Guest Trevski Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Anyone got a full mp3 of this please, I'd be greatful.
Helena Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Trevski said: Anyone got a full mp3 of this please, I'd be greatful. Anyone got the record for sale I'd be most grateful and generous.
Sebastian Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Trevski said: Anyone got a full mp3 of this please, I'd be greatful. Expand Here's an MP3 of the Angela Davis track which I posted up a while ago:
Guest Ranger Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Helena said: Anyone got the record for sale I'd be most grateful and generous. Mr Manship has one up for auction at the moment. £256 so far.
Helena Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Ranger said: Mr Manship has one up for auction at the moment. £256 so far. Yes thank you, I know. Don't think I'll be generous enough for his end price though. I bid on the one on ebay in Dec and lost and then I mixed up the end date for the one that was up a week later so forgot to bid and Arthur won it for $100 less than the first one. Spoiled the rest of my Christmas holiday...
Russ Vickers Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Fantastic record in every sense................cant wait to get on the floor to this............the future of Rare Soul ???????????. Can anyone recommend any other sounds like this ??????. Russ
Simon M Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Russ Vickers said: Fantastic record in every sense................cant wait to get on the floor to this............the future of Rare Soul ???????????. Can anyone recommend any other sounds like this ??????. Russ ive got a few but ya best bet is wrighty on here Russ ..
Russ Vickers Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Thank you Simon, Im not a massive lover of funk per se, but there are records like this & others that really move me, just wish I knew where I could hear more without having to hear all the JB soundalikes & the massively syncopated traditionally sounding funk stuff aswell..................I apologise to all ya funky monkeeeeeeees, if I sound like a funky philastine, but Im an old soul boy at heart trying to broaden my horizons..................Ian, James T................come to my rescue with some recomendations if ya please. Thank you Russ
Guest Trevski Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Sebastian said: Here's an MP3 of the Angela Davis track which I posted up a while ago: Expand Cheers Seb Would love one of these, I know manships auction is on, but realisticaly, how much at the 'mo?? As Russ says, not a funk lover per se, but certain tracks have the intangible something that raises the hairs! Love the slightly 'flat' horns on this!
MarkWhiteley Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Trevski said: Cheers Seb Would love one of these, I know manships auction is on, but realisticaly, how much at the 'mo?? As Russ says, not a funk lover per se, but certain tracks have the intangible something that raises the hairs! Love the slightly 'flat' horns on this! Half expected to hear a female version of Joseph Webster here wot with the title and backing band! Strange connection eh? M
Guest Trevski Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 (edited) MarkWhiteley said: Half expected to hear a female version of Joseph Webster here wot with the title and backing band! Strange connection eh? M Same team, writers etc according to John. Bloody marvelous record, I want one!! Anyone?? £££+ waiting!!! Edited June 24, 2007 by Trevski
Guest Baz Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Russ Vickers said: the future of Rare Soul ???????????. Lets hope not
Guest Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 (edited) Baz said: Lets hope not My thoughts exactly, let's hope not. I like the horns and it's a good groovy dance record in parts but the kind of "sistah" funky style vocals and 'rapping' kinda puts me off. I don't enjoy listening to women shouting, whining and complaining, even if it is just on a piece of old plastic... Edited June 24, 2007 by Guest
Russ Vickers Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 nordic soul said: My thoughts exactly, let's hope not. I like the horns and it's a good groovy dance record in parts but the kind of "sistah" funky style vocals and 'rapping' kinda puts me off. I don't enjoy listening to women shouting, whining and complaining, even if it is just on a piece of old plastic... I wasnt saying that all records played from this point on should all be clones of this particular record.............only that uptempo, heavey funky bassline soul records could find a place on a dancefloor near you & I for one would be listening with an open mind. Russ
Simon M Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 the gasher said: PRETTY WANK IMO I,LL STICK WITH MY JOE WEBSTER So .. you got all your wants now Gasher ?
Gasher Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 IF ONLY I COULD ANSWER YES TO THAT ONE SIMON ID BE A HAPPY BUNNY BUT ALAS ITS A NO Simon M said: So .. you got all your wants now Gasher ?
Chalky Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 MarkWhiteley said: Half expected to hear a female version of Joseph Webster here wot with the title and backing band! Strange connection eh? M The Mighty Chevelles can be found a quite a few records throught the Flaming Arrow/Crow label.
Simon M Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 the gasher said: IF ONLY I COULD ANSWER YES TO THAT ONE SIMON ID BE A HAPPY BUNNY BUT ALAS ITS A NO ++++++++++++ No C.Coulter yet ...That Micky Ginn , got one off manship , the old coventry footie player
Guest Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 Russ Vickers said: I wasnt saying that all records played from this point on should all be clones of this particular record.............only that uptempo, heavey funky bassline soul records could find a place on a dancefloor near you & I for one would be listening with an open mind. Russ Well, I have been a big fan of up-tempo tunes with heavy and funky basslines for as long as I have been into soul. This one sounds pretty good, it's just a shame about the vocal and lyrics which sort of spoils it for me. I like some funk a lot, but a lot of it is pretty vile. It has to be just right, and not wrong, if you know what I mean. I also think it is wrong to talk about records like this as something new, something that will save the scene, or whatever. The irony is that loads of records like this and others in a funky, up-tempo, disco and even jazz funky vein were played quite a lot in the past as I understand it. Indeed, many such records that have become popular in recent times are old spins from the 70's and 80's UK soul scene that became unfashionable for some reason and that were all but forgotten for many years. I think there are good 'new' sounds to be found if you look to the semi-forgotten past of the scene. Perhaps this particular Angela Davis tune was never played but others like it were. I am all for good up-tempo records with heavy and funky basslines, you're preaching to the already converted Russ.
pow wow mik Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 (edited) Great club tune I'd never heard before untill i saw it on Manship's auction. Sounds like a later version of 'Baby you hit the spot', also by the Chevelles (with Gloria Taylor (?) properly singing), also on Flaming Arrow. That one's quite common and cheap, and a bit under rated I think. Edited June 26, 2007 by mik parry
Guest James Trouble Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 (edited) It kind of confuses me, but more often than not amuses me, how fine a line it is between 'acceptable' and 'unacceptable' on the UK soul scene. Quite often the line is wider for some DJs than others of course. I'm sure Arthur playing this has helped it become 'acceptable'. And how the line is wider in certain areas than others. Like in London, Brenda George "I Can't Stand It" packs the floor when I play it to a soul crowd, but anywhere further north of camden and the dancers get confused and leave the floor. To me this is a northern soul record and should be played on the soul scene in the UK. The same with Ann Robinson "You Did It" for example. Two soulful deepfunk anthems, but not widely known by most northern soulies on the UK scene. Barbara St Clair, yes, nice. But to me this is nto what I personally would concider a "northern soul record", I don't think I would ever play it at a northern soul event. But Butch has been playing it and has good dance floor response, better than I get for Brenda George up north, but perhaps not as good as Brenda George down south or in Europe, totally different kinds of records of course, but both good records and on the border of what is acceptable or not. Not that I care that much, a good dance tune is a good dance tune to me, but an interesting comparison I think, as one is closer to a "northern" record than the other, but perhps the one that is further away form being a "northern" record is more acceptable than the one that is more obviously a "northern" record... I mean, the whole thing is pretty funny really. If it wasn't so serious. How can the Angela Davis be accepted by the dance floor, but other records that are very similar are not? Not that many DJs try out unusual things, so that's a silly statement by me really because you don't often hear 'different' things like this on the UK soul scene. Although when the DJs do try out unusal things, like Elipsis, Angela Davis, Barbar St Clair, New World etc they are generally accepted by the dance floor given time and enough plays. So maybe I'm talking nonsense, and these things just need playing by more DJs for them to be widely known and accepted? Was the northern scene always like this, debating what is or is not a northern record untill it is played and danced to, then it must be a northern record because it was played on the northern scene? I don't know, but surely it's about good music, it has to be, surely? Angella Davis is good and I think it should be welcomed that DJs are open minded enough to be playing this sort of thing, and if this sort of sound becomes popular there's a rich vein of stufff like this out there to enjoy, which is nice. Sister Funk vol 1 + 2 are pretty good places to start (you can stick that fiver in my paypal account Ian!) Edited June 26, 2007 by James Trouble
Guest Trevski Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 JTrouble said: It kind of confuses me, but more often than not amuses me, how fine a line it is between 'acceptable' and 'unacceptable' on the UK soul scene. Quite often the line is wider for some DJs than others of course. I'm sure Arthur playing this has helped it become 'acceptable'. And how the line is wider in certain areas than others. Like in London, Brenda George "I Can't Stand It" packs the floor when I play it to a soul crowd, but anywhere further north of camden and the dancers get confused and leave the floor. To me this is a northern soul record and should be played on the soul scene in the UK. The same with Ann Robinson "You Did It" for example. Two soulful deepfunk anthems, but not widely known by most northern soulies on the UK scene. Barbara St Clair, yes, nice. But to me this is nto what I personally would concider a "northern soul record", I don't think I would ever play it at a northern soul event. But Butch has been playing it and has good dance floor response, better than I get for Brenda George up north, but perhaps not as good as Brenda George down south or in Europe, totally different kinds of records of course, but both good records and on the border of what is acceptable or not. Not that I care that much, a good dance tune is a good dance tune to me, but an interesting comparison I think, as one is closer to a "northern" record than the other, but perhps the one that is further away form being a "northern" record is more acceptable than the one that is more obviously a "northern" record... I mean, the whole thing is pretty funny really. If it wasn't so serious. How can the Angela Davis be accepted by the dance floor, but other records that are very similar are not? Not that many DJs try out unusual things, so that's a silly statement by me really because you don't often hear 'different' things like this on the UK soul scene. Although when the DJs do try out unusal things, like Elipsis, Angela Davis, Barbar St Clair, New World etc they are generally accepted by the dance floor given time and enough plays. So maybe I'm talking nonsense, and these things just need playing by more DJs for them to be widely known and accepted? Was the northern scene always like this, debating what is or is not a northern record untill it is played and danced to, then it must be a northern record because it was played on the northern scene? I don't know, but surely it's about good music, it has to be, surely? Angella Davis is good and I think it should be welcomed that DJs are open minded enough to be playing this sort of thing, and if this sort of sound becomes popular there's a rich vein of stufff like this out there to enjoy, which is nice. Sister Funk vol 1 + 2 are pretty good places to start (you can stick that fiver in my paypal account Ian!) Must admit, like some others here, had not heard this til it popped up on JM's. Would love to hear this out, can't remember Arthur spinning it last time I heard him, but gimme a copy and I'll deffo play it! Am getting more and more into this kinda sound, and the 70's tunes in general, suppose its the lack of decent, IMHO, 60's newies.
Simon M Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Proper Northern soul hey?? ... Pete Lawson described what it was to me at the Fleet once .. I'd forgotten what he said after a ten minutes and bought some 12's off Max Rees Simon
Russ Vickers Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 nordic soul said: Well, I have been a big fan of up-tempo tunes with heavy and funky basslines for as long as I have been into soul. This one sounds pretty good, it's just a shame about the vocal and lyrics which sort of spoils it for me. I like some funk a lot, but a lot of it is pretty vile. It has to be just right, and not wrong, if you know what I mean. I also think it is wrong to talk about records like this as something new, something that will save the scene, or whatever. The irony is that loads of records like this and others in a funky, up-tempo, disco and even jazz funky vein were played quite a lot in the past as I understand it. Indeed, many such records that have become popular in recent times are old spins from the 70's and 80's UK soul scene that became unfashionable for some reason and that were all but forgotten for many years. I think there are good 'new' sounds to be found if you look to the semi-forgotten past of the scene. Perhaps this particular Angela Davis tune was never played but others like it were. I am all for good up-tempo records with heavy and funky basslines, you're preaching to the already converted Russ. Agree with you mate.....but is not the converted that I was trying to convince............the NS scene is not particularly open to this kinda sound any more, altho an odd one slips thru.........I also appreciate that some of these records have been 'known' on the NS & other scenes too for years. I never said these kinda sounds would 'save' the scene, rather I asked tongue in cheek if these kinda records have a futere on the NS scene. I hope so if DJ's programme the better stuff. Russ
Sanquine Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 First heard Arthur play this out last year - loved it the moment I heard it - wanted one for my own collection, but sadly outta my price range at the mo - but the plus side - another fabulous northern/funk sound to send me moving n grooving on that favourite place of mine.. the Dance Floor... Enjoy.. Karen
Guest Trevski Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 (edited) Funny, on the funk forum they are saying this was a £10 record 'til Soul Source started hyping it up! Was wondering if it was 'the' Angela Davis Black Panthers 'Free Angela' etc Didn't think it could be and apparently it isn't. She is the daughter of Eugene Davis, the label owner. Nice scan for those iTunes/iPod merchants! (ps note from the scan it's on an album too) Edited July 2, 2007 by Trevski
Helena Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 (edited) Trevski said: Funny, on the funk forum they are saying this was a £10 record 'til Soul Source started hyping it up! Was wondering if it was 'the' Angela Davis Black Panthers 'Free Angela' etc Didn't think it could be and apparently it isn't. She is the daughter of Eugene Davis, the label owner. Nice scan for those iTunes/iPod merchants! (ps note from the scan it's on an album too) Yes, believe Sebastian paid $10 for his, and then he posted it in this thread: It's really a cheapie... but as stated somewhere else in the wants section, it's often those that prove to be the hardest ones to find. Btw, I've searched for that album for as long as the '45, I'm starting to doubt the album even exists. Edited July 2, 2007 by Helena
Larsc Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Helena said: Btw, I've searched for that album for as long as the '45, I'm starting to doubt the album even exists. Are there any albums on this label at all ?
Sebastian Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 (edited) LarsC said: Are there any albums on this label at all ? Yes, there is at least one Angela Davis LP entitled "Please Don't Desert Me (At The Altar) " (have never seen a copy of the second one though, entitled "The Answer", on which "My Love Is So Strong" is rumoured to be included on) and one LP by The Mighty Chevelles entitled "Black Gold". Here's the Mighty Chevelles LP: Edited July 3, 2007 by Sebastian
Sebastian Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 And here is the Angela Davis LP I mentioned yesterday: It's from about 1982 or so.
Guest Russ Smith Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Another one added to my wants list.... Right up my alley, guv. Funky Northern , yeah ! Black Nasty, Flaming Emeralds, Roscoe and Friends, The Crow, World Column etc etc. Always loved hearing this kind of stuff, sits in fine with all kinds of Soul music( except that drum machine rubbish which is another thing entirely)
Cover-up Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 (edited) mik parry said: Great club tune I'd never heard before untill i saw it on Manship's auction. Sounds like a later version of 'Baby you hit the spot', also by the Chevelles (with Gloria Taylor (?) properly singing), also on Flaming Arrow. That one's quite common and cheap, and a bit under rated I think. Gloria Walker & the Chevelles "You Hit The Spot Baby" - I think I actually prefer that to the Angela Davis, it sounds like it's about to kick right off just before the fade. Just wait till Soul Sam starts playing it... Edited July 4, 2007 by cover-up
Guest Trevski Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 cover-up said: Gloria Walker & the Chevelles "You Hit The Spot Baby" - I think I actually prefer that to the Angela Davis, it sounds like it's about to kick right off just before the fade. Just wait till Soul Sam starts playing it... Expand Not if I beat him to it!
Guest Trevski Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Russ Smith said: Another one added to my wants list.... Right up my alley, guv. Funky Northern , yeah ! Black Nasty, Flaming Emeralds, Roscoe and Friends, The Crow, World Column etc etc. Always loved hearing this kind of stuff, sits in fine with all kinds of Soul music( except that drum machine rubbish which is another thing entirely) Expand If you want 'gritty' type tunes, I'd rather have Funky Northern than R&B anyday!(see previous post!)
Guest Trevski Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 (edited) Just checked JM's, now standing at £466. That's me out! This is gonna be silly money! Edited July 10, 2007 by Trevski
Guest Trevski Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 (edited) Closed at an unbelievable, IMHO, £1019 Â And I thought my bid of £450 was pushing it for this, given that the funk boys say it was only a £30 tune a year ago, can't be that hard, copies going for a couple of hundred(ish)Â $ only a few months ago. Overpriced? Edited July 11, 2007 by Trevski
Simon M Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I think more may turn up on ebay now .. keep em peeled .. was it Shaw taylor who said that ?
Helena Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Trevski said: Closed at an unbelievable, IMHO, £1019 Have you bidders lost all common sense??!! This makes me soooo frustrated. I was so close to owning a copy. (why isn't there a crying emoticon?)
Simon M Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Helena said: Have you bidders lost all common sense??!! This makes me soooo frustrated. I was so close to owning a copy. (why isn't there a crying emoticon?) You'll have to start Hotboxing
Guest Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Trevski said: Closed at an unbelievable, IMHO, £1019 And I thought my bid of £450 was pushing it for this, given that the funk boys say it was only a £30 tune a year ago, can't be that hard, copies going for a couple of hundred(ish) $ only a few months ago. Overpriced? The funk boys are right, it WAS a £30 tune a year ago. Or at least it was a record practically no one cared about or wanted anyway. It was two bidders going against each other, both from the UK I reckon... All it takes is one or two name dj's to spin a tune and then some other names simply must have it, no matter what. In this case I don't think it mattered much, but it might not be a good idea to hype records you want on the world's largest soul forum, if you want to get them at a reasonable price that is. Just a thought... Considering that it is not THAT good a record and that it's rarity has not been proven over the decades (since no one wanted it and no one was looking for it) I'd say £1019 is a bit much. We will have to wait and see though.
Guest Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Helena said: Have you bidders lost all common sense??!! This makes me soooo frustrated. I was so close to owning a copy. (why isn't there a crying emoticon?) Deal with it, £1000 is the new £100.
Helena Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Simon M said: You'll have to start Hotboxing Never! Let's just hope more copies turn up now like you said.
Guest Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Before I start ripping aprt various record boxes in a mad search, did she do anything else on this label?? Cos I know that i've got (or had) at least one Angela Davis & The Might Chevelles 45 on Flaming Arrow...but can't remember what track it was and more importantly where it is or if I might have sold it already
Helena Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 nordic soul said: The funk boys are right, it WAS a £30 tune a year ago. Or at least it was a record practically no one cared about or wanted anyway. It was two bidders going against each other, both from the UK I reckon... All it takes is one or two name dj's to spin a tune and then some other names simply must have it, no matter what. In this case I don't think it mattered much, but it might not be a good idea to hype records you want on the world's largest soul forum, if you want to get them at a reasonable price that is. Just a thought... Oh silence ex-boyfriend of mine! You had this on a tucked-away cd for years and didn't tell me about it. I know you claim to, but that must have been before my ears were screwed on correctly or something. It was already a hyped record because Arthur has been playing it, which you would've known if you had set your foot outside of Sweden. The world's largest soul forum might be a good place to ask for a copy?
Simon M Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 I wonder how much Veda Brown on Rav would go for now ..
Guest Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Helena said: Oh silence ex-boyfriend of mine! You had this on a tucked-away cd for years and didn't tell me about it. I know you claim to, but that must have been before my ears were screwed on correctly or something. It was already a hyped record because Arthur has been playing it, which you would've known if you had set your foot outside of Sweden. The world's largest soul forum might be a good place to ask for a copy? It is not my fault that you never showed any interest in CD's I got years ago from old men in Detroit, you had your chance. There is a difference between asking and hyping. If I want a record I will not start threads about how fantastic it is and how rare it must be. And mind your langauge btw.
Helena Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 nordic soul said: It is not my fault that you never showed any interest in CD's I got years ago from old men in Detroit, you had your chance. There is a difference between asking and hyping. If I want a record I will not start threads about how fantastic it is and how rare it must be. And mind your langauge btw. I didn't exactly start a thread about how fantastic and rare it must be. I simply asked about it after someone had already asked about the mp3 and then others started praising it and talking about Manship's copy. After that I gave up. Maybe I didn't show as much interest because I wasn't buying records then (had to support you amongst other things ), but I did show some interest! You could've played it after I started buying records, hmpf. My language is minded.
Marc Forrest Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 (edited) While we are at it, anyone having the other finishing prices of today especially "Save The Youth" (seeing Angela Davis I bet this went for 2500 UKP ?) Marc Edited July 11, 2007 by Marc Forrest
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