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The rise of the 'NEW' soulie and the soul revolution.

Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass

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Guest Spain pete
8 hours ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

You did and I did google it and had a listen, I must've got sidetracked before saying anything about it. 😉


A great sound, ideal for the early hours at a niter, a slowy with lovely female harmonies juxtaposed with a male vocal. Meaningful lyrics that you have to actually listen to in order to get the message, a strong syncopated beat with some nice interplay with the percussion accenting the lead vocal. It isn't one I can recall hearing recently and unfortunately my lass has gone to bed so she can't add her knowledge, if any, on venues etc where she has heard it before, if indeed she has. It's a lovely slice and definitely one I would enjoy hearing out on the big system. I will listen tomorrow at a greater volume level. Any info on venues and periods appreciated Pete! :hatsoff2:

If it's the one thats been posted on you tube forget it , that is a dreadful remix , the original was not released on vinyl, Queens hall circa 91\ 92. :thumbup::lol:

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1 hour ago, professorturnups said:

Amazing times for me also in the 80s from the 100 club you hit Leighton buzzard, up to East Anglia with Peterborough. The mighty Midlands venues like Leicester and Chesterfield. On the east coast Cleethorpes WG and Morecambe on the west. Bradford and Warrington Parr hall up north and over the border to Shotts. Many more of course (Stafford and Clifton Hall setting the pace)

Funny you mentioning Shotts, but that was where I returned to the scene in the 90's. I was reading my local paper one night, when I saw an advert for a Soul night in a nearby hotel, The Windsor in Kirkcaldy. The only records I still had left were a handful of LPs. Being skint, I decided to take a walk around the corner to the event, and sell a few. One thing led to another, and to my amazement, I was informed that Niters were still happening up and down the country. Not only that, but I was persuaded to attend one at Shotts the following week. I did so, and was very disappointed. It all seemed so completely alien to what I'd left in 75. I didn't recognise one single track played all night, and knew not one single person there, apart from the handful of young guys I'd travelled there with. I did about three or four of these Niters, and was about to wrap my hand in with the entire scene (again), when I bumped into Denis and Gail Billingham, faces from the old days. They convinced me to head south and attend a Niter in Bradford, which, they assured me, would be far more to my taste. I duly did so, and the rest, as they say, is history. That first night at Bradford saw me meet up with so many faces from my past that I lost count. The tunes were all recognisable, or at least most were, and the venue itself was perfect. So, for me, Shotts/Allanton was awful, but had it not been for the place, I wouldn't be here now, pissing everyone off with my ramblings. 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Mark S said:

Piont taken but Footsie was bloody awfull and this was Top of the pops the very crap we were trying to avoid .

Persònaly could never get idea of trying to appeal to a wider audience , the scene/culture was far healthier when folks just stumbled upon it that was what I was trying to convey . 

I actualy bought footsie for the Chuck Wood B side at the time and promptly took a compass needle to the A side such was my youthfull disgust 😁


The TOTP Footsee incident is the one thing that tipped it over the edge really. For me anyway. As you say, it was exactly what we always wanted to avoid being associated with. You can't really blame Gethro and the others for appearing on it though. I would say one thing, and that is they must have been instructed to do far more backdrops and stuff than they would usually have done whilst dancing anywhere other than a TV studio. Watching that clip again, after so many years, all I see is acrobatics, with a few dance steps thrown in for good measure. Just looks so artificial in many ways. 

The other point you make is also one that I've made on numerous occasions and on numerous threads. The saddest part of what happened in 75 is that the scened didnt need it. It was extremely healthy, and the Casino was bringing in new blood every single week, without the need for any publicity. The scene could, in my opinion, have remained firmly underground, and still have survived. But for the greed of certain people, that is.

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13 minutes ago, Joey said:

The TOTP Footsee incident is the one thing that tipped it over the edge really. For me anyway. As you say, it was exactly what we always wanted to avoid being associated with. You can't really blame Gethro and the others for appearing on it though. I would say one thing, and that is they must have been instructed to do far more backdrops and stuff than they would usually have done whilst dancing anywhere other than a TV studio. Watching that clip again, after so many years, all I see is acrobatics, with a few dance steps thrown in for good measure. Just looks so artificial in many ways. 

The other point you make is also one that I've made on numerous occasions and on numerous threads. The saddest part of what happened in 75 is that the scened didnt need it. It was extremely healthy, and the Casino was bringing in new blood every single week, without the need for any publicity. The scene could, in my opinion, have remained firmly underground, and still have survived. But for the greed of certain people, that is.

For your edification and deight a piece of original 1975 teenage vandalism I keep it as a reminder of when it all turned to shit .

Must be worth s bob or two as its an original .


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10 minutes ago, TattooDave said:

Where do I start?

If baseball caps should be worn by just Yanks and children then Pork Pie hats should be worn by people from Melton Mowbray, flat caps by Yorkshiremen and berets by the French, I wear what I like on my head, and it's usually a baseball cap as it keeps the sun from my eyes (maybe this week excepted, not a big problem in the UK since the summer of 76), I wouldn't be seen dead in anything named after a meat product, not just because of that, but because I think they look hideous.  Trilby's are OK if you're wearing a shirt, tie and suit, but then I'd sooner see a Brown Derby or grey Bowler, they are far cooler.  I'm not into the 70's dress code, I couldn't carry it off then, so there's no hope of me doing it now.  I have no problem with people wearing what they like, as long as they don't piss about on the dance floor.

I'm afraid I failed English "O" level but I'm sure my idea of alliteration is decidedly different to that described, I think you might have meant allusion, but then again I'm not a scholar of the English language, which in itself is mostly made up of foreign words.

I must have played my part in the downfall of Northern Soul, perhaps I can do a Spike Milligan and write a novel like his "Adolf Hitler: My part in his downfall", but who would want to read pages of drug addled dross as my teenage years were blurred at the best of times, I did my exams on speed, and on the whole didn't do too badly.   

Conjecture is a wonderful thing, opinionated views are going to be just that, someone else's wrong ideas unless they just happen to overlap, or even to coincide with what one thinks is right and proper.  There's a lot of good tunes out there, and some unadulterated garbage, and we'll never agree on which belongs in which pile.   

Now, on to OVO, I would expect anything but a local soul night to be OVO and stick to that policy, saying that, I'm sure there are some local soul nights that also stick to that policy too, it's not elitism or the mega rare tunes that are being played but proper vinyl, warts and all, I wouldn't attend a non OVO night either, not because of snobbery, but because I like to hear what other people have in their collections, not bootlegs, but cherished originals, maybe not big hitters, but overlooked and half forgotten gems.  I own a few boots, but wouldn't play them out, and don't expect anyone being paid to do so either.  At a Crossfire allnighter where the live band had just finished they put on a CD whilst they got the decks sorted, I went to the R&B room, I wouldn't dance to a CD anywhere other than my kitchen, with an audience of Happy, my dog, and he would look on in disgust.

Must get on, need a shower before I go and hurt someone.


OK, my comment re baseball caps may have been a tad flippant, but to me, they have become ubiquitous, much like Coca Cola and McDonalds. We have such a massive range of better, smarter, more traditional hats available for people to wear, and they seem to have been pushed to one side in favour of an American import. (Now where have I heard that phrase before 🙂 ). Trilby's only looking good with a suit? Nope. A straw one makes a very good, and less formal, substitute for a panama during our short summer months. Pork pies, I grant you, are a very thorny subject. Most are very poor and look even poorer, but a diamond crown model, with perhaps the brim snapped down at the front, can look both smart and casual/cool. 

Dress code.

I did it in the seventies, but have no desire to return to wearing what I did as a seventeen year old. Some do, and as long as they get their kicks out of it, who am I, or anyone else, to denigrate them? We all have only a very limited time on this planet, and to me, getting as much enjoyment as possible is the name of the game. Wanna dress up? Go on, fill yer boots lads and lasses. In a way its no different than wearing morning dress at Ascot really.


Did mine on speed also, or at least did most of them during  f***ing horrible comedowns. Same results. Failed miserably. C'est la vie. The stupidity of youth. I learned my lesson. Some do, some don't. Some never got the chance to.

Conjecture and differing views.

we all have our views on the past, and also differing memories of the very same events. This lends itself to great debates, and sometimes, just sometimes, a re-evaluation of all that we may have felt for close on half a century. I'll let everyone know if I change my mind on any of the more contentious issues and subjects we've all been yakking about. 🙂 

Original Vinyl.

I can quite happily take on board most, or all, of what the OVO policy adherents have said. Good arguments, well put etc. BUT..... I always seem to take myself back in time to when I first heard these tunes. It was the SOUND that made me perk up and want to dance. The SOUND that led me to another world. Did I say "Ooh look at that pretty label and ever so shiny plastic", or did I say "WOW, what the f88k am I hearing in my head". I have very bit as much admiration and envy when looking at a rare original record as anyone. More than most actually, as my early years on the scene saw me immersed in collecting the rarest of the rare British issues and demos. But its always been the SOUND for me. You can't dance to a record, its merely an inert lump of plastic, but you can dance to what comes out of its grooves. Its all about the SOUND. I know many will disagree with me, and that's their inalienable right. Personally, I think both views are correct, and in their own ways, both wrong. I'm happy to agree to disagree, and let my feet do the tapping and talking.

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13 minutes ago, Mark S said:

For your edification and deight a piece of original 1975 teenage vandalism I keep it as a reminder of when it all turned to shit .

Must be worth s bob or two as its an original .


Yep, original UK release. Ticks all the right boxes for the OVO police, wouldn't you say? 🙂 

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47 minutes ago, Joey said:

Funny you mentioning Shotts, but that was where I returned to the scene in the 90's. I was reading my local paper one night, when I saw an advert for a Soul night in a nearby hotel, The Windsor in Kirkcaldy. The only records I still had left were a handful of LPs. Being skint, I decided to take a walk around the corner to the event, and sell a few. One thing led to another, and to my amazement, I was informed that Niters were still happening up and down the country. Not only that, but I was persuaded to attend one at Shotts the following week. I did so, and was very disappointed. It all seemed so completely alien to what I'd left in 75. I didn't recognise one single track played all night, and knew not one single person there, apart from the handful of young guys I'd travelled there with. I did about three or four of these Niters, and was about to wrap my hand in with the entire scene (again), when I bumped into Denis and Gail Billingham, faces from the old days. They convinced me to head south and attend a Niter in Bradford, which, they assured me, would be far more to my taste. I duly did so, and the rest, as they say, is history. That first night at Bradford saw me meet up with so many faces from my past that I lost count. The tunes were all recognisable, or at least most were, and the venue itself was perfect. So, for me, Shotts/Allanton was awful, but had it not been for the place, I wouldn't be here now, pissing everyone off with my ramblings. 🙂 

It sounds to me that you’re stuck in a time warp. No time for records you don’t know, no time for new faces and all based on memories from nearly 50 years ago.

It also sounds like your stint on the scene which ended in 1975 was quite a short one. Of course that could be entirely supposition on my part.

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33 minutes ago, Joey said:

Yep, original UK release. Ticks all the right boxes for the OVO police, wouldn't you say? 🙂 

There is  a huge list of original vinyl I would love to deface 👹

This,ll ruffle some 

Frank bloody wilson dilyiid utter garbage

Winstons colour him father quick hand me the sick bucket

Nolan Portet if I can only be sure dreary  monotony

But keeping in the spirit of the thread not going to disrespect anyone who loves these crap tracks 😆

Edited by Mark S
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14 minutes ago, Peter99 said:

One thing is for sure. This thread has been very cathartic for some - I’ve never seen such a collection of lengthy posts. Exorcism of the devil! 


Was going to say that but I couldnt spell cathartic 😉

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7 minutes ago, Peter99 said:

It sounds to me that you’re stuck in a time warp. No time for records you don’t know, no time for new faces and all based on memories from nearly 50 years ago.

It also sounds like your stint on the scene which ended in 1975 was quite a short one. Of course that could be entirely supposition on my part.

Supposition indeed.

You obviously read into my post what you wanted to read. At no point did I say I had no time for records I didn't know. Just that I hadn't heard them before. Some I liked, most I didn't. My right to have those views, and if I felt they didn't stand up to the playlists of the early 70's, who is to argue with me? Same with the people. I didn't know any of them, but got along with the majority of them very well indeed, and made friendships that have lasted to this day.

Time warp? To a certain degree, are we not all guilty of that? My memories, as with many others on this forum, are what they are. Memories of a scene that was everything to me, and gave me the best years of my life. For anyone younger, or who was not a part of that cutting edge, underground, edgy scene of the early seventies, you will NEVER be able to understand what we had, and what was taken away from us. I have had great times in the 90s and noughties at niters and soul nights. Heard new, great sounds. Met new, great people. But my preference will always be for what I and others had between 1970 and 1975. It was better than anything I had ever experienced, and many others agree with me. As for me only being on the scene for a "short time", I take that as a thinly veiled insult and supercilious/elitist comment from someone who is obviously a far more "progressive" and "enlightened" member of the scene. I, and many others with similar views, were on the scene in its formative years, and it may even be said that we created what you now enjoy. I could in return call you a "johnny come lately" could I not? But of course, I'm far too polite to.

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There was nothing veiled about my comment about your time on the scene - it included the word supposition and ended with a question mark.

I suspect that you could call me Johnny Come Lately - but your lately would be subject to the same time warp. It was over forty years ago.


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54 minutes ago, Joey said:


OK, my comment re baseball caps may have been a tad flippant, but to me, they have become ubiquitous, much like Coca Cola and McDonalds. We have such a massive range of better, smarter, more traditional hats available for people to wear, and they seem to have been pushed to one side in favour of an American import. (Now where have I heard that phrase before 🙂 ). Trilby's only looking good with a suit? Nope. A straw one makes a very good, and less formal, substitute for a panama during our short summer months. Pork pies, I grant you, are a very thorny subject. Most are very poor and look even poorer, but a diamond crown model, with perhaps the brim snapped down at the front, can look both smart and casual/cool. 

Dress code.

I did it in the seventies, but have no desire to return to wearing what I did as a seventeen year old. Some do, and as long as they get their kicks out of it, who am I, or anyone else, to denigrate them? We all have only a very limited time on this planet, and to me, getting as much enjoyment as possible is the name of the game. Wanna dress up? Go on, fill yer boots lads and lasses. In a way its no different than wearing morning dress at Ascot really.


Did mine on speed also, or at least did most of them during  f***ing horrible comedowns. Same results. Failed miserably. C'est la vie. The stupidity of youth. I learned my lesson. Some do, some don't. Some never got the chance to.

Conjecture and differing views.

we all have our views on the past, and also differing memories of the very same events. This lends itself to great debates, and sometimes, just sometimes, a re-evaluation of all that we may have felt for close on half a century. I'll let everyone know if I change my mind on any of the more contentious issues and subjects we've all been yakking about. 🙂 

Original Vinyl.

I can quite happily take on board most, or all, of what the OVO policy adherents have said. Good arguments, well put etc. BUT..... I always seem to take myself back in time to when I first heard these tunes. It was the SOUND that made me perk up and want to dance. The SOUND that led me to another world. Did I say "Ooh look at that pretty label and ever so shiny plastic", or did I say "WOW, what the f88k am I hearing in my head". I have very bit as much admiration and envy when looking at a rare original record as anyone. More than most actually, as my early years on the scene saw me immersed in collecting the rarest of the rare British issues and demos. But its always been the SOUND for me. You can't dance to a record, its merely an inert lump of plastic, but you can dance to what comes out of its grooves. Its all about the SOUND. I know many will disagree with me, and that's their inalienable right. Personally, I think both views are correct, and in their own ways, both wrong. I'm happy to agree to disagree, and let my feet do the tapping and talking.

You'll never change my mind over pork pie hats Joey, they should be confined to Melton Mowbray.  I'm sure there's a name for a straw trilby, but the name escapes me, again as far as I'm concerned it's a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes and should be confined to summer informal wear, where a proper trilby is worn to accentuate ones suit or semi formal attire.  Like I would never wear a check shirt with a check suit, it's simply not the done thing, or carry a brolly whilst wearing a hat, unless it was a bowler.  It's what makes us all quite different and difficult.

I'm a little too set in my ways to ever re-evaluate most things, I can't re-invent memories on someone else's say so, although my mind plays some wonderful tricks on me, I tend to trust it, though never 100%.

I agree with you about the sound, rather than the record, but I'd sooner listen to a warts and all original than a boot, be it a 70's, 80's, 90's or more recent boot.


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1 minute ago, Peter99 said:

There was nothing veiled about my comment about your time on the scene - it included the word supposition and ended with a question mark.

I suspect that you could call me Johnny Come Lately - but your lately would be subject to the same time warp. It was over forty years ago.


Then I suggest we both inhabit our own separate little worlds, and enjoy either our own personal time warps, or bright new tomorrows. That way, everyone stays happy.

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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass

Absolutely beautiful gentlemen!

We have discussed at length some contentious issues within our scene, eras, attitudes, music policy, the big one OVO...

We have done so without any contratemps, personal insults, fuss or anything of that kind.

Some people post long posts, which I admit I do enjoy, but then reading and writing comes easily to me, and I believe in joining in a discussion, although I also enjoy the role of listener too.

Very nicely done, like a conversation at a niter between a group of disparate misfits who mostly disagree, sometimes agree, but conduct themselves with the air and grace of sophisticated gentlemen.

Our next event will be St Ives Cornwall weekender, it's a local event for us, we can't make many events because my lass works ten hour shifts in a cottage hospital, both days, on alternate weekends, and I work most Saturday nights playing golden oldies in what's left of the club circuit with my cabaret band, oh actually I have said that wrong, we are up-country to a wedding prior to that and hope to attend a smallish mini-dayer up there then a week later we'll be at a warm-up event down here prior to the big weekender.

One thing on which we all agree, our music is some of the best ever written and recorded, our scene is one of diversity, when we attend our women remain unmolested and our noses retain the shape they came in with, it is a beautiful thing, as I have pointed out before in one of my lyrical moments writing about the scene 'they speak in a language only they understand' and we do, the uninitiated don't get it, they may think they've seen it on TV but the only way to know is to be part of it, and that comes with a sense of pride and belonging loved forever by those initiated into it.

Gentlemen the floor is yours...

Oh wouldn't it be good if we had some female perspective on things, I adore the ladies of the scene, as much it seems, as they in turn adore me... :hatsoff2:

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1 minute ago, TattooDave said:

You'll never change my mind over pork pie hats Joey, they should be confined to Melton Mowbray.  I'm sure there's a name for a straw trilby, but the name escapes me, again as far as I'm concerned it's a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes and should be confined to summer informal wear, where a proper trilby is worn to accentuate ones suit or semi formal attire.  Like I would never wear a check shirt with a check suit, it's simply not the done thing, or carry a brolly whilst wearing a hat, unless it was a bowler.  It's what makes us all quite different and difficult.

I'm a little too set in my ways to ever re-evaluate most things, I can't re-invent memories on someone else's say so, although my mind plays some wonderful tricks on me, I tend to trust it, though never 100%.

I agree with you about the sound, rather than the record, but I'd sooner listen to a warts and all original than a boot, be it a 70's, 80's, 90's or more recent boot.


I do like a well made pork pie, but only if its worn properly. Too many cheap Chinese made models being worn by people who don't suit them, and think themselves to be modern day jazz experts etc. And as with all hats, you have to have the confidence to wear one. That way, it looks natural, and not just an affectation.

I have a wonderful black trilby, beautifully made by Jaxon and James. Its a replica of the Blues Brothers Trilby worn by Jake and Elmore, and can be worn either dressed up, or in a more casual, semi formal fashion. Out of all my hats, its my favourite, even though 'er indoors wont let me wear it very often!

I agree absolutely re the suit/shirt and furled brolly things. So many people now just don't know HOW to wear clothes. A crying shame really, as looking smart used to be the be all and end all once upon a time.

Memories? Yes, like yourself I am very much set in my ways, and as you have obviously realised from many of my comments, unapologetic when it comes to airing my views on what happened almost half a century ago.

We will probably have to disagree slightly with reference to OVO. For me, its ALWAYS been about the sound. And it always will be. If hearing or not hearing a classic sound depends on whether the disc is a boot or not, I'll always opt for the boot. Why deny yourself the pleasure just because of the format? Collecting is another matter entirely though.

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7 minutes ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

Absolutely beautiful gentlemen!

We have discussed at length some contentious issues within our scene, eras, attitudes, music policy, the big one OVO...

We have done so without any contratemps, personal insults, fuss or anything of that kind.

Some people post long posts, which I admit I do enjoy, but then reading and writing comes easily to me, and I believe in joining in a discussion, although I also enjoy the role of listener too.

Very nicely done, like a conversation at a niter between a group of disparate misfits who mostly disagree, sometimes agree, but conduct themselves with the air and grace of sophisticated gentlemen.

Our next event will be St Ives Cornwall weekender, it's a local event for us, we can't make many events because my lass works ten hour shifts in a cottage hospital, both days, on alternate weekends, and I work most Saturday nights playing golden oldies in what's left of the club circuit with my cabaret band, oh actually I have said that wrong, we are up-country to a wedding prior to that and hope to attend a smallish mini-dayer up there then a week later we'll be at a warm-up event down here prior to the big weekender.

One thing on which we all agree, our music is some of the best ever written and recorded, our scene is one of diversity, when we attend our women remain unmolested and our noses retain the shape they came in with, it is a beautiful thing, as I have pointed out before in one of my lyrical moments writing about the scene 'they speak in a language only they understand' and we do, the uninitiated don't get it, they may think they've seen it on TV but the only way to know is to be part of it, and that comes with a sense of pride and belonging loved forever by those initiated into it.

Gentlemen the floor is yours...

Oh wouldn't it be good if we had some female perspective on things, I adore the ladies of the scene, as much it seems, as they in turn adore me... :hatsoff2:

We seem to be having exactly the same discussions and arguments that rent the scene apart in 1974. People back then had diametrically opposed views, and those same views obviously remain set in stone to this day. Truthfully, I'd not have it any other way. I do like a good debate! Being retired now, it gives me something stimulating to get my teeth into!

As for female input? OK, how about this one to start off a conversation.....females should remain quiet and stay in the kitchen/bedroom where they belong.

(Joey lights blue touch paper and swiftly retires to a safe space in order to watch the fireworks!!!!!!!!!). lol 🙂  

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2 minutes ago, Joey said:

I do like a well made pork pie, but only if its worn properly. Too many cheap Chinese made models being worn by people who don't suit them, and think themselves to be modern day jazz experts etc. And as with all hats, you have to have the confidence to wear one. That way, it looks natural, and not just an affectation.

I have a wonderful black trilby, beautifully made by Jaxon and James. Its a replica of the Blues Brothers Trilby worn by Jake and Elmore, and can be worn either dressed up, or in a more casual, semi formal fashion. Out of all my hats, its my favourite, even though 'er indoors wont let me wear it very often!

I agree absolutely re the suit/shirt and furled brolly things. So many people now just don't know HOW to wear clothes. A crying shame really, as looking smart used to be the be all and end all once upon a time.

Memories? Yes, like yourself I am very much set in my ways, and as you have obviously realised from many of my comments, unapologetic when it comes to airing my views on what happened almost half a century ago.

We will probably have to disagree slightly with reference to OVO. For me, its ALWAYS been about the sound. And it always will be. If hearing or not hearing a classic sound depends on whether the disc is a boot or not, I'll always opt for the boot. Why deny yourself the pleasure just because of the format? Collecting is another matter entirely though.

I now own far fewer hats than I did, storage in my uncles basement in Kitchener, Ontario ruined a lot, thankfully not the vinyl that is still there.  I've given up trying to look smart, I prefer to dress casual, which most of the year for me is short, tee and sandals, I'll wear a suit for a funeral, but that's it, I'd sooner be seen as uber-eccentric.

I collect vinyl, amongst other things, so I'll stick with my OVO policy.

This is one that is frequently played in the studio, though I'm still looking for an original.


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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass

As pointed out I don't wear a hat at dos, I have lots of hair, usually gelled back into a hipster 'Pompadour' but after an hour or two and a few Whiskies, all semblance of a style has fallen out.

Here I am with that veteran of the scene of many years, a dear friend of mine, the inimitable Robyn Gourlay, a true face of the scene from every era of it's existence. My lass first met Robyn at WC and I at Keele in the mid 80s when, dicking about and being my irritating OTT allniter-self, I was on the receiving end of a sharp clout with a walking cane, we still laugh about it when we meet up a couple of times a year down here at our events! Here we are at that soul love-in that is Newquay weekender! 


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3 minutes ago, Joey said:

We seem to be having exactly the same discussions and arguments that rent the scene apart in 1974. People back then had diametrically opposed views, and those same views obviously remain set in stone to this day. Truthfully, I'd not have it any other way. I do like a good debate! Being retired now, it gives me something stimulating to get my teeth into!

As for female input? OK, how about this one to start off a conversation.....females should remain quiet and stay in the kitchen/bedroom where they belong.

(Joey lights blue touch paper and swiftly retires to a safe space in order to watch the fireworks!!!!!!!!!). lol 🙂  

That was a sharp intake of breath moment!!!

Must get on, first client of the week is due for three hours of pain at 12.30.

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1 minute ago, TattooDave said:

That was a sharp intake of breath moment!!!

Must get on, first client of the week is due for three hours of pain at 12.30.

If you can't wind people up now and again, life just ain't worth living! 🙂 

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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass
Just now, Steve S 60 said:

.........and gentlemen, don't forget to check those hats in at the cloakroom.

Topical, if you attend a do in a British Legion establishment then hats HAVE to be removed, it's compulsory, out of respect for the fallen.


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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass
12 minutes ago, Joey said:

We seem to be having exactly the same discussions and arguments that rent the scene apart in 1974. People back then had diametrically opposed views, and those same views obviously remain set in stone to this day. Truthfully, I'd not have it any other way. I do like a good debate! Being retired now, it gives me something stimulating to get my teeth into!

As for female input? OK, how about this one to start off a conversation.....females should remain quiet and stay in the kitchen/bedroom where they belong.

(Joey lights blue touch paper and swiftly retires to a safe space in order to watch the fireworks!!!!!!!!!). lol 🙂  

Joey I'm sure you wouldn't say that to these two lovelies!

Plymouth alldayer last month.


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3 minutes ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

Topical, if you attend a do in a British Legion establishment then hats HAVE to be removed, it's compulsory, out of respect for the fallen.


Its actually basic etiquette, which has seemingly been long forgotten. Gentlemen remove their hats indoors, whilst Ladies do not.

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2 minutes ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

Joey I'm sure you wouldn't say that to these two lovelies!

Plymouth alldayer last month.


Oh I most certainly would. Just to see and hear the reaction/explosion!!!!!!!!!!! Then I'd blame someone else for it all and make myself scarce. 🙂 


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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass
2 minutes ago, Joey said:

Oh I most certainly would. Just to see and hear the reaction/explosion!!!!!!!!!!! Then I'd blame someone else for it all and make myself scarce. 🙂 


Rather you than me sunshine!

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2 minutes ago, Joey said:

Its actually basic etiquette, which has seemingly been long forgotten. Gentlemen remove their hats indoors, whilst Ladies do not.

Quite correct, and on the delicate issue of doffing one's hat......

"When carrying two 50 count record boxes and holdall, it is acceptable to sling the holdall over the right shoulder whilst crossing the left leg across the right, thus allowing one box to be balanced on the left calf, thereby freeing the right hand for the doffing of the headwear to any ladies present."


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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass
Just now, Steve S 60 said:

Quite correct, and on the delicate issue of doffing one's hat......

"When carrying two 50 count record boxes and holdall, it is acceptable to sling the holdall over the right shoulder whilst crossing the left leg across the right, thus allowing one box to be balanced on the left calf, thereby freeing the right hand for the doffing of the headwear to any ladies present."


This is outside I take it Steve? 😉


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Guest MBarrett
On 01/05/2018 at 14:26, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

I just wish the women would learn to dance in high heels, all those flat dolly shoes get me down a bit...


20 hours ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

 . . . my only issue is women's shoes, I might've mentioned that before though...


20 hours ago, Joey said:

Stilleto 👠 heels? Now you're talking!

This is the way it's done. Esp. 3:40 on.

A credit to their sex - they really are! :)



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12 hours ago, Spain pete said:

If it's the one thats been posted on you tube forget it , that is a dreadful remix , the original was not released on vinyl, Queens hall circa 91\ 92. :thumbup::lol:

Surely the one in the YT clip (the Kent 45) is the same one as on the LP comp from 1988-ish? Never released at the time, so that LP would be the original vinyl release. Not aware of any remixes or other versions, but maybe I missed something?

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Guest BabyBoyAndMyLass
4 hours ago, the Happy Hooker said:

This is how NOT to wear a Pork Pie Hat..................



exit stage left if the wife gets to know..........(the one on the RIGHT)

I think you both look smashing, pleased to make your acquaintance!

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13 hours ago, Spain pete said:

If it's the one thats been posted on you tube forget it , that is a dreadful remix , the original was not released on vinyl, Queens hall circa 91\ 92. :thumbup::lol:

Charlie Rich?  100 Club and was released on an Lp in the 80s. 

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Guest Spain pete
49 minutes ago, chalky said:

Charlie Rich?  100 Club and was released on an Lp in the 80s. 


2 hours ago, Ladymidnight said:

Surely the one in the YT clip (the Kent 45) is the same one as on the LP comp from 1988-ish? Never released at the time, so that LP would be the original vinyl release. Not aware of any remixes or other versions, but maybe I missed something?

Are we talking Michael Watford's baby love ?, not the brilliant country come soul artist Charlie Rich's don't tear me down , first heard by me down the 100 club . 😷

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Guest Spain pete

Threads need to be read ✌🎶

On 07/05/2018 at 23:09, Spain pete said:

Once played out Michael Watford's baby love on a cassette , tough one to find on vinyl . 😱🎶 all about the music for me . ✌🎶


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Guest Gogs
37 minutes ago, Spain pete said:

Threads need to be read ✌🎶


yes, so much about so much, i think that we have touched on newbies, oldies V's ovo. clothing (including hat and shoes), and re-turners tu name but a few.

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Guest Gogs

Just been listening to a few tracks on you-tube, had Joe Simon "step by step" in my collection for years but never realised how good it still is.

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Guest woolie mark
18 hours ago, Joey said:

The scene could, in my opinion, have remained firmly underground, and still have survived. But for the greed of certain people, that is.

....and these fekking CDs that they still keep bringing out, has anybody even bought a CD in the last 15 plus years?  I can't even remember when I last owned a CD player.  FFS, you might as well bring out a version on a floppy disc too!!!

Anyway, must go....need to get back to my practicing for the international northern soul dancing worldwide championships sans frontieres

Edited by woolie mark
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Guest woolie mark
16 hours ago, Joey said:

We seem to be having exactly the same discussions and arguments that rent the scene apart in 1974.   

A lot has changed since then.......you're not allowed to smoke inside at an allnighter now Joey

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Guest Spain pete
7 hours ago, Ladymidnight said:

You quoted BBAML’s comment on C Rich and said ”not released on vinyl”, hence my comment😉

NO he read my comment , and was tying to be smart l think !. :dash2:

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5 hours ago, woolie mark said:

A lot has changed since then.......you're not allowed to smoke inside at an allnighter now Joey

Yeah, good job I gave up tabs a few years ago. One dirty habit down, several dozen still to go!

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Guest Spain pete

So is night owl .🎶

13 minutes ago, Peter99 said:

Georgia Blues is a great track too. 


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