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So Angry Is This The End Of An Allnighter Career?

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Guest Soultown andy

Certainly wont take your critism to seriously rod you are entitled to your opinion as is everyone,and as you say you are in a minority luckily for us.Do wonder why you didnt try the other rooms though as that is the idea behind haveing the alternatives,especialy the carl willingham room.Never mind with a big crowd you are never going to please everyone luckily we please most.As for the entrance fee i think all the other niters have less hours less djs and less choice than us and some of those are 12 quid as well.

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Posted (edited)

I don't think anyone says 100mph all night do they, I'm talking dancers, be they uptempo or mid tempo dancers/moovers. I've played many mid-tempo records but I'd like to think they were dancers with the right tempo. I go to venues and hear many a plodder, no better than walking pace some of them.....they should be left for the chill out lounge or home IMHO.

No argument Chalky..I was saying I would not like to hear 100mph/fast paced stuff all night, and I feel sure many others feel the same way.


Well I thought that was what I was Saying :D

Edited by bazza

Andy I didn't mean to criticise the running of Middleton at all but was trying to make the point that like the originator of this thread it can be just a small thing that can turn someone off a night. I guess in my case disappointment with Sam's spot.

And Im sorry I can't be paying £12 admission for the wife. She'll expect it every year.


Guest Soultown andy

Point taken rod,if we all liked the same it would be a very dull scene .


i suppose its a case of not being able to please all the people all the time but i think djs should at least try and not play for themselves or a handful of collectors that they may see in the crowd,

whether its a nighter or soul nite it should be the djs intention to get people up on the floor,not everyone will dance,for whatever reason,but can you imagine if nobody danced all night !...what atmosphere would there be ?

as a dj of 20 years (reggae and soul) i love to see people dance (as i do ) and once theyre up its great tryin to keep them there,if i wanted to stand there watchin the record going round id do it at home !

Guest OntheScene

Hi it's me Paul Metcalfe (Beelzibab, Satan, fiend or some other choice words you may like to call me).

After reading all that has been said on this thread I thought it best to let you hear my opinion.

I would like to correct a few myths, so people who didn't attend Souldham can get a balanced view of the event. Firstly I did not play 'Johnny Moore - Walk like a man' as stated by 'Mr Angry' in fact I don't even own a copy. I will be uploading my playlist so you can make your minds up later today. But before you do please take the following into consideration and then ask what you would have done when knowing all the facts.

1. My spot was at 9pm at an allnighter event to go on till 7am and is one of the reasons why I played a set that was not full of 100mph stompers (no terrible toms or the like in my spot), as nobody was dancing even when the previous lady DJ had been playing her excellent set of predominantly sixties uptempo numbers but IMHO really shouldn't have been played until later on in the night when the venue had filled up a little.

2. I knew that all the DJs who followed me would be playing a far more uptempo sixties orientated selection. ie; Mark Bicknell, Glen Brierley etc and therefore used the spot as a warm up for the likes of Mark as I didn't even bother to use the mic for the same reason and thought this way it would give Mark more of an entrance!

3. I was aware that this was a one room venue and as such had to cater for a more varied taste than say that of Middleton or Stoke where their are at the very minimum two rooms.

4. As I was aware of the type of soul that had been played in the spot before (far more uptempo and mainly of a mid sixties nature) and the fact no one was dancing thought it better especially considering the time of my slot to alter the tempo and style of soul which is why I decided to play predominantly seventies mid tempo soul.

I get the feeling that one reason why Mr Angry was so.... angry was that he didn't know a lot of what was being played and is stuck in a sixties time warp. But is it a bad thing for a DJ to play unknowns in a style different from the norm in such an early part of the night? Lets face it one of the last records I played was 'Cajun Heart's - Got to find a way', hardly unknown and is in my eyes a cracking 60s mid tempo item and definitely not slooooow as he has led all to believe that records played in my spot were. But still due to the numbers attending at the early part of the night very few were dancing.

I make no excuse and admit that most of the records I played were of a seventies nature, as I felt this would be totally different than what was to follow and felt it was the right time to do this and I would do it again as Mr Angry has not altered my opinion as to what an early spot in a one room across the board soul venue should consist of. However, if the event was full and I had seen dancers on the floor at 9pm I would have of course altered my spot accordingly as I am a firm believer that the floor should decide.

In response to some of this guys comments as I can't get over his cheek, the insults he throws. He mentions that I played pop music! Do you consider Sam Dees, Freddie Hughes, Debbie Taylor, Gene Redding pop artists? If you do then i may as well pack in now, but before I do please tell me when they entered the pop charts. May i also remind him of a forward thinking club of yesteryear that did dare to be different and had people from all over the country coming to hear what was being played. If you can't guess i'm talking Blackpool Mecca who also included new releases in their spots with one of their big but currently underplayed records featured in my spot ie; Hubert Laws 'Chicago Theme' and which is certainly not sloooow but does have a different beat. May I also ask him if he thought the girls spot before me was so good why he didn't dance? I'll tell you why because it was too early!!!!!! Hence the reason for my music policy.

I told the promoters from the outset that I preferred an early spot as I did not want to have to play the top 100 records that constantly get wheeled out to a packed floor. I understand that this is what a lot of the dancers want to hear and will hear at most soul events in their prime time slots across the country but is the main reason I prefer to play at a far earlier time.

May I also ask people to cast their mind back to a forward thinking Ian Levine and remember how long it took him to break the 'Carstairs - It really hurts me girl' due to its different rhythms and tempo, but was it worth it?

I should damn well say so!

It would be nice to think that when my play list is up that some who didn't attend would have appreciated what was played.

Well I feel better for that and before I go would just like to add that whatever you think of my musical taste my spot was only 1 hour out of 11 and i had already finished my spot before Mr Angry left so what was the real underlying problem? Problems at home? You left at a 11pm so how can you give a fair summary of the night? You were also very misleading as to the attendance on the dancefloor as you say there was only 12 people on the dancefloor at 3am but how many were on it at 11pm? I was there and i know it was full. The reason no one was on the dancefloor at 3pm was because numbers started to thin out considerably at this time not because of the DJs and the tunes being spun.

I would also like to thank people who saw through a lot of this mans gripes and realised that there are two sides to a story they include Epic, Bogue, Mike, and others.

It's far easier to agree than to stand up and be counted.

Keep it soulful



Hi it's me Paul Metcalfe (Beelzibab, Satan, fiend or some other choice words you may like to call me).

After reading all that has been said on this thread I thought it best to let you hear my opinion.

I would like to correct a few myths, so people who didn't attend Souldham can get a balanced view of the event. Firstly I did not play 'Johnny Moore - Walk like a man' as stated by 'Mr Angry' in fact I don't even own a copy. I will be uploading my playlist so you can make your minds up later today. But before you do please take the following into consideration and then ask what you would have done when knowing all the facts.

1. My spot was at 9pm at an allnighter event to go on till 7am and is one of the reasons why I played a set that was not full of 100mph stompers (no terrible toms or the like in my spot), as nobody was dancing even when the previous lady DJ had been playing her excellent set of predominantly sixties uptempo numbers but IMHO really shouldn't have been played until later on in the night when the venue had filled up a little.

2. I knew that all the DJs who followed me would be playing a far more uptempo sixties orientated selection. ie; Mark Bicknell, Glen Brierley etc and therefore used the spot as a warm up for the likes of Mark as I didn't even bother to use the mic for the same reason and thought this way it would give Mark more of an entrance!

3. I was aware that this was a one room venue and as such had to cater for a more varied taste than say that of Middleton or Stoke where their are at the very minimum two rooms.

4. As I was aware of the type of soul that had been played in the spot before (far more uptempo and mainly of a mid sixties nature) and the fact no one was dancing thought it better especially considering the time of my slot to alter the tempo and style of soul which is why I decided to play predominantly seventies mid tempo soul.

I get the feeling that one reason why Mr Angry was so.... angry was that he didn't know a lot of what was being played and is stuck in a sixties time warp. But is it a bad thing for a DJ to play unknowns in a style different from the norm in such an early part of the night? Lets face it one of the last records I played was 'Cajun Heart's - Got to find a way', hardly unknown and is in my eyes a cracking 60s mid tempo item and definitely not slooooow as he has led all to believe that records played in my spot were. But still due to the numbers attending at the early part of the night very few were dancing.

I make no excuse and admit that most of the records I played were of a seventies nature, as I felt this would be totally different than what was to follow and felt it was the right time to do this and I would do it again as Mr Angry has not altered my opinion as to what an early spot in a one room across the board soul venue should consist of. However, if the event was full and I had seen dancers on the floor at 9pm I would have of course altered my spot accordingly as I am a firm believer that the floor should decide.

In response to some of this guys comments as I can't get over his cheek, the insults he throws. He mentions that I played pop music! Do you consider Sam Dees, Freddie Hughes, Debbie Taylor, Gene Redding pop artists? If you do then i may as well pack in now, but before I do please tell me when they entered the pop charts. May i also remind him of a forward thinking club of yesteryear that did dare to be different and had people from all over the country coming to hear what was being played. If you can't guess i'm talking Blackpool Mecca who also included new releases in their spots with one of their big but currently underplayed records featured in my spot ie; Hubert Laws 'Chicago Theme' and which is certainly not sloooow but does have a different beat. May I also ask him if he thought the girls spot before me was so good why he didn't dance? I'll tell you why because it was too early!!!!!! Hence the reason for my music policy.

I told the promoters from the outset that I preferred an early spot as I did not want to have to play the top 100 records that constantly get wheeled out to a packed floor. I understand that this is what a lot of the dancers want to hear and will hear at most soul events in their prime time slots across the country but is the main reason I prefer to play at a far earlier time.

May I also ask people to cast their mind back to a forward thinking Ian Levine and remember how long it took him to break the 'Carstairs - It really hurts me girl' due to its different rhythms and tempo, but was it worth it?

I should damn well say so!

It would be nice to think that when my play list is up that some who didn't attend would have appreciated what was played.

Well I feel better for that and before I go would just like to add that whatever you think of my musical taste my spot was only 1 hour out of 11 and i had already finished my spot before Mr Angry left so what was the real underlying problem? Problems at home? You left at a 11pm so how can you give a fair summary of the night? You were also very misleading as to the attendance on the dancefloor as you say there was only 12 people on the dancefloor at 3am but how many were on it at 11pm? I was there and i know it was full. The reason no one was on the dancefloor at 3pm was because numbers started to thin out considerably at this time not because of the DJs and the tunes being spun.

I would also like to thank people who saw through a lot of this mans gripes and realised that there are two sides to a story they include Epic, Bogue, Mike, and others.

It's far easier to agree than to stand up and be counted.

Keep it soulful


Hi Paul. Well said on all above. Can I just point out that you did only arrive 10 mins before your spot, so you probably dont know, but I did manage to get a few dancers up through out my spot. Not many, but a few! Just thought I'd clear that up!! :thumbsup:


Guest OntheScene

Hi Paul. Well said on all above. Can I just point out that you did only arrive 10 mins before your spot, so you probably dont know, but I did manage to get a few dancers up through out my spot. Not many, but a few! Just thought I'd clear that up!! :thumbsup:


Hi Debs,

Sorry about that but I was trying to point out to those who weren't there how quiet it was at that time in the evening, from the bit I did hear of your spot I was very impressed as I am sure all the other people who heard it were and so I am sorry if I have offended you as it certainly wasn't meant.




May I also ask people to cast their mind back to a forward thinking Ian Levine and remember how long it took him to break the 'Carstairs - It really hurts me girl' due to its different rhythms and tempo, but was it worth it?




Sure Pete would have broke it much quicker !



Sure Pete would have broke it much quicker !

Was at The Mecca the first night it was played - it was the most talked about tune that evening - seven days later it was The Highland Room's biggest record.


Was at The Mecca the first night it was played - it was the most talked about tune that evening - seven days later it was The Highland Room's biggest record.

No matter how much you try to "bull it up" its still a bag of shite... :thumbsup:


No matter how much you try to "bull it up" its still a bag of shite... :thumbsup:

I was just stating what happened when the record was first played - in fact I have never been hugely keen on it & have never "bulled it up"


It would be nice to think that when my play list is up that some who didn't attend would have appreciated what was played.

Keep it soulful


Come on Paul, get that playlist up! Let's ave a butchers.............. After 5 pages on this, without even knowing what you played. The suspense is killing me!

It's even better than dead Cindy making a return from the grave on Eastenders. And that's saying summat!

To the keyboard, without delay! Get them fingers walking...........


Oh bollocks eastenders has started. I'm off............


I agree with the Womble.

We have four pages of hissy fit venom about how bad Paul's set allegedly was, then he comes on and tells us it's stuff like Debbie Taylor, Sam Dees.......ffs what is going on here? :thumbsup:


I agree with the Womble.

We have four pages of hissy fit venom about how bad Paul's set allegedly was, then he comes on and tells us it's stuff like Debbie Taylor, Sam Dees.......ffs what is going on here? :thumbsup:

It's crossover/modern and he didn't like it, doesn't make the tracks any better just because they are respected singers, I only like Lonely For You Baby by Sam Dees, it's all horses for courses Steve


It's crossover/modern and he didn't like it, doesn't make the tracks any better just because they are respected singers, I only like Lonely For You Baby by Sam Dees, it's all horses for courses Steve

Yeah but 1 hr early doors in an allnighter? If I left a gig everytime there was a DJ I didn't like on, I'd be called "Steve who never stays" rather than "Steve who stays to the bitter end"....I don't wish to get embroiled in this particular dispute as I wasn't there and don't know some of the people involved well (if at all), just a bit puzzled by it all....Steve :thumbsup:

Guest OntheScene

I know its maybe sad but I'm starting to like all this bitching, never been so popular before :P I wouldn't mind but when i come to think of it the tracks played weren't exactly exclusives just different from the norm and believe me I know as I've been to near damn every venue in the country at some time or another.

It really felt good getting it off my chest. I now know what Peter Kay meant in his autobiography when he started to realise he had a very sarcastic nasty streak and started to enjoy using it (if you haven't read it yet then do - you'll piss yourself - hang on humour hmmm....that's again subjective).

I may even decide not to release the play list! Now that would piss some people off wouldn't it :lol: how can they slag off what they don't know (apart from what they've already said of course)

Keep it up with those negatives guys and gals

I am now available for bookings :thumbsup:


I may even decide not to release the play list! Now that would piss some people off wouldn't it :lol: how can they slag off what they don't know (apart from what they've already said of course)

Keep it up with those negatives guys and gals

I am now available for bookings :thumbsup:



I know its maybe sad but I'm starting to like all this bitching, never been so popular before :P I wouldn't mind but when i come to think of it the tracks played weren't exactly exclusives just different from the norm and believe me I know as I've been to near damn every venue in the country at some time or another.

It really felt good getting it off my chest. I now know what Peter Kay meant in his autobiography when he started to realise he had a very sarcastic nasty streak and started to enjoy using it (if you haven't read it yet then do - you'll piss yourself - hang on humour hmmm....that's again subjective).

I may even decide not to release the play list! Now that would piss some people off wouldn't it :) how can they slag off what they don't know (apart from what they've already said of course)

Keep it up with those negatives guys and gals

I am now available for bookings :rolleyes:

the suspense is killing me so fook knows what its doing to those that give a shite :lol::lol:

Paul you really do have a nasty streak :lol: and as for bookings are you up for doing my daughters 11 birthday bash as she is desperate for a clown :P sorry i couldnt help meself there :thumbsup:


I know its maybe sad but I'm starting to like all this bitching, never been so popular before :lol: I wouldn't mind but when i come to think of it the tracks played weren't exactly exclusives just different from the norm and believe me I know as I've been to near damn every venue in the country at some time or another.

It really felt good getting it off my chest. I now know what Peter Kay meant in his autobiography when he started to realise he had a very sarcastic nasty streak and started to enjoy using it (if you haven't read it yet then do - you'll piss yourself - hang on humour hmmm....that's again subjective).

I may even decide not to release the play list! Now that would piss some people off wouldn't it :thumbsup: how can they slag off what they don't know (apart from what they've already said of course)

Keep it up with those negatives guys and gals

I am now available for bookings :P

Paul you tease!!! Post the playlist. PLEEEEAAAASSSSEE!!!! i'm hyperventilating now.................AAAAAGGGH! Keep me away from sharp things! I'm only allowed sponge.................. :rolleyes:


Paul you tease!!! Post the playlist. PLEEEEAAAASSSSEE!!!! i'm hyperventilating now.................AAAAAGGGH! Keep me away from sharp things! I'm only allowed sponge.................. :P


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