn't know who officially owned it. I was under the impression that Ace/Kent have the release rights through their previous deal with RCA, but if this is true, don't understand why they don't issue it. Can anyone provide an answer? IMHO good records like this should be available to everyone.


It would be interesting to know what format RT had this in when he played it you? Reel to Reel, Cassette, Acetate or Carver? I think this could well settle the whole debate (spat) :ohmy:

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Has turned into that by coincidence Joan,but i think it started out as EGO vs. EGO.It,s all so samey going back years and years ---D.J,S come and go--but the music will keep turning up --does it really matter who,s got bragging rights( i.e. --"i had it or played it first").

Just my humble opinion--but what do i know anyway!!!


Tony Coleby.

You're probably not far from the truth there Tony.

Rob Thomas didn't like me getting credit for making a tune popular/known about that he either had in his hands and recorded 10 year ago, or if you believe his story he has the master tape which he has sat on doing nothing with other than giving it to a few of his mates on tapes years ago. So he gives a copy of it to a DJ to play before my set. An ego thing, yes.

I am pissed off that he has "spiked" my set by giving a boot of it to a DJ to play before me and I react. An ego thing, yes.

Rob wanted to make sure everyone knows that he either had it in his hands 10 years ago or he has had master tape of it for 10 years, depending if you believe his story or not. He got that. An ego thing, yes.

I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that Rob is giving out boots of it to DJs now, but I ask why he hasn't done it up till this point, and to make sure that people realise that I have the original RCA acetate of it and not a boot. I've got that. An ego thing, yes.

Ady wants a bit of hype for it for when it eventually gets it's release, he got that.

Everyone on this board loves to read about soul politics more than finding out about new tunes, and that's the truth, they got that.

So everyone's a winner :ohmy:

Edited by James Trouble

You're probably not far from the truth there Tony.

Rob Thomas didn't like me getting credit for making a tune popular that he either had in his hands and recorded 10 year ago, or if you believe his story he has the master tape which he has sat on doing nothing with other than giving it to a few of his mates on tapes years ago. So he gives a copy of it to a DJ to play before my set. An ego thing, yes.

I am pissed off that he has "spiked" my set by giving a boot of it to a DJ to play before me and I react. An ego thing, yes.

Rob wanted to make sure everyone knows that he either had it in his hands 10 years ago or he has had master tape of it for 10 years, depending if you believe his story or not. He got that.

I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that Rob is giving out boots of it to DJs now, but I ask why he hasn't done it up till this point, and to make sure that people realise that I have the original RCA acetate of it and not a boot. I've got that.

Ady wants a bit of hype for it for when it eventually gets it's release, he got that.

Everyone on this board loves to read about soul politics more than finding out about new tunes, and that's the truth, they got that.

So everyone's a winner :g:

hi JT,couldn't help but put my bit in.

The "getting credit" for playing a tune has gone on since the scene began.If you're a nobody in a small club playing a top sound ,no-one takes notice...until its picked up on by a name dj.Then it becomes their sound.That's how its always worked.

Back to your spat ,what you should have done is played the acetate first up in your spot drawing attention to the fact that its the original acetate of better sound quality.LET THE MUSIC SPEAK FOR ITSELF :ohmy: .

Not too sure Ady wanted the hype in this form :lol: .

The thread you originally started ,ended up like a car crash :yes: ...everyone staring,wondering what's happening next...like a fight at school ,everyone egging them on,but not really wanting to get invovled.

Not all are more interested in politics, more than finding out about new tunes :( .

Vic and Bob used to say "you wouldn't let it lie",,maybe now's the time?,,KEV.


You're probably not far from the truth there Tony.

Rob Thomas didn't like me getting credit for making a tune popular/known about that he either had in his hands and recorded 10 year ago, or if you believe his story he has the master tape which he has sat on doing nothing with other than giving it to a few of his mates on tapes years ago. So he gives a copy of it to a DJ to play before my set. An ego thing, yes.

I am pissed off that he has "spiked" my set by giving a boot of it to a DJ to play before me and I react. An ego thing, yes.

Rob wanted to make sure everyone knows that he either had it in his hands 10 years ago or he has had master tape of it for 10 years, depending if you believe his story or not. He got that. An ego thing, yes.

I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that Rob is giving out boots of it to DJs now, but I ask why he hasn't done it up till this point, and to make sure that people realise that I have the original RCA acetate of it and not a boot. I've got that. An ego thing, yes.

Ady wants a bit of hype for it for when it eventually gets it's release, he got that.

Everyone on this board loves to read about soul politics more than finding out about new tunes, and that's the truth, they got that.

So everyone's a winner :ohmy:

Perhaps you should publish a list on here of everything else you've got in your playbox to avoid the likelihood of any future occurances.


Guest James Trouble

Perhaps you should publish a list on here of everything else you've got in your playbox to avoid the likelihood of any future occurances.


I'm gunna start using a pair of those new Apple iPod Touch, can get 1000s of records on each one of those. Just plug em into the mixer and off you go... :D


As 'Kev Thomas' stated in his first thread here 'Rob' will be giving his side of the situation in the next couple of days as he has a 'right to reply' to this, so perhaps it best that we let 'Rob' speak and from that let's hope that there is a resolution and an end to this very sad sorry state of affairs, IMO it's just another negative situation that's dragging the scene down and is really something I feel that we can all do without.

Respect to all parties involved here but please try and put it to bed now.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Guest topcatnumpty1

Mischief--feel used by a marketing scam---I,ve got some copy,s of a new discovery by --The 4 Vandals--called--"Wrong Side of Town "--It,s aforgotten one time Early Mecca Spin --on a small New Jersey label.....................YAWN,YAWN

Tony C.

After all this and now its coming out on a KENT CD...

I feel used and dirty now by a marketing scam


You're probably not far from the truth there Tony.

Rob Thomas didn't like me getting credit for making a tune popular/known about that he either had in his hands and recorded 10 year ago, or if you believe his story he has the master tape which he has sat on doing nothing with other than giving it to a few of his mates on tapes years ago. So he gives a copy of it to a DJ to play before my set. An ego thing, yes.

I am pissed off that he has "spiked" my set by giving a boot of it to a DJ to play before me and I react. An ego thing, yes.

Rob wanted to make sure everyone knows that he either had it in his hands 10 years ago or he has had master tape of it for 10 years, depending if you believe his story or not. He got that. An ego thing, yes.

I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that Rob is giving out boots of it to DJs now, but I ask why he hasn't done it up till this point, and to make sure that people realise that I have the original RCA acetate of it and not a boot. I've got that. An ego thing, yes.

Ady wants a bit of hype for it for when it eventually gets it's release, he got that.

Everyone on this board loves to read about soul politics more than finding out about new tunes, and that's the truth, they got that.

So everyone's a winner laugh.gif

You sure you aren't feeling a bit miffed over the fact that what you thought was a 'one off' exclusive to you... has turned out to be anything but...


Does anyone really give a flying f**k other than JT and Rob Thomas.

Would anyone have really been upset to hear the same record again, guessing its only 3 mins or so

That said I am just a collector and nothing todo with the scene and in comparison new to all this, but to be honest this sort of stuff doesn't make me particularly what to be. Is'nt it just about having a good night out to some quality music?


a hypothetical question for the troubleman: what if, all other circumstances in your tale being the same, the dj had played instead the well-known, cheap metros' version of the song (which to my ears isn't significantly worse than the willie kendrick)? what would your reaction to that have been? would a mid-spin needle lift have been in order??


a hypothetical question for the troubleman: what if, all other circumstances in your tale being the same, the dj had played instead the well-known, cheap metros' version of the song (which to my ears isn't significantly worse than the willie kendrick)? what would your reaction to that have been? would a mid-spin needle lift have been in order??

Having now heard the WK version I feel the Metros is better, perhaps less interesting as its heard quite often, but definately better IMO.

Guest James Trouble

a hypothetical question for the troubleman: what if, all other circumstances in your tale being the same, the dj had played instead the well-known, cheap metros' version of the song (which to my ears isn't significantly worse than the willie kendrick)? what would your reaction to that have been? would a mid-spin needle lift have been in order??

I'm not even going to answer that Matt. It's a ridiculous question. A released version by the metros or a bootleg of the superior largely unknown one off acetate that the DJ coming on after has been pushing hard for a good few months? You're smarter than that Matt, and not that good at winding me up...


Speilbergs next blockbuster

"The Willie Kendrick Code" by Dan Brown


Jim Carey as James Trouble


Patrick Swayzee as Rob Thomas


Steve Mclaren as Rob Moss


Eddie Murphy as Willie Kendricks



just found an old script from Stanley Unwin addressing the very problem we have here..

"Now then,lifty needle from deck,sharpy stabby thing,oh a no-no,could be grabbed by the throatymold ,dee dah dee dah,blue light evening officer.

Best thing,shakey digits with slappyback to each,laughing all the way to the money place."

And he should know,he was Joe90's Dad.


Speilbergs next blockbuster

"The Willie Kendrick Code" by Dan Brown


Jim Carey as James Trouble


Patrick Swayzee as Rob Thomas


Steve Mclaren as Rob Moss


Eddie Murphy as Willie Kendricks



does anyone knows how the film finished yet huh.gif


just found an old script from Stanley Unwin addressing the very problem we have here..

"Now then,lifty needle from deck,sharpy stabby thing,oh a no-no,could be grabbed by the throatymold ,dee dah dee dah,blue light evening officer.

Best thing,shakey digits with slappyback to each,laughing all the way to the money place."

And he should know,he was Joe90's Dad.

Great stuff. biggrin.gif:unsure::lol:


You're smarter than that Matt

obviously i'm not THAT smart, as i've allowed myself to be drawn into this nonsense.

a record tip for you, though, james: metros, "time changes things" (rca)...you should be able to pick it up for around a tenner.

Guest James Trouble

obviously i'm not THAT smart, as i've allowed myself to be drawn into this nonsense.

a record tip for you, though, james: metros, "time changes things" (rca)...you should be able to pick it up for around a tenner.

It's a bit soft and girlie for my taste. No edge to it.


just coz you like manley stuff with a hard edge , it dont make you butch james :lol:

Maybe he wants to be Butch Simon :thumbsup:

Guest James Trouble

Maybe he wants to be Butch Simon :thumbsup:

And hang around record boxes at allnighters and never dance? No chance! :lol:

Guest Ivor Jones

Speilbergs next blockbuster

"The Willie Kendrick Code" by Dan Brown


Jim Carey as James Trouble


Patrick Swayzee as Rob Thomas


Steve Mclaren as Rob Moss


Eddie Murphy as Willie Kendricks


THIS IS NOT RIGHT...........


Guest andrew bin

Yeh Only cause he has just had one over on another DJ :thumbsup:

wasn't patrick swayze once in a film where his brothers helped him sort the bad guys out think it was "next of kin" or something :lol:


Speilbergs next blockbuster

"The Willie Kendrick Code" by Dan Brown


Jim Carey as James Trouble


Patrick Swayzee as Rob Thomas


Steve Mclaren as Rob Moss


Eddie Murphy as Willie Kendricks


Bloody hell Paul, Steve McLaren?! Surely Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig or even Coventry's own Clive Owen would have been closer matches? And why do I get a starring role? I only came in at the end with one line of dialogue. That's a cameo at best but more like an extra!!


Bloody hell Paul, Steve McLaren?! Surely Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig or even Coventry's own Clive Owen would have been closer matches? And why do I get a starring role? I only came in at the end with one line of dialogue. That's a cameo at best but more like an extra!!

Actually Rob, there is a striking resemblance!


I'm gunna start using a pair of those new Apple iPod Touch, can get 1000s of records on each one of those. Just plug em into the mixer and off you go... biggrin.gif

Great idea.!


I'm gunna start using a pair of those new Apple iPod Touch, can get 1000s of records on each one of those. Just plug em into the mixer and off you go... biggrin.gif

Yeah, but with a hotbox collection of 87 records you won't need something that can fit 1000s of tunes onto it - just plug your mobile in and use that - if you've got an iPhone you can probably play x-box or something at the same time. You'll be in heaven and won't notice your entire set being recorded ready for a carvin'. :lol:

Posted (edited)

Yeah, but with a hotbox collection of 87 records you won't need something that can fit 1000s of tunes onto it - just plug your mobile in and use that - if you've got an iPhone you can probably play x-box or something at the same time. You'll be in heaven and won't notice your entire set being recorded ready for a carvin'. biggrin.gif

Is it just me? But I don't understand the whole "carver" thing. If you don't have the original and just want to listen to the tune then what's wrong with having it on tape / CD/ mp3 etc etc?

In fact what's wrong with playing MP3's at do's? Collecting I understand and have done a little bit of collecting myself. but in a club the punters just want to hera the sounds mostly. If this attituide were adopted then more proficient DJ's (ie people who know how to DJ properly and perhaps do it professionally) would rise to the top thereby giving a more entertaining night to the paying punter. Rather than (nowadays) people who can afford to buy the latest pseudo inflated "must have" rarity.

Just my opinion.


Edited by phild
Posted (edited)

Is it just me? But I don't understand the whole "carver" thing. If you don't have the original and just want to listen to the tune then what's wrong with having it on tape / CD/ mp3 etc etc?

In fact what's wrong with playing MP3's at do's? Collecting I understand and have done a little bit of collecting myself. but in a club the punters just want to hera the sounds mostly. If this attituide were adopted then more proficient DJ's (ie people who know how to DJ properly and perhaps do it professionally) would rise to the top thereby giving a more entertaining night to the paying punter. Rather than (nowadays) people who can afford to buy the latest pseudo inflated "must have" rarity.

Just my opinion.


Carver's are good for putting your edits onto - custom 45's of records that once had terrible guitar solo's destroying otherwise perfect records thumbsup.gif

btw in some respects I agree with the MP3 thing too, but i'm not about to get the can opener out on that one :lol:

Edited by J-Brew

Yeah, but with a hotbox collection of 87 . biggrin.gif

UK (US) Title Artist

1 Reet petite Jackie Wilson

2 Is this love Alison Moyet

3 Big fun Gap Band

4 Jack your body Steve 'Silk' Hurley

5 No more the fool Elkie Brooks

6 Caravan of love Housemartins

7 C'est la vie Robbie Nevil

8 Sometimes Erasure

9 The final countdown Europe

10 Open your heart Madonna

11 The rain Oran 'Juice' Jones

12 Cry wolf A-HA

13 Surrender Swing Out Sister

14 Hymn to her Pretenders

15 Shake you down Gregory Abbott

16 It didn't matter Style Counsil

17 I knew you were waiting(For me) Aretha Flanklin & George Michael

18 Down to earth Curiosity Killed the Cat

19 Livin' on a prayer Bon Jovi

20 So cold the night Communards

February 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 I knew you were waiting(For me) Aretha Flanklin & George Michael

2 Heartache Pepsi & Shirlie

3 Down to earth Curiosity Killed the Cat

4 Almaz Randy Crawford

5 It doesn't have to be that way Blow Monkeys

6 Male stripper Man 2 Man Meet Man Parrish

7 Stand by me Ben E. King

8 I love my radio Taffy

9 When a man loves a woman Percy Sledge

10 Jack your body Steve 'Silk' Hurley

11 Stay out my life Five Star

12 The music of the night/Wishing you were somehow here again Michael Crawford / Sarah Brightman

13 Running in the family Level 42

14 you sexy thing Hot Chocolate

15 No more the fool Elkie Brooks

16 C'est la vie Robbie Nevil

17 Coming around again Carly Simon

18 Shoplifters of the world unite Smiths

19 Is this love Alison Moyet

20 Once bitten twice shy Great White

March 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 Everything I own Boy George

2 I get the sweetest feeling Jackie Wilson

3 Liveit up Mental As Anything

4 The great pretender Freddie Mercury

5 Stand by me Ben E. King

6 Respectable Mel & Kim

7 When a man loves a woman Percy Sledge

8 Crush on you Jets

9 Male stripper Man 2 Man Meet Man Parrish

10 Running in the family Level 42

11 Weak in the presence of beauty Alison Moyet

12 Moonright(Theme) Al Jarreau

13 Respect yourself Bruce Willis

14 The right thing Simply Red

15 It doesn't have to be Erasure

16 Down to earth Curiosity Killed the Cat

17 Coming around again Carly Simon

18 With or without you U2

19 Sign 'O' the times Prince

20 (You gotta)Fight for your right(To party) Beastie Boys

April 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 Let it be Ferry Aid

2 La isla bonita Madonna

3 Respectable Mel & Kim

4 Lean on me Club Nouveau

5 Let's wait awhile Janet Jackson

6 With or without you U2

7 If you let me stay Terence Trent D'Arby

8 Can't be with you tonight Judy Boucher

9 Ever fall in love Fine Young Cannibals

10 Weak in the presence of beauty Alison Moyet

11 Living in a box Living In A Box

12 The Irish rover Pugues & the Dubliners

13 Everything I own Boy George

14 I get the sweetest feeling Jackie Wilson

15 Ordenary day Curiosity Killed the Cat

16 The Slightest touch Five Star

17 Wanted dead or alive Bon Jovi

18 Sign 'O' the times Prince

19 Respect yourself Bruce Willis

20 Big time Peter Gabriel

May 1987 UK (US) Title Artist

1 Nothing's gonna stop us now Starship

2 Can't be with you tonight Judy Boucher

3 A boy from nowhere Tom Jones

4 Living in a box Living In A Box

5 (Something inside)So strong Labi Siffre

6 La isla bonita Madonna

7 Another step(Closer to you) Kim Wilde & Junior

8 The slightest touch Five Star

9 Big love Fleetwood Mac

10 Shattered dreams Johnny Hates Jazz

11 Back and forth Cameo

12 I wanna dance with somebody(Who loves me) Whitney Houston

13 Lean on me Club Nouveau

14 Incommunicado Marillion

15 April skies Jesus & the Mary Chain

16 To be with you again Level 42

17 If you let me stay Terence Trent D'Arby

18 Lil' devil Cult

19 Boops(Here to go) Sly And Robbie

20 Hold me now Johnny Logan

June 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 I wanna dance with somebody(Who loves me) Whitney Houston

2 Hold me now Johnny Logan

3 Nothing's gonna stop us now Starship

4 I want your sex George Michael

5 Star trekkin' Firm

6 I still haven't found what I'm looking for U2

7 Jack Mix II Mirage

8 Victem of love Erasure

9 Nothing's gonna stop us now Samantha Fox

10 Under the boardwalk Bruce Willis

11 Goodbye stranger Pepsi & Shirlie

12 Shattered dreams Johnny Hates Jazz

13 Wishing I was lucky Wet Wet Wet

14 You're the voice John Farnham

15 Serious Donna Allen

16 It's a sin Pet Shop Boys

17 When Smokey sings ABC

18 Looking for a new love Jody Watley

19 Is this love Whitesnake

20 No sleep till Brooklyn Beastie Boys

1 It's a sin Pet Shop Boys

2 Under the boardwalk Bruce Willis

3 Wishing well Terence Trent D'Arby

4 Star trekkin' Firm

5 Always Atlantic Starr

6 The living daylights A-HA

7 I wanna dance with somebody(Who loves me) Whitney Houston

8 My pretty one Cliff Richard

9 Who's that girl Madonna

10 Sweetest smile Black

11 Alone Heart

12 F.L.M. Mel & Kim

13 You're the voice John Farnham

14 Misfit Curiosity Killed the Cat

15 Is this love Whitesnake

16 Higher and higher Jackie Wilson

17 Jive talkin' Boogie Box High

18 Let's dance Chris Rea

19 When Smokey sings ABC

20 La Bamba Los Lobos

August 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 La Bamba Los Lobos

2 I just can't stop loving you Michael Jackson

3 Call me Spagna

4 True faith New Order

5 Who's that girl Madonna

6 Alone Heart

7 Always Atlantic Starr

8 Labour of love Hue & Cry

9 Never gonna give you up Rick Astley

10 Toy Boy Sinitta

11 Animal Def Leppard

12 Sweet little mystery Wet Wet Wet

13 Somewhere outthere Linda Ronstadt/James Ingram

14 What have I done to deserve this Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfiled

15 Jive talkin' Boogie Box High

16 It's a sin Pet Shop Boys

17 Just don't want to be lonely Freddie McGregor

18 She's on it Beastie Boys

19 Under the boardwalk Bruce Willis

20 Funky town Pseudo Echo

September 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 1 Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Astley

2 12 Wipe-out Fat Boys and the Beach Boys

3 4 Heart And Soul T`Pau

4 What Have I Done to Deserve This Pet Shop Boys\Dusty Springfield

5 Some People Cliff Richard

6 Toy Boy Sinitta

7 13 Pump Up the Volume MARRS

8 13 Where the Streets have no Name U2

9 Wonderful Life Black


Sweet Little Mystery Wet Wet Wet

11 5 Casanova Levert

12 2 Causing a Commotion Madonna

13 Bridge to your Heart Wax

14 Call Me Spagna

15 House Nation House Master Boyz

16 Its Over Level 42

17 1 I Just Can`t Stop Loving You Michael Jackson

18 31 I Don`t Want to be a hero Johnny Hates Jazz

19 2 U Got The Look Prince\Shenna Easton

20 1 Bad Michael Jackson

October 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 Crockett's theme Jan Hammer

2 Full metal jacket(I wanna be your drill instructor) Abigail Mead & Nigel Goulding

3 Pump up the volume M/A/R/R/S

4 You win again Bee Gees

5 Crazy crazy nights Kiss

6 Bad Michael Jackson

7 Never gonna give you up Rick Astley

8 I need love L.L.Cool J

9 The circus Erasure

10 Some people Cliff Richard

11 I found lovin' Fatback Band

12 Love in the first degree/ Mr.Sleaze Bananarama/S.A.W.

13 Causing a commotion Madonna

14 This corrosion Sisters Of Mercy

15 Mony Mony Billy Idol

16 Faith George Michael

17 Little lies Fleetwood Mac

18 The real thing Jellybean Feat.Steven Dante

19 House nation House Master Boyz & the Rude Boy of House

20 Walk the dinosaur Was (Not Was)

November 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 China in your hand T'Pau

2 Got my mind set on you George Harrison

3 Whenever you need somebody Rick Astley

4 You win again Bee Gees

5 Never can say goodbye Communards

6 Faith George Michael

7 Love in the first degree/ Mr.Sleaze Bananarama/S.A.W.

8 (I've had)The time of my life Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes

9 My baby just cares for me Nina Simone

10 Barcelona Freddie Mercury/M.Caballe

11 Here I go again Whitesnake

12 Little lies Fleetwood Mac

13 Jack Mix IV Mirage

14 So emotional Whitney Houston

15 Mony Mony Billy Idol

16 Criticize Alexander O'Neil

17 Crockett's theme Jan Hammer

18 Walk the dinosaur Was (Not Was)

19 I don't think that man should sleep alone Ray Parker Jr.

20 The circus Erasure

December 1987UK (US) Title Artist

1 China in your hand T'Pau

2 Always on my mind Pet Shop Boys

3 The way you make me feel Michael Jackson

4 When I fall in love/My arms keep missing you Rick Astley

5 What do you want to make those eyes at me for Shakin' Stevens

6 Letter from America Proclaimers

7 Love letters Alison Moyet

8 Got my mind set on you George Harrison

9 Criticize Alexander O'Neil

10 Rockin' around the Christmas tree Mel & Kim(Smith & Wilde)

11 Fairy tale of New York Pugues feat. Kirsty MacColl

12 Who found who Jellybean feat. Elisa Fiorillo

13 So emotional Whitney Houston

14 Never can say goodbye Communards

15 The look of love Madonna

16 Once upon a long ago Paul McCartney

17 When I fall in love Nat 'King' Cole

18 Heaven is a place on earth Belinda Carlisle

19 Ev'ry time we say goodbye Simply Red

20 Some guys have all the luck Maxi Priest


Don't worry Rob they will be. It's down for Rare Collectible And Soulful Vol 3 and there are a lot of other great Detroit surprises on there too. We just wanted to build up some interest in the tracks first and this thread has at least helped that.

So will Ace/Kent be taking action if it is proved the someone has been booting your material.....


Bloody hell Paul, Steve McLaren?! Surely Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig or even Coventry's own Clive Owen would have been closer matches? And why do I get a starring role? I only came in at the end with one line of dialogue. That's a cameo at best but more like an extra!!

Your entry 67 mins into the flim with information on how Patrick aquired his copy 8/10 years previous is pivitol to the films plot,

I promise you it'll be one those iconic moments where people who miss it whilst haveing a #two will be constanlty asking their partner "do you get all of this?"

And btw you look nothing like Brad Pitt...

And BTW 2...Christopher Biggins has now agreed to play ACE/KENT supremo Adi Croasdale


Guest topcatnumpty1

Paul---that pic of Adey was obviously taken b4 he was deliourlsly (??) happy about finding "Getting To Me" in his lunch hour.

Nice one

Swish says Hi!!!

Tony Coleby.

Your entry 67 mins into the flim with information on how Patrick aquired his copy 8/10 years previous is pivitol to the films plot,

I promise you it'll be one those iconic moments where people who miss it whilst haveing a #two will be constanlty asking their partner "do you get all of this?"

And btw you look nothing like Brad Pitt...

And BTW 2...Christopher Biggins has now agreed to play ACE/KENT supremo Adi Croasdale


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