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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

Page, Patti You don't need a heart listen_f1.gif EX+/w/demo/sm wol-flip/superb version Columbia 40
Pussycats You can't stop loving me listen_f1.gif / Dressed in black listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/wol/2 great sides Columbia 30
Regina If you're gonna love me listen_f1.gif EX+/recommended Columbia 25
Ron Moody & Centaurs The new breed listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/great version Columbia 25
Halos Do I? listen_f1.gif M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30
Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125
Clark, Dee That's my girl listen_f1.gif / It's raining listen_f1.gif EX-/tiny warp-nap/superb Constellation 85
Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100
Cager, Wille He's a player listen_f1.gif / What can you do listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Contact 40
A. C. Reed & His Band My baby's been cheating I know listen_f1.gif M-/superb R&B Cool 100
Austin, Patti I wanna be loved listen_f1.gif EX/superb Coral 25
Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75
Big Joe Turner I'm packin up listen_f1.gif M-/y/demo/great Coral 40
Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol) listen_f1.gif / My blood runs cold listen_f1.gif EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75
Sonny Gordon Five The yea yea song listen_f1.gif / The dance listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40
Sons Of Moses Soul symphony listen_f1.gif / Fatback listen_f1.gif M-/y/demo/2 great inst's Coral 30
Soul, Sharon His love is amazing (sm wol) listen_f1.gif M-/demo/classic Coral 75
Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) listen_f1.gif EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50
Tyler, Gladys Hurry on down to my house listen_f1.gif EX/y/demo/great Coral 40
Lindsey, Theresa Gotta find a way listen_f1.gif EX/1st press-Detroit address lbl/classic/great flip too Correc-Tone 25
TNT Band The meditation listen_f1.gif M-/great Cotique 25
Le Bleau Monde After hours listen_f1.gif M-/great Counterpart 30
Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning listen_f1.gif EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35
Winstons Need a replacement listen_f1.gif M-/w.demo/superb Curtom 40
Gene Middleton & Sole Survivors You need love listen_f1.gif / Stop - where you are listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides D And B 15
Glories I love you babe but give me my freedom (wol) listen_f1.gif / Security listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Date 25
Glories No news listen_f1.gif M-/sm wol/recommended Date 20
Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) listen_f1.gif EX+/demo/superb Decca 100
Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry listen_f1.gif M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me listen_f1.gif M-/recommended DeLuxe 15
Wade, Len Whatcha goona do listen_f1.gif VG++/superb Dial 75
Winters, Ruby Better listen_f1.gif / I want action ("Chips" sol) listen_f1.gif M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125
Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Diamond 15
Bonnie Jean Street dance listen_f1.gif EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150
Vaughn, Yvonne When you gonna tell her about me listen_f1.gif / Lonely little girl listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/awesome!!!/great flip too/RARE!!! Dot 500
Barry, Lee I don't need it listen_f1.gif VG+/w/demo/aka Barry White/recommended Downey 50
Edwards, Dee Too careless with my love listen_f1.gif / He told me lies listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides D-Town 40
Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy listen_f1.gif / My love listen_f1.gif VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues listen_f1.gif EX+/demo/classic/rare demo Duke 40
Barbara & Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain listen_f1.gif M-/superb Dynamo 40
Invitations Skiing in the snow listen_f1.gif / Why did my baby turn bad (wol) listen_f1.gif VG++/demo/classic/great flip too Dyno Voice 175
Beach Girls Skiing in the snow listen_f1.gif VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60
Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) listen_f1.gif / Take it easy listen_f1.gif EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 85
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) listen_f1.gif VG+/classic mid-tempo/rare issue-stock copy Elf 85
Kay, Joey Bundle of joy listen_f1.gif M-/R&B/recommended Empire 100
Green, Byrdie Tremblin' listen_f1.gif VG/w/demo/sm sol,stoml & xol-flip/plays great End 30
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies listen_f1.gif EX+/w/demo/superb version Epic 40
Akens, Jewel A slice of the pie listen_f1.gif M-/demo/great Era 40
Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Era 25
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen! listen_f1.gif / Doesn't everybody listen_f1.gif M-/demo/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 60
Barretto, Ray Soul drummers listen_f1.gif / Mercy, mercy baby (stmol) listen_f1.gif VG++/gold label/2 great sides Fania 40
Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) listen_f1.gif EX+/recommended Flip 50
Kennedy, Joyce Paddle my own canoe (sl lbl stain) listen_f1.gif / Could this be love listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Fontana 50
Taste Of Grey Just once in my life listen_f1.gif (Joe Renzetti at his best!!) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Fontana 25
Vaughn, Morris My love keeps growing listen_f1.gif / Make it look good listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Fontana 35
Albert Washington And The Kings I'm the man listen_f1.gif M-/v sl lbl ring dirt/great mid-tempo R&B Fraternity 125
Lost Souls I'm your love man listen_f1.gif M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75
Till, Virgie I didn't steal your dog listen_f1.gif / Loose me love listen_f1.gif EX+/2 great R&B sides Glover 60
Valerie & Nick It ain't like that listen_f1.gif EX-/w/demo/great Glover 35
Precisions Cleopatra listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Golden Crest 40
Sunliners All alone listen_f1.gif / The swingin' kind listen_f1.gif EX-/superb/wol-flip/great flip too Golden World 150
Appalachian, Johnny Up in smoke listen_f1.gif / A mountain of a man listen_f1.gif EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75
Green, Sam It's time to move listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended Goldsmith T.C.B. 50
Ben Atkins & The Nomads Love is a beautiful thing (WOL) listen_f1.gif / same-inst EX+/EX- flip/demo/great Goldwax 40
Good, Tommy Baby I miss you listen_f1.gif VG++/light lbl wear/classic Gordy 40
Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny listen_f1.gif EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75
Starr, Edwin My weakness is you listen_f1.gif EX+/light label ring wear/superb Gordy 25
Temptations Girl why you wannna make me blue listen_f1.gif EX+/classic Gordy 30
Little Jeanette Crazy crazy listen_f1.gif / Please come back again listen_f1.gif EX+/2 superb sides Green Lights 150
Channels I got my eyes on you listen_f1.gif / Anything you do listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/sm wol/2 superb sides Groove 60

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

Stewart, Calvin Try loving me (I'm willing) listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Artly 20
Al Hudson & The Soul Partners We must make it happen listen_f1.gif EX-/Inc Co slv/superb Atco 35
Barretto, Ray What part of heaven do you come from listen_f1.gif / Same-mono EX+/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Atlantic 20
Detroit Spinners I've got to make it on my own listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/tough on UK 45-no US 45/recommended Atlantic 50
Harris, Major Loving you is mellow listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb mid-tempo Atlantic 25
Johnson Family Peace in the family listen_f1.gif / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30
Joseph, Margie I can't move no mountains listen_f1.gif M-/Jamaica/Inc Dynamic Co slv/superb/rare Atlantic 40
Prince Phillip Mitchell One on one listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co sleeve/great Atlantic 25
Spinners I just want to fall in love listen_f1.gif EX/superb Atlantic 25
Spinners I just want to fall in love listen_f1.gif EX+/superb Atlantic 30
Spinners I just want to fall in love listen_f1.gif / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30
Henderson, Ron I love you more than dancin' listen_f1.gif / Same  EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30
Phenomenons Without your love listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/highly recommended AVI 25
Voice Masters Never gonna leave you listen_f1.gif / If a woman catches a fool listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 40
Gaha, Sammy Thank you, thank you listen_f1.gif EX+/France/Inc EX+ pic slv/superb Barclay 100
Jones, Grace Sorry listen_f1.gif M-/fantastic Beam Junction 10
21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sl/superb x-over Beegee 30
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up listen_f1.gif M-/demo/superb x-over Bell 75
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up listen_f1.gif EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 85
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 100
Lady Wray Do it again listen_f1.gif / In love listen_f1.gif M/fantastic new release/great flip too Big Crown 12
Lady Wray Smiling listen_f1.gif / Make me over listen_f1.gif M/2 great sides/new release Big Crown 8
Love, Devotion & Happiness Love potion #7 listen_f1.gif /same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you listen_f1.gif VG+/superb Black Prince 30
Hart, Randy The other one listen_f1.gif M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40
Hart, Randy The other one listen_f1.gif (Inc orig sleeve) M-/demo/wol/great md-tempo Brunswick 35
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Living in the footsteps of another girl listen_f1.gif M-/great version Brunswick 25
Moore, Johnny Just be for real listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real listen_f1.gif M-/superb Brunswick 15
Kirkland, Mike James It's alright listen_f1.gif / Where is the soul of man (stmol) listen_f1.gif M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last listen_f1.gif M-/Inc EX Pic slv/superb Buddah 25
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun listen_f1.gif / part 2 M-/recommended Buddah 15
Modulations I can't fight your love listen_f1.gif / Your love has me locked up listen_f1.gif M-/WOL/2 superb sides Buddah 15
Modulations I can't fight your love/Your love has me locked up M-/2 superb sides Buddah 20
Modulations I'm hopelessly in love listen_f1.gif M-/wol/fantastic Buddah 25
Norman, Jimmy I wanna make love to you listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/awesome Buddah 15
Owens, Tony All that matters listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Paragons Oh lovin' you listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 12
Dells It's all up to you listen_f1.gif M-/superb/At their best! Cadet 25
Dells Run for cover listen_f1.gif / Over again listen_f1.gif VG+/large wol/lite lbl wear/1st-blue lbl/2 superb sides Cadet 50
L.J.Reynolds Key to the world listen_f1.gif / Tell me listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 fantastic sides Capitol 30
Love, Marian Can't forget about you, baby listen_f1.gif M-/demo/recommended Capitol 60
Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Four Mints You Want To Come Back listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Capsoul 20
Jackson, Deon You gotta love listen_f1.gif / You'll wake up wiser listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Carla 20
Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do listen_f1.gif / What shall I do (Inst) M-/superb Casablanca 40
Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat listen_f1.gif M-/sm stol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75
McCrae, Gwen The melody of life listen_f1.gif / Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60
Dyson, Ronnie We can make it last forever (short-2.22) listen_f1.gif / Same (long-3.02) M-/w/demo//UK/sm wol/superb short version on UK dj only CBS 25
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy listen_f1.gif / Same-long version EX/superb Cheri 50
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy (short) / Same (long) (sm sol) M-/superb Cheri 60
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry listen_f1.gif / All my life, all my love listen_f1.gif M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry listen_f1.gif / All my life, all my love listen_f1.gif M-/superb x-over/green lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me (wol) listen_f1.gif / Falling in love listen_f1.gif EX-/EX+ flip/w/demo/superb/great flip too Chess 35
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love EX/superb/great flip too Chess 30
Keyes, Troy See no evil listen_f1.gif / same (mono) M-/demo/superb Chumley 40

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