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Mel Britt - Northern Soul Icon

Mel Britt - Northern Soul Icon magazine cover

Mel Britt - Northern Soul Icon

The Day We Met Mel Britt

With the passing of Mr Mel Britt I thought it timely to remind ourselves of a very special day in his company. In a strange quirk of fate I almost missed this day as I’d visited Motown a few times in previous years and had enjoyed a tour of the building prior to its refurbishment as a museum with Mrs Esther Gordy-Edwards and contemplated keeping that memory fresh rather than see it “all polished up” so to speak and it was only due to Sam Robert’s insistence that I don’t miss the trip and my wife Bev’s adamant “We’re going…end of story” that I found myself in amongst a busload of great friends with a butty box and that heavy eyelid, early morning feeling that comes with having a great night followed by an early call! Here’s what occurred that day…

On a cold windy morning on Tuesday 10 March 2009, a bus full of UK/US SoulTrip USA soul fans stopped off at an Interstate service area at Battle Creek Michigan, just off the I-94. We were en route to Detroit to visit the Hitsville Motown Museum and have lunch with a number of soul stars who had provided the musical backdrop to most of our lives. Our host Kev Roberts left the bus and made a phone call. He came back on the bus and relayed that we’d be here about 15 minutes as we were awaiting the arrival of a special guest. Now I’ve met a few of Kev’s special guests over the years and have enjoyed the company of a number of my musical heroes due to Kev’s SoulTrip events and so I knew this was gonna be something special. The buzz went round the bus as people started guessing who it could be, Lamont Dozier, Jack Ashford, Dennis Coffee, were just some of the names mentioned. NOTHING could have prepared us for the arrival of a man who, for many of us, would rank in the top 3 people we would wish to meet.

As the cab pulled up next to the bus, a bearded, rather disheveled black man, wearing a wooly hat pulled over his head and wrapped up in a large winter coat to keep out the biting wind, emerged from the back seat. Tension mounted on the bus as Kev escorted his guest, who, with the aid of a walking stick made his way up the steps of our bus. “Ladies and gentlemen please welcome… Mr. Mel Britt!”, were Kevs next words and they were met with a massive spontaneous round of applause and cheering! We were taking Mel Britt to West Grand Boulevard — Hitsville - Motown!! Now that was special moment!

As we arrived at 2648 West Grand Boulevard, (now renamed Berry Gordy Jnr Boulevard), Kev asked if Bev and I would keep an eye on Mr. Britt as he had other host duties to take care of? Keep an eye on him? Was he kidding! Man, it would be a privilege! Once we signed Mel in at the museum entrance and convinced him to leave a message for future visiting fans, we escorted him around the Motown building at his own pace, listening to him tales of the people he worked with and eventually ended up in the Snakepit itself where we all met Dennis Coffee who relayed his stories of his tenure as one of the Funk Brothers and Mel spotted a few familiar faces amongst the photos on the walls, he had worked with over the years. He relayed to us the work he did with Norman Whitfield between ‘84 and ’92. His respect for Mr. Whitfield knew no bounds as he constantly referred to the late great producer as a ‘genius’. He also recounted his time as a member of The Visitors (Bashie/Minit Records) and his pride at having sung on the late great Mary Well’s last 45.


Mel, Bev and Dave

After many photos, handshakes and hugs with everyone we made our way back to the bus and continued on to a venue called The Memphis Smoke in Downtown Detroit. There we were met and enjoyed a fantastic few hours in the company of Frances Nero, Lorraine Chandler, Clay MacMurray and his lovely wife Karen Pree, Laura Lee, Annette and Rosalind (Of The Vandellas), The Capitols (Including Donald Storball), the enigmatic Spyder Turner, Sylvester Potts (Of The Contours) Little Carl Carlton and a host of others. As we enjoyed a great lunch the artist’s songs were introduced over the sound system to rapturous applause. Many photos, autographs and sleeves signed were the order of the day.


Scan of She'll Come Running back - FIP

And then it happened… a moment that should have been frozen in time and placed in the Smithsonian Institute of Soul should there ever be one ….As Mel Britt was signing a sleeve for my copy of his iconic FiP 45 — She’ll Come Running Back” Kev started the opening refrains of the song.


What happened next will stay with many of us for the rest of our lives:

As Mel recognised the opening bars of his song he turned round to see over 200 people providing a handclap beat to the song, cheering and singing along! He physically grew 4 inches in height! The crowd just kept going not missing a single heartbeat for the entire two and a half minutes of what is one of the most revered soul songs ever! Even the artists had now realized they were witnessing a huge outpouring of love for someone special and they too joined in! As the atmosphere intensified people came up and hugged him, shook his hands and said thank you for his song and he responded with a huge massive smile that relayed the fact that he had at last understood what his song had meant to so many people over the years. As the final bars of the song faded the applause was deafening. Mel was a little overcome and the crowd too had realized that they had been touched by Mel and his song in a way that very rarely happens. Grown men wiped the tears from their eyes and no one could speak for a few minutes as we absorbed the atmosphere and inwardly acknowledged that we had all been part of something very, very special. After over 30 years of collecting records, attending concerts, meeting artists I have enjoyed some wonderful moments as a soul fan. But nothing…and I mean NOTHING compares to that 5 minutes in the Memphis Smoke Lounge in Detroit that left me speechless!





The journey back to Chicago was halted once again at Battle Creek as we clapped Mel Britt off the bus and into his cab for his journey home. It was sad to see him go and as he disappeared into the dark cold night I later discovered I wasn’t the only one who had resolved to try and repay him for the years of enjoyment he had given me. As we talked about our experience it became clear that many people were happy to contribute to a group that would improve Mel’s life and that of his family if we could.

So….here we are “The Friends Of Mel Britt”. There’s no membership, no rules, no gatherings just an opportunity to say thank you to Mel in a practical way that will hopefully enrich both Mel’s life and ours for putting something back into a scene that many of us have enjoyed for most of our lives. It is intended to administer funds as and when we can to Mr. Britt via There’s That Beat! magazine and hopefully to do it on a monthly or quarterly basis. By the time you read this there will be more info on “The Friends Of Mel Britt” on the website at www.theresthatbeat.com so pop along if you fancy helping out or contributing.



Dave Moore



The “Friends of Mel Britt” site was completed and Dave Raistrick offered to oversee the funds raised to ensure no shenanigans occurred but the site was live for only a couple of days. In that time it raised 10UKP which was a donation from that late great Macc Lad…Glenn Hunter. Unfortunately I had some personal upheaval to contend with and had to return back to work in order to keep the wolf from the door and decided that rather than have it limp along we’d withdraw it and return to it at a later date. I informed Glenn who said….Get me a pint at Prestatyn. Unfortunately we never got that pint as Glenn passed before we hooked up again, so I sent the tenner to Help For Heroes, which I’m sure he’d had agreed with.

There was much more to Mel Britts’ musical legacy than just that one Northern Soul 45 as I’m sure people are aware. But to be honest, for many, me included, it’s that drum and rhythm guitar combo intro to that string arrangement at the beginning of “She’ll Come Running Back” that I’ll always remember the big fella for. Oldie? Oh yes. Overplayed? Oh Yes. But then there’s a reason as plain as the nose on your face as to why records like this STILL fill dancefloors. It’s simply because they are fantastic.

So, Mr Britt, have a safe and peaceful journey, but please look back at your fans before you disappear, and take a well earned final bow Sir, for a job extremely well done.


Kev and Sam Roberts for all their efforts and the memories.

Glenn Hunter (RIP) and Dave Pointon (RIP) for their friendship and shared love of ‘the people’ as well as records.


From Left to Right.

Mel Britt, Ray Foreman, Darryl Penrice, James Watkins

Courtesy of Ray Foreman & family.


site note - article and images updated Sept 2020 


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R.I.P. Mel and thanks for the memories.



Here's scans of the acetate that was ebayed a couple of years ago....


Staceys Dad


your right about that day DAVE ....its was the best day of my life without a doubt....i bet MEL BRITT  is getting his ear bent by GLENN HUNTER and DAVE POINTON about that day...i miss them MACC lads loads ...gone but not forgotten .....kev...

Dave Moore


your right about that day DAVE ....its was the best day of my life without a doubt....i bet MEL BRITT  is getting his ear bent by GLENN HUNTER and DAVE POINTON about that day...i miss them MACC lads loads ...gone but not forgotten .....kev...


Hiya Kev , Absolutety Mate. Glen will be bugging Eddie Singleton about a few Shrine 45s too I'm sure! Great lads, great memories.  ;-)   







RIP Sir....

Dave Raistrick


Without any doubt that day will live with me as one of the most emotional I have ever experienced on the scene - it was so moving and showed the sad with the glad, and why so many of us remember that particular moment with Mel as a memory to treasure forever.


Sleep well Mel Britt.

Guest stevie frear


Oh boy,would have loved to have been there,this tune always puts a lump in my throat and as the power to bring a tier to my eye.


One of the most powerful soul records i've ever heard,From a young lad til now.


Those violins have never sounded as sad as they do now



R I P  Melvin Britt


God Bless His Soul



Lovely piece Dave. Mel Britt. What can you say?

In 1978 I was pretty much disillusioned with the way the scene was going music wise and one night at Wigan, around 6am, sat upstairs on the balcony in the middle of a 'grump', who should come to my rescue but Mel Britt. It was a supremely uplifting moment, and one I'll never forget as long as I live. RIP Mel Britt...



Well done Dave for the recanting of a special day for the Soulies there & also Chalky for finding & putting up the You Tube clip. I shed a tear that day as did the majority of people in the diner, a remarkable & very humbling moment in my journey through life. RIP. Mel. :hatsoff2:

Spot. :shades:



Well done Dave for the recanting of a special day for the Soulies there & also Chalky for finding & putting up the You Tube clip. I shed a tear that day as did the majority of people in the diner, a remarkable & very humbling moment in my journey through life. RIP. Mel. :hatsoff2:

Spot. :shades:



Yes wot a very special day for all of us !! Woz very hard to hold back the tears !!

Dave Moore


The video was filmed by the late Dave Pointon. He sent it to me to use on the planned "Friends of Mel Britt" site.  It's a geat way to remember Dave as well.  Top bloke.







Great story relating to a wonderful record. Brilliant that artists get to understand their impact on the world through moments like this.

Guest turntableterra


nice one Dave, it was so so great to be a part of it all. john and i sat with francis nero  for dinner and as the day progressed the mel britt thing sing a long was a really moment in time.........i remember chatting to him and sadly having to guide his hand to autogragh a sheet. you cannot imagine how he must have felt at that time.

Guest ruppy


well done dave ,excellent


mick h

Guest oldsoulgit


What a great response at the soul night in Biddulph when Sean Chapman played S.C.R.B


Last night,


Cheers Jim.








a highlight comment as the in article images layout has been improved for this great article from 2013

Pk 22dj


Fantastic post Dave



Got to say..

MR Roberts has pulled off some great surprises...imagine being on that bus.

Once again, just glad an artist experienced the adulation from us lot they deserved.


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