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I was talking to a mutual friend of Gary rushbrooke a few months back at a Cheltenham soul night. He told me Gary kept loads of stuff when he quit DJing. Some of it according to our source :thumbsup: would blow people away if he played it now. Again rare stuff that possibly only he has.

Not sure how true that is Mikey, thought they all went, ask Dean Anderson this week as he travels to Man U games with him stil I think (great taste in music but....... :) )

And to stop myself looking like a Butch groupie I will finish this off by saying he has got smelly feet and crap taste in cars..........

Anyone see me getting beaten around the head by Butch at the weekend tell him I was only joking!

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Guest James Trouble

this is it for me, in a nutshell....to build up a collection like butch you would have needed a love and inquisition for finding new 'undiscovered' music for YOURSELF first and foremost, without the constraints of worrying about who plays what, trying to find the lastest 'hotboxers' or following the crowd...i guess these days above all else that means hours of trawling thru ebay every day, the other day i saw a really interesting piece on there, rang up to listen to it, put in what i thought was a pretty decent (few hundred $$) snipe for something that wasnt listed or mentioned anywhere on the web, came back downstairs to see what i'd won it for and...lo and behold i'd been outbid...by butch of course :) ...the guy never misses a trick, but thats the point - you can never have enough good records, or want to stop looking for new records, its certainly what drives me on, i wouldnt want to dj if i stopped finding new stuff to play...in other words its not about impressing other people when dj'ing but more about the enjoyment of hearing something played out - anyone can splash out hundreds or thousands to a dealer for a 'new' discovery but surely its about finding the new 'unknowns' cheap yourself before anyone else....then it just comes down to taste of course, which butch obviously has :thumbsup:

You're ment to be on holiday, stay off ebay!

Of course what you say is true, but it's stating the obvious isn't it? It doesn't explain the phenomomin that the original poster raises, that it always seems to be Butch who owns one of the copies of the two or three of a kind records, on the northern scene, and he always seems to have many of the one offs that many people talk about.

Ian, the northern scene is a different place to pretty much all of the clubs you DJ in, every record played is scrutinised on the northern scene, it's history concidered, it's credentials as a northern record picked over by the chin strokers, while the dancers ponder over whether it's wise to be dancing to a record they may not have heard before or should they be dancing to a record that is not 'cool enough' to be shuffling to because it sounds too much like RnB, or is too disco, or god forbid it might even be a funk record. If I played exactly what I wanted at a northern event, or played what I fancied hearing out like you say you do then I would never get booked again, and it's the same for Butch I'm sure, going by how very different his sets are when he DJs away from the northern scene.

So it's probably quite the antithisis of what you are saying Ian, DJing on the northern scene is not about just playing what you want to, 'impressing' for want of a better word is very important for a DJ to do if they want to make their mark. I'm sure the best, or rather most successful DJs on the northern scene all take care to be as impressive as possible. Butch is arguably the most impressive on the scne today, there's almost always a 'wow factor' when he gets behind the decks which means most people take notice of what he does and plays which creates the phenomenin that the original poster has observed. It is his focus on putting together impressive DJ sets with quality control instead of just chucking on tunes he wouldn't mind hearing out because he bought them new off ebay last week that put him in the position he is in. Even though it's quite onbviously the case that others are out there looking for new and rare tunes, and others have one offs, two offs etc but they are just not in the spot light like Butch because they are not as good a DJ as he is with as high a standards as he has when putting together sets on the northern scene so their tunes are not talked about like Butch's exclusives are.

Just because Butch is one of the most talked about people on the nrothern scene when discussing rare records it doesn't mean others do not have rare and exclusive records, which is waht the original poster is getting at I believe? That he doesn't think anyone else is doing it, just Butch? That is how it reads to me? The reason Butch is often talked about with reference to one offs and two offs etc in my opinion is because the records talked abotu are talked about because he is often the person responsible for making them popular because of his ability to impress as a DJ and his focus on a quality DJ set, not just chucking on new records he quites likes and wouldn't mind hearing played out.

Of course it could just be the fact that he has all the good super rare records, but that can't be right, can it? :wicked:

Edited by James Trouble
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Guest Karen Heath

Totally agree Sean, my favorite all time DJ is a house DJ from London, probably a devil to many on here, but the original question was about rare soul DJ's reputation and as such I think is really about the nighter scene, which I think is a totally different beast from a soul night DJ.

Hence why not sure also James re your debate on other scenes, if its general DJ;s with one offs sure there are a number of radio one DJ's that would fit that description :thumbsup:


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Guest wrighty

You're ment to be on holiday, stay off ebay!

Of course what you say is true, but it's stating the obvious isn't it? It doesn't explain the phenomomin that the original poster raises, that it always seems to be Butch who owns one of the copies of the two or three of a kind records, on the northern scene, and he always seems to have many of the one offs that many people talk about.

Ian, the northern scene is a different place to pretty much all of the clubs you DJ in, every record played is scrutinised on the northern scene, it's history concidered, it's credentials as a northern record picked over by the chin strokers, while the dancers ponder over whether it's wise to be dancing to a record they may not have heard before or should they be dancing to a record that is not 'cool enough' to be shuffling to because it sounds too much like RnB, or is too disco, or god forbid it might even be a funk record. If I played exactly what I wanted at a northern event, or played what I fancied hearing out like you say you do then I would never get booked again, and it's the same for Butch I'm sure, going by how very different his sets are when he DJs away from the northern scene.

So it's probably quite the antithisis of what you are saying Ian, DJing on the northern scene is not about just playing what you want to, 'impressing' for want of a better word is very important for a DJ to do if they want to make their mark. I'm sure the best, or rather most successful DJs on the northern scene all take care to be as impressive as possible. Butch is arguably the most impressive on the scne today, there's almost always a 'wow factor' when he gets behind the decks which means most people take notice of what he does and plays which creates the phenomenin that the original poster has observed. It is his focus on putting together impressive DJ sets with quality control instead of just chucking on tunes he wouldn't mind hearing out because he bought them new off ebay last week that put him in the position he is in. Even though it's quite onbviously the case that others are out there looking for new and rare tunes, and others have one offs, two offs etc but they are just not in the spot light like Butch because they are not as good a DJ as he is with as high a standards as he has when putting together sets on the northern scene so their tunes are not talked about like Butch's exclusives are.

Just because Butch is one of the most talked about people on the nrothern scene when discussing rare records it doesn't mean others do not have rare and exclusive records, which is waht the original poster is getting at I believe? That he doesn't think anyone else is doing it, just Butch? That is how it reads to me? The reason Butch is often talked about with reference to one offs and two offs etc in my opinion is because the records talked abotu are talked about because he is often the person responsible for making them popular because of his ability to impress as a DJ and his focus on a quality DJ set, not just chucking on new records he quites likes and wouldn't mind hearing played out.

Of course it could just be the fact that he has all the good super rare records, but that can't be right, can it? :wicked:

no i think u're missing my point james, i was merely giving my opinion as to why butch has amassed so many obscure one-off 45's because thats what the original thread was about, u seem to have gone down the 'but what about everyone else with one-offs' road, fair enough i take your point about him being 'one of the most talked about' etc etc, but going back to the post i originally quoted if butch wasnt bothered about dj'ing he would still be buying obscure soul records day in day out, and finding stuff no-one else has heard in the process because thats what he does and enjoys doing, not because he has an agenda to school the world with his dj'ing :thumbsup: oh and that record i lost was about a month ago, still sore about it :)

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Isn't that what collectings all about ? As the tee shirt said. "So Much Soul, So Little Time" The best record is the next one you didn't know, that you love.

Exactly .....

I could not have put it better ...... :thumbsup:

Malc Burton

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Guest James Trouble

no i think u're missing my point james, i was merely giving my opinion as to why butch has amassed so many obscure one-off 45's because thats what the original thread was about, u seem to have gone down the 'but what about everyone else with one-offs' road, fair enough i take your point about him being 'one of the most talked about' etc etc, but going back to the post i originally quoted if butch wasnt bothered about dj'ing he would still be buying obscure soul records day in day out, and finding stuff no-one else has heard in the process because thats what he does and enjoys doing, not because he has an agenda to school the world with his dj'ing :thumbsup: oh and that record i lost was about a month ago, still sore about it :)

Well of course, but I'm talking specifically about the original topic starters observation, where he asks: " the same phrase kept coming up"......"because it seems everyone else is just left behind in a cloud of dust... "

So I am trying to find a reason for the phenomonin where the phrase "Butch has the onyl copy" or "Butch has one of three known copies", which doesn't happen too often, if at all, away from a special corner of the northern scene and on northern forums. I genuinely find it interesting, perhaps it's the economist in me, trying to look beyond the obvious...

Of course there are reasons why he has one offs and super rarities, and he has great taste, and dedication, and resources, and was there first etc etc. But the original topic starter is asking " is everyone else just left behind in a cloud of dust". My points are specifically that no, there are others on the northern scene, and others like yourself who are doing it away from the northern scene. But because of his ability as a DJ, and the very high standards and focused approach to DJing combined with his highly tuned in taste to the what makes the northern scene tick means he is very much in the spot light. He doesn't take the wishy washy 'I fancy hearing it out coz I got it new this week' approach, which is nice and self indulgent and I'm sure it's fun to do when DJing in clubs full of people who are just out for a good laugh, in fact I know it is as I do it myself. But the northern scene is a bit more complex than that, and those complexities are what creates the phenomonin that the original topic starter has observed.

So I'm saying that his every move is scrutinised on the northern scene and his exclusive and rare records are often talked about not because he has them but because of this deserved scrutiny. Infact others have rare and exclusive records and they are not talked about in the same way as Butch which shows that surely there has to be more to it than just the fact he has lots of great rare records?

Edited by James Trouble
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Hello there, how are you, just seen a PM by you the other day that I didnt answer, told you I was crap with them

See below for answer

Paul "Trouble" Anderson by any chance Jock??

Exactly Mr Salter, thought you would know.The real Mr Trouble and greatest (when not on one of his many off days) translator of Black Dance Music I have witnessed, which as you know is saying something as we seen many of the big lads, his style of DJing, choice of music and just general love of proper soulful dance music was unequalled for me..... great times. I am afraid lads people like him, Tony Humphries MAW put our beloved scene dj's into perspective when talking about pure DJ'ing.

And I am now no longer commenting on this thread as have found myself nodding in total agreement with the other Troubles last 2 posts. Bloody hell not sure if thats better or worse than finding myself agreeing with Dan's political comments recently, maybe I need some help!!!

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Guest wrighty

He doesn't take the wishy washy 'I fancy hearing it out coz I got it new this week' approach, which is nice and self indulgent and I'm sure it's fun to do when DJing in clubs full of people who are just out for a good laugh, in fact I know it is as I do it myself.

again you're missing the point james, i didnt say he played any old record just because it was 'new in this week', if he did it would have to be of a high standard, i dont play stuff merely because its 'new in' either whatever the club or crowd, if its not good enough it doesnt get played....i'm saying by the sheer volume of records butch buys he will have more 'unknowns' 'discoveries' or 'new' records to play than most dj's because he searches harder than most, his taste will ensure only the best make it into his set, the rest will go on top of his mountain of a collection :thumbsup:

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Guest James Trouble

again you're missing the point james, i didnt say he played any old record just because it was 'new in this week', if he did it would have to be of a high standard, i dont play stuff merely because its 'new in' either whatever the club or crowd, if its not good enough it doesnt get played....i'm saying by the sheer volume of records butch buys he will have more 'unknowns' 'discoveries' or 'new' records to play than most dj's because he searches harder than most, his taste will ensure only the best make it into his set, the rest will go on top of his mountain of a collection :)

But that doesn't explain the original topic starters observation, does it? I think your missing the point of the thread not me. Just because someone buys a load of records for years on end and has good taste and amazing knowledge doesn't mean they are the most talked about person when rare records are discussed on the northern scene. There is more to it than the obvious and perhaps without you spending time around the northern scene it's hard to appreciate. There's always the point you made that he has more unknowns/disocveries etc than anyone else, but there is more to it than that.

You say "if butch wasnt bothered about dj'ing he would still be buying obscure soul records day in day out, and finding stuff no-one else has heard in the process because thats what he does and enjoys doing, not because he has an agenda to school the world with his dj'ing", but that's just a nonsense! Of course he is bothered about DJing, and I think he has an agenda to school the world, going by some of things he says on the mic while DJing alone. So to say if he didn't have those he would still be buying records is irrelevent, and way off the point the original topic starter has made. It would be like saying that David Beckham would still love playing sunday league football and watching Man Utd on TV even if he wasn't one of the most gifted footballers of our generation and that is the reason he is so talked about, because he would still play sunday league football if he wasn't playing for Real Madrid.

Besides, shouldn't you be swimming with your kids in the pool or heading off to thee beach by now?!?! :thumbsup:

Edited by James Trouble
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Guest wrighty

But that doesn't explain the original topic starters observation, does it? I think your missing the point of the thread not me. Just because someone buys a load of records for years on end and has good taste and amazing knowledge doesn't mean they are the most talked about person when rare records are discussed on the northern scene. There is more to it than the obvious and perhaps without you spending time around the northern scene it's hard to appreciate. There's always the point you made that he has more unknowns/disocveries etc than anyone else, but there is more to it than that.

You say "if butch wasnt bothered about dj'ing he would still be buying obscure soul records day in day out, and finding stuff no-one else has heard in the process because thats what he does and enjoys doing, not because he has an agenda to school the world with his dj'ing", but that's just a nonsense! Of course he is bothered about DJing, and I think he has an agenda to school the world, going by some of things he says on the mic while DJing alone. So to say if he didn't have those he would still be buying records is irrelevent, and way off the point the original topic starter has made. It would be like saying that David Beckham would still love playing sunday league football and watching Man Utd on TV even if he wasn't one of the most gifted footballers of our generation and that is the reason he is so talked about, because he would still play sunday league football if he wasn't playing for Real Madrid.

Besides, shouldn't you be swimming with your kids in the pool or heading off to thee beach by now?!?! :thumbsup:

well i agree with u there james, i certainly have got better things to do than argue with you about whether a thread is going the way you think it should :wicked: anyway, shouldnt u be working? :)

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well i agree with u there james, i certainly have got better things to do than argue with you about whether a thread is going the way you think it should :wicked: anyway, shouldnt u be working? :)

More importantly, shouldn't you be worrying about the Yen, intrest rate rises and making money to buy more records. :thumbsup:

To think our economy is in the hands of young men like you, morning James.

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I think another reason (apart from the monetary factors etc etc) why Butch is a magnet for rare NS/Modern records is because often collectors want a record to go to a good home :thumbsup: .( and yes the best way to get great records is from collectors IMO and of course ebay )

He also has all the ticks in the boxes that gain you respect on the Northern scene ( if you dont have all of the ticks youve had it in some peoples eyes) Hes number one NS jock and no one can touch him ! :)

Edited by Simon M
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Guest James Trouble

well i agree with u there james, i certainly have got better things to do than argue with you about whether a thread is going the way you think it should :shades: anyway, shouldnt u be working? :thumbsup:

That's what I'm thinking, I won't post on here again, I think I've made my point.

Although it could always be that he is talked about when rare records are discussed because he has the biggest, rarest most exclusive soul collection on the scene, but I just feel there is more to it than that because with out the justified scrutiny, he and his records wouldn't be known to be talked about...

I'm off to work, enjoy the beach Wrighty!

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Guest James Trouble

At 11 01am ??? - thought you boys started at 7 am? No wonder I never see you out in the City!

One morning off a month around this time, besides you probably don't recognise us in our bowler hats and pin stripe wicked.gif


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That's what I'm thinking, I won't post on here again, I think I've made my point.

Although it could always be that he is talked about when rare records are discussed because he has the biggest, rarest most exclusive soul collection on the scene, but I just feel there is more to it than that because with out the justified scrutiny, he and his records wouldn't be known to be talked about...

I'm off to work, enjoy the beach Wrighty!

There is also the quality factor JT. He's consistently turned up new Northern Soul of a very high quality for years that no one else does. Only one near him for turning up unkowns in recent years IMO is Andy Dyson.

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Guest James Trouble

There is also the quality factor JT. He's consistently turned up new Northern Soul of a very high quality for years that no one else does. Only one near him for turning up unkowns in recent years IMO is Andy Dyson.

Totally, but you have to be a good/great DJ with taste atuned to the northern scene to receive the scrutiny he receives to have his records talked about in the way they are, if he was a poor DJ and his taste wasn't what it was or he let his selfish desires to play exactly what he wanted take over (I assume this going by his sets away from the northern scene) instead of playing a "northern set" do you think people would talk about his records in the same way as they do now?

He has talent and flair, he's not 'just' a collector like so many others rolleyes.gif

But as Jocko said, poor taste in cars.

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While reading the rarest records thread, the same phrase kept coming up: "two known copies, one in Butch's collection... etc."

So... how does he do it? Is it psychic encylopaedic knowledge in tandem with an oracle? Amazing voodoo hypnotism trading techniques? Extremely deep pockets? An exclusive arrangement with ebay where all listings are sent to him before reaching the general public?

I'm genuinely interested, because it seems everyone else is just left behind in a cloud of dust... I mean if he was 73 years old or Yoda, I could understand! :rolleyes:

HE is 73 years old, isn't he! whistling.gif

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Guest hudsoul

heres afew reasons hes the best-all played by him over the last 22 years or so,most first played by him ,most under the white paper- :lol:


and im sure theres loads more,quality :wicked:

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heres afew reasons hes the best-all played by him over the last 22 years or so,most first played by him ,most under the white paper- :lol:


and im sure theres loads more,quality :wicked:

Well, I'm glad this has turned into a lively discussion! I wasn't really implying "why do only Butch's records get talked about, there must be hundreds of people out there with equally good one-offs" etc. More, how do they all end up in his collection - I'm sure if there WERE 100s more records out there of this quality, then Butch would manage to wrestle them into his collection. Or he would know about them... he IS the oracle after all... :lol:

Unless there's a whole world of collecting out there, like black market art - people who own Picassos but can only enjoy knowing they own it, but can't let anyone else see it? Most collectors I know are always showing off their latest discoveries... and if you have a one-off or whatever, you can't really find out if it's a one-off, unless you asked Butch or Andy Dyson - at which point your potential cover-up is out the bag.

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Guest James Trouble

heres afew reasons hes the best-all played by him over the last 22 years or so,most first played by him ,most under the white paper- :lol:


and im sure theres loads more,quality :wicked:

That says alot!

But I just can't help feeling there's more to the Butch phenomonin than just his records? Which is my point. I think alot of records on the northern scene and the legends they become have been shaped as much by the men who play them as by the fact that the records exist in the first place. Maybe, maybe not? :lol:

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That says alot!

But I just can't help feeling there's more to the Butch phenomonin than just his records? Which is my point. I think alot of records on the northern scene and the legends they become have been shaped as much by the men who play them as by the fact that the records exist in the first place. Maybe, maybe not? :lol:

.. They just believe in the records and play em .. Its all down to taste really and an attitude to play different records and break them ( not just rare records) .. :wicked: Attitude is the thing .. Wheres Cosgrove he describes it much better than me

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Guest ruppy

Ever-ready batteries you couid call them Butch & Andy Dyson simply years ahead.

but must point out one man who keeps himself away from the newsfront has turned up some fantastic discoveries over the years Ady Croasdell

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It's a funny thing this scene of ours. Since I've been promoting, I've spoken to a lot of people at venues all over the country. And I have been amazed at how many have never heard Butch DJ, and even more amazed, at how many don't rate him. :rolleyes: And yet, by the sound of it, most of us on this forum regard him as simply the best......I think this shows just how fragmented the scene is now......... And if I'm brutally honest, since I've been travelling to hear Butch dj, he hasn't really changed his set that much........ So, has he still got more things waiting to unleash on us, or is even he, finding it hard these days?

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It's a funny thing this scene of ours. Since I've been promoting, I've spoken to a lot of people at venues all over the country. And I have been amazed at how many have never heard Butch

""Booootsch, you are heeeeeem"

Esmarelda Villa Lobos

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Guest James Trouble

It's a funny thing this scene of ours. Since I've been promoting, I've spoken to a lot of people at venues all over the country. And I have been amazed at how many have never heard Butch DJ, and even more amazed, at how many don't rate him. ohmy.gif And yet, by the sound of it, most of us on this forum regard him as simply the best......I think this shows just how fragmented the scene is now......... And if I'm brutally honest, since I've been travelling to hear Butch dj, he hasn't really changed his set that much........ So, has he still got more things waiting to unleash on us, or is even he, finding it hard these days?

I think there is a lot of truth in that, but perhaps one causes the other? Is his focus as a DJ and perhaps even an obsession to 'school' the world the reason why he plugs away with the same records for months or even years at a time? It is very very hard to break records on the northern scene, and as you say, you are amazed at how many people have not heard him DJ on the scene. So maybe his theory is to pound away with what he conciders the best sounds, or most unique sounds for months on end until they become classics or 'his' sounds. Which takes us back to the original topic starters observation, that so many of the super rare records that people talk about on the scene all seem to be in the hands of Butch. It's because they hear him play them so many times, they get scorched into the northern scene and become legends. It's not that there are not other rare records out there, it's jsut that the northern scene is obsessed with Butch's records because Butch methodically and deliberately pounds the scene with them.

I'd be interested to see a list of all the records he has played over the past year on the northern scene (not counting modern/crossover venues). I wonder if it's many more than 75 records? :rolleyes:

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Credit where credit´s due, Butch was not the first to play the rather wondrous Two plus Two, hat´s off to Greg Tormo who beat everyone to the punch by a long way on this one, way before the first copy on ebay which was where Butch got his.

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Well at least someone is breaking records on the Northern scene :rolleyes: ..and thankfully Butch is still hammering good ones .. His mixed genre sets abroad seem more interseting for me these days ph34r.gif

ps. there's no regular hardcore event now to break sounds ..

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Guest cC B

ps. there's no regular hardcore event now to break sounds ..

Lifeline Soul Club

...seems pretty hardcore to me.. :rolleyes:

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Well at least someone is breaking records on the Northern scene thumbsup.gif ..and thankfully Butch is still hammering good ones .. His mixed genre sets abroad seem more interseting for me these days ph34r.gif

You don't need to go abroad Simon?

Butch has done at least three sets at The Orwell over the last few years, where he has played a mixed genre set every time. Mainly 70's Modern & Crossover with a couple of 60's chucked in for good measure and even the odd funk track!!!!!!!!!!!

To say they were phenomenal would be an understatement..........not only was the dance floor 'rammed' for virtually every track but there was a trench worn between the bar and the decks cos of folks continually going to see what the track was that was playing (and that included all 4 Orwellians!) which goes to show that he is pretty much Number One in this genre too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm currently waiting on a date from Mark which hopefully will see him spinning again at The Orwell in 2007 :(


Steve Plumb

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You don't need to go abroad Simon?

Butch has done at least three sets at The Orwell over the last few years, where he has played a mixed genre set every time. Mainly 70's Modern & Crossover with a couple of 60's chucked in for good measure and even the odd funk track!!!!!!!!!!!

To say they were phenomenal would be an understatement..........not only was the dance floor 'rammed' for virtually every track but there was a trench worn between the bar and the decks cos of folks continually going to see what the track was that was playing (and that included all 4 Orwellians!) which goes to show that he is pretty much Number One in this genre too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm currently waiting on a date from Mark which hopefully will see him spinning again at The Orwell in 2007 thumbsup.gif


Steve Plumb

Yeah Steve , I heard a mixed spot of his at Soul Rev ...Although I was running around like an idiot trying to find the Modern Soul vibe and missed some .. I think freestyle is the way forward

I do know the younger crowds abroad accept lots of genres more readily ..I have noted the Orwell as a place to check out , but Im not a big fan of crossover , being played to dancers to be honest ..

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...there's no regular hardcore event now to break sounds ..

Not to forget Steve Z´s sets at the Greatstone...this man really turns up amazing stuff, be it semi- or yet unknown. He was the first to air the Overtones, Five Chances, Ebonies on Bedford, Mamie Perry, that nice little thingy on Bumps and the list goes on and on...a shame he ain`t posting on here anymore...

Edited by Marc Forrest
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