Hooker1951 Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 We have all over the years visiting various All Nighters around the country and for the most part had great and happy experiences, but odds being the way they are, there must be a time and a place where events to a turn for the worse and it became a All nighter to remember for the wrong reasons either Serious or Funny, It could be the Music, Attitude, Police, bad chemicals.etc etc , or just a Comedy of errors, Your Thoughts, or just get it of your Chest Mick L 1
Rick Scott Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 A Bad experience or two for me over the years, firstly at the Lincoln Drill Hall All Niters where we were dropped off by our Mini Bus near to the Front Doors when we were greeted by a Large bunch of Local football Hooligans Who focused their attentions on me carrying my record boxes and sensed i was in for a bloody good hiding after one of them got into my face and said "And where do you think you come from then?" i said "Scunthorpe", and HE replied saying, "not good news you coming from Scunthorpe is it?" Thankfully the Missus had the foresight to rush in through the Venue Doors and fetch Chris Dalton (Organiser) and a few Burly Guys and get us all safely inside, he then told us these Thugs had been causing trouble outside all nite since people started queuing up and the Police had to Move them on on numerous occasions only for them to keep returning so a Nite remembered for all the wrong reasons as we heard that other Soul Fans had not been so lucky and did get set upon. Other time was after a Cleethorpes Pier All Niter when a group of people we later found out were from Manchester Tried to grab my 500 size record box from me as we walked down the ramp from the Pier to our Coach, luckily with the people from our coach and other friends and attendies who saw what was going on managed to fend them off. so yes both of these occasions were very Scary but thankfully the only serious events etched into my memory from past years of Happy Soul Related Memories 2
Guest Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 Was at the 100 club one night and someone played Della Reese "A clock with no hands" Don't get much scarier than that!
Roburt Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 (edited) Never really had any nightmare niter experiences. The Mojo was in a quiet residential area of north Sheffield (one of the main reasons it was shut down by the council), & local rockers never bothered to go up there to harass the mods going to the club. The Nite Owl was in central Leicester but again no real horror stories from my time there. The club was a small cellar club though & (when a top act was on live) could get very full. Being in a cellar it had little alcoves in the walls formed between pillars that supported the higher floors. I can recall seeing a couple having sex in one of those alcoves, oblivious to all the dancers packed in around them. As the club got hot & sweaty when full, I sometimes used to ask the bouncers if I could go outside for a bit (to chat & cool down). They'd let me but obviously thought I was going outside for dubious reasons (to sell pills ?). On my return into the club one night, a bouncer obviously thought I was a dealer & took me aside to tell me he could get his hands on an illegal gun if I wanted to buy one for protection purposes !!! (i was about to celebrate my 18th birthday & was still 'wet behind the ears' so his offer scared me a bit). Lots of mates had horrific tales of being rolled near the Wheel when they'd gone off to buy stuff to help them make it through the night. There were obviously robber types around at those niter sessions but I never came into contact with any (lucky I guess). The worst thing that happened to me on trips to the Wheel were ... 1/ on a winter's night crossing the Pennines in a Hull lads car, we hit black ice & skidded across the road. This spooked the car owner / driver & he immediately decided to head home & we had to bail out & go wherever -- we never made it to the Wheel that night. 2/ arriving too late at the Wheel, you would be refused entry (would this have been after midnight & therefore technically we were trying the pay & enter on a Sunday ?). Anyway, we didn't fancy going home so went to another Manc niter (@ the Majestic). That club was disc only & had few people in , no atmosphere so a bum night all around. Later trips (80's / 90's) were made to venues such as Clifton Halls, a club in Huddersfield, Loughboro, Leicester (Odd Fellows ?), Bradford (Queens Hall), 100 club, Stafford (TotW) and more -- but again , no horror stories. Edited October 24, 2023 by Roburt 3
Solidsoul Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 (edited) We travelled to a Friday allnighter at Brierley Hill near Dudley about 1978. We went because Soul Sam was djing. I remember, it seemed Soul Sam and us were the only lighter whiter complexion people in the venue! I think most people were only there because it was an allnighter and not for the music! Looked like they would have been happier with Reggae music type event. I was with my girlfriend so was ok, but my mates kept getting bumped into accidently on purpose! An uncomfortable, bad atmosphere night! It was much better at Wigan the next night and Soul Sam was on again! Edited October 24, 2023 by Solidsoul 2
Dobie5 Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 For me it would be The Fleet all-nighter at Peterborough to see Junior Walker in 1983, it was around the time of the 'Mod' revival with Parka's , Scooters etc. A group broke into the bar and proceeded to get smashed, later in the evening the dance floor was covered in beer and spew, stayed to watch Jnr Walker and never went back there again . 1
Jessie Pinkman Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 (edited) Troggs Allnighter Farnworth Nr Bolton the night The Torch closed down. 100's of soulies made their way up the M6 from Stoke. Troggs was just a small basement club that held around 125 tops with loads queuing outside trying to get in. Alan Day came up and did a set for us. Kev Roberts had his sales box stolen. The night was immortalised in Kev's book as one of the top 5 worst allnighters of all time, however something good came from the club before that disastrous night, although we didn't realise it at the time a young Richard Searling made his DJ'ing debut there spinning top records he'd just brought back from the US. Edited October 24, 2023 by Jessie Pinkman 3
Popular Post Mach Posted October 24, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 24, 2023 Think i may have told this tale before but its still eched in my mind, most people have tales of confrontations on their way upto the Casino from the local drunks etc, but the most scarey episode i had was in the late 70s when me and three soul mates decided on a whim to get on a train and go to Samanthas Sheffield for the nighter. On arrival we were gutted to find it had been cancelled, so being dressed in our soul attire complete with holdalls etc we decided to hitch a lift back to Bradford, this guy alone in a car stopped and we got in after a few minutes i got the impression although he seemed friendly enough he was not a full shilling, this was confirmed after driving for about 10minutes we were just around the corner from where he picked us up, he,d just been driving us round in circles, we made our excuses and dived out, now this is where the scarey bit occured we were relieved to part company with him but just as we were getting our bearings we heard an allmighty blood curdling scream and on turning round saw this shirtless maniac charging down the hill towards us with either an axe or machette (not sure, wasnt gonna check) waving above his head, we all scarpered in opposite directions literally running for our lives, about half an hour later we,d all had the inniative to get back up at the train station, all releaved that nobody got butchered. We then found out that there was no train back to Leeds/Bradford till 6.am by this time it was only about 1.00am, we had no inclination to try hitch again so thought we,d bed down in the station, it was empty and quiet and everything was calm & peaceful, unfortunately this didnt last long coz around 2.00am all the rowdy local drunks night clubbers piled in the station for there last local trains home, as predictable many insults minor scuffles were had as we were trying to get a few hours kip laid on the station floor using our bags as pillows, as the trains came and went we were then left in peace and eventually got our early morning train and back home to sanctuary. That my friends is my Nighter from Hell (True Story), and thankfully the only bad experience ive had in many years traipsing up and down the country enjoying fabulous Nighters and it never put me off and Never will. 5
Billy Jo Jim Bob Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 (edited) Around mid / late 70's we'd been to Wigan Casino all-nighter if I remember correctly and three of us decided on a whim to go to the all-dayer at the Windmill Club in Rotherham. We were only 14/15 at the time. On the way back south we asked the coach driver to drop us in Rotherham and we had about a 2 mile walk to the venue. None of the older lads on the coach wanted to come. We started our walk to the venue and from nowhere this fella, probably 30 ish, wearing a black leather jacket with studs and chains, comes out of an alley brandishing a long piece of 2 x 2 timber. He says we are members of a rival gang who had previously beat up his mate. We said that was not correct (although we put it stronger than that), which seemed to get him further wound up. Before long he's running at us swinging the fence post, but we had the good sense to split and run. It was a shame some of the others hadn't joined us, as there was some tasty lads on the bus who could really handle themselves. Anyway we all made it to the venue in turn, enjoyed the day, but I rang my parents at the end to come and pick us up, as we weren't risking that again. Bottled it !! The parents wern't impressed with a 60 miles round trip on Sunday night. Edited October 24, 2023 by Billy Jo Jim Bob 3
Popular Post Ian Parker Posted October 24, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 24, 2023 Clifton hall, trying to find the venue (3 of us in a MK3 Cortina). when suddenly a naked woman ran into the road (true story)... we stopped, she jumped in, no questions. we panicked, the woman started to put her clothes on, when a gang of bikers came out of a house, running towards us. we booted it out of there down the road, she composed herself, clearly shed been attacked, not sure to what extent. finally we asked if she was ok, to which she replied she was. THEN she asked us where we were going, we said Clifton hall, to which her response was, to jump out of the car whilst it was still moving. that spooked us then, still vivid now. another time,. Brit club, waiting for the train to wigan oldies anniversary. i went downstairs to the toilet, when i was approached by some big meat head, determined i was gonna buy some gear off him. i was persistent, but he was getting quite aggressive, when suddenly , the door burst open, knocking him over and the bouncer giving him a good hiding. we got out of there, straight on to the coach.... which incidentally was on a snowy january. we made progress north, to see a sign that said "Wigan 10 miles". the coach driver was worried coz of the snow and decided to pull over at a phone box. a few minutes later, he returned to the coach to tell us that we were turning back. believe you me, we weren't impressed. that was until a big Notts miner type bloke, "insisted" he drive to wigan, or he would be thrown in the luggage compartment and someone else would drive the fu****g thing. needless to say, we got there. anyway, thats my stories of dodgy nights. the 'Blockheads' on Crewe station, is for another day 5
22ndsoul Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 Waiting round the back of the Britt Notts for a coach to take us to Coalville niter which eventually arrived, as the que to get on disappeared me and my mate were the only one's not to get on it.A bunch of a dozen local's ran towards us stopping to turn a parked car over screaming "soulies get em" we legged it and were lucky enough to find a lit up building which was a Taxi rank,arrived at the nighter at 4am skint and had to borrow the bus fare to eventually get back to South Yorkshire 1
Julianb Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 Dropping a load of dancing helpers before arriving at the Blue Orchid only to find it closed! Other than Les Cokell, I can't remember who else was there ( it was either the Huddersfield Boys or maybe the Preston Boys who Les would pick up on the way. Spent the night in a motorway service station being stared at by some unknowing (fortunately) motorway traffic police. 1
Mal C Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 5 hours ago, Djack said: Was at the 100 club one night and someone played Della Reese "A clock with no hands" Don't get much scarier than that! He may not admit this, but what frightened me was Derek dancing to it...!
Popular Post Kathryn Magson Posted October 24, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 24, 2023 (edited) One night I remember being at The Wheel & as usual I'd thrown my handbag into a corner along with a few other bags & then hit floor (off my head as always lol). After a while I needed a drink, so went to get my purse out - only to find it had been nicked, along with all my make-up! At the time it felt like a disaster to me - there I was - 40 miles from home - penniless & no money at all to get home or to see me through the week until payday........It felt like a really bad night. Then word got round that I was in a bit of a tight spot & people kept coming to me with whatever spare cash they had. Friends from all over the UK were handing me the odd shilling or two - whatever they had spare. A shilling might not sound very much now, but at least if I had 5 shillings for my bus fare it would have got me back to Bradford & I could worry about the rest of the week later! In the end I had enough money to go to the Top 20 on the Sunday, plus just about enough to scrape through the week till payday. What had felt like a bad night turned into a really good one - made me realize just how many good mates I had! I can also recall spending most of one Saturday night being questioned in that "shop" across the road to The Wheel in Whitworth Street - I eventually made it to the Wheel but very late - around 2am I think....... Edited October 25, 2023 by Kathryn Magson 6
Stephen Houghton Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 After coming out of Wigan and heading towards the swimming baths just down the road me and my mate brads asked the attendant is there any trunks in the lost property. He came out with two pairs of what I would call Stanley mathews shorts they went halfway down your leg .we got changed and went to the pool climbed up the height frame and jumped off I went one way and my shorts went the other way to a roaring laughter of all the soullies having a brew ,never lived it down 1 1
Guest Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 3 hours ago, Mal C said: He may not admit this, but what frightened me was Derek dancing to it...! How very dare you!
Popular Post Roburt Posted October 26, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 26, 2023 THIS MAY NOT TRULY FIT INTO THIS THREAD BUT ... Stringfellow ran niters @ the King Mojo in 1966/67 but then it was proposed night clubs / discos that didn't sell alcohol would also need to be licensed by their local councils (early 67). It took time for the legislation to pass into law but the fact it was coming was plain to everyone in the biz. The Mojo was in a residential area & so teenagers turning up close to midnight & milled about upsetting the suspicious locals. Those small folk were out on the streets again early on the Sunday morning, milling about & walking down into the city centre. A few milk bottles disappeared off house doorsteps as some punters needed a drink (don't forget, we're talking about 1967 when the God Squad were still in command & you could do very little on a Sunday as everyone was still supposed to go to church). The police got involved & as pep pills were also an issue, the police took a dim view of allniters & the crowd who attended such events. So, it was evident to the Stringfellows that if they wanted the Mojo to be granted a license to continue under the new law, the niters would have to end. So on Sat 15th April (67) the Mojo held it's last niter session. BUT, Stringers still wanted to be able to book the big visiting US soul acts, so a new strategy had to be brought in. He'd have to pay full whack to book those acts for a normal Frid / Sat / Sun 8 till late session -- he was getting most acts for niter sessions at a reduced rate coz they'd already played & been paid for one gig earlier in the evening). So he needed to come up with a session which he could charge a bit extra admission for but still get his acts at a reduced rate. So he started up Sunday alldayers. Starting around midday & finishing around 11pm. By July he had introduced his new session & booked the likes of the Drifters (most probably the Invitations really) & Garnett Mimms to play live. The out-of-town punters returned to join the locals and the place was buzzing. All had a great time BUT when the session ended around 11pm the out-of-towners had no real way of getting home -- no town to town buses still running & very few night time passenger trains. So loads of those in attendance were stuck. ... FOR A NITER, you just walked into Sheffield town centre, went into the bus stn cafe & hung around an hour or so till the 1st buses / trains of the day could take you home. So no way to get home & a few let Pete S know this fact. So on that first night after the dayer session, a select bunch were locked in the club to sleep on chairs or the floor. They then headed home on the Monday morning. So what could have been a WORST EXPERIENCE for many old regulars was averted by the club's owners. 4
Tim Richmond Posted October 26, 2023 Posted October 26, 2023 My one and only visit to Va Va's, a rumble on the dance floor with local drunken idiots, after it calmed down, a bloke pulled a knife on me in the gents toilet,I don't recall us staying all night! Tim. 1
Mal C Posted October 26, 2023 Posted October 26, 2023 I can’t remember that many soul do's that were that bad, there have a few eye opening moments for sure, I've certainly had very very scary nighters on the house scene, 88/89/90 it went with the territory, The Hummingbird in Brum quite like Wigan, you didn’t go to the toilets on your own at the 'Bird', because you would have everything stolen from you...it was a very racial in there, allot of the Kings Standing lot (Villa Supporters) for the most part, were racist, they went there to fight, deal and all the rest of it... Mosely Dance center, for those of you who know it, was seriously dodgy, it was next to Ballsall Heath, and in mid 1990 attracted a massive crowd that had come over from the Hummingbird. There were allot of very big dealers there, and they brought there own trouble, most major cities have/had clubs like this... it was a shame cause it was a really great venue, music and Dj's were very good... Anyhow, Soul, been a few exchanges in the 100 Club que over the years, you can't stand about on Oxford street and not meet nutters walking past... Rememeber a fight way down the line, Sean Adams steamed into that, he came running past me, it didn't last long once he turned up......! lol One year at Cleethorpes I was in the modern room, it was the Sunday night so everybody had turned up to hear the classics, always a good night the Sunday night. I'm very worse for wear but I'm strutting my stuff and doing my moves and enjoying the night!! laughing Got chatting to this chap who was dancing next to me, alright mate, and all that....and he says I'm nipping out for a cigarette, comin? so I pip out. I'm out there 2 mins and he comes onto me, along the lines of “he has months to live" something like that.... I'm like, WTF! Mate I'm not gay, but no hard feelings and all that.... Then as soon as I look up his mate, a girl steams in front of us in her car, the passenger door swings open, and they make a quick getaway... I'm standing in the cold, what has just happened? didnt ruin the night, it was a great night, last night always is, but I felt a bit foolish best have another drink then, hit the floor 1
Guest Posted October 29, 2023 Posted October 29, 2023 On 24/10/2023 at 11:53, Djack said: Was at the 100 club one night and someone played Della Reese "A clock with no hands" Don't get much scarier than that! A nightmare but it could have been the flip ‘The bottom of Old Smokey’ so bad you might actually have burst out crying!
Wilxy Posted October 29, 2023 Posted October 29, 2023 (edited) As a Newport County supporter since my induction 1962/3 and furthermore, my love of the Soul Scene from 1974/5 said paths were"crossed" in September 1978 after a Friday night oldies session and Wigan Athletics initial football league season We happened to be playing them the following day.....Having spent the early morning at Wigan baths, after said Soul session, we visited the record shops before going to the game! With Newport having been been unsuccessful in obtaining any victory prior, were succesful at Springfield Park for our first season victory of 3-2.....My mate Nick, ,had kindly driven us up to Lancashire in his Mini Clubman, were displaying our club colours of Amber/Black, on our return to South Wales and receiving the complimentary sheep relationship jibes, from the home mob,whilst they were in receipt of the usual reminders of the score etc. ......Punk was the current fashion trend and the spikey haired following were keen to catch us up in their Doc Martens and hob nails and do us some damage, and as the traffic was'nt , moving due to red lights, it seemed that their footfall grew to running pace,whilst we weren't moving !!! Eventually our luck changed as did the lights luckily, and we headed southbound, having enjoyed both an oldies all-nighter along with a first win of the season! Edited October 30, 2023 by Wilxy Grammar 2
Wayoutgirl Posted October 29, 2023 Posted October 29, 2023 Travelled up to Carlisle for a nighter on a Friday with Julie from Halifax on a coach against the advice of my mum as it was snowing. Duly got to blizzard standards as we headed further North. Finally arrived at the venue at 5am but managed to get in via a knock on a fire door. Managed to cadge a lift back to Manchester in a mini bus off some friends but after a short stop at the services the driver accused me of ripping the seat in front of me and kicked us all off. The tear which I hadn't noticed until he pointed it out was old and frayed but his excuse to ditch us. Ended up borrowing money off the gang till Wigan the night after and finally got the train back. 2
Mark S Posted October 29, 2023 Posted October 29, 2023 Ritz alldayer Ric Tic review me like an idiot completely stoned spent the whole time in the toilet cubicle with the abb dabs, just caught All Kent think he was the last act
Popular Post Wheeler Posted October 30, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 30, 2023 The Wheel was the most fantastic venue but there was always the potential for unpleasantness. Not least from the resident muggers D and V - if you're still alive you know who you are. There were also transient, freelance muggers and there was no point hoping for help from the bouncers because there weren't any. It was the only time you could ask your mate to go to the toilet with you and it would sound OK. Our diet of amphetamines meant there was always a chance of getting the horrors. If you didn't feel paranoid inside the club you could when we emerged into the yard of a thousand eyes at 8.00am. The smart ones ducked out of the front door straight on to Whitworth Street. Yet, we put up with these minor inconveniences because of our love of the music and scene. A lifelong brotherhood and sisterhood. 7
Roburt Posted November 3, 2023 Posted November 3, 2023 The Hull lads outside the Wheel ... 3rd from left is Graham Bolton (now living in Australia). He went off with a bloke to get some gear ahead of going into the club one night. They rolled him, took his money & beat him up. Not a good night for Graham. 3
Wheeler Posted November 4, 2023 Posted November 4, 2023 There aren't many photos of the Wheel which could be one reason why it doesn't get the attention it deserves. Not surprising given the size of cameras back then. Also, The Wheel was the last place to go with valuables. Our friend D and his mates would have had off with them. A friend of ours came up to us and said D had taken his watch and could we help him get it back. I'm afraid we didn't but we did tick him off for coming to the Wheel wearing a watch in the first place. Looking back, we should have all ganged up and gave these characters a good hiding and ejected em but we weren't that sort and they were nut jobs. 1
Popular Post Roburt Posted November 4, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 4, 2023 A few old pics ... 6 1
Frankie Crocker Posted November 4, 2023 Posted November 4, 2023 Nothing outrageous to report, just trivial things. Sound system playing up at Mr M’s and 100 Club. Wading through flooded bogs at The Casino and 100 Club. Slight infringements of dancefloor etiquette post 2000 with handbaggers, faggers, drinkers etc spoiling the parquet. Generally all been 99.9% positive experiences. Memorable journeys to and from Cleethorpes, Keele and Stoke...brilliant soundtracks that still bring back happy memories. Sunday travel on the railways was always a character building experience but no hard feelings looking back. As for Soul Nights as opposed to AllNighters, that’s for another thread... 1
Wheeler Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 Fantastic photo memorabilia. Just shows what could have been thought of as a negative thread turned out to be positive.
Popular Post Hooker1951 Posted November 5, 2023 Author Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 1 hour ago, Wheeler said: Fantastic photo memorabilia. Just shows what could have been thought of as a negative thread turned out to be positive. It’s not a negative thread in no way shape or form, it’s just telling it like it is, and in some cases getting it of your chest , you’ve got sometimes to have had the lows to appreciate the highs, and your right it also brought out good memories and photos and maybe be able to laugh now at things at the time seemed pretty awful at that the time Mick L 4
Wheeler Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 Good point. They were fantastic times and it's hard to explain to Muggles how good they were. 1
Greedy Mick Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 Loving this thread. I remember going to the first all nighter in Leicester after wigan had shut. And unfortunately it was cancelled. No buses after 11. But we all walked home together and chatted away at 100mph all the way home for some reason. Home was about 5 miles . And parents wondering why I didn't want breakfast But the longest journey back from a niter was coming back from Leighton buzzard to Leicester. We realised that we had missed junction 21 on m1 as we started the approach to the Humber Bridge. Thankfully we were able to come off , turn round and drive all the way back to Leicester before we ran out of petrol.. All I can say is that it's amazing when you are verballing away how easy it is to miss your turn off 2
Popular Post Hooker1951 Posted November 5, 2023 Author Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 This wasn’t a bad experience more a funny one really, it was a one off all-nighter in Rotherham , I think it was in a village hall or a one storey building used for the local parish events, if my memory serves me right either there were wives of ex miners welfare or the the local parish helping out with refreshments etc, anyway it was about 30 years ago, When we got there around 2am there was the usual rumours the Police might be raiding it because they were not to pleased that the place had been given a license to have a nighter, btw no alcohol there just tea coffee and sandwiches, So the night was going ok then around 4am the police arrived about 4am around 30 of them entered through the front door all linking arms in a line they entered the main room still linked together went into the men’s toilets still linked together as they were going out they were passing their comrades still coming in they then came back through the main room across the dance floor out through the door , the front door without stopping, it was hilarious, I was expecting them to break into song like a Gilbert n Sullivan opera Happy Days or should I say Happy Nights Cheers Mick L 6
Popular Post Ruisoul Posted November 5, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 (edited) Listening to these horror stories confirmed what I had expected at Wigan and the Wheel. And I was racially abused at my first visit to a soul club in Cambridge and at the 2nd visit much to my Mother's disgust beaten up by a 4 foot midget calleing me "Paki so and so"! In the end after he punched me and uncharacteristically for me I did hit back and he went down like a sack of spuds, only to pick up the biggest ashtray I have ever had the misfortune to encounter and then thow it at my face cutting my lip badly. Dennis Maxted the caretaker along with his lovely wife Betty said to me "Mick You are barred at least for a few weeks" which I duly accepted. I did go back only to prove my point- I love Soul Music and I will not be intimidated although I had to go in the other Funk room which had the benefit of Max Rees playing.Look lets be honest here - things were very "tribal" back then , you had football hooliganism, racism, skinheads (much maligned imo) and regional tribalism, plus tbh ordinary Mrs and Mrs in the street thought we were all tarred by the same hooligan/drug taking brush! The 70's for me were a scary place to live in. Thankfully we moved on from that- indeed the House Scene although involving drugs had none of the snobbery attached to record labels. There's a hierarchy in life whether were taking crap from politicians and Govt ministers or being bullied by older men on a scene now regarded as archaic. . But replaced by being bullied by others insisting "original records" are valid only, really? Surely some records sold on here as original are in fact 70's pressings? Elitism replaced Racism/Tribalism (you're not in my group so you can't come in) Ditto "you said something out of place so I won't speak to you at a "Do". The people who I met in the 80's were a different breed it was almost as if they realised and accepted that things had to move on if Soul Music was going to continue to progress (Stafford since?). Great stories btw! Really enjoyed this post! Edited November 5, 2023 by Ruisoul 9
Popular Post Wheeler Posted November 5, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 Not a bad experience, at least for us who made it to the nighter, but possibly for our soul chum who didn't. We were catching the11.30 train to Manchester so we got geared up in advance. The slight inconvenience was that there was no11.30 train. My fault I'm afraid. Possibly, they changed the timetable without telling anyone, let's go with that. All geared up with nowhere to go. Light bulb moment. We caught a taxi to our chum's house three miles away, knocked him up out of bed and asked him to drive us there. Our good-hearted friend agreed and my memory says his Dad was quite relaxed about it all. Naturally, given the hasty departure, we ran out of petrol somewhere or other. Employing muscle power and gravity we rolled down to a late night service station. We filled up and arrived not much later than the train would have had there been one. Our friend drove home to continue dreaming about Gina Lollobrigeda and we enjoyed a fantastic all nighter. Everything returned to normal except I was fired as travel organiser. 5
Popular Post Tykebike Posted November 5, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 I was that chum. Good job I didn't have to work a full shift on Sunday. 4
Popular Post STEFAN BURLAK Posted November 5, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 5, 2023 (edited) 1968 Earls Barton Greyhound Racing Stadium; We had been told about this place by a well known friend of ours in Sheffield. I had never been to an allnighter before so me and my pals decided to drive down,100mls South from Sheffield to Northamptonshire. We went down in my Reliant Robin 3 wheeler, 4 of us, I was 16 so could drive one of these on a scooter/motor bike license. Got to the Stadium and had a fantastic night of Soul, Ska and Reggae, a mixture of soul brothers and Skin heads, great time was had and decided to go down again 2 weeks later. Second visit; 100mls down the M1, 4 of us in my 3 wheeler. Just as we were approaching the Stadium down this pitch black country lane, suddenly the road lit up with a blaze of flood lights in front of us. I quickly realised that this was a police road block, threw my matchbox of purple hearts [bluies] out of the window and pulled up. Unfortunately for me they retrieved the box and contents and I was locked up for the night at Wellingborough Police Station, let out at about 7am the next morning for 100 mile drive back to Sheffield. Didn't bother going again. Edited November 5, 2023 by STEFAN BURLAK 7
Nth Soul Old Boy Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 Getting the train back from Wigan Winter '73 to Chester and not being sure if we had to change at Crewe or Runcorn. Chose unwisely, next stop was Stafford. Ended up further from home than when we started. Not the best start to Sunday when you have danced all night without the aid of funny pills. Yes, despite media reports to the contrary not everyone was off their heads on drugs. I was probably just very naive back in the day, but I never saw any drugs. I suppose if you aren't part of that scene, it isn't noticed. I smoked the odd roll-up cigarette, for a short time in my 20's, it always had me had me scratching my head why "Bouncers" in clubs were all ways asking me what I was smoking. Why were they so interested in my tobacco brand. It was years before it dawned on me they thought I was smoking Pot. Like I said "NAIVE" 3
Popular Post Wheeler Posted November 7, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 7, 2023 Metro Soul Club, Wakefield. A small basement club in er Wakefield. It was after the Wheel closure but there were quite a few all nighter veterans there this particular night. Around 2.00am we heard an enormous sound like thunder or the roof caving in. It was in fact HM Constabulary hurtling down the stairs on a well-rehearsed drug raid. The lights went on and I noticed we were ankle deep in discarded Dexys. One young constable asked me if they were mine, as if I would say yes. Detectives then employed a rudimentary, unscientific test to determine (guess) who had been indulging. They shone a torch in the person's eyes to gauge their reaction. Those who failed were carted off to a coach for further processing. Those who passed were made to sit cross legged, hands on head on the dancefloor. I watched what the cross legged group did and copied them. A squint, just a little not too much. It worked and I joined the got away with it group. Eventually, the gentlemen of the law left. The DJ had long departed so we spent the rest of the time chatting about the events. My mate had gone to the car for further refreshments just before the raid so missed all the fun. On his way back he noticed a suspicious amount of policemen lurking about so he did a sauntering U turn trying to look as casual and innocent as possible. BTW my mate was Stefan Burlak of this thread. 4
Paraboliccurve Posted November 7, 2023 Posted November 7, 2023 Mid 1980s, travelling to a nighter in Sheffield (I think) where Popcorn Wylie was appearing (I think) a dog got run over on the M1 in front of us. Bit shit. Around the same time, going to the Buzzard nighter and finding it had been moved to a cement works social club. Cement dust and sweat ruin a pair of shoes nicely. Maybe late 80s, going to a new nighter at a miners' welfare in Notts somewhere. (I say a miners welfare, from memory it was like a village cricket club pavilion.) Good DJ line up, reasonable attendance. No gear. Worst nighter ever. 2
Happy Feet Posted November 13, 2023 Posted November 13, 2023 (edited) I know I've mentioned this before on here but feel , after some research that I may have given the Oldies Alnighter' s at The Casino a bad name and wish to apologise . The Alnighter wasn't the Oldies the night before the 3rd Anniversary is was " By Popular Demand " a new Friday Alnighter in Mr Ms featuring Soul Sam ,John Vincent and guests ( I'm sure Richard , Keith M. and more than likely Kenny S. because he provided the equipment for Ms usually) but can't remember the exact line up . I can definitely remember the journey from North Wales , buzzing and looking forward to a warm up prior to the real thing on the day after on the Saturday, 15 mins in 3 punters full of chemical assistance and Mike Walker came running in from the entrance, opposite end to the stage full of djs , arms flaying all over place shouting "shut it down guys , new it wouldn't work " and stopped the whole thing , Returned our entry fees etc and kicked us out on the streets of Wigan , off our heads , funny now but very pissed at the time . Having recovered then managed a clean up at the baths , refreshed and off to the 3rd Anniversary and had a great time the following night . Don't know if anyone else still alive can remember or even want to admit "That By Popular Demand" wasn't a Friday night success that particular night or if there was ever another. The Oldies was the 1st Friday of the month , I never went to one , Edited November 13, 2023 by Happy Feet
Pete Morgan Posted November 13, 2023 Posted November 13, 2023 remember being in the queue at the Casino and there was a punk band on before { Atilla and the Huns} i believe was the name . when all the punters left seeing the concert there was a huge clash with all of the soul crew outside. It was mental and we ran and hid in the multistory carpark next to the Casino until it all died down...Mental especially we were all off our chops !
Timbo58 Posted November 30, 2023 Posted November 30, 2023 (edited) None bad -to be fair I really didn't do many after the 80's anyway. One very memorable one that still scares the heck out of me was NYE Stoke. Felt fine until I got back to my mates (who was giving me a lift the 4 hours south) and realised when I got in my car I felt a bit odd (i.e. whoozy/pissed). It certainly wasn't the booze as after the pre drinks in 'spoons I'd stuck to red bull and only had a few of them & water until the last song and farewells. I managed to get to my home in one piece, felt a bit odd/slightly sick all day, so having a shift the next day (Railway) I tried to sleep it off. Lo & behold I got half way to work and realised I'd better ring in 'sick' as I still felt pissed (Rail limit was instant sack at 1/2 the DD limit)! This was at least 18 hours after the event and over 24 since my last alcoholic drink so there is no way I'd have been OTT. Spiked drink? I bloody well think so. No wonder the kids hang onto theirs for grim death nowadays, Edited November 30, 2023 by Timbo58 1
Paul R Posted November 30, 2023 Posted November 30, 2023 Nobody has mention the first Leeds Soul Festival. April 74. Awful venue, awful Sound system, duff gear. Even Major Lance, JJ Barnes, the Exciters and Mel And Tim didn't make it much better. 1
Wicked Posted November 30, 2023 Posted November 30, 2023 yeah just as I remember it. Queen's Hall old tram shed. 1
Algsoul Posted November 30, 2023 Posted November 30, 2023 3 hours ago, Paul R said: Nobody has mention the first Leeds Soul Festival. April 74. Awful venue, awful Sound system, duff gear. Even Major Lance, JJ Barnes, the Exciters and Mel And Tim didn't make it much better. yuk and what a cold hole it was 1
Geeselad Posted December 1, 2023 Posted December 1, 2023 On 13/11/2023 at 23:56, Pete Morgan said: remember being in the queue at the Casino and there was a punk band on before { Atilla and the Huns} i believe was the name . when all the punters left seeing the concert there was a huge clash with all of the soul crew outside. It was mental and we ran and hid in the multistory carpark next to the Casino until it all died down...Mental especially we were all off our chops ! I'd heard about this incident from my brother's mate's. I asked about on a previous thread, the band was slaughter and the dogs, if I remember correctly
Geeselad Posted December 1, 2023 Posted December 1, 2023 On 07/11/2023 at 15:09, Paraboliccurve said: Mid 1980s, travelling to a nighter in Sheffield (I think) where Popcorn Wylie was appearing (I think) a dog got run over on the M1 in front of us. Bit shit. Around the same time, going to the Buzzard nighter and finding it had been moved to a cement works social club. Cement dust and sweat ruin a pair of shoes nicely. Maybe late 80s, going to a new nighter at a miners' welfare in Notts somewhere. (I say a miners welfare, from memory it was like a village cricket club pavilion.) Good DJ line up, reasonable attendance. No gear. Worst nighter ever. I was at the cement works, think it was called the bee gees club. Got a lift with someone to Aylesbury but only had about £1.50, after records and other essentials my return from London to buzzard wasn't valid. got a train back to London anyway, tried to pretend I was asleep but those ticket inspectors are persistent, he asked where I'd got on, last station I said, the ticket was about, £1.48, close call.
Paraboliccurve Posted December 1, 2023 Posted December 1, 2023 30 minutes ago, Geeselad said: I was at the cement works, think it was called the bee gees club. Got a lift with someone to Aylesbury but only had about £1.50, after records and other essentials my return from London to buzzard wasn't valid. got a train back to London anyway, tried to pretend I was asleep but those ticket inspectors are persistent, he asked where I'd got on, last station I said, the ticket was about, £1.48, close call. It was actually a great night! 1
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