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you should attend an all-nighter over here. you have to fight your way past the people queuing up to engage in bolivian marching powder intercourse. I don't believe for a minute it doesn't happen in the UK. perhaps the old british reserve at play? more discreet probably? drugs exist at venues today as much as they did in the past. even at evening sessions. I witnessed it this christmas. suffice it to say that they were my age or older, in fancy dress & jawing on the dancefloor periphery as if they'd just been beamed down from cleethorpes pier 1975. each to his own.

buenas noches,


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I've never witnessed drug taking out in public *shrug*

Guest kent soul club

If your children see you really enjoying something, and can see that it makes you both really happy, then I think its quite natural for them to be intrigued by, and attracted to that thing.

Apart from that, as we all know, its bloody good music, and if you hear it regularly its hard not to like it. Our girls are 10 & 12 and they genuinely love soul music (Jessica, 10, thought northern soul was a group until about a year ago, bless her).

The Camber Sands scooter rally is a family orientated weekend, and we have been taking the girls for a few years now. The soul room there is exellent and they have a junior dancing competition early in the evening. Our 12 year old, Joanna, won this last year and just carried on dancing all night right through the proper dancing competition, where she was the fourth last dancer to be pulled out. The judges offered to let her carry on due to popular demand, but by then she was too knackered! This is one of the best memories of her life (and ours) and she is properly addicted now.

I think the notion that your kids must rebel against everything you stand for is a bit outdated now, as youth culture doesn't really happen anymore and our kids know they could never shock us.

As for the drug argument, they know it goes on, and they know its daft. You can't shield them from the world, but you can teach them that there is no need for drug or alcohol abuse, by showing what fun life can be without it, because for us the music has always been enough.

This is a joint post (no not that sort of joint!) by Mr & Mrs Magoo (the uptempo soul couple).

Peace & Love.

Guest mel brat
Posted (edited)

it is selfish to subject your children to such a drug fuelled atmosphere...

What's all this need for a "drug fuelled atmosphere" anyway? Can't people go out for a dance even now without their pathetic little pills? :angry:

Edited by mel brat
Guest mel brat

The little fella's me grandson, when ever he comes round to stay he's straight on the technics. Dont know why, but he's fascinated by records & decks, he's got his own record player we found at the bootsale.

When you think about it though, records are magical things ain't they? Just a bit of plastic with a groove that goes 'round and 'round, and real music comes out of it! No wonder he's fascinated - I STILL am! :thumbsup:


My Daughter wants to come because 'she' wants to come. Nothing to do we me having to drag her along.

Same here with Naim, my 11 yr old boy, he comes with us because He wants too...I for one would be very happy if he decided to stay with Northern as opposed to the Gangsta rap culture with its negativity and all the violence it attracts.. but at the end of the day, the choice would be his...btw, he is very proud of being a card carrying member of the Rugby Soul club..Delxx

  • 2 weeks later...

yes i was there that night, very sweet but lets hope she doesnt follow her fathers footsteps or should i say bootsteps regards his blatent lack of original vinyl, even playing cheap lp tracks :lol: photocopied

labeled 45s, total embarrasment, nuff said :angry:

I dont really think that this comment of yours was totally neccessary do you? Would it surprise you that 11 year olds can read!!! and your comments have distressed little miss soul aka Rosie, whom I know personally and think the world off, I would place her against any top female dj in this country because I know that she is just not "sweet" but can deliver a set full on, to a full dance floor, not because she is 11 years old, but because she has, like any of us on here, a passion for northern soul. I also know her dad Pate whom makes sure that Rosie is in the safest of surroundings at all times, Just As we all do with our precious kids. The vinyl Rosie plays are ones that she has bought from her own savings or has been given by other dj's and soulies, because she believes in what she is playing regardless of what label it is on, and those that have experienced this have believed in her not because she is "novelty factor" but because her love of the music shines through, As you say you were there that night so what was the dance floor reaction to her set?????? thats the most important thing, and soulies wont dance to a crap set regardless of age. Many on here often comment on will soul die when we do, but while we have got the youngsters coming into the scene, we need to nurture them not treat them as "noveltys" because of their age, or destroy any confidence that they have by making derogatory comments about them or their parents.


Well, anyone that has a problem with my Daughter at Prestayn can tell her, not me... I'm already excited at the prospect of learning all about her conversations with doubters :lol:

Guest toffee lady
Posted (edited)

My only objection to young uns at weekenders is with the selfish parents that leave them squashed asleep in a chair till the early hours while they carry on boozing and dancing

Edited by toffee lady

Well, anyone that has a problem with my Daughter at Prestayn can tell her, not me... I'm already excited at the prospect of learning all about her conversations with doubters :P

Some people think Kids should be seen and not heard! Not me! Like you me and my wife are taking our daughter to Prestatyn, and she is also looking forward to it planning her outfits like she would on any family weekend away.We listen to what she does, kooks, panic at the disco, kasabian, new bands, and she listens to ours. As she says old folk can go see bands so why cant she go to a weekender. This will be our second one and it worked just perfect last time, so you enjoy yourselves and sod the moaners, :lol:

Guest Gavin Page

yes its great to see younger people getting involved. however, they should not allow the under 16's into venues imo. i would never let a child of mine be exposed to the things that go on at soul events. i also think those parents that dress their kids in baggies and vests should be charged with child cruelty :lol::unsure:


Spot On :P


yes its great to see younger people getting involved. however, they should not allow the under 16's into venues imo. i would never let a child of mine be exposed to the things that go on at soul events. i also think those parents that dress their kids in baggies and vests should be charged with child cruelty whistling.gif:P


Tell you what the parents who still dress in baggies and vests should have a long think about how much we took the piss out of the teds in the seventies. Dressing like your dads!!


Yep, I agree, it's an adult atmosphere and the only underage people who should (but shouldn't really) be there are the ones that can manage to sneak in like none of us ever did before we were 18, honest :P (note, I can honestly say I never sneaked into a soul do before I was 18.... hypocrite.gif )

No offence to anyone but I find the 'kids DJing' thing a bit gimmicky. The only comfort is that in a few years they'll probably rebel and be into something much more sensible :D

I've just spotted this topic, and i must say i'm stocked to read this reply. Hows the 'Kids Djing' thing gimmicky? Personally, i think it's great, hence why i've been Djing since my very early teens. It's just what the scene needs, and for the following reason...

There won't be a scene in years to come if these 'Kids' don't get invloved.

The scene needs youngsters like Mike Umholtz, Adam Torel, Kevin Jones, and Myself (to name a few) to simply keep the scene alive.

I say "bring on the youngsters, and give them a good chance", and i'll stand by them words until it bloody well starts happening.

Guest Matt Male

I think when it comes to our own kids we always forget what we were like at that age. I expect when mine get older i'll be fairly protective of them and forget i was allowed to do outragous stuff at their age.

Would i let them go to a soul do on their own or with friends? Hard for me to say no, i went to Wigan when i was fourteen (i still cant believe my parents let me go) and Richard Jakeman, one of the mates i went with, was even younger.

Is the scene safer now than it was then? I reckon it is.


Sean Livesey started as a teen DJ and is doing alright

We have Calum Turner from Grimsby who does an excellent set wherever he goes and we have had him at Hornecastle Golf Club on a few occasions inc next one on March 3rd, Clum plays an excellent Modern Set

Rosie also has to be given the chance to expand and grow which will help the scene we know to continue its not novelty it is what we need to encourage,

our kids grow up with our music

now which is it 50CENT

or Bobby Womack



Thanks for the suport for Rosie she is not a member of this forum but i will pass on all you kind word.

As her dad it fill my heart with joy when people suport her, to all of you who do thank you, you are true soul brothers and sisters.

To you who think she's just a flash in the pan, let's chat in 10 years when she's still out there spining the tunes and your looking back wishing you had the gut's at her age to give it a try.

Guest Andy BB

i'm sorry but didn't prestatyn get raided by the police ?? for drugs ...you think thats a good enviroment ?

when it comes to it , it is your decision . i just don't like seeing kids in venues

With you on that Dave.

I don't mind in the afternoon at weekenders or dayes but kids under 16 shouldn't be out in clubs in the evening. It's a bit chavvy. That's our time. When we all get to go out with other adults and act like little kids.


With you on that Dave.

I don't mind in the afternoon at weekenders or dayes but kids under 16 shouldn't be out in clubs in the evening. It's a bit chavvy. That's our time. When we all get to go out with other adults and act like little kids.

Blimey - we're agreeing again mate. Leave the under 16's at home i say. 16 & over then if they're interested and want to come along then it sould be encouraged i reckon. Or there will be no scene one day.


Well, anyone that has a problem with my Daughter at Prestayn can tell her, not me... I'm already excited at the prospect of learning all about her conversations with doubters biggrin.gif

She'll have a great time! My daughter is 9 and she absolutely loves Northern Soul. She came to Prestatyn with us last year and had the time of her life. She also has been to SITS, Torquay Weekender and a couple of venues around the south west, Weston etc. She has her own record collection and the best quote she has come up with is that "she is not a child - she is a small soulie" LOL

Saying all that though, I am dead against seeing children who are dragged along to an event that they really do not have any interest in at all just because their parents want to go. If you take a child to a place like Prestatyn you have to accept that it will not be the same sort of prestatyn as it would be if you were there on your own. Last year for us was very enjoyable but very different to what we would normally experience. You have to cater for the kids accordingly but if you do this well you can have a brilliant weekend.

Hope you have a great time!

May I add my daughter knows exactly how to behave at soul do's and is a cracking little dancer and I think that makes all the difference.

Debs x



With you on that Dave.

I don't mind in the afternoon at weekenders or dayes but kids under 16 shouldn't be out in clubs in the evening. It's a bit chavvy. That's our time. When we all get to go out with other adults and act like little kids.

your quote

Family may suffer, we may lose perspective, after all its only music nonetheless. its hardly life or death....................

no such thing as a bit chav, calm down!!! dayees!!!! traineees!!! biggrin.gif

  • 7 months later...

Yep, I agree, it's an adult atmosphere and the only underage people who should (but shouldn't really) be there are the ones that can manage to sneak in like none of us ever did before we were 18, honest :no: (note, I can honestly say I never sneaked into a soul do before I was 18.... :unsure: )

No offence to anyone but I find the 'kids DJing' thing a bit gimmicky. The only comfort is that in a few years they'll probably rebel and be into something much more sensible :shhh:

personally i think that if we did not have young ones like me Alex soul boy simms and others like little miss soul the scene can not carrie on and the records would be worth nothing if the older ones dont let the younger generation in to the soul scene it is a music for every one.


personally i think that if we did not have young ones like me Alex soul boy simms and others like little miss soul the scene can not carrie on and the records would be worth nothing if the older ones dont let the younger generation in to the soul scene it is a music for every one.

I totally agree with Alex!

I'v been on the scene since i was 8.. i went to my first skeggy weekender at the age of 8.. and my parents payed the same price as they did for themself.. and they always have payed the full price for me too go too every venue which i've been too!

they arn't selfish.. and they didnt just take me along too venues because they didnt have a babysitter!

they took me because i wanted to go and i still do at the age of 13! and i always will want too!

i started djing at the age of 9 and im still djing now! and i always will dj.

soo too all you people out there that disagree and think it's wrong.. just think in 5 maybe 10 years time would there still be a soul scene without youngsters like me and alex.. i don't think soo.. and if there wasnt a soul scene then all them vinyls which people have collected over the years would be worth nothing!

i'm 13 and alex is 15 and we run our own venue "royston civic soul club" in barnsley

if you ask me the ones who are disagreeing and saying its wrong are the selfish ones by not giving youngsters a chance on the soul scene!

Rosie, Little Miss Soul, 13, Barnsley ( Yorkshire's Own Little Miss Soul ) X

Guest ShaneH

I totally agree with Alex!

I'v been on the scene since i was 8.. i went to my first skeggy weekender at the age of 8.. and my parents payed the same price as they did for themself.. and they always have payed the full price for me too go too every venue which i've been too!

they arn't selfish.. and they didnt just take me along too venues because they didnt have a babysitter!

they took me because i wanted to go and i still do at the age of 13! and i always will want too!

i started djing at the age of 9 and im still djing now! and i always will dj.

soo too all you people out there that disagree and think it's wrong.. just think in 5 maybe 10 years time would there still be a soul scene without youngsters like me and alex.. i don't think soo.. and if there wasnt a soul scene then all them vinyls which people have collected over the years would be worth nothing!

i'm 13 and alex is 15 and we run our own venue "royston civic soul club" in barnsley

if you ask me the ones who are disagreeing and saying its wrong are the selfish ones by not giving youngsters a chance on the soul scene!

Rosie, Little Miss Soul, 13, Barnsley ( Yorkshire's Own Little Miss Soul ) X


at least you are not been forced up chimneys like your friends at school :lol:


Posted (edited)


at least you are not been forced up chimneys like your friends at school :wicked:


Come now Shane .....

You know they don't put children up chimneys anymore in Barnserlee ......

They send them to work in t'mills and down t'mines .......

Two sides to the coin argument -

There is nothing wrong with the scene having a younger element in / on it , if it is to survive / continue ; but the problem with that , is there are not enough youngsters coming into it to replace the old ones ......

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton

Come now Shane .....

You know they don't put children up chimneys anymore in Barnserlee ......

They send them to work in t'mills and down t'mines .......

Two sides to the coin argument -

There is nothing wrong with the scene having a younger element in / on it , if it is to survive / continue ; but the problem with that , is there are not enough youngsters coming into it to replace the old ones ......

Malc Burton

That was in your younger years, not mine, a long time agoo! smile.gif

Reason why there isnt alot of youngsters on the scene is because people arn't giving us a chance.. you have too know the right people and be in the right crowd too be given a chance now-a-days!

But when theres people saying that its too gimicky or whatever they said isn't going too help.. and people saying hurtfull things and upsetting a 11 year old girl who is trying too help carry on the soul scene is the completely the wrong thing too do. And i'v never seen people take drugs or sell them on the soul scene! The scene is a friendly athmosphere not a drug trade! :lol:

Little Miss Soul, 13, Barnsley X

Posted (edited)

That was in your younger years, not mine, a long time agoo! :lol:

Reason why there isnt alot of youngsters on the scene is because people arn't giving us a chance.. you have too know the right people and be in the right crowd too be given a chance now-a-days!

But when theres people saying that its too gimicky or whatever they said isn't going too help.. and people saying hurtfull things and upsetting a 11 year old girl who is trying too help carry on the soul scene is the completely the wrong thing too do. And i'v never seen people take drugs or sell them on the soul scene! The scene is a friendly athmosphere not a drug trade! :thumbsup:

Little Miss Soul, 13, Barnsley X

Unfortunately , you completely missed the point of my posting that you replied to ......

I will give you a full and more explanatory reply later today , as to my feelings / viewpoint on young blood on / for the scene .......

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
Guest Trevski


:lol::lol: And that goes double for me!

Guest Trevski

There was an article in last months 'On the Scene' about Alex 'the soul boy' Simms who is 14 years old. He says he is either out dancing or djing at the weekend or dancing all over England.

He is now running his own monthly venue playing 100 per cent vinyl at Royston Civic in Barnsley the third Friday of every month. Also on the line up as resident DJ is Little Miss Soul.

AAArrrgghh! Why oh why do they have to give these kids twee 'soul' nick-names? Isn't it gimmicky enough without giving 'em soul names as some kind of legitimisation? Drives me mad!

Trevski "Grumpy-soul-git' Hare :thumbsup:


AAArrrgghh! Why oh why do they have to give these kids twee 'soul' nick-names? Isn't it gimmicky enough without giving 'em soul names as some kind of legitimisation? Drives me mad!

Trevski "Grumpy-soul-git' Hare :lol:

:lol: Excellent. Inspired by Trevski's comment I've got myself a chemistry set and a book on gene-splicing.

Jimmy "The Foetus" Soulboy should be ready for decanting in about a fortnight :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

There's always exceptions but in general kids don't end up being into what their parents are.

Rare soul has graced my (soon to be a teenager) daughter's ears all of her life. She refers to it as 'farty soul' and is far more interested in the download chart. :thumbsup:

The little fella's me grandson, when ever he comes round to stay he's straight on the technics. Dont know why, but he's fascinated by records & decks, he's got his own record player we found at the bootsale.


What a cherub! Look at his little face watching that record go round. :thumbsup:

personally i think that if we did not have young ones like me Alex soul boy simms and others like little miss soul the scene can not carrie on and the records would be worth nothing if the older ones dont let the younger generation in to the soul scene it is a music for every one.

Good show and could you post an intro please. :lol:

Ian old boy sims....

Edited by Ian Sims
Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

:thumbsup: Excellent. Inspired by Trevski's comment I've got myself a chemistry set and a book on gene-splicing.

Jimmy "The Foetus" Soulboy should be ready for decanting in about a fortnight :thumbsup:

:lol: PMSL :P Nice one Godz!

Edited by Trevski
Posted (edited)

That was in your younger years, not mine, a long time agoo! :D

Reason why there isnt alot of youngsters on the scene is because people arn't giving us a chance.. you have too know the right people and be in the right crowd too be given a chance now-a-days!

But when theres people saying that its too gimicky or whatever they said isn't going too help.. and people saying hurtfull things and upsetting a 11 year old girl who is trying too help carry on the soul scene is the completely the wrong thing too do. And i'v never seen people take drugs or sell them on the soul scene! The scene is a friendly athmosphere not a drug trade! :D

Little Miss Soul, 13, Barnsley X

Dear Miss Soul , 13 , Barnsley .....

As promised , here is a more fuller explanation for you , of the point I was making in my earlier posting on / of youth in / on the scene .....

I have no problem with , and certainly welcome , a younger element on the scene , but the problem that exists , is that there is not enough new blood coming into it , to ensure that it continues and stabilises - if not grows - after the old guard have gone .....

When I use the term " old guard " , I mean the people such as myself who were around more or less at the start ( the early 1960's ) , are not getting any younger , and despite all our enthusiasm and passion for the music and the scene , we are not going to be around forever , that is why new blood is needed .....

When we started , we were introduced to the music and scene , by the enthusism and passion of older aquintances ( I was 15 when I was first taken to The Wheel by two chaps , who were in the year above me at school ) or by elder brothers and sisters or uncles and aunties , conveying their enthusiasm and passion onto friends , younger siblings , nephews and nieces , etc . , who in turn , passed on their enthusiasm and passion to others , ensuring that the scene grew and developed into what it is today .....

As the years have gone on , those friends , brothers and sisters , nephews and nieces etc . , now have children of their own ; but unfortunately , the majority of those children ( mine included ) - despite having a creditable pedigree , do not have a liking for the music of their elders , and therefore , will not - no pun intended - carry the torch on , and this , unfortunately , is where the problems lies ......

Currently , there is only a minority in respect of youth who are interested - e.g. like yourself and your brother Alex , showing a willingness to further the scene , and I am sorry to say it , but that minority , despite all your enthusiasm , may be not be able to carry forward the scene as we know it ......

Example - when all of you are of a " senior " age on the scene - if there is one is one - in say another 30 years , putting you into your 40s . that will make it the year 2037 . This will mean that your / the elders who currently frequent it - given their average age to be 45 - will be well into their seventies ( I will , god willing , be 87 ...... ) , and it is debatable , despite all of our love / enthusiasm / feeling etc . , for the scene , will be involved in it .....

It is highly commendable that you , Alex , and the other " soul children " that regularly attend venues , are making a commitment to , and have a passion for , the scene : I hope that commitment and passion continues ......

Your statement that you have never seen people taking , or selling drugs on the soul scene made me smile ......

You should have been around in the 70s ...... :D

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
Guest Brett F
Posted (edited)

You are kidding me, youngsters on the scene...JESUS.i would not not let anyone under 25 into my enviroment, can't adults have there own fun without the minors being involved, i'll take my girl to disney etc, but would never dream of involving them in this wild and ungodly enviroment..............get real.................

Edited by Brett F

Guest Brett F


Guest Ranger

My two lads are 20 and 17 and when they were younger I hoped that they'd develop an interest in soul music. They haven't and they've developed their own tastes and interests. In hindsight I'm really glad they have. If I'd followed my Dad I'd be happy clapping away to James Last tunes :ohmy:

The pleasing thing about this is that they've gone well beyond the Top 20 tunes and sound-alike indie bands to find groups and music they really like. The other point is that they shouldn't be going out with their parents they need to create a life for themselves. Isn't that what we all did?

As far as children (pre 16 years anyway) at soul venues is concerned, sorry, but it's a complete no no to me. I may be a grumpy old man but I simply don't think they should be there. Attracting new blood onto the scene has been discussed many times. If I was late teens early twenties again (I wish) there's no way I'd consider getting involved in a scene where parents took their kids with them. As with many on here my introduction was through local youth clubs, graduating to soul nights and then allnighters. It's unfortunate that this kind of structure doesn't exist anymore but I'm afraid that whilst it's great that they're interested, my view is that taking them to soul nights is counter productive to the future of the scene.



You are kidding me, youngsters on the scene...JESUS.i would not not let anyone under 25 into my enviroment, can't adults have there own fun without the minors being involved, i'll take my girl to disney etc, but would never dream of involving them in this wild and ungodly enviroment..............get real.................

i thought that the soul scene was about the loving of the music and not about the people who love the music. take this i went to soul in the sun and there was a soulie in a wheel chir dancing on the floor with his chair, does it really matter, i dident care he was having a good time, same as these young ones as you describe us as we only want to enjoy the music same as the rest of other soulie and less of the pollitics. Alex Soul boy Simms

Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

i thought that the soul scene was about the loving of the music and not about the people who love the music. take this i went to soul in the sun and there was a soulie in a wheel chir dancing on the floor with his chair, does it really matter, i dident care he was having a good time, same as these young ones as you describe us as we only want to enjoy the music same as the rest of other soulie and less of the pollitics. Alex Soul boy Simms

The fact that you call yourself Alex "soulboy" Simms, says it all. There are folks on here that have forgotten more about soul than you will ever know. Giving yourself silly soul titles makes you look just that -Silly. Come back when you grow up, and earn the title. 

(P.S. Looking at your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I suggest you spend less time at venues

and more on your school work.)

Edited by Trevski

Here's an idea.

Seeing that so many Modern Rooms are less than full, perhaps they could be redesignated as Soul Creches, then all the youth could gather in relative safety,whilst us old farts got on with it.

"Everything under one roof, it's the Future"



i thought that the soul scene was about the loving of the music and not about the people who love the music. take this i went to soul in the sun and there was a soulie in a wheel chir dancing on the floor with his chair, does it really matter, i dident care he was having a good time, same as these young ones as you describe us as we only want to enjoy the music same as the rest of other soulie and less of the pollitics. Alex Soul boy Simms

no need to be so curel, i was only saying


The fact that you call yourself Alex "soulboy" Simms, says it all. There are folks on here that have forgotten more about soul than you will ever know. Giving yourself silly soul titles makes you look just that -Silly. Come back when you grow up, and earn the title.

(P.S. Looking at your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I suggest you spend less time at venues

and more on your school work.)

you see that it is people like you Trevski or what ever your name is that the soul scene will die becuase you are not encouraging younger one'S to KEEP THE FAITH the


The fact that you call yourself Alex "soulboy" Simms, says it all. There are folks on here that have forgotten more about soul than you will ever know. Giving yourself silly soul titles makes you look just that -Silly. Come back when you grow up, and earn the title.

(P.S. Looking at your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I suggest you spend less time at venues

and more on your school work.)

P.S what title is that KEEP THE FAITH

Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

you see that it is people like you Trevski or what ever your name is that the soul scene will die becuase you are not encouraging younger one'S to KEEP THE FAITH the

KEEP THE FAITH? Oh please, where did you learn that phrase, ancient history class? isn't it past your bedtime yet?

I've nothing against youngsters on the scene, and would encourage new blood whole-heartedly but think they should adhere to the old saying "Children should be seen and not heard". That way they learn what it's all about instead of making fools of themselves talking about something they know very little of. Anyway, I have better things to do than to argue with a semi-illiterate child, now off to bed with you!

Edited by Trevski

KEEP THE FAITH? Oh please, where did you learn that phrase, ancient history class? isn't it past your bedtime yet?

I've nothing against youngsters on the scene, and would encourage new blood whole-heartedly but think they should adhere to the old saying "Children should be seen and not heard". That way they learn what it's all about instead of making fools of themselves talking about something they know very little of. Anyway, I have better things to do than to argue with a semi-illiterate child, now off to bed with you! laugh.gif

I think that you are making more of a fool of your self


I think that you are making more of a fool of your self

Is that it , Trevski and Alex ? ........

Just when it was getting interesting .......

Malc Burton

Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

you see that it is people like you Trevski or what ever your name is that the soul scene will die becuase you are not encouraging younger one'S to KEEP THE FAITH the

You want encouragement? Fine here it is.

When I was your age, I set foot in my first 'niter at the Central in Leeds. I went with a bunch of older chaps that attended the Wheel and Torch. I hardly spoke two words for the first year or so, just listened to them talk about the scene, the music, the records, labels etc. When I finaly did contribute they knew I was talking sense, and knew what I was on about. 30-odd years later I still know what I'm talking about, because I still listen and learn. Liked or disliked, I have respect, and that has to be earned. If I had called myself Trevski "Soulboy" Hare, and DJ's with dodgy records, I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes and neither will you unless you learn a few hard lessons. Listen to those older and wiser than you. learn all you can about the scene etc, before you comment, so people will respect what you say 'cos you can back it up with hard evidence. Build a decent collection of original vinyl before you get behind the decks and stop using phrases like "Keep the faith" that were a joke 20 years ago. Then, maybe, you will get somewhere on this scene. That's the best ecouragement I can give you. If you don't want to take it on board, it's your loss.

Edited by Trevski

Trev, unless there's more background to this spat than meets the eye, I think you're being a bit harsh on the boy. The cheesey nick-name was probably coined by some baggie-clad old hand rather than by himself.

His English is better than 50% on here, and how do you know his records are dodgy?

PS. Be careful.. he's probably bigger than you :thumbsup:


I think that you are making more of a fool of your self

I Alex,i think your right. :thumbsup:


Its us youngsters that will keep the scene going for many more years to come even if you elders pack it all in :thumbsup:

Guest Trevski
Posted (edited)

Trev, unless there's more background to this spat than meets the eye, I think you're being a bit harsh on the boy. The cheesey nick-name was probably coined by some baggie-clad old hand rather than by himself.

His English is better than 50% on here, and how do you know his records are dodgy?

PS. Be careful.. he's probably bigger than you :thumbsup:

Nothing behind it, and if the cheesy nick-name wasn't coined by him, he's still using it!

His english is certainly better than Ken's :lol:

 I Alex,i think your right.

Didn't say his records were dodgy, I said "If I had called myself Trevski "Soulboy" Hare, and DJ's with dodgy records", which, at 14 they would have been.

Lots of folk bigger 'n me, don't give a toss!

Finaly, I am bored with this now. Don't even think children should be allowed on the forum, IMHO. and am not commenting any further.

Edited by Trevski
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