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To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis.

No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage!

I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros.

The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!!

Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc.


GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 550.- Euro

Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3


SMALL SOCIETY: If You Stand By Me / Just Loving You * CADDE, M-, 450.- Euro

I really had a hard time which side I feature on this fabulous double sider. "If You Stand By Me" is floating dancer with a tighten-up-inpsired guitar lick and a floating beat topped by Willie (William) Bollinger's sweet vocals. But the true sensation hides away on the mindblowing flipside. A ballad, lurking in crossover category, of immense proportions. Mellow, sweet and then some with amazing guitar work by Larry Gray, who also recorded a hard to find funk 45 on Stepping Stone. A fabulous record without any doubt!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyifyoustand.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyjustloving.mp3


DEE EDWARDS: (I Can) Deal With That * DE-TO, Testpress, VG, 375.- Euro

Dr. William Kyle was a doctor in Detroit and run a clinic on the Grand River Avenue. He was a man of many talents and above his hospital he operated a recording studio and operated his De-To, Music Now and Detroit Sound labels form there. He must have really believed in Dee Edwards iconic "(ICan) Deal With That", a song he wrote for Dee Edwards as he released it twice, once with added strings and once with a simple, but very effective drum, bass and guitar accompany. Here is the original Test Press of the version without strings, pressed by Superdisc in Detroit. Run-Out details are (scratched in): "Superdisc" "DT2286-A-R-I", "#611426A 323 OM". A piece of Detroit Soul history and definitely one of the best 70's steppers on planet earth.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardsdealwiththat.mp3


BARBARA COOPER: What's One More Tear * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG++, 200.- Euro

Excellent midtempo major label release from the mid-sixties and a proven rarity. It alwaqys surprises me, how many great records are hiding in the RCA vaults.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaracooperwhatsonemore.mp3


THE FEMININE TOUCH: Groove Me * FEM-TOUCH; M-, 100.- Euro

Under the radar Northern/Crossover dancer and a record with a lot of potential, just check the sounbyte and get blown away.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/femininetouchgrooveme1.mp3


JIMMIE "PREACHER" ELLIS: That's The Way I Am * HIP-DELIC, M-, wol, 100.- Euro, on hold

Westcoast funky R&B banger of the highest order. An indemand 60's club spin and a record, that rarely comes to market in this nice condition.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmieeliisthatstheway.mp3


REPARATA & THE DELRONS: Panic * BELL, Made in England, M-, 100.- Euro, sold

Clean copy with intact centre of this Northern Soul oldie on the original UK Bell label. Hard to find in that nice condition.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/reperatapanic.mp3


JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 75.- Euro

Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3


THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 75.- Euro

A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3


MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro

 Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3


JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS:  Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro

Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3


FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG+++, 60.- Euro

Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3


BRENTON WOOD: Better Believe It * WARNER BROTHERS, VG+, 60.- Euro, sold

Breathtaking 70's soul dancer by the Oogum-Boogum-guy and not an easy pull considering that this is a major label release.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brentonwoodbetterbelieve.mp3


RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 60.- Euro

1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3


TOMMY HUNT: Words Can Never Tell It * DYNAMO, M-, some label smudge on flip, 60.- Euro, sold

Classy 60's soul dancer by the great Tommy Hunt. His finest release in my book and I tip my Stetson to the UK soul scene, that they unearthed gems like this and kept them from being forgotten.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommyhuntwordscanever.mp3


LENNY WELCH: A Hundred Pounds Of Pain * MAINSTREAM, VG++, 50.-, sold

Powerhouse 70's Northern Soul by a veteran of the R&B world, who started recording in 1958 and scored a big hit in 1963 with "Since I Fell For You". "A Hundred Pounds Of Pain" was big at the Cleethorpes Winter Gardens allnighters and still sounds like it could set a dancefloor on fire.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennywelchahundred.mp3


DEE DEE GARTRELL: Second Hand Love * MAVERICK, promo, VG++, 50.- Euro

Phew, what a record. A steady tight funky beat backs up Dee Dee (Deliah) Gartrell's unbelievable soulful performance. Hopefully one brave DJ gets behind this at one point, it deserves so much more exposure. Check the soundbyte and get blown away...

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deedeegartrellsecondhand.mp3


WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro

Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing123.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiamm.mp3


SMOKE: Oh Love * MO-SOUL, M-, 50.- Euro, sold

Barry White produced west coast mellow groover, that ticks all the boxes. This has all the ingredients, that rocketed Barry White to super stardom, but it was recorded before the big man found his audience. It sounds like he tried all his studio tricks here, before he decided to go solo. Nice clean copy, that never needs an upgrade.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeohlove1.mp3


LITTLE SHERMAN & THE MOD SWINGERS: The Price Of Love * ABC, VG++, 50.- Euro

Chicago crossover soul heaven recorded for Jim Porter and Joe Zano's Sagport productions. A sophisticated, classy record, that sounds awesome played out loud.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littleshermnanprice.mp3


SIR WALES WALLACE: Whatever You Want * INNOVATION 2, M-, 50.- Euro, sold

Chicago crossover soul goodie, that ticks all the boxes. Production credits go to Willie Henderson and Carl Davis is one half of the songwriting team. 1975 Chicago soul perfection in beautiful nick.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sirwaleswallacewhatever.mp3


THE COASTERS: Down Home Girl / Soul Pad * DATE, VG+, 50.- Euro

Two slow and funky sides by the Coasters, a group best known for their novelty doo-wop hits in the 50's like "Charlie Brown". A mighty fine double header written, produced and arranged by Leiber and Stoller, a duo responsible for some of the most important post WW2 music. They wrote hits for Elvis and - yes, of course - The Coasters.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coastersdownhome.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterssoulpad.mp3


BOBBY WOMACK: Across 110th Street * UNITED ARTIST, M-, 40.- Euro

The title track of a Blaxploitation flick called "Across 110th Street" (and in fact the only Blaxploitation movie, that leaves a lasting impression) and the mighty Womack was hired to record the soundtrack. He was at the prime of his creativity in the early 70's and took the chance to leave a musical masterpiece. Here you have a clean copy of this awesome slice of 70's dance soul with a message and it looks and sounds just beautiful.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywmackacross110th.mp3


EDDIE BO: Check Your Bucket * BO SOUND, VG++, 40.- Euro, on hold

Excellent New Orleans Funk by Piano player and singer Eddie Bo, who recorded a handful of great and collectable 45s in the Crescent City during the 60's and 70's.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiebocheckyour12.mp3


GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro

Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3


ALVIN THOMAS: The Hesitation * GREAT SOUTHERN, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 35.- Euro, sold

Scarce New Orleans funk with more vibes then a anybody can stand. Simply awesome instrumental sound, that ticks all the right boxes. Kathrina damaged labels.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/alvinthomasthehesitation12.mp3


ANN SEXTON: I'm His Wife (You're Just A Friend) * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 35.- Euro

Mindblowing 70's soul dancer by Miss "Gone Too Long" and a record, that definitely stands the test of time.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonimhiswife.mp3


(JOE) BATAAN: Woman Don't Want To Love Me * EPIC, Promo, M-, 35.- Euro, on hold

Great Latin tingled funky soul by the mighty Joe Bataan.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanwomandont.mp3


LEROY HUTSON: Never Know What You Can Do (Give It A Try) * CURTOM, strong VG+, 35.- Euro, sold

Leroy Hutson recorded so many great tracks, but this one shines out for me. Midtempo heaven for the dancefloor with an infectious groove and some amazing vocals by the man himself.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyhutsonneverknow.mp3



Ask anybody outside your soul-bubble if he ever heard of an artist named Oscar Perry and the answer will be "Oscar who? NO". Houston / Texas born Perry has an impressive discography and his recording career spans over three decades. Oscar Perry recorded this punchy dancer in 1979 in  Memphis / Tennesse and it's a prime example, why independently produced soulmusic has worldwide followers. Simply a great and cleverly arranged record, that got everything to fill a modern soul dancefloor. Check the soundbyte!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarperrywindmeup1.mp3


THE PRECISIONS: If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely) * DREW, VG+, some ringwear on lbl, 35.- Euro
All time 60's classic and an iconic Detroit recording, a pretty clean copy. A record, that has stood the test of time. Overplayed? Maybe, but these kind of records are so because of how good they are.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisisionsifthisislove.mp3


THE DELCOS: Arabia * SHOWCASE, VG, 35.- Euro, sold

Used but not abused copy of this infectious R&B groupsoul dancer. Priced accordingly!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/delcosarabia.mp3


THE FASCINATIONS: Girls Are Out To Get You * MAYFIELD, M-, drill hole in run-out-grooves (not affecting play), some label smudge, 35.- Euro, sold

Curtis Mayfield produced and written blueprint girlie Northern Soul dancer, that never sold big in America, but charted in England during the heydays of the Northern Soul scene. Anyway, an iconic, catchy 60's masterpiece iin very nice condition.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fascinationsgirlsareout.mp3


JERRY TOWNES: You Are My Sunshine / Nevermore * PENNY, VG+, wol, 35.- Euro

Two magnficient Chicago sides back to back; "Sunshine" got everything a 60's dancer needs and the flipside is soulful midtempo soul from the top shelf, also recorded by Renaldo Domino for Twinight records in 1969.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesyouaremy1.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesnevermore1.mp3


BILLY STORM: Baby, Don't Look Down / Never Want To Dream Again * LOMA, VG+, tiny edge chip not going near the grooves, 35.- Euro

Two classy Northern Soul sides for you to consider. Flipside has a certain garage feel to it, for those of you, who like stuff like that.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystormbabydontlook.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystormineverwant.mp3



Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3


TNT BAND: The Meditation * COTIQUE, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold

The influence of Archie Bell's "Tighten Up" is rather obvious on this latin soul winner, that came out shortly after "Tighten Up" shook the airwaves of the USA.
Someone should start a list with records, that copied the tighten-up-riff, well, I could add at least 50 records without much brainwork. Anyway, this is dancefloor pleasing big apple latin soul banger from the top shelf and a guaranteed dancefloor pleaser.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tntbandthemeditation.mp3


UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro

Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3


BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro

A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3


MICKEY & THE SOUL GENERATION: Football / Joint Session * MAXWELL, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold

San Antonio / Texas Funk band, that recorded a handful of great 45s and Josh Davis (aka DJ Shadow) reissued their material on his Cali-Tex label in 2002. Two great sides for you to consider!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mickeyfootball.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mickeyjointsession.mp3


RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 30.- Euro

If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3


THE AMAZERS: Without A Warning * THOMAS, VG++, 30.- Euro

Top notch Chicago Northern Soul dancer on of Eddie Thomas' outputs.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/amazerswithoutawarning.mp3


BOBBY BROWN: Why / A Woman And Some Soul * VERVE, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro

Two streetwise 60's soul sides. The featured side definitely has some Northern appeal while the flipside has a catchy groove and Bobby Brown's gritty voice shines out.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownwhy.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownawoman.mp3


RAHNI HARRIS & FAMILY LOVE: He's My Friend * EMPRISE, promo, VG-, 30.- Euro

Indemand funky gospel mover with a mind-boggling ethereal feel to it. Clicks, pops and surface noise during the lenghthy intro, that a DJ would skip anyway, otherwise a solid play copy.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rahniharrishesmyfriend1.mp3


ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro

Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3


BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 30.- Euro

In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3


WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 35.- Euro

Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3


PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro

Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3


TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro

Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3


PATTI & THE LOVELITES: Love Bandit / I'm The One That You Need * COTILLION, M-, 25.- Euro

Awww, Patti Hamilton and her sultry voice gets me everytime I hear it. Especially on this infectious crossover dancer by the talented south-side Chicago girls. Flip it over for a facemelting ballad. Unplayed stock copy here, don't sleep!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattilovebandit.mp3


THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 25.- Euro

Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3


HI-LITES: That's Love * INVICTUS, M-, 25.- Euro

Under the radar 70's dancer with a lot of potential. Still affordable and way better than many big ticker items.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hilitesthatslove.mp3


AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro

Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3


DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro

Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3


TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro

Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3


ANN SEXTON: You're Losing Me * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 25.- Euro

Funky, soulful and then some... If there is a perfect soul record, this surely comes close.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonyourelosing1.mp3


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: I'm Free To Live / The Commerce Thang * DCA, VG++, wol, 25.- Euro

Funky Soul from Washington, D.C. with a banging production and great vocals. Flip it over for an excellent funk instrumental.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chamberofcommerceimfreeto.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chamberofcommercethecom.mp3


GEORGE H. FRANKLIN: That's How It Is When You're In Love / Gone For Good * FACES, M-, warped, plays without extra tracking, 25.- Euro, sold

Great cover of an Otis Clay tune, released in 1967 on One-Derful. This came out 10 years later on this highly collectable Shreveport/Louisiana label. The flipside ain't too shabby either!

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgehfranklinthatshow.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgehfranklingoneforgood.mp3


SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 25.- Euro

Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3


KO KO TAYLOR: Wang Dang Doodle * CHECKER, VG+, 25.- Euro

Chicago R&B banger produced by veteran bluesman Willie Dixon.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kokotaylorwangdang12.mp3


B. W. SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro

Awesome  west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3


SKIP MAHONEY & THE CASUALS: Town Called No-Where * DC INTERNATIONAL, VG, 20.- Euro, sold

Funky edged churchy 70's soul banger, that crossed over to the more progressive Northern venues.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skipmahoneytowncalled1.mp3


BOBBY BLAND: I'm So Tired / If You Could Just Read My Mind * DUKE, M-, 20.- Euro, sold

Everytime I listen to "I'm So Tired" I can't believe what I hear. How can a band be that tight? How can someone sing like Bobby Bland? Why has this record been ignored by soul collectors? Why doesn't it cost 500 bucks? Anyway, this is as good as it gets and the flip is a facemelting ballad, that alone should make you buy this. Vinyl is shiny and clean, but has a surface mark from start to finish; the good news is, that it doesn't sound at all.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandimsotired12.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandreadmymind.mp3


JOE McLEAN: Let's Talk About Love * EGO, VG, 20.- Euro, sold

Banging, funky edged Steve Mancha produced Detroit 60's soul for the dancefloor. Totally underrated in my book and if you dig action packed, rowdy sounds from the past, this one is for you.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joemcleanletstalkabout.mp3


LITTLE EVA: Take A Step In My Direction * VERVE, VG+

Great 60's soul dancer by the Locomotion-Girl.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littleevatakeastep.mp3


LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 20.- Euro

Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3


BELITA WOODS: I Just Love Ypu * EPIC, promo, M-, 20.- Euro

Belita Woods two 60's 45s for Moira are surely iconic Detroit recordings. After that she took a kind of break and tried to come back with this Barrett Strong produced crossover gem. It went nowhere and Belita turned her back on the music business. Another talent, who never really earned the artistic merits she deserves.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/belitawoodsijustlove1.mp3


BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro

Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3


HERMAN GRIFFIN & THE BOYS IN THE BAND: Are You For Me Or Against Me * MAGIC TOUCH, M-, 20.- Euro

I remember being in Rivers Records in Memphis sometimes in the 90's and seeing several hundred unplayed copies of this on the shelves. Rivers Records is long gone and the stock is absorbed into collections. No surprise, as this is a top quality Detroit banger with Popcorn Wylie, Tony Hester and Herman Griffin involvement. Everything I like about 60's Detroit soul is in here and the question is, what price if rare?

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hermangriffinareyou.mp3


BARBARA LYNN: Take Your Love & Run / (Until Then) I Suffer * ATLANTIC, VG++, label damage, 20.- Euro

Fantastic 60's soul by the unique Barbara Lynn, a gifted (left handed) guitar queen and a singer of immense proportions. One side uptempo and lovely ballad on the flip. A great record and nothing to be taken lightly.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaralynntakeyourlove.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaralynnuntilthen.mp3


MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro

The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3


JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro

Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3


ROY AYERS /WAYNE HENDERSON: No Deposit No Return / Heat Of The Beat * POLYDOR, M-, 15.- Euro, sold

Two side of Roy-Ayers-magic on shiny mintish Polydor issue.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/royayersnodeposit.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/royayersheat.mp3


MARGIE JOSEPH: Let's Stay Together * ATLANTIC, M-, 15.- Euro

Sometimes - and only sometimes - a cover version is better than the original. Al Green's immortal "Let's Stay Together" by Margie Joseph is such a rare case. Check the soundfile and melt away.... pure soul music by a lady with a truly impressive discography.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiejosephletsstay.mp3


GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro

Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3


THE DRAMATICS: And I Panicked * VOLT, M-, 15.- Euro

A big spin for Sean Hampsey at Soul Essence in Great Yarmouth and Sean knows his onions. The Groovesville Tony Hester production is out of this world and the Dramatics are working their way to a soulful tour de force on this diamond of a record. Soul with a capital "S" and the the price is right as well.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dramaticsandipanicked.mp3


MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro

Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3


AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro, sold

Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3


GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro

Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3


DARRELL BANKS: Our Love (Is In The Pocket) / Open The Door To Your Heart * REVILOT, VG, label tear, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro

Slightly wounded copy of this blueprint Detroit Northern Soul double header, that many collectors believe, is the best 60's record ever produced. Who am I to disagree?

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksourlove12.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksopenthe.mp3


TAMMY LEVON: Show Me The Way * NATION promo, VG+, residue from removed sticker on lbl "x" on label flipside, 15.- Euro

Proper female 60's dancer by Tammy Levon aka Jackie Bee, this is her only release on Nation records, under her alias Jackie Bee she recorded a handful of 45s for Salem records.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tammylevonshowme.mp3


UP FROM THE BOTTOM: The Way The World Would Be * TRUE, M-, 15.- Euro

Uptempo 70's dancer, that made it on one of the Goldmine Modern Soul comps from back in the days. Nice clean copy, that never needs an upgrade!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/upfromthebottom.mp3


W.J. MOORE & THE DYNAMIC UPSETTERS: Everything Good To You (Don't Have To Be Good For You * GUTTER, M-, 15.- Euro, sold

Great cover of the classic Bobby Patterson song by a Carolinas band.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wjmooreeverythinggood.mp3


BOBBY SHEEN: If I Ever Dreamed I Hurt You * WARNER BROTHERS, promo, VG+, wol, 15.- Euro

Overlooked 70's soul by the "Something New To Do"-guy. Terry Woodford and Clayton Ivey where on the production decks for this and gave the record a beautiful majestic, southern feel.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbysheenifiever.mp3


WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 15.- Euro

Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3


SYL JOHNSON: Dresses Too Short * TWINIGHT, M-, 12.- Euro

Excellent funky soul by the great Syl Johnson.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsondresses.mp3


SYL JOHNSON: We Did It /  Any Way The Wind Blows * HI, M- 12.- Euro

Excellent 70's dancer by Syl Johnson, who made his way up south in the 70's to record under the aegis of Willie Mitchell and to spend the rest of his career in the  shadow of the allmighty Al Green.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonwedidit123.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonanyway1.mp3


DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro

One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want?

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3


THE BAY BROTHERS: Baby Don't Give Up * MILLENIUM, Promo, M-, 10.- Euro

Super nice midtempo Modern Soul in extra fine nick.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/baybrothersbabydontgive.mp3



Fantastic 70's dance soul from 1975 and everytime I list this, I get a ton of requests, so be quick. A-Side (the short version) is slightly off-centre, but you will play the long b-side anyway, because the record is so unbelievable good.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/boogiemanladylady.mp3


CHARLES BRINKLEY: In The Pocket / I'll Be What You Want Me To Be * MUSIC MACHINE, M-, 10.- Euro

Nice and clean copy of this banging funky soul record. Just listen to rthe drums, they are so very well produced and lift this record in unbelievable heights.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesbrtinkleyinthepock.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesbrinkleyillbewhat.mp3


EDWIN STARR: Twenty-Five Miles * GORDY, VG+, drill hole in label, 10.- Euro

Powerhouse Motown dancer by the mighty Edwin Starr. Every home should have one!

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/edwinstarr25miles.mp3


BARBARA ACKLIN: Seven Days Of Night / A Raggedy Ride * BRUNSWICK, M-, 10.- Euro
Groovy to the bone!
Whilst the Artists are pretty special, let’s not forget the unsung hero’s in the studio, Willie Henderson, Carl Davis, Eugene Record, Sonny Sanders, to name a few stalwarts from Chicago’s Brunswick empire, that should remind us how talented the back room team was and how this was the hallmark of a catalogue of fabulous releases from this label.

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaraacklinsevendays1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaraacklinaraggedy12.mp3


O.V. WRIGHT: Monkey Dog / You're Gonna Make Me Cry * BACK BEAT, VG+, 8.- Euro

The master of the sophisticated deep soul ballad with one of his rare uptempo sides. Flip it over for serious ballad business. Real Soul with a capital "S".

soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightmonkey.mp3

soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightyouregonna.mp3


NATURAL FOUR: Try Love Again * CURTOM, VG+, 8.- Euro

Excellent 70's group soul co-written by Leroy Hutson and a really nice cheapie.

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/naturalfourtryloveagain.mp3



















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Edited by Docfish
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