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Site: The 'Show Us Your Great Photos' Topics 2023

Site: The 'Show Us Your Great Photos' Topics 2023 magazine cover

It's that time of year again...

Back in April 2013, Russ aka @Amsterdam Russ started up a freebasing topic, simply set up for Source members to share their wildlife photos.

Straight off it became a most popular topic, so popular it was extended to include all types of photo subjects, with a new year based topic at the start of every year.

So here we are 10 years later ...

The 2023 topic has just kicked off and can be had here



While all the previous topics (2013-2023) can now be found under the below tag


Almost 10,000 comments in the 10 topics 


Of course many thanks go to all members past and present who have contributed photos and comments wise over the last 10 years and to Russ for his time and efforts in organising the topics

Cover photo is from the very first 2013 post by Russ


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Almost 10,000 comments in the 10 topics

Blimey. I had no idea! It just goes to show the popularity of the topics and the huge level of participation by so many people over the years. Long may that continue!

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