Henry Posted January 30, 2018 Posted January 30, 2018 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy/enquire about records: PM, email - info@soul45collector.com (anytime) or phone/text - UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm). Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide! Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45collector.com/monthly.htm Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover EX+/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 35 Courtney, Dean Love you just can't walk away EX+/demo/edge warp-nap/Inc Co slv/classic M-G-M 275 Embers Watch out girl/Far away places M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250 Formations At the top of the stairs/Magic melody EX/classic/great flip too M-G-M 12 Francis, Connie Fallin' EX-/sm ink stamp ol/great M-G-M 8 Gaynor, Gloria Searchin'/Reach out, I'll be there M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 12 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX-/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 30 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX/y/demo/great/What a voice! M-G-M 35 Grayson, Milt Something gets to me EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/great/What a voice! M-G-M 40 Impact My world fell down M-/demo/v sl warp-nap/great M-G-M 12 Invitations The skate/Girl I'm leaving M-/recommended M-G-M 20 Junior Lewis All about love M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great M-G-M 12 Mars, Marlina Head & shoulders EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60 Mars, Marlina I'm gonna hold on to your love EX-/demo/superb M-G-M 55 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX pic slv/recommended M-G-M 40 Morgan, Joanne Just how loud M-/Inc EX+ pic slv-woc/recommended M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny Stormy (sm wol) / I'm so glad you're my baby (2 X's ol) EX/demo/2 superb sides M-G-M 75 Nash, Johnny Stormy / I'm so glad you're my baby EX+/2 superb sides M-G-M 60 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness M-/demo/sol/2 great sides M-G-M 40 Nash, Johnny You Never Know/Good Goodness (sm sol) EX/wol/2 great sides M-G-M 35 Payne, Freda Sad sad September EX+/demo/superb M-G-M 20 Perry, Charles How can I EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30 Peter Jarrett & Fifth Circle Run run, baby run M-/demo/great M-G-M 15 Quinn, Carole Good boy gone bad M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 12 Quinn, Carole I'll do it for you/Do those little things M-/Inc Co slv/recommended M-G-M 20 Royalettes Never again M-/wol/up-tempo version M-G-M 12 Royalettes Never again M-/up-tempo version M-G-M 15 Superiors Can't make it without you (wol)/Let me make you happy VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30 Tulips You better stay away from my baby M-/demo/2x'sol/great M-G-M 15 Tymes A touch of baby/Hidden shores VG++/great M-G-M 15 Tymes Street talk VG++/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 10 Wilson, Norris Where the action is M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo M-G-M 20 Roberts, Lou My love is stronger than my mind/Cold, cold heart M-/w/demo M-G-M SOM 15 Douglass, Gwenn The picture / Pretender (feint wol) EX/superb/great flip too Michelle 150 Tillman, Lee All these things EX-/superb mid-tempo Michelle 40 J. J. Barnes Just one more time (light wol) VG+/1st label/great Mickay's 30 Contrails Feel so fine / Make me love you EX-/stmol/great/nice flip too Millage 25 Contrails Feel so fine/Make me love you(sm sol) EX+l/great/nice flip too Millage 30 KaZia I say please EX+/great Millage 30 St Clair, Kelley You took my heart EX+/sm wol-flip/recommended Millage 30 St. Clair, Kelly Don't look over your shoulder M-/nice/with pic. sleeve Millage 30 Banks, Homer 60 minutes of your love M-/demo/classic/rare demo Minit 40 Burns, Jimmy I Tried M-/black demo/superb Minit 100 Charmaines Keep on searchin EX+/demo/recommended Minit 20 Spellman, Benny Every now and then M-/demo/great Minit 15 Spellman, Benny Fortune teller/Lipstick traces VG++/sol/2 great sides Minit 15 Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business EX+/demo/wol/great Minit 20 Young Hearts I've got love for my baby / Taking care of business EX-/great Minit 10 Young Hearts Sweet soul shakin M-/recommended Minit 20 Cosby, Earl Ooh honey baby VG+/w/demo/wol/highly recommended Mira 25 Lee, Jackie Do the temptation walk / The shotgun and the duck EX+/ink stamp on flip/2 great sides Mirwood 8 Lee, Jackie The duck / Let your conscience be your guide M-/2 great sides Mirwood 10 Mirettes Now That I Found You/same EX-/w/demo/recommended up-tempo girl group Mirwood 15 Olympics Baby, do the Philly dog M-/great Mirwood 8 Olympics Mine exclusively/Same EX/w/demo/classic Mirwood 20 Olympics Mine exclusively / Secret agents EX/2 great sides Mirwood 10 Olympics Mine exclusively/Secret agents M-/2 great sides Mirwood 12 Performers I can't stop you / L.A. stomp M-/2 superb sides/Inst flip Mirwood 60 Thomas, Jimmy Just tryin' to please you/Same EX-/w/demo/great Mirwood 8 Adams, Johnny No in between / Don't wait too log (XOL) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Modern 15 Day, Jackie Oh ! What Heartaches M-/classic Modern 25 Styles Baby You're Alive/i Know You Know That I Know EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/superb/great group soul flip Modern 60 Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby M-/great Molly 30 Larks Come back baby / The skate M-/superb/great flip too Money 40 Larks Mickey's east coast jerk (sm wol) / Soul jerk M-/w/demo/2 great sides Money 20 M-M's And The Peanuts The Phillie EX+/w/demo/xol-flip/great Money 40 Swann, Bettye Fall in love with me (wol) / Lonely love EX+/2 superb sides Money 15 Swann, Bettye Make me yours EX+/great Money 15 Contrasts What a day M-/recommended Monument 12 White, Tony Joe Polk salad Annie M-/Inc Co slv/R&B Monument 15 Vontastics Lady love VG++/sl label ring/superb Moon Shot 20 Vontastics Lady love EX+/superb Moon Shot 30 Robinson, Ted Thing called love (wol) /A little satisfaction EX-/great Moonville USA 20 Diana Ross & Supremes Time changes things M-/recommended Motown 10 Diana Ross & Supremes Will This Be The Day/Love Child M-/v lite lbl wear/recommended Motown 10 Eckstine, Billy I wonder why (nobody loves me) EX-/sl label fade/superb R&B Motown 60 Four Tops The key M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Motown 10 Holland, Eddie Jamie (2.15 version) M-/classic Motown 30 Holland, Eddie Jamie (2.21 version) M-/classic Motown 25 Martin,Tony The two of us EX-/great Motown 10 Ruffin, David I pray everyday you won't regret loving M-/great Motown 8 Ruffin, Jimmy What becomes of the broken hearted/same M-/w/demo/'74 re-iss/classic Motown 6 Spinners I cross my heart / For all we know EX/2great sides Motown 15 Spinners Truly yours M-/great Motown 15 Supremes Time changes things EX-/great Motown 15 Terrell, Tammi I can't believe you love me M-/superb Motown 15 Wells, Mary Two Lovers/operator M-/2 great sides Motown 10 Wonder, Stevie Nothing's too good for my baby M-/sm wol/great Motown Yesteryear 5 Burrage, Harold Master key M-/recommended M-pac 20 Simpson, Big Daddy Give me back my ring EX+/R&B M-pac 12 Earls Papa (tiny wol)/If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Earls Papa/If I could do it over again EX/sm wol/2 great sides Mr. G 30 Earls Papa/If I could do it over again (xol) M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Del-chords Your Mommy Lied To Your Daddy EX-/wol/sm lbl scuff/great Mr. Genius 40 Curry, Louis A toast to you/I'll try again tomorrow M-/2 great sides M-S 30 Variations Shakin' and breakin' M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40 Williams, Arlene Duck all over town/Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50 Jimmie & Wayne You better believe it EX-/1st label/great Music World 25 Scott, Walter Silly girl/Just you wait M-/2 great sides Musicland USA 20 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt Sugar don't take away my candy/Blues in the ghetto M-/w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 15 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt You'll fall in love/Crying like a baby M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Musicor 20 Jive Five Featuring Eugene Pitt You'll fall in love/No more tears M-/w/demo/great Musicor 20 Perkins, Joe Runaway slave EX-/w/demo/recommended Musicor 75 Platters Hard to get a thing called love EX+/great Musicor 12 Powell, Marilyn Please go away VG++/w/demo/recommended Musicor 50 Radcliffe, Jimmy Moment of weakness VG++/great Musicor 12 Toys You got it baby/You've got to give her love EX/w/demo/2 great sides Musicor 20 Two Fellows Stop don't give up your loving EX-/superb Mutt 50 Washington, Baby Why did my baby put me down VG+/sl label wear/great Neptune 12 Washington, Baby Work out M-/great Neptune 15 Metrojean Mama, let me do it my way M-/beat ballad New Sound 20 Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels Too many fish in the sea (sol) EX+/great New Voice 5 Ryder, Mitch Sock it to me-baby EX+/Inc EX+ color pic. sleeve New Voice 15 Martin, Rodge Close my eyes and open my mind M-/pink demo/superb R&B Newark 40 La Belle, Patti Love me just a little/The jokes on you M-/2 great sides Newtime 15 Gladys Love M-/recommended O-Gee 30 Artistics Get my hands on some lovin'/I'll leave it up to you VG++/2 great sides Okeh 20 Artistics So much love in my heart EX+/w/demo/wol/great Okeh 25 Artistics This heart of mine / I'll come running M-/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Okeh 100 Belgianetts The train M-/Inc Co Slv/recommended Okeh 25 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer EX-/classic Okeh 15 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer EX+/small lbl tear/classic Okeh 15 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer M-/classic Okeh 20 Billy Butler & The Chanters I can't work no longer M-/w/demo/xol/classic Okeh 30 Billy Butler & The Chanters Nevertheless(xol)/My sweet woman M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rare vinyl copy Okeh 40 Billy Butler & The Enchanters Gotta get away/I'm just a man M-/superb/great flip too Okeh 25 Black Velvet Just Came Back (sm wol)/come On Heart M-/w/demo/2 nice sides Okeh 10 Chymes Bring it back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 100 Jackson, Walter It's all over/Lee cross (edge chip-not dislodged yet) VG/light label wear/2 great sides Okeh 5 Jackson, Walter They don't give medals EX/wol/great Okeh 8 Little Richard Well/Poor dog EX+/2 great sides Okeh 15 Major Harris Call me tomorrow M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 350 Major Lance Ain't no soul in these old shoes (feint wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Okeh 40 Major Lance Gonna get married/The matador VG++/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 8 Major Lance Investigate (light stmol) / Little you lover (2 light x's ol) EX-/w/demo/classic/superb flip too Okeh 60 Major Lance Investigate/Little young lover M-/w/demo/Inc M- Pic slv/classic/superb flip too Okeh 100 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations End up crying EX+/Inc Co slv/superb Okeh 50 Vibrations Gonna get along without you now VG++/sol-flip/superb Okeh 40 Vibrations Pick me/You better beware EX/EX- flip/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 25 Vibrations Pick me/You better beware M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Okeh 30 Bobby & Betty Lou Soul stirrer M-/great Old Town 30 Fiestas I gotta have your lovin' EX/w/demo/recommended Old Town 15 Solitaires Lonesome lover/Pretty thing EX/2 great sides Old Town 25 Calello, Pat The Things I Need M-/w/demo/highly recommended/one day! Oliver 60 Williams, Sandy California EX/w/demo/great Oliver 15 Timmy & The Persianetts There comes a time/Timmy boy (xol) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Olympia 20 Admirations Don't leave me/All for you M-/fantastic/great flip too/what price if rare!!! One-derful 20 Admirations Wait til I get to know you/inst. M-/fantastic One-derful 15 Admirations Wait til I get to know you/inst. M-/plain yellow label/fantastic One-derful 25 Clay, Otis A lasting love/Got to find a way M-/great m-tempo/up-tempo One-derful 12 Clay, Otis Show Place M-/xol-flip/recommended One-derful 15 Clay, Otis Show Place M-/recommended One-derful 15 Everett, Betty I'll Be There/Your love is important to me M-/great One-derful 25 Mitchell, McKinley A bit of soul M-/great One-derful 25 Mitchell, McKinley All of a sudden EX-/great soul One-derful 30 Rockmasters A wonderful thing EX/demo/WOL-flip/great One-derful 25 Rockmasters A wonderful thing EX/demo/great One-derful 30 Sharpees I've got a secret M-/recommended One-derful 20 Sharpees My girl Jean M-/recommended One-derful 20 Day, Eddie For my girl/Summers gone M-/2 great sides Onyx 30 Village Sound These windows EX/great/tough to find now Onyx 200 Harner, Billy She's almost you/Fool me M-/classic/superb m-t flip Open 8 Harner, Billy She's almost you/Fool me M-/w/demo/classic/superb m-tempo flip Open 12 Helms, Jimmy My little devil M-/recommended Oracle 30 Tommy Smith & The Laughing Kind I'm Going To Save You/i'm Gonna Put Some Hurt On You M-/2 great sides Orbit 20 Hollywood Persuaders Drums a-go-go M-/superb inst/DRUMS!!! Original Sound 20 Lords There ain't no doubt about it VG++/CANADA/light label ring/recommended Pace 60 Eighteenth Edition When you love someone M-/great Panther 30 Ben Zine Village of tears EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parkway 150 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye/You got the power M-/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue-stock copy Parkway 100 Graves, Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie A free country M-/superb Parkway 8 Holman, Eddie A free country M-/xol-flip/great Parkway 10 Holman, Eddie Stay mine for heavens sake VG++/w/demo/sol-flip/more Harthon magic/superb Parkway 20 Holman, Eddie Stay mine for heavens sake EX/w/demo/more Harthon magic/superb Parkway 25 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name VG++/wol-flip/superb Parkway 50 Holman, Eddie Eddie's my name EX+/superb Parkway 60 Tymes I won't cry anymore (mispress of-Here she comes) VG++/superb/rare mispress Parkway 75 Freddie-Henchi & The Soulsetters Things are changing M-/recommended/rare Patheway 50 Bad Habits My baby specializes (tiny wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Paula 10 Keene, Billy Wishing & hoping (sol) / Cross my heart M-/superb/stunning flip Paula 85 Paxton, Peggy It ain't what I do it's the way I do it M-/ink stamp ol-flip/superb R&B Paula 75 Adorables Baby come and get it M-/demo/highly recommended Peacock 40 Campbell, Vi Seven doors M-/demo/great R&B Peacock 30 Little Frankie Lee I gotta come back EX+/demo/great mid-tempo Peacock 40 Verdell, Jackie Come let me love you VG++/wol/demo/great Peacock 25 Classmen The yang yang (The heart string) EX-/great dancer Pearce 25 Peterson, Kris I believe in you M-/w/demo?/great Pelikin 20 Smith, Otis Let her go (light stmol)/Alley full of trash and bottles (sm lbl ring wear) VG++/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Perception 125 Fantastic Johnny C She's some kind of wonderful EX+/classic R&B inst Phil L.A. Of Soul 15 Butlers Laugh, laugh, laugh/Butlers theme EX-/superb/great inst flip Phila 50 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc Co slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 25 4 Seasons Beggin' / Dody M-/Inc M- (sm woc) colour pic slv/black lbl/superb/great flip too Philips 40 Barrett, Susan No one but you EX-/w/demo/great Philips 25 Brown, Ruth Mama M-/w/demo/R&B/great Philips 30 Clydie King & The Sweet Things Promises/The boys in my life M-/Inc Co slv/2 nice sides Philips 12 Flamingos She Shook My World M-/superb Philips 12 Hebb, Bobby Love love love EX+/classic Philips 15 Hebb, Bobby Sunny/Bread EX/great Philips 5 Kelly, Paul Sweet sweet lovin' M-/great Philips 15 Lewis, Bobby Give me your yesterdaysSoul seekin M-/demo/2x'sol/v sl lbl wear Philips 30 Millionaires A Rather Hip Shing/i'd Rather Do It Myself EX-/2 great sides Philips 20 Millionaires A Rather Hip Shing/i'd Rather Do It Myself M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Philips 25 Results Need your love/Funky EX-/w/demo/female group/2 great sides Philips 12 Results Need your love/Funky M-/w/demo/female group/2 great sides Philips 15 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back EX+/w/demo/WOL-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Shemwell, Sylvia He'll come back (sm ink stamp ol/feint date wol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Philips 100 Toys Ciao baby M-/recommended Philips 15 Toys Ciao baby M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Philips 20 Tyrell, Steve A boy without a girl M-/great Philips 20 Tyrell, Steve A boy without a girl M-/w/demo/great Philips 25 Williams, Tony How come M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol & feint date wol-flip/superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Williams, Tony How come EX+//superb mid-tempo Philips 50 Williams, Tony Second best M-/recommended Philips 30 Wilson, Obrey You don't love me EX+/great Philips 15 Jones, Buster Down Silent Streets/a Good Thing M-/w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Sigler, Benny I can give you love M-/re-issue/great Phil-L.A. Of Soul 8 Stuart, Jeb In love again M-/R&B Phillips 15 Modernistics Down at the go-go M-/great Pioneer 15 Allison, Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Sparkels Where there's a will EX-/w/demo/great Poplar 30 Webs Tomorrow/This thing called love EX+/superb Popside 15 Jets Everything I do/I was born with it (wol) EX/light label fade/2 great sides Port 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century VG+/2 great sides Powertree 40 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century EX+/2 great sides Powertree 50 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying/Cry of the century M-/w/demo/2 great sides Powertree 60 Nelson, Nate Once again M-/great Prigan 30 Beau Dollar & The Coins Any Day Now M-/superb version Prime 25 Black, Marion I'm Gonna Get Loaded M-/great Prix 15 Zeke Strong And His Queen Tones Your heart must be made of stone/All by myself M-/2 great R&B sides Progress 30 Bobbi & Terri You killed the thrill in my heart M-/w/demo/great Providence 50 Fulsom, Lowell Stop and think M-/R&B/great Prowlin' 25 Foreman, Linda Let's get it together M-/great Public 20 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 McLaurin, Bette As long as your mine M-/great Pulse 30 Foundations In the bad bad old days M-/Inc Co slv/Canadian Pye 5 Wells, Jean Sharing your love M-/great Quaker Town 30 Rivingtons You're gonna pay(wol)/I don't want a new baby VG+/2 superb sides Quan 30 Pinkertones Feat. Eddie Gross It's Not The Way You Walk M-/fantastic mid-tempo Queen-G 200 C-quents Easy For You Baby M-/recommended Quest 125 Betty Baker & The Jaxsis Marching out of your life/Love show some pity on me M-/recommended/great sweet flip Quicksand 10 Little Jimmy Griffin If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Fox, Jeanne Working girl/same M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Rainy Day 8 M.S.Q. Save a place for me M-/recommended Rainy Day 25 M.S.Q. Save a place for me M-/demo/recommended Rainy Day 30 Noble, Beverly Better off without you M-/w/demo/superb Rally 30 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide! Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Adams, Bobby Is it too late M-/great Home-Town 15 Moore, Bobby Call Me Your Anything Man M-/great Hot Line 10 Lee, Laura Wedlock is a padlock M-/UK/great Hot Wax 8 Lewis, Jimmy Help me understand you M-/nice mid-tempo Hotlanta 6 Mandells Don't Turn Your Back On Me/Now I Know EX+/2 great sides Hour Glass 15 Mandells Don't turn your back on me/Now I know EX-/pink logo/2 great sides Hour Glass 15 Evans, Margie I'm on my way M-/dancer/great ICA 8 Lee (The Burner) Austin Missin You/same M-/w/demo/sl label stain/great I-dentify 8 Meli, Debbie Take my love EX+/demo In 10 Hicks, Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself EX+/recommended Infinity 12 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 15 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 20 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself-short (date ol) /Same-long M-/w/demo/recommended Infinity 20 Sir Wales Wallace What Ever You Want/I Wish I Could Say M-/recommended Innovation II 12 Thunderfunk Symphany Forty days (& forty nights/Time to discover) M-/w/demo/funk Innovation II 15 Glass House Playing games VG++/wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 10 Glass House Playing games EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 15 Holland-Dozier New breed kinda woman/If you don’t want to be in my life M-/DEMO/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides/rare demo Invictus 50 Hunter, Ty I don't see me in your eyes/Hey there lonely girl M-/2 great sides Invictus 30 Payne, Freda You Brought Joy/suddenly It's Yesterday M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Invictus 3 Chocolate Syrup The Goodness Of Love/stop Your Cryin' VG+/plays well/wol-flip/great Ira 15 Lovemakers When you're next to me/same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Whitehead, Charlie Love Being Your Fool M-/great Island 5 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman M-/recommended IX Chains 8 Arnold, Calvin Satisfy my woman/same M-/w/demo/recommended IX Chains 10 Beverly, Charles Stop and think a minute/same M-/w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15 J.G. Lewis What am I going to do/Same-inst M-/superb IX Chains 8 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/inst M-/highly recommended IX Chains 25 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same M-/w/demo/highly recommended IX Chains 30 Smoke Have I Really Lost You M-/classic x-over J.Bridge 15 Striblin, Karen We're not too young to fall in love M-/EX- flip/superb version Jaber 200 Nature's Creation Let's fire it up M-/w/demo/disco-funk Jamtu 10 Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa Never Gonna Let You Go/same-long M-/fantastic/2nd press Jan 15 Houston, Cissy I just don't know what to do with myself EX+/w/demo/superb soul/rare demo Janus 50 Nash, Johnny Falling in and out of love M-/Inc Co slv/superb Janus 40 Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/recommended Jay-Walking 15 Sample, Hank So in love with you M-/w/demo/superb soul Jay-Walking 20 Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/labels reversed/highly recommended Jazz World 15 Johnny Otis Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/highly recommended Jazz World 20 Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving/Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150 Jones, Sammy She didn't know M-/recommended Jenesis 20 T.H.A.T. Lady, lady/What goes around comes around EX+/2 great sides Jeree 20 THAT I've got to have you/All I need M-/2 great sides Jeree 25 Charlie Cole Black Brown I've got your love M-/great x-over Jewel 8 Watts, Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven recommended Jiminie 30 Blendelles La la,the magic song EX+ Jotee 10 Controllers Feeling a feeling EX+/recommended Juana 12 Livin' Proof You and I M-/superb sweet Ju-par 15 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you EX+/sm wol/superb Kama Sutra 25 Dobyne, Robert I can't get along without you VG++/demo/superb Kama Sutra 25 Jones, Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Jones, Albert Unity M-/'SAMPLE COPY'-sol/wol/superb x-over Kapp 30 Two Tons Of Love Brown And Beautiful M-/recommended Kapp 15 Waters, Freddie It has to be love M-/wol/mid-tempo Kari 12 Facts Of Life Caught in the act (of gettin' it on)/same M-/w/demo/recommended Kayvette 15 Jackson, Walter Touching in the dark M-/great Kelli-arts 10 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/recommended Kent 20 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/w/demo/recommended Kent 25 Jones, Jeanette The thought of you EX-/wol/label ring wear/w/demo Kent 10 Barnes, Myra Super good/Part 2 VG+/funk King 10 Brown, James World Pt. 2 /I Cried EX/tiny slight warp-nap/2 good sides King 3 Cherry Blend Warning of danger M-/funk/w/demo King 20 Edwards, Gloria Need nobody to help me keep up with my man M-/w/demo/recommended King 25 Whitney, Marva Ball of fire/It's my thing EX/sl lbl ring wear/great x-over & funk flip King 20 Samson & Delilah Living In A World Of Trouble M-/funk King James 20 Dash, Sarah Come And Take This Candy From Your Baby EX+/very sl warp-nap/great Kirshner 8 Clayton, Willie Love pain M-/superb Kirstee 15 Ingram, Luther Trying to find my love/Get to me M-/2 great sides KoKo 15 Tate, Tommy I ain't gonna worry/same M-/w/demo/great Koko 6 Tate, Tommy More power to you/I ain't gonna worry EX+/2 great sides Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/w/demo/great Koko 10 Tate, Tommy More power to you/same-mono M-/demo/great Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life M-/superb Koko 10 Tate, Tommy School of life/same M-/demo/superb Koko 10 Phillips, Esther I've Never Found A Man (to Love Me Like You Do) EX+/great version Kudu 15 Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40 Williams, Willie The baa-baa song/Psyched out M-/superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30 Esquires Ain't gonna give it up M-/recommended Lamarr 15 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/wol/recommended Lamarr 20 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Star-tels What more can I ask for M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Cutchins, Bobby I Did It Again M-/superb Lasso 10 Cutchins, Bobby I did it again M-/Inc pic. slv/superb Lasso 12 Hebb ,Bobby True I love you M-/recommended Laurie 20 Beck Family Falling in love again/Can you feel it M-/2 great sides Lejoint 10 Beck Family Falling in love again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Lejoint 8 Laws, Ronnie Stay awake M-/great Liberty 8 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Dont Go To Strangers M-/great x-over Lion 25 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget EX-/great x-over Lion 15 Allen, Vee Love Is All Around Me/Trying To Forget M-/w/demo/great x-over Lion 25 We The People Making my daydream real/Whatcha done for me….. EX-/2 superb sides Lion 75 We The People You made me/Right now EX/2 great sides Lion 15 Satisfactions Turn back the tears/One light two lights M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Lionel 20 Family Feeling what you wanna feel/Trump tight M-/w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15 Family My song to you/Music M-/great slowy/funk flip Little City 8 Washington, Harold I want you back M-/recommended Little House 30 Dyer, Louis I wanna make love to you/Lonely drifter M-/2 superb sides Little Star 10 Paul Humphrey/Cool Aid Chemists Cool aid M-/great funk instrumental Lizard 6 Hardie, Celeste Thank you love/inst. M-/nice Loadstone 8 Elbert, Donnie Where did our love go M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great London 5 Sease, Marvin I belong to you M-/nice mid-tempo London 6 Sunny & The Sunliners I'm no stranger EX+/demo/superb London 30 Price, Lloyd Love music/What did you do with my love M-/2 superb sides LPG 10 Price, Lloyd Feelin' good/Cupid's bandwagon (2 x's ol) M-/2 great sides Ludix 20 Jacocks, Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jackson, JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Huff, Terry Just Not Enough Love M-/recommended Mainstream 8 Huff, Terry Where There's A Will (there's A Way) M-/great Mainstream 8 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now) M-/superb Mainstream 40 Vaughan, Sarah I need you more (than ever now)/same M-/w/demo/superb Mainstream 30 Formula Five Back to love M-/vg++ flip/nice m-tempo Malaco 5 Moore, Dorothy Girl overboard M-/recommended Malaco 8 Moore, Dorothy We need more loving time) M-/A TIP !!/recommended Malaco 10 Bailey, Jr I'll Always Be Your Lover/same-mono M-/demo/nice Mam 15 Gomez, Jesse Lace/baby I'm Coming At You (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Hill ZZ Chokin' kind M-/nice Mankind 10 Johnson, Al Too late/I'll do anything for you M-/great/awesome flip Marina 10 Kirton, Lew Do what you want, be what you are/Come on with it M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Marlin 10 Washington, Baby Care free M-/recommended Master Five 10 Washington, Baby I've got to break away M-/great Master Five 5 Emmett Garner Jr So much better M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Maxwell 20 Faith Hope & Charity So much love EX/great/label damage Maxwell 5 Sophisticated Ladies Check It Out M-/highly recommended/what A Voice!!!! Mayhew 8 Turner Bros Let's go fishing (wol-autograph) / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Turner Bros Let's go fishing / Running in the rain EX-/classic x-over/superb funky inst-flip MB 225 Al Hudson & Soul Partners You can do it/Same-mono M-/w/demo/classic MCA 6 Cheatham, Oliver Something about you M-/Inc Co slv/great MCA 5 One Way + Al Hudson Now that I found you M-/great MCA 5 Peaches & Herb We're still together M-/recommeded MCA 15 Ronald, Terry What The Child Needs M-/German/Inc pic sleeve/neat drill hole in cover/fantastic!!! MCA 20 Williams, Moon Everytime I take the time/same M-/demo/recommended MCA 15 Bernard, Chris Mother M-/nice/orig.label McVoutie 15 McGregor, Billy It's my turn now M-/awesome x-over Mellotone 75 The Girls The hurt's still here M-/highly recommended Memphis 25 Beaumont, Donny Look But Dont Touch/same-mono M-/demo/great Mercury 12 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In) M-/superb Mercury 20 Bell, William Easy Comin Out (hard Goin In)/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25 Bell, William Tryin To Love Two EX-/great Mercury 4 Bell, William Tryin To Love Two M-/great Mercury 6 Butler, Jerry High Stepper M-/recommended Mercury 12 Carmine & Co What would I do without your love/What's in store(inst) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great/Inst flip Mercury 30 Chandler, Gene Groovy situation M-/recommended Mercury 6 Coon Elder Band Feat Brenda Patterson What does it take to win your love (sm wol) /Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Mercury 30 Del Royals Some Kind Of Wonderful/same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Dells Our love M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Mercury 8 Five Special The more I get to know you M-/superb Mercury 20 Five Special The more I get to know you/Part II M-/demo/superb/rare Mercury 30 Joneses Name Of The Game (pt 1) (xol) / Same (pt 2) M-/superb Mercury 12 Joneses Name Of The Game (pt 1)/ Same (pt 2) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Mark IV You're just like a dream M-/nice Mercury 6 Newcomers Do yourself a favor/That's when you know…… M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/recommended Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/demo/recommended Mercury 30 Oliver, David Friends & strangers M-/great Mercury 5 Roy C. Don't blame the man EX+/recommended Mercury 5 Silvester, Tony Soca/pazuzu M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 6 Taylor, Gloria Unyielding/Yesterday will never come again M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Mercury 20 Warwick, Dee Dee Where is that rainbow M-/superb x-over Mercury 40 Band Of Oz Love sickness M-/gold vinyl/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 Band Of Oz Snap your fingers M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 East Coast Rivieras Donna M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 North Tower Living just for loving you M-/recommended Metro 10 Winstons Color him father/Amen brother M-/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 25 Winstons Color him father/Amen brother (lite wol) EX/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Metromedia 20 Gaynor, Gloria Honey Bee (sm Label Edge Split)/Come Tonight EX-/recommended MGM 8 Gaynor, Gloria Honey bee/same-mono M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol/great MGM 8 Brown, Barbara Pity a fool EX-/w/demo/feint stmol-flip/superb x-over MGM SoM 75 Ovations One in a million M-/highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Ovations Touching me M-/stmol-flip/nice MGM SoM 8 Bailey, J.R. You pass my love like a moving train M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Coggswell, Alice Hey good lover / You just lead the way (I'll be right behind) M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Lords Since I fell for you/same M-/demo/recommended Mikim 25 Lords Since I fell for you/same-mono EX-/w/demo/recommended Mikim Volt 20 Weston, Kim Little by little and bit by bit/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Mikim Volt 12 Bay Brothers What Does It Take (to Win Your Love)/same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Thank you for the love M-/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy M-/awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie M-/superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie EX/demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie EX+/demo/sm wol/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Coffee Say it, it's good to you M-/nice MIR 8 St. German, Tyrone In a world so cold M-/highly recommended Morning Dove 25 Edwards, Dee I Can Deal With That M-/modern version/great Morning Glory 12 Jacobs, Barbara There will never be another M- Morning Glory 8 Bottom & Company Spread The News/same M-/w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/Kiss me when you want to M-/sm sol/superb/nice flip too Motown 25 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same M-/white label test press/handwritten details/superb/rare Motown 25 Cameron, GC You're what's missing in my life/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Motown 25 Darin, Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is (vocal/inst) M-/funky Motown 10 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is/(inst-both sides) M-/w/demo/funky Motown 8 Diana Ross & Supremes & I'll try something new (& Temptations) M-/fantastic version Motown 10 Diana Ross & Supremes & I'll try something new/same (& Temptations) EX-/w/demo/red vinyl Motown 15 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception EX/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Leave it alone M-/highly recommended Motown 15 Hutch, Willie Just another day EX-/superb Motown 8 Hutch, Willie Just another day EX/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me EX-/superb Motown 10 Hutch, Willie Talk to me M-/superb Motown 12 Lavette, Bettye I can't stop/same M-/w/demo Motown 10 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love) M-/great Motown 8 Lavette, Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love/same) M-/w/demo/great Motown 10 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/Nothing can take the place.. M-/superb/great flip too Motown 30 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Motown 30 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 12 Ross, Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/pic slv/recommended Motown 15 Ruffin, David Love can be hazardous to your health M-/great Motown 10 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX-/superb Motown 25 Ruffin, David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX+/superb Motown 30 Ruffin, David Walk away from love EX/classic/awesome Motown 10 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) EX+/recommended Motown 15 Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same EX+/w/demo/recommended Motown 20 Supremes Up the ladder to the roof/Bill when are you coming back EX/2 great sides Motown 6 Supremes You're my driving wheel/same M-/w/demo/nice Motown 6 Cameron, GC Don't wanna play pajama games/same M-/w/demo/recommended Mowest 15 Nu Page A heart is a house EX+/superb MoWest 50 Gardner, Don Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy M-/tiny wol-flip/superb Mr. G 40 Middleton, Tony Let me down easy VG+ Mr. G 6 Kendricks, Eddie I'm in love with you M-/recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Sideshow Featuring Arthur Ponder Sexy lady EX/tiny wol/superb 85 modern/rare Muscadine 300 Eviruin, Maye Lady's of the 80's/Same-inst M-/good modern Music International 10 Korla With Klass Stop Before You Start M-/dish-nap/superb Music Master 150 Brotherly Love Mama's little baby (loves lovin') VG+ Music Merchant 5 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. M-/great Music Town 30 Anderson, Deborah Funny how we change places (sol & wol) M-/EX- flip/superb rare version Musicor 100 Drake, Tony Lets play house EX+/nice mid-tempo Musicor 15 S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world EX+/2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch, Frank Young Girl/same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 West, Paula You're the trouble/Where do I go from here M-/funk Nale 10 Bits And Pieces Did I scare you/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over NASCO 25 Silk Nature boy/inst. M-/2x'sol/x-over/great Nation 30 Five Wagers Until I found you M-/recommended Nation Time 15 Shaw, James Got to get me a wife/Guilty of adultry M-/x-over/2 great sides Nation-Wide 15 Eddie Chappell/Terry Szkolny Hey baby/Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Poole, Jay I Love You/Funky Music M-/superb mid-tempo/FIRST LABEL/funk flip Ne-bo 30 O'Jays One night affair/There's someone M-/x-over/2 great sides Neptune 15 Honeycutt, Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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