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Kit Moore RIP


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Gutted, like Simon talked much nonsense so mnay times with Kit.  Spent most of the conversation trying to understand him.  Not seen him for a while now but he was one of our crowd for many years, many a good night in his company as did many and a few crazy car journeys one in particular when he stayed at mine and we drove into Nottingham.

Gonna be missed, R.I.P. mate


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Loved KIT, what a guy, full of banter and stories. Gail & I spent a lot of time with him at nighters, still could nae unstand most of what he said. He vanished from the scene overnight and myself and others tried like mad to get in contact but he had obviously made his mind up. He'll be somewhere right now regaling a long gone story and talking bollox in between. He defintely was a one off and that's why we loved him. I for one will miss him and that big wide smile, R.I.P. KIT my old mate.

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