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So Angry Is This The End Of An Allnighter Career?

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hi mark u cant keep ever1 happy,but if u were on it must of been good,some of these points r quite true

they must keep the tempo up on the last 2 hours to keep the heart rate up some of the venues today n mates for mates u get my drift.



yes billy,

my hour was all uptempo 60s and 70s

fay played some cracking oldies in the last hour too!

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as someone you helps premote/run an all-dayer i would be disheartened reading this thread

we only started 3 years ago and have went from strength to strength but it does take time to build up a venue , i think you should give the promoters a chance before coming on site and debasing it.



hi billy

i've heard cookie play some cracking spots i've also seen her empty the floor, the point i was trying to make was every one has a off day from time to time :thumbup: (well apart from you mate your allways on top form) :huh:

and i agree with you it would be nice to see more of cookies happy smilling face behind the decks whistling.gif:lol:

i admit to clearing the floor but i dont carry on in the same vein...i slap a tried and tested oldie on to bring em back ....i can honestly say i have never had an empty dance floor for a whole spot...nige browns spot was cracking but he cleared the floor once during the spot but being a top man he got em back......

ps i never smile ive got a reputation to uphold :lol:


I find this response a bit surprising. I've read posts by you in the past that have contained criticisms of events... why shouldn't this guy have his say?

In view of the recent thread about "overkill", perhaps it's time we all spoke our minds about sub-standard events so that some of them get weeded out.

Of course this guy should have his say... the same as you and I.

But you show me where I have come on here and said things like...

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from???

Did Scarborough Soul go marching up to Paul McDonald and say that to his face?

I very much doubt it.

Still... it's ok to come on here and say it from behind a keyboard?


WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

I was at Souldham last night i went early because i thought this is gonna be a good night! The girl who was on first played some cracking stuff with one i had not heard before but was fantastic. I thought well if this is the standard for the night it is gonna be a hell of a night (how wrong i was).

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter! He then followed that with Johnny Moore - Walk like a man and the Spiral Starcase - More today than yesterday WTF!!! by thistime i was falling asleep. Mark B came on and uped the tempo and i had a couple of dances. It was tolate the damage was done and i bugged out at 11pm. I had a text from my mate at 11.50 saying it was still shyte and having spoken to him this morning he left at 3am having waited and waited for things to improve. He said at 3am there were 12 people on the floor!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I do understand the slower part of things i.e the likes of Timi Yuro, Soul Bros inc and Gene Mcdaniels but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.

£12 otd for that shyte maybe if ppl started asking for their money back when things like this happen then the promoters etc would sit up and take note! One thing for sure is that on 8th Dec i wont be at Souldham i will be at CIS

Hi Rick, Just for the record the second DJ who I followed was infact 'Paul Metcalf' who produces 'On The Scene' magazine and not Paul McDonald? just thought I would correct this mistake for you, Paul does have access to 'Soul Source' so I'm sure he will respond to your comments if he sees it and wishes to.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.


Hi Scarborough,

Must admit... i did laugh when I first read your post... the fact that you got so angry over something... that in the mad scheme of things... comes pretty low down on the list of things to get insanely angry about.

But saying that... there is another somewhat more serious side to your post... so here goes...

I have been to many.. MANY... a soul night/all nighter that have fallen way short of my expectations... as I'm sure we all have.

But at the end of the day... I just put it down to experience... that being... now that I know that night is not for me... I won't go there again.

Never would I dream to come on here and publicly attack the venue or it's promoters... and I certainly would not dare to "speak for a large amount of the paying public".

Don't you think the right way to have dealt with your issues would have been to approach the promoter direct... and tell them face to face exactly why you are so angry and upset?

Just common decency I would have thought?

Promoting is a thankless job at the best of times... and one I would never entertain doing... not in a million years.

Thankfully... there are a good few out there who are mad enough to do it... and most of them take that roll seriously.

Feedback from punters is usually wanted and encouraged... whether it be good or bad.

If they don't know there's a problem... they can't do anything about it.

Every promoter knows there's only one thing that can make their event a success... and that's punters... so it pays for them to listen to what their punters say.

Obviously you had a few problems with this event last night... and as a paying customer you obviously feel it's your right to complain if you are not happy...

But there are ways and means of doing everything... and imo... the way you've gone about this is plain wrong at worst... and more than a little unfair at best.

Imagine if the roles were reversed... and you were the promoter... wouldn't you have liked the chance to sort this out privately... rather than log on here... and read a post such as yours?

Anyway... here's hoping you are "up dancing and spinning etc".... ASAP!



That post totally defeats the idea of having an events lookbacks section if all you are allowed to do is say how great something is. If he feels it was below standard he should be allowed to say whatever he wants.

Otherwise just close the forum down.


That post totally defeats the idea of having an events lookbacks section if all you are allowed to do is say how great something is. If he feels it was below standard he should be allowed to say whatever he wants.

Otherwise just close the forum down.

No Pete...

It's not what you say... it's the way you say it.


Hi Rick, Just for the record the second DJ who I followed was infact 'Paul Metcalf' who produces 'On The Scene' magazine and not Paul McDonald? just thought I would correct this mistake for you, Paul does have access to 'Soul Source' so I'm sure he will respond to your comments if he sees it and wishes to.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

I'm sure Paul really appreciates you clearing that up Mark unsure.gif


That post totally defeats the idea of having an events lookbacks section if all you are allowed to do is say how great something is. If he feels it was below standard he should be allowed to say whatever he wants.

Otherwise just close the forum down.

You've done that last post thing again mate haven't you? This isn't in 'Lookbacks' it's in AATS.

He is allowed to debate the point - subject of etc and that's exactly what he's done. wink.gif

Posted (edited)

Dont know who Paul Macdonald (Metcalf) is, but you can bet if he is new to event DJing, he would try and play some different stuff to the top 500. Its a shame if he did not get things right, but maybe you should have made a few requests to get at least some stuff you like played.

As far as promoters are concerned, the majority would be strung up if they started to dictate play lists I think.

In summary, maybe you should offer your services at the next all nighter to moderate what records are played and at least that way everything will be perfect.


Edited by tomangoes

I'm sure Paul really appreciates you clearing that up Mark unsure.gif

As the comment was aimed at Paul yes Ged I think it's correct to at least get the guy's name right as he has the right to reply if he so chooses or do you not agree?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.


Dont know who Paul Macdonald (Metcalf) is, but you can bet if he is new to event DJing, he would try and play some different stuff to the top 500. Its a shame if he did not get things right, but maybe you should have made a few requests to get at least some stuff you like played.

As far as promoters are concerned, the majority would be strung up if they started to dictate play lists I think.

In summary, maybe you should offer your services at the next all nighter to moderate what records are played and at least that way everything will be perfect.


Paul isn't new to event DJing and was promoting events 20 + years ago. He's someone I know rather than a freind of mine so I've no axe to grind here and he can speak for himself I'm sure but he has a wide taste in soul music as reading "on The Scene" will show. If anyone had asked him for a particular record (or for that matter a particular style of record) he'd have played it if he had it.

It sounds like they didn't make any requests and thought that public critisism would work better.


As the comment was aimed at Paul yes Ged I think it's correct to at least get the guy's name right as he has the right to reply if he so chooses or do you not agree?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

I'm sure he will be on here soon enough...I've heard Paul play before and he usually plays 70s/crossover so that would suit me fine for an hour or so!! And he was on early doors wasn't he? Maybe that's the problem when niters cross over with soul nights people don't really expect a warm up when in reality it's a long night ahead!!! How can you bugger off at eleven and say it was a bad night? For some people if it aint 100 mph all night they're not happy! Nobody 's 16 anymore whistling.gif


As the comment was aimed at Paul yes Ged I think it's correct to at least get the guy's name right as he has the right to reply if he so chooses or do you not agree?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

If some one comes on here publicly critisises me I hope they get my name wrong is all I can say. Wouldn't stop me responding if I chose to either directly on the thread or via PM. The critisism whether fair or not was not put across in a constructive way and people who didn't attend weren't necessarily connecting Paul Metcalf with it but now they all are.

I would have thought if people are going to complain they should have the sense to be clear about what (who) they are complaining about.


If some one comes on here publicly critisises me I hope they get my name wrong is all I can say. Wouldn't stop me responding if I chose to either directly on the thread or via PM. The critisism whether fair or not was not put across in a constructive way and people who didn't attend weren't necessarily connecting Paul Metcalf with it but now they all are.

I would have thought if people are going to complain they should have the sense to be clear about what (who) they are complaining about.

Ged, that was exactly my point as for who or which Paul it was would not take a lot of working out from the pre event flyer advertising etc. I was in no way stirring things up I just feel that if you are going to comment on something at least get the facts straight and correct otherwise whats the point?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.



By that do you mean they don't play the 50 or so records that you want to hear.

One man's meat etc. etc.

Guest Scarborosoul

OK OK lets just get some things straight. If i have a complaint then i feel this is the place to voice it. I AM NOT trying to put the spoke in for the venue or promoters, I AM giving what i feel is an honest opinion. I would not go to a dj and say your shyte to his face, not because im a 2 faced TW@T or i like to do things from behind a keyboard!!!! Ppl who know me also know i m quite capable of putting myself around if need be, but that is not what an allnighter is about never has been.

I have been a regular nighter goer since early Casino apart from 10yrs inthe army. I like to think im a BIT knowledgable about the scene, I love SOUL music but when i go to a nighter i want to be able to dance not listen to what the likes of Paul METCALFE wants to educate people with. At the end of the day the Northern soul scene is a dance scene LETS keep it that way. THAT is the point i am making. I would like to know how many of you who are having a go at me were actually there on the night? As i have said i have been on the scene a long time, I dont do soul nights I only do nighters simply because soul nights dont last long enough!! If i enjoy a nighter then i am normally still on the dancefloor when it finishes. Anyone who knows me will tell you im always one of the first in and last out. I am NOT affiliated to any promoters although i do know both A Mc and C Waterman and i would not slag a venue/promoter simply to try and curry favour for another venue, i have no interest in the politics of the scene.


I have come to the conclusion that as we all get older we have become grumpy old men and women. All the records played are old records. The music is slower because no one can dance as they did thirty years ago. Northern Soul Music to me will always be fast and vibrant. I love all soughts of soul music. I have heard records played by my sons which sound more like northern soul music than some of the so called "new modern" sounds.

You can never get thoughs days back from yester year, so many of those sounds sent a chill down your back as you danced the night away.

Also DJ's played for a few hours so they got hold of the dance floor. But I must say the Jocks are there to entertain the floor not themselves.

It's hard work putting on a gig, if you have a problem tell the promoter, don't hide behind these bloody impersonal emails, sometimes they do more harm than good.

If you are not happy there is another life outside northern soul.

As they say music is food for the soul - so enjoy!


Don't you think the right way to have dealt with your issues would have been to approach the promoter direct... and tell them face to face exactly why you are so angry and upset?

Just common decency I would have thought?

Joan, your first post gave the impression, perhaps wrongly, that you thought the original post should not have been made at all.

Now it seems it's the manner of the criticism you object to:

Of course this guy should have his say... the same as you and I.

But you show me where I have come on here and said things like...

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from???

Did Scarborough Soul go marching up to Paul McDonald and say that to his face?

I very much doubt it.

Still... it's ok to come on here and say it from behind a keyboard?

I agree, it's not the most diplomatically worded feedback I've ever read, but everyone has their own way of putting things. Personally, I allow a small pinch of salt for any post that's made on a Sunday, and maybe Monday, as the poster may be be suffering a little for what they imbibed on the Saturday. :D

I think comments on here are generally put in a reasonable way... unless it's about a Winstanley event of course, because then it's open season :D


OK OK lets just get some things straight. If i have a complaint then i feel this is the place to voice it. I AM NOT trying to put the spoke in for the venue or promoters, I AM giving what i feel is an honest opinion. I would not go to a dj and say your shyte to his face, not because im a 2 faced TW@T or i like to do things from behind a keyboard!!!! Ppl who know me also know i m quite capable of putting myself around if need be, but that is not what an allnighter is about never has been.

I have been a regular nighter goer since early Casino apart from 10yrs inthe army. I like to think im a BIT knowledgable about the scene, I love SOUL music but when i go to a nighter i want to be able to dance not listen to what the likes of Paul METCALFE wants to educate people with. At the end of the day the Northern soul scene is a dance scene LETS keep it that way. THAT is the point i am making. I would like to know how many of you who are having a go at me were actually there on the night? As i have said i have been on the scene a long time, I dont do soul nights I only do nighters simply because soul nights dont last long enough!! If i enjoy a nighter then i am normally still on the dancefloor when it finishes. Anyone who knows me will tell you im always one of the first in and last out. I am NOT affiliated to any promoters although i do know both A Mc and C Waterman and i would not slag a venue/promoter simply to try and curry favour for another venue, i have no interest in the politics of the scene.


heres my spot from 5-6am

my usual mix of 60s/70s oldies

wasnt really the time to be too adventurous

but here goes:-

Herb Ward - Honest to goodness - Rca DJ

Danny Wagner - I lost a true love - Imperial DJ

Moses Dillard - Get out of my heart - Mala DJ

Jewel Akens - Piece of the pie - Era

Temprees - I found love on a discofloor - Epic DJ

Debonairs - Stop lets be united - Galaxy

Daybreak - I need love - P&P

Frankie Crocker - A ton of dynamite - Turbo

Moses Smith - Try my love - Dionn

Geoffrey Meteliko - Got to find a way - Happy Tiger

RB Hudmon Jr - Look what we've joined together - Capitol

Jerry Palmer - Flattery - Columbia DJ

Alfie Davidson - Love is a serious business - Mercury

Steelers - Get it from the bottom - Date DJ

Montclairs - Hung up on your love - Paula

Blood,Sweat & Tears - Tell me that I'm wrong - CBS UK

Johnny Caswell - You dont love me anymore - Decca DJ

Dena Barnes - If you ever walked out - Inferno

Sam Williams - Love slipped thru my fingers - Grapevine DJ

Nella Dodds - Come back baby - Wand

Chris Farlowe - Dont just look at me - Immediate UK

Don Covay - See Saw - Atlantic

Posted (edited)

I've always taken all look backs with a pinch of salt, usually the same few who do them, often mates of the promoters or dj's....do you think most would say anything negative....thought not!!!

Me father used to say, "if thas nowt good to say about summat, keep thee gob shut" and as a rule I agree with what he said but I really would like to see what people really think about a certain night just to get a balanced view/arguement.

I've been to venues, stood with certain people and we all agreed it was the worst night of our lives (again) yet I see them write totally the opposite on t'internet :D

Edited by chalky
Guest Scarborosoul

Hiya Chalky thought you were still in US?

If you remeber back to last year i had a go at you about the session you did at Wilton? but did i also the next week after we had had a chat at another allnighter praise to high heaven the next spot you did?? I think Fecking brilliant was thewords i used. Im sorry if people maybe think i shouldnt comment, but i will carry on if its good i will say so if its shyte i will say so. If i have a pop at a DJ then really they should take it on the chin and get on with it. Im sure Paul Metcalfe has not taken it as a slur against him or his life, just as a slur against his djing and choice of music. I have the right to coment and give my opinion and i will exercise that right. I am sure if anyone takes these comments as a personal attack they will get in touch and say im out of order.

Posted (edited)

Hiya Chalky thought you were still in US?

If you remeber back to last year i had a go at you about the session you did at Wilton? but did i also the next week after we had had a chat at another allnighter praise to high heaven the next spot you did?? I think Fecking brilliant was thewords i used. Im sorry if people maybe think i shouldnt comment, but i will carry on if its good i will say so if its shyte i will say so. If i have a pop at a DJ then really they should take it on the chin and get on with it. Im sure Paul Metcalfe has not taken it as a slur against him or his life, just as a slur against his djing and choice of music. I have the right to coment and give my opinion and i will exercise that right. I am sure if anyone takes these comments as a personal attack they will get in touch and say im out of order.

Didn't know I was in the States :D It was t'other way round, criticised my set elsewhere (Sheridans I think) then praised Wilton set...word to that effect too. Folk should say what they think but maybe not as blunt as how you say things at time :huh: you speak like a Yorkshireman though, don't beat about the bush, straight to the point :huh:

Like I said do like to see a balanced view of the night and the truth....again I have to laugh at some of the look backs cause I know for fact it wasn't what they sometimes said on the night :D

Edited by chalky
Posted (edited)

I also agree that there are too many mid-tempo/beat ballads at times. Not enough DJ's play uptempo dancers!!! Thats what people go to venues for to dance :D

Edited by chalky
Guest Scarborosoul

YORKSHIREMAN = Say what we likw and like what we bloody well say :D


I would just like to say that all comments about our first nighter have been taken on board. The night was advertised as an across the board night and IMO thats what we did. Its been a big learning curve and hopefully people will come and make their own mind up about us rather than listen to some of the nasty outburts on this forum. I was on first at 8-9pm and the room was filling up nicely. I then spent most of the night asking people their opinions and views on where we can improve. Some of the big nights mentioned on here surely took time to establish and as they say Rome was not built in a day!

Just wondering why the comments on our night are not in the lookback section??

Regards Deb

thanks to evereyone who came and supported us on Saturday.


I also agree that there are too many mid-tempo/beat ballads at times. Not enough DJ's play uptempo dancers!!! Thats what people go to venues for to dance :thumbup:

chalky, not everybody goes to venues to hear balls out uptempo dancers, do they ? or am i doing something wrong by liking soulful midtempo things ? :thumbup:


chalky, not everybody goes to venues to hear balls out uptempo dancers, do they ? or am i doing something wrong by liking soulful midtempo things ? :thumbup:

isnt that what northern soul is? uptempo music to dance to :thumbup:


Yes, primarily. Plus a few midtempos for the old people.

And the best dancers :thumbup:


Yes, primarily. Plus a few midtempos for the old people.

Do you think its better if the DJs are dancers or have been dancers at one time,and not chin strokers,and have the feel for a good dance tune,I like R&B,60s and newies as long as its Dance Music,and not this Soul lullaby music that kills the night.

Kev :thumbup:


i must try and get out more mark, cos i must be missing something. just spent the last 35 years liking the wrong music.

shit i feel stupid.

i'll just get me zimma. :thumbup:



WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

I was at Souldham last night i went early because i thought this is gonna be a good night! The girl who was on first played some cracking stuff with one i had not heard before but was fantastic. I thought well if this is the standard for the night it is gonna be a hell of a night (how wrong i was).

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter! He then followed that with Johnny Moore - Walk like a man and the Spiral Starcase - More today than yesterday WTF!!! by thistime i was falling asleep. Mark B came on and uped the tempo and i had a couple of dances. It was tolate the damage was done and i bugged out at 11pm. I had a text from my mate at 11.50 saying it was still shyte and having spoken to him this morning he left at 3am having waited and waited for things to improve. He said at 3am there were 12 people on the floor!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I do understand the slower part of things i.e the likes of Timi Yuro, Soul Bros inc and Gene Mcdaniels but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.

£12 otd for that shyte maybe if ppl started asking for their money back when things like this happen then the promoters etc would sit up and take note! One thing for sure is that on 8th Dec i wont be at Souldham i will be at CIS

I take it you did not like this lads set then?



heres my spot from 5-6am

my usual mix of 60s/70s oldies

wasnt really the time to be too adventurous

but here goes:-

Herb Ward - Honest to goodness - Rca DJ

Danny Wagner - I lost a true love - Imperial DJ

Moses Dillard - Get out of my heart - Mala DJ

Jewel Akens - Piece of the pie - Era

Temprees - I found love on a discofloor - Epic DJ

Debonairs - Stop lets be united - Galaxy

Daybreak - I need love - P&P

Frankie Crocker - A ton of dynamite - Turbo

Moses Smith - Try my love - Dionn

Geoffrey Meteliko - Got to find a way - Happy Tiger

RB Hudmon Jr - Look what we've joined together - Capitol

Jerry Palmer - Flattery - Columbia DJ

Alfie Davidson - Love is a serious business - Mercury

Steelers - Get it from the bottom - Date DJ

Montclairs - Hung up on your love - Paula

Blood,Sweat & Tears - Tell me that I'm wrong - CBS UK

Johnny Caswell - You dont love me anymore - Decca DJ

Dena Barnes - If you ever walked out - Inferno

Sam Williams - Love slipped thru my fingers - Grapevine DJ

Nella Dodds - Come back baby - Wand

Chris Farlowe - Dont just look at me - Immediate UK

Don Covay - See Saw - Atlantic

well i would have been on the floor :lol:


chalky, not everybody goes to venues to hear balls out uptempo dancers, do they ? or am i doing something wrong by liking soulful midtempo things ? g.gif

I agree with you Mick and I love mid-tempo as much as the next person but the music in the main at a venue should be dancers with the occasional slowie/mid tempo to give some a breather :lol:


Do you think its better if the DJs are dancers or have been dancers at one time,and not chin strokers,and have the feel for a good dance tune,I like R&B,60s and newies as long as its Dance Music,and not this Soul lullaby music that kills the night.

Kev :lol:

Yes I think that has a lot to do with it.


Much as i personally love midtempo & beat ballads . I agree with Chalky & Pete S allnighters should be MAINLY uptempo not necessarily all 100mph stuff but certainly the tempo should be up.

I would get the right hump if i travelled a distance to an allnighter which played mainly midtempo.


Guest Dr Pickles

I agree with you Mick and I love mid-tempo as much as the next person but the music in the main at a venue should be dancers with the occasional slowie/mid tempo to give some a breather :lol:

Could not agree more. I would even say, go to the bar or sit down if you need a breather rather than have a the DJ put a mid tempo track on so you can shuffle around holding your knees and having a "breather".

Dave Rimmer nearly killed me with his first 8 tracks at Rugby but I crawled off the floor when I could not take it anymore to leave others to enjoy themselves. If he had slowed it all down so the likes of me could have a breather that would mean everyone would have to slow down.

All too often I've seen mid tempo sets kill a floor and eventually the whole night. Once the tumble weed starts to roll across the floor people just start to chat, have a cigarette and eventually grab their bags and run.

Leave the "mid tempo madness" for in the car on the way home, not at a nighter.



Posted (edited)

100 mph All night you must be Joking...I would be well peed off..why is it then if thats the case, do the 2 and 3 room nighters do so well.....could it be some folk dont want 100mph all night :lol: get a grip some of ya, if the DJ knows his stuff he will keep the place moving..playing tunes to suit everybody's taste


looks to me like some folks are stuck in a time loop 35 years ago....

Edited by bazza
Guest Gavin Page

100 mph All night you must be Joking...I would be well peed off..why is it then if thats the case, do the 2 and 3 room nighters do so well.....could it be some folk dont want 100mph all night :lol: get a grip some of ya, if the DJ knows his stuff he will keep the place moving..playing tunes to suit everybody's taste


looks to me like some folks are stuck in a time loop 35 years ago....

shout.gif Spot On !!!!

Guest Dr Pickles
Posted (edited)

100 mph All night you must be Joking...I would be well peed off..why is it then if thats the case, do the 2 and 3 room nighters do so well.....could it be some folk dont want 100mph all night :lol: get a grip some of ya, if the DJ knows his stuff he will keep the place moving..playing tunes to suit everybody's taste


looks to me like some folks are stuck in a time loop 35 years ago....


You're right 100mph all night would be a bit much. I'm talking about the mid to down right slow tempo records that have me looking at the DJ in utter disbelief back to an empty floor. Only to have him follow it up with a few more.

All I'm asking is to watch the floor and keep the tempo up for dancing.


Edited by Dr Pickles

I love my mid-tempo stuff, but a good DJ spot has to vary the tempo within that set. Startoff with uptempo, take it down a bit, bring it back up so it's cookin for the following DJ. Got to have some mid-tempo in a set, IMHO. How can you deny the likes of Monique, Cynthia & Imaginary Three, Robert Tanner etc? Any DJ that knows his craft can play a good cross-section AND keep the floor moving!

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