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Helen Pereira - Queen Of The Go-Go

Helen Pereira - Queen Of The Go-Go magazine cover

Background information on the passing of a well-known and much loved

personality from the West Midlands' Soul Scene followed by funeral




My beloved wife and soulmate of 40 years, Helen who died recently of

cancer, aged only 58, after a rollercoaster struggle with the scourge

for 18 months.



Helen Pereira - "Queen Of The Go-Go"


Being born in Dudley and living in the Black Country for most of her

early life, Helen became a fan of soul music at a very early age, in

1967. She hailed from a working class, council estate background but

soon discovered a wonderful, exciting escape where she could be 'lost

in music'. Soulful dance music. She attended local discotheques like

those at Stewart & LLoyd's, Bilston where she first began to hone her

considerable dance skills.


Most DJs of the time favoured Soul and Motown music which was simply

made for dancing - and so became the original discotheque music.

Always searching for bigger and better venues, where the 'sounds'

were played first, she found herself drawn to the UK's premier soul

clubs like the Catacombs, Twisted Wheel, Chateau Impney, UTJ,

Bankhouse and Terry Heath's amongst others. She soon began attending

these venues religiously every week. Be certain, the atmosphere was

electric in these places, and like many other young souls, she soon

became hooked, as it turned out, for life.


She was without doubt the darling of Wolverhampton's legendary

Catacombs Club in the late sixties and early seventies... the 'queen

of the go-go' if you like. There was always a crowd around her - a

buzz, an excitement. She was at the centre of the Midlands' scene,

the life and soul of the party, the best dancer out there -

backdrops, frontdrops, spins, the lot. Everyone wanted to know her,

be with her... a magnet. She was right at the hub of the 'in crowd',

and stunning with it. I (and my mates) could only admire from afar in

those early days.


I was fortunate enough to get to to know Helen in 1972, and we became

a couple in 1973, famously getting engaged after just two weeks - so

it was bound to last forever! She even forgave me for spending most

of the engagement ring money on a rare record, which I needed to play

that night at the Cats, where I had since become a Saturday night

('the rare soul night') resident DJ alongside Alan 'S' and Blue Max.

Once again she became the iconic image of the soul scene, with her

jump suits, pigtails and backdrops. Blues & Soul magazine certainly

thought so - and said so.


It was just fabulous having her by my side whilst residing over the

Cats' most successful period; the summer of '73. The music was

amazing, with a whole new stream of great 'new sounds' flooding in

from the USA courtesy of, in the main, Simon Soussan and Martin

Koppel. We certainly led the way, music-wise, that summer. Nobody

could touch us - we were first with almost everything.


As the scene grew in popularity with the rise of Wigan Casino, she

happily supported me in my spell as a resident DJ there, as well as

at the Cleethorpes Pier all-nighters, and Tiffany's, Newcastle every

Sunday. She always got on great (better than me!) with my Co-DJs

Colin Curtis, Richard Searling, Soul Sam, Ian Levine, Russ

Winstanley, Keith Minshull, Dave Evison, Ginger & Eddie, John

Vincent, Brian Rae, John Manship, etc. There were many, many others

and I'm bound to have missed somebody really important, so apologies

in advance for that.


I could write a book about our adventures on the scene together, and

hope to someday.Her taste in music was impeccable, and her dancing

ability gave her an unrivalled insight into a record's suitability or

potential. So much so, many top DJs ran tunes by her for her opinion.

I can name many records she helped make 'big' and many which owe

their success and popularity entirely to her constant pestering of

top DJs.


After opening and running a record shop in Wolverhampton in the

mid-seventies Helen inadvertantly adopted the role of 'maternal soul

mother' to a whole new young generation of soul boys and girls who

were just beginning their Northern Soul journey. They looked to her

for first hand insights into the scene and music which had been, and

remained, her life for so long. They all respected her and soon grew

to love her for the ever-friendly and helpful person she was. Of

course she had a tougher, more stubborn side, but I guarantee, on the

odd occasion she scolded anyone, they knew they'd been scolded and

they knew they deserved it!


She was also there in 1985/6, at the forefront of the battle to save

and revive a scene which was on the brink of extinction. Slowly but

surely we both, along with a select few others, managed to revive and

stimulate the heartbeat which is Northern Soul. As a result the Soul

Scene survived its darkest days and has since blossomed further and

become the most durable and influential niche music in the world.

Serious, credible and perenially enjoyable.


More recently Helen and I took the difficult, but conscious decision

to take a sabaticle to bring up our son. Accordingly we have not been

very active on the scene of late, but we have kept quietly abreast of



Those, then youngsters - her soul children if you like from her days

in the shop - are now at the core of the scene. To their eternal

credit they are also at the crest of the wave of love and respect

being shown for her now, in her untimely death. They have been

wonderful. Everyone has been. I feel humbled. I love them all.


I know one thing for certain. She will be up there dancing 'til the

end of time, and I long for the day when I can join her. Until then I

will give our son the best start in life I can - my last promise to

her. I'll love her forever.

I feel so bad.


Devoted husband and lifelong soulmate,

Ian Pereira ('Pep').




Funeral information:


Helen will be buried at St.Mary's Church, Oldswinford, Stourbridge on

Thursday 26tth April, Service starts at 2pm. Everyone who has known

or been touched by Helen or myself is welcome. Please be respectful

and dress appropriately. Flowers are welcome at the church or funeral

parlour. Family and friends will be exchanging stories and taking

drinks immediately afterwards.


As Helen would have loved and wanted, this will be followed in the

evening by a "Wake Soul Dance" at the superb, well known soul venue

the CONNAUGHT HOTEL, Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton where we will all

celebrate the other love of both our lives: 'Northern Soul'. It has

been necessary to move to the nearby Connaught for two reasons:

because the Mount was insisting on all the DJs having insurance, and,

we now need a bigger venue (the Connaught holds 400).


The evening dance will start around 8.30pm - 1am. Smart dress and impeccable

behaviour only please, out of respect for a beautiful, loving person.


She will want you to enjoy yourselves, celebrating her life and

loves, so there'll be no sad faces, no sad songs.


Please make this day into the most memorable of my life. My little

girl deserves it more than anyone I know.


Love, Ian.

  • Helpful 11

Members Comments

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thinking of you pep Tim (coventry)

Ted Massey


Ian what a fantastic post mate, Helen was an inspiration to all of us who knew her and im so sorry to hear of her passing, take care mate hope to see you soon

love and respect


Tony Foster


You're in our thoughts and prayers Pep. Can just picture Helen now dancing to Mickie Champion, very fond memories.



beautiful and fitting post pep. lots of respect.



What beautiful words Pep,iam so lucky to of met and indeed be a friend,kinda feel a bit guilty that i didnt DJ for you despite countless requests from yourself and Helen but still remained friends and the respect that i have for you two will always remain in tact.I think back to the earlier 70ts and as people will say you never forget Helen after that first meet and i wont.So sad,be strong Pep she will be remembered and loved by so so many soul fans through out the country Gilly (x Burton on trent) x

Guest Brian Ellis


Very moving and beautifully articulate tribute Ian.

Having lost my first wife at 37 to the scourge that is cancer, I have some idea of your loss, your feelings, your emptiness. Brings tears to my eyes so easily.

Thinking about you and hoping you can soon find a degree of peace. Take care.


Guest soulmusicforever


Deepest sympathies to you Pep. Lovely tribute.

Dave Burton

Hong Kong



  On 13/04/2012 at 19:42, TOAD said:

thinking of you pep Tim (coventry)

Hi Tim,

Thankyou for your thoughts. We always had lovely memories of times together with you in Wolves and Coventry.





Ted, Thankyou for your fond memories of Helen. You two got on great in those many great Black Horse years. I know you too suffered a great loss a few years ago and appreciate the heartbreak I am feeling... you know "the feeling is real".





Lovely post Pep.



  On 13/04/2012 at 20:01, Tony Foster said:

You're in our thoughts and prayers Pep. Can just picture Helen now dancing to Mickie Champion, very fond memories.

Tony, thankyou for sharing your memories. We always loved and remembered your plain, honest 'niceness' (and dapper turnout).





  On 13/04/2012 at 20:12, macca said:

beautiful and fitting post pep. lots of respect.

Macca, thankyou for taking to time to read my tribute and leaving such a nice comment. Much appreciated.





  On 13/04/2012 at 20:31, Gilly said:

What beautiful words Pep,iam so lucky to of met and indeed be a friend,kinda feel a bit guilty that i didnt DJ for you despite countless requests from yourself and Helen but still remained friends and the respect that i have for you two will always remain in tact.I think back to the earlier 70ts and as people will say you never forget Helen after that first meet and i wont.So sad,be strong Pep she will be remembered and loved by so so many soul fans through out the country Gilly (x Burton on trent) x

Gilly, lovely to hear from you. I know you thought the world of Helen, from the earliest memories of 'lifts' and serious music talk. Fondest memories of good times on the scene together. Your support and affection is greatly appreciated.





  On 13/04/2012 at 20:37, Brian Ellis said:

Very moving and beautifully articulate tribute Ian.

Having lost my first wife at 37 to the scourge that is cancer, I have some idea of your loss, your feelings, your emptiness. Brings tears to my eyes so easily.

Thinking about you and hoping you can soon find a degree of peace. Take care.


Brian, we both always admired your gentleness and easy going, helpful manner.

I know you can empathise with my feelings, and your strength in getting through your loss gives me hope for the future, although a future without Helen is truly unimaginable.






Dave Burton, thankyou for taking time out to read and comment with such affection. We always regarded you as a strong and perpetual voice in our small corner of the Black Music landscape.

Many thanks.



Guest Dirk Tiggler


Dear Pep, that was a lovely moving tribute to Helen. I only knew Helen from the Black Horse and Connaught from the mid 80's but believe me I have vivid memories, such was her personality. I last saw Helen and yourself at your hotel around 5 years ago at a soul birthday bash for a mate of mine and I recall how welcome we were made to feel. Good luck - Ade & Jane




What a fitting tribute. Years of listening to emotional and heartfelt soul records have spilled out in your words for Helen.

My thoughts are with you

Steve Handbury

Winsford Soul


  On 13/04/2012 at 19:33, Pep said:

Background information on the passing of well-known and loved personality from the West Midlands' Soul Scene followed by funeral and wake dance details

My beloved wife and soulmate of 40 years, Helen who died recently of cancer, aged only 58, after a rollercoaster struggle with the scourge for 18 months.

Helen Pereira - "Queen Of The Go-Go"

Being born and living in the borough of Dudley for most of her early life, Helen became a fan of soul music at a very early age in 1967. She attended local discotheques like those at Stewart & LLoyd's, Bilston where she first began to hone her considerable dance skills.

Most DJs favoured Soul and Motown music which was simply made for dancing. Always searching for bigger and better venues, where the 'sounds' were played first, she found herself drawn to the UK's premier soul clubs like the Catacombs, Twisted Wheel, Chateau Impney, UTJ, Bankhouse amongst others. She soon began attending these venues religiously every week. Be certain, the atmosphere was electric in these places, and like many other young souls, she soon became hooked, as it turned out, for life.

She was without doubt the darling of Wolverhampton's legendary Catacombs Club in the late sixties and early seventies... the 'queen of the go-go' if you like. There was always a crowd around her - a buzz, an excitement. She was at the centre of the Midlands' scene, the life and soul of the party, the best dancer out there - backdrops, frontdrops, spins, the lot. Everyone wanted to know her, be with her, a magnet. She was right at the hub of the 'in crowd', and stunning with it. I (and my mates) could only admire from afar in those early days.

I was fortunate enough to get to to know Helen in 1972, and we became a couple in 1973, famously getting engaged after just two weeks - so it was bound to last forever! She even forgave me for spending most of the engagement ring money on a rare record, which I needed to play that night at the Cats, where I had since become a Saturday night ('the rare soul night') resident DJ alongside Alan 'S' and Blue Max. Once again she became the iconic image of the soul scene, with her jump suits, pigtails and backdrops. Blues & Soul magazine certainly thought so - and said so!

It was just fabulous having her by my side whilst residing over the Cats' most successful period; the summer of '73. The music was amazing, with a whole new stream of great 'new sounds' flooding in from the USA courtesy, in the main, Simon Soussan . We certainly led the way, music-wise, that summer. Nobody could touch us - we were first with almost everything.

As the scene grew in popularity with the rise of Wigan Casino, she happily supported me in my spell as resident DJ there, as well as at the Cleethorpes Pier all-nighters, and Tiffany's, Newcastle every Sunday. She always got on great (better than me!) with my co-DJs Colin Curtis, Richard Searling, Soul Sam, Ian Levine, Russ Winstanley, Keith Minshull, Dave Evison, Ginger & Eddie, John Vincent, Brian Rae, John Manship, etc. There were many, many others and I'm bound to have missed somebody really important, so apologies in advance for that.

I could write a book about our adventures on the scene together, and hope to someday.

Her taste in music was impeccable, and her dancing ability gave her an unrivalled insight into a record's suitability or potential. So much so, many top DJs ran tunes by her for an opinion. I can name many records she helped make 'big' and many which owe their success and popularity entirely to her constant pestering of top DJs.

After opening and running a record shop in Wolverhampton in the mid-seventies Helen inadvertantly adopted the role of 'maternal soul mother' to a whole new young generation of soul boys and girls who were just beginning their Northern Soul journey. They looked to her for first hand insights into the scene and music which had been, and remained, her life for so long. They all respected her and soon grew to love her for the ever-friendly and helpful person she was. Of course she had a tougher, more stubborn side, but I guarantee, on the rare occasion she scolded anyone, they knew they'd been scolded and they knew they deserved it!

She was also there in 1985/6, at the forefront of the battle to save and revive a scene which was on the brink of extinction. Slowly but surely we both, along with a select few others, managed to revive and stimulate the heartbeat which is Northern Soul. As a result the Soul Scene survived its darket days and has since blossomed further and become the most durable and influential niche music in the world. Serious, credible and ever enjoyable.

More recently Helen and I took the difficult, but conscious decision to take a sabaticle to bring up our son. Accordingly we have not been very active recently, but have kept quietly abreast of goings on.

Those, then youngsters - her soul children if you like from her days in the shop - are now at the core of the scene. To their eternal credit they are also at the crest of the wave of love and respect being shown for her now, in her untimely death. They have been wonderful. Everyone has been. I feel humbled. I love you all.

I know one thing for certain. She will be up there dancing 'til the end of time , and I long for the day when I can join her. Until then I will give our son the best start in life I can - my last promise to her. I'll love her forever.

I feel so bad.

Devoted husband and lifelong soulmate,

Ian Pereira ('Pep').


Funeral information:

Helen will be buried at St.Mary's Church, Oldswinford, Stourbridge on Thursday 26tth April, Service starts at 2pm. Everyone who has known Helen or myself is welcome. Please be respectful and dress appropriately. Flowers are welcome at the church or funeral parlour. Family and friends will be exchanging stories and taking drinks immediately afterwards at the nearby 'Labour In Vain' public house.

As Helen would have loved and wanted, this will be followed in the evening by a "Wake Dance" celebrating the other love of both our lives: 'Northern Soul'. This will be at the appropriately salubrious 5-Star Mount Hotel, Mount Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton.

The dance will start around 8.30pm - 1am. The hotel will be open beforehand for drinks and/or dinner should anyone require them. Smart dress and impeccable behaviour only please, out of respect for a lovely and loving lady. She will want you to enjoy yourselves, celebrating her life and loves, so no sad faces, no sad songs.

I will pick her church song(s) from her favourites of the nineties era, which included "Room full of tears" "I'll never stop loving you", "My love is getting stronger" and "Don't".

Please make this day into the most memorable of my life. My beautiful little girl deserves it more than anyone I know.

Love, Ian P.

Click here to view the soul article in full

What a growing tribute Pep, sat here with tears in my eyes, Godbless




Chalky, we both liked seeing a newer face continuing the tradition and carrying the Motown & Soul flag for our Black Country homeland. Keep smiling, smiler. The world needs more smiling faces.



Pete S


That was beautiful Ian. Helen always looked out for me, as she did all of the young uns. My first memory of her is of her getting you to play KIll That Roach by Miami at Sammies (St Giles) and she being the only person on the dancefloor and not giving a monkeys, and me thinking WHO IS THIS?

Myself, Tom, Jaga, Andy etc will all be there on the 26th to pay our respects.

Much love

Pete Smith



  On 14/04/2012 at 10:05, Dirk Tiggler said:

Dear Pep, that was a lovely moving tribute to Helen. I only knew Helen from the Black Horse and Connaught from the mid 80's but believe me I have vivid memories, such was her personality. I last saw Helen and yourself at your hotel around 5 years ago at a soul birthday bash for a mate of mine and I recall how welcome we were made to feel. Good luck - Ade & Jane

Dear Ade & Jane, I'm so happy you remembered Helen so fondly from that great era. She touched a lot of people at a lot of different times. Her friendliness was always in the on position.





  On 14/04/2012 at 10:05, soulman said:


What a fitting tribute. Years of listening to emotional and heartfelt soul records have spilled out in you words for Helen.

My thoughts are with you

Steve Handbury

Too true Steve,

thankyou for reading and appreciating my simple words. Your thoughts and kindness give me strength.





Dear Ste (Winsford), thankyou.

Helen had an affinity for the word 'tears'. She was a very emotional person deep down. Many of her favourite songs contained the word... "Room full of tears", "Tearstained face" and "Tears of joy" to name three. I have them in my eyes too. Constantly.



Nige Brown


Ian -Pep,,, yourself and HELEN,,, ALWAYS and to this day two Soul People i have always admired and looked up to!

So many memorys of your Brill events a few years ago and Helens special style on the dancefloor :thumbsup:

I cannot imagine the hurt you are feeling at this sad time,, but rest assured the Soul Family as you know will always be there for you,,,

My deepest condolences to you and your family

RESPECT :hatsoff2:

Nige Brown Stafford



  On 14/04/2012 at 10:17, Pete S said:

That was beautiful Ian. Helen always looked out for me, as she did all of the young uns. My first memory of her is of her getting you to play KIll That Roach by Miami at Sammies (St Giles) and she being the only person on the dancefloor and not giving a monkeys, and me thinking WHO IS THIS?

Myself, Tom, Jaga, Andy etc will all be there on the 26th to pay our respects.

Much love

Pete Smith

Thankyou Pete.

You have always been one of our best and most vivid memories of that late seventies, Wigan/Locarno era. Silly, clever and funny at the same time. I recall Helen's nursing skills being called into action more than once! Wonderful, happy memories.

I'm glad you met Helen in your early years on the scene. You are certainly one of the 'soul children' I refer to. It will be great to see the old Wombourne guys and gals again. Love you lots.



Pete S


  On 14/04/2012 at 11:08, Pep said:

Thankyou Pete.

You have always been one of our best and most vivid memories of that late seventies, Wigan/Locarno era. Silly, clever and funny at the same time. I recall Helen's nursing skills being called into action more than once! Wonderful, happy memories.

I'm glad you met Helen in your early years on the scene. You are certainly one of the 'soul children' I refer to. It will be great to see the old Wombourne guys and gals again. Love you lots.



Thanks mate, I know that one lasting memory that I and others have is of that time at the Locarno when I split my nose open when I pulled the roller towel holder off the wall and into my face somehow: Helen grabs me, my nose pouring with blood, says she's going to sort it out for me, all she could get her hands on was a giant plaster about 6" long so she stopped it bleeding and stuck this plaster across my nose and half my face, I was like a proto-type Adam Ant with this giant sticking plaster covering me, she did her best considering the tools at hand - and also gave everyone a laugh for days. I got it stitched next day at the Royal but in all seriousness it could have been much worse had it not been for Nurse Helen. And that's what I mean about her looking out for us.



Nige Brown

Hi Nige,

thankyou for your lovely comments and friendship.

You were always someone we both liked and respected. We knew your strong character and steadfast perseverence would bring just and much deserved rewards.

Much appreciated.



Rick Scott


Hi Pep, What can i say, A wonderful tribute for a wonderful Lady,We spent wonderful times together as friends/co DJ's at Cleethorpes and Helen was a lovely lady to talk to, ALWAYS had time for you, Sad Sad time for you and all that were privlileged to know her,thinking about you at this time and thankyou for that wonderful post, it said it all, Rick.



  On 14/04/2012 at 11:25, RICK SCOTT said:

Hi Pep, What can i say, A wonderful tribute for a wonderful Lady,We spent wonderful times together as friends/co DJ's at Cleethorpes and Helen was a lovely lady to talk to, ALWAYS had time for you, Sad Sad time for you and all that were privlileged to know her,thinking about you at this time and thankyou for that wonderful post, it said it all, Rick.

Thankyou too Rick.

We always loved your modest, understated way. A breath of fresh air in an increasingly fast and furious world.

Much like yourself, she was always gentle, a calm and friendly face. You could say she was my 'foil'.

Thankyou for sharing your memories.





Pep what a lovely write up for a lovely lady, made me laugh and made me cry, she really was a soul mother to everyone, when I first started seeing Kev and he moved away from The Midlands she was always made up to see us both when we came down to visit either in the shop or at one of your night's. I remember the first time we came down to the Vic when we'd not seen you for a while we walked through the door and all I heard was Helen shout out Munchkin, we we're at the back of the queue waiting to get in she said this as gotta be a freebie in. Also great memories of sitting on the door with Helen at The Raven in Whitchurch we used to have such a good laugh, the funniest night by far must have been us getting their in thick fog after picking Mick Vickers up Helen was really surprised to see us as the weather was so bad then just near the end of the night Smoky turned up and Helen said where have you been your late and apparently he'd decided to follow a coach that had Whitchurch written on the side and ended up in Wales I still laugh about it even now.

Thinking of you at this sad time and we will be their to say goodbye to Helen on the 26th.

Luv Sharon (Spittle) xxx

Guest Mark Cartwright



You've moved me to tears.

I was one of the many young ones 'learning the ropes' thru your shops in Wolves. I was always a lttle in awe of you and Helen as 'soul royalty' but always pleased that although you didn't know who i was. i'd somehow touched you and Helen. I just remember Helen having a smile and in the nicest way taking the mick when we were in the shop (especially the little one by the theatre)

Godspeed Helen




Munchkin & Munchkinette,

It's so wonderful to see you still keep the knickname Helen bestowed on you Kev in the shop. You were her cute little 'munchkin' and very apt it was at the time... although perhaps not when you were trying to trade a leg of lamb for a couple of the latest Northern releases! A lot of her knicknames, made with affection, have also stood the test of time. If she was only remembered for those it would be enough.

Thankyou for sharing those lovely anecdotes. Being on the door with her made you privvy to one I didn't know... but can easily believe, knowing Smokey's (love him too) oft hilarious antics all these years. She never forgot anyone, especially the likes of your mate Graham, Mick Vickers and Phil Shelton who were taken so young. The love you Kev and Sharon show for her is clear for all to see.






Thankyou for heartfelt post. I understand a lot of you young soulies looked up to us then, and it was inspiring. But as you say neither of regarded ourselves as special. We never put ourselves above anyone, and always loved being with you guys. Helen especially had time, and then some, for everyone. Dancing and being a part of the dancefloor was the most important thing for both of us. Thank you again Mark.



Hitsville Chalky


Pep that was lovely post .... took me back to Black horse and summer hill and the conaught hotel where helen would be sitting on the door with her lovely smile , Bill Randle as told me to send his thoughts and love to you , we will see you thursday to pay our respect .

Chalky xx



  On 14/04/2012 at 14:23, Hitsville Chalky said:

Pep that was lovely post .... took me back to Black horse and summer hill and the conaught hotel where helen would be sitting on the door with her lovely smile , Bill Randle as told me to send his thoughts and love to you , we will see you thursday to pay our respect .

Chalky xx


thankyou for your sincere thoughts. Keep the Black Country soul flag flying for us both. Keep the region near the forefront of the scene, where it belongs. Helen was always adamant about that. Great to hear from you.



Guest Sean Haydon


So sad reading your beautiful words Pep.

We'll be there for you mate.

Sean x




Thankyou for your love, friendship and support... as always. Your smile, enthusiasm and reliability were always admired by us both.



bri  phill


What a moving tribute deep from the heart and soul.

My deepest sympathies go out to you Pep.

Brian Phillips

Soul Shrews


Wonderful post Pep for a wonderful woman.

Last time we saw you was @ the 100 club Ray Pollard gig (1990 ?) just before your w/ender...Helen asked me if we could put Mick Vickers(who"d travelled down with you) up for the night ...which for us was no problem..just that Helen was asking me just when Ray was singing "The Drifter"...always remember saying "Yeah I'm sure he can stay but ask me after Rays finished !"

Have posted on other threads about memories from Lafayette but also remember you guys from Brum Locarno/Wigan and of course your Wolvo shops

Wishing you strength in the coming days

Cheers Paul Woosnam

Guest nomad



What a wonderfull tribute to Wolverhamptons Premier Lady of Soul.I am writing this through tearfull eyes She was always a friend to me and a person I will never forget. Even in the early days when I came home from the army she would always make me feel welcome as one of those youngsters. Many great and fond memories like the weekend away in Blackpool and even my stag night.

I was so sad speaking to you on that fateful morning but as you said ''you want to do her proud'' and you have.

We will all be there in Stourbridge to support you and pay our respects to a true icon of our scene

God Bless you Helen XX

Paul x

Guest Chezzy


All the love & care my heart holds goes out to you Pep, such a wonderful tribute, I will just say as so many have what a wonderful person Helen was & as I said before I use to make dance for me I loved her unique style. Brilliant. As one dancer to another my highest compliment to top girl. Who always had me in stitches. God bless her. God bless you too, stay strong. Chezzie xxx



  On 14/04/2012 at 17:19, bri. phill said:

What a moving tribute deep from the heart and soul.

My deepest sympathies go out to you Pep.

Brian Phillips

Hi Brian,

thanks for your thoughts. We three had a common friend in Alan 'S' who also sadly passed on a few years ago. You may not have known her then, but she was the girl doing those backdrops at the Wheel. You should put the '45' into your monika, because for me you are the scene's greatest unsung hero. You introduced so many great sounds through those record lists of yours.

Thankyou for thinking of the love of my life. My heart cries for her, and always will.





  On 14/04/2012 at 17:43, soul shrews said:

Wonderful post Pep for a wonderful woman.

Last time we saw you was @ the 100 club Ray Pollard gig (1990 ?) just before your w/ender...Helen asked me if we could put Mick Vickers(who"d travelled down with you) up for the night ...which for us was no problem..just that Helen was asking me just when Ray was singing "The Drifter"...always remember saying "Yeah I'm sure he can stay but ask me after Rays finished !"

Have posted on other threads about memories from Lafayette but also remember you guys from Brum Locarno/Wigan and of course your Wolvo shops

Wishing you strength in the coming days

Cheers Paul Woosnam


Thankyou for that memory. I remember clearly that Thursday night at the 100 Club. Helen especially loved "This time". She was always concerned for others and wouldn't have rested until Mick's sleeping arrangements had been sorted. It was her way. Bless her. Bless you too for your support.





  On 14/04/2012 at 18:25, SteveSmith said:

Pep as i haven´t seen you both for ..must be twenty years now, it saddened me to hear the sad news about Helen.

we go back a long time to when you and Helen used to come down to Dj at Maxies ´73, was lucky enough to dj for and alongside you over the years,

Had many a laugh along the way as well(remeber that yellow Beetle)?

Lost for the right words my friend

i wish you all the best in these sad times

Steve Smith

Thankyou Steve,

Great memories of those great old times. Not many would remember Maxies in Gloucester. I was wheel-less in those days, and remember catching the train down! You and the other Gloucester kids (Mark, Jerry, etc) were amazing... such great taste and so much enthusiasm. From mad days to sad days. Thankyou.





  On 14/04/2012 at 19:04, nomad said:


What a wonderfull tribute to Wolverhamptons Premier Lady of Soul.I am writing this through tearfull eyes She was always a friend to me and a person I will never forget. Even in the early days when I came home from the army she would always make me feel welcome as one of those youngsters. Many great and fond memories like the weekend away in Blackpool and even my stag night.

I was so sad speaking to you on that fateful morning but as you said ''you want to do her proud'' and you have.

We will all be there in Stourbridge to support you and pay our respects to a true icon of our scene

God Bless you Helen XX

Paul x


What more can I say. You and Kerry have been the greatest rocks for me in this saddest of times - always thoughtful, ever helpful. Like you say we have many personal memories which I will cherish all the more now my girl has gone. I know you loved her dearly. Great thanks.





iM JUST DEVISTATED PEP, such a wonderful person was Helen, will miss her dearly, always had a good laugh and such a good friend

my thoughs are with you at this sad time and I hope your little one can understand why this had happened

will be there for you and to say goodbye to a dear friend....... just devistate, words fail me

Shute and Angela

Guest brummiemick



Ii can't say anything that will help



:hatsoff2: HI IAN Yes indeed she was special, as I wrote in the other post, on reading you thoughts of love for Helen, it not only bought tears to my eyes, it also made me smile? I remember back in the mid 70s when my mate Mick Smith and myself were DJ ING IN BEDFORD, back then Mick used to pass me his records and I would play them, sounds strange now, but his reasons were, at the time an integral part of traveling north was the DJ as they to us were part of the ambiance of the scene, and he could not relate a cockney voice linking a record, and although Tony Jebb and Keith become close freinds, we always rated you as the top DJ, even though we could not understand a word you said, so your remarks are a true translation and are so meaningful,

As I said before it was thanks to both of you that I found my way back on the scene, and the venture of the BLACK HORSE good days,

thoughts of HELEN I have one special one, it was the black & white vidio that I orderd for Marie, the film was the one about every time a bell ring an angel gets their wings, Helen like many back then did not no the film, so she orderd a copy forherself, I remember her delight in thanking me for it become her favourate film also, so I am making a request for BOBBY WELLS BE'S THAT WAY SOMETIME to be played for HELEN and she will then get her wings,

As always respect for you both, love MICK & DAVE



  On 14/04/2012 at 19:30, Chezzy said:

All the love & care my heart holds goes out to you Pep, such a wonderful tribute, I will just say as so many have what a wonderful person Helen was & as I said before I use to make dance for me I loved her unique style. Brilliant. As one dancer to another my highest compliment to top girl. Who always had me in stitches. God bless her. God bless you too, stay strong. Chezzie xxx

Thanks Cheryl for your thoughts and fond memories. They are greatly appreciated.





  On 14/04/2012 at 21:04, shute said:

iM JUST DEVISTATED PEP, such a wonderful person was Helen, will miss her dearly, always had a good laugh and such a good friend

my thoughs are with you at this sad time and I hope your little one can understand why this had happened

will be there for you and to say goodbye to a dear friend....... just devistate, words fail me

Shute and Angela

Shute, Angela,

You were always so supportive and remain so now. I know you loved Helen and how you must feel. Two of our favourite soul people. Thankyou.



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