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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

Martin, Derek Moving hands of time M-/great Buttercup 10
Dells Make sure EX+/awesome Cadet 15
Emotions She's my baby (I just can't let her go) / Baby I need your lovin' EX/2 good sides Calla 12
Maze Chained To Your Heart M-/great version Calla 15
Maze Chained To Your Heart EX+/demo/great version Calla 20
Orlons Spinnin' top (2 x's ol)/Anyone who had a heart (demo stamp ol) M-/classic/great version on flip Calla 30
Witches & A Warlock Heavenly love EX-/recommended Calla 25
Witches & A Warlock Heavenly love M-/demo/recommended Calla 30
Keith, Gordon Look ahead M-/recommended Calumet 50
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 20
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 25
Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing EX-/great Cameo 8
Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing M-/Inc EX+ colour picture sleeve/great Cameo 12
Sharp, Dee Dee There ain't nothin I wouldn't do for you EX/ # 382 /superb Cameo 15
Maurice Williams & Inspirations The day has come M-/w/demo/nice mid-tempo Candi 20
Washington, Michael Stay mine/inst. M-/great Cap City 15
Barbara & The Believers What can happen to me now M-/demo/superb Capitol 30
Bonney, Graham Super girl EX/classic Capitol 8
Bonney, Graham Super girl M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10
Diamond, Randy I can't live without you/Giving you my love M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30
Drew, Patti He`s The One M-/superb Capitol 25
Drew, Patti He's the one M-/demo/superb Capitol 30
Drew, Patti I've been here all the time M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10
Drew-vels Tell him/Just because VG++/v sl lbl ring/2 great sides Capitol 20
Duke, Billy Millionaire/Goodbye stranger M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30
Hal & Jean Don't tell me lies M-/Inc Co slv/great R&B Capitol 15
Harris, Jill You really didn't mean it/His kiss EX-/2 great sides Capitol 25
Harris, Jill You really didn't mean it/His kiss M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30
Hightower, Willie Because I love you EX/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 60
Hollywood Jills A good thing baby/He makes me so mad EX-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 25
Houston, Eddie I can't go wrong/That's how much M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30
Human Beinz Nobody but me EX+/classic Capitol 15
Jackson, Jerry Take over now EX+/recommended Capitol 20
Jades Ain't it funny what love can do M-/Inc Co slv/demo/great version Capitol 20
Loren, Donna Ninety day guarantee/Ten good reasons (sm wol) EX+/2 great sides Capitol 25
Love, Marian The right to cry EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version Capitol 25
Love, Marian The right to cry M-/demo/superb version Capitol 30
Magnificent Men I've got news M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 50
Magnificent Men Tired of pushing M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 15
Malone, Cindy Watch what you do with my baby (wol) VG+/great Capitol 10
Mosley, Robert Crazy bout my baby/Goodbye my lover goodbye EX+/2 great sides Capitol 15
Outsiders Time won't let me EX-/classic Capitol 8
Outsiders Time won't let me EX+/sm ink spot ol/classic Capitol 10
Patten, Alexander A Llil lovin sometimes (sm wol) / No more dreams VG+/CANADA/classic/great flip too/rare Canadian release Capitol 225
Polk, Frank Years of tears / Do the jerk EX+/4 x's ol-flip/2 great sides Capitol 20
Preston, Billy The girl's got it / The night  M-/ink date stamp ol/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 75
Rawls, Lou Monologue - Dead end street/Yes it hurts - doesn't it EX-/2 great sides Capitol 6
Rawls, Lou You're good for me M-/great Capitol 10
Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30
Smith, Verdelle A piece of the sky EX/sl lbl ring wear/superb Capitol 10
Sweet Things Don't throw your love to the wind M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 12
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/sl lbl damage/great Capitol 15
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/great Capitol 20
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/xol-flip/classic Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/classic Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX+/classic Capitol 15
Leon & Metronomes I'll catch you on the rebound M-/w/demo/recomnded Carnival 40
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX-/rare clown lbl/light lbl ring wear/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX/wol/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  M-/superb Carnival 30
Manhattans I bet'cha (couldn't love me) EX+/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Carnival 20
Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thornton Yes I cried M-/w/demo/superb R&B Carolyn 30
Seven Souls I still love you/I'm no stranger EX+/Italy/Inc EX- pic slv-stkr-front/sm wol-back/classic CBS 400
Agee, Ray Your precious love M-/great R&B Celeste 15
Tim I need you more (2 x's ol) / My side of the track M-/w/demo/2 great sides Celtex 30
Tim I need you more / My side of the track M-/2 great sides Celtex 20
Seals, Jimmy Everybody's doing the jerk VG++/w/demo/great Challenge 8
Wynns, Sandy Yes I really love you/Love belongs to everyone EX/2 great sides Champion 20
Clark, Claudine The telephone game M-/recommended Chancellor 30
Gerace, Carlo Wild about that girl M-/w/demo Chancellor 30
Royalettes No big thing EX-/great Chancellor 20
Royalettes No big thing M-/w/demo/great Chancellor 30
Thomas, Luther Upset The Town/Who slipped out EX+/2 superb R&B sides Change 75
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me M-/rev labels/unknown ? Chapter One 12
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me EX+/unknown ? Chapter One 15
C. Vaughn Leslie I need someone M-/recommended Charay 40
Dirte Four I want to give you all my love EX+/R&B inst. Charay 10
Nat & John Pretty woman M-/R&B version/great Charay 15
Gray, Dobie Out on the floor EX/sol-flip/classic Charger 30
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in EX/great Chariot 15
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in M-/great Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Love is ther master I'm the slave M-/2 great sides/rare demo Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love (wol)/It's a better world M-/2 great sides/rare ORANGE label Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love (wol)/It's a better world M-/2 great sides/rare GREEN label Chariot 30
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love/It's a better world M-/w/demo/5% lbl tear/2 great sides/rare demo Chariot 25
Berry, Joan Just like my baby/Humpty dumpty M-/Canada/recommended Chateau 50
Butler, Tommy Right on up to the weekend EX+/great Chattahoochee 40
Youngblood, Tommy Hello darling/Did I ever make you cry VG++/slight warp-nap/2 superb sides Chattahoochee 40
Spidels Like a bee/You know I need you VG+/wol/2 great sides Chavis 12
Ruffin, David Action speaks louder than words/You can get what I got VG+/2 great sides Check Mate 50
Beaver, Jackey Silly boy/Jack-a-rue EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Checker 10
Chandler, Gene I won't need you M-/great Checker 12
Chandler, Gene Such a pretty thing/I fooled you this time M-/classic/great flip too Checker 12
Clickettes I just can't help it/Same-inst EX/DEMO/great Checker 15
Hutton, Harold Lucky boy (label wear) / It's a good thing (xol) EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/2 great sides Checker 40
Hutton, Harold Lucky boy / It's a good thing M-/w/demo/2 great sides Checker 50
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/recommended Checker 15
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/w/demo/recommended Checker 20
Little Milton Don't leave her M-/great Checker 15
Little Milton Don't talk back EX+/recommended Checker 12
Little Milton So blue (without you) EX/highly recommended Checker 6
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/highly recommended Checker 8
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Checker 15
Lovettes Crush (sm sol) EX/girl group sound Checker 8
Mary & The Desirables Hurting hurts/You're changing M-/demo/SOL/recommended Checker 25
Moore, Bobby Chained to your heart M-/classic Checker 15
Ocapello's Anytime M-/demo/recommended Checker 15
Charles & Walter Night/Kissin and huggin EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Chene 30
Chuck & Rita Baby you got it M-/Inc Co slv/great Chess 20
Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine EX-/w/demo/great Chess 20
Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine M-/w/demo/great Chess 25
Garrett, Jo Ann Just say when M-/great Chess 10
Gems Ain't that loving me EX/Inc Co slv/demo/great Chess 15
Gems All of it M-/Inc Co slv/great Chess 15
Gems All of it/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Chess 15
James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX/great R&B Chess 75
James, Betty I'm a little mixed up EX+/review-demo/great R&B Chess 100
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/ink stamp ol/UK/great Chess 15
La Salle, Denise Count Down And Fly Me To The Moon EX-/wol-flip/superb Chess 25
La Salle, Denise Count Down And Fly Me To The Moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40
Lime Love a go-go M-/recommended Chess 15
Lime Love a go-go M-/demo/small mark on lbl/recommended Chess 20
Perry, Greg Love control/Head over heels in love VG++/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 65
Perry, Greg Love control/Head over heels in love (date stamp ol) EX-/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 75
Radiants Father knows best/One day I'll show you M-/Inc Co slv/v sm flat edge heat warp/2 great sides Chess 40
Radiants Whole lot of woman M-/great Chess 15
Radiants Whole lot of woman M-/w/demo/great Chess 20
Ross, Jackie I've got the skill/Change your ways M-/great Chess 8
Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry (wol) / Count me out EX-/2 superb sides Chess 40
Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count me out EX+/2 superb sides Chess 50
Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count me out EX/demo/2 superb sides Chess 55
Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count me out M-/demo/2 superb sides Chess 60
Stewart, Billy What have I done/Tell me the truth M-/recommended Chess 10
Stewart, Billy What have I done/Tell me the truth M-/demo/recommended Chess 15
Williams, Larry Everyday I wonder EX/w/demo/sld & stmol & sm xol-flip Chess 15
Baxter, Tony I'll Come To You M-/great Chubby 20
Neville, Art Lover of love EX-/recommended Cinderella 15
Neville, Art Lover of love M-/recommended Cinderella 20
Mackey,Linda Yours for the asking M-/recommended Claire 30
Church, Eugene I ain't goin' for that EX/wol/great Class 20
Joe-L I'm not gonna be worried EX-/superb Clissac 25
Burke Family Under the spell VG+/recommended Cobblestone 10
Burke Family Under the spell M-/recommended Cobblestone 15
Burke Family Under the spell EX+/demo/recommended Cobblestone 20
Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 100
Vonettes Touch my heart EX+/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 125
Crests The angels listened in EX-/great Coed 8
Crests The angels listened in EX/wol-flip/great Coed 8
Crests The angels listened in EX+/great Coed 10
Joy-Tones This love EX/Inc Co slv/superb girl group mid-tempo Coed 75
Scott, Freddie Brand new world M-/nice mid-tempo Colpix 10
Scott, Freddie Brand new world EX+/w/demo/sm wol/nice Colpix 15
Artie & Linda Goody goody/same M-/w/demo/wol/R&B/great Columbia 15
Bailey, Jimmy Happy train EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Beverly & The Del-Capris Mama I think I'm in love EX-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125
Billy Joe Royal Everything turned blue EX-/w/demo/great Columbia 20
Britton, Aldora Do it with soul EX+/w/demo/great Columbia 25
Buckinghams You misunderstand me EX+/superb Columbia 25
Chambers Brothers My baby takes care of business EX-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 20
Colbert, Bertha Teardrop avenue EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Columbia 25
Colbert, Bertha Teardrop avenue M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30
Corvairs Ain't no sole in these old shoes/Get a job EX-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Corvairs Ain't no sole in these old shoes/Get a job EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30
Dey & Knight I'm gonna love you tomorrow M-/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Dey & Knight Sayin' something (xol)/Ooh da la da lay EX+/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Diamond, Johnny Our dream/Dark rain M-/recommended/rare issue Columbia 15
Flavor Dancing in the street M-/w/demo/version Columbia 10
Franklin, Aretha Lee Cross M-/w/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 8
Gigi & The Charmaines Guilty (light stmol) / Girl crazy VG/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too/plays great Columbia 30
Granger, Gerri I've got to do it on my own EX-/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry EX/w/demo/light wol/superb Columbia 185
Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 200
Jackson, Walter I don't want to suffer(wol)/This world of mine EX+/tiny label tear/recommended Columbia 25
Junior Lewis Forty days and forty nights EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30
Junior Lewis Forty days and forty nights M-/w/demo/2 sm x's ol-flip/recommended Columbia 30
Kenny & Yvonne Come on and be my love M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 20
Leavill, Otis Keep on loving/Right back in love EX+/w/demo/ink stamp ol/2 superb sides Columbia 60
Lee, Donna Clown town EX-/w/demo/superb Columbia 25
Lee, Donna Clown Town M-/superb Columbia 30
Lucien, John What a difference love makes (demo sol) EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 60
Lundy, Pat The thrill is gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 30
Marano, Nancy Keep your hands off my baby M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Columbia 30
McNeal, Landy Counting on you baby/Same EX-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 20
Moultrie, Mary Rover EX+/w/demo/wol/stmol/recmnd Columbia 40
Moultrie, Mattie That's how strong my love is EX/w/demo/great soul Columbia 15
Ovella & Overtures That's all you gotta do M-/w/demo/great Columbia 40
Page, Patti You don't need a heart EX+/w/demo/sm wol-flip/superb version Columbia 40
Players Giving up your love is like giving up the world/Guilty M-/Inc Co slv/2 great soul sides Columbia 25
Pussycats You can't stop loving me / Dressed in black EX/w/demo/wol/2 great sides Columbia 30
Regan, Joan Don't talk to me about love M-/w/demo/Inc M- pic slv/superb/rare Columbia 40
Regina If you're gonna love me EX+/recommended Columbia 25
Richards, Turley I just can't take it any longer M-/w/demo/Inc M- pic slv/great Columbia 60
Roddy & Robins I'm telling you baby/Let's do the freeze  EX-/w/demo/great/unknown? Columbia 25
Ron Moody & Centaurs The new breed M-/w/demo/great version Columbia 25
Smith, OC Little green apples + 3 more tracks VG/wol/4 track ep/33 1/3 RPM Columbia 8
Spellbinders We're acting like lovers/Same (2 ink stamps ol) EX+/w/demo/Inc special Co promo slv/great Columbia 30
Thornton, Teri To remember you by M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Thornton, Teri To remember you by M-/recommended Columbia 25
Tony & Tyrone A fool am I/Crossroads of love M-/2 nice ballads Columbia 10
Tribe Dancing to the beat of my heart M-/great Columbus 40
Accents Tell Me (whats On Your Mind) EX-/great Commerce 20
Harrison, Tony Sad occasion EX-/great Commerce 30
Lee, Sammy Rosetta/As a city sleeps M-/great Commerce 25
Ferguson, Helena My terms EX+/classic Compass 15
Adams, Ritchie Slippin Away M-/w/demo/great Congress 20
Ellis, Shirley The clapping song (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Congress 20
Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30
Love, J.B. No One Else But You EX/w/demo/great Congress 30
Love, J.B. No One Else But You M-/w/demo/great Congress 40
Ray, James One by one EX/superb Congress 15
Ray, James One by one M-/w/demo/superb Congress 20
Chance, Nolan If he makes you he can take you M-/sol-flip/great Constellation 30
Chandler, Gene If you can\'t be true M-/classic Constellation 12
Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125
Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining EX-/tiny warp-nap/superb Constellation 75
Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100
Dynettes New Guy/witness To A Heartbreak M-/2 great sides Constellation 15
Mike & Michael My neighborhood/Where have you been M-/w/demo/2 great sides Constellation 25
Miller, Bobby The big question M-/recommended Constellation 20
Cager, Wille He's a player/What can you do M-/2 superb sides Contact 40
Hart, Don Soldier coming home M-/recommended Coolschool 20
Austin, Patti I wanna be loved EX/superb Coral 25
Austin, Patti I wanna be loved EX+/sm lbl tearsuperb Coral 25
Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75
Big Joe Turner I'm packin up EX+/y/demo/great Coral 40
Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol)/My Blood Runs Cold EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75
Peters, Howard Soulville EX/y/demo/recommended Coral 25
Sonny Gordon Five The yea yea song/The dance M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40
Sons Of Moses Soul symphony/Fatback M-/y/demo/2 great inst's Coral 30
Soul, Sharon His Love Is Amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75
Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50
Tyler, Gladys Hurry on down to my house EX/y/demo/great   Coral 40
Wells, Barbara My baby's name M-/demo/xol/great Coral 25
Lindsey, Theresa Gotta find a way/Wonderful one EX/1st press-Detroit address lbl/classic/great flip too Correc-Tone 25
TNT Band The meditation M-/great Cotique 25
Brothers Two Here I am in love again (sol) M-/w/demo/great Crimson 20
Fox, Damon Gotta get my baby back M-/DJ stamp-ol Crimson 15
Mason, Barbara Trouble child M-/recommended Crusader 15
Corvells The joke's on me M-/sm xol/great Cub 40
Impalas Sorry (I ran all the way home) EX+/great Cub 10
Ozells Please don't go M-/demo/recommended Cub 50
Ozells Please don't go  M-/xol-flip/Inc Co slv/recommended Cub 40
Winstons Need a replacement M-/w.demo/superb Curtom 40
Gene Middleton & Sole Survivors You Need Love/stop - Where You Are M-/2 great sides D And B 15
Guess, Lenis Thank you baby M-/great D.P.G. 25
Glories I love you babe but give me my freedom (wol) / Security M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Date 25
Glories I stand accused of loving you EX-/sol-flip/sl lbl wear/great Date 8
Glories I stand accused of loving you EX-/great Date 10
Glories No news M-/sm wol/recommended Date 20

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From single items to whole collections
I buy worldwide!

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

Dells Closer M-/great/class! Cadet 8
Dells It's all up to you EX+/wol & sm sol-flip/superb/At their best! Cadet 20
Dells It's all up to you M-/superb/At their best! Cadet 25
Dells Run for cover / Over again VG+/large wol/lite lbl wear/1st-blue lbl/2 superb sides  Cadet 50
Masterpiece High on music M-/funky Calfdisc 5
Hill, Bobby I wanna be with you/The children M-/2 great sides Calla 6
Naturals I Can't Share You/young Generation M-/lite lbl ring/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 8
Naturals I Can't Share You/young Generation M-/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 10
Rudy Love & Love Family Ain't nuthin' spooky M-/recommended Calla 15
Jones, Albert You and your love M-/Canadian/recommended Candy Apple 40
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops EX-/wol/recommended Capitol 8
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops M-/recommended Capitol 10
Ad Libs Love me/Know all about you M-/demo/great/funk flip Capitol 25
Babe Ruth Elusive M-/UK/classic Capitol 12
Black, Cody Stop trying to do what you see your neighbor do M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 25
Frankie Maze + Beverly While I'm alone EX+/best version Capitol 15
Frankie Maze + Beverly While I'm alone M-/demo/best version Capitol 20
Frazier, Joe Gonna spend my life EX+/demo/Inc Co slv/great funk Capitol 15
Frazier, Joe Truly,truly lovin' me EX+/demo Capitol 10
Garner, Reggie Traces/Teddy bear VG+/nice mid-tempo Capitol 10
Hightower, Willie Nobody But You EX-/recommeded Capitol 10
Hightower, Willie Nobody but you M-/y/demo/recommended Capitol 12
Jimmy Beaumont & Skyliners I could have loved you so well M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo Capitol 20
Joy Of Cooking Only time will tell me M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/nice Capitol 8
L.J.Reynolds Key to the world/Tell me M-/Inc Co slv/2 fantastic sides Capitol 30
Love, Marian Can't forget about you, baby M-/demo/recommended Capitol 60
Mcgriff, Jimmy Fat cakes/Sugar, sugar EX+/Inc Co slv/2 funk inst's Capitol 12
Sound 70's I'll be waiting VG+/demo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 20
Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Taste Of Honey I'll try something new M-/nice vers/pic.slv-split seams Capitol 10
Williams, JJ Make a believer (out of me again) M-/Inc Co slv/nice Capitol 10
Wilson, Nancy Ocean of love M-/recommended Capitol 15
Sea Level Shake a leg M- Capricorn 6
Four Mints You Want To Come Back M-/recommended Capsoul 20
Smith, OC Just couldn't help myself EX/great Caribou 10
Jackson, Deon You gotta love/You'll wake up wiser M-/sl wap-nap/2 great sides Carla 15
Jackson, Deon You gotta love/You'll wake up wiser M-/2 great sides Carla 20
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/demo/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Lay some lovin' on me/Love don't come easy M-/nice Casablanca 6
Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company M-/great Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company (sol) EX/great Casablanca 8
Robert Winters & Fall Do it any way you want/Lock me up M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind M-/superb Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just As Long As We're Together/There Will Never Be Another M-/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just As Long As We're Together/There Will Never Be Another M-/tiny lbl edge tear/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do/What shall I do(Inst) M-/superb Casablanca 40
Ragland, Lou In the hours of darkness M- Casino 8
Topics Women's liberation M-/great Castle 15
George & Gwen McCrae Winners Together Or Losers Apart/Homesick, lovesick M-/superb/great flip too Cat 15
Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat M-/sm stol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75
Little Beaver Little Girl Blue/ain't No Time M-/2 great sides Cat 12
McCrae, Gwen The melody of life/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60
Fourteen Karat Soul The trouble with love/Please say you want me EX+/2 great sides Catamount 30
Crack Of Dawn I can't move no mountains EX-/Dutch/colour pic sleeve CBS 25
Dyson, Ronnie The more you do it EX+/UK/BLUE VINYL/great CBS 6
Dyson, Ronnie We can make it last forever (short-2.22)/Same (long-3.02) M-/w/demo//UK/sm wol/superb short version on UK dj only CBS 25
Moore, Jackie Do ya got what it takes/How's your love life baby M-/UK/w/demo/stmol-flip/2 great sides CBS 15
Moore, Jackie This Time Baby M-/UK/classic CBS 8
Tymes feat.George Williams Someone to watch over me M-/UK/recommended CBS 20
Lucas, Matt You gotta love/Same-mono M-/demo/recommended Celebration 10
Jade Brown and beautiful EX-/demo/lite lbl ring/superb Century City 20
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/WOL/fantastic x-over Chain 8
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/fantastic x-over Chain 10
Cuffari, Brenda My Music Says It All M-/pic sleeve/great Charisma 20
Little Milton Campbell Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind EX+/recommended Checker 12
Sheen, Bobby Love stealing/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Chelsea 15
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy (short) / Same (long) (sm sol) M-/superb Cheri 60
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry/All my life, all my love M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry/All my life, all my love M-/superb x-over/green lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Acoustics Living in hard times M-/great Cherry Blossom 15
American Gypsy 10,000 Miles/angel Eyes M-/superb Chess 10
Burke, Solomon I'm leaving on that late,late train M-/recommended Chess 8
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can M-/recommended Chess 15
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can M-/w/demo/recommended Chess 20
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me (wol)/Falling in love EX-/EX+ flip/w/demo/superb/great flip too Chess 35
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love EX-/superb/great flip too Chess 25
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love EX/superb/great flip too Chess 30
Hudson, Michael The angels listened in M-/great Chimneyville 10
Adams, Arthur Cant Wait To See You/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Chisa 25
Chandler, Gene Make the living worthwhile/Time is a thief M-/2 great sides Chi-Sound 8
Jackson, Walter If I had my way/same M-/demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10
Keyes, Troy See no evil/same(mono) M-/demo/superb Chumley 40
Baker, Johnny Operator Operator M-/great Cisco 12
Gee, Frankie Date with the rain M-/w/demo/great version Claridge 15
Valentinos I can understand it (part I) / Same (part II) M-/recommended Clean 25
Johnson, Rozetta To love somebody/same M-/w/demo Clintone 10
Krystal Generations You were never mine EX-/superb Crossover CMC 20
Krystal Generations You were never mine M-/superb Crossover CMC 25
Festivals Take your time M-/superb Colossus 15
I.A.P. Co Check Yourself EX+/superb version Colossus 20
I.A.P. Co Check Yourself M-/Inc Co slv/superb version Colossus 25
Mob I'd like to see more of you EX-/wol & sol-flip Colossus 8
Mob I'd like to see more of you M-/Inc Co slv/great Colossus 10
Mary Love Comer Come out of the sandbox/Same-Inst M-/superb CoLove 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/orange lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/grey lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 25
Anacostia All I need M-/recommended Columbia 15
Anacostia All I need/same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
Anderson, Deborah Dont Know What's Coming Tomorrow M-/nice mid-tempo Columbia 10
Barrow, Keith Free to be me M-/2-step Columbia 8
Blood, Sweat & Tears Tell me that I'm wrong M-/wol/superb Columbia 15
Davis, Mac I'm just in love EX+/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Columbia 40
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 35
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 40
Dyson, Ronnie You and me/The more you do it EX/2 great sides Columbia 12
Grant, Eleanor You oughta be here with me M-/wol/recommended Columbia 15
Lance, Major Come On, Have Yourself A Good Time/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Columbia 10
Lorelei S.T.O.P./Same-mono M-/w/demo/great Columbia 12
Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75
Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85
Miles, Buddy We got love/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Columbia 8
Moore, Jackie This Time Baby M-/recommended Columbia 8
Moore, Jackie This Time Baby/Same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 10
Nobles Nobody but you/same M-w/demo/great Columbia 20
Pockets Come go with me EX+/recommended Columbia 8
Pockets Happy For Love/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Columbia 8
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do/Sunshine (when I got you) M-/ink stamps ol/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Columbia 35
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do/Sunshine (when I got you) M-/2 great sides Columbia 40
Silver, Stirling Sunshine ( when I got you/same) M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
Taylor, Johnnie You're the best in the world EX/recommended Columbia 8
Thompson, Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same M-/w/demo/stmol & wol-flip/A TIP!!! Columbia 12
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun/same M-/w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15
Tower Of Power You Ought To Be Havin' Fun/while We Went To The Moon VG++/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 15
Tower Of Power You Ought To Be Havin' Fun/while We Went To The Moon M-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 20
Tymes feat. Williams,George Someone to watch over me M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recomnded Columbia 15
Womack, Bobby Trust your heart M-/recommended Columbia 15
Womack, Bobby Trust your heart/same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
Sound Of Experience Easy come, easy go EX+/w/demo?/sm mol/funky Community 15
Nat Cole Jr & Teri Carter You M-/superb Comptons Staff 30
Jones, Jimmy Ain't nothing wrong makin' love the first night M-/superb x-over Conchillo 15
Davis, Mary Woe be unto you/Lovin you EX-/2 great sides Conclave 15
George E Smith Don't find me guilty EX+/recommended Conclave 15
Montclairs Hung up on your love/I need you more than ever M-/UK/classic/great flip too Contempo 30
Montclairs Hung up on your love/I need you more than ever M-/UK/Inc Co slv-woc-front/classic/great flip too Contempo 35
Banks, Darrell The love of my woman EX-/great Cotillion 20
Dyson, Ronnie Don't need you now M-/great Cotillion 12
Edwards, Dee Put your love on the line/Same-mono M-/demo/nice Cotillion 6
Green, Garland 80-90-100 m.p.h./ If a dream goes by M-/w/demo/nice Cotillion 10
Hatcher, Willie Have a heart, girl (ink stamp ol) / You got quality EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue Cotillion 30
Matlock, Ronn Let me dance/same M-/demo Cotillion 6
Park Avenue Slow motion/same EX-/w/demo/great Cotillion 8
Tony & Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20
Tony & Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet EX+/w/demo/great Cotillion 30
Burton, Jeanne Nobody loves me like you do do) M- Cotton 6
Strong, Barrett Love is you/You make me feel the way I do M-/recommended Coup 10
Kennedy, Ray She's a lady M-/great Cream 5
Jenkins, Diane Sweet wine,music and my imagination M-/great Creative Funk 8
Jenkins, Diane Tow-a-way zone VG++/faulty flip/great Creative Funk 5
Butler, Billy She's got me singing/Feel the magic M-/great Curtom 15
Butler, Billy She's got me singing/same M-/demo/great Curtom 15
Impressions I'll always be here EX-/WOL/recommended Curtom 12
Impressions I'll always be here M-/recommended Curtom 15
Impressions Wherever She Leadeth Me EX+/superb Curtom 15
June & Donnie What's this I see/I thank you baby M-/2 great sides Curtom 12
Lance, Major Stay away from me EX+/great Curtom 10
Natural Four Love's so wonderful/Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30
Waters, Freddie Singing a new song/same M-/demo/recommended Curtom 15
Eddie Giles & The Numbers Sexy lady M-/superb Custom Sound 25
Edwards, Mill I found myself M-/superb x-over Cutlass 15
Edwards, Mill I found myself/same M-/demo/superb x-over Cutlass 15
Enchanted Five Try a little love/Have you ever EX-/2 superb x-over sides CVS 45
Standish, John It just takes some time EX+/x-over Cyma 12
Lady Margo Simply got to make it M-/recommended Cynthia 20
Davis, Tyrone I'll be right here M-/great Dakar 8
Davis, Tyrone Turn back the hands of time EX-/classic Dakar 5
Davis, Tyrone Turn back the hands of time/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 12
Johnson, Jay Ooh baby M-/w/demo Dakar 8
Leavill, Otis I'm so jealous M-/great Dakar 15
Sidney Joe Qualls How can you say goodbye EX+/great Dakar 10
Sidney Joe Qualls Run To Me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40
Wallace, Wales Forever and a day / Same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Dakar 40
Rumpus My Love's Gonna Getcha M-/sm wol//Inc Co slv/superb Dash 40
Pat & Pam Hey love/My baby and I M-/2 great sides Day Dreaming 15
Summits It takes two M-/great DC International 8
McDonald, Lee Memories/Little things M-/2 great sides Debbie 60
Diamond Joe Look way back/The A B C song EX/demo/2 greats sides Deesu 30
Crown Heights Affair Dreaming a dream M-/great De-Lite 8
Electras Another man's woman M-/recommended De-Lite 15
Janice Saddler & The Jammers My Baby's Coming Home To Stay/inst. EX/w/demo/superb De-lite 75
Janice Saddler & The Jammers So long sweet little girl M-/w/demo/highly recommended De-Lite 30
Troy, Benny Ecstasy, passion & pain/Same-mono M-/w/demo/great De-Lite 8
Three Karats Yes I will M-/great/2 X'sol Delray 10
Lundy, Pat Another lovin' kind of feeling/I'm your special fool EX+/2 nice sides Deluxe 8
Enchantment Hold on M-/great Desert Moon 8
Take Five Reaching out for love M-/recommended Destiny 8
Winters, Ruby In the middle of a heartache EX+/recommended Diamond 30
Winters, Ruby We're living to give M-/demo/great Diamond 15
Winters, Ruby We're living to give M-/great Diamond 15
Easton, Billy I was a fool M-/great x-over Dispo 25
Maddox, Walt Make it with you M-/sl warp-nap/great version Doll 15
EBO Prime time/I'd rather be by myself M-/modern dancer/slowy/great Domino 20
California Girls Your Love Puzzles Me M-/recommended Doorway 15
Full Moon To know/The heavy scuffle's on EX+/feint wol/great/funk inst flip Douglas 12
Chymes My baby's gone away M-/great x-over Down To Earth 20
Impalas I'd think it over girl/Same-Inst M-/nice Down To Earth 15
Jimmy Beaumont And The Skyliners Our day is here EX-/wol/superb version Drive 30
Jimmy Beaumont And The Skyliners Our day is here M-/superb version Drive 40
Laskey, Emanuel I’d rather leave on my feet/Same-long version EX-/superb DT 185
Masters Of Soul Should I just read the signs M-/nice Duke 8
Roberts, John To be my girl M-/demo/recommended Duke 35
Roberts, John To be my girl (feint wol) M-/recommended Duke 25
White Family Band I'm a little bit smarter now/Miss America stand up EX-/no label-flip/vg-flip/great Duke 5
Taylor, Jay Jay I'm not tired yet M-/w/demo Dynamite 20
Phase V There's got to be me EX-/superb Dynamo 20
Wilson, Joe Let a broken heart come in/Your love is sweet VG++/w/demo/great x-over/funk flip Dynamo 15
Posse That's what makes us happy/You better come out and play M-/w/demo/great E.J.K. 15
Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over) M-/great x-over Eastbound 15
Fantastic Four I'm falling in love (I feel good all over) M-/w/demo/great x-over Eastbound 25
Conservatives Who understands M-/recommended Ebonic 15
Clay, Otis Victim of circumstance/Good lovin M-/2 nice sides Echo 6
Scott, Jimmy Be careful/Part 2 M-/w/demo?/nice EEE 12
Hustlers What ever's your sign you got to be mine/Part 2 M-/funk Effie 15
Ross Carnegie & Co Open up your mind/Can I be your friend M-/funk/nice flip El-Con 12
Johnson, Jessie Be your man/same M-/test press/80's modern Electro Sound 15
Callier, Terry Sign of the times / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc co slv/modern dancer Elektra 10
Berdell, Cheryl Giving It All To You M-/recommended Em.t 15
Fox, Tony Give it all up tonight M-/demo/recommended Emerald City 15
Devaughan, William I've never found a girl to love like you do/Be thankful...(sm wol) EX/UK/recommended EMI 12
Pickett, Wilson Love of my life/I want you M-/2 great sides EMI America 12
Black Nasty Gettin' funky 'round here/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great funk  Enterprise 12
Hayes, Isaac Rolling down a mountainside M-/recommended Enterprise 15
Hayes, Isaac Rolling down a mountainside M-/demo/recommended Enterprise 20
Lewis, Barbara That's the way I like it/Same-mono M-/demo Enterprise 15
Lewis, Barbara You made me a woman M-/w/demo/superb Enterprise 20
Alphonso Johnson & Diane Reeves Love's The Way I Feel 'bout Cha/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 10
Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late (Orange label) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15
Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late (Yellow label) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15
Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 12
Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late/same-mono M-/w/demo/date stamp ol/recommended Epic 12
Drifters Pour your little heart out M-/UK/demo/great Epic 85
Duke, George I want you for myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15
Essence Lovin' you comes naturally/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Epic 30
Final Touch I'm Ready To Give Up My Love/same-mono  M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 35
Final Touch I'm Ready To Give Up My Love/same-mono  M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 40
Freeman, George I'll be long gone (make my life shine) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 12
Jackson, Randy How Can I Be Sure/Love Song For Kids EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/nice flip/rare issue-stock copy Epic 35
Jackson, Randy How Can I Be Sure/Love Song For Kids M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/nice flip/rare issue-stock copy Epic 40
Jeffreys, Garland What does it take to win your love/Same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 20
Joneses In love again/Rat race M-/2 great sides Epic 30
Joneses In love again/same M-/w/demo/superb Epic 25
Joneses Who Loves You/Lies M-/2 superb sides/rare Epic 75
Labelle, Patti It's alright with me M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Epic 15
Labelle, Patti It's alright with me/same M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 15
LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me (DJ stamp & tiny wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75
Powerful People Little girl say yes (sl lbl stain) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Epic 25
Rawls, Lou Now is the time for love M-/wol/recommewnded Epic 8
Sons Of Robin Stone Let's do it now/It only happens in the movies M-/Inc Co slv/great/rare issue/sweet flip Epic 30
Stanley Clarke / George Duke I just want to love you M-/Inc Co slv/great Epic 5
Strong, Barrett Stand up and cheer for the preacher/Inst. EX+/funk Epic 15
Thurston, Bobby I wanna do it with you/You got what it takes M-/UK/2 great sides Epic 3
Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15

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