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100 Club Last Night - 18 May 2013

100 Club Last Night - 18 May 2013 magazine cover

--------------------------100 Club Last Nite--------------------------------

Well I never, been over 10 years since I last visited the hollowed place that is The 100 Club. Wasn't that sure what it would be like


Got into town early had a nice Sheppard's Pie made by the fair hands of Butch and then in the car for a quick nip down from north London to the club. Had Malayka and Raphi Gruenig in the car with me, was Raphi's first visit. Arrived, no queue, but Butch tells me that does happen any more, bit phased by the marble lined entrance, but as soon as I descended the stairs it's full glorious shabbiness revealed itself. A fair few in for early doors, still no idea what to expect. But as we hit the bottom of the stairs, there stood Tony Smith on duty where I had left him some 10 years ago, accompanied by Roddie, both with beaming smiles and a slight look of shock at my arrival.

Within in 30mins shed loads of old friends revealed themselves out of the reassuring gloom, no disco lights yet for this great club, Adi & Leonaï Karenï James, Eddie Hubbard James Pogsonï Backdoor Kenny, Russ Vickers Ady Pearce and many more. So into full talking bollocks mode, an art form in it's own right here, so much fun. DJ's for the night were Butch, Steve Cato, Billy Wizz, Trickster & Ady Croasdell, which offered an interesting night. The double act of Trickster and Billy didn't disappoint, pure comedy genius along with some nice selections (You had to be there). Steve Cato who was so eager, had his box open 1/2 hour before his set, pulling his usual mix of soulful 60's with a pinch of latin. Ady hit the wheels of steel pulling out his NY & Detroit exclusives and ending his first set with a Bettye Swann classic to rapturous applause. Then Butch and he was on it, gem after gem, including the stunning Vessie Simmons & Major Heartbreaks cover ups.

So, don't know what I was so worried about, the old place still looked the same, major talking bollocks still the order of the day, toilets still stink and the dancefloor is still the focal point. Long may it live, won't be so long before I visit again, good on ya Ady Croasdell


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Dave Pinch


ive been twice in the last 6 months...still ticks all the boxes for me dave

Dave Thorley


ive been twice in the last 6 months...still ticks all the boxes for me dave

Yep Dave, still had a buzz about it, which when you consider how long it's been running is cool. Also was pleased to see that the age range was pretty well spread, and not just a sea of grey hair and shaved heads. Also Ady is a great host, still making the effort to get round as many people as possible, listening to views constantly, talking about the music he loves etc.


Think one of it's abiding strengths is that it's a city center venue and so it's still connected to what happens elsewhere, OK the door staff need to work a bit harder with the odd person that wanders in randomly, but it does seem to still attract new people who come along with a genuine interest in seeing whats happening.


Instead of some of the negative comments about The 100 Club, I think Ady does and has a lot that others can still learn from and the event does deserve the moniker 'Legendary'.

Dave Pinch


yes noticeably younger clientel than here oop norf lol and when i went before christmas there was the random fool in there but he soon got turfed out



Happy Birthday today Dave Thorley!!x Good to see your enjoying life still mate....and the 100club has always been 'guaranteed' with the right attitude!x Your points are well worth repeating regarding Ady...or any promoter with that approach...which should be 'standard'...but it ain't!x Like Ady does...I spoke with every Soulie coming through my doo's door. Folk came just to get such a welcome!! Soulful stuff init! It amazes me that folk go to the trouble of sorting a venue....gear...DJ's....yet forget the basics of what it is all about....'the people'! Quite often when trekking I would have to go seek out the Promoter/s to say 'hi' and 'thanks' as I arrived and left! Then they wondered or moaned about why they didn't get the support from 'the people'! Needless to say...I didn't get into a group dynamic/humanitarian discussion to explain why they had failed...or failing.....as personally i'd had a good night and it weren't my problem!! But for you folk contemplating 'entertaining'...then givin it large wiv ure mates in a corner or remaning 'aloof'...isn't part of the programme....if u want success and the support of 'the people'...I reckon!x

Whilst Ady has been mentioned as being a great 'host'...the same applied for Little Scotty up t'norf....Pete who was involved in Winsford...Dave Clegg at Stockport(0nce giaining consciesnuss!!hehe!x)...and indeed many smaller promoters of Soul Nights Nationwide....too many to mention....but it weren't always the case....especially at some of the larger venues! I hope that's changed!x.




,,,,the 1ooClub has always been an attraction for the younger crowd it seems. Throughout the 90's the it always had a healthy and keen youthful bunch attending and up front dancing and being up front at the front with it! Luv'd them there everytime!x! In fact my best ever reaction to a tune in 7 years was at the 100club...from these 'youngsters'! To finish my set 1 night I played a tune which had just arrived on a mint Demo.....and never been played by me ever in public! It had been a favourite since hearing it in my mate Waynes bedroom in 1974! I just wanted to play it LOUD...and PROUD....and did! The place went maaaad with dancing....and then when leaving the stage....I was mobbed by these youngsters en masse.....still sweating from their dancing exploits....and they asked "WOT THE F*** IS THAT TUNE????"....all eagerish and in a state of euphoria still..!!!!! I told them.....and their reply was AWEEEESOME!!!! All I remember is looking over this amassed bunch and seeing Ady smiling across at me.....content! Happy days!!!x


Ooops....the tune?????>>>>>>>>>>






























....and u know wot......after 40 years of first hearing it..............and just hearing it now.......it still is AWESOME....I reckon!!!!x I hope on your Birthday Dave this tune may have been a happy memory for you too at some point in your Soull life....I hope so...as it is dedicated to you and your service to the scene too!x......have a good un!x


Dave Thorley


Thanks for that Sooty, yep does bring a smile to my face and memories of being a young'un, dancin' from the minute I walked in the door to the end. Bit old, fat and slow for that nowdays. But still rather be out at a soul do, than most things, still enjoying it.

Guest Rrr


This was one of the best all nighters I have attended in over 20 yrs - I would say it entered my top ten for last 20yrs  - and in my top 50 I have attended in 37 years- Well done to all the DJs - some great spins -



A absolutely brilliant night. No intelopers, no talc, no fancy dress. Serious, sweaty, edgy, well organised, music superbly curated by dj's worthy of the title.

Guest thenorwichdancer


I was in a bar last night here in China, and this chinese guy walks in with a 'Billy' t-shirt on . . . that boys gonna be big !!

Ady Croasdell


Super night, see what happens when we all turn out and get stuck in! the DJs many and varied talents certainly helped but you're always going to get good DJs trying hard in that venue so the main thanks is to the enthusiastic crowd especially the dancers. A special thank you to the multifarious Scottish contingency who were right in the thick of it.


See you back there in July for the Cleethorpes gossip and a line up of Ted Massey, James Pogson, Keith Money, Joel Maslin and me; something for everyone. Ady



...I say this as a compliment Ady...but it was the easiest place I found to DJ in!x Every record was received by the folk....and it epitomises what a dance floor and environment should be aiming for!x

Getting me bucket and spade ready for Cleethorpes mefinks!!!!x


Dave Thorley


I was in a bar last night here in China, and this chinese guy walks in with a 'Billy' t-shirt on . . . that boys gonna be big !!



Ay Up Me Dear, how are you, hope all is well in China. Billy already is a star, as you well know. Hopefully see you back over here some time



I was in a bar last night here in China, and this chinese guy walks in with a 'Billy' t-shirt on . . . that boys gonna be big !!

Hi Helen, did he have vinyl forever on the back, just asking, Billy.



Still recovering out here in North Sea and still remember a majority of the plays. I have been to some nighters recently that seemed to drag on and on. I hit the 100 Club early doors just to meet and chat, but I along with others were kept on the floor all night and the night was over before we knew it. I expected a good time and recently I feel that some places make you work at it to enjoy yourself, Saturday night was easy and comfortable, just the way I remembered the 100 Club of old. Well done to Dj's and punters, sorry we didn't drink the bar dry tho ;0)



I hate you bleeders who can remember it all... 


I don't remember getting there or leaving and not a lot inbetween



Hi Helen, did he have vinyl forever on the back, just asking, Billy.

You mean Vinyl 4 Ever, Billy. You've kept us amused us continuously over the last few years with slogans such as "BiG un from Wigan", "Soul crusader from the East" "Your soul club needs you" (uncle sam style) "Don't pity me baby" and the best one was "don't it make ya feel funky" except the printer accidentally put funny instead of funky. (Un)fortunately you read it before leaving Norwich for the Mars Bar that night!! Keep up the good work............       

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