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So Angry Is This The End Of An Allnighter Career?

Guest Scarborosoul

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Guest Scarborosoul

WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

I was at Souldham last night i went early because i thought this is gonna be a good night! The girl who was on first played some cracking stuff with one i had not heard before but was fantastic. I thought well if this is the standard for the night it is gonna be a hell of a night (how wrong i was).

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter! He then followed that with Johnny Moore - Walk like a man and the Spiral Starcase - More today than yesterday WTF!!! by thistime i was falling asleep. Mark B came on and uped the tempo and i had a couple of dances. It was tolate the damage was done and i bugged out at 11pm. I had a text from my mate at 11.50 saying it was still shyte and having spoken to him this morning he left at 3am having waited and waited for things to improve. He said at 3am there were 12 people on the floor!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I do understand the slower part of things i.e the likes of Timi Yuro, Soul Bros inc and Gene Mcdaniels but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.

£12 otd for that shyte maybe if ppl started asking for their money back when things like this happen then the promoters etc would sit up and take note! One thing for sure is that on 8th Dec i wont be at Souldham i will be at CIS

Edited by Scarborosoul
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WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

I was at Souldham last night i went early because i thought this is gonna be a good night! The girl who was on first played some cracking stuff with one i had not heard before but was fantastic. I thought well if this is the standard for the night it is gonna be a hell of a night (how wrong i was).

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter! He then followed that with Johnny Moore - Walk like a man and the Spiral Starcase - More today than yesterday WTF!!! by thistime i was falling asleep. Mark B came on and uped the tempo and i had a couple of dances. It was tolate the damage was done and i bugged out at 11pm. I had a text from my mate at 11.50 saying it was still shyte and having spoken to him this morning he left at 3am having waited and waited for things to improve. He said at 3am there were 12 people on the floor!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I do understand the slower part of things i.e the likes of Timi Yuro, Soul Bros inc and Gene Mcdaniels but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.


hi Mr Angry..

come back from the said niter

things did thin out around 3am

i was djing at 5am but from 12-5am was dancing all nite and i never dance to slow stuff and the music i thought was quite mixed

maria willingham set was awesome..

it was Fays 1st all niter and im sure things can improve for the next one....its a great venue and i think its great that some lesser known names got the chance to dj in a large room,i certainly enjoyed my spot although there were nt many left in to dance...story of my life lol

im sorry that you didnt enjoy the night



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i went to a local soul nite last nite and altho it was only a fiver in i feel i could have better spent that money on a pint a bag of chips and a bus ride home....having one decent dj on all nite did not make up for the drivel i had to endure around the guest spot...i think this is the reason i dont get out much anymore there are only a few venues where you can more or less guarantee to hear something half decent....too many wannabe promoters out there...ive been there it was hard work for little reward but at least i made an effort to have some quality dj's...

and btw mark a venue like this has no chance if they dont start as they mean to go on word gets round and people will go elsewhere...the same has happened with the marrs bar it had the potential to become a great allnighter but lacklustre promoting from a guy who doesnt go anywhere has resulted in poor attendence and poor quality music its just not good enough....

i really do despair sometimes :thumbsup:

cookie :yes:

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hi Mr Angry..

come back from the said niter

things did thin out around 3am

i was djing at 5am but from 12-5am was dancing all nite and i never dance to slow stuff and the music i thought was quite mixed

maria willingham set was awesome..

it was Fays 1st all niter and im sure things can improve for the next one....its a great venue and i think its great that some lesser known names got the chance to dj in a large room,i certainly enjoyed my spot although there were nt many left in to dance...story of my life lol

im sorry that you didnt enjoy the night



hi mark u cant keep ever1 happy,but if u were on it must of been good,some of these points r quite true

they must keep the tempo up on the last 2 hours to keep the heart rate up some of the venues today n mates for mates u get my drift.


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WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.

This is a quite outrageous remark young man (or woman) how dare you demand to be entertained,

this is not what rare soul is about. DJ's are here, and I quote, "to educate the public". If this was

my list I'd kick you off right away, you troublemaker............................................................

PS I've informed the Soul Police, expecta summons anytime now !!!!

Chris L

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Guest Scarborosoul

hi mark u cant keep ever1 happy,but if u were on it must of been good,some of these points r quite true

they must keep the tempo up on the last 2 hours to keep the heart rate up some of the venues today n mates for mates u get my drift.


Hiya Billy,

You know me m8 i wont complain normally and if the music is good im up dancing and spinning etc. You know me enough to know that is true. If im leaving a nighter early then somethings wrong and sorry to say last night it was wrong! MARK i obviously wasnt there for your spot but i would have enjoyed it.

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Guest Scarborosoul

This is a quite outrageous remark young man (or woman) how dare you demand to be entertained,

this is not what rare soul is about. DJ's are here, and I quote, "to educate the public". If this was

my list I'd kick you off right away, you troublemaker............................................................

PS I've informed the Soul Police, expecta summons anytime now !!!!

Chris L

They had better bring a dog team and a firearms team :thumbsup::yes::wave:

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This is a quite outrageous remark young man (or woman) how dare you demand to be entertained,

this is not what rare soul is about. DJ's are here, and I quote, "to educate the public". If this was

my list I'd kick you off right away, you troublemaker............................................................

PS I've informed the Soul Police, expecta summons anytime now !!!!

Chris L


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Guest Richard Bergman

WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The people who regularly go to allnighters are there to enjoy, hear GOOD music and dance!!!!!

I was at Souldham last night i went early because i thought this is gonna be a good night! The girl who was on first played some cracking stuff with one i had not heard before but was fantastic. I thought well if this is the standard for the night it is gonna be a hell of a night (how wrong i was).

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter! He then followed that with Johnny Moore - Walk like a man and the Spiral Starcase - More today than yesterday WTF!!! by thistime i was falling asleep. Mark B came on and uped the tempo and i had a couple of dances. It was tolate the damage was done and i bugged out at 11pm. I had a text from my mate at 11.50 saying it was still shyte and having spoken to him this morning he left at 3am having waited and waited for things to improve. He said at 3am there were 12 people on the floor!!!

Sorry to say this people you really need to up your game and realise you will not survive with this kind of policy. We the paying public do not want to hear rubbish at all-nighters, we want to dance. I do understand the slower part of things i.e the likes of Timi Yuro, Soul Bros inc and Gene Mcdaniels but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I personaly will be very selective as to where i go and which djs i listen too. From now on i will stick to where i know etc and i think i speak for a large amount of the paying public.

£12 otd for that shyte maybe if ppl started asking for their money back when things like this happen then the promoters etc would sit up and take note! One thing for sure is that on 8th Dec i wont be at Souldham i will be at CIS

Perhaps you should have highlighted the fact with some bold text :thumbsup:

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I know i'm not an active nighter goer these days but i'm a bit bemused by this post ! Since when did a 'nighter' start at 10 O'clock ? & when did one ever really get going before about 1 O'clock ?

Seems to me it was just a warm up session, so a bit harsh i reckon !

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Well i went to Rugby last night for the first time had a great time great atmosphere spagetti wasnt drunk :lol:

Have to agree Ted, went a couple of months ago for the first time - but shift work stops me getting down too often :lol:

but you stretch the boundaries with the "spagetti" comment :yes::wave::lol:

I like the two room concept too - and enjoyed flitting between rooms ( via the bar and record dealers) - it was almost like being at a niter :thumbsup:

Atmosphere spot on - as you say

I will get back there - this time with Annie in tow, though we now need to find a date where it doesn't clash with either of our shifts :P


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Mike dont confuss us anymore :thumbsup: This is a general thread not a thread about the said nighter :yes:

Rick, make sure you get down to Rugby WHEN its a niter - if the evening continues in the same vein then it will be right up your street.

( I think Pete introduced Annie and myself to you at Middleton and /or at Brookfield in Wolves)

Hope you see you again soon


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Guest Scarborosoul

Rick, make sure you get down to Rugby WHEN its a niter - if the evening continues in the same vein then it will be right up your street.

( I think Pete introduced Annie and myself to you at Middleton and /or at Brookfield in Wolves)

Hope you see you again soon


Hiya m8 yes it was wolves.
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This is a quite outrageous remark young man (or woman) how dare you demand to be entertained,

this is not what rare soul is about. DJ's are here, and I quote, "to educate the public". If this was

my list I'd kick you off right away, you troublemaker............................................................

PS I've informed the Soul Police, expecta summons anytime now !!!!

Chris L

Chris you're out of order bubbling him up like that...

You know what'll happen now don't ya ? :thumbsup:

He'll receive 12 months community service and be made to work on the door as a greeter at every Souldham allnighter wearing a "here to help" smiley face badge :yes::wave:

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Hi Scarborough,

Must admit... i did laugh when I first read your post... the fact that you got so angry over something... that in the mad scheme of things... comes pretty low down on the list of things to get insanely angry about.

But saying that... there is another somewhat more serious side to your post... so here goes...

I have been to many.. MANY... a soul night/all nighter that have fallen way short of my expectations... as I'm sure we all have.

But at the end of the day... I just put it down to experience... that being... now that I know that night is not for me... I won't go there again.

Never would I dream to come on here and publicly attack the venue or it's promoters... and I certainly would not dare to "speak for a large amount of the paying public".

Don't you think the right way to have dealt with your issues would have been to approach the promoter direct... and tell them face to face exactly why you are so angry and upset?

Just common decency I would have thought?

Promoting is a thankless job at the best of times... and one I would never entertain doing... not in a million years.

Thankfully... there are a good few out there who are mad enough to do it... and most of them take that roll seriously.

Feedback from punters is usually wanted and encouraged... whether it be good or bad.

If they don't know there's a problem... they can't do anything about it.

Every promoter knows there's only one thing that can make their event a success... and that's punters... so it pays for them to listen to what their punters say.

Obviously you had a few problems with this event last night... and as a paying customer you obviously feel it's your right to complain if you are not happy...

But there are ways and means of doing everything... and imo... the way you've gone about this is plain wrong at worst... and more than a little unfair at best.

Imagine if the roles were reversed... and you were the promoter... wouldn't you have liked the chance to sort this out privately... rather than log on here... and read a post such as yours?

Anyway... here's hoping you are "up dancing and spinning etc".... ASAP!



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i went to a local soul nite last nite and altho it was only a fiver in i feel i could have better spent that money on a pint a bag of chips and a bus ride home....having one decent dj on all nite did not make up for the drivel i had to endure around the guest spot...i think this is the reason i dont get out much anymore there are only a few venues where you can more or less guarantee to hear something half decent....too many wannabe promoters out there...ive been there it was hard work for little reward but at least i made an effort to have some quality dj's...

and btw mark a venue like this has no chance if they dont start as they mean to go on word gets round and people will go elsewhere...the same has happened with the marrs bar it had the potential to become a great allnighter but lacklustre promoting from a guy who doesnt go anywhere has resulted in poor attendence and poor quality music its just not good enough....

i really do despair sometimes :thumbsup:


Slightly off topic but I think I was at same night as you last night.If it was Weston you went to.I can see what you're saying,but thought it was a good night.Apart from one dj who had no one dancing i thought the others did a good job,especially the guest dj who did a great spot.Just shows really that opinions vary.I went home happy altho' its a 2 hour drive but i'll return. :yes:


cookie :wave:

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You have had a bad experience of a night - haven't we all over the years?

It's all about opinions - there may have been people in the gig who were loving every minute that you were hating.

I presume you were aware of the DJs for the night - surely the roster should tell you what sort of evening you are going to get.

If I attend a night & it doesn't meet my expectations I simply don't attend again & if asked my opinion on the said event will tell people why it was disappointing.

To verbally attack the promoters/DJs is rather harsh IMO - it would be more dignified to vote with your feet at their next gig. That message is quickly taken in by promoters of any event.

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it really was a mish mash of things dave nige brown had most dancers all nite but unfortunately i can only stand so much before i have to leave i cant hang around in the vain hope that someone plays a good set you lose the will after a while and if you enjoyed it thats your choice...but i could not hang around for that rubbish its offensive to me... plenty of people outside having a smoke made murmurs about the poor quality of the music............in the same venue....music played varied from rock and roll...theres no disguising that shite behind the guise of r&b....stuff like spread love??? more suited to a modern venue cracking i thought but it went right over the heads of most in there..........and dj's playin to their egos and not the bloody dance floor and as the post suggests the punters are paying to come and dance not twiddle their thumbs ...or try and understand another persons need to educate the crowd....as much as i hate playing oldies the crowd have paid to come and be entertained...you might slip the odd unknown in now and then but if you lose the floor you bloody well get it back you dont carry on regardless and blame the dancers lack of knowledge for your failure..........

one good guest does not make the venue.........


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WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED DJs and PROMOTERS going to learn???

The second DJ (paul mcdonald)?? who the feck is he where has he crawled out from??? He played a load of slow almost sensual soul, if i had wanted to listen to that i would do so in my bath not at a nighter!

On a more serious note, it's a real bummer when you go somewhere and the music is just

NOT your cup of tea. Experience has taught me to investigate deeply to check out the

music policy before leaving the 80 kms of coastline here in Flanders. Not always easy I

know, but it is recommended. Usually the DJ line up will tell you much, but if the person is

unknown there's always that risk. Better luck next time. BTW what type of soul are you into ?

Chris L

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Now this is what really pisses me off when it comes to reports on how an individual saw/enjoyed an event on here,

Seems its fine to publically attack the likes of KR or RW regardless of how many other attendees actually really enjoyed themselves,

Any other events it seems is positive feedback only, and anything negative should be dealt with the promoter in question in private,

If you can only report all the good about an event (publically) and don't dare speak up if it wasnt up to standard for any individual, then how are we supposed to form a balanced picture of what to expect should anybody decide to attend?

Whats the point of a feedback/lookback forum?


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Guest Scarborosoul

Joan and epic, It is very rare that i would attack either a promoter or a dj. This forum is for opinions etc. Yes i had a go at Paul Mcdonald as in MHO he deserved it!!!! I am not ina minority here. Having a go at a certain venue etc is not my normal thing it was meant as constructive criticism not a personal go at promoters. If i had been screaming on here about a venue and djs were f***** brilliant as i have done in the past then there would be no contravercy. I dont think the promoters have taken it as a personal attack on them as im not that kind of person, and as ive said i will vote with my feet.

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Hi Scarborough,

Must admit... i did laugh when I first read your post... the fact that you got so angry over something... that in the mad scheme of things... comes pretty low down on the list of things to get insanely angry about.

But saying that... there is another somewhat more serious side to your post... so here goes...

I have been to many.. MANY... a soul night/all nighter that have fallen way short of my expectations... as I'm sure we all have.

But at the end of the day... I just put it down to experience... that being... now that I know that night is not for me... I won't go there again.

Never would I dream to come on here and publicly attack the venue or it's promoters... and I certainly would not dare to "speak for a large amount of the paying public".

Don't you think the right way to have dealt with your issues would have been to approach the promoter direct... and tell them face to face exactly why you are so angry and upset?

Just common decency I would have thought?

Promoting is a thankless job at the best of times... and one I would never entertain doing... not in a million years.

Thankfully... there are a good few out there who are mad enough to do it... and most of them take that roll seriously.

Feedback from punters is usually wanted and encouraged... whether it be good or bad.

If they don't know there's a problem... they can't do anything about it.

Every promoter knows there's only one thing that can make their event a success... and that's punters... so it pays for them to listen to what their punters say.

Obviously you had a few problems with this event last night... and as a paying customer you obviously feel it's your right to complain if you are not happy...

But there are ways and means of doing everything... and imo... the way you've gone about this is plain wrong at worst... and more than a little unfair at best.

Imagine if the roles were reversed... and you were the promoter... wouldn't you have liked the chance to sort this out privately... rather than log on here... and read a post such as yours?

Anyway... here's hoping you are "up dancing and spinning etc".... ASAP!



I find this response a bit surprising. I've read posts by you in the past that have contained criticisms of events... why shouldn't this guy have his say?

In view of the recent thread about "overkill", perhaps it's time we all spoke our minds about sub-standard events so that some of them get weeded out.

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Guest andrew bin

it really was a mish mash of things dave nige brown had most dancers all nite but unfortunately i can only stand so much before i have to leave i cant hang around in the vain hope that someone plays a good set you lose the will after a while and if you enjoyed it thats your choice...but i could not hang around for that rubbish its offensive to me... plenty of people outside having a smoke made murmurs about the poor quality of the music............in the same venue....music played varied from rock and roll...theres no disguising that shite behind the guise of r&b....stuff like spread love??? more suited to a modern venue cracking i thought but it went right over the heads of most in there..........and dj's playin to their egos and not the bloody dance floor and as the post suggests the punters are paying to come and dance not twiddle their thumbs ...or try and understand another persons need to educate the crowd....as much as i hate playing oldies the crowd have paid to come and be entertained...you might slip the odd unknown in now and then but if you lose the floor you bloody well get it back you dont carry on regardless and blame the dancers lack of knowledge for your failure..........

one good guest does not make the venue.........


i was also there and i have to say i enjoyed it not the best one i've been to but enjoyable all the same Nige played his usual blinder so did pete lyster also mark was on form i know his stuff is not every ones cup of tea but i can only speak for myself and i enjoyed it

you can talk i've seen you empty the floor loads of times,

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i was also there and i have to say i enjoyed it not the best one i've been to but enjoyable all the same Nige played his usual blinder so did pete lyster also mark was on form i know his stuff is not every ones cup of tea but i can only speak for myself and i enjoyed it

you can talk i've seen you empty the floor loads of times,

andrew i enjoyed cookies spot at the marrs something different i werent to keen on the irish version or seven day lover lol i like to see her behind the decks again.

Cheers Billy

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Now this is what really pisses me off when it comes to reports on how an individual saw/enjoyed an event on here,

Seems its fine to publically attack the likes of KR or RW regardless of how many other attendees actually really enjoyed themselves,

Any other events it seems is positive feedback only, and anything negative should be dealt with the promoter in question in private,

If you can only report all the good about an event (publically) and don't dare speak up if it wasnt up to standard for any individual, then how are we supposed to form a balanced picture of what to expect should anybody decide to attend?

Whats the point of a feedback/lookback forum?


why are you posting it as a go at the site

where does it say anything "negative should be dealt with the promoter in question in private"

do you honestly think that we still be around today if had a narrow and unworkable policy like you are making out

ask please dont confuse members views with the actual site policy

if do have any concerns then please post them up in members feedback , then at least aware of them and at best can clear them up

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Guest andrew bin

andrew i enjoyed cookies spot at the marrs something different i werent to keen on the irish version or seven day lover lol i like to see her behind the decks again.

Cheers Billy

hi billy

i've heard cookie play some cracking spots i've also seen her empty the floor, the point i was trying to make was every one has a off day from time to time :wub: (well apart from you mate your allways on top form) :(

and i agree with you it would be nice to see more of cookies happy smilling face behind the decks :thumbup::lol:

Edited by andrew bin
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I find this response a bit surprising. I've read posts by you in the past that have contained criticisms of events... why shouldn't this guy have his say?

In view of the recent thread about "overkill", perhaps it's time we all spoke our minds about sub-standard events so that some of them get weeded out.

Trouble is, it's a nice easy way for the unscrupulous to oust someone from their area who might actualy run a decent event.

Negative comments have much more of an effect than positive ones, mud sticks as they say, so what better way of getting rid of someone than spouting off on a forum.

I personaly think, like most others, that people arn't stupid, if they don't enjoy a night then they won't go back.

I also think that allowing unchecked negative comments on a personal level, as in the post, could end up spoiling this site. Saying that you didn't enjoy the night is fair enough, but not on a personal level. I think lookbacks would just end up becoming one big round of arguments on personal music tastes.

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why are you posting it as a go at the site

where does it say anything "negative should be dealt with the promoter in question in private"

do you honestly think that we still be around today if had a narrow and unworkable policy like you are making out

ask please dont confuse members views with the actual site policy

if do have any concerns then please post them up in members feedback , then at least aware of them and at best can clear them up

Wasn't directed at site or its policies, i think thats a tad sensitive, was directed at prevoius posts in general, and members reluctance to post in a negative manner toward an event (also not directed at any event in particular)

'negatives should be dealt with the promoter in private' was mentioned in a previous post,

So i think you are having a go at me rather than me at the site, if i wasn't happy with the site and its policies i wouldn't be here!

Hope this clears things up somewhat

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Guest dundeedavie

Surely every review should be honest ...good or bad ?

the impression is often given that reviews are done by the promoters and friends of the promoters which honestly mean nothing so maybe if we had more honest reviews instead of venues getting smoke blown up there arses we could get rid of some of the bad nights

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Wasn't directed at site or its policies, i think thats a tad sensitive, was directed at prevoius posts in general, and members reluctance to post in a negative manner toward an event (also not directed at any event in particular)

'negatives should be dealt with the promoter in private' was mentioned in a previous post,

So i think you are having a go at me rather than me at the site, if i wasn't happy with the site and its policies i wouldn't be here!

Hope this clears things up somewhat

yep thats clearer, thanks

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hi billy

i've heard cookie play some cracking spots i've also seen her empty the floor, the point i was trying to make was every one has a off day from time to time :wub: (well apart from you mate your allways on top form) :(

and i agree with you it would be nice to see more of cookies happy smilling face behind the decks :thumbup::lol:

Hi Andrew i wasnt havin a dig, u no i luv u, i luv tracey even more, hope 2 c u saturday,


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Guest Glawsters Best

guy's before you choose to go to a venue you read the flyer's so you know the dj' line up in advance surely knowing what DJ play what tunes and knowing your own taste you would choose to go where you think you would enjoy the night we used the go out every week but got fed up with certain venues ( not nameing the venues ) so i voted by keeping my money in my pocket after all what the use of spending hard earnt money if your not enjoying a night out now i chose where i will go by looking at the DJnamingantDJ line up then knowing what I'll be listening to so guy's you too can vote by keeping your money in your pocket's it's your choice just a thought

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guy's before you choose to go to a venue you read the flyer's so you know the dj' line up in advance surely knowing what DJ play what tunes and knowing your own taste you would choose to go where you think you would enjoy the night we used the go out every week but got fed up with certain venues ( not nameing the venues ) so i voted by keeping my money in my pocket after all what the use of spending hard earnt money if your not enjoying a night out now i chose where i will go by looking at the DJnamingantDJ line up then knowing what I'll be listening to so guy's you too can vote by keeping your money in your pocket's it's your choice just a thought

Leon. You suprise me mate. Keeping your money in your pocket :thumbup:

Seriously. I,ve done a bit of promoting and its a thankless task. but why slag a venue thats just started, everyone needs to start somewhere. it takes balls to put your head and your money on the line. Constructive criticism is welcome by any promoter. If they are man enough to take it on board and do something about it is another matter.How do you think these people feel right now. They have been hung drawn and quartered in public for trying there best. Give them a chance.



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Guest Glawsters Best

Leon. You suprise me mate. Keeping your money in your pocket :thumbup:

Seriously. I,ve done a bit of promoting and its a thankless task. but why slag a venue thats just started, everyone needs to start somewhere. it takes balls to put your head and your money on the line. Constructive criticism is welcome by any promoter. If they are man enough to take it on board and do something about it is another matter.How do you think these people feel right now. They have been hung drawn and quartered in public for trying there best. Give them a chance.







Edited by Glawsters Best
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Be brill mate :thumbup:


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Guest Phil Richards

i went to a local soul nite last nite and altho it was only a fiver in i feel i could have better spent that money on a pint a bag of chips and a bus ride home....having one decent dj on all nite did not make up for the drivel i had to endure around the guest spot...i think this is the reason i dont get out much anymore there are only a few venues where you can more or less guarantee to hear something half decent....too many wannabe promoters out there...ive been there it was hard work for little reward but at least i made an effort to have some quality dj's...

and btw mark a venue like this has no chance if they dont start as they mean to go on word gets round and people will go elsewhere...the same has happened with the marrs bar it had the potential to become a great allnighter but lacklustre promoting from a guy who doesnt go anywhere has resulted in poor attendence and poor quality music its just not good enough....

i really do despair sometimes :thumbup:

cookie :wub:

That guy was at wolverhampton on friday and i have seen him at N.C.S.C allnighter ???

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