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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

Shirtails I want you to stay with me/Something's wrong with our love EX-/w/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Date 35
Kenny And The Impacts Wishing well/Heartaches M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/Inc Co slv/2 great sides DCP 40
Little Anthony Never again M-/awesome soul DCP 10
Chocolate Boys Voltaire pier/El bimbo (feint wol) EX+/UK/2 great insts Decca 15
Craig, Anna The life of the party/Shout and tell the world M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Decca 30
Free Movement I've found someone of my own M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Decca 15
Haywood, Leon It's got to be mellow M-/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 15
Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) EX+/demo/superb Decca 100
Lada Edmund Jr The larue/Soul au go-go M-/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Decca 400
Lee, Brenda Ain't gonna cry no more M-/great Decca 15
Lee, Brenda Coming on strong M-/great Decca 10
Lee, Brenda Time and time again M-/her best Decca 15
Lee, Brenda Time and time again M-/demo/her best Decca 20
Mills, Shawn Let the little girl dance M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Decca 12
Mitchell, Grover Loving you EX/demo/superb Decca 20
Mitchell, Grover Loving you M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 25
Saints I got it bad and that ain't good/I'll be with you M-/demo/2 good sides Decca 8
Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60
White, Danny Cracked up over you/Taking inventory M-/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Decca 40
Bits N Pieces Who Could I Turn To (promo stamp ol-flip) M- Dee Gee 10
Haywood, Joe Sadie Mae EX-/demo/great Deesu 25
West, Willie Greatest love M-/deep Deesu 10
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me EX+/recommended DeLuxe 15
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/lite rings-wol/recommended/rare DeLuxe 20
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/recommended/rare DeLuxe 25
Bobby Sax Sock it/Taste of soul EX/2 great insts DePlace 10
Flirtations Give me love love love/This must be the end M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Deram 15
Flirtations Nothing but a heartache/How can you tell me? VG+/2 superb sides Deram 10
Flirtations Nothing but a heartache/How can you tell me? VG++/2 superb sides Deram 12
Flirtations Nothing but a heartache/How can you tell me? EX+/2 superb sides Deram 15
McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool VG+/demo/great Deram 10
McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool M-/demo/great Deram 20
Kane & Abel Break down and cry M-/recommended Destination 25
Little Marion Let me back in your arms M-/w/demo/great Destination 50
Kelly, Paul Chills and fever EX-/rarer black label/great version Dial 25
Magnificent 7 Never will I make my baby cry VG/w/demo/sm wol/superb/plays well Dial 25
Tex, Joe Baby, be good M-/w/demo/great Dial 20
Tex, Joe If Sugar Was As Sweet As You VG++/sol-flip/recommended Dial 15
Trask, Diana Precious time M-/nice mid-tempo Dial 6
Wade, Len Whatcha goona do VG++/superb Dial 75
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX-/recommeded Diamond 20
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX+/demo//recommeded Diamond 25
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie M-/Inc Co slv/recommeded Diamond 25
Harris, Kurt Emeperor of my baby’s heart (mis-print-no “Diamond name on this side) M-/Inc Co slv/vinyl copy/classic/fantastic condition Diamond 450
Pirouettes If you see my baby VG++/great Diamond 15
Pirouettes If you see my baby M-/2 x's ol/great Diamond 20
Pirouettes If you see my baby M-/demo/great Diamond 25
Varner, Don More power to ya/Handshakin M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Diamond 25
Winters, Ruby Better / I want action ("Chips" sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125
Winters, Ruby I don't want to hurt nobody M-/recommended Diamond 15
Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo EX-/recommended Diamond 12
Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo M-/recommended Diamond 15
Big Dee Irwin And heaven was here EX-/stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 15
Big Dee Irwin And heaven was here EX+/stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 20
Cookies Only to other people M-/great Dimension 10
Jewells Smokie Joe M-/w/demo/great Dimension 15
Brenda & The Tabulations That's the price you have to pay EX/recommended Dionn 15
Borden, Sandy Deeper EX+/great Diplomacy 15
Bruce, Gladys The night you left me / Standing in the need of love M-/2 great sides DiVenus 40
Mr. Bloe Groovin' with Mr. Bloe/Sinful M-/w/demo/classic Inst/great Inst flip too DJM 12
Lady Fox & Foxettes Our love (will never grow cold) M-/recommended Don-El 20
Bonnie Jean Street dance EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150
Flowers, Phil Discontented M-/sol/Inc Co slv/great Dot 20
Flowers, Phil Son of mine M-/w/demo/great Dot 12
Love, Ronnie Chills and fever EX/Inc Colour Co slv/classic Dot 25
Mellow Fellows My baby needs me / Another sleepless night M-/Inc Co slv/superb Dot 50
Mod Squad Beautiful woman M-/w/demo/great/unknown? Dot 20
Skip Jackson And The Shantons I'm on to you girl/Promise that you'll wait M-/2 superb sides Dot-Mar 200
Granger, Gerri You must be doing something right M- Double L 8
Hudson, Pookie I love you for sentimental reasons EX-/great Double L 12
Georgia Prophets For the first time EX+/sm wol/recommended Double Shot 20
Wood, Brenton Baby you got it(sm sol)/Catch you on the rebound EX+/2 great sides Double Shot 5
Van, Billy A year ago EX+/great/unknown? Dra 25
Precisions If this is love EX-/great version Drew 30
Edwards, Dee Too careless with my love/He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40
Rogers, Lee Boss love M-/great D-Town 12
Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy/My love VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues M-/v sl label ring/classic Duke 25
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues (ink stamp ol) M-/classic Duke 25
Little Junior Parker I'm holding on EX-/great R&B Duke 8
Little Junior Parker You're on my mind EX+/great Duke 10
Malibus I just can't stand it  EX-/THIS NEEDS PLAYING/superb Duke 25
Malibus I just can't stand it (3 sm lbl scuffs) EX+/THIS NEEDS PLAYING/superb Duke 25
Outler, Jimmy It's all over/Three little pigs (tiny lbl scuff) M-/demo/2 great mid-tempo sides Duke 30
Parker, Junior Wait for another day EX/nice mid-tempo Duke 15
Taylor, Ted Hold me tight M-/great Duke 10
Scarbury, Joey Midnight mail EX/wol/stormer Dunhill 20
Smith, Effie Trouble mind M-/w/demo/xol Duo Disc 10
Dynamics Hold it! EX-/R&B inst. Dyna 15
Bobby Blackmon & Soul Express She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60
Superlatives Do what you want to do M-/2nd press/superb Dynamics 8
Superlatives Don't let true love die (ink stamp ol) EX-/superb Dynamics 85
Barbara & Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain EX+/superb Dynamo 40
Bethea I Wouldnt Come Back M-/great Dynamo 15
Bethea I Wouldnt Come Back  M-/w/demo/great Dynamo 20
inez & Charlie Foxx You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25
inez & Charlie Foxx You fixed the heartache EX/superb Dynamo 25
Sam, Erv & Tom Soul teacher (wol)/Hard to get M-/w/demo/2 great sides Dynamo 20
Beach Girls Skiing in the snow  VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60
Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) / Take it easy EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 75
Britt, Tina The real thing M-/rare label/credits-Simpson, Ashford & Armstead/classic Eastern 20
Eddie & Ernie The cat M-/recommended Eastern 15
Jerry & The Medicine Men The medicine man - Part I / Same (Inst) - Part II  EX-/great Edco 40
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) VG+/classic mid-tempo/rare issue-stock copy Elf 85
Vonn, Gary Keep on comin' back to you girl M-/w/demo/great mid-tempo Elf 15
Wright, Chuck It's a lie EX/recommended Ember 25
Cincinnatians Do what you want to do M-/recommended Emerald 30
Jim Pipkins & Boss Five Mr. C. C. M-/great mod inst. Emerge 15
Kay, Joey Bundle Of Joy M-/R&B/recommended Empire 100
Green, Byrdie Tremblin' VG/w/demo/sm sol,stoml & xol-flip/plays great End 30
King, Anna Mama's got a bag of her own (wol) EX-/light lbl wear/superb R&B End 35
James Dee & A Piece Of The Action Brother James/Destruction M-/sm label wear/great funk Enrica 20
Ames, Nancy I don't want to talk about it EX/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 25
Ben E Troy I Miss You M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 20
Franklin, Erma It's over EX+/w/demo/wol/great Epic 15
Franklin, Erma it's over M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 20
Hamilton, Roy I need your lovin' EX+/great Epic 30
Otisettes Don't ever leave me / You're all I want M-/w/demo/great girl group/funky flip Epic 15
Reed, Vivian Baby baby I'll be your woman till I die/I EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15
Soulosophy Mama's book/Live your life with someone M-/w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15
Steelers Can't take this pain M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 25
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX-/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 25
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX+/superb version Epic 30
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX+/w/demo/superb version Epic 40
Akens, Jewel A slice of the pie M-/demo/great Era 40
Akens, Jewel You sure know how to hurt a fella EX-/great Era 6
Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 25
McKay, Delsey Cast your spell on me M-/Belgian/EX+ pic. Slv/superb Eurec 30
Lynne, Gloria You don't have to be a tower of strength EX+/highly recommended Everest 50
Jones, Bobby You're a devil M-/great Expo 12
Jone's, Bobby Talkin' 'bout Jone's (xol) M-/w/demo/superb Expo 40
Bonnie & Lee The way I feel about you EX/superb Fairmount 20
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody M-/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 50
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody M-/demo/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 60
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody EX+/w/demo/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 75
Barretto, Ray Soul drummers (sm xol) / Mercy, mercy baby EX/gold label/2 great sides Fania 40
Barretto, Ray Soul drummers / Mercy, mercy baby (stmol) VG++/gold label/2 great sides Fania 35
Haywood, Leon Skate a while EX-/w/demo/recommended Fat Fish 15
Haywood, Leon Skate a while EX+/w/demo/recommended Fat Fish 20
Conn, Billy I should have known M-/recommended Federal 20
Jewels My song EX+/recommended Federal 15
Stratoliners What do you want with my love/Your love EX/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Federal 175
Stratoliners What do you want with my love/Your love EX+/w/demo/sm date wol/2 superb sides Federal 175
Tiny Topsy Miss you so EX+/original/superb R&B Federal 75
Chuck Corby & The Entrees I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75
Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25
Gloria Walker & Chevelles Need Of You M-/recommended Flaming Arrow 15
Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50
Big Joe Turner Two loves have I M-/superb Flying Dutchman 60
Bond, Lou Ooh, you cheater/What have I done M-/2 great sides Fontana 30
Cunningham, Diane Someday baby M-/recommended Fontana 20
Kennedy, Joyce Paddle my own canoe (sl lbl stain) / Could this be love EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Fontana 50
Leaders Night people VG+/great Fontana 10
Leaders Night people EX+/great Fontana 15
Taste Of Grey Just once in my life M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Fontana 25
Vaughn, Morris My love keeps growing/Make it look good M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Fontana 35
Strong, Nolan Mind over matter M-/great Fortune 15
Rouzan Sisters Dance every dance M-/great Frisco 10
White, Danny The little bitty things (wol) M-/great Frisco 6
McCannon III, George Seven million people EX/sm ink stamp ol-flip/great Fun 45's 20
Hambric, Billy Talk To Me Baby/Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30
Hightower, Willie So tired EX+/great Fury 6
Little Junior Lewis Can she give me fever/Your heart must be made of stone EX-/2 great R&B sides Fury 40
Little Johnny Taylor Help yourself M-/great Galaxy 10
U.S. Stamps Go and dry your tears EX/nice slowy Galiko 10
Dawn In love again/Ba ba ba de ba VG++/w/demo/great Gamble 15
Intruders You’d better check yourself M-/w/demo/sm vinyl bubbles-nap/Inc Co sl/label stain-wear Gamble 100
White, Artie (Bluesboy) Don't love him like you did me/Gimme some of yours M-/deep/funk Gamma 8
Constellations Easy to be hard/same M-/w/demo Gemini Star 12
Constellations I didn't know how to M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Gemini Star 200
Armstead, Jo Ive Been Turned On M-/great Giant 15
Lost Souls I'm your love man M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75
Southwind Symphony Coming home/Your love is fading EX+/2 great inst versions/Lou Pride Glolite 25
Valerie & Nick I'll find you (2 x's ol) / Lonely town M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Glover 40
Valerie & Nick It ain't like that EX-/w/demo/great Glover 35
Knight, Tommy That's all I ask M-/recommended Gold Eagle 20
Precisions Cleopatra M-/recommended Golden Crest 40
Baron, Elliott Man to man/The spare rib (sol) EX+/2 great sides Golden World 30
Batiste, Rose Sweetheart darling / That's what he told me M-/2 great sides Golden World 15
Batiste, Rose Sweetheart darling / That's what he told me M-/w/demo/2 great sides Golden World 20
Holidays Watch out girl/No greater love M-/2 great sides Golden World 15
Kendrick, Willie Fine As Wine M-/great Golden World 25
Appalachian, Johnny Up In Smoke/A Mountain Of A Man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75
Appalachian, Johnny Up In Smoke/A Mountain Of A Man M-/demo/wol/classic/great flip too Goldie 85
Sierras I'll believe it when I see it M-/superb Goldisc 20
Sierras I'll believe it when I see it M-/w/demo/superb Goldisc 30
Sierras I'll believe it when I see it (ink stamp ol) EX/w/demo/superb Goldisc 25
Star-Drifts An eye for an eye M-/w/demo/recommended Goldisc 15
Green, Sam It's time to move M-/highly recommended Goldsmith T.C.B. 50
Ben Atkins & The Nomads Love is a beautiful thing (WOL)/ same-inst EX+/EX- flip/demo/great Goldwax 40
Bobbettes Mr. Johnny Q/I don't like it like that EX/2 great sides Gone 40
Ben, LaBrenda Just be yourself (feint xol) / I can't help it, I gotta dance M-/w/demo/2 great sides Gordy 40
Contours Just a little misunderstanding M-/sm label wear/classic Gordy 12
Contours Just a little misunderstanding EX+/classic Gordy 15
Darnells Too hurt to cry, too much in love to say goodbye VG++/lbl ring wear/great Gordy 15
Darnells Too hurt to cry, too much in love to say goodbye M-/sm sol-flip/great Gordy 25
Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75
Lee & The Leopards Trying to make it M-/great Gordy 20
Martha & The Vandellas My baby loves me (2 x's ol) M-/at their best!/superb Gordy 15
Martha & The Vandellas One way out M-/Inc Co slv/classic Gordy 15
Martha & The Vandellas Wild one (wol) M-/w/demo/great Gordy 12
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas Forget me not M-/2 great sides Gordy 15
Mike & The Modifiers I found myself a brand new baby EX-/wol/great Gordy 25
Temptations Beauty Is Only Skin Deep/You're Not An Ordinary Girl EX+/2 superb sides Gordy 8
Temptations Girl why you wanna make me blue EX+/classic Gordy 30
Channels Old chinatown/You can count on me (sm wol) EX-/w/demo/tiny warp-nap/2 great sides Groove 30
James, Dian Some kind'a wonderful (WOL) M-/w/demo/great Groove 20
King Edward & His B.D.'s Beg me (wol)/Girls are (suppposed to be) EX-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75
Mills, Margie What about mine?/Look who's crying on my shoulder M-/w/demo/great Groove 20
Nash, Johnny Town of lonely hearts/It's no good for me M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Groove 30
Pageants Make it last / She is your girl EX/w/demo/slight warp-nap/2 great sides Groove 25
Rich, Charlie Let Me Go My Merry Way/Big Boss Man M-/wol/2 great sides Groove 25
Shelley Shoop And The Shakers Fair shake/Big man EX/w/demo/2 great sides Groove 15
Watkins, Lovelace I won't believe it (sm wol) EX-/great version Groove 15
Mancha, Steve Don't Make Me A Story Teller/I Won't Love And Leave You VG++/demo//wol/great/rare dj Groovesville 15
Fletcher, Darrow The pain gets a little deeper/My judgement day EX-/superb/great flip too Groovy 30
Fletcher, Darrow The pain gets a little deeper/My judgement day EX/superb/great flip too Groovy 35
Dunn, Leona Baby don't play around M-/great Hallmark 15
Strogin, Henry Good love M-/great Hank 20
Jr. Walker All Stars Good rockin EX+/superb R&B Inst. Harvey 40
Ronnie & Robyn Cradle of love/Dreamin M-/demo/2 good sides HBR 20
Zircons Don't put off for tomorrow (what you can do today) M-/great Heigh-Ho 50
Lawrence & The Arabians I'll Try Harder M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Hem 100
Patty & The Emblems Mixed-up, shook-up, girl M-/great Herald 25
Townsmen Just a little bit EX-/w/demo/wol/great Herald 25
Townsmen Just a little bit M-/w/demo/wol/great Herald 30
Cherry People And suddenly EX-/great Heritage 8
Cherry People And suddenly M-/great Heritage 10
Bill Black's Combo Little Queenie EX/classic R&B inst Hi 20
Bill Black's Combo Little Queenie EX+/classic R&B inst Hi 25
Bill Black's Combo Little Queenie (light xol) M-/demo/classic R&B inst/rare Hi 35
Janet & The Jays Love what you're doing to me/Pleading for you EX/2 great sides Hi 15
P.W. Cannon Beating of my lonely heart EX-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/sol-flip/recommended Hickory 12
Wynters, Gail You've Got The Power M-/w/demo/inc Co slv/great Hickory 20
Moments Don't take your love from me (sm wol) / Happiest man in the land EX/w/demo/Atlantic dist/2 great sides Hit Productions 25
Joe Taylor & The Dominoes You don't love me EX/recommended HMF 30
L.H. & The Memphis Sounds Double up/House full of rooms M-/2 great sides Hollywood 40
Tommy G And The Charms I want you so bad / I know what I want EX/w/demo/2 good sides Hollywood 15
Melba Moore/Tommy Hunt The magic touch/The pretty part of you VG++/UK/barcode lbl/2 superb sides Horace's 25
Carr, Timothy A stop along the way M-/xol/recommended Hot Biscuit 15
Carr, Timothy Love me love M-/great Hot Biscuit 15
Epic Splendour A little rain must fall EX+/recommended Hot Biscuit 15
Greene, Al Don't leave me EX+/recommended Hot Line 15
Sha-Rae, Billy Do it M-/great funky dancer Hour Glass 12
Dunn, Johhny My stupid heart/The bank for lovers VG+/w/demo/2 recommended sides Hull 75
Mitchell, Jock Work with me Annie EX+/w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75
Courtney , Lew The man with the cigar M-/recommended Imperial 20
Courtney,  Lew The man with the cigar VG++/w/demo/recommended Imperial 25
Courtney,  Lew The man with the cigar M-/w/demo/recommended Imperial 30
Irwin, Dee I can't stand the pain M-/demo/great Imperial 15
Jackson, June It's what's underneath... (xol)/Fifty percent won't do M-/demo/2 great sides Imperial 75
King, Clydie The thrill is gone / If you were a man EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Imperial 150
Lynch, Kenny My own two feet EX-/w/demo/sm xol-flip/recommended Imperial 25
McCracklin, Jimmy Can't Raise Me VG+/superb R&B Imperial 15
McCracklin, Jimmy Can't Raise Me EX/sol/superb R&B Imperial 25
McCracklin, Jimmy Can't Raise Me EX/xol-flip/superb R&B Imperial 25
O'Jays Whip it on me baby M-/great Imperial 15
Sam E Solo Love is not a game M-/demo/sm wol-flip/great Imperial 40

 Soul 45's wanted
From single items to whole collections
I buy worldwide!

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love/same M-/demo/recommended Epic 15
Haywood, Leon There Ain't Enough Hate Around To Make Me Turn Around M-/great Evejim 10
Godfrey, Ray Come and get these memories/I'm the other half of you M-/superb version/great flip Event 5
Douglas, Ron I'm in love M-/demo/xol/great Excello 15
Washington,Jerry In My Life I've Loved EX-/nice Excello 5
Washington,Jerry In My Life I've Loved EX+/nice Excello 6
Beck, Floyd Got to be a man EX-/recommended F&M 40
Ware, Leon What's Your Name M-/recommended Fabulous 10
Blackbyrds Whats On Your Mind M-/dancer/great Fantasy 10
Checkmates Ltd Take all the time you need/same-mono M-/demo/sm wol/superb Fantasy 30
Hoodoo Rhythm Devils Gotta lot of love in my soul M-/demo/UK/fantastic!!! Fantasy 20
Hoodoo Rhythm Devils Gotta lot of love in my soul/same-mono M-/demo/fantastic!!! Fantasy 15
McWilliams, Paulette Don't give your heart away EX-/recommended Fantasy 12
Muhammad, Idris For Your Love M-/demo/UK/superb Fantasy 10
Originals Temporarily out of order/Same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy 15
Side Effect Always there EX-/superb classic Fantasy 12
Simmons, David Will they miss me/It's a shame M-/UK/demo/superb/awesome flip Fantasy 25
Three Pieces I need you girl/same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy 25
Simmons, David Will they miss me/same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy WMOT 20
Sweet Thunder Baby, I need your love today M-/class-mellow Fantasy WMOT 8
Two Tons Never like this/Same M-/demo/superb/hard to find Fantasy/Honey 20
Murray, Clarence Please accept my love M-nice mid-tempo Federal 15
Merriweather, Bill That's love VG++/highly recommended Fee 25
Dell-Vikings Finger poppin' woman (2 x's ol) M-/recommended Fee Bee 40
Welch, Lenny I thank you love M-/recommended Fig 12
Ambitions When the fuel runs out/Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50
Cole, Freddy If I had your love M-/nice First Shot 12
Ross, Jackie Don't change your mind M-/w/demo/great Fountain 15
Yuro, Timi When something is wrong with my baby EX+/great version Frequency 25
Green, Bob I've Never Found A Girl M-/pale blue lbl/great version Fretone 8
Green, Bob I've Never Found A Girl M-/white lbl/great version Fretone 8
Taylor, Pat Fold out girl/same EX-/demo/great Fretone 8
James, Willie Sweet lips and sensuous hips/long disco vers. M-great Friends & Co 8
Long, Eddie Mo jo workout M-/funk R&B/sm wol-flip Fun City 10
Gene Middleton And Funk Factory No one to love me EX-/superb Funk Factory 50
Alexander, Margie Keep on searching M-/nice Future Stars 8
Carter, Clarence I couldn't refuse your love M-/great mid-tempo Future Stars 20
Taylor, Hersey Ain't gonna share your love M- Future Stars 10
Valentino I was born this way M-/great x-over Gaiee 12
Valentino I was born this way/same-mono M-/w/demo/great x-over Gaiee 12
Eaton, Bobby Fever, fever, fever M-/demo/great Galaxy 50
Williams, Lenny How Can I Forget You/Feelin' Blue M-/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40
Intruders Devil with an angel's smile/same M-/w/demo/great Gamble 8
Guthrie, Gwen Family affair M-/great modern (1983) version Garage 12
Thomas, Vaneese Heading in the right direction M-/demo Geffen 6
Notations Think before you stop M-/recommended Gemigo 15
Notations Think before you stop/same M-/demo/recommended Gemigo 15
Jemison, Mike Bright light lady M-/funk Geneva 10
Edwards Generation School is in/Someone like you M-/recommended Ghetto 15
Archie Bell & Drells Aint Nothing For A Man In Love M-/recommended Glades 15
Archie Bell & Drells Dancing to your music VG++/recommended Glades 12
Archie Bell & Drells Dancing to your music M-/recommended Glades 15
Love Committee Cheaters never win/Where will it end M-/2 great sides Gold Mind 15
Two Tons Of Love Brown And Beautiful EX/sl lbl ring/great/orig. label Gordo 20
Bobby Militello & Jean Carn Let's stay together M-/flip lbl edge folded under lbl/great version Gordy 12
Bobby Militello & Jean Carn Let's stay together M-/w/demo/great version Gordy 15
Bobby Militello & Jean Carn Let's stay together M-/great version Gordy 15
Eric & Vikings I'm truly yours/same M-/w/demo/great Gordy 20
Eric & Vikings I'm truly yours/Where do you go (baby) M-/great Gordy 20
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas Love Guess Who M-/fantastic!!! Gordy 25
Temptations Aiming at your heart/Same M-/w/demo/highly recommended Gordy 15
Undisputed Truth Save my love for a rainy day M-/great version Gordy 6
Undisputed Truth You got the love I need EX+/superb Gordy 15
Joshie Jo Armstead I got the vibes VG+/superb Gospel Truth 25
Gaslight I'm only a man/I'm gonna get you EX-/wol/superb version/great flip too Grand Junction 15
Gaslight I'm only a man/I'm gonna get you M-/superb version/great flip too Grand Junction 20
Love, Jill Baby My way or hit the highway M-/great Grand Prix 10
Starr, Edwin I'll never forget you M-/superb x-over Granite 15
Brown, Sammy Got to leave this town M-/recommended Grassroots 15
Gerrard, Donny He's always somewhere around EX+/classic Greedy 8
Debra Can you remember M-/recommended Gree-jack 12
Frankie Beverley's Raw Soul Tomorrow may not be your day (feint date stamp ol)/Same-mono EX/demo/great Gregar 8
Williams, Bette Now that I'm gone EX+/demo Gregar 10
Caine, General All about you M-/sl lbl wear/recommended Groove Time 12
Caine, General All about you M-/recommended Groove Time 15
Exceptionals Unlucky Girl/What About Me M-/great GRT 30
Liberation Don't Spread Your Love Around/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb GSF 40
Liberation Little green piece of paper/In the city M-/2 good sides GSF 15
Smith, Barry That's all that's required M-/great GSF 20
Etoria, Tony I can prove it EX-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended GTO 10
Etoria, Tony I can prove it M-/UK/highly recommended GTO 12
Taylor, Debbie Never gonna let him know EX-/superb x-over GWP 15
Hines, Perry Stay M- Ham-Sem 8
Shields, Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man) EX+/superb Harbour 20
Shields, Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man/same) EX/demo/sol/wol/superb Harbour 20
Redding, Gene This heart M-/highly recommended Haven 15
Righteous Brothers Hold on to what you got (sm wol)/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Haven 30
Righteous Brothers Hold on to what you got/same-mono (wol)) EX+/w/demo/superb Haven 30
Black Ice Fantasize M-/wol-flip/recommended HDM 12
Chapter One Money Won't Do It, Love Will/Loan Shark M-/2 great sides Heritage 15
McClure, Bobby Love Trap/was It Something I Said M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Hi 20
McClure, Bobby Love trap/Was it something I said M-/highly recommended Hi 30
Teacher's Edition It helps to make you strong VG+/demo/nice Hi 12
Numonics Got to give love one more try/It's so easy to be mislead M-/good sides Hodisk 15
Numonics You Lied/Forever And A Day EX/2 great sides  Hodisk 40
Larry & Accommodations Love is the answer M-/demo Holiday Inn 15
Cloud, Michael Check Your Direction M-/recommended Homark 20
Adams, Bobby Is it too late M-/great Home-Town 15
Moore, Bobby Call Me Your Anything Man M-/great Hot Line 10
Honey Cone If I can't fly EX+/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Hot Wax 20
Lee, Laura Wedlock is a padlock M-/UK/great Hot Wax 8
Lewis, Jimmy Help me understand you M-/nice mid-tempo Hotlanta 6
Mandells Don't Turn Your Back On Me/Now I Know EX+/2 great sides Hour Glass 15
Mandells Don't turn your back on me/Now I know EX-/pink logo/2 great sides Hour Glass 15
Davis, Geater My love is so strong for you EX/superb House Of Orange 40
Evans, Margie I'm on my way M-/dancer/great ICA 8
Lee (The Burner) Austin Missin You/same M-/w/demo/sl label stain/great I-dentify 8
Meli, Debbie Take my love EX+/demo In 10
Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25
Nature's Divine I just can't control myself EX+/recommended Infinity 12
Nature's Divine I just can't control myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 15
Nature's Divine I just can't control myself/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 20
Nature's Divine I just can't control myself-short (date ol) /Same-long M-/w/demo/recommended Infinity 20
Sir Wales Wallace What Ever You Want/I Wish I Could Say M-/recommended Innovation II 12
Thunderfunk Symphany Forty days (& forty nights/Time to discover) M-/w/demo/funk Innovation II 15
Edwards, Tyrone Can't get enough of you EX+/recommended Invictus 15
Glass House Playing games VG++/wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 10
Glass House Playing games EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 12
Glass House Playing games M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Invictus 12
Glass House Playing games M-/wol/highly recommended Invictus 12
Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman/If you don’t want to be in my life M-/DEMO/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides/rare demo Invictus 50
Hunter, Ty I don't see me in your eyes/Hey there lonely girl M-/2 great sides Invictus 30
Payne, Freda You Brought Joy/suddenly It's Yesterday M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Invictus 3
Chocolate Syrup The Goodness Of Love/stop Your Cryin' VG+/plays well/wol-flip/great Ira 15
Lovemakers When you're next to me/same M-/w/demo/superb Island 20
Whitehead, Charlie Love Being Your Fool M-/great Island 5
Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman M-/recommended IX Chains 8
Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman/same M-/w/demo/recommended IX Chains 10
Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute/same M-/w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15
J.G. Lewis What am I going to do/Same-inst M-/superb  IX Chains 8
Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/inst M-/highly recommended IX Chains 25
Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same M-/w/demo/highly recommended IX Chains 30
Smoke Have I Really Lost You M-/classic x-over J.Bridge 15
Striblin, Karen We're not too young to fall in love M-/EX- flip/superb version Jaber 200
Nature's Creation Let's fire it up M-/w/demo/disco-funk Jamtu 10
Intrigues Fly now - pay later EX+/superb Janus 80
Nash, Johnny Falling in and out of love M-/Inc Co slv/superb Janus 40
Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/recommended Jay-Walking 15
Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/w/demo/superb soul Jay-Walking 20
Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/labels reversed/highly recommended Jazz World 15
Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/highly recommended Jazz World 20
Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving/Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150
Lampkin, Tony He's a better liar than me/Gonna get easier M-/sm wol-flip/purple print/superb x-over Jemkl 75
T.H.A.T. Lady, lady/What goes around comes around EX+/2 great sides Jeree 20
THAT I've got to have you/All I need M-/2 great sides Jeree 25
Charlie Cole Black Brown I've got your love M-/great x-over Jewel 8
Watts, Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven M-/recommended Jiminie 30
Blendelles La la,the magic song EX+ Jotee 10
Controllers Feeling a feeling EX+/recommended Juana 12
Livin' Proof You and I M-/superb sweet Ju-par 15
Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you EX+/sm wol/superb Kama Sutra 25
Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you VG++/demo/superb Kama Sutra 25
Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you EX/superb Kama Sutra 25
Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40
Jones, Albert Unity  M-/'SAMPLE COPY'-sol/wol/superb x-over Kapp 30
Two Tons Of Love Brown And Beautiful M-/recommended Kapp 15
Waters, Freddie It has to be love (wol) M-/nice mid-tempo Kari 12
Facts Of Life Caught in the act (of gettin' it on)/same M-/w/demo/recommended Kayvette 15
Facts Of Life Caught in the act of gettin' it on M-/recommended Kayvette 12
Jackson, Walter Touching in the dark M-/great Kelli-arts 10
Windy City I still love you/Let it ride M-/2 nice sides Kelli-arts 5
Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/recommended Kent 20
Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/w/demo/recommended Kent 25
Jones, Jeanette The thought of you EX-/wol/label ring wear/w/demo Kent 10
Barnes, Myra Super good/Part 2 VG+/funk King 10
Brown, James World Pt. 2 /I Cried EX/tiny slight warp-nap/2 good sides King 3
Cherry Blend Warning of danger M-/funk/w/demo King 20
Edwards, Gloria Need nobody to help me keep up with my man M-/w/demo/recommended King 25
Whitney, Marva Ball of fire/It's my thing EX/sl lbl ring wear/great x-over & funk flip King 20
Samson & Delilah Living In A World Of Trouble M-/funk King James 20
Dash, Sarah Come And Take This Candy From Your Baby EX+/very sl warp-nap/great Kirshner 8
Clayton, Willie Love pain M-/superb Kirstee 15
Ingram, Luther Trying to find my love/Get to me M-/2 great sides KoKo 15
Tate, Tommy I ain't gonna worry/same M-/w/demo/great Koko 6
Tate, Tommy More power to you/I ain't gonna worry EX+/2 great sides Koko 10
Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/w/demo/great Koko 10
Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/demo/great Koko 10
Tate, Tommy School of life M-/superb Koko 10
Tate, Tommy School of life/same M-/demo/superb Koko 10
Phillips, Esther I've Never Found A Man (to Love Me Like You Do) EX+/great version Kudu 15
Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40
Williams, Willie The baa-baa song/Psyched out M-/superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30
Esquires Ain't gonna give it up M-/recommended Lamarr 15
Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/wol/recommended Lamarr 20
Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/recommended Lamarr 25
Star-tels What more can I ask for M-/recommended Lamarr 25
Cutchins, Bobby I Did It Again M-/superb Lasso 10
Cutchins, Bobby I did it again M-/Inc pic. slv/superb Lasso 12
Hebb ,Bobby True I love you M-/recommended Laurie 20
Beck Family Falling in love again/Can you feel it M-/2 great sides Lejoint 10
Beck Family Falling in love again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Lejoint 8
Laws, Ronnie Stay awake M-/great Liberty 8
Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Dont Go To Strangers M-/great x-over Lion 25
Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget EX-/great x-over Lion 15
Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget M-/w/demo/great x-over Lion 25
We The People Making my daydream real/Whatcha done for me….. EX-/2 superb sides Lion 75
We The People You made me/Right now EX/2 great sides Lion 15
Satisfactions Turn back the tears/One light two lights M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Lionel 20
Family Feeling what you wanna feel/Trump tight M-/w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15
Family My song to you/Music M-/great slowy/funk flip Little City 8
Washington, Harold I want you back M-/recommended Little House 30
Dyer, Louis I wanna make love to you/Lonely drifter M-/2 superb sides Little Star 6
Paul Humphrey/Cool Aid Chemists Cool aid M-/great funk instrumental Lizard 6
Hardie, Celeste Thank you love/inst. M-/nice Loadstone 8
Elbert, Donnie Where did our love go M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great London 5
Sease, Marvin I belong to you M-/nice mid-tempo London 6
Sunny & The Sunliners I'm no stranger EX+/demo/superb London 30
Price, Lloyd Love music/What did you do with my love M-/2 superb sides LPG 10
Price, Lloyd Feelin' good/Cupid's bandwagon (2 x's ol) M-/2 great sides Ludix 20
Jacocks, Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25
Jackson, JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10
Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25
Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Magnet 25
Huff, Terry Just Not Enough Love M-/recommended Mainstream 8
Huff, Terry Where There's A Will (there's A Way) M-/great Mainstream 8
Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now) M-/superb Mainstream 30
Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now)/same M-/w/demo/superb Mainstream 30
Formula Five Back to love M-/vg++ flip/nice m-tempo Malaco 5
Moore, Dorothy Girl overboard M-/recommended Malaco 8
Moore, Dorothy We need more loving time) M-/A TIP !!/recommended Malaco 10
Bailey, Jr I'll Always Be Your Lover/same-mono M-/demo/nice Mam 15
Gomez, Jesse Lace/baby I'm Coming At You (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75
Hill ZZ Chokin' kind M-/nice Mankind 10
Thee Image Alone with you/Same-mono M-/w/demo/highly recommended Manticore 15
Martin, Hazel Out of my life M-/highly recommended Marco 30
Johnson, Al Too late/I'll do anything for you M-/great/awesome flip Marina 10
Kirton, Lew Do what you want, be what you are/Come on with it M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Marlin 10
Washington, Baby Care free M-/recommended Master Five 10
Washington, Baby I've got to break away M-/great Master Five 5
Emmett Garner Jr So much better M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Maxwell 20
Faith Hope & Charity So much love EX/great/label damage Maxwell 5
Faith Hope & Charity So much love M-/great Maxwell 8
Sophisticated Ladies Check It Out  M-/highly recommended/what A Voice!!!! Mayhew 8
Turner Bros Let's go fishing (wol-autograph) / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 175
Turner Bros Let's go fishing / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 175
Al Hudson & Soul Partners You can do it/Same-mono M-/w/demo/classic MCA 6
Cheatham, Oliver Something about you M-/Inc Co slv/great MCA 5
One Way + Al Hudson Now that I found you M-/great MCA 5
Peaches & Herb We're still together M-/recommeded MCA 15
Ronald, Terry What The Child Needs M-/German/Inc pic sleeve/neat drill hole in cover/fantastic!!! MCA 20
Williams, Moon Everytime I take the time/same M-/demo/recommended MCA 15
Bernard, Chris Mother M-/nice/orig.label McVoutie 15
McGregor, Billy It's my turn now M-/awesome x-over Mellotone 75
The Girls The hurt's still here M-/highly recommended Memphis 25
Beaumont, Donny Look But Dont Touch/same-mono M-/demo/great Mercury 12
Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In) M-/superb Mercury 20
Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In)/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25
Bell, William Tryin To Love Two EX-/great Mercury 4
Bell, William Tryin To Love Two M-/great Mercury 6
Bell, William Tryin To Love Two EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great/rare demo Mercury 10
Black & Blue What I got / Goin' back to Miss Anne EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too/rare issue-stock copy Mercury 100
Butler, Jerry High Stepper M-/recommended Mercury 12
Carmine & Co What would I do without your love/What's in store(inst) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great/Inst flip Mercury 30
Chandler, Gene Groovy situation M-/recommended Mercury 6

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