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To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis.

Welcome to set-sale list #17.


Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. I expect payment within 2 days, if you can't keep up with this timeline, speak to me, I'm easy to deal with. Remember, conversation is everything.

Austrian rates for airmail:
7,00 to Europe for 1-3 45s
10,00 overseas for 1-3 45s

I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros.

The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. This time we have a focus on Detroit soul 45s, so have a close look. Prices are in Euro!!!

Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc.

Trade offers and wants lists are always welcome.
If you want to unsubscribe from the list, scroll down and hit the "unsubdcribe" button.
Lars Bulnheim

soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/interpretationshereiam.mp3

RONNIE LOVE: She's Got Love / Come Dance With Me * D-TWON, VG+, 150.- Euro, sold
I rate this as one of the rarest D-Town 45s. D-Town 1040 shares the same catalogue number with a Hesitations 45.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronnieloveshesgot.mp3

TRINI LOPEZ: Sinner Not A Saint * COLUMBIA Austria, Testpress, VG++, 100.- Euro
Indemand R&B goodie, that gets lots of spins on the mod and R&B scene lately. This is surely the rarerst format; an austrian testpress from 1964.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/trinilopezsinnernota.mp3

JAMES WALSH: Cuz It's You Girl * RCA, demo, wol, sticker on label, VG++, close to M-, 100.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jameswalshcuzits.mp3

THE BLUE GRASS: P.O.W. Part 1 & 2 * B.N.M., M-, 100.- Euro
Rare big apple funk with heavy breaks
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bluegrasspow.mp3

BEE GEE STANS: Front Page Love * TAL-VERT, M-, 80.- Euro, on hold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beegeestansfront.mp3

JOHNNY SAYLES: My Love's A Monster * CHI-TOWN, promo, VG++, "x" on label flip, 75.- Euro
Way rarer promo copy of this infectious Chicago 60's dancer.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnysaylesmyloveisa.mp3

soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marthabranchyou_1.mp3

ERNEST FITZGERALD: Ace In The Hole * DANIELS, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernestfitzgeraldaceinthe_1.mp3

JORGE DARDEN: Alone Again * LADONIA; M-, 75.- Euro
Outstanding jazzy mellow groover, stone mint stock copy!
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jorgedaranaloneagain_1.mp3

THE CELESTRIALS: Chain Reaction * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/celestrialschainreaction_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/celestralskeepyour_1.mp3

THE BEAN BROTHERS: Shing-A-Ling / Hey There * CASH $ALES, M-, 60.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersshingaling_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersheythere_1.mp3

BOBBY WILLIAMS: Keep On Loving Me / You Waited To Long * SURE-SHOT, promo, M-/VG++, 50.- Euro
Totally underrated two-sider with an R&B twist from 1965.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywilliamskeepon.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywilliamsyouwaitedto.mp3

WILLIE CAGER: He's A Player / What Can You Do * CONTACT, VG++, 50.- Euro
This comes across a great example of windy city soul. "He's A Player" is a might fine midtempo number with strong vocals by Willie Cager, while the flip is a great dance track with a strong northern soul feel to it. This is Willie Cager's only 45, he worked as a cab driver in Chicago and later moved on to Lansing / Michigan. The flipside is written by Barry Despenza, who also owned the Contact label.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williecagerhesaplayer.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williecagerwhatcanyoudo.mp3

THE INTRUDERS: But You Belong To Me * MUSIC VOICE, promo, M-, w"x" on label, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/intrudersyoubelongto_1.mp3

MIGHTY SAM: Papa True Love * AMY, VG+, 35.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mightysampapatruelove.mp3

FLORENCE DEVORE: He's Got The Money Bags / He Doesn't Love You * YEW, Promo, VG+, 35.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/florencedevorehesgotthe.mp3

HARRIET REEVES: Just Friends * EON, M-, 35.- Euro
Rare Sax Kari penned popcorn midtempo soul with some involvement of Nola's mastermind Wardell Quezergue.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/harrietreevesjustfriends.mp3

SARAH SIMPSON: Never A Dull Moment * SOUL-PO-TION, VG++, 35.- Euro
Funky Soul from Albany in Georgia penned by Bobby Marchan
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sarahsimpsonneveradull.mp3

DEVOTIONS: Same Old Sweet Lovin' * TRI-SOUND, M-, 35.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/devotionssameold.mp3

EL COUNT EXECUTIVES: I Want To Thank You / I Want To Thank You (Firme) * RADAR, M-, 25.- Euro
Cannonball with their sublabel 'Radar' strikes again with an excellent previously unissued 70's dancer.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elcountexecutivesdance_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elcountexceutiveslsow_1.mp3

JERRY TOWNES: Nevermore / You Are My Sunshine * PENNY; VG++, 30.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesnevermore.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesyouaremy.mp3

RICHARD BROWN: Sweet And Kind * STEELTOWN IINC., M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/richardbrownsweetand.mp3

KENNETH & DELORY: Let me Hold You Close * STEELTOWN, M-, minor warp nap, 35.- Euro
Romping stomping lo-fi Northern Soul with frantic vocals. Great record, that suffers a bit from poor mastering.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kennethanddelory.mp3

ROBERT LEE & THE EXQUISITES: Tears Are Falling / Lisa * STEELTOWN INC., M-, 35.- Euro
Lush crossover sweet soul sounds out of Gary Indiana. Super clean stock copy here!
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/robertleetearsarefalling.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/robertleelisa.mp3

ROY HYTOWER: I Want Some More * AVIN, M-, 30.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/royhytoweriwantsome.mp3

DIPLOMATS: Love Ain't What It Used To Be / I've Got A Feeling * WAND, VG++, almost M-, 30.- Euro
Why this Valerie Simpson, Joe Armstead and Nick Ashford songwriting collaboration wasn't a hit is beyond me. A song beautiful as it gets!
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diplomatsloveaintwhat.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmysoulclarlholdyour.mp3

THE MAGICTONES: (Do The) See Saw * SHUR-HIT, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/magictonesseesaw.mp3

RAZZ-MA-TAZZ: On The Disco Floor * RADAR, Mint stock, 25.- Euro
Unissued 70's funky mover from Butch Williams one time member of The Heartbreakers on Italy's Radar label.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/razzmatazz_1.mp3

DELORES LYNN: The Big Search Is On * JUNIOR, VG+/VG, label damage on flip, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deloreslynnthebigsearch.mp3

BILLY CEE: Don't Matter To Me MONO / STEREO * GSF promo, VG+, 25.- Euro
Way rarer promo copy of this classy 70's soul dancer, recorded in Jackson/Mississippi's Malaco studios.
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyceedontmatter.mp3

THE TANGIERS WITH THE JETSON BAND: Baby It's Cold Outside * DATE, promo, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tangiersbabyitscold.mp3

OSCAR WEATHERS: When You See What You Want * SIRLON, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarweatherswhenyousee_1.mp3

MIKE JEMISON: I Want Some Satisfaction * GENEVA, M-, mild warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mikejemisoniwantsome.mp3

JOHNNY WILLIAMS: Beaking Point / Maggie * TWINIGHT, M-, 20.- Euro
Great slab of funky soul on top side, flip it over for an overlooked crossover side.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnywilliamsbreaking.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnywilliamsmaggie.mp3

PAUL KELLY: Chills And Fever / Only Your Love * DIAL, VG+, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulkellychillsand.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulkellyonlyyour.mp3

ERNIE HINES: Thank You Baby (For A Love Beyond Compare) / We're Gonna Party * U.S.A., promo, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/erniehinesthankyou.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/erniehinesweregonna.mp3

VALENTINOS: I Can Understand It * CLEAN, VG++, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/valentinosicanunders.mp3

HONEY CONE: If I Can Fly * HOT WAX, VG+, wol, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/honeyconeificanfly.mp3

THE MAJESTIC ARROWS: Another Day / Doing It For Us * BANDIT, VG++, 20.- Euro
Chicago sweet soul double header with superb falsetto vocals and a big production.
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/majesticarrowsanotherday.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tedjarrettslowandeasy.mp3

KITTY MONTGOMERY: Hey Boy * SANNS, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kittymontgomeryheyboy_1.mp3

HELENA FERGUSON: My Terms * COMPASS, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/helenafergusonmyterms_1.mp3

SHIRLEY VAUGHN: Watch Out Mr. Lonely * DOUBLE RR, VG+, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/shirleyvaughnwatchoutmr_1_1.mp3

THE GLORIES: My Sweet, Sweet Baby * DATE, promo, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriesmysweetbaby.mp3

THE NEW PERSPECTIVE: Stone Outta My Head * MAXWELL, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/newperspectivestoneoutof_1.mp3

THE POETS: She Blew A Good Thing * SYMBOL, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/poetssheblewagood_1.mp3

SIDNEY JOE QUALLS: How Can You Say Goodbye * DAKAR, M-, promo sticker on label, 12.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sidneyjoequallshowcanyou.mp3

EDDIE HOLMAN: This Will Be A Night To Remember * SALSOUL, strong VG+, 12.- Euro
soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieholmanthiswillbe.mp3

MARION BLACK: I'm Gonna Get Loaded * PRIX, M-, 12.- Euro
sounfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marionblackimgonnaget.mp3

BETTY EVERETT: Danger / Just A Matter Of Time * FANTASY, VG, has one small scratch on either side, that causes mild clicks, 10.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyeverettdanger.mp3
soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyeverettjustamatter.mp3





















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