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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

Page, Patti You don't need a heart EX+/w/demo/sm wol-flip/superb version Columbia 40
Players Giving up your love is like giving up the world/Guilty M-/Inc Co slv/2 great soul sides Columbia 25
Pussycats You can't stop loving me / Dressed in black EX/w/demo/wol/2 great sides Columbia 30
Regina If you're gonna love me EX+/recommended Columbia 25
Richards, Turley I just can't take it any longer M-/w/demo/Inc M- pic slv/great Columbia 60
Roddy & Robins I'm telling you baby/Let's do the freeze  EX-/w/demo/great/unknown? Columbia 25
Ron Moody & Centaurs The new breed M-/w/demo/great version Columbia 25
Smith, OC Little green apples + 3 more tracks VG/wol/4 track ep/33 1/3 RPM Columbia 8
Spellbinders We're acting like lovers/Same (2 ink stamps ol) EX+/w/demo/Inc special Co promo slv/great Columbia 30
Thornton, Teri To remember you by M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Thornton, Teri To remember you by M-/recommended Columbia 25
Tony & Tyrone A fool am I/Crossroads of love M-/2 nice ballads Columbia 10
Tribe Dancing to the beat of my heart M-/great Columbus 40
Accents Tell Me (whats On Your Mind) EX-/great Commerce 20
Harrison, Tony Sad occasion EX-/great Commerce 30
Lee, Sammy Rosetta/As a city sleeps M-/great Commerce 25
Ferguson, Helena My terms EX+/classic Compass 15
Adams, Ritchie Slippin Away M-/w/demo/great Congress 20
Ellis, Shirley The clapping song (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/classic/rare demo Congress 20
Halos Do I? M-/classic/rare issue-stock copy Congress 30
Love, J.B. No One Else But You M-/w/demo/great Congress 40
Ray, James One by one EX/superb Congress 15
Ray, James One by one M-/w/demo/superb Congress 20
Chance, Nolan If he makes you he can take you M-/sol-flip/great Constellation 30
Chandler, Gene If you can\'t be true M-/classic Constellation 12
Chandler, Gene Pretty little girl/A little like lovin EX-/superb/nice flip too/his rarest Constellation 100
Clark, Dee That's my girl (clear sol/ink stamps ol) / It's raining M-/w/demo/superb/very rare w/demo Constellation 125
Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining EX-/tiny warp-nap/superb Constellation 85
Clark, Dee That's my girl / It's raining M-/superb Constellation 100
Dynettes New Guy/witness To A Heartbreak M-/2 great sides Constellation 15
Maxwell, Holly Happiness will cost you one thin dime/It's impossible M-/superb/great flip too  Constellation 40
Mike & Michael My neighborhood/Where have you been M-/w/demo/2 great sides Constellation 25
Miller, Bobby I'm for the girls EX+/demo/recommended Constellation 30
Miller, Bobby The big question M-/recommended Constellation 20
Cager, Wille He's a player/What can you do M-/2 superb sides Contact 40
A. C. Reed & His Band My baby's been cheating I know M-/superb R&B Cool 100
Hart, Don Soldier coming home M-/recommended Coolschool 20
Austin, Patti I wanna be loved EX/superb Coral 25
Barnes, Orthea Take My Heart And Soul M-/Inc Co slv/superb Coral 75
Big Joe Turner I'm packin up M-/y/demo/great Coral 40
Heatherton, Joey Hullabaloo (xol)/My Blood Runs Cold EX/demo/highly recommended Coral 75
Peters, Howard Soulville EX/y/demo/recommended Coral 25
Sonny Gordon Five The yea yea song/The dance M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Coral 40
Sons Of Moses Soul symphony/Fatback M-/y/demo/2 great inst's Coral 30
Soul, Sharon His Love Is Amazing (sm wol) M-/demo/classic Coral 75
Soul, Sharon You found my weak spot (wol) EX-/y/demo/classic Coral 50
Tyler, Gladys Hurry on down to my house EX/y/demo/great   Coral 40
Wells, Barbara My baby's name M-/demo/xol/great Coral 25
Lindsey, Theresa Gotta find a way/Wonderful one EX/1st press-Detroit address lbl/classic/great flip too Correc-Tone 25
TNT Band The meditation M-/great Cotique 25
Le Bleau Monde After hours M-/great Counterpart 30
Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX/highly recommended Crazy Horse 35
Billy Robinson And The Burners Shucks you left the fire burning EX+/highly recommended Crazy Horse 40
Brothers Two Here I am in love again (sol) M-/w/demo/great Crimson 20
Fox, Damon Gotta get my baby back M-/DJ stamp-ol Crimson 15
Mason, Barbara Trouble child M-/recommended Crusader 15
Corvells The joke's on me M-/sm xol/great Cub 40
Impalas Sorry (I ran all the way home) EX+/great Cub 20
Jones, Jimmy I Say Love EX-/smol/Inc Co slv/great Cub 20
Ozells Please don't go M-/demo/recommended Cub 50
Ozells Please don't go  M-/xol-flip/Inc Co slv/recommended Cub 40
Winstons Need a replacement M-/w.demo/superb Curtom 40
Gene Middleton & Sole Survivors You Need Love/stop - Where You Are M-/2 great sides D And B 15
Guess, Lenis Thank you baby M-/great D.P.G. 25
Glories I love you babe but give me my freedom (wol) / Security M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Date 25
Glories I stand accused of loving you EX-/sol-flip/sl lbl wear/great Date 8
Glories I stand accused of loving you EX-/great Date 10
Glories No news M-/sm wol/recommended Date 20
Little Anthony Never again M-/awesome soul DCP 10
Chocolate Boys Voltaire pier/El bimbo (feint wol) EX+/UK/2 great insts Decca 15
Craig, Anna The life of the party/Shout and tell the world M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Decca 30
Free Movement I've found someone of my own M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Decca 15
Ingram, Luther Ain't that nice (stmol) EX+/demo/superb Decca 100
J.T. Carter Closer to your heart (sm xol) / The wild ones M-/demo/Inc Co slv/big voice-big production/superb Decca 125
Lee, Brenda Ain't gonna cry no more M-/great Decca 15
Lee, Brenda Coming on strong M-/great Decca 10
Lee, Brenda Time and time again M-/her best Decca 15
Lee, Brenda Time and time again M-/demo/her best Decca 20
Mills, Shawn Let the little girl dance M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Decca 12
Mitchell, Grover Loving you EX/demo/superb Decca 20
Mitchell, Grover Loving you M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Decca 25
Saints I got it bad and that ain't good/I'll be with you M-/demo/2 good sides Decca 8
Sigler, Bunny Comparatively speaking/Will you love me tomorrow M-/demo/wol/superb/great version flip Decca 50
Vernon Harrell And Little Gigi Baby don'tcha worry M-/Canada/recommended/rare Canadian release Decca 60
Bits N Pieces Who Could I Turn To (promo stamp ol-flip) M- Dee Gee 10
Symphonics It won't be long/All roads lead to heartbreak M-/w/demo/2 great sides Dee-John 40
Haywood, Joe Sadie Mae EX-/demo/great Deesu 25
West, Willie Greatest love M-/deep Deesu 10
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/recommended DeLuxe 15
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/lite rings-wol/recommended/rare DeLuxe 20
Manhattans I can't stand for you to leave me M-/w/demo/recommended/rare DeLuxe 25
Bobby Sax Sock it/Taste of soul EX/2 great insts DePlace 10
Flirtations Give me love love love/This must be the end M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Deram 10
Flirtations Give me love love love/This must be the end M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Deram 15
Flirtations Nothing but a heartache/How can you tell me? EX-/2 superb sides Deram 10
McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool VG+/demo/great Deram 10
McPhatter, Clyde Thank you love/Only a fool M-/demo/great Deram 20
Kane & Abel Break down and cry M-/recommended Destination 25
Little Marion Let me back in your arms M-/w/demo/great Destination 50
Kelly, Paul Chills and fever EX-/rarer black label/great version Dial 25
Tex, Joe Baby, be good M-/w/demo/great Dial 20
Tex, Joe If Sugar Was As Sweet As You VG++/sol-flip/recommended Dial 15
Trask, Diana Precious time M-/nice mid-tempo Dial 6
Wade, Len Whatcha goona do VG++/superb Dial 75
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX-/recommeded Diamond 20
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie EX+/demo//recommeded Diamond 25
Hall, Thomas You told me a lie M-/Inc Co slv/recommeded Diamond 25
Pirouettes If you see my baby M-/2 x's ol/great Diamond 20
Pirouettes If you see my baby M-/demo/great Diamond 25
Varner, Don More power to ya/Handshakin M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Diamond 25
Winters, Ruby Better / I want action ("Chips" sol) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Diamond 125
Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo EX-/recommended Diamond 12
Winters, Ruby Just Like A Yo Yo M-/recommended Diamond 15
Big Dee Irwin And heaven was here EX-/stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 15
Big Dee Irwin And heaven was here EX+/stmol-flip/recommended Dimension 20
Cooke, Pete Little darlin EX/w/demo/xol/great Dimension 20
Cookies Only to other people M-/great Dimension 10
Brenda & The Tabulations That's the price you have to pay EX/recommended Dionn 15
Borden, Sandy Deeper EX+/great Diplomacy 15
Bruce, Gladys The night you left me / Standing in the need of love M-/2 great sides DiVenus 40
Lady Fox & Foxettes Our love (will never grow cold) M-/recommended Don-El 20
Bonnie Jean Street dance EX+/y/demo/highly recommended/rare Dore 150
Flowers, Phil Discontented M-/sol/Inc Co slv/great Dot 20
Flowers, Phil Son of mine M-/w/demo/great Dot 12
Love, Ronnie Chills and fever EX-/great version Dot 25
Mod Squad Beautiful woman M-/w/demo/great/unknown? Dot 20
Vaughn, Yvonne When you gonna tell her about me/Lonely little girl M-/Inc Co slv/awesome!!!/great flip too/RARE!!! Dot 500
Granger, Gerri You must be doing something right M- Double L 8
Hudson, Pookie I love you for sentimental reasons EX-/great Double L 12
Georgia Prophets For the first time EX+/sm wol/recommended Double Shot 20
Wood, Brenton Baby you got it(sm sol)/Catch you on the rebound EX+/2 great sides Double Shot 5
Barry, Lee I don't need it VG+/w/demo/aka Barry White/recommended Downey 50
Van, Billy A year ago EX+/great/unknown? Dra 25
Edwards, Dee Too careless with my love/He told me lies M-/2 great sides D-Town 40
Rogers, Lee Boss love M-/great D-Town 12
Ace, Buddy True love money can't buy/My love VG+/v light lbl wear/plays well/2 superb sides Duke 60
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues M-/v sl label ring/classic Duke 25
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues EX+/demo/classic/rare demo Duke 40
Bland, Bobby Getting used to the blues (ink stamp ol) M-/classic Duke 25
Little Junior Parker You're on my mind EX+/great Duke 10
Malibus I just can't stand it  EX-/THIS NEEDS PLAYING/superb Duke 25
Malibus I just can't stand it (3 sm lbl scuffs) EX+/THIS NEEDS PLAYING/superb Duke 25
Outler, Jimmy It's all over/Three little pigs (tiny lbl scuff) M-/demo/2 great mid-tempo sides Duke 30
Parker, Junior Wait for another day EX/nice mid-tempo Duke 15
Taylor, Ted Hold me tight M-/great Duke 10
Smith, Effie Trouble mind M-/w/demo/xol Duo Disc 10
Dynamics Hold it! EX-/R&B inst. Dyna 15
Bobby Blackmon & Soul Express She's gotta have soul M-/demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60
Superlatives Do what you want to do M-/2nd press/superb Dynamics 8
Barbara & Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/superb Dynamo 40
Barbara & Brenda If I'm hurt you'll feel the pain M-/w/demo/wol & sol-flip/superb Dynamo 60
Bethea I Wouldnt Come Back M-/great Dynamo 15
Bethea I Wouldnt Come Back  M-/w/demo/great Dynamo 20
inez & Charlie Foxx You fixed my heartache EX+/wol//superb Dynamo 25
inez & Charlie Foxx You fixed the heartache EX/superb Dynamo 25
Sam, Erv & Tom Soul teacher (wol)/Hard to get M-/w/demo/2 great sides Dynamo 20
Invitations Skiing in the snow/Why did my baby turn bad (wol) VG++/demo/classic/great flip too Dyno Voice 175
Beach Girls Skiing in the snow  VG+/demo/great version Dyno Vox 60
Sampson, Don Ray Baby come back (sm date stamp ol) / Take it easy EX/demo/mustard label/2 superb sides E 85
La' Shell And The Shelletts You better check yourself EX-/w/demo/tiny warp-nap/recommended Eagle 60
Britt, Tina The real thing M-/rare label/credits-Simpson, Ashford & Armstead/classic Eastern 20
Eddie & Ernie The cat M-/recommended Eastern 15
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic mid-tempo/LIKE NEW!!! Elf 125
Folger, Dan The way of the crowd (wol) VG+/classic mid-tempo/rare issue-stock copy Elf 85
Vonn, Gary Keep on comin' back to you girl M-/w/demo/great mid-tempo Elf 15
Cincinnatians Do what you want to do M-/recommended Emerald 30
Jim Pipkins & Boss Five Mr. C. C. M-/great mod inst. Emerge 15
Kay, Joey Bundle Of Joy M-/R&B/recommended Empire 100
Green, Byrdie Tremblin' VG/w/demo/sm sol,stoml & xol-flip/plays great End 30
James Dee & A Piece Of The Action Brother James/Destruction M-/sm label wear/great funk Enrica 20
Ben E Troy I Miss You M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 20
Franklin, Erma It's over EX+/w/demo/wol/great Epic 15
Franklin, Erma it's over M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 25
Hamilton, Roy I need your lovin' M-/great Epic 30
Otisettes Don't ever leave me / You're all I want M-/w/demo/great girl group/funky flip Epic 15
Reed, Vivian Baby baby I'll be your woman till I die/I EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15
Soulosophy Mama's book/Live your life with someone M-/w/demo/2 great sides Epic 15
Steelers Can't take this pain M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 25
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX-/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 25
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX+/superb version Epic 30
Wade, Adam Rain from the skies EX+/w/demo/superb version Epic 40
Akens, Jewel A slice of the pie M-/demo/great Era 40
Akens, Jewel You sure know how to hurt a fella EX-/great Era 6
Mosley, Tommy Exit loneliness enter love M-/recommended Era 25
McKay, Delsey Cast your spell on me M-/Belgian/EX+ pic. Slv/superb Eurec 30
Jones, Bobby Talkin' 'bout Jone's M-/w/demo/highly recommended Expo 30
Jones, Bobby You're a devil M-/great Expo 12
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody M-/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 50
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody M-/demo/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 60
Vaughn, Shirley Stop and listen!/Doesn't everybody EX+/w/demo/2 fantastic sides Fairmount 75
Barretto, Ray Soul drummers (sm xol) / Mercy, mercy baby EX/gold label/2 great sides Fania 40
Barretto, Ray Soul drummers / Mercy, mercy baby (stmol) VG++/gold label/2 great sides Fania 35
Conn, Billy I should have known M-/recommended Federal 20
Jewels My song EX+/recommended Federal 15
Chuck Corby & The Entrees I need your love M-/recommended Fee Bee 75
Butts, Nancy You're gonna need somebody M-/great Flaming Arrow 25
Gloria Walker & Chevelles Need Of You M-/recommended Flaming Arrow 15
Richard Berry And The Pharaohs Have love will travel (2 x's ol) EX+/recommended Flip 50
Bond, Lou Ooh, you cheater/What have I done M-/2 great sides Fontana 30
Cunningham, Diane Someday baby M-/recommended Fontana 20
Kennedy, Joyce Paddle my own canoe (sl lbl stain) / Could this be love EX/w/demo/superb/great flip too Fontana 50
Leaders Night people VG+/great Fontana 10
Leaders Night people EX+/great Fontana 15
Taste Of Grey Just once in my life M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Fontana 25
Vaughn, Morris My love keeps growing/Make it look good M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Fontana 35
Strong, Nolan Mind over matter M-/great Fortune 15
Albert Washington And The Kings I'm the man M-/v sl lbl ring dirt/great mid-tempo R&B Fraternity 125
Rouzan Sisters Dance every dance M-/great Frisco 10
White, Danny The little bitty things (wol) M-/great Frisco 6
Hambric, Billy Talk To Me Baby/Human EX/2 great sides Fury 30
Hightower, Willie So tired EX+/great Fury 6
Little Johnny Taylor Help yourself M-/great Galaxy 10
Little Johnny Taylor Somewhere down the line EX-/superb R&B Galaxy 15
U.S. Stamps Go and dry your tears EX/nice slowy Galiko 10
Dawn In love again/Ba ba ba de ba VG++/w/demo/great Gamble 15
White, Artie (Bluesboy) Don't love him like you did me/Gimme some of yours M-/deep/funk Gamma 8
Constellations Easy to be hard/same M-w/demo Gemini Star 12
Armstead, Jo Ive Been Turned On M-/great Giant 15
Lost Souls I'm your love man M-/superb Northern/rare Glasco 75
Till, Virgie I didn't steal your dog/Loose me love EX+/2 great R&B sides Glover 60
Valerie & Nick Don't you feel sorry (WOL) / Somebody's lying on love VG+/w/demo/2 superb sides Glover 30
Valerie & Nick It ain't like that EX-/w/demo/great Glover 35
Knight, Tommy That's all I ask M-/recommended Gold Eagle 20
Precisions Cleopatra M-/recommended Golden Crest 40
Baron, Elliott Man to man/The spare rib (sol) EX+/2 great sides Golden World 30
Batiste, Rose Sweetheart darling / That's what he told me M-/2 great sides Golden World 15
Batiste, Rose Sweetheart darling / That's what he told me M-/w/demo/2 great sides Golden World 20
Holidays Watch out girl/No greater love M-/2 great sides Golden World 15
Kendrick, Willie Fine As Wine M-/great Golden World 25
Sunliners All alone/The swingin' kind EX-/superb/wol-flip/great flip too Golden World 150
Appalachian, Johnny Up In Smoke/A Mountain Of A Man EX/classic/great flip too Goldie 75
Sierras I'll believe it when I see it M-/superb Goldisc 20
Sierras I'll believe it when I see it M-/w/demo/superb Goldisc 30
Star-Drifts An eye for an eye M-/w/demo/recommended Goldisc 15
Green, Sam It's time to move M-/highly recommended Goldsmith T.C.B. 50
Ben Atkins & The Nomads Love is a beautiful thing (WOL)/ same-inst EX+/EX- flip/demo/great Goldwax 40
Contours Just a little misunderstanding EX+/classic Gordy 15
Good, Tommy Baby I miss you VG++/light lbl wear/classic Gordy 40
Lands, Liz Midnight Johnny EX-/sl warp-nap/sl lbl ring/classic Gordy 75
Lee & The Leopards Trying to make it M-/great Gordy 20
Martha & The Vandellas My baby loves me (2 x's ol) M-/at their best!/superb Gordy 15
Martha & The Vandellas One way out M-/Inc Co slv/classic Gordy 15
Martha & The Vandellas Wild one (wol) M-/w/demo/great Gordy 12
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas Forget me not M-/2 great sides Gordy 15
Mike & The Modifiers I found myself a brand new baby EX-/wol/great Gordy 25
Starr, Edwin My weakness is you EX+/light label ring wear/superb Gordy 25
Temptations Beauty Is Only Skin Deep/You're Not An Ordinary Girl EX+/2 superb sides Gordy 8
Temptations Girl why you wanna make me blue EX+/classic Gordy 30
Little Jeanette Crazy crazy/Please come back again EX+/2 superb sides Green Lights 150
Channels I've got my eyes on you/Anything you do M-/w/demo/sm wol/2 superb sides Groove 60

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From single items to whole collections

I buy worldwide!

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul


Stewart, Calvin Try loving me (I'm willing) M-/recommended Artly 20
Cate Bros. Band Where can we go/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Asylum 25
Cate Bros. Band Yield Not To Temptation M-/Inc Co slv/w/demo Asylum 4
Washington, Gino You Got Me In A Whirlpool/inst M-/funk Atac 40
Al Hudson & The Soul Partners Almost ain't good enough M-/Inc Co slv/demo Atco 10
Al Hudson & The Soul Partners We must make it happen EX-/Inc Co slv/superb   Atco 35
Hathaway, Donny Love, love, love EX+/great Atco 15
Hathaway, Donny Love, love, love M-/demo/great Atco 20
Hudson, Al Love is/same M-/demo/ballad Atco 5
Ruffin, Jimmy Goin' home/same M-/demo/sm wol/recommended Atco 8
Archie Bell & Drells Youre Such A Beautiful Child M-/recommended Atlantic 10
Barnaby Bye Can't live this way M-/classic Atlantic 8
Barnaby Bye Can't live this way/Same-mono M-/demo/classic Atlantic 12
Barretto, Ray What part of heaven do you come from/Same-mono EX+/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Atlantic 20
Bristol, Johnny Do it to my mind M-/superb Atlantic 10
Bristol, Johnny Do it to my mind EX+/demo/highly recommended Atlantic 15
Bristol, Johnny Do it to my mind/Same-mono EX-/demo/highly recommended Atlantic 10
Bristol, Johnny I sho like groovin' with ya EX/Inc Co slv/recommended Atlantic 8
Bristol, Johnny I sho like groovin' with ya/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Atlantic 10
Carter, Kenny I ain't got love EX/nice Atlantic 10
Detroit Spinners I've got to make it on my own M-/Inc Co slv/tough on UK 45-no US 45/recommended Atlantic 50
Franklin, Aretha April fools M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Atlantic 8
Harris, Major Jealousy M-/recommended Atlantic 15
Harris, Major Love won't let me wait/After loving you EX/2 great sides Atlantic 8
Harris, Major Love won't let me wait/After loving you M-/2 great sides Atlantic 10
Harris, Major Love won't let me wait/same M-/demo/great Atlantic 8
Harris, Major Loving you is mellow M-/Inc Co slv/superb mid-tempo Atlantic 25
Jeffreys, Garland She don't lie/same M-/demo/recommended Atlantic 15
Johnson Family Peace in the family/same-mono M-/demo/wol/superb Atlantic 25
Johnson Family Peace in the family/same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30
Joseph, Margie I can't move no mountains M-/Jamaica/Inc Dynamic Co slv/superb/rare Atlantic 40
Joseph, Margie Ridin' high M-/recommended Atlantic 15
Joseph, Margie Sweet surrender EX+/nice Atlantic 6
LTG Exchange You'll never learn (about love (Inc Co sleeve/RARE)) M-/UK/stmol-flip/superb Atlantic 40
Lynn, Barbara Take your love & run EX-/classic Atlantic 15
Moore, Jackie Both ends against the middle/Clean up your own yard EX-/classic/great flip too Atlantic 10
Moore, Jackie Both ends against the middle/Clean up your own yard M-/classic/great flip too Atlantic 15
Moore, Jackie Both ends against the middle/Same-mono EX/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Atlantic 15
Moore, Jackie Sweet Charlie babe VG++/great Atlantic 8
Moore, Jackie Sweet Charlie babe EX-/great Atlantic 10
Prince Phillip Mitchell If it ain't love it'll go away/same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/nice Atlantic 10
Prince Phillip Mitchell One on one EX+/Inc Co sleeve/great Atlantic 25
Spinners I just want to fall in love EX/superb Atlantic 25
Spinners I just want to fall in love EX+/superb Atlantic 30
Spinners I just want to fall in love/Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 30
Spinners I'll be around VG++/classic Atlantic 8
Spinners I'll be around EX/classic Atlantic 10
Spinners I'll be around M-/stmol/classic Atlantic 10
Spinners I'll be around M-/sollite wol/Inc Co slv//classic Atlantic 10
Spinners Wake up Susan EX+/their next biggie ? Atlantic 8
Spinners Wake up Susan/same-mono M-/demo/their next biggie ? Atlantic 10
Swann, Bettye Victim Of A Foolish Heart (stmol) / same-mono EX/demo/great Atlantic 12
Swann, Bettye When the game is played on you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Atlantic 150
T.S.U. Tornadoes What good am I/Getting the corners VG++/wol//2 superb sides Atlantic 20
T.S.U. Tornadoes What good am I/Getting the corners EX/sl lbl ring wear/2 superb sides Atlantic 25
T.S.U. Toronadoes Got to get through to you M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Atlantic 25
Family Affair I had a friend EX+/superb x-over Authentic 12
Henderson, Ron I Love You More Than Dancin'/same EX+/w/demo/fantastic!!! Avanti 30
Eugene Pitt And Jyve Fyve Come down in time/Same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Avco Embassy 20
El Coco Love to the world EX+/great AVI 5
Phenomenons Without your love M-/w/demo/highly recommended AVI 25
Williams, David Soul is free/same M-/w/demo AVI 8
Mel & Tim I found that I was wrong M-/recommended Bamboo 15
Voice Masters Never Gonna Leave You/if A Woman Catches A Fool M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 40
Caprells Hey girl / Deep love (wol)  VG++/2 great sides Bano 20
Caprells I believe in the stars EX+/great Bano 15
Norfolk Together M-/superb Barbara Jean 40
Gaha, Sammy Thank you, thank you EX+/France/Inc EX+ pic slv/superb Barclay 100
Inner City Jam Band Hurt M-/great Bareback 10
Sweet Cream I don't know what I'd do M-/dancer Bareback 10
Jones, Grace Sorry M-/fantastic Beam Junction 10
21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/Inc Co sl/superb x-over Beegee 30
Brunson, Tyrone I need love EX-/great Believe/Dream 5
Cooper, Bo Don't call it love(EX- stereo)/same(EX+ mono) EX-/EX+/w/demo/superb x-over Bell 25
Cooper, Bo Don't call it love(stereo)/same(mono sm wol) EX-/w/demo/superb x-over Bell 25
Cooper, Bo Don't call it love/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb x-over Bell 30
Granger, Gerri I Can't Take It Like A Man M-/w/demo/superb Bell 25
Interpertations Soul Affection/snap-out (inst. version of A side) M-/funk/great Bell 10
Jackson, June Tenderly, with feeling EX+/great Bell 30
Jackson, June Tenderly, with feeling M-/w/demo/great Bell 30
Rawls, Lou She's gone M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Bell 15
Rawls, Lou She's gone/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Bell 15
Redding, Gene I need your lovin' M-/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/great funky flip Bell 150
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up  M-/demo/superb x-over Bell 75
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up  EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 85
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up  EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 100
Wilson, Al Bachelor man/You do the right things EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Bell 25
Tyrone St. German I'm still hooked on you M-/nice Belshazzer 12
Taylor, Johnnie What about my love EX+/superb Beverly Glen 15
Welch, Lenny Just what I need M-/recommended Big Apple 12
Lady Wray Do it again/In love M/fantastic new release/great flip too Big Crown 12
Lady Wray Smiling/Make me over M/2 great sides/new release Big Crown 8
Geddes, David Wise up girl M-/classic/superb Big Tree 10
LTG Exchange You'll never learn (about love) EX/superb Big Tree 40
Owens, Gwen I don't want to dance no more/same M-/demo/great dancer Big Tree 8
Sam Dees & Bettye Swann Just as sure (sl label stain) VG+/superb Big Tree 35
Showtime Incorporated Please take this heart of mine, girl M-/recommended Black Circle 15
Vee Jay Where were you M-/great x-over Black Fox 15
Dynamics Shucks I love you/What a shame EX/superb/nice sweet flip too Black Gold 10
Love, Devotion & Happiness Love Potion #7/same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you VG+/superb Black Prince 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you M-/superb Black Prince 40
Green, Ava Full of love EX-/great modern Blue Soul 15
Dawson, Cliff I can love you better M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Boardwalk 6
Mayfield, Curtis You get all my love/She don't let nobody (but me) M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Boardwalk 6
Tierra Memories EX+/great Boardwalk 5
Boogieman Orchestra Lady, Lady, Lady/same-inst EX+/sm wol/highly recommended Boogie Man 8
Butler, Jessie Best part of a man/Free to be me M-/2 great sides Bound Sound 25
Valentine Bros. Money's too tight to mention M-/classic Bridge 12
Valentine Bros. Money's too tight to mention/Same M-/w/demo/classic Bridge 20
Mitchell, Barbara I won't change M-/nice Brown Bag 10
Hatcher, Roger We gonna make it M-/great Brown Dog 10
Hatcher, Roger We gonna make it M-/w/demo/great Brown Dog 15
McArthur I'll never trust you again M-/w/demo/x-over Brown Dog 10
Artistics It's those little things that count/Being in love M-/superb Brunswick 25
Bernard, Chuck Contract on love/same M-/w/demo/great Brunswick 15
Chi-lites Living in the footsteps of another man M-/great version Brunswick 20
Hart, Randy The other one M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40
Hart, Randy The other one (Inc orig sleeve) M-/demo/wol/great md-tempo Brunswick 35
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Living in the footsteps of another girl M-/great version Brunswick 25
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Never gonna leave you M-/recommended Brunswick 12
Moore, Johnny Just be for real M-/w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60
Touch Me and you M-/great Brunswick 8
Valery, Dana I'm a woman now/same-mono M-/w/demo Brunswick 8
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real EX+/lite wol/superb Brunswick 12
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real M-/superb Brunswick 15
Bel-aires Seven Days/same M-/demo/recommended Brut 8
Kirkland, Mike James It's alright/Where is the soul of man(stmol) M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40
American Gypsy Angel eyes/Lady eleanor EX+/UK/demo/2 great sides BTM 6
Aquarian Dream Phoenix/Look ahead EX+/great Buddah 12
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last M-/Inc EX Pic slv/superb Buddah 25
Barbara Mason & The Futures We got each other/same (with torn pic. Sleeve) EX+/demo/nice slowy Buddah 5
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands/same EX-/demo/recommended Buddah 12
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands/same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there pretty lady M-/WOL/recommended Buddah 15
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there pretty lady M-/recommended Buddah 20
Connors, Norman Once I've been there M-/recommended Buddah 10
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/part 2 M-/recommended Buddah 15
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/same EX/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Fifth Avenue feat. Carol Townes Wheeler dealer/same M-/demo/great Buddah 8
Green, Marie Sorry, that number's been disconnected EX+/recommended Buddah 15
Henderson, Michael Take me I'm yours/same M-/w/demo/superb Buddah 20
Jackson, Jimmy Footsteps in the shadows M-/great Buddah 10
Mason, Barbara Bed and board M-/nice mid-tempo Buddah 6
Modulations I can't fight your love/Your love has me locked up M-/WOL/2 superb sides Buddah 15
Modulations I can't fight your love/Your love has me locked up M-/2 superb sides Buddah 20
Modulations I'm hopelessly in love M-/WOL/fantastic Buddah 25
Monday After Merry-go-round Pt I/Pt ll M-/great Buddah 8
Motherlode Hard life M-/funk Buddah 6
Motherlode What does it take (to win your love) M-/great version Buddah 25
Norman, Jimmy I Wanna Make Love To You/same M-/demo/awesome Buddah 15
Owens, Tony All That Matters/same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Paragons Oh Lovin' You/same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Perkins, Al Yes, my goodness yes/same M-/w/demo/recommended Buddah 20
Vitamin E Sharing M-/awesome Buddah 10
Vitamin E Sharing/same-mono M-/w/demo/awesome Buddah 12
Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper/Hey girl (tell me) EX/recommended Buddah 15
Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper/same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 12
Young Gents Think about the children/Big things come in small.. EX+/demo/nice/funk flip Buddah 15
Impalas What should he do/I still love you M-/great mid-tempo/sweet Bunky 20
Family Of Swede Everybody must pay/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv Butter Fields 8
Family Of Swede I got to move on/same M-/w/demo/recommended Butter Fields 15
Swede I got to move on EX+/1st issue with intro/#275/rare Butter Fields 20
Samson I need your lovin' M-/great Buttermilk 15
Dells Closer EX-/great/class! Cadet 6
Dells Closer M-/great/class! Cadet 8
Dells It's all up to you M-/superb/At their best! Cadet 25
Dells Run for cover / Over again VG+/large wol/lite lbl wear/1st-blue lbl/2 superb sides  Cadet 50
Masterpiece High on music M-/funky Calfdisc 5
Hill, Bobby I wanna be with you/The children M-/2 great sides Calla 6
Naturals I Can't Share You/young Generation M-/lite lbl ring/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 8
Naturals I Can't Share You/young Generation M-/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 10
Rudy Love & Love Family Ain't nuthin' spooky M-/recommended Calla 15
Jones, Albert You and your love M-/Canadian/recommended Candy Apple 40
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops EX-/wol/recommended Capitol 8
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops M-/recommended Capitol 10
Ad Libs Love me/Know all about you M-/demo/great/funk flip Capitol 25
Black, Cody Stop trying to do what you see your neighbor do M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 25
Frankie Maze + Beverly While I'm alone EX+/best version Capitol 15
Frankie Maze + Beverly While I'm alone M-/demo/best version Capitol 20
Frazier, Joe Truly,truly lovin' me EX+/demo Capitol 10
Garner, Reggie Traces/Teddy bear VG+/nice mid-tempo Capitol 10
Hightower, Willie Nobody But You EX-/recommeded Capitol 10
Hightower, Willie Nobody but you M-/y/demo/recommended Capitol 12
Jimmy Beaumont & Skyliners I could have loved you so well M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo Capitol 20
Joy Of Cooking Only time will tell me M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/nice Capitol 8
L.J.Reynolds Key to the world/Tell me M-/Inc Co slv/2 fantastic sides Capitol 30
Love, Marian Can't forget about you, baby M-/demo/recommended Capitol 60
Mcgriff, Jimmy Fat cakes/Sugar, sugar EX+/Inc Co slv/2 funk inst's Capitol 12
Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Taste Of Honey I'll try something new M-/nice vers/pic.slv-split seams Capitol 10
Williams, JJ Make a believer (out of me again) M-/Inc Co slv/nice Capitol 10
Wilson, Nancy Ocean of love M-/recommended Capitol 15
Sea Level Shake a leg M- Capricorn 6
Four Mints You Want To Come Back M-/recommended Capsoul 20
Smith, OC Just couldn't help myself EX/great Caribou 10
Jackson, Deon You gotta love/You'll wake up wiser M-/sl wap-nap/2 great sides Carla 15
Jackson, Deon You gotta love/You'll wake up wiser M-/2 great sides Carla 20
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/demo/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Lay some lovin' on me/Love don't come easy M-/nice Casablanca 6
Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company M-/great Casablanca 10
Robert Winters & Fall Do it any way you want/Lock me up M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind M-/superb Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just As Long As We're Together/There Will Never Be Another M-/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just As Long As We're Together/There Will Never Be Another M-/tiny lbl edge tear/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do/What shall I do(Inst) M-/superb Casablanca 40
Ragland, Lou In the hours of darkness M- Casino 8
Topics Women's liberation M-/great Castle 15
George & Gwen McCrae Winners Together Or Losers Apart/Homesick, lovesick M-/superb/great flip too Cat 15
Little Beaver Listen to my heartbeat M-/sm stol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 75
Little Beaver Little Girl Blue/ain't No Time M-/2 great sides Cat 12
McCrae, Gwen The melody of life/Same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Cat 60
Fourteen Karat Soul The trouble with love/Please say you want me EX+/2 great sides Catamount 30
Crack Of Dawn I can't move no mountains EX-/Dutch/colour pic sleeve CBS 25
Dyson, Ronnie The more you do it EX+/UK/BLUE VINYL/great CBS 6
Dyson, Ronnie We can make it last forever (short-2.22)/Same (long-3.02) M-/w/demo//UK/sm wol/superb short version on UK dj only CBS 25
Moore, Jackie Do ya got what it takes/How's your love life baby M-/UK/w/demo/stmol-flip/2 great sides CBS 15
Moore,j ackie This Time Baby M-/UK/classic CBS 8
Tymes feat.George Williams Someone to watch over me M-/UK/recommended CBS 20
Lucas, Matt You gotta love/Same-mono M-/demo/recommended Celebration 10
Jade Brown and beautiful EX-/demo/lite lbl ring/superb Century City 20
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/WOL/fantastic x-over Chain 8
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/fantastic x-over Chain 10
Cuffari, Brenda My Music Says It All M-/pic sleeve/great Charisma 20
Little Milton Campbell Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind EX+/recommended Checker 12
Sheen, Bobby Love stealing/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Chelsea 15
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy (short) / Same (long) EX/superb Cheri 50
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy (short) / Same (long) (sm sol) M-/superb Cheri 60
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry/All my life, all my love M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry/All my life, all my love M-/superb x-over/green lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Acoustics Living in hard times M-/great Cherry Blossom 15
American Gypsy 10,000 Miles/angel Eyes M-/superb Chess 10
Burke, Solomon I'm leaving on that late,late train M-/recommended Chess 8
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can M-/recommended Chess 15
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can M-/w/demo/recommended Chess 20
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me (wol)/Falling in love EX-/EX+ flip/w/demo/superb/great flip too Chess 35
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love EX/superb/great flip too Chess 30
Hudson, Michael The angels listened in M-/great Chimneyville 10
Adams, Arthur Cant Wait To See You/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Chisa 25
Chandler, Gene Make the living worthwhile/Time is a thief M-/2 great sides Chi-Sound 8
Jackson, Walter If I had my way/same M-/demo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10
Keyes, Troy See no evil/same(mono) M-/demo/superb Chumley 40
Baker, Johnny Operator Operator M-/great Cisco 12
Gee, Frankie Date with the rain M-/w/demo/great version Claridge 15
Valentinos I can understand it (part I) / Same (part II) M-/recommended Clean 25
Johnson, Rozetta To love somebody/same M-/w/demo Clintone 10
Krystal Generations You were never mine EX-/superb Crossover CMC 20

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