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What do you do when someone threatens to drag your name through the dirt for something you haven't done?

I ask this because I've just had some totally bewildering and extremely vicious hate mail pushed through my door by someone on the Northern Soul scene.

About a year ago, I received a phone call from a collector friend called Dave Conway, asking me if I had noticed whether a particular record had been in his trades box when I had visited him about a year before. The record in question was The TNJs on Newark. I thought back and told him that it hadn't been, because if it had been, I surely would have noticed it and made enquiries about what price he wanted for it etc. He then explained that the record had gone missing and that he suspected someone who had seen the records before me of taking it. Shocked, I expressed sympathy and wished him well in finding out what had happened to it, and he said that I had helped him pinpoint a time when it was no longer in his box. We chatted amiably for another 20 or 30 minutes and then finished our conversation. With my work shifts, I don't get out as much as I'd like to, but I bumped into him a few times since at clubs and had a friendly general chat.

Then, completely out of the blue, things took an extremely sinister turn yesterday. I got back from dropping the kids off at school, had a bit of breakfast and returned to the front hall and found an envelope on my doormat. Opening it, I found an abusive letter claiming that I had stolen three records including the TNJs on Newark from 'a collector' at about the time I had visited Dave Conway, with a list of 8 specific threats of dire things that were going to happen to me (and Dawn, too!) if I didn't 'return' the records within 7 days. There was a cut-out portion of newspaper with sections mentioning an 'executioner' and 'rectifying mistakes' marked with highlighter pen (bizarrely, from a story about David Beckham?!?) , a copy of a letter which was going to go out to anyone the person could think of, supposedly exposing me as a thief, plus a flyer which was going to be given out at venues, full of venomous libel pointing towards me. Disturbingly, the flyer was not just run off from somebody's home PC, but had clearly been done professionally at a printer's, meaning that the person had obviously been obsessive enough to go somewhere and pay to get it done, unless they were a printer themselves, and were stealing from the firm's time and materials, which would be ironic to say the least. As if all this wasn't weird and creepy enough, THE ENVELOPE HAD NO STAMP! The postman didn't bring it - somebody came to my house themself, crept up my path, physically pushed the envelope through my door and scuttled off like a coward, without having the guts to knock on the door and face me.

All the offending material can be viewed at:





So what do you do when you get accused of something like this - what would YOU do? My first thought was to contact Dave Conway, and ask him what on Earth was going on, because the TNJs record pointed to him, though he hadn't asked me a word about the other two records when he originally phoned. I tried getting his phone number from a mutual friend who lives close to him, but got no success, only an answerphone. I'm sure I don't need to tell you the letter was completely anonymous, not only no contact number, but no name or address, only some contemptible gibberish about a 'Northern Soul Justice Dept'. Also, no handwriting - this person was taking creepiness to an obsessive level.

But should I contact Dave Conway? Was it even him? Or was it someone he said something to, who thinks they're doing him some weird sort of favour? Do we just go to the police and get this harasser off our backs? Obviously, I can't 'return' the records as I never had, touched or even saw them in the first place, so given the fact that it's physically impossible to satisfy this person and their nutcase deadline, in the end I felt it better to just get this info out into the public arena.

So is it Dave Conway? During the original phone call there was never a suggestion that Dave Conway suspected me. He didn't hint that he thought it was me, and (without naming them) he mentioned someone else who he suspected. Not having a guilty conscience, it never crossed my mind he could be thinking of me, and any time I saw him afterwards he treated me in a perfectly friendly manner. He's never phoned me since and never e-mailed me or written to me, then out of the blue this parcel of malicious accusations, threats and personal abuse lands on my doormat, two whole years after I visited him. Has anyone else heard of this 'Justice Dept'? It sounds like something from an obsessive with a mental health problem, which doesn't tally with my image of Dave Conway.

I have never stolen a record from anyone and I'm not about to start now. People who steal records are complete cunts, but so are people who accuse others of it when they have no shred of evidence to support their claims and threaten to mount extensive and detailed campaigns to ruin the name of an entirely innocent person. What would be the point of stealing those records anyway? You couldn't DJ with them, you couldn't sell them, and you could only keep them at home, in which case why not just have a tape? If Dave Conway wants to see playlists of mine since 2005, he's more than welcome to them, and I can supply him with a list of every collector I've traded with since then as well, so he can go to them direct and ask them if they've ever been offered these records by me. Moreover, if anyone has been offered these items any time in the last couple of years, please put the details up here so that Dave can trace the genuine whereabouts of these records. As the threatening letter states, stealing records is not worth doing both in financial and reputation terms - but I don't need telling that - I don't steal records full stop. I never have done and I have never been tempted to.

So has this sort of thing gone out to a number of people in the hopes of flushing the real culprit out? Or does someone just have a vendetta against me? Or is it just someone mischievous? Or insane? Who is responsible for this malicious letter? I'm not even sure if it is Dave Conway, as I have always found him entirely friendly and have never been accused by him about this. And why on Earth would he wait 2 years and then suddenly decide it was me anyway? His wife was there when I was, as well as Dave. And even had she not been, I wouldn't steal anyone's records if I was left alone for a week with a thousand Shrine records. Is it the person originally suspected by Dave of doing this and trying to look like they take a hard line on this to look innocent? Who knows? Why on Earth is the finger pointing at me now, when originally it wasn't? And why the time delay, when really, police or civil action should have been involved if there was any firm reason to suspect me?

Judgements will be made both for and against. Dawn and I have decided to put this info out ourselves, as we're not prepared to just 'wait and see' - what on earth else could we do? How else can I prove innocence more than what I am doing now? Anyone who knows us will know we are just an ordinary family and we certainly do not have tens of thousands of pounds to take anyone through the courts for slander, so this is all we can do. What could you do if you were in the same situation? I acknowledge that with someone doing this sort of thing to us, some mud will stick, despite being entirely innocent of it. Some people will not know me and will be thick enough to believe the 'no smoke without fire' thing, some people will know me and will maybe want to believe it just because they don't like me or whatever, but I do believe that anyone who knows me well enough would know that I have nothing to do with this ridiculous situation. But really, all we can do is try to do what we have done already - whatever is said about me I should have a right to reply to. Individuals will make their own minds up, and really that's up to them - but we will not be bullied and harassed into suffering for something we do not have any responsibility for. If on this sham evidence people want to stop dealing with me - having me at their clubs etc, that's their decision to make, but not one iota of actual evidence will exist against me, as I have nothing whatsoever to do with this. I would not dream of causing trouble in any one else's club, or for other people generally, so if you think I'm a record thief, just put your name up here on the thread and say so and I won't turn up at your club, send record lists to you, ask to buy or trade records with you, contribute to your magazine etc. I am sending this email and attached evidence to as many people, dealers, promoters, magazine editors and web sites as possible myself. I will also email Dave Conway himself with this, if someone will please let me know his email address. At present, I want to assume that he is another innocent bystander in this situation, as he has NEVER once accused me of this.

Working shifts and bringing up a family Dawn and I don't have a lot of free time to go out much, generally, but we will continue to get out every now and then to things we can. We will not be unjustly intimidated off a scene we have loved for so long.

Many thanks,

All the Best,

Nick Brown

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Record thieves are scum, I know from personal experience

If I were you, I would try again to contact the guy who had the 45s stolen in the first place and see what he has to say.

If you have no idea who sent the letter, then the threats should be reported to the police

Hope that you get it sorted



Guest mel brat

What do you do when someone threatens to drag your name through the dirt for something you haven't done...

This appears to be a straight forward matter of libel and threatening behaviour amonst other things. I think you'd be better off taking legal advice. Try the Citizen's Advice Bureau perhaps?


What do you do when someone threatens to drag your name through the dirt for something you haven't done?

I ask this because I've just had some totally bewildering and extremely vicious hate mail pushed through my door by someone on the Northern Soul scene.

About a year ago, I received a phone call from a collector friend called Dave Conway, asking me if I had noticed whether a particular record had been in his trades box when I had visited him about a year before. The record in question was The TNJs on Newark. I thought back and told him that it hadn't been, because if it had been, I surely would have noticed it and made enquiries about what price he wanted for it etc. He then explained that the record had gone missing and that he suspected someone who had seen the records before me of taking it. Shocked, I expressed sympathy and wished him well in finding out what had happened to it, and he said that I had helped him pinpoint a time when it was no longer in his box. We chatted amiably for another 20 or 30 minutes and then finished our conversation. With my work shifts, I don't get out as much as I'd like to, but I bumped into him a few times since at clubs and had a friendly general chat.

Then, completely out of the blue, things took an extremely sinister turn yesterday. I got back from dropping the kids off at school, had a bit of breakfast and returned to the front hall and found an envelope on my doormat. Opening it, I found an abusive letter claiming that I had stolen three records including the TNJs on Newark from 'a collector' at about the time I had visited Dave Conway, with a list of 8 specific threats of dire things that were going to happen to me (and Dawn, too!) if I didn't 'return' the records within 7 days. There was a cut-out portion of newspaper with sections mentioning an 'executioner' and 'rectifying mistakes' marked with highlighter pen (bizarrely, from a story about David Beckham?!?) , a copy of a letter which was going to go out to anyone the person could think of, supposedly exposing me as a thief, plus a flyer which was going to be given out at venues, full of venomous libel pointing towards me. Disturbingly, the flyer was not just run off from somebody's home PC, but had clearly been done professionally at a printer's, meaning that the person had obviously been obsessive enough to go somewhere and pay to get it done, unless they were a printer themselves, and were stealing from the firm's time and materials, which would be ironic to say the least. As if all this wasn't weird and creepy enough, THE ENVELOPE HAD NO STAMP! The postman didn't bring it - somebody came to my house themself, crept up my path, physically pushed the envelope through my door and scuttled off like a coward, without having the guts to knock on the door and face me.

All the offending material can be viewed at:





So what do you do when you get accused of something like this - what would YOU do? My first thought was to contact Dave Conway, and ask him what on Earth was going on, because the TNJs record pointed to him, though he hadn't asked me a word about the other two records when he originally phoned. I tried getting his phone number from a mutual friend who lives close to him, but got no success, only an answerphone. I'm sure I don't need to tell you the letter was completely anonymous, not only no contact number, but no name or address, only some contemptible gibberish about a 'Northern Soul Justice Dept'. Also, no handwriting - this person was taking creepiness to an obsessive level.

But should I contact Dave Conway? Was it even him? Or was it someone he said something to, who thinks they're doing him some weird sort of favour? Do we just go to the police and get this harasser off our backs? Obviously, I can't 'return' the records as I never had, touched or even saw them in the first place, so given the fact that it's physically impossible to satisfy this person and their nutcase deadline, in the end I felt it better to just get this info out into the public arena.

So is it Dave Conway? During the original phone call there was never a suggestion that Dave Conway suspected me. He didn't hint that he thought it was me, and (without naming them) he mentioned someone else who he suspected. Not having a guilty conscience, it never crossed my mind he could be thinking of me, and any time I saw him afterwards he treated me in a perfectly friendly manner. He's never phoned me since and never e-mailed me or written to me, then out of the blue this parcel of malicious accusations, threats and personal abuse lands on my doormat, two whole years after I visited him. Has anyone else heard of this 'Justice Dept'? It sounds like something from an obsessive with a mental health problem, which doesn't tally with my image of Dave Conway.

I have never stolen a record from anyone and I'm not about to start now. People who steal records are complete cunts, but so are people who accuse others of it when they have no shred of evidence to support their claims and threaten to mount extensive and detailed campaigns to ruin the name of an entirely innocent person. What would be the point of stealing those records anyway? You couldn't DJ with them, you couldn't sell them, and you could only keep them at home, in which case why not just have a tape? If Dave Conway wants to see playlists of mine since 2005, he's more than welcome to them, and I can supply him with a list of every collector I've traded with since then as well, so he can go to them direct and ask them if they've ever been offered these records by me. Moreover, if anyone has been offered these items any time in the last couple of years, please put the details up here so that Dave can trace the genuine whereabouts of these records. As the threatening letter states, stealing records is not worth doing both in financial and reputation terms - but I don't need telling that - I don't steal records full stop. I never have done and I have never been tempted to.

So has this sort of thing gone out to a number of people in the hopes of flushing the real culprit out? Or does someone just have a vendetta against me? Or is it just someone mischievous? Or insane? Who is responsible for this malicious letter? I'm not even sure if it is Dave Conway, as I have always found him entirely friendly and have never been accused by him about this. And why on Earth would he wait 2 years and then suddenly decide it was me anyway? His wife was there when I was, as well as Dave. And even had she not been, I wouldn't steal anyone's records if I was left alone for a week with a thousand Shrine records. Is it the person originally suspected by Dave of doing this and trying to look like they take a hard line on this to look innocent? Who knows? Why on Earth is the finger pointing at me now, when originally it wasn't? And why the time delay, when really, police or civil action should have been involved if there was any firm reason to suspect me?

Judgements will be made both for and against. Dawn and I have decided to put this info out ourselves, as we're not prepared to just 'wait and see' - what on earth else could we do? How else can I prove innocence more than what I am doing now? Anyone who knows us will know we are just an ordinary family and we certainly do not have tens of thousands of pounds to take anyone through the courts for slander, so this is all we can do. What could you do if you were in the same situation? I acknowledge that with someone doing this sort of thing to us, some mud will stick, despite being entirely innocent of it. Some people will not know me and will be thick enough to believe the 'no smoke without fire' thing, some people will know me and will maybe want to believe it just because they don't like me or whatever, but I do believe that anyone who knows me well enough would know that I have nothing to do with this ridiculous situation. But really, all we can do is try to do what we have done already - whatever is said about me I should have a right to reply to. Individuals will make their own minds up, and really that's up to them - but we will not be bullied and harassed into suffering for something we do not have any responsibility for. If on this sham evidence people want to stop dealing with me - having me at their clubs etc, that's their decision to make, but not one iota of actual evidence will exist against me, as I have nothing whatsoever to do with this. I would not dream of causing trouble in any one else's club, or for other people generally, so if you think I'm a record thief, just put your name up here on the thread and say so and I won't turn up at your club, send record lists to you, ask to buy or trade records with you, contribute to your magazine etc. I am sending this email and attached evidence to as many people, dealers, promoters, magazine editors and web sites as possible myself. I will also email Dave Conway himself with this, if someone will please let me know his email address. At present, I want to assume that he is another innocent bystander in this situation, as he has NEVER once accused me of this.

Working shifts and bringing up a family Dawn and I don't have a lot of free time to go out much, generally, but we will continue to get out every now and then to things we can. We will not be unjustly intimidated off a scene we have loved for so long.

Many thanks,

All the Best,

Nick Brown

Straight to the police mate. No one should be threatening your family, and then find Dave Conway and see what he knows.



Straight to the police.. the ring Dave Conway and tell him you have nothing to hide so you thought it best the police deal with any threat made agaist you or Dawn...

Posted (edited)

Nick, i think this is appaling behaviour, yours and dawns passion and knowlage in rare and northern soul is second to none, these 'threats' should be treated with the up-most urgency, a very close friend of mine had the same happen, he was lent a sales box and the guy never came back to him leaving him with the box of sales for about 10 years,, finaly they caught up and the guy accused him of stealing a Paul Sindab from the box, it started to involve threatening phone calls to him and his wife, but lets just say the problem was sorted with 'much haste' and the guy will never return to the scene again.

Dont take these threats to heart, if any one would be man enough they would confront you straight off not send you cr*p like that, its a cowards way out, and only trying to cause you qas much grief as they can thumbsup.gif

Edited by Baz
Guest dundeedavie

i agree , straight to the police , no question..


Nick, legal advice and or police mate no question, i've known you and Dawn for years mate and well it's simply not in your nature to do anything like this, i would trust you guys with my two DJ boxes anyday, protect your reputation, yourself and family and i'm sure it will all work out for the best.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.


i agree , straight to the police , no question..

Spot on Davie, (and everyone else) No point taking legal action at this point, regarding the libel point, who will you sue ?

Don't let the police fob you off. This is a specific threat. May be anonymous, but its got to be logged. Make sure you get a crime ref AND the name of the officer involved. DON'T be fobbed off by some civilian telephonist, ask to speak to a PC. Not an answer to your problem I know, but do it right.

Good luck thumbsup.gif


Good lord! Straight to the police. They may be able to lift prints and if the idiot is already known to police they may get a match.


I've never seen anything quite like this, it's disgusting. And as ever, the worst part is the fact that they are such cowards that they won't put a name to it so you don't know who's friend or foe. Good luck finding the bastards.


Dave Rimmer is mentioned in the letter, saying he will be contacted to print details in his magazine. Well he'll then know who sent it. Just call me Sherlock.

Yes that did occur to me. But I somehow feel that whoever it is won't actually give me their contact details when, and if, they get in touch.


Nick, I can't believe what I've just read.

No-one in there right mind would accuse either you or Dawn of stealing records. I've known you both for a bisquillion years, and would trust you both with ym most precious items.

I hope you get this sorted out and don't lose too much sleep worrying about it.

Love you both xx


I'm really upset to read this Nick, you & Dawn are both lovely people, i really hope you get it sorted out, this is a dreadful thing to happen to anyone.



Christ Nick he's nuts! Call the police now mate, you've a family to think of.

Pish poor that anyone would take such a stance against you mate, honest as the day is long and an all round bloody good egg. thumbsup.gif

Really hope you get this squared away soon without any grief.

Good luck,



I'm really upset to read this Nick, you & Dawn are both lovely people, i really hope you get it sorted out, this is a dreadful thing to happen to anyone.


Bloody cowards! The person shoved the letter through the door so do you think it's someone you know?

Guest Stuart T

Nick, you've had the best advice, although I doubt whether the pathetic prat involved will go any further. If I see someone handing out these flyers in a club I'll be sure to geta name out of them, hope others will do the same.


He cant have any proof coz surely the police would be knocking on your door, just set aside an afternoon and call in the police station and show the letter. tell em who it might be ( could even be known to them ) You have done the correct thing by outing the situation. But expect the guy you mention to be upset, coz he is gonna deny it, in a big way,

take care


Guest Andy BB

The Northern Soul Injustice Department! Phew!

That explains the huge outline of an owl that I keep seeing in the late night London skies - it's the Vested Crusader.



The Northern Soul Injustice Department! Phew!

That explains the huge outline of an owl that I keep seeing in the late night London skies - it's the Vested Crusader.



Seriously though... whoever it is has involved your family... go to the police... you can't ignore threats when they are directed at your family.

Guest Fatius Bumius

Nip round a few of your neighbours, hopefully one of them may have CCTV installed. Hardly likely to broadcast the fact they have CCTV but if you make a story up of how your wife lost her purse, and some kind soul posted it back through your letter box annonymously and you wish to find out who they are and reward them, they may show you some footage :lol:

My parents have CCTV installed, and have caught a few folks up to no good :lol:

Guest in town Mikey
Posted (edited)

Just like to add my voice in Support of Nick and Dawn.

2 friendlier and passionate people you are unlikely to find in any walk of life.

Nick, I think you have done the right thing bringing this out in the open. Hopefully it may persuade the perpetrator to come to his/her senses.

But like the others, i agree. get the police involved now. In the long run it may pay to have prepared them. hopefully it will all blow over, and eventually you can forget about it. But right now, it is better to be prepared.

Edited by in town Mikey
Posted (edited)

Can't see this being Dave at all he's a gent and a firm upstanding member of the London soul scene I don't think he has a bad bone in his body and never heard a bad word from him in all the ten years of our friendship.


That goes for Nick & Dawn as well

Edited by Prophonics 2026


You have my deepest sympathy here, that is quite the maddest and saddest thing I have ever heard of, without doubt you should go to the Police.

Without wishing to stir the sh*t in any way, the "Threatening letter" mentions you were the second person to look at the records, maybe you should find out who was the first? (Just a suggestion not an accusation before anyone kicks off).

How anyone could sit down and pen such a disgusting missive is beyond me though.

All the best



First of all, can I just say a massive thanks for your comments on here and for all the direct emails we've had about this. It has obviously been a bit of an extreme couple of days for us, and all these messages are so gratefully received, so thankyou!

Re: CCTV, thankyou so much - we just happen to have a shop directly across the road from us and I have just been across. They do have a camera that faces towards our house (shopkeeper has a flash car and said it's extra security for it!) They use three tapes/ disks not necessarily in rotation, so that means the morning of 14th may or may not have been recorded over. They are also our neighbours, so Nick is allowed to go over this eve and tomorrow to check them , so you never know, we may have the person on camera after all. Will obviously keep you all updated and are certainly going to the police today.

Thankyou all again, it means an awful lot to us.

Dawn x

Guest Fatius Bumius

Re CCTV - hope it turns something up :lol:


Nick and Dawn, I am totally shocked and dismayed that this sort of thing occurs to people like yourselves. And to involve your family is disgusting. Whoever the individual is who is doing this should be locked away for a long time.

You are two of the NICEST AND MOST HONORABLE on the Northern soul scene and you will always have the trust and respect of both Karen and myself. Hope you get this sorted soon and you were right to inform the rest of us about this type of behaviour.




Which is exactly why he needs to be notified.

I know Nick managed to talk to him this morning - he said that he did not suspect Nick of it and that there were only 2 other people who he had mentioned Nick's name to in connection with it. One was the person who he originally suspected, and the other was a mutual friend. The person who he actually suspected, he apparently went through the process of accusing the original suspect. Naturally, he won't give out the person's name, and really, it could be anyone that the other two people had mentioned it to. I have never met Dave Conway, but I have only ever heard Nick speak of him in a high regard. I know Nick has asked him to come on here to say his piece too, so whatever said can come from 'the horse's mouth'. He too may well be a victim of this saddo, which I hope we got across in our original statement.


Guest vinylvixen

Bloody cowards! The person shoved the letter through the door so do you think it's someone you know?

How utterly ridiculous - what kind of scumbag would threaten you, Dawn and the kids over a piece of vinyl :lol: ....I've known you both for years and you're gorgeous people. Don't handle the letter too much - it could be dusted for prints and DNA - seriously. And then hang them up by their knick knacks and let the crows peck their eyes out....would that be too harsh :lol: Jo


I know Nick managed to talk to him this morning - he said that he did not suspect Nick of it and that there were only 2 other people who he had mentioned Nick's name to in connection with it. One was the person who he originally suspected, and the other was a mutual friend. The person who he actually suspected, he apparently went through the process of accusing the original suspect. Naturally, he won't give out the person's name, and really, it could be anyone that the other two people had mentioned it to. I have never met Dave Conway, but I have only ever heard Nick speak of him in a high regard. I know Nick has asked him to come on here to say his piece too, so whatever said can come from 'the horse's mouth'. He too may well be a victim of this saddo, which I hope we got across in our original statement.


Sounds good.

I would have thought there can't be anything much worse than being a victim of malicious rumours... apart from the direct threats and intimidation that accompanied the correspondence.

Hope this all works out well for you both.



You are two of the NICEST AND MOST HONORABLE on the Northern soul scene

Nick and Dawn this is absolutely disgusting. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of this. Our support and thoughts are very much with you.

Take care

Ciara & Ian


Frightening & saddening stuff !

Does sound more like the real thief trying to deflect the blame as opposed to the guy who had the records

stolen to me, & definatley a job for the Police i think.

One thing, your fear of mud sticking dosen't appear to have happened, so keep your heads high.

Best wishes & hope it all get's sorted.


Nick and Dawn, you know that I don't have to say this, but I will, and that is there is NO WAY this person is correct in their assumption that you nick records. I have nothing but respect for you both and I would certainly trust you 100% with my record box! The others are correct mate, some one fucks with your family then you go straight to the police, no messing around. Hopefully this moron will be caught and this matter put to an end. Hang in there, I am sure that by now you know you have the support of the majority that know you.


Only just seen this & sorry to hear of the threats to you & Dawn mate.

Going to the police is the only way to deal with a threatening letter, here's hoping it's sorted & quickly !

Best wishes

Dave G


Hi everyone,

First of all, a million thanks for the e-mails offering support and advice that have flooded in, and I’m sorry if I can’t get back to you all individually straight away – It’s a bit overwhelming trying to deal with this at the moment. One thing that has been pointed out to me is that the original links I put up aren’t working properly, so here are the corrected versions.

All the offending material can be viewed at:





Once again, SO many thanks to all of you. Your support has been invaluable, and I’m really beginning to think we’re going to beat this thing. Thank you again.

All the Best,

Nick Brown


Nick and Dawn

It's a corny old cliche, but don't let the bastards grind you down.

Threats are outrageous and unacceptable in any walk of life, let alone on the Soul Scene where we are, in the main, extremely protective of each other.

You two are good eggs, and the lowlifes who have maliciously targeted you and your family in such a cowardly and poisonous way are not fit to touch the hem of your garments.

Call the cops, and hold your heads high.

Peace & love

Ali & John x

Guest Matt Male

Nick, only just read the letters on your links. Unbelievable. angry.gif

I've only met you a couple of times at the Dome, years back, but you have my full support mate.

Apart from the police action (which i hope is severe) this scumbag should be hounded from the scene when their name is known, what a disgusting low life.

All the best.



and I'm really beginning to think we're going to beat this thing. Thank you again.

All the Best,

Nick Brown

Nick you will beat this anyone that knows you trusts you, you only have to read all the posts above.

So the only thing you need to sort is the coward that put it in your letter box..

Let the old bill sort it for you..

Good luck to you and Dawn and don't stress

Just a pain at the moment but the truth always comes out your be OK. thumbsup.gif



Nick, don't normally advertise the fact, off duty, but if you haven't been to the police yet and want some advice then pm me and I will try and advise you. I learn alot from you lot so I will try and give some knowledge back.


Guest soul_hull

i would appoint a solicitor, and either through them, or directly yourself, contact the police. and i would do this sooner rather than later.

the temptation is to see what happens next. f**k that. it could be a brick bouncing through yer window.

if it were me, i'd call in at me local station - i sound like i do this all the time - but i don't even know where me local station is - but it's what i'd do. go and register the incident face to face at the desk. see if you can get them to come and take/examine the evidence, make a formal notice of your concern re your personal safety.

that kind of threatening behaviour is a serious offence, even if you had taken the stuff, which of course you haven't. have you? just kidding.

cop station now, solicitor's asap if req'd.

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