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Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis.

rates for airmail shipping:
7,00 to Europe for 1-3 45s
10,00 overseas for 1-3 45s

I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of

Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc.
3.- Euros.

TOWANA & THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION: Wear Your Natural Baby / Help Me Get That Feeling Back Again * ROMARK, M-, 300.- Euro
This is of course L.A.'s soul queen Ty Karim on lead vocals
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/towanawearyour.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/towanahelpmeget.mp3

MEL WILLIAMS: Can It Be Me / Jet Set * MODERN promo, M-, 225.- Euro, sold
Recently reactivated Northern Soul oldie on a super nice and clean white label promo.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melwilliamscanitbe.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melwilliamsjetset.mp3

LITTLE BEAVER: I Feel My Love (Coming Down) / Git It * OCTAVIA, M-, 175.- Euro
Florida's session guitarist and soulman Little Beaver on his first 45
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlebeaverifeelmylove.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlebeavergitit.mp3

JIMETTE & CO.: Me And My Lady * KADER, VG++, 75.- Euro
Unknown funky disco Soul from 1977.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimettemeandmylady.mp3

Sweet, fragile Detroit crossover soul on Eugene Davis' legendary Flaming Arrow output. A record that gets you hooked after a few spins and doesn't let go. Super hard to find and this copy is as clean as it gets!
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/interpretationshereiam.mp3

ETERNAL FLAMES: Hi Off Life / What The Matter For Ya * E.T.F. VG/VG-, 300.- Euro, sold
One of only a handful known copies of this uptempo blast of super-ghetto funky soul; this baby is dancefloor dynamite from bar one till the end on both sides. Record has light marks and one feelable scratch on vocal side, but plays fine for DJing.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eternalflameshiofflife_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eternalflameswhatthe_1.mp3

ELROY PEACE: New Day * JO JO, M-, 75.- Euro
Super obscure 70's dancer here by an artist out of Los Angeles, the label was owned by Matt Furin, a local recordman, who ran 'Wig-Wag' records and 'Round U' along with "Jo Jo" and released local talents from all genres. Elroy shares the songwriting credits with Ricky Lance, another local L.A. singer, who recorded some highly indemand 45s for his own Bren label. This one is a regular spin for UK DJ Brett Franklin and it's pretty much under the radar for most collectors. Uptempo, soulful, with a hint of crazyness, due to the wicky-wacky-sounds on the intro, but surely taylormade for some dancefloor action.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elroypeacenewday.mp3

INNOCENT RAIN BAND: The Rain / Love Wonderland * ALPHA, VG-, 75.- Euro
Another local Cinci/Ohio rarity this time for the boogie heads. Wicked Electro Funk, that might classify as rap for some folks on the dance side and a nice sweet stepper on the flip.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/innocentraintherain.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/innocentrainwonder.mp3

THE CELESTRIALS: Chain Reaction * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/celestrialschainreaction_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/celestralskeepyour_1.mp3

ERNEST FITZGERALD: Ace In The Hole * DANIELS, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernestfitzgeraldaceinthe_1.mp3

ERNIE TIME: Once Upon A Time * CARMINE, VG+, 75.- Euro
Not widely known R&B tingled 60's mover from the est coast.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/erniefieldsonceupo.mp3

THE PUZZLES: My Sweet Baby / I Need You * FAT BACK, VG++, 60.- Euro, on hold
These guys are actually the Diplomats (Arock/Wand) aka The Skullsnaps (GSF) with Sam Culley on lead vocals.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/puzzlesmysweet.mp3
soundfile 2: https://ttp://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/puzzlesineedyou.mp3

BRENDA JONES: It Must Be Love / I'm So Afraid * RUJAC, VG+, residue from removed sticker on lbl flip, 60.- Euro, on hold
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brendajonesitmustbe.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brendajonesimsoafraid.mp3

GORDON BERRY: How Lonely * SPORT, VG+, 60.- Euro
This is actually Tony Daniels and the record came out as joke pointed at Bery Gordy -; Gordon Berry is obviously an anagram for the Motown impressario. Musically it's simply great and powerful Detroit 60's soul and despite the Berry-Gordy-joke a great example of the motorcity sound.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gordonberryhowlonely.mp3

JOE COOK: Dream World / How Do You Say Goodbye * TOP-TOP, VG+, signed by the artist, 60.- Euro, on hold
Immense Philly crossover double header released on this small Boston label and this copy is signed by Joe Cook. Light marks only, that do not affect the strong play.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joecookdreamwo.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joecookhowdoyous.mp3

BOBBY GUITAR: She's So Fine * WORLD ARTIST, promo, M-, 60.- Euro
Way rarer promo copy of this R&B belter, that has been a cover-up for London's R&B-Don Callum Simpson.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyguitarshessofine.mp3

DEEN DODGE: A Perfect Love * JAX, M-, 60.- Euro
Rare cali Modern Soul dancer with a jazzy edge to it.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deendodgeaperfect_3.mp3

RAW SPITT: That Ain't My Wife (That I See) / Songs To Sing * UNITED ARTISTS, promo, M-/VG++, 60.- Euro
Legendary deep soul double header produced by Jerry Williams aka Swamp Dogg. The vocals are by Charles Whitehead and no matter what side you put the needle on, you get the deepest most emotional soulmusic ever made. The equally great flip plays with some light crackles during the intro.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rawspittthataintmy.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rawspittsongstosin.mp3

CAROLYN CRAWFORD: When Someone's Good To You / My Heart * MOTOWN, M-, 60.- Euro
1964 Motown rarity in extra clean condition.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/carolyncrawfordwhensomeone.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/carolyncrawfordmyheart.mp3

THE VALADIERS: I Found A Girl * GORDY, promo, 60.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/valadiersifounda.mp3

B.W. & THE NEXT EDITION: Work, Work, Work / Chosen One * DAKAR, M-, 60.- Euro
The issue of this totally under the radar flying windy city double header is one of the hardest to find records on the Dakar label. Check popsike, only one copy has ever sold one ebay. The promo just offers "Chosen One" on both sides and you miss out on the great soulful funky edged "Work, Work, Work“..
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwworkwork.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwchosenone.mp3

Rare bongo driven uptempo funk with an afro feel to it. Hard record to find!
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/henrylovefirevox.mp3

soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marthabranchyou_1.mp3

THE BEAN BROTHERS: Shing-A-Ling / Hey There * CASH $ALES, M-, 50.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersshingaling_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersheythere_1.mp3

BETA BIZARRE BOOGIE BAND: Chattahoochee Chugalug * RAFTER, M- / M-, 50.- Euro
Super cool Budweiser promotion record with a killer disco boogie side. Super clean copy, that comes complete with it's picture sleeve. The flipside of this indeed bizarre release is country.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/betabizarreboogiechattahoo.mp3

PUNCHY &THE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM: Whole Lotta Jammin' / Git It * EWS PUNCHY; G, wol 50.- Euro
Rare and great funky Atlanta soul from 1976, that never pops up for sale. This copy plays with crackles, especially during the intro, what you hear is what you get.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/punchywholelottajam.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/punchygitit.mp3

AVONS: Since I Met You Baby * EXCELLO, M-, 40.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/avonssinceimetyou.mp3

BOBBY JONES: Slow Down, I'm Gonna Loose You * TMP-TING, M-, 40.- Euro
Psyched out organ driven 60's dancer out of Chicago and surely a record, that rarely comes to market.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyjonesslowdown.mp3

ERIC & THE VIKINGS: Vibrations (Made Us Fall In Love) / Get Of The Streets Ya'll * SOULHAWK, M-, 40.- Euro
Great Popcorny Wylie penned and produced Detroit early 70's soul backed up by a super heavy funk instro.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ericandvibrations.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ericandgetoff.mp3

THE SERENADERS: Tow Lovers Make One Fool * RIVERSIDE, M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/serenaderstwolovers.mp3

JOHNSON SISTERS: I Found My Place * BROADWAY, VG++, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnsonsistersifoundmyp.mp3

DEJAH AHRES: Let Me Be Your Girl / Real Jive Guy * VERVE promo, VG++, 40.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dejahahresletmebeyour.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dejahahresrealjive.mp3

THE EDWARD BROTHERS: People Say But They Don't Know / Keep On Knockin' * MUSIC WORLD, M-, 40.- Euro, sold
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/edwardbrotherspeoplesay.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/edwardbrotherskeepon.mp3

THE HIT PACK: Never Say No To Your Baby / Let's Dance * SOUL, drill hiole in lbl, VG++, 40.- Euro
This is the rarer issue with no Bell distribution reference.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hitpackneversayno.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hitpackletsdance.mp3

THE TEMPOS: Don't Leave Me / I Need You * RILEY'S, VG++ near M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/temposdontleave.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/temposineedyou.mp3

BATAAN: Woman Don't Want To Love Me * EPIC, promo, M-, wol, 35.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bataanwomandontwant.mp3

CHANGE: The Glow Of Love * WARNER BROTHERS, VG++, 35.- Euro, on hold
Luther Vandross on lead vocals!
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/changeglowoflove.mp3

FLORENCE DEVORE: He's Got The Money Bags / He Doesn't Love You * YEW, Promo, VG+, 35.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/florencedevorehesgotthe.mp3

EMANUEL LASKY: Crazy / Welfare Cheese * THELMA, M- "x" on lbl, sticker residue on lbl, 30.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/emanuellaskycrazy.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/emanuellaskywelfare.mp3

ROY MILTON: Change Your Ways * SPACE RECORDS; M-, 30.- Euro
Totally under the radar funky R&B mover
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/roymiltonchange_1.mp3

COLORS: Am I Gonna Be The One * BELLAPHON Germany, M- / M- condition, 30.- Euro
Boogie funk classic on a smart looking german art-sleeve issue, compiled by Joey Negro for his "Destination Boogie" LP.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/colorsamigonna.mp3

MARY WELLS: If You Can't Give Her Love (Give Her Up) * REPRISE, promo, M-, 30.- Euro
Crossover soul perfection by former Motown goddess Mary Wells. Production credits go to Bobby Womack and he plays guitar on the record as well.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellsifyoucentgiv.mp3

JOE STUBBS: Keep On Loving Me * LU-PINE, M-, 30.- Euro
1964 Detroit goodie by Levi Stubbs' younger brother Joe
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joestubbskeepon.mp3

GLORIA EDWARDS: (Need Nobody To Help Me) Keep Up With My Man / Anything You Want * KING, M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriaedwardsneednobod.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriaedwardsanything.mp3

THE COURTSHIP: Last Row, First Balcony / It's The Same Old Love * TAMLA; M-, 30.- Euro
This usually sells for the musically brilliant sweet group side "It's The Same Old Love", but I actually prefer the overlooked dancer on the flip.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/courrtshiplastnow.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/courtshipitsthesame.mp3

ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady.mp3

TERRY HUFF: Come On Around * CIRCLE CITY, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/terryhuffcomeonaround.mp3

JOHNNY DANIEL & THE SOUL MALIBUS: Maske Me Feel So Good / Down, Get Down * SMR, M- 25.- Euro, on hold
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnydanielmakemefee.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnydanielgetdown.mp3

DANNY WOODS: Come On And Dance Part II * SMASH, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dannywoodscomeon.mp3

DARRELL BANKS: Open The Door To Your Heart / Our Love (Is In The Pocket) * REVILOT, VG+, 25.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksopen.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksourlove.mp3

LITTLE FRANKIE LEE AND THE SAXTONS: Don't Make Me Cry / Full Time Lover * PEACOCK, promo, M- 25.- Euro
Excellent latin tingled R&B dancer from Houston / Texas with a remarkable flip, that can only be described as deep group harmony soul. Highly recomended!
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlefrankieleedontmake.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlefrankieleefulltime.mp3

THE ENTERTAINERS: Too Much / blank * CHESS promo, M-, 25.- Euro
Hard to find promo copy of this great Rick Hall produced Muscle Shoals rarity.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/entertainerstoomuch.mp3

JIMMY NORMAN: This I Beg Of You * SAMAR, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmynormanthisibegof.mp3

BOBBY McCLURE: Peak Of Love * CHECKER, M-, wol, drill hole in label, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbymcclurepeakof.mp3

GLORIA PARKER: Hello Baby - Goobye, Too * LLP, VG+, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriaparkerhellobaby.mp3

AFRICAN MUSIC MACHINE: Never Name A Baby (Before It's Born) / The Dapp * SOUL POWER, VG+, sticker on lbl, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/africanmusicnevername.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/africanmusicthedapp.mp3

BOBBY WOMACK: Lay Your Lovin' On Me * MOTOWN Germany, M- / M-, 20.- Euro
This excellent Modern Soul dancer, taken from Bobby's "The Poet" LP, has only been released in germany on a 45. Sleeve and vinyl are in flawless nick!
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacklayourlovin.mp3

THE CAPITOLS: Tired From Running From You / We Got A Thing That's In The Groove * KAREN, VG++, 20.- Euro
Two mind blowing Detroit sides arranged by Mike Terry. This copy plays with slight surface noise like most copies of this record do, due to a bad pressing.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/capitolstiredfromrun.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/capitolswegotathing.mp3

DENISE CHANDLER: I'm Walking Away * LOCK, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/denisechandlerimwalking.mp3

CLIFF SAAB: Mix It Up / The Mule * ROULETTE promo, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cliffsaabmixitup.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cliffsaabthemule.mp3

THE EMOTIONS: I Can't Stand No More Heartaches / You'd Better Get Pushed To It * BRAINSTORM, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/emotionsicantstand.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/emotionsyoudbetterget.mp3

JOHNNY AND THE EXPRESSIONS: Something I Want To Tell You * JOSIE, promo, M-, wol flip, 15.- Euro
Way rarer promo copy of this sweet lowrider groupsoul goodie.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyandthesomethingiwant_1.mp3

O.V. WRIGHT: Working Your Game / Oh baby Mine * BACK BEAT, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightworkingyour.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightbabymine.mp3

OSCAR PERRY: (Love Me) Like It Was The Last Time * BACK BEAT, promo, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarperrylikeitwasthelast.mp3

THE VIBRATIONS: Ain't No Greens In Harlem / Wind Up Toy * MANDALA, M-, 12.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vibrationsaintnogreens_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vibrationswinduptoy_1.mp3

JOE TOWNS: Down And Out World * TOP DOG, M-, 10.- Euro
Detroit tearjerker on the iconic Top Dog label in perfect unplayed condition.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joetownsdownand_1.mp3

BILLY STEWART: Secret Love / Look Back And Smile * CHESS, M-, drill hole in label, 10.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartsecretlo.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartlookbackand.mp3

BILLY STEWART: Love Me / Why Am I Lonely * CHESS, M-, 10.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartloveme.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartwhyamilonely.mp3























Edited by docfish
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