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Guest mel brat

Surely.. 'Oxford Bags', 'Spencers', 'Bowling Shirts' et al were the fashion when Northern Soul was at its height? Mid 70's period. Basically, everyone was wearing these clothes, not just soulies.

It's just a myth that these are Northern Soul (or 'Soulie') clothes/gear. If you go by the actual records, mainly 60's, early 70's and the fashions the artists wore and the original fans.....then (for me anyway) it has to be 'Ben Sherman', 'Levis'....etc.

Always amuses me when folk not into the scene still think that we wear vests (with patches), Oxfords...and the rest. I suppose they're still regarded as Northern Soul clothes by the masses... :shades:

Yes, but who's fault is that?

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Guest Stevie T

Yes, but who's fault is that?

1973 all the weird and wonderful 40" bottom trousers were made,no off the peg. In Halifax they were made by Trews the tailor

spencer,s didn,t exist in that form,but lots of benny,s short sleeved mainly, lots of

tank tops and tailor made jackets,bowling shirts came later :shades:


I remember dancing in platform soles and when they wore through the heel used to fill up with stone chippings on the way home and would rattle around and irritate the hell out of me - I wish that expanding foam that builders use had been invented then.

:shades::wicked::lol::lol: ......'kin classic......pissing myself here :D


I think the worst fashion faux paux i made was having a banana yellow and chocolate brown tank top...with a custard yellow skirt and a mustard long collar shirt topped with a afro which the Jacksons would have turned violet with envy...this at the mature age of 14 in 1975..i thought this is what northern soulies wore :shades: i looked like a walking chocolate banana split...but not as sweet :wicked: Delxx

That's just reminded me of a bright yellow full circular skirt I had that had liquorice allsorts printed all over it and a wide black patent belt. WIsh I still had it.............apart from I don't think it would go round my thigh now, never mind my waist :lol:


Guest SteveM


That's a beautiful evening gown...... is it an Alf Lauren? :shades:

Calvin Klown ?

Guest Karen Heath

That's just reminded me of a bright yellow full circular skirt I had that had liquorice allsorts printed all over it and a wide black patent belt. WIsh I still had it.............apart from I don't think it would go round my thigh now, never mind my waist :wicked:


That sounds fantastic-I want one! Actually, I've just remembered, I did have a top with liquorice allsorts on......obviously a popular design feature! :shades:


Remember black patent leather shoes for the boys being trendy at one time. I had a pair, but they never stayed shiny, a film of talc had usually formed by the morning and that kind of spoiled the look.


Remember black patent leather shoes for the boys being trendy at one time. I had a pair, but they never stayed shiny, a film of talc had usually formed by the morning and that kind of spoiled the look.


I had some of them, and also a pair with felt on the bottom, which got a hole in them the first time I walked on pavement in them. Still can't beat the solatios IMO. Had some astoundinly colourful clothes when I was a teen, some very green cord high waisters, which I used to like to wear with a very yellow cap sleeve t-shirt. Also had some high waisters with a different colour waistband and pockets......... why oh why :shades:


I put these on and stood eager to see my reflection in the mirror, surely now I would loose the beer gut, surely now I would look handsome and young........ Nope I just looked like a little fat Cnut with a massive pair of clown's trousers on!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA Everyone at work just glared at me for bursting out laughing without reason :shades:

Guest SteveM


I had some of them, and also a pair with felt on the bottom, which got a hole in them the first time I walked on pavement in them. Still can't beat the solatios IMO. Had some astoundinly colourful clothes when I was a teen, some very green cord high waisters, which I used to like to wear with a very yellow cap sleeve t-shirt. Also had some high waisters with a different colour waistband and pockets......... why oh why :wicked:

No wonder St Margarets finest Met boys found you so easy to spot on the picket line at (enter location here)________________________ :shades:



That's not you, it's Dave Hill :shades:

No that photo is a bit deceptive on the haircut front, it's not a fringe, as this frightening one of me at school in 1975 shows!!!

It's a good job we can laugh at ourselves now!

Guest Bogue
Posted (edited)

No that photo is a bit deceptive on the haircut front, it's not a fringe, as this frightening one of me at school in 1975 shows!!!

It's a good job we can laugh at ourselves now!

Center partings, or Flea Slipways as my brother used to call mine, were all the rage then for the fashion victim :shades: It was usually more Shane Titley than yours there though Pete, i reckon you were just metomorphing from a greasy biker on that one :wicked:

I'll try & fish out some terrible photos of my Flea Slipway.

On to the High Waisters, god i hated them ! A fat kids nightmare they were !!

You had to either buy a pair 2 sizes too big & lop off half the legs, which left you with Ankle Patch Pockets & needing arm extensions just to undo your flies . Or you went for the proper size & ended up with 'Duel waisted' trousers, high waist at the back & low slung under the gut at the front !

One fashion i was glad to see the back of !!

Edited by Bogue

Guest mel brat

I'm also old enough to remember paisley print shirts. Unfortunately!


No wonder St Margarets finest Met boys found you so easy to spot on the picket line at (enter location here)________________________ :thumbsup:


I could of understood if they'd wanted to arrest me for crimes against fashion, but once they tried because I placed a styrene cup on the pavement. Said I was causing an obstruction to the lorries going in. Didn't arrest my mate however, who clambered onto one of the lorries, and got taken through the gates into the plant. He looked like roadkill on the front of the lorry. Those were the days eh :D

Apologies to the topic starter for going off at an tangent by the way :thumbsup:


Guest mel brat


I could of understood if they'd wanted to arrest me for crimes against fashion, but once they tried because I placed a styrene cup on the pavement. Said I was causing an obstruction to the lorries going in. Didn't arrest my mate however, who clambered onto one of the lorries, and got taken through the gates into the plant. He looked like roadkill on the front of the lorry. Those were the days eh :thumbsup:

Apologies to the topic starter for going off at an tangent by the way thumbsup.gif


No, if you were on ANY picket line, you get my support whatever you were wearing! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Guest Black Gold of the Sun

Or maybe Dries van Northern? :P

Good grief man thats much too subtle for this forum.the standard apparel in my locality for the northern soul boy about town was some variation of leather bomber jacket ,skinners jeans or cords ,fred perry and frank wright loafers(c.1972/73) thumbsup.gif


Good grief man thats much too subtle for this forum.the standard apparel in my locality for the northern soul boy about town was some variation of leather bomber jacket ,skinners jeans or cords ,fred perry and frank wright loafers(c.1972/73) thumbsup.gif


Have to admit to not knowing who Dries van Noten is, but having googled the name......... Great pun :P


Here's Garv [ right ] and myself [second from right ] late 70's .Love Garvs tanktop and my cheese cloth shirt .Did have a juicy fruit chewing gum belt as well , wonder where that is now ?Best ,Eddie

I see Winston on the left of the picture Eddie ohmy.gif


In the eighties I was guilty of two of the popular fashion fads-shorts worn together with sweat wristbands and also dungarees! A couple of lads at Warrington and Morecambe used the wear the headbands as well...not a good look :P I can't imagine that's a look that you could carry off into your 50s wicked.gif

Guest Jamie

Know what you mean Pete , it's another of our mates Kenny , we used to think he really looked like the boxer John Conteh , don't you think ? Best ,Eddie

He also has a look of Stuart Naylor from Middleton. Did a double take when I saw it.


Guest kevmorby

hi everyone this is a great topic sitting crying with laughter. Anyway Oasis in Brum has a lot to answer for including...solatio shoes, patched levis, cap sleeved tee shirts with Mel's bar on the back (Torquay 1976) and bloody rugby shirts I know it was Wigan but come on. Best part most of this stuff was expensive as well. :rolleyes:


Here's me in the mid 70's - cool eh ? Best ,Eddie

I remember those shoes Edd :rolleyes: , you could get em in Birmingham [ corperation st] if my memory is correct & they used to advertise them in Blues & Soul / Black echoes with drawings of the shoes from somewhere in Northampton. I had a black pair with a snazzy grey insert.

Guest Bogue

hi everyone this is a great topic sitting crying with laughter. Anyway Oasis in Brum has a lot to answer for including...solatio shoes, patched levis, cap sleeved tee shirts with Mel's bar on the back (Torquay 1976) and bloody rugby shirts I know it was Wigan but come on. Best part most of this stuff was expensive as well. :rolleyes:

Oasis, yeh i remember that place :shades: Like a big indoor trendy market.

Remember buying,amongst other things, a beautiful pair of beige coloured zoots from there. I used to ware them out with a wine coloured box jacket, beige pleated shirt, a narrow wine coloured tie & wine coloured moccasins, real smart :thumbsup:

My mates used to take the piss though & call me Nelson Eddy !!


hi everyone this is a great topic sitting crying with laughter. Anyway Oasis in Brum has a lot to answer for including...solatio shoes, patched levis, cap sleeved tee shirts with Mel's bar on the back (Torquay 1976) and bloody rugby shirts I know it was Wigan but come on. Best part most of this stuff was expensive as well. :rolleyes:

I remember the Oasis, there was a shop called route 66 in it. I bought a pair of oxfords from there & a budgie jacket :shades::thumbsup:

Guest Bogue

I remember the Oasis, there was a shop called route 66 in it. I bought a pair of oxfords from there & a budgie jacket :shades::rolleyes:


Budgie jacket, had one of them too, cream with purple suede areas including the Teardrop collar ! Tragic aint it ? :thumbsup:

Guest mel brat
Posted (edited)

Good grief man thats much too subtle for this forum.the standard apparel in my locality for the northern soul boy about town was some variation of leather bomber jacket ,skinners jeans or cords ,fred perry and frank wright loafers(c.1972/73) :rolleyes:

THATS IT! "Skinners" - I couldn't for the life of me remember what they were called! (Baggies that pre-dated high waist baggies) Had some dark green ones in needle cord. Comfortable though - except when a sudden draught went up ya' leg! Worn with Solatio shoes. NOT two-tone, as I don't think they made them then, and I never liked 'em anyway! Frank Wright loafers. Haven't seen any for years.

As for Birmingham Oasis, I mainly went there for Steve Glover's record stall. Steve had one of the best UK label collections in the UK at that time, and almost all demos! (he probably still has them!) I know he had several mint copies of Darrell Banks on London, because I saw them! I bought many of my British label Soul from Steve at about that time, including Sandy Wynns on Fontana, Mary Love on King, Garnet Mimms etc. When Steve or his then girlfriend Jan weren't there, a chap called Juddy watched the stall (have forgotten his real name though. Judkins?) I remember one time going there in 1973 with my mate Pete.

Pete said "Come on. Let's crack Juddy up" or words to that effect, and proceeded to take the piss out of Juddy's supposedly "large feet" in the manner of "Oh! there's a loose floorboard here. No hang on, it's just Juddy's FEET" etc... Juddy finally saw red and chased Pete right up the stairs waving a broom, and trying his best to knock Pete's head off with it, then carried on chasing him halfway up Corporation Street!

Edited by mel brat

THATS IT! "Skinners" - I couldn't for the life of me remember what they were called! (Baggies that pre-dated high waist baggies) Had some dark green ones in needle cord. Comfortable though - except when a sudden draught went up ya' leg! Worn with Solatio shoes. NOT two-tone, as I don't think they made them then, and I never liked 'em anyway! Frank Wright loafers. Haven't seen any for years.

As for Birmingham Oasis, I mainly went there for Steve Glover's record stall. Steve had one of the best UK label collections in the UK at that time, and almost all demos! (he probably still has them!) I know he had several mint copies of Darrell Banks on London, because I saw them! I bought many of my British label Soul from Steve at about that time, including Sandy Wynns on Fontana, Mary Love on King, Garnet Mimms etc. When Steve or his then girlfriend Jan weren't there, a chap called Juddy watched the stall (have forgotten his real name though. Judkins?) I remember one time going there in 1973 with my mate Pete.

Pete said "Come on. Let's crack Juddy up" or words to that effect, and proceeded to take the piss out of Juddy's supposedly "large feet" in the manner of "Oh! there's a loose floorboard here. No hang on, it's just Juddy's FEET" etc... Juddy finally saw red and chased Pete right up the stairs waving a broom, and trying his best to knock Pete's head off with it, then carried on chasing him halfway up Corporation Street!

I used to shop at Steve Glover's stall as well , you could get discount from the shop next door which sold the latest baggies etc .Used to buy those two - tone coloured shoes from Faith in the same st as The Odeon .Think that lad Juddy moved to Jersey ? Anyone remember those long denim coats with white fur collars , around 72 - 73 ? Think Steve has a garage in West Midlands now , and does a show on Aston Villa radio .Best ,Eddie


but as we laugh there will be people getting ready to wear clown outfits like this at prestatyn


Hush your mouth there, I would get lambastard , tarred and feathered in Derbyshire for coming out with a comment like that.

Can anyone remember a range of knitwear called Southsea Bubbles circa77ish

Guest kevmorby

it goes on and on. South sea bubble jumpers remember them I had one that was cream with maroon stripes down the side.....til my mum washed it then it was pink like rice pud with jam in it. Skinners of course and white skinners looked like ex sailors..these were replaces by karmann ghia cords.This topic will get a whole lot more embarassing.


THATS IT! "Skinners" - I couldn't for the life of me remember what they were called! (Baggies that pre-dated high waist baggies) Had some dark green ones in needle cord. Comfortable though - except when a sudden draught went up ya' leg! Worn with Solatio shoes. NOT two-tone, as I don't think they made them then, and I never liked 'em anyway! Frank Wright loafers. Haven't seen any for years.

This isn't correct. Skinners came in either denim or white versions. The cord baggies you are thinking of were called Karman Ghia and they were incredibly popular for about 2 years. They had weird ticket pockets at the front instead of proper pockets. I had a fawn coloured pair, my mate had a sky blue pair, can you imagine!


This isn't correct. Skinners came in either denim or white versions. The cord baggies you are thinking of were called Karman Ghia and they were incredibly popular for about 2 years. They had weird ticket pockets at the front instead of proper pockets. I had a fawn coloured pair, my mate had a sky blue pair, can you imagine!

p.s. oh bollocks, I typed this without reading the other replies and see that Kev has written exactly the same thing as me.

If you want to see "skinners" in action, just look at any footage of the Bay City Rollers.

Guest kevmorby

Pete..was really trying to avoid bay city roller connection...so any mention of jumpers with stars on is not allowed

Guest Scarborosoul
Posted (edited)

Who mentioned star jumpers??? me and our kid circa 72 just before my rebirth into the soul scene!


Thats Phil on the left and moi on the right.

Also Skinners (white) best worn with blood red docs (preferably christened) also white butchers coat and a bowler hat!!!! butchers coat should also have real opposition fans blood on it as well! ahhhhhh those where the days lol

Lastly what was donney osmond doing at cleethorpes???


Edited by Scarborosoul

Also Skinners (white) best worn with blood red docs (preferably christened) also white butchers coat and a bowler hat!!!! butchers coat should also have real opposition fans blood on it as well! ahhhhhh those where the days lol

Guest Scarborosoul

Trent end?? (spit growl) Started my BB career on the old Hull Sledmere end and finally finished as as a Scarboro crew member. But that is a long way in the past im afraid.


I remember those shoes Edd :thumbsup: , you could get em in Birmingham [ corperation st] if my memory is correct & they used to advertise them in Blues & Soul / Black echoes with drawings of the shoes from somewhere in Northampton. I had a black pair with a snazzy grey insert.

Here's the ad mate - enjoy !! Best ,Eddie


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