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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

Attractions That girl is mine EX+/superb Bell 30
Attractions That girl is mine (xol) EX-/superb Bell 25
Attractions Why shouldn't a man cry M-/Morris Chestnut at his best/superb Bell 100
Bartholomew Plus Three She's Mine/you're Not There EX-/demo/great Bell 20
Dearborn, Billie You Need Me To Love You EX/sm clear tape sol/recommended/rare issue Bell 50
Graham, Rita Can I go with you M-/w/demo/nice ballad Bell 10
Holman, Eddie I'll cry 1,000 tears EX-/superb Bell 20
Jones, Jimmy 39-21-40 / Personal property EX/2 great sides Bell 75
O'Jays I'm so glad I found you / Look over your shoulder VG+/superb up-tempo version/great flip too Bell 12
Inspirations Gotta Find A New Love/i Can Feel It M-/previously unreleased/2 superb sides Benn-x 20
Davis, Curtis Your love and my money EX+/demo/wol-flip/great funk soul Bev-mar 40
Occasions There's No You M-/superb Big Jim 20
La Vette, Betty I'm holding on (2 x's ol) VG++/recommended Big Wheel 40
Granger, Gerri Breakdown EX+/w/demo/superb version Bigtop 60
Granger, Gerri Castle in the sky EX/recommended Bigtop 35
Johnson, Lou If I Never Get To Love You M-/great Bigtop 25
Johnson, Lou If I Never Get To Love You EX+/w/demo/xol-flip/Inc Co sleeve/great Bigtop 30
Johnson, Lou If I Never Get To Love You (2 x's ol) EX+/great Bigtop 20
Johnson, Lou Reach out for me M-/Inc Co slv/great Bigtop 25
Johnson, Lou Unsatisfied M-/sm sol/yellow label/classic/rare Bigtop 50
Parakeets I want you right now (feint wol & stmol) / I love you like I do EX-/w/demo/great/nice flip too Bigtop 85
Sterling, Spencer Jilted M-/lite xol/Inc Co slv/recommended Bigtop 40
Bitter/Sweet Once again/Living on love M-/blue-eyed mid-tempo Bitter/Sweet 10
Ad Libs He Aint No Angel/ask Anybody M-/great Blue Cat 15
Ad Libs Johnny my boy VG+/superb Blue Cat 40
Ad Libs Johnny my boy EX+/w/demo/wol/superb Blue Cat 60
Bouquets Welcome to my heart/Ain't that love EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Blue Cat 50
Soul Brothers I got a dream/Keep it up M-/ink stamp ol/2 great sides Blue Cat 15
Brothers Of Love Check My Love EX+/superb Blue Rock 40
Brothers Of Love Check My Love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Blue Rock 60
Brothers Of Love Yes I am VG+/recommended Blue Rock 10
Brothers Of Love Yes I am M-/recommended Blue Rock 15
Chi-Lites I'm so jealous/The mix mix song EX+/2 great sides Blue Rock 25
Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday VG+/recommended Blue Rock 15
Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday M-/recommended Blue Rock 30
Leaders You are the one I love/It's funny how fast you forgot me M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Blue Rock 25
Leavill, Otis A reason to be lonely M-/recommended Blue Rock 30
Leavill, Otis It's The Same Old Me/let Me Live M-/2 great sides Blue Rock 25
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/sl warp-nap/demo/great Blue Rock 15
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/great Blue Rock 20
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Blue Rock 20
Shirley Wahls And Spouse Prove it every day/Cry myself to sleep M-/2 great sides Blue Rock 20
Warwick, Dee Dee Do it with all your heart (stmol) VG++/w/demo/lite wol/great Blue Rock 25
Warwick, Dee Dee We're doing fine VG++/superb Blue Rock 15
Turner, Ike & Tina Crazy bout you baby M-/great R&B Blue Thumb 15
Barnes, Sidney Talkin bout a shindig/New York city (sm ink stamp ol) EX+/sl label wear/2 great sides Blues Tone 40
Pittsburgh Phil Don't tell her lies M-/great Bob Cat 15
Variations Yesterday is gone EX+/superb/original label Bob-Joy 40
Emotions I can't stand no more heartaches M-/great Brainstorm 10
Johnson, Laura Wondering if you miss me/I know how it feels EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Brent 50
Lester, Carl When you see me hurt  / Don't you know that I believe  EX-/2 great sides Brent 85
Lovells Here come the heartaches(ink stamp ol)/My time to cry EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 40
Lovells Here come the heartaches/My Time To Cry VG++/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 35
Lovells Here come the heartaches/My time to cry M-/superb/great flip too/rare issue Brent 40
Rose, Sue Luckiest day of my life  EX+/w/demo/sm date stamp ol/highly recommended Brent 50
Rose, Sue Luckiest day of my life (sm date stamp ol) M-/w/demo/highly recommended Brent 60
Tillman, Bertha Lovin' time VG+/feint wol/recomnded Brent 8
Tillman, Bertha Lovin' time EX+/recommended Brent 15
Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone/I want love VG+/2 great sides Brent 40
Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone/I want love VG++/WOL/2 great sides Brent 40
Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone/I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50
Fats Domino Work my way up steady M-/R&B Broadmoor 20
Lee, Leonard I'm a poor boy with millions EX/w/demo/great Broadmoor 20
Wills, Viola I got love  EX/classic stormer Bronco 50
Artistics I'll always love you/Love song EX-/2 superb sides Brunswick 20
Artistics Price Of Love M-/Inc Co sleeve/great  Brunswick 25
Artistics You left me/Lonely old world M-/2 great sides Brunswick 15
Barry, Len 1 2 3/Bullseye EX+/UK/noc Brunswick 3
Charles, Lee I'll never ever love again/Wrong number (wol) EX-/y/demo/2 great sides Brunswick 15
Chi-Lites Give it away M-/recommended Brunswick 12
Gene Chandler & Acklin,Barbara Will I find love M-/recommended Brunswick 15
Holmes, Sherlock What An Argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40
Hopkins, Linda The magic song EX-/great R&B Brunswick 20
Sweethearts No no M-/y/demo Brunswick 15
Symphonics Silent kind of guy M-/great Brunswick 20
Wilson, Jackie Since You Showed Me How To Be Happy/The Who Who Song M-/OH SO GOOD!!! The Master! Brunswick 15
Wilson, Timothy Got to find a new love/Baby baby please EX+/great/nice flip too Buddah 25
Wilson, Timothy Pigtails/Loving you M-/2 superb sides Buddah 30
Intrigues In a moment (xol) EX-/1st label/superb/rare Bullet 30
Esquires You say M-/recommended Bunky 5
Millionaires Cherry baby/I thought about you M-/2 superb sides Bunny 25
Moore, Bernie Forty-five rpm's EX+/great Burdett 20
Martin, Derek Moving hands of time M-/great Buttercup 10
Jacobs, Hank Elijah rockin with soul/East side VG++/light wol/classic inst/great inst flip too Call Me 75
Burks, Gene You got it M-/demo/highly recommended Calla 40
Emotions She's my baby (I just can't let her go) / Baby I need your lovin' EX/2 good sides Calla 12
Frankie And The Classicals What shall I do EX+/ # 127/classic Calla 60
Maze Chained To Your Heart M-/great version Calla 15
Orlons Spinnin' top (2 x's ol)/Anyone who had a heart (demo stamp ol) M-/classic/great version on flip Calla 30
Witches & A Warlock Heavenly love EX-/recommended Calla 25
Witches & A Warlock Heavenly love M-/demo/recommended Calla 30
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 20
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 25
Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing EX-/great Cameo 8
Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing M-/Inc EX+ colour picture sleeve/great Cameo 12
Sharp, Dee Dee There Ain't Nothin I Wouldn't Do For You M-/yellow demo/1st issue/#347/superb Cameo 25
Maurice Williams & Inspirations The day has come M-/w/demo/nice mid-tempo Candi 20
Washington, Michael Stay mine/inst. M-/great Cap City 15
Diamond, Randy I can't live without you/Giving you my love M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30
Drew, Patti He`s The One M-/superb Capitol 25
Drew, Patti He's The One M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 25
Drew, Patti He's the one M-/demo/superb Capitol 30
Drew, Patti I've been here all the time M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10
Hal & Jean Don't tell me lies M-/Inc Co slv/great R&B Capitol 15
Harris,Jill You really didn't mean it/His kiss M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30
Hightower, Willie Because I love you M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 60
Holloway, Patrice Love and desire / Ecstasy M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Capitol 150
Hollywood Jills A good thing baby/He makes me so mad EX-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 25
Houston, Eddie I can't go wrong/That's how much M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30
Human Beinz Nobody but me EX+/classic Capitol 15
Jackson, Jerry Take over now EX+/recommended Capitol 20
Jades Ain't it funny what love can do M-/Inc Co slv/demo/great version Capitol 20
Love, Marian The right to cry EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version Capitol 25
Love, Marian The right to cry M-/demo/superb version Capitol 30
Magnificent Men Tired of pushing M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 15
Mosley, Robert Crazy bout my baby/Goodbye my lover goodbye EX+/2 great sides Capitol 15
Outsiders Time won't let me EX-/classic Capitol 8
Outsiders Time won't let me EX+/sm ink spot ol/classic Capitol 10
Patten, Alexander A Llil lovin sometimes (sm wol) / No more dreams VG+/CANADA/classic/great flip too/rare Canadian release Capitol 225
Polk, Frank Years of tears / Do the jerk EX+/4 x's ol-flip/2 great sides Capitol 20
Rawls, Lou You're good for me M-/great Capitol 10
Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30
Sweet Things Don't throw your love to the wind M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 12
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/sl lbl damage/great Capitol 15
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/great Capitol 20
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/xol-flip/classic Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/classic Capitol 15
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX+/classic Capitol 15
Leon & Metronomes I'll catch you on the rebound M-/w/demo/recomnded Carnival 40
Lovettes I Need A Guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX-/rare clown lbl/light lbl ring wear/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  EX/wol/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul  M-/superb Carnival 30
Manhattans I bet'cha (couldn't love me) EX+/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Carnival 20
Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thornton Yes I cried M-/w/demo/superb R&B Carolyn 30
Agee, Ray Your precious love M-/great R&B Celeste 15
Tim I need you more (2 x's ol) / My side of the track (DEMO) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Celtex 30
Tim I need you more / My side of the track M-/2 great sides Celtex 20
Knickerbockers Wishful thinking M-/w/demo/recommended Challenge 30
Wynns, Sandy Yes I really love you/Love belongs to everyone EX/2 great sides Champion 20
Clark, Claudine The telephone game M-/recommended Chancellor 30
Gerace, Carlo Wild about that girl M-/w/demo Chancellor 30
Royalettes No big thing EX-/great Chancellor 20
Royalettes No big thing M-/w/demo/great Chancellor 30
Thomas, Luther Upset The Town/Who slipped out EX+/2 superb R&B sides Change 75
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me M-/rev labels/unknown ? Chapter One 12
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me EX+/unknown ? Chapter One 15
Dirte Four I want to give you all my love EX+/R&B inst. Charay 10
Nat & John Pretty woman M-/R&B version/great Charay 15
Gray, Dobie Out on the floor EX/sol-flip/classic Charger 30
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in EX/great Chariot 15
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Everybody's going to the love-in M-/great Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Goodbye baby VG+/green label/classic Northern Chariot 60
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Love is ther master I'm the slave M-/2 great sides/rare demo Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love (wol)/It's a better world M-/2 great sides/rare ORANGE label Chariot 20
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love (wol)/It's a better world M-/2 great sides/rare GREEN label Chariot 30
Bob Brady & The Con Chords More, more, more of your love/It's a better world M-/w/demo/5% lbl tear/2 great sides/rare demo Chariot 25
Berry, Joan Just like my baby/Humpty dumpty M-/Canada/recommended Chateau 50
Butler, Tommy Right on up to the weekend EX+/great Chattahoochee 40
Youngblood, Tommy Hello darling/Did I ever make you cry VG++/slight warp-nap/2 superb sides Chattahoochee 40
Spidels Like a bee/You know I need you VG+/wol/2 great sides Chavis 12
Ruffin, David Action speaks louder than words/You can get what I got VG+/2 great sides Check Mate 50
Seminoles I can't stand it/It takes a lot M-/w/demo/2 superb group soul sides/stunning condition Check Mate 75
Beaver, Jackey Silly boy/Jack-a-rue EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Checker 10
Chandler, Gene After the laughter EX-/superb Checker 25
Chandler, Gene I won't need you M-/great Checker 12
Hutton, Harold Lucky boy (label wear) / It's a good thing (xol) EX+/w/demo/sl warp-nap/2 great sides Checker 40
Hutton, Harold Lucky boy / It's a good thing M-/w/demo/2 great sides Checker 50
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/recommended Checker 15
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/w/demo/recommended Checker 20
Little Milton Don't leave her M-/great Checker 15
Little Milton Don't talk back EX+/recommended Checker 12
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/highly recommended Checker 8
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/highly recommended Checker 8
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Checker 15
Lovettes Crush (sm sol) EX/girl group sound Checker 8
Mary & The Desirables Hurting hurts/You're changing M-/demo/SOL/recommended Checker 25
Moore, Bobby Chained to your heart M-/classic Checker 15
Ocapello's Anytime M-/demo/recommended Checker 15
Charles & Walter Night/Kissin and huggin EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Chene 30
Chuck & Rita Baby you got it M-/Inc Co slv/great Chess 20
Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine EX-/w/demo/great Chess 20
Clarke, Tony Joyce Elaine M-/w/demo/great Chess 25
Garrett, Jo Ann A whole new plan/Stay by my side EX/red & yellow label/classic/great flip too/rare label Chess 100
Garrett, Jo Ann Just say when M-/great Chess 10
Gems Ain't that loving me EX/Inc Co slv/demo/great Chess 15
Gems All of it M-/Inc Co slv/great Chess 15
Gems All of it/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Chess 15
Kolettes Who's that guy/Just how much M-/ink stamp ol/UK/great Chess 15
La Salle, Denise Count Down And Fly Me To The Moon EX-/wol-flip/superb Chess 25
La Salle, Denise Count Down And Fly Me To The Moon M-/DEMO/superb Chess 40
LaSalle, Denise A love reputation EX/demo/superb Chess 75
Lime Love a go-go M-/recommended Chess 15
Lime Love a go-go M-/demo/small mark on lbl/recommended Chess 20
Perry, Greg Love control/Head over heels in love  VG++/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 65
Perry, Greg Love control/Head over heels in love (date stamp ol) EX-/demo/2 superb sides/rare demo Chess 75
Radiants Father knows best/One day I'll show you M-/Inc Co slv/v sm flat edge heat warp/2 great sides Chess 40
Radiants Whole lot of woman M-/great Chess 15
Radiants Whole lot of woman M-/w/demo/great Chess 20
Ross, Jackie I've got the skill/Change your ways M-/great Chess 8
Stewart, Billy A fat boy can cry/Count me out EX+/2 superb sides Chess 50
Stewart, Billy What have I done/Tell me the truth M-/recommended Chess 10
Stewart, Billy What have I done/Tell me the truth M-/demo/recommended Chess 15
Williams, Larry Everyday I wonder EX/w/demo/sld & stmol & sm xol-flip Chess 15
Baxter, Tony I'll Come To You M-/great Chubby 20
Neville, Art Lover of love EX-/recommended Cinderella 15
Neville, Art Lover of love M-/recommended Cinderella 20
Mackey,Linda Yours for the asking M-/recommended Claire 30
Church, Eugene I ain't goin' for that EX/wol/great Class 20
Joe-L I'm not gonna be worried EX-/superb Clissac 25
Vogues True lovers M-/great Co & Ce 10
Burke Family Under the spell VG+/recommended Cobblestone 10
Burke Family Under the spell M-/recommended Cobblestone 15
Burke Family Under the spell EX+/demo/recommended Cobblestone 20
Davis, Billy Stanky (get funky) (sm wol) / I've tried EX/Inc Co slv/VINYL release/2 superb sides Cobblestone 150
Vonettes Touch my heart EX-/Inc Co slv/classic/superb Cobblestone 100
Crests The angels listened in EX-/great Coed 8
Crests The angels listened in EX/wol-flip/great Coed 8
Crests The angels listened in EX+/great Coed 10
Scott, Freddie Brand new world M-/nice mid-tempo Colpix 10
Scott, Freddie Brand new world EX+/w/demo/sm wol/nice Colpix 15
Artie & Linda Goody goody/same M-/w/demo/wol/R&B/great Columbia 15
Bailey, Jimmy Happy train EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Billy Joe Royal Everything turned blue EX-/w/demo/great Columbia 20
Britton, Aldora Do it with soul EX+/w/demo/great Columbia 25
Buckinghams You misunderstand me EX+/superb Columbia 25
Colbert, Bertha Teardrop avenue M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30
Corvairs Ain't no sole in these old shoes/Get a job EX-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 25
Dey & Knight I'm gonna love you tomorrow M-/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Dey & Knight Sayin' something (xol)/Ooh da la da lay EX+/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Diamond, Johnny Our dream/Dark rain M-/recommended/rare issue Columbia 15
Flavor Dancing in the street M-/w/demo/version Columbia 10
Franklin, Aretha Lee Cross M-/w/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 8
Granger, Gerri I've got to do it on my own EX-/w/demo/great Columbia 15
Herman, Bonnie Hush don't cry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 200
Jackson, Walter I don't want to suffer(wol)/This world of mine EX+/tiny label tear/recommended Columbia 25
Junior Lewis Forty days and forty nights EX+/w/demo/recommended Columbia 30
Junior Lewis Forty days and forty nights M-/w/demo/2 sm x's ol-flip/recommended Columbia 30
Kenny & Yvonne Come on and be my love M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 20
Leavill, Otis Keep on loving/Right back in love EX+/w/demo/ink stamp ol/2 superb sides Columbia 60
Lee, Donna Clown town EX-/w/demo/superb Columbia 25
Lee, Donna Clown Town M-/superb Columbia 30
Lomax, Eric Seven the loser EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 150
Lucien, John What a difference love makes (demo sol) EX+/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 60
Lundy, Pat The thrill is gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 30
McNeal, Landy Counting on you baby/Same EX-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 20
Moultrie, Mary Rover EX+/w/demo/wol/stmol/recmnd Columbia 40
Ovella & Overtures That's all you gotta do M-/w/demo/great Columbia 40

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From single items to whole collections

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Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

Courtship It's the same old love EX+/recommended Tamla 25
Henry, Virgil I can't believe you're really leaving me/same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 20
Houston, Thelma Saturday Night, Sunday Morning M-/recommended Tamla 15
Houston, Thelma Saturday Night, Sunday Morning/Same M-/w/demo/recommended Tamla 15
Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX/date-wol/2 great sides Tamla 12
Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX-/2 great sides Tamla 12
Kendricks, Eddie All of my love/He's a friend EX+/2 great sides Tamla 15
Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am EX-/great Tamla 6
Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am M-/wol-flip/great Tamla 6
Kendricks, Eddie Can't help what I am M-/great Tamla 8
Kendricks, Eddie Date with the rain / Born again EX/superb Tamla 40
Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream EX-/highly recommended Tamla 6
Robinson, Smokey Ever had a dream M-/highly recommended Tamla 8
Vega, Tata Full Speed Ahead/Just As Long As There Is You EX+/2 great sides Tamla 3
Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) EX+/UK/small flat edge warp-nap Tamla Motown 8
Commodores The zoo (the human zoo) M-/UK/classic dancer Tamla Motown 10
Starr, Edwin Don't tell me I'm crazy EX+/German/Inc EX+ pic slv/superb Tamla Motown 25
Starr, Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) M-/UK/great Tamla Motown 15
Adams, Arthur I Cant Wait To See You Again M-/recommended Ta'san 25
Lloyd, Betty Snowflakes Pt I/same Pt II (inst) M-/demo/superb Thomas 8
5 Wagers Come And Ask Me M-/classic Tiara 8
5 Wagers Come And Ask Me EX+/demo/classic Tiara 12
Beck, Floyd I'm In Love EX-/awesome soul Timeless 55
Beck, Floyd I'm In Love EX+/awesome soul Timeless 60
Messina, J. C. Time won't let me M-/stamped original/classic Tom King Prod's 30
Wes Wells & Steelers From the top of my heart M-/great x-over Torrid 10
Green Brothers Sweet loving woman M-/highly recommended Tortoise Int'l 25
McNeir, Ronnie Different kind of love/same-mono M-/demo/superb Tortoise Int'l 20
Skyliners Oh how happy EX+/great Tortoise Int'l 10
Skyliners The love bug/same M-/demo/great dancer Tortoise Int'l 15
Skyliners The love bug/Smile on me M-/great dancer/mid-tempo Tortoise Int'l 20
Charles Blues Hammond Breakaway  EX-/wol/v sl warp-nap/autographed label/superb Touch 25
Bailey, Jr After hours M-/nice Toy 10
Bailey, Jr Love Love Love EX-/nice Toy 8
Cruz, Roger Here we are again/Lover on the side recommended Trac 15
Wilder, Chuck Why M-/superb x-over Tragar 15
Mandells How To Love A Woman/I Can't Get Enough Of Your Stuff M-/tiny warp-nap/recommended Trans World 12
Mandells How To Love A Woman/I Can't Get Enough Of Your Stuff EX+/recommended Trans World 15
Mandells I'm the one/Baby don't get hooked on me M-/great/nice flip too Trans World Sound 12
Up From The Bottom The way the world will be/Inst. M-/superb x-over TRUE 30
Green Brothers Can't give you up/Dy-no-mite M- Truth 10
Knight, Frederick I Betcha Didn't Know That/Let's Make A Deal M-/xol/great Truth 6
Newcomers Keep an eye on your close friends M-/great Truth 10
Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out EX/w/demo/superb Truth 25
Round Robin Monopoly I'd rather loan you out (bubbly vinyl-plays fine) M-/w/demo/superb Truth 25
Wright, Sandra Lovin' you, lovin' me/same M-/demo/wonderful!!! Truth 10
City Limits Love is everywhere M-/recommended TSOP 20
Intruders A nice girl like you EX-/recommended TSOP 15
Intruders A nice girl like you EX+/recommended TSOP 20
Intruders A nice girl like you/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended TSOP 25
Kaleidoscope I wanna live for you/We're not getting any younger M-/xol/2 great sides/rare TSOP 30
McFadden & Whitehead Ain't no stoppin' us now/same M-/w/demo/different version TSOP 20
McFadden & Whitehead I heard it in a love song/same M-/w/demo/recommended TSOP 15
McFadden & Whitehead I heard it in love song/Always room for one more M-/recommended TSOP 20
Davis, Darlene I found love (and you're the one)/Inst M-/good modern/1986 Tubotune 10
Hines, Ernie Thank you baby M-/great U.S.A. 20
Classets I've got to space M-/stmol & 2 x's ol-flip/great Ultra-Class 15
Classets I've got to space M-/great Ultra-Class 20
Mahoney, Skip Janice M-/UK/classic Underworld 50
Mann, Donny The girl next door/This love is real EX/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Uni 30
New World Soul Choir You better be goin' EX-/recommended Uni 12
New World Soul Choir You better be goin' M-/demo/recommended Uni 20
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Big time lover M-/superb United Artists 25
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't Ever Be Lonely EX/wol/nice United Artists 5
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Don't Ever Be Lonely EX-/nice United Artists 5
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Too late to turn back now EX+/sol-flip/classic United Artists 6
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose Too late to turn back now EX/classic United Artists 6
Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair M-/dancer/recommended United Artists 25
Fisher, Bruce At the end of a love affair/same M-/demo/dancer/recommended United Artists 20
Green, Sonny Come and see me M-/Inc Co slv United Artists 6
Hidden Strength Hustle on up (do the bump)/inst. EX-/funk United Artists 6
Hill, ZZ Your love makes me feel good M-/nice United Artists 8
York, Patti He's Coming In The Morning EX+/superb x-over   United Artists 40
York, Patti He's Coming In The Morning EX+/demo/superb x-over United Artists 50
York, Patti Where were you/same-mono EX-/demo/sm wol/Inc Co slv/great United Artists 6
Mr. Danny Pearson Is it really true girl M-/great Unlimited Gold 10
Mintz, Charles Give A Man A Break/finders Keepers EX-/great funk/superb slowie-flip Up Look 35
125th Street Candy Store If you wanna dream VG++/recommended Uptite 12
Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. EX/2 x's ol-flip/superb Uptite 25
Parrish Remembering the times/Inst. M-/w/demo/superb Uptite 30
Parrish Remembering the times/same-inst EX+/demo/superb Uptite 30
Wells, Billy Girl watcher EX+/sl lbl stain/xol/nice version Uranus 15
Hill, Lonnie Could it be love/same M-/demo/great mellow groove Urban Sound 15
Bell, Arlene It Aint Easy M-/great Velvet 15
Bell, Arlene Stop before you start/I wanna be loved M-/great funk/x-over flip Velvet 25
Ballads I wish I knew M-/awesome! Venture 30
Rising Love You Take My Heart Away/same-mono EX-/w/demo/superb Venture 30
Rising Love You Take My Heart Away/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Venture 40
Rising Love Feat Caryn Braxton Treasure chest/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Venture 8
T.F.O. Let love come right on in/Happy family M-/2 great sides Venture 10
Hammond, Clay Women are human M-/superb Versepto 15
De-lite-ful Forget that girl M-/demo/great Vigor 6
Street People I wanna spend my whole life with you M-/great Vigor 8
Street People Liberated lady/Re-run (from an old time movie) M-/2 superb sides/TOP TIP!!! Vigor 15
Street People Never get enough of your love/I wanna spend... M-/2 great sides Vigor 10
Stylists What is love/same EX+/w/demo/sm wol/recommended VIP 15
Banks, Darrell Just because our love is gone/same EX-/w/demo/great Volt 20
Branding Iron Slave for love M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Volt 30
Charmells Sea shell / Lovin' feeling  M-/demo/stunning version Volt 15
Charmells Sea shell / Lovin' feeling (sm wol) EX+/w/demo/stunning version Volt 15
Dotson, Jimmy I used to be a loser M-/w/demo/awesome x-over Volt 30
Hot Sauce Echoes from the past M-/recommended Volt 15
Joseph, Margie Make me believe you'll stay/Stop! In the name of love M-/nice Volt 6
Dee Dee Joseph & David Devil made me do it EX+/nice W.J.J. Productions 15
Bailey, Ann Sweeping Your Dirt Under My Rug/same M-/demo/great Wand 25
Drake, Kent Boss thing together/With a lady's hand M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/good flip too Wand 85
General Crook Tell me what'cha gonna do M-/great x-over Wand 15
General Crook Tell me what'cha gonna do M-/demo/great x-over Wand 20
Hatcher, Will What Is Best For Me…./Who am I without you baby M-/2 nice sides Wand 8
Hughes, Freddie I Gotta Keep My Bluff In M-/recommended Wand 12
Lovely, Ike Fools hall of fame M-/great Wand 12
Secrets Baby save me/Same (disco version) M-/demo Wand 10
South Shore Commission We're on the right track M-/great Wand 10
Ashford & Simpson Main line M-/xol/great Warner Bros 8
Ashford & Simpson Over and over M-/great Warner Bros 8
Newsome, Frankie We're On Our Way(part I)/same-mono M-/demo/superb Warner Bros 25
Osiris Consistency/Almost never gets there M-/great/funk flip Warner Bros 6
Ruffin, David I Wanna Be With You/same M-/demo/superb/rare Warner Bros 30
Sadane One-way love affair/same M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Warner Bros 6
Tower Of Power What happened to the world that day M-/recommended Warner Bros 15
Wright, Charles Love land M-/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Warner Bros 12
Wright, Charles Love land EX+/recommended Warner Bros 15
Lamont Cranston Band Takin' a chance  M-/recommended/Inc M- pic slv Waterhouse 60
Scott, Norman Baby don't go EX+/sweet Way Out 10
Wade, Bobby I'm in love with you/Down here on the ground M-/2 great sides Way Out 25
Change Searching M-/UK/'A' wol/Luther Vandross WEA 4
AC Tilmon & Detroit Emeralds Rosetta Stone M-/demo/great/Inc Co slv Westbound 15
La Salle, Denise I'm over you/A Man size job EX-/2 good sides Westbound 3
Lasky, Emanuel More love (where this came from) M-/great/Inc Co slv Westbound 15
Masterpiece The girl's alright with me/same M-/demo/superb version Whitfield 15
Bulluck, Janice I'm riding high on love M-/nice Wilbe 8
Harris, Major Laid back love M-/great Wmot 10
Harris, Major Laid back love/same M-/w/demo/great Wmot 10
Mason, Barbara On And Off/same M-/demo/potential monster !! Wmot 10
Flamingos Think about me VG+/great Worlds 10
Flamingos Think about me M-/great Worlds 15
Love, David Baby hard times/You painted me blue M-/2 great sides Worlds 12
Fantasie The composer/Can't get it M-/great XKR III 15
Onyx You Never Fail To Amaze Me EX+/x-over/superb Yew 40
Dr. York Don't stop/It's on me M-/Inc pic slv/2 great modern sides York's 30
Brothers Secret place M-/wol-flip/superb x-over Zanzee 25
Brothers Secret place M-/superb x-over Zanzee 30
Chaz Tell me your name M-/nice Zanzibar 8
CJ Austin & Gold-Star We got to turn it around M-/superb mid-tempo Zanzibar 10
James, Jesse I know I'll never find another M-/great x-over Zay 15
Bernard, Chuck Love bug M-/nice Zodiac 15
Bean, Carl I was born this way M-/UK/great version 10 8
Swinging Medallions We're gonna hate ourselves in the morning EX/demo 123 10
Brighter Side Of Darkness Love Jones M-/nice 20th Century 10
Brock If We Don't Make It Nobody Can/same-long M-/demo/great 20th Century 20
Dazz, Kinsman I searched around M-/highly recommended 20th Century 10
Dazz, Kinsman I Searched Around/same-mono M-/DEMO/Inc Co sleeve/highly recommended 20th Century 12
Dells Your song M-/UK/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75
Dells Your song (xol) M-/at their best!/superb 20th Century 75
Grier, Rosey Take the time to love somebody/same-mono EX/demo/superb 20th Century 15
Haywood, Leon The day I laid eyes on you M-/recommended 20th Century 15
Jackson, Walter Magic man EX+/nice 20th Century 8
Southside Movement Love is for fools M-/great ballad 20th Century 6
Wiley, Michelle Feel good/I feel so at home here VG+/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too 20th Century 75
Younghearts All the love in the world / Do you have the time M-/2 great sides 20th Century 15
Bill Scott & The Prophets So glad you happened to me EX-/superb x-over 3-P 20
Atlantic Starr Circles M-/classic A&M 8
Atlantic Starr Circles M-/demo/UK/classic A&M 10
Graves, Carl Heart be still M-//lite wol/great A&M 15
Graves, Carl Heart be still EX+/great A&M 15
Graves, Carl Heart be still M-/w/demo/great A&M 15
John, Robert Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over M-/Germany/Inc EX+ colour pic slv/woc &soc/2 greats sides A&M 100
Osborne, Jeffrey Don't you get so mad EX+/great A&M 6
Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones) M-/recommended A&M 25
Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones)/Get it on EX/w/demo/Japan/Inc EX colour pic insert/recommended A&M 30
Ron Keith & Lady Can't live without you (sticks and stones)/same EX+/w/demo A&M 25
The South Daybreaks M-/w/demo/highly recommended A&M 30
McFarland, Queenie I need a full time lover/inst. M-/great A&T 15
Bland, Bobby It ain't the real thing M-/recommended ABC 12
Bland, Bobby It ain't the real thing M-/w/demo/recmnded ABC 15
Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/light A Candle M-/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12
Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/light A Candle M-/UK/superb/fantastic flip ABC 12
Davis, Billy Three Steps From True Love/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb ABC 8
Dozier, Lamont Breaking out all over M-great/EDGE CHIP-nap ABC 5
Dozier, Lamont Breaking Out All Over EX/great ABC 6
Dozier, Lamont Trying to hold on to my woman EX+/great ABC 6
Garner, Reggie Half a cup/same  M-/w/demo/Inc. promo info sheet/superb ABC 25
Grier, Rosey I don't want nobody to lead me on/Rat race M-/w/demo ABC 15
Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Baby,you got my nose open M-/recommeneded ABC 10
Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Baby,you got my nose open M-/w/demo/recommended ABC 12
Harold Melvin & Blue Notes Reaching for the world M-/great ABC 12
Holman, Eddie Four walls EX/awesome ABC 15
Holman, Eddie I need somebody M-/superb ABC 15
Jackson, Chuck Just A Little Tear/i Can't Break Away M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides ABC 25
La Salle, Denise I get what I want M-/Inc Co slv/superb ABC 25
La Salle, Denise I get what I want EX+/Holland/Inc colour pic slv/superb ABC 25
Williams, Lenny Choosing you M-/recomnded ABC 10
Williams, Lenny Choosing you M-/UK/recomnded ABC 12
Williams, Lenny Choosing you M-/w/demo/recomnded ABC 15
Williams, Lenny Look up with your mind M-/w/demo/great ABC 20
Williams, Lenny Midnight girl/I still reach out to you M-/great ABC 10
Jensen, Dick Jealous feeling M-/superb ABC Probe 15
Wisdom What-cha-gonna-du-about-you/Nefertiti (inst.) M-/funk Adelia 15
Beverley Hills I don't care anymore M-/recommeneded Air Play 12
Bee, Jimmy Find your self M-/funk ALA 15
Brothers By Choice Take a little more M-/w/demo/great x-over ALA 20
Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you/Uncanny M-/w/demo/highly recommended Alarm 25
Cacia Band, Paul Saved by your love M-/great Alexander St. 5
Perry, Greg It takes heart / Same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Alfa 75
English, Barbara Jean Breakin' up a happy home M-/recommended Alithia 10
English, Barbara Jean Breakin' up a happy home/same M-/demo/recommended Alithia 12
English, Barbara Jean Comin' or goin' EX-/superb Alithia 12
English, Barbara Jean Comin' or goin' M-/plug' ink stamp ol/superb Alithia 12
English, Barbara Jean Comin' or goin' M-/superb Alithia 15
English, Barbara Jean Comin' or goin' M-/demo/sm wol/superb Alithia 20
First Class Me & my gemini M-/great All Platinum 12
First Class Me & my gemini M-/w/demo/great All Platinum 15
Heartstoppers Marching out of your life/Court' in mama M-/2 great sides All Platinum 20
Jackson, Chuck I've Got The Need/Beautiful Woman M-/UK/classic/great flip too All Platinum 15
Patterson, Bobby Right place, wrong time M-/deep soul All Platinum 8
Wilson, Charles Trying to make a wrong thing right M-/recommended Alley Cat 15
Jimmy Bo Horne If You Want My Love M-/recommended Alston 25
Kirton, Lew Heaven in the afternoon/Same-inst. M-/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Alston 85
Wright, Betty Baby sitter M-/recommended Alston 8
Wright, Betty If I was a kid / Life  M-/recommended Alston 8
John (Rootman) Henry Say it M-/demo/feint wol/great Amber Antique 20
John (Rootman) Henry Say it M-/demo/great Amber Antique 25
Calvin, Bernard TLC (tender loving care) M-/recommended Ambush 15
Akens, Jewell When something is wrong with my baby VG/great version Amer. Int'l Arts 6
Akens, Jewell When something is wrong with my baby M-/great version Amer. Int'l Arts 15
Sterling, Jimmy I'm alright in a world gone crazy/At least I tried M-/2 great sides Ameri-com 20
Black Ice Girl, Thats What I Call Love M-/great Amherst 10
Burke, Solomon Please don't say goodbye to me EX+/recommended Amherst 12
Santiago Mister love/Same M-/w/demo/superb Amherst 35
Cado Belle Got to love/Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/shighly recommended Anchor 30
Wilmer & Dukes Count on me M-/recommended Aphrodisiac 15
Fully Guaranteed Spinning around  EX+/w/demo/flip lbl printed off cntr APT 30
Graves, Carl Sad girl M-/nice version Ariola America 10
Valenti, John Anything you want M-/Inc Co slv/great Ariola America 10
5th Dimension No love in the room EX+/superb Arista 20
5th Dimension No love in the room (wol) / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Arista 25
Drifters I'll know when true love really passes by M-/UK/demo/great Arista 25
Gil Scott-Heron Fell together/Johannesburg M- Arista 8
GQ Make My Dreams A Reality(date-ol)/same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Arista 12
GQ Make my dreams a reality/I do love you M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Arista 12
Hiroshima All I want M-/Canadian/mellow groove Arista 10
Hyman, Phyllis Under your spell M-/classic Arista 12
Hyman, Phyllis Under your spell EX/classic Arista 12
Mandrill My kind of girl my girl/same-mono EX/w/demo/sm wol/superb Arista 25
Mason, Harvey Never give you up EX/great Arista 6
Perry, Jeff Love Don't Come No Stronger (than Yours And Mine) EX+/wol/version with  hand claps/classic Arista 25
Sea Level Make You Feel Love Again M-/Inc Co slv/great Arista 20
Womack, Bobby How could you break my heart (without rap)  M-/superb Arista 20

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