Henry Posted February 27, 2018 Posted February 27, 2018 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Adventures It's Alright M-/great Ran-dee 12 Dee, Kiki Love Makes The World Go Round/same M-/w/demo/superb version Rare Earth 15 Metros Now that you've gone M-/recommended Ra-sel 12 Anderegg, Calleen Fools Paradise M-/great RBE 50 Barnes, Betty Walking down broadway M-/w/demo.great RCA 25 Barnum, H.B. It hurts too much to cry EX/4 track EP/Spain/inc EX+ pic slv/classic RCA 100 Barons Since you're gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Bell, Bobby Don't come back to me / Drop me a line M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides RCA 50 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/great RCA 20 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/w/demo/great RCA 25 Benton, Brook Where does a man go to cry M-/w/demo/wol-flip/superb RCA 20 Cappel, Larry Hush, hush M-/w/demo/superb version RCA 40 Carter, Kenny Don't go (lite stmol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her/I really love you EX/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 50 Cavaliers I've gotta find her/I really love you (stmol) EX+/2 great sides RCA 50 Celestrals Chain reaction/Keep your hands off my baby EX-/w/demo/2 superb sides RCA 60 Chandler, Lorraine What can I do/Tell me you're mine M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/Pied Piper perfection! RCA 150 Day, Bobby Know it all M-/recommended RCA 25 Derek And Ray Interplay M-/w/demo/sol/classic Inst RCA 40 Dynamics You make me feel good M-/w/demo/superb RCA 60 Escorts The hurt EX+/great version RCA 30 Franklin, Carolyn Reality M-/demo/recommended RCA 30 Garnett, Gale I'll cry alone M-/recommended RCA 50 Hamilton, Roy Crackin' up over you M-/w/demo/sm wol-flip/classic RCA 150 Lee Andrews And The Hearts Quiet as it's kept M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 40 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 35 Lester, Ketty Please don't cry anymore M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Lollipops Busy signal EX-/w/demo/recommended RCA 25 March, Peggy Losin' my touch M-/w/demo/stmol/superb RCA 25 Mason, Tony We're gonna bring the country to the city) M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 25 Miller, Lesley You've got a way of bringing out my tears M-/great RCA 25 Miller, Lesley You've got a way of bringing out my tears M-/w/demo/great RCA 30 Pageants I'm a victim / Are you ever coming home M-/WOL/2 great sides RCA 30 Paris, Freddie Face it, boy, it's over EX-/w/demo/great RCA 15 Paris, Freddie There she goes M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 25 Reese, Della A clock that's got no hands M-/sol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Reese, Della Blow out the sun EX-/great RCA 15 Reese, Della Blow out the sun M-/great RCA 20 Reese, Della Ninety nine and 1/2 won't do M-/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too Late M-/w/demo/superb RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too late EX-/superb/rare issue RCA 40 Sedaka, Neil Too late EX/superb/rare issue RCA 45 Sedaka, Neil Too Late M-/superb/rare issue RCA 50 Wallis, Suzy Kisses on paper / New-naw-nee-naw M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Wallis, Suzy Tell him/A time for us M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 40 Barry, Jeff I'll Still Love You M-/recommended Red Bird 15 Poets I'm stuck on you M-/wol/recommended Red Bird 20 Poets I'm stuck on you M-/w/demo/sld/superb Red Bird 30 Virgil Griffin & The Rhythm Kings I'm on my way M-/recommended Reginald 15 Hall, Dora It's all over M-/great Reinbeau 8 Blake, Cicero You're gonna be sorry/Sad feeling M-/2 great sides Renee 40 Bryant, James Hey there you girl M-/w/demo/xol-flip/recommended Renee 20 Wilson, Delores Come On Shy Guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Henderson, Carl That girl M-/superb Renfro 75 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG+/sm /wol/lite lbl wear/classic/superb Reprise 30 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG++/wol/classic/superb Reprise 35 Blossoms That's when the tears start VG/w/demo/plays well/classic/superb Reprise 40 Blossoms That's when the tears start (xol) EX-/sol-flip/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Reprise 40 English, Barbara Shoo fly M-/w/demo Reprise 15 English, Barbara Small town girl EX-/w/demo/wol/recomd Reprise 20 Banks, Darrell Our love is in the pocket/Open the door to your heart EX-/2 classics/pink label Revilot 15 Banks, Darrell Our love is in the pocket/Open the door to your heart EX+/2 classics/rare grey label Revilot 30 Barnes, JJ Now Shes Gone/hold On To It M-/2 great sides Revilot 12 Parliaments A new day begins EX+/great mid-tempo Revilot 60 Parliaments I can feel the ice melting/I wanna testify EX+/recommended Revilot 12 Parliaments Look at what I almost missed EX+/recommended Revilot 12 Parliaments The goose (that laid the golden egg) M-/recommended Revilot 12 3rd Avenue Blues Band Dont Make Me Laugh M-/great Revue 15 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul EX-/great Revue 15 Sims, Marvin L Talkin Bout Soul M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 20 Mike Finnigan And The Serfs Bread & Water/Help me somebody VG++/1st label/2 superb sides Rhythm & Soul 30 Barnes, JJ Say it/Deeper in love M-/2 great sides Ric-Tic 10 Fantastic Four As long as I live…/To share your love M-/w/demo/great/rare demo Ric-Tic 20 Fantastic Four I love you madly/Same-inst M-/w/demo/great/rare demo Ric-Tic 20 Starr, Edwin Agent double-O-soul / Same-isnt. EX-/VG+ flip/yellowlabel-black print/classic Ric-Tic 8 Starr, Edwin Stop her on sight (S.O.S.)/I have faith in you VG++/2 fantastic sides Ric-Tic 15 Starr, Edwin Stop her on sight (S.O.S.)/I have faith in you M-/2 fantastic sides Ric-Tic 20 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Boss-Four Walkin by EX+/superb Rim 60 La Niers I've got to stop/I've got myself together EX/2 great sides River City 50 Holidays This is love/The love we share M-/2 superb sides Rob-Ron 60 Franky & The Spindles My girl is made of candy M-/great/light label stain Roc-ker 10 Flamingo, Chuck Love, love, love M-/xol-flip/great Rojac 75 Whispers Where have you been M-/recommended Roker 12 Isaacs, Esau Having a ball EX-/w/demo/great Romur 25 Carter, Martha Nobody knows (how I feel about you) M-/great R&B Ron 15 Del Capris Hey little girl M-/classic Ronjerdon 30 Taylor, Ted Miss you so M-/great R&B Ronn 25 Davis, Curtis Tell Me EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Anthony, Wayne A sure case of love EX/highly recommended Roulette 20 Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve EX-/w/demo/great Roulette 15 Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve M-/w/demo/great Roulette 20 Daisies I wanna swim with him M-/great Roulette 10 Dovale, Debbie Hey lover EX+/vsl warp-nap/recommended Roulette 12 Elliott, Shawn The joker M-/w/demo/highly recommended Roulette 50 Joey Dee & The Starliters What kind of love is this M-/Inc Co slv/great version Roulette 15 Joey Dee & The Starliters What kind of love is this M-/demo/pic slv/great version Roulette 25 Little Natalie & Henry With The Gifts Teardrops are falling/It's uncle Willie M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 25 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' EX-/great version Roulette 12 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' EX-/w/demo/great version Roulette 15 March, Myrna I keep forgettin' M-/great version Roulette 15 Snowmen Sugar Daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 Snowmen Sugar Daddy M-/w/demo/2 x's on flip/recommended Roulette 40 Three Degrees Find my way EX+/recommended Roulette 15 Three Degrees There's so much love all around me M-/recommended Roulette 10 George Tindley & The Modern Red Caps Don't you hear them laughing/You can dream M-/2 great sides Rowax 25 Victorians I want to belong to you M-/recommended Rowena 75 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Gene & Eddie Sweet little girl EX-/superb Ru-jac 30 Gene & Eddie Why do you hurt me VG+ /very slight warp/awesome slowy Ru-jac 12 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/great Rust 20 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/w/demo/wol-flip/great Rust 30 Guess, Lenis Just ask me/Working for my baby (wol) VG- /classic/great flip too S.P.Q.R. 20 Sugar & Sweet I refuse to cry VG+ /feint xol-flip/great R&B S.S.J. 35 Dynamics Old shoes and rice/Uncle Willy M-/xol/2 great sides/rare Saa-ce 60 Thomas, Gene My baby's in love with another guy M-/great San 15 Bobby & Walter One, two, three M-/great Sanns 15 Morisette, Johnnie Anytime, anyplace, anywhere EX+/great Sar 10 Adams, Faye Step up and rescue me M-/great R&B Savoy 20 Big Maybelle I don't want to cry/Yeterday's kisses VG++/WOL/2 superb sides Scepter 25 Buckeye Politicians Girl I Could Love You More/I wish it would rain VG++/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Byers, Billy Remind my baby of me M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Scepter 25 Candy & The Kisses Keep on searchin' EX+/Inc Co slv/recommended Scepter 20 Candy & The Kisses Keep on searchin (4 x's ol) EX+/RED & WHITE DEMO/recommended Scepter 20 Scott, Dean Gotta have losers too M-/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Shirelles Don't say goodnight and mean goodbye M-/great Scepter 5 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/DEMO/great Scepter 40 Mahan, Benny She knows how EX/recommended Scratch 25 Williams, Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Williams, Maurice Return M-/great Sea-horn 60 Williams, Maurice Return EX+/w/demo/great Sea-horn 75 Roberts, Tina Snow/My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Jay Walkers Featuring Mickey Holiday I got my own thing going (sm lbl scuff) M-/DEMO/recommended Selsom 75 Sinner Strong Don't knock it / Nobody but me EX/2 great R&B sides Serock 75 Henson, Anita Bit by bit/Talk's around M-/2 great sides Sevens International 15 Hawkins, Sam Bring it to me EX+/great Shell 15 Larks I can't believe it M-/great Sheryl 15 Harris, Bobby Sticky, sticky EX/WOL-flip/great Shout 6 Chosen Lot If you want to/Time was M-/2 good sides Sidra 20 Clayton, Pat Someone else's turn M-/recommended Silver Tip 60 Webster, Billy Good people EX/superb Silver-Tone 30 Johnson, Deena I'm a sad girl/I'll never let you down EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Simpson 60 Brantley, Dan I can't take no more/Please accept my love M-/2 great sides Sims 20 Profits Vagabond/Wind M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sire 15 Velez, Martha Tell mama M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Sire 25 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX-/great Sir-rah 40 Gardner, Al Watch yourself EX+/w/demo/great Sir-rah 60 Stagemasters Baby, I'm here just to love you M-/recommended Slide 15 Caswell, Johnny Gotta dance M-/Inc Co slv Smash 10 Colbert, Phil That's all it was/Where was I EX/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Smash 40 Domino, Renaldo Don't go away / I'm getting nearer to your love (WOL) EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Smash 35 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX+/lite lbl ring wear/2 great sides Smash 20 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around M-/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas, Ron Never you mind/First time around EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 30 Festivals Music / I'll always love you EX+/recommended Smash 15 Sweet Got to have more love/You can't win at love M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 25 Woods, Danny I want to thank you…/Come on and dance - Part 1 M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 60 Exsaveyons I don’t love you no more/Somewhere M-/2 superb sides Smoke 75 Herbs Never, never will I fall in love/Question EX+/2 fantastic sides Smoke 50 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost EX-/recommended Soft 25 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost M-/recommended Soft 30 Lewis, Pat Look what I almost missed M-/great Solid Hit 40 Love, Dave Colalined baby M-/recommended Solid Soul 10 Del Counts With another guy EX+/wol & light stmol-flip/superb Northern Soma 60 Del Counts With another guy M-/Inc Co slvl/superb Northern Soma 75 Sophisticates Back Up Baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Bourne, Joe The one for me M-/great Sophisticated Soul 15 Earl Van Dyke I can't help myself / How sweet it is to be loved by you EX/2 great inst versions Soul 12 Fantastic Four I love you madly/Same M-/w/demo/great Soul 15 Jr Walker & All Stars Tune up EX+/1st issue/superb Soul 20 Ruffin, Jimmy I've passed this way before M-/classic Soul 8 Freeman Brothers My baby/Beautiful brown eyes (xol) EX/2 great sides Soul 25 5th Dimension Itll Never Be The Same Again EX-/recommended Soul City 10 5th Dimension Itll Never Be The Same Again recommended Soul City 12 5th Dimension Too poor to die EX+/superb Soul City 15 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me EX-/superb/great flip too Soul City 40 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me M-/v sl lbl ring/superb/great flip too Soul City 45 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power/How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Wilson, Al The snake (sm wol) M-/demo/classic/rare demo Soul City 30 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. EX+/2 great sides Soul City 20 Wilson, Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be.. M-/demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Sugar Pie Desanto Be happy/The Feelin's too strong M-/gold demo/Fantastic/great flip too Soul Clock 60 Whispers Flying high EX-/superb Soul Clock 20 Whispers I can remember/Planets of life M-/recommended Soul Clock 15 Whispers You must be doing all right M-/recommended Soul Clock 12 New Holidays Maybe so maybe no/If I only knew VG++/lite wol/pink label/2 superb sides Soulhawk 125 C.O.D.'s I'm a good guy/Michael EX+/re-issue Soultown 5 And The Echoes Tell me anything../I've always wanted someone EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Waddy, Sandy Everything is everything M-/classic Sound Of Soul 20 Dynamic 7 Squeeze me/part 2 M-/funk Sound Stage 7 15 Evaline Think You Better Leave (xol) M-/w/demo/great R&B Sound Stage 7 30 Hunter, Ivory Joe Straighten up baby M-/w/demo/great Sound Stage 7 15 Monarchs This old heart M-/R&B Sound Stage 7 15 Simon, Joe Don't let me lose the feeling EX-/great Sound Stage 7 8 Simon, Joe I got a whole lot of lovin' EX+/superb Sound Stage 7 25 Simon, Joe No sad songs EX-/recommended Sound Stage 7 8 Simon, Joe No sad songs M-/recommended Sound Stage 7 10 Simon, Joe When EX+/recommended Sound Stage 7 10 Jo Jo & Outcast Why baby M-/great soul Sound-O-riffic 10 Smith, Arlene Good girls M-/recommended Spectorious 75 Duke Turner & Chi-towns Let Me Be Your Baby Sitter/same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Richardson Johnny Every Night The Same Time EX+/great R&B Sprout 50 Mamie Galore It ain't necessary/Don't think I could stand it M-/classic/great flip too St. Lawrence 30 Mamie Galore Special agent 34-24-38 (sm scuffs ol/sm wol) / I wanna be your radio M-/w/demo/2 great sides St. Lawrence 20 Sayles, Johnny I can’t get enough of your love/Hold my own baby VG++/DEMO/classic/great flip/very rare demo St. Lawrence 225 Vontastics You can work it out/blank M-/demo/1 sided/great/very rare St. Lawrence 40 Knight, Jean Anyone can love him M-/great Staff 20 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me EX-/sm wol/classic Stallion 200 Jenning, Lee Just Keep On Loving Me/same-inst. M-/superb version Star Track 25 Astors Candy(sol)/I found out EX/2 great sides Stax 20 Astors Candy/I found out EX+/2 great sides Stax 25 C.L. Blast Double up M-/lbl damage/recommended Stax 10 C.L. Blast Double up M-/vsld/recommended Stax 12 C.L. Blast Double up M-/recommended Stax 15 Delaney & Bonnie It's been a long time coming/same M-/w/demo Stax 12 Cordells You do a thing to my mind M-/great Steel Town Sound 30 Berkshire Seven Crazy Kind Of Feeling M-/great Stop 20 Berkshire Seven Stop And Start Over EX/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Blake, Cicero Don't do this to me M-/recommended Success 15 Lee, Bobby I was born a loser EX+/sm scratch at start/great Sue 10 Lee, Bobby I was born a loser M-/great Sue 15 Shane, Jackie Sticks and stones EX-/great up-tempo R&B Sue 20 Turner, Ike & Tina I idolize you (sm ink stamp ol) M-/recommended Sue 15 Turner, Ike & Tina You should'a treated me right M-/ink stamp ol/recommended Sue 15 Washington, Baby Either you're with me/You are what you are EX-/2 great sides Sue 20 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one EX-/lite stmol-flip/highly recommended Sue 25 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one EX/lite lbl ring/highly recommended Sue 25 Washington, Baby Hey lonely one M-/highly recommended Sue 30 Washington, Baby Leave me alone (xol) M-/superb Sue 40 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby EX-/great version Sue 20 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/sm wol/great version Sue 25 Washington, Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/great version Sue 25 Storm Sweet happiness/Going going gone M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sunflower 25 Williams, Patti Because I love him EX+/w/demo/recommended Sunflower 25 Marcels No Love Left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 Little Oscar I Tried/the Message M-/2 great sides Supreme Blues 15 Buster Jones Baby boy VG+/demo/superb Sure-Shot 40 J. J. Daniels Mr. Lonesome/Deep down inside EX+/demo/great/nice flip too Sure-Shot 30 Malibus Strong love/A chance for you and me EX+/demo/2 greaty sides Sure-Shot 25 Malibus Ten times a day EX-/demo/great Sure-Shot 20 Richards, Lisa Mean old world EX+/demo/recommended Sure-Shot 25 Rudd, Norma He's mine M-/demo/great R&B Sure-Shot 30 Williams, Bobby Play a sad song EX+/demo/great Sure-Shot 25 Williams, Bobby Play a sad song (tiny wol) EX+/demo/great Sure-Shot 25 Joey & The VIP's Would you believe (stmol) M-/w/demo/superb Swan 60 Joey & The VIP's Would you believe (xol) M-/w/demo/superb Swan 60 Johnson, Herb Two steps ahead of a woman M-/w/demo/recommended early Motown style sound Swan 50 Johnson, Rochelle Playing the field/Gypsy ways (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Swan 35 Sevens, Sammy Everybody crossfire/You better watch your step EX+/w/demo/superb version/great flip too Swan 40 Sevens, Sammy You are a lucky so and so M-/w/demo/great Swan 25 Showmen The Honey House/Please Try And Understand VG+/2 superb sides Swan 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Candy Coated People Roads/Time to love M-/2 great sides New York Sound Co 15 Wright, Bill How can I hit the ball (when you won't let me bat) M-/w/demo?/FUNK Note 25 Chi-lites Hard act to follow M-/modern-'85 Nuance 8 Gibbs, Doug I'll always have you there / Cloudy day M-/2 great sides Oak 10 Waters, Freddie I'm afraid to let you into my life/I'm gonna walk right out of your life M-/2 great sides October 15 Lance, Major Without A Doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Lance, Major Without A Doubt (WOL) EX-/sl lbl ring/superb Okeh 30 Prysock, Arthur All I Need Is You Tonight M-/great Old Town 10 Lance, Major I got a right to cry EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/great version Osiris 50 Lance, Major You're everthing I need/inst. M-/great Osiris 10 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Entertainers Why ?/Po boy M-/2 nice sides Ovide 15 Masters Of Soul Count The Times M-/bubbly vinyl-plays fine/nice Ovide 10 Love, Devotion And Happiness Joy sweet joy M-/great x-over P.E.U. Jadan 25 Gary Toms Empire Love me right/Same-long version M-/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Gary Toms Empire Love me right/Same-long version M-/demo/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Brown, Randy I wanna make love to you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Parachute 8 Brown, Randy You says it all/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parachute 10 Bits & Pieces You should have told me M-/wol/Inc Co slv/great Paramount 20 Clifford, Linda March across the land M-/great Paramount 15 Courtney, Dean It makes me nervous/You're all I've got M-/2 great sides Paramount 25 Dodds, Malcolm Come see the sun/Same-mono EX+/pink demo/Inc Co slv/great Paramount 20 First Class Laying my heart on the line M-/nice Park-way 12 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever M-/superb Paula 15 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever EX+/w/demo/superb Paula 20 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/superb Paula 20 Robinson, Roscoe Let me be myself M-/w/demo/superb Paula 15 Clayton, Willie Hello, how have you been? M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Pawn 15 Guess, George Do it to death M-/recommended Pearl Harbor 10 Jon, Leslie Never want to lose this feeling M-/2x's ol/great x-over Pelegrin Sands 25 Weston, Kim Danger, Heartbreak Ahead M-/great People 5 Eight Minutes Looking for a brand new game/Find the one who loves you M-/great/sweet flip Perception 10 Braverman, Cory I saw the light/Same-mono M-/demo/recommended Phantom 15 Originals The magic is you M-/recommended Phase II 15 Originals The magic is you EX+/w/demo/recommended Phase Ii 20 Archie Bell & The Drells Everybody Have A Good Time/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 6 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Archie Bell & The Drells Old People/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Phil. Int. 25 Bennett, Bobby Days go by M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Carn, Jean If You Wanna Go Back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Covay, Don Travelin' in heavy traffic M-/sl lbl wear/recommended Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys It's forever M-/w/demo Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Life in the country/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Nation time M-/sl lbl stain/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/sol-flip/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys Sexy ways/You're the reason why M-2 good sides Phil. Int. 8 Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Where are all my friends EX+/recommended Phil. Int. 12 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/UK/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 20 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/German/EX pic. Slv/great Phil. Int. 25 Jones Girls Nights over Egypt EX/classic/superb Phil. Int. 8 Pendergrass, Teddy Close the door EX+/Inc Co sleeve/classic Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass, Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/w/demo/great Phil. Int. 6 Pendergrass, Teddy Where did all the lovin' go M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Rawls, Lou Groovy people/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 10 Rawls, Lou See you when I get there EX/superb Phil. Int. 10 Silk I can't stop turning you on EX+/recommended Phil. Int. 30 White, Anthony I`m So Much In Love With You/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 10 Williams, Johnny Put it in motion/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 8 Paradise Tell her M-/recommended Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Delfonics Loving him M-/recommended Philly Groove 15 First Choice Armed and extremely dangerous M-/Inc Co slv/classic Philly Groove 5 Holmes, Mary I need your lovin' EX/highly recommended Philly Groove 30 Storm She comes up M-/superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love M-/recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Weiss,Terry Keep on pushin' your love/same M-/demo/great Platinum 15 Buck I can't quit your love EX-/sm wol/v sl lbl ring wear/superb Playboy 12 Lance, Major Sweeter/same-mono M-/demo/great Playboy 10 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same EX-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 25 Russell, Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same M-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) EX-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 20 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 25 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/date ink stamp on flip/Inc pic slv/superb Playboy 30 Wilson, Al I've Got A Feeling/Be Concerned EX-/2 great sides Playboy 6 Wilson, Al I've got a feeling/Be concerned EX+/2 great sides Playboy 8 Wilson, Al You did it for me M-/sm lbl edge tear/superb Playboy 10 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/recommended Plum 20 Jackson, Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/demo/sl label stain/superb Plum 25 Brown, James For goodness sakes, look at those cakes(Part 1)/Same(Part 2) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Polydor 5 Brown, James I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Polydor 15 Brown, Pep I am the one who needs you/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 85 Downing, Al I'm Just Nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 30 Duprees Check yourself M-/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Polydor 40 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal EX-/great Polydor 6 Gaynor, Gloria Let's make a deal M-/w/demo/great Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria Let's mend what's been broken/same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 15 Gaynor, Gloria This love affair/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Polydor 50 Hayes, Isaac Love has been good to us M-/a tip !! Polydor 15 Invitations Love has to grow EX-/UK/great Polydor 30 Neville, Ivan Not just another girl/same M-/demo/Canadian/modern dancer Polydor 10 Richmond Extension Let's get into something/same EX/demo/great Polydor 12 Stratavarious feat. Lady I got your love-part 1/part 2 M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/great Polydor 15 Vaneese & Carolyn Let me in/I'm losing you M-/Inc Co slv/funky/slowie-flip Polydor 20 Serious Intention Serious M-/UK Pow Wow 5 Byers, Ann This man is rated-X M-/demo/UK/sl lbl damage Power Exchange 12 Main Ingredient Everything man M-/great version Power Exchange 20 Main Ingredient Everything man EX+/UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Glenn, Gary I need you in my life/Cause I love you M-/great PPL 15 Beck, Floyd What about me M-/superb Precision 20 Adams, Gayle Baby I Need Your Loving M-/superb version Prelude 25 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair) M-Canadian/great dancer Prelude 15 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair)/same M-/w/demo/great dancer Prelude 20 Silk Ain't no need of crying M-/w/demo/recommended Prelude 15 Lloyd, Hetti If you can't satisfy (I've gotta say goodbye) EX+/nice Pride 25 New Censation I've got nothin' to hide M-/recommended Pride 6 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) EX+/superb Private Stock 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine/same) EX+/demo/superb Private Stock 25 Black, Marion I'm Gonna Get Loaded M-/great Prix 15 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair M-/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir, Ronnie Saggitarian affair/same M-/w/demo/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir, Ronnie Wendy Is Gone/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Prodigal 12 Brown, Sharon I specailize in love M-/nice Profile 8 Jackson Sisters Why can't we be more than just friends/same EX+/demo/nice Prophesy 15 Philosophers The law of love M-/funk PS 20 Moses Sweetest love M-/nice Pure Silk 10 Helms, Jimmy Don't pull your love/same M-/demo/wol/great Pye 8 James, Jimmy Want you so much VG+/UK/superb Pye 8 James, Jimmy Want you so much M-/CANADIAN/sm wol-flip/superb Pye 15 James, Jimmy Want you so much M-/demo/UK/sm lbl tear-flip Pye 15 Jimmy James & The Vagabonds Hey girl EX+/UK/Inc Co slv/superb Pye 75 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended QS 40 Dyson, Clifton/Gwen Matthews I'm giving up M-/wol/highly recommended QS 40 Banks, Bessie Baby you sure know how to get to me/Same-mono M-/EX flip/w/demo/great Quality 20 Armstrong, Chuck Give Me All Your Sweet Lovin M-/great R&R 8 Williams, Bobby You Need Love Like I Do/Everybody Needs Love Somtime M-/2 great sides R&R 8 Merritt, Richie You got problems/inst. M-/nice R.A.M. 8 Brothers Are you ready for this M-/UK/DEMO/Inc Co slv/superb inst/rare demo RCA 40 Brothers & Others Now is the time of the season M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Darcus It's got to be love/Same-mono EX-/demo/great RCA 5 Darcus Who's gonna love you/same-moono M-/demo/nice RCA 5 David Ruffin & Eddie Kendrick I Couldn't Believe It M-/recommended RCA 15 David Ruffin & Eddie Kendrick I Couldn't Believe It/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Douglas & Lonero Don't let yourself get carried away (date stamp ol) / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended RCA 60 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle EX/EX- flip/demo/recommended RCA 8 Edwards, Dee All we need is a miracle EX+/demo/great RCA 15 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known M-/recommended RCA 20 Everett 'Blood' Hollins Heaven must have known/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Franklin, Carolyn You really didn't mean it / All I want is to be your woman M-/great RCA 6 Graham, Ralph Changing up my life M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 8 Graham, Ralph Changing up my life/Same-mono VG+/demo/highly recommended RCA 5 Green, Darren Checkin' on you M-/stmol-flip/recommended RCA 15 Green, Garland Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us EX/demo/superb RCA 50 Green, Garland Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us M-/demo/superb RCA 60 Hit Parade Kisses never die M-/demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby EX/y/demo/stmol-flip/superb RCA 20 Hit Parade Stand by me baby M-/y/demo/feint ink stamp ol-flip/superb RCA 20 Hudson County Heaven's here on earth M-/recommended RCA 15 Hutch, Willie Love games M-/demo/great RCA 20 Hutch, Willie The magic of love M-/demo/great RCA 15 Inception Everybody loves a winner/same-long version M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz it's you girl M-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 80 Main Ingredient Happiness is just around the bend M-/great RCA 5 Main Ingredient Rolling down a mountainside M-/xol/recommended RCA 10 Marcel, Vic Won't you come and fly with me M-/fantastic x-over RCA 15 McDonald, Mike God knows M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 75 Purple Reign You gave me somebody to love/same-mono M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Richard 'Dimples' Fields Woman (let me into your life) / You're wife is cheatin' on us M-/nice RCA 5 Satyr Free and easy/Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 25 Satyr Free and easy/Same-mono M-/wol/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 20 Simone,Nina Do what you gotta do M-/Gold Standard label/great RCA 5 Swiss Movement This moment...../Bring back your love EX+/demo/2 great sides RCA 10 Til, Sonny You're all I need M-/great RCA 6 Til, Sonny You're all I need M-/demo/great RCA 8 Tymes It's cool EX-/recommended RCA 8 Tymes It's cool M-/recommended RCA 10 Tymes It's cool M-/demo/recommended RCA 10 Tymes Only your love M-/UK/sl lbl damage/great RCA 15 Tymes Only your love EX+/UK/great RCA 15 Waymon, Sam Hey love M-/sl warp-nap/great RCA 12 Waymon, Sam It be's that way sometimes M-/great RCA 15 Wycoff, Michael Looking up to you EX-/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 60 Waters, Fred Singing A New Song/I Love You, I Love You, I Love You M-/recommended Ref-o-ree 20 Waters, Freddie This is the life M-/great x-over Ref-o-ree 10 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world EX+/w/demo/sol/great Remember 25 Wade, Adam My time for love/Half the world M-/w/demo/great Remember 30 Smith, OC Nothing but the best M-/great Rendezvous 20 Hypnotics Beware of the stranger/Memories M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Reprise 20 King, Bobby Loving you is sweeter than ever/same M-/demo/ballad/SOUL!! Reprise 10 Wells, Mary I found what I wanted/I see a future in you EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Reprise 12 Bernard, Chris Mother M-/nice x-over Revue 15 Chi-lites Um, um my baby loves me M-/Inc Co slv/great Revue 10 Chi-lites Um, um my baby loves me/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Revue 10 Vance, Frankie Somewhere in your life/You are my solution M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Revue 15 9th Creation Falling in love/part II M-/nice RiteTrack 10 Enchantment Anyway you want it EX-/great Roadshow 12 Bee, Walter Angel Man M-/great x-over Robot 10 Contours I'm A Winner/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/top tip!!! Rocket Record Co 30 Taylor,Ted How do you walk away from fear (promo ink stamp ol) M-/Inc Co slv/great Ronn 10 Baker, Betty Do it to me/same M-/w/demo/funk Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Ask me M-/demo/recommended Roulette 12 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain Good things don't last forever M-/great Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain I wouldn't give you up M-/recommended Roulette 15 Ecstasy, Passion & Pain There's so much love all around me/long vers. M-/great Roulette 10 Four Below Zero My baby's got E.S.P. - Part 1 (lite wol) / Same - Part 2 M-/Italy/Inc EX+ colour pic slv-sm woc/classic Roulette 100 Ghetto Children It`s Not Easy To Say Goodbye/don`t Take Your Sweet Lovin` Away M-/demo/2 superb sides Roulette 85 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up M-wol/recommended Roulette 20 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Roulette 25 Hill, Roni I wouldn't give you up recommended Roulette 25 London To Rome Let's not wait/Ask me no questions M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 20 Magic Touch Baby you belong to me/Lost and lonely boy EX-/2 great sides Roulette 6 Nobles, Cliff This Feeling Of Loneliness/same M-/w/demo/nice Roulette 10 Wayne Miran & Rush Release Oh baby/long version M-/recommended Roulette 10 Wayne Miran & Rush Release Oh baby/long version M-/demo/recommended Roulette 10 Whirlwind Full Time Thing (between Dusk And Dawn)/same-long Version M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Roulette 10 Whirlwind Full time thing between dusk and dawn/Don't let him get the best of you M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 10 Weaver, Jerry I'm in love M-/orig. label/great S.O.B. 20 Plummer, Betty Jean Baby I want you back M-/great x-over Salem 15 Bataan The Bottle/when Youre Down (funky Mambo) EX-/w/demo/great version Salsoul 10 Holman, Eddie This Will Be A Night To Remember/time Will Tell EX-/2 great sides Salsoul 8 Holman, Eddie This Will Be A Night To Remember/time Will Tell EX/great sides Salsoul 10 Washington, John Daddy Teddybear/burn The Calendar M-/2 great sides Sandwash 25 Samson & Delilah I can feel your love slippin away M-/nice Saturn 8 Love, Katie It hurts so good M-/w/demo/superb Scepter 30 Love, Katie It hurts so good M-/w/demo/2 xol/superb Scepter 30 Chuck Corby & Quiet Storm See you when I get there M-/superb version Sceptre 15 David I'd be a millionaire M-/great x-over Scorpio 15 Ross, Jackie Man is born M-/nice Sedgrick 15 Morrow, Teddie What's your sign M-/nice Seibu 20 Right Combination How can your heart be free recommended Select-O-Hit 20 Butch Martin & Sepia One I believe in miracles/Same-inst EX+/virtual unknown/superb Sepia One 60 Mcneir, Ronnie Wendy Is Gone/Give Me A Sign M-/recommended Setting Sun 15 Beavers, Jackie I never found a girl (to love me like you do) M-/great version Seventy 7 10 Sexton, Ann You're gonna miss me/same EX-/w/demo Seventy 7 12 Sexton, Ann You're losing me M-/great Seventy 7 15 Sweet Cream You brought joy M-/great Shady Brook 15 Williams, Lee Shot I hurt myself/I like your style EX+/2 great sides/#101 Shama 8 Overton, C.B. If I can't stop you/Same-inst M-/recommended Shock 12 Overton, C.B. Superstar lady M-/recommended Shock 12 Asterix Dreams M-/w/demo/great Sho-Pro 10 George Torrence & Naturals So long goodbye / Lickin' stick EX-/w/demo/2x'sol/stol-flip Shout 15 Naturals Color him father/Crystal blue persuasion M-/2 great versions Shout 15 Naturals Crystal blue persuasion/same M-/great Shout 10 Seymour, Kenny I've got the rest of my life/inst EX+/nice Shout 8 Don Nero & Full Flavour Get up and dance M-/great Show Biz 15 Bingo We can't get enough/Same M-/demo/great Silver Blue 40 Invitations They say the girl's crazy EX-/recommended Silver Blue 15 Invitations They say the girl's crazy(wol)/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Silver Blue 25 Nu-Sound Express Ltd I've been trying/Ain't it good enough M-2 great sides Silver Dollar 15 Murphy, Merv It's Growing M-/superb Simmons 150 Shock Footsteps across your mind M-/classic x-over Sirocco 25 Shock Footsteps across your mind EX/demo/classic x-over/rare demo Sirocco 30 Rock Gazers Feat. Gordon Grody I Believe In Love/same-mono M-/demo/superb Sixth Avenue 25 State Department I'm Counting On You/long Version M-/demo/great Sixth Avenue 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me M-/great x-over Sky Disc 12 Family Circle I hope you really love me/same M-/demo/great x-over Sky Disc 15 Clayton, Willie Livin' with you, but my heart is somewhere else M-/nice Sky Hero 12 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com 1
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