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Northern / 60's / R&B Soul

T.C. Lee & The Bricklayers Up & Down The Hill listen_f1.gif EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/fantastic R&B!!! King 400 
Ferguson, Sheila How did that happen listen_f1.gif / Little red riding hood listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Landa 125
Sydels You don't know listen_f1.gif / Happy go lucky guy listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Lang 50
Jhamels A road to nowhere listen_f1.gif M-/highly recommended Liberty 20
Butlers She tried to kiss me listen_f1.gif EX+/1st-Philly press/superb up-tempo Liberty Bell 75
Leavill, Otis Jane Girl listen_f1.gif / Don't Let Me Down listen_f1.gif VG++/pink demo/light lbl ring dirt/great Limelight 45
Big Ella It takes a lot of loving listen_f1.gif EX/wol/highly recommended Lo Lo 75
Kennebruew, Delilah We'll be together listen_f1.gif / Bright lights listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/sm wol/2 great sides Loma 100
King, Anna The big change listen_f1.gif EX+/great Ludix 75
Brown, Otis I'am ready for love listen_f1.gif / Will you wait listen_f1.gif M-/yellow label/2 great sides Lujuna 20
Falcons Has it happened to you yet (wol) listen_f1.gif EX-/w/demo/# 124/superb Lu-Pine 100
Angel, Ronnie I saw the sky listen_f1.gif M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great version Mala 40
King, Anna In between tears listen_f1.gif EX+/wol/recommended Malibu 40
Du-ettes Every beat of my heart listen_f1.gif M-/classic Mar-V-lus 20
Joys I loved you once listen_f1.gif EX/superb Master 30
John Wesley & The Four Tees You still need me listen_f1.gif / It's the talk of the town listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Melic 125
Berry, Chuck Club nitty gritty (wol) listen_f1.gif M-/great R&B Mercury 30
Bowen, Jeffrey I'll get by (all by myself) listen_f1.gif (Inc Co sleeve) EX+/w/demo/superb/Inc Co sleeve/great flip too Mercury 75
Brothers Grimm Looky looky listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/wol-flip/classic Mercury 40
Bryant, Arnold House in order listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/superb Mercury 20
Butler, Jerry Moody woman listen_f1.gif
  M-/1st press/classic/superb
Mercury 20
Del Royals Some kind of wonderful listen_f1.gif / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slc/superb Mercury 40
Dreamlovers Bless your soul listen_f1.gif/ The bad times make the good times (WOL) listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Mercury 30
Hall, Carl As Long As She Needs Me listen_f1.gif EX/mark on vinyl-nap/superb/rarer issue Mercury 45
Hendrix, Margie Restless listen_f1.gif / On the right track listen_f1.gif EX+/superb R&B Mercury 20
Lewis, Herman Think before you walk away listen_f1.gif / same (Inc Co sleeve) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Mercury 25
Petals You can't close the window of your heart listen_f1.gif EX-/light lbl ring wear/sm wol-flip/highly recommended Mercury 50
Warwick, Dee Dee We've got everything going for us listen_f1.gif / Don't you ever give up on me listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Mercury 25
Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover listen_f1.gif M-/recommended M-G-M 30
Cambridge, Dottie He's about a mover EX+/y/demo/recommended M-G-M 35
Embers Watch out girl listen_f1.gif / Far away places listen_f1.gif M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too M-G-M 250
Grayson, Milt Something gets to me listen_f1.gif EX+/y/demo/Inc Co slv/great/What a voice! M-G-M 40
Mars, Marlina Head & shoulders listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version M-G-M 60
Middleton, Tony To the ends of the earth listen_f1.gif / Don't ever leave me listen_f1.gif EX-/Inc Co slv/superb classic/great flip too M-G-M 225
Morgan, Joanne Just how loud listen_f1.gif M-/Inc EX pic slv/recommended M-G-M 40
Nash, Johnny You never know listen_f1.gif / Good goodness listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides M-G-M 40
Perry, Charles How can I listen_f1.gif EX/y/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great M-G-M 30
Superiors Can't make it without you (wol) listen_f1.gif / Let me make you happy listen_f1.gif VG++/demo/2 great sides M-G-M 30
Douglass, Gwenn The picture listen_f1.gif / Pretender (feint wol) listen_f1.gif EX/superb/great flip too Michelle 150
Tillman, Lee All these things listen_f1.gif EX-/superb mid-tempo Michelle 40
Banks, Homer 60 minutes of your love listen_f1.gif M-/demo/classic/rare demo Minit 40
Hutch, Willie I can't get enough (wol) listen_f1.gif / Your love has made me a man listen_f1.gif VG/w/demo/2 superb sides Modern 40
Three Of Us I'm gonna love you baby listen_f1.gif M-/great Molly 30
Angelle, Bobby Too much for you listen_f1.gif M-/superb Money 200
Larks Come back baby listen_f1.gif / The skate listen_f1.gif M-/superb/great flip too Money 40
Vontastics Lady love listen_f1.gif EX+/superb Moon Shot 30
Variations Shakin' and breakin' listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40
Williams, Arlene Duck all over town listen_f1.gif / Part Two M-/great R&B Musette 50

Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul

Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up listen_f1.gif EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue-stock copy Bell 75
Wilson, Al Bachelor man listen_f1.gif / You do the right things listen_f1.gif EX/w/demo/2 superb sides Bell 25
Taylor, Johnnie What about my love listen_f1.gif EX+/superb Beverly Glen 15
Lady Wray Do it again listen_f1.gif / In love listen_f1.gif M/fantastic new release/great flip too Big Crown 12
Sam Dees & Bettye Swann Just as sure (sl label stain) listen_f1.gif VG+/superb Big Tree 35
Love, Devotion & Happiness Love potion #7 listen_f1.gif /same-inst. M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you listen_f1.gif VG+/superb Black Prince 30
Artistics It's those little things that count listen_f1.gif / Being in love listen_f1.gif M-/superb Brunswick 25
Hart, Randy The other one listen_f1.gif M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40
Hart, Randy The other one (Inc orig sleeve) M-/demo/wol/great md-tempo Brunswick 35
Jackson, Walter Let me come back listen_f1.gif VG++/superb/plays well Brunswick 75
Moore, Johnny Just be for real listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60
Kirkland, Mike James It's alright listen_f1.gif / Where is the soul of man (stmol) listen_f1.gif M-/demo/2 great sides Bryan 40
Anderson, Joe You and I listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/superb Buddah 30
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last listen_f1.gif M-/Inc EX Pic slv/superb Buddah 25
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Connors, Norman Once I've been there listen_f1.gif M-/recommended Buddah 10
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun listen_f1.gif / part 2 M-/recommended Buddah 15
Modulations I can't fight your love listen_f1.gif / Your love has me locked up listen_f1.gif M-/2 superb sides Buddah 20
Norman, Jimmy I wanna make love to you listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/awesome Buddah 15
Owens, Tony All that matters listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Paragons Oh lovin' you listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15
Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper listen_f1.gif / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 12
Jones, Albert You and your love listen_f1.gif M-/Canadian/recommended Candy Apple 40
Brown Sugar The game is over listen_f1.gif / I'm going through changes now listen_f1.gif EX-/2 superb sides Capitol 50
Haywood, Leon Consider The Source listen_f1.gif M-/superb Capitol 75
Love, Marian Can't forget about you, baby listen_f1.gif M-/demo/recommended Capitol 60
Strong, Barrett Is it true listen_f1.gif EX-/WOL//superb Capitol 30
Strong, Barrett Is it true (tiny xol) listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Jackson, Deon You gotta love listen_f1.gif / You'll wake up wiser listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Carla 20
Robert Winters & Fall Do it any way you want listen_f1.gif / Lock me up listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind listen_f1.gif M-/superb Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just as long as we're together listen_f1.gif / There will never be another listen_f1.gif M-/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria What am I gonna do listen_f1.gif/ What shall I do (Inst) M-/superb Casablanca 40
Dyson, Ronnie We can make it last forever (short-2.22) listen_f1.gif / Same (long-3.02) M-/w/demo//UK/sm wol/superb short version on UK dj only CBS 25
Rare Pleasure Let me down easy listen_f1.gif / Same-long version EX/superb Cheri 50
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry listen_f1.gif / All my life, all my love listen_f1.gif M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me/Falling in love EX/superb/great flip too Chess 30
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me (wol)/Falling in love EX-/EX+ flip/w/demo/superb/great flip too Chess 35
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me listen_f1.gif/ Falling in love listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/superb/great flip too Chess 40
Keyes, Troy See no evil listen_f1.gif/ same (mono) M-/demo/superb Chumley 40
Baker, Johnny Operator,operator listen_f1.gif M-/great Cisco 12
Gee, Frankie Date with the rain listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/great version Claridge 15
Valentinos I can understand it (part I) listen_f1.gif / Same (part II) M-/recommended Clean 25
I.A.P. Co Check yourself listen_f1.gif EX+/superb version Colossus 20
Mary Love Comer Come out of the sandbox listen_f1.gif M-/superb CoLove 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing listen_f1.gif/ same EX/great/rare issue Columbia 25
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/classic Columbia 40
Mercury, Eric Take me girl I'm ready listen_f1.gif / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Columbia 40
Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away listen_f1.gif VG+/wol-flip/Inc Co slv/superb/plays well Columbia 75
Miles, Buddy I'm just a kiss away listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 85
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do listen_f1.gif / Sunshine (when I got you) listen_f1.gif M-/2 great sides Columbia 40
Thompson, Rick What do I have to do listen_f1.gif M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125
Bobby Womack & Brotherhood Home is where the heart is listen_f1.gif VG++/stmol-flip/classic Columbia 40
Nat Cole Jr & Teri Carter You listen_f1.gif M-/superb Comptons Staff 30
Hatcher, Willie Have a heart, girl (ink stamp ol) listen_f1.gif / You got quality listen_f1.gif EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/rare issue Cotillion 30
Tony & Tandy Two can make it together listen_f1.gif / Bitter with the sweet listen_f1.gif M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20
Natural Four Love's so wonderful listen_f1.gif M-/superb Curtom 25
Natural Four Love's so wonderful listen_f1.gif/ Same-mono M-/demo/superb Curtom 30
Eddie Giles & The Numbers Sexy lady listen_f1.gif M-/superb Custom Sound 25
Enchanted Five Try a little love listen_f1.gif / Have you ever listen_f1.gif EX-/2 superb x-over sides CVS 45
Sidney Joe Qualls Run to me listen_f1.gif/ Same-mono EX/w/demo/superb Dakar 35

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