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From 1988 to 1997 I used to write a fanzine called Beatin' Rhythm, obviously this magazine was so brilliant that a shop in Manchester named itself after the magazine, being unable to come up with a name of their own. In the last but one issue I did mini-reviews of 100 records which were, at that time - the rarest/newest/latest discoveries, I have printed it below in full. Obviously over the years more information comes to light about what records actually are so half of these are probably uncovered now. I thought it might give some of you a chuckle anyway.

(p.s. the scanner printed nearly all 'f''s as 'F''s)


April 1996

So people complained about the lack of singles reviews in the last issue eh?

Well this issue will set the balance right, and to compliment Glen's 45's section,

here are 100 - yes, 100 - newies. You oldies Fans had better skip the next

Few pages as some of these records may damage your health! Here we go.

(Marks out of 5)

1. HESITATIONS - DON'T GO (Unissued) Sounds nothing like The Hesitations, and

doesn't sound much like a Pied Piper production either. Strong vocals over

a midtempo backing, good male harmonising in the background, but rather dull. (2/5)

2. HONEY & THE BEES - DYNAMITE EXPLODED (Unissued) Girl group item From Philly, very similar to the Arctic release just more messy. (2)

3. D.J.'S - BELIEVE ME (Unissued) Good male vocals but a lousy song with boring

backing. I Fell asleep. (1)

4. UNKNOWN ARTIST - TELL ME TOMORROW (Unissued D-Town) Chris King discovery from a D-Town tape, this is a beat ballad Featuring an excellent Female vocalist but sounds unfinished as it lacks backing vocals but does include an orchestral score, so a Finished version would probably sound superb. (3)

5. UNKNOWN ARTIST - MR. TEARDROP (Unissued) This is actually an early 70's

version of The Jerms' I'm A Teardrop which was big for a Few weeks in '79.

Adequete male vocalist but of curiosity value only. (1)

6. PATIENCE VALENTINE - IF YOU DON'T COME (Sar) R&B meets rock & roll on this very early 60's piece. A rocker, but we seem to be moving Further away From

the traditional Northern Soul sound every year. Not bad of it's genre, but

not my cup of tea. (3)

7. KITTENS - IS IT OVER (ABC) Cha-cha rhythm For the verses, short uptempo chorus, a nice if unexceptional disc. (3)

8. PATTI PAGE - YOU DON'T NEED A HEART (Columbia) This song has been popular For a while now via Teddy Randazzo's version, this effort by a white pop singer is a note For note copy but the production, not surprisingly, doesn't match up to

Sir Teddy's own effort. Incidentally, Teddy Randazzo First came to light in the

late 50's as a "Fabian" type manufactured white rocker. The boy done good. (3)

9. SANDPIPERS - LONELY TOO LONG (Giant) Obviously not the group who did Young Generation on Kismet, this sounds more like The Sandpipers who did "Guantanamera"! Surely this can't be the legendary Chicago Giant label can it? Whiter than white pap, The Archies had more soul than this. (0)

10. MAR-KEYS - SWEET BABY (Unissued) Actually that should have read "My SweetBaby". Well For a start, it's not an instrumental, it's nothing to do with the

band who recorded Last Night, it's a guy with the worlds highest Falsetto voice

backed by strings and things, and it's apalling. (1)

11. RALPH GRAHAM - SHE JUST SITS THERE (UpFront) Ah, now we're talking. This has been around For years as James Conwell - Sitting At The window. This is a

stunning track, a slow beat dominated by a Spanish guitar riff to begin, with

a plethora of instruments joining in one by one, and the song is a sad tale of

a young girl sitting at the window waiting For her guy to come back From Vietnam.

She's got a long wait. Middle eight is a bit messy, but the staccatto verses

are incredible and this is one of the most atmospheric records of the last Few

years. Vocalist is surely white with a name like "Ralph", but this is wonderful. (5)

12. MONIQUES - HEY GIRL (Ben-X) Another early rocker, sounds around 1962, again it's nice but it's not Northern as we know it Jim. Black pop music. (1)

13. OXFORD NIGHTS - I'M SUCH A LONELY ONE (Del Phi) A messy Frat-band effort by a strangely named white combo. Mid to uptempo but totally Forgettable. Sorry, what was I reviewing? (1)

14. BILLY HINES - LING TING TONG (Wa-Tusi) Moving into comedy territory, this is a quite mind-numbingly bad version of a P.J. Proby non-hit. Talk about barrel

scraping. (0)

15. HOT TAMALES - LOVE'S INVENTION (Detroit) The tune is a bit like a speeded up version of Monkey Time but that's the only positive thing that I can say about this slab of shite. Fast white rubbish. (0)

16. NORA ROBERTS - I JUST FLIP (Kick Off) The glamourously named Nora sings Flatly over a minimal guitar-bass-drums backing. Very poor lyrics but some nice piano playing half way through. It just makes you wonder why whoever discovers these records would think that anyone else could possibly like them. (1)

17. ANNABEL FOX - LONELY GIRL (Satin) A 100 Club biggie, this is a Fantastic

Little Anthony-style beat ballad, again produced by Teddy Randazzo (well it sure

sounds like one of his jobs), Dionne Warwick soundalike vocalist performs well,

but with a production like this she can't Fail, and whilst listening to it For

this tape I actually got goosebumps during the chorus, which Features a 100

piece orchestra and angelic choir. Breathtakingly brilliant. (5+)

18. PERFECTIONS - LONG TWINE (Unissued) A group who are raved over by certain people because of their I'm Not Gonna Lose You, a record which would have vanished without trace if played in the 70's when it had real competition. This is a dance craze record which sounds a little like "Arabia". Totally inept. (0)

19. BILLY STEVENS - WHAT LOVE WILL 00 (Cover Up) No, no, no! Get it off. Is this Bobby Vee? Sounds around 1960, white, shite, worst record of all time (For

now). This really is terrible and whoever decided it might be Northern needs

to see a psychiatrist. (Minus 100)

20. MARVA JOSIE - LATER FOR YOU BABY (Time) Again, this is too early to be considered real Northern but it's a pleasant enough midtempo dancer. Not exactly "Don't" but better than "Crazy Stockings"! (2)

21. LITTLE JIMMY RAY - YOU NEED TO FALL IN LOVE (Galliant) Begins like Fever, big double bass and a plonking piano give a great jazzy atmosphere, and the hoarse vocal sounds of Little Jimmy are Fine, but the song is poor and, sorry, but once

again it's not what we call "Northern Soul". (1)

22. LITTLE JIMMY DEE - I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED (Infinity) Christ, with all these Little Jimmy's around I'm expecting the Osmond variety up next! I'm not even

going to insult myself and you dear readers by reviewing this turd. (0)

23. DELCOS - JUST TELL ME WHY (SS 7) Is this the B side of Arabia? Whatever it is, it's pure rock and roll. Give me a break. (1)

24. ANDANTES - LIKE A NIGHTMARE (VIP) Ridiculously rare Motown release From the house backing group, it's not one of the best Motown dancers by any means but at least it sounds like an example of "Uptempo 60's soul music". The single must

have been withdrawn by VIP, hence the £3000 price tag. (3)

25. GWEN OWENS - MYSTERY OF LOVE (Rem) There's an echo-laden popping noise throughout this disc, that's the highlight. No, it's very sweet and will appear to girl group Fans but it sure doesn't sound like Gwen, If it is she must have been very

young when she recorded it. The tune sounds like "Mr.Lee". (3)

26. A GROUP CALLED "US" - PROMISE ME (Patty) Another garage band, this is a weird record which you'd have to hear really, nobody seems to know what they're doing and there's a multitude of instruments in there From kettledrums to screeching

sax. Probably needs a Few plays but it does have something. (3)

27. TRUE TONES - ONE MORE TIME (LSP) Extremely boring group eFFort, recommended for insomniacs. (0)

28. TRUE TONES - GIRLS ARE SENTIMENTAL (LSP) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. (0)

29. RUBY SHERRY - ROVING GIRL (Monster) Recorded in a shoe box, Features

tom-toms, guitar, bass, backing vocals and sweet Female lead. It does sound like

Ruby but this must surely be very early 60's. I love it, but it's hardly in the

style of "We Were Made For Each Other" or "Paris Blues" is it? (3)

30. JOHNNY SUMMERS - IS THE FEELING STILL THERE (Audio 40) This guy's a really good singer but this isn't his best eFFort. A messy recording that goes on and

on. (2)


Identical backing to the same artists' I'm Still Yours, this ones not quite as good but better than most of the records reviewed thus Far and it has a great catchy girly bit in the middle of the chorus. Apparently there are only two known copies of this disc. (3)

32. TEMPOS - I"LL NEVER FORGET (Diamond Jim) I've had this on tape For years, I'm sure a lot of people will recognise this one. Bad production ruins what could have been a near classic. May be known as "Someone else is taking your place", God where do I know this record From? Mid to uptempo dancer. (3)

33. VOLUMES - AIN'T GONNA GIVE YOU UP (Karen) A Fairly swinging 67-ish number which sounds a little like "Almost" (Jimmy Delphs/Betty Lavette). Okay soul record but not exactly That Same Old Feeling. (1)

34. SOUL SHAKERS - YOU'RE TURNING (Teri De) Composed and produced by the legendary Len Jewell, this is a rather lacklustre number which have actually benefited From a more dynamic production. Doesn't live up to it's reputation

and no way is it worth £400. (2)


An exciting intro on this RSB dancer and it pounds along in a similar vain to the same

artists' Black Wings Has My Angel, but the guy has a voice that sounds identical to Barney Gumble from The Simpsons! Not bad again, how could anyone pay £200 For this? (2)


WALL (Tarx) Slow 4/4 beat with nice trumpet riFFs and good backing vocals, very

strong lead, but ultimately unexciting even iF it is a bit of a grower. There's

a completely diFFerent version of the same song on Tarx by 'Billy Wisdom'. (2)

37. JOHNNY GILLIAM - FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER (Bo Mar) Superb disc From a brilliant vocalist, a midtempo sound with a haunting string laden backing. A minor classic in the making and boy, what a voice. (4)

38. SIDNEY JOE QUAILS - I DON'T DO THIS (Label unknown) You've got to be joking. A reject From the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. (Minus 300)

39. GWEN OWENS - MYSTERY MAN (Encore) What, another Gwen Owens record? This could be as early as 1960/61 by the sound of it, it's f*cking horrible and sounds like the vocalist is actually male. (1)

.40. HOLLY MAXWELL - DON'T SAY YOU LOVE ME TIL YOU DO (Star) Overrated dancer From an average girl singer, as Featured on N.Soul OF Chicago Vol.1 CD. Not bad. (2)

41. BEL-AIRS - I GOT THE FEELING (Palmer) Bit of a powerhouse dancer but the lyrics could have been written by a 5 year old. I bet some cnt has paid £200 For this

cos it's on Palmer. (1)

42. SHANDELLS - I'VE GOT TO LOVE HER (Label unknown) This is a messy sound a la The Q - That's The Way, and it's terrible. (0)

43. KEITH CURTISS - I'VE GOT TO KEEP YOU BABY (Smoke) Well this label gave us the classic Can't Lose My Head (George Blackwell) but this, although sung by an excellent deep voiced singer, is rubbish. (1)

44. JOHNNY DE VINGE - I SMELL TROUBLE (Delite) Johnny De Minge more like. From the "Good God!" exclamation after 5 seconds you know this ones gonna suck, and it does. (1)

45. WILLIE S THE MIGHTY MAGNIFICENTS - CHECK IT BABY (All Platinum) Torch-type groover From a semi-known group, not brilliant but this is like a breath of Fresh air aFter the last six or seven records. For stompers only. (4)

4B. SPIDER WALKER - I'M MAD (S & M) Good label name! Instantly Forgettable. (1)

47. TSU TORNADOES - PLEASE HEART DON'T BREAK (Rampart) I dunno, you get no TSU Tornadoes records For years then 4 or 5 get discovered at the same time. Typically boring crossover track with nothing to recommend it by. (1)

48. HOLIDAYS - SET ME ON MY FEET RIGHT (Unissued) Is it The Holidays? Who cares? Early 60's group eFFort. (1)

49. EDD HENRY - YOUR REPLACEMENT IS HERE (Big Mack) From the label that bought you the sublime Bob & Fred - I'll Be On My Way comes this instantly Forgettable Detroit disc From circa 1963. Not a patch on the rollicking I Love Only You. (1)

50. JOE BRAGG - I'VE GOT TO MAKE IT (BoCart) Sorry, I only heard 10 seconds of this prehistoric pop record beFore I turned it oFF. (0)

51. CONNIE VAN DYKE - DON'T DO NOTHING (Wheelsville) DreadFul Detroit dancer, sounds more like Dick Van Dyke. (1)

52. TRENT SISTERS - A LETTER A DAY (GoGate) Uptempo StaFFord R&B stormer marred only by an annoying break every so oFten to shout the title. Quite similar to the Little Jean record on GoGate. (2)

53. RINGLEADERS - WIN YOU OVER (Unissued) This probably is The Ringleaders and although the group is obviously talented, the song is just nothing and the piano player should be shot. (1)

54. MIKE TOMASETTI - COME SEE WHAT I GOT (USA) Begins like a Seekers record. Sounds like a Tim Rose outtake. No discernable soul or Northern Soul connection whatsoever. Incredibly, this was £100 in John Manships' catalogue. (Minus 4 million)

55. FABULOUS CAPRICES - MY LOVE (Camero) Well a drumbeat might have been nice. Next! (0)

56. CLEVELAND ROBINSON - BOY (Nosnibor) Good singer but lyrics From hell (0)

57. FLASH McKINLEY - I'LL RESCUE YOU (Bombay) Good name but a very average dancer From the label that bought you The Fasinators. (1)

58. BETTY LOGAN - A LOT TO LEARN (Label unknown) Apparaently a big 100 Club spin. A Fast, Frantic, Flatulent piece of vinyl trash From around 1962. (0)

59. PAUL VARISCO - TELL ME WHERE LOVE GOES (Kapp) Very strange record, beginning with a shimmering organ and one note guitar motiF, with a Few other instruments joining in From time to time, but one of the sparsest beat ballads I'm yet to hear. Unfortunately, nothing happens in the whole record! (1)

60. CODY BLACK - I'M SLOWLY MOULDING (King) Solid Northern thumper From the proliFic Mr. Black, this is one of his best, great backing and instrumentation. (3)

61. SPIDELLS - PUSHED OUT OF THE PICTURE (Coral) Uninteresting midtempo group eFFort. (1)

62. TURBINES - WHAT MORE CAN I SAY (Cenco) Probably the other side of We've Got To Start Over, which, by a strange coincidence, is also crap. The Fact that this has lyrics like "You know you're sugar, you know you're spice, you know you're

everything nice" should tell you what to expect From this clinker. (0)

63. ASCOTS - ANYTIME (Mir-A-Don) The Ascots' Another Day is one of the greatest black vocal group records ever played on the scene. Is this the Flip side? Great vocals, midtempo style, but nothing memorable here. (2)

64. PHONETICS - PRETTY GIRL (Trudel) If this is the other side of Just A Boys

Dream then it sounds nothing like the effervescent A side and sounds like a throwaway number. (1)

65. GERALDINE HUNT - CHEAPER THAN ONE (Bombay) Geraldine is a Fairly well known name with a UK release on Roulette, iF I remember correctly. This one starts sensationally but goes downhill, with silly lyrical couplets and repetitive instrumentation. Average. (2)

66. CAVALIERS - OH IT HURTS ME (Unissued RCA) One of Ady Croasdel's stunning unreleased RCA cuts, but what I Found strange when this was spun on CellarFul Of Soul was that neither Ady or Richard seemed to spot that it had the same backing track as Al Gardner - Sweet Baby! (4)

67. UNKNOWN ARTIST - EVIL ONE (Acetate) This is the demo that The Sapphires, or at least their producer, would have listened to. It's much slower than the

version that we're acustomed to and taken at a very leisurely pace, but nice all

the same. Curious but interesting, probably a publishers demo. (3)

68. SANDY GOLDEN - YOUR LOVE IS EVERYTHING (Label unknown) Apparently a one-off disc, a very Frustrating record with all the right ingredients but a complete lack of passion by both the artist and the musicians hold it back. A midtempo dancer with lots going on, but very Flat. (2)

69. PERFECTIONS - WHY DP YOU WANNA MAKE ME SAD (Twinight) Good intro. That's it. (2)

70. J.J. BARNES - IT'S ALRIGHT TO CRY (Unissued) Ridiculously early recording

of no merit whatsoever. One star just For it being J.J. Barnes. (l)

71. METROS - PUSH A LITTLE HARPER (Unissued RCA) Pied Piper production of a Hesitations track. As exciting as watching paint dry. (1)

72. FOUR PROS - LET IT ALL REACH OUT (CarIa) Horrendous. Seen For £150. The world has gone stark staring mad. (0)

73. FOUR REPUTATIONS - CALL ON ME (Millage) Yawn. (1)

74. DOGS - SOUL STEP (Treasure) Blimey, how did this get in here, a Fairly big

record From 1979, it has a catchy piano riFF that sounds like Many's The Slip,

but on the whole - a shocker! (1)

75. LASHONS - LITTLE SISTER BEWARE (Vended) An unusual and Fairly good, in Fact very good early 60's item, can't tell iF it's male or Female though. Look out

For the wurlitzer solo in the middle. £200 job. (3)

76. TONY MIDDLETON - YOU SPOILED MY REPUTATION (ABC) This is Las Vegas cabaret stuff and iF it wasn't one of our heroes, this would be top notch Frisbee material.(l)

77. WAYNE HARRELL - LONELY BOY (Unissued) This sounds a little like "Um Um Um" etc but although pleasant is instantly Forgettable. (2)

78. JOHN WESLEY SMITH - TALKING 'BOUT WOMEN (Angeltown) A slightly latinized but generally messy uptown dancer with a good handclapping break in the middle. (2)

79. FOUR BARS - LEAN ON ME (Dayco) Well known R&B dancer From Eddie Daye, tune is similar to BareFootin' in parts, it doesn't hold a candle to Guess Who Loves You and I hate it. (1)

80. RINGLEADERS - ALL OF MY LIFE (Unissued) This ones' been around For years but I doubt iF it's really The Ringleaders, sounds more like The Detroit Soul. It

begins with one of the all-time great sax intros, sadly it's all downhill aFter

that as the song is very slight, though the return of the saxman From time time

helps to keep the listeners attention. (3)

81. MOMENTS - BABY I WANT YOU (Hog) The discovery of this a couple of years ago was a real shock,, having previously known only as a one oFF acetate credited to The Fabulous Impacts. This version on Hog seems to be slightly alternative to the acetate, though I may be wrong. This is an absolutely Fantastic record, it's got the lot, big backing, strings, great vocals and a Fine production by

Freddie Perren of 'Tavares' Fame. A stunning record. (5+)

92. PAT LEWIS - GENI (Unissued) Connoisseur via SS/GM have already put out

a version of this which sounded identical to the wonderful Teri Bryant version.

This second version has different brasswork and vocal styling and a bit more

punch to it. Great song this, and featuring a superlative string arrangement

from those Solid Hitbound people. (4)

93. BARBARA MERCER - HAPPINESS IS HERE (Unissued) A very youthful sounding Barbara turns in a pleasant version of Tobi Lark's classic, but this version has the backing vocals turned down to a barely audible level, so this is obviously a

"work in progress" demo. With a backing track like that though, surely no-one

could do a bad version? (Well, maybe Geoff Metaliko)(3)

94. EDDIE ANDERSDN - I"LL LOVE YOU FOREVER (Unissued) This, and the last two, are all outtakes from Goldmine's Solid Hitbound/Groovesville/Thelma CD's, wonder if they'll come out now? This version isn't much different to The Holidays

hit version and I guess if you'd never heard their version you'd think this

was the dogs bollocks. Demo only quality though. (3)

95. ANDREA HENRY - TIME FADES AWAY (Unissued) If you're expecting something akin to I Need You Like A Baby, sorry, wrong number. A pleasant, fairly swinging number with jazzy overtones. An instrumental version would probably be better.(2)

96. MARK LOYD - WHEN I'M GDNNA FIND HER (UK Parlophone) I mention this only to say to those who called me a w*nker when I was raving over this 3 or 4 years ago - I TOLD YOU SO! One of the top sounds in the country, everyone

wants a copy, shame, you could have had mine for £25 when I sold the collection.

The record? It's brilliant. (5)

97. CODY BLACK - MR.BLUE (D-Town) A rare and brilliant track from Cody. Mr.

Black is a fine singer but he's outdone here by his backing vocalists who take

the phrase "call and response" to a new level. After responding to easy stuff

like "Mr. Blue won't be lonely", they attempt to repeat 20 word sentences.

You'll see what I mean if you hear the tape, but anyway, with the backing singers

completely out of control, especially at the end when they drown out the lead

singer, this is great stuff! (4)

98. JOANNE DUVALLE - HOLIDAY (Hot) I can't get my head round this one. It's

a 4/4. pounder, thunderous drums, burping sax, tambourine, sounds nothing like

a Detroit record, in fact it sounds like some sort of novelty record and I'm

sure I've heard this tune before as an instrumental. Hmm. (2)

99. WILLIE WADE - WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE (Nite Life) Lovely beat ballad from sweet voiced Willie, the overall feel is very Billy Stewart-ish (without the

vocal gymnastics) and I think this was on last issues tape. Very pleasant without

being brilliant. (3)

100. JANICE - I NEED YOU LIKE A BABY (Roulette) Yes, it is the same song, not

only that, it's the same backing track, only it's been updated by adding some

nasty wah-wah guitar and one of those scraped percussion instruments beginning

with "q" over the top for this 1969 version. Vocal wise, Janice is obviously

white and is a bit limited and pure sounding, and to be honest Andrea Henry's

version knocks this one into oblivion. (3)

There are a few conclusions to be made from the 100 reviews you've just read.

75% of all newies are rubbish, full stop. Of that percentage, another 60% are

either R&B no hopers or early black pop/rock and roll. Where has all the NORTHERN SOUL gone? Didn't crossover scare you enough to go back to the traditional Northern sound? It was only lack of decent gear that bought in the beat ballad era, but there's no excuse for these awful newies. Anyway, the best of the 100 reviews will be on a tape for your pleasure, the rest, get out of my house you c****

All reviews in this piece by PETE SMITH, complaints to editorial address.

April 1996

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38. SIDNEY JOE QUAILS - I DON'T DO THIS (Label unknown) You've got to be joking. A reject From the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. (Minus 300)


You'll do for me Pete :thumbsup:

Guest Awake 502


You'll do for me Pete :thumbsup:

Oh dear....




45. WILLIE S THE MIGHTY MAGNIFICENTS - CHECK IT BABY (All Platinum) Torch-type groover From a semi-known group, not brilliant but this is like a breath of Fresh air aFter the last six or seven records. For stompers only. (4)

"Check It Baby" is indeed a nice stomper, but I find it a bit surprising that the flipside on this, "Take My Love", hasn't taken off yet or indeed had ANY attention at all. It's a superb mid-tempo dancer with superb vocals and also available on the cheaper same-sided white demo copies so shouldn't be too hard to pick up. :thumbsup:


:thumbsup::thumbsup: Excellent read

Have you changed your mind about any of them?

A couple that caught my eye: you only gave Cody Black a 3 ( :thumbsup: !!!), The Spidells a 1 :thumbsup::D

Also, I agree with you on SJQ but not on Johnny DeVigne, I am still looking for a copy after Ady Lupton played it down These Old Shoes all those years ago.

Interested if you've changed mind on any though (not just the ones I've mentioned).




:thumbsup::thumbsup: Excellent read

Have you changed your mind about any of them?

A couple that caught my eye: you only gave Cody Black a 3 ( :thumbsup: !!!), The Spidells a 1 :thumbsup::D

Also, I agree with you on SJQ but not on Johnny DeVigne, I am still looking for a copy after Ady Lupton played it down These Old Shoes all those years ago.

Interested if you've changed mind on any though (not just the ones I've mentioned).



I'd have to have a good think about it Paul, but I doubt it to be honest...also, I couldn't bear to hear some of them again so there's no way of knowing!


I'd have to have a good think about it Paul, but I doubt it to be honest...also, I couldn't bear to hear some of them again so there's no way of knowing!

....Not sure how you arrrived at the notion that someone called Ralph is most likely going to be white, but apart from that I almost could have written this piece myself, so closely does it mirror my own opinions about at least 95 of the 100 tunes in question. Are you sure we weren't separated at birth, mate?



Great review by the way!

Are you sure it was 1996? as most of the sounds touted as newies (good & bad) were being punted about at least 5-10 years before?

Hi Pete

Same comment as Tony, Willie and the Mighty Mags big Stafford tune as was Honey and the Bees and both Ringleaders, plus a whole bunch more. So many of them by then had not only been well know for at least 10 years, but some big dance floor winners. Even if you had written this in 86, many of the tunes you reviewed had been filling floors for at least 2 years around the country.


Hi Pete

Same comment as Tony, Willie and the Mighty Mags big Stafford tune as was Honey and the Bees and both Ringleaders, plus a whole bunch more. So many of them by then had not only been well know for at least 10 years, but some big dance floor winners. Even if you had written this in 86, many of the tunes you reviewed had been filling floors for at least 2 years around the country.

So what???

Posted (edited)

Totally agree wth the review about Marc loyd Pete,borrowed this off Gilly to dj with at Stafford one night, played it twice upstairs and again twice downstairs each time to a busy floor even tried to put it on again when told to pack up(one of those nights) it took Gilly nearly a year to get it back as i used it in every spot from then on!! popular hundred club sound as well,who played it first or who discovered it?


Ps disagree about The Spidells and Tru-Tones


Edited by Soul-Slider
Guest Leigh J

Totally agree wth the review about Marc loyd Pete,borrowed this off Gilly to dj with at Stafford one night, played it twice upstairs and again twice downstairs each time to a busy floor even tried to put it on again when told to pack up(one of those nights) it took Gilly nearly a year to get it back as i used it in every spot from then on!! popular hundred club sound as well,who played it first or who discovered it?


Ps disagree about The Spidells and Tru-Tones

Allan Walls Played It , But That May Have Been After you , It Was A Big record On The Mod/Freakbeat Scene Of The Late 60's Along With The Steve Aldo One

Ive Still Got The Mag Pete ,


Totally agree wth the review about Marc loyd Pete,borrowed this off Gilly to dj with at Stafford one night, played it twice upstairs and again twice downstairs each time to a busy floor even tried to put it on again when told to pack up(one of those nights) it took Gilly nearly a year to get it back as i used it in every spot from then on!! popular hundred club sound as well,who played it first or who discovered it?


Ps disagree about The Spidells and Tru-Tones

You played M Loyd 4 times in a night,nothing good there and you borrowed it....... :thumbsup: good idea i have just had the floor rammed i`ll put on again,i would say Jim the 100clubs old and extremly uggly front door fella gave it its first propper airing.........but i`m sure loads of mods and other strange folk had it,but it took off at the 100club.


So what???

Hi Pete

As you stated at the beginning. the rarest/newest/latest discoveries. Tony and I were just saying that infact many had been around as big tunes for at least 10 years at the point you wrote that and so as such weren't new or latest. But still good reviews on the records and a great selection of records.


Guest Leigh J

You played M Loyd 4 times in a night,nothing good there and you borrowed it....... :thumbsup: good idea i have just had the floor rammed i`ll put on again,i would say Jim the 100clubs old and extremly uggly front door fella gave it its first propper airing.........but i`m sure loads of mods and other strange folk had it,but it took off at the 100club.

Loads Of Stuff Was Played Twice At Stafford , Most Of Which Was Worth Playing Again

Go To The Oldies Nights (Which I Dont) And Youll Hear The Majestics At Least Half A Dozen Times !

Posted (edited)

Loads Of Stuff Was Played Twice At Stafford , Most Of Which Was Worth Playing Again

Go To The Oldies Nights (Which I Dont) And Youll Hear The Majestics At Least Half A Dozen Times !

Four times,bit extreme tho`i would be pissed off if it was in my play box and i was on later,and the Majectics i would be pissed off the same,enough records and imagination to avoid the same old and if i aint got it i aint playing it.

Edited by ken

41. BEL-AIRS - I GOT THE FEELING (Palmer) Bit of a powerhouse dancer but the lyrics could have been written by a 5 year old. I bet some cnt has paid £200 For this

cos it's on Palmer. (1)


Yes I pretty much agree on everything Pete ... and it should also be said that you certainly have a way with words !!!!!!!!!

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