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To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis.

Airmail rates:
7,00 to Europe add 50 cent for each additional
10,00 overseas add 1.- Euro for each additional.

I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros.

The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!!

Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc.

ETERNAL FLAMES: Hi Off Life / What The Matter For Ya * E.T.F. VG/VG-, 450.- Euro
One of only a handful known copies of this uptempo blast of super-ghetto funky soul; this baby is dancefloor dynamite from bar one till the end on both sides. Record has light marks and one feelable scratch on vocal side, but plays fine for DJing.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eternalflameshiofflife_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eternalflameswhatthe_1.mp3

THE DREAM MERCHANTS: Stop (You're Breaking My Heart) / The Girl I Need * JENGES, M-, 300.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dreammerchantsstop_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dreammerchantsthegirl_1.mp3

GLENN RICKETTS: Does It Really Matter * SCR, VG, damaged labels, wol, 250.- Euro, sold
This jamaican only crossover soul goodie from 1973 is a legendary Great Yarmouth spin and a record, that rarely shows up on saleslists. Flawless, soulful vocals on a smooth, floating production by Clancy Eccles. Vinyl has numerous small marks, but plays superb -, a good DJ copy. Check the soundfile before ordering!
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/glenrickettsdoesitreally_1.mp3

LUV 'N HAIGHT: One Night Love Affair / Rock On * LUV 'N HAIGHT, VG+, water damaged labels, 200.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/luvnhaightonenight_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/luvnhaightrockon_1.mp3

CLARENCE COULTER & ANGELA DAVIS: Ain't Nothing Wrong With That Part 1 & 2 * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 175.- Euro, on hold
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencecoulteraintnothing_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencoulteraintpt2_1.mp3

LEON GIBSON: Do The Roller / Working Hard * RU-JAC, VG++, 175.- Euro, on hold
Explosive funky R&B out of Baltimore. Bonecrushing, screaming raw soul, that sounds like a fist is coming out of your speakers. Flipside is a knockout as well. One of the serious rare Ru-Jacs!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leongibsondotheroller_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leongibsonworkinghard_1.mp3

JOHNNY MIRAGE: New Love VOCAL / INSTRUMENTAL * * J-V, VG++, 100.- Euro, sold
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnymiragenewlovevox_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnymiragenewloveinst_1.mp3

ROOSEVELT JOHNSON & THE 7 C's: Call On Me / Groovin * BLACK JACK, VG++, 100.- Euro
Local Indiana rarity, that never comes to market. One of only two releases by Roosevelt Johnson (the other us on Rondo records) and what a great double header this is.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rooseveltjohnsoncallonme_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rooseveltjohnsongroovin_1.mp3

DEE EDWARDS: All The Way Home / Love, Love, Love * D-TOWN, VG++, 100.- Euro
stamped vinyl (not styrene) original.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardsalltheway_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardslovelove_1.mp3

ERNIE TIME: Once Upon A Time * CARMINE, VG++, 75.- Euro
Super rare uptempo R&B destroyer, that surely flies under the radar for most collectors out there.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernietimeonceupon_1.mp3

RENALDO DOMINO: Let Me Come Within / I'm A Good Man * TWINIGHT, VG, wol, 75.- Euro, on hold
Hard hitting Chicago funk, that recently pops up on playlists. Flip it over for some brainmelting deep stuff. Highly recomended!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/renaldodominoletme_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/renaldodominoimagoodman_1.mp3

Sophisticated midtempo groover with a jazzy edge to it.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marthabranchyou_1.mp3

JORGE DARAN: Alone Again * LADONIA, M- 75.- Euro
Mellow groovin' westcoast soul, self produced and on some DJs playlists. Rightly so! The pefect summer groove here.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jorgedaranaloneagain_1.mp3

THE BEAN BROTHERS: Shing-A-Ling / Hey There * CASH $ALES, M-, 75.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersshingaling_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beanbrothersheythere_1.mp3

JOE COOK: Dream World / How Do You Say Goodbye * TOP-TOP, M-, 75.- Euro, sold
Beautiful crossover soul, that's flying under the radar for way to long. Two superb sides!!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joecookdreamworld_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joecookhowcanyousay_1.mp3

ERNEST FITZGERALD: Ace In The Hole * DANIELS, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernestfitzgeraldaceinthe_1.mp3

FREDDIE SCOTT: Mr. Heartache * COLUMBIA, promo, VG++, 75.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddiescottmrheartache_1.mp3

DEEN DODGE: A Perfect Love * JAX, M-, 75.- Euro
Rare cali Modern Soul dancer with a jazzy edge to it.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deendodgeaperfect_3.mp3

OTIS LEAVILL: I'm Amazed * LIMELIGHT, promo, M-, 60.- Euro, sold
Chicago rarity written by Carl Davis and Major Lance. Super clean copy, that comes with it's original Limelight-distribution sleeve
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otisleavillimamazed_1.mp3

Super rare Philly funk instrumental, that sounds boss played out loud on a club system.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/renafayedoit_1.mp3

JEFF DALE: Don't Forget About Me Baby / Language Of Love * ATCO, strong VG, plays great, 60.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jeffdaledontforget_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jeffdalelangunageof_1.mp3

DIAMOND UPRISERS: New Kind Of Jerk / Diamond Jerk * RILEY'S, M-, 60.- Euro
2-sided Detroit R&B goodie
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamonduprisersnewkind_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamonduprisersdiamond_1.mp3

THE PRECISIONS: If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely) * DREW, VG++, label tearm drill hole, 50.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsifthisislove_1.mp3

HARVEY: Come On And Answer Me * TRI-PHI, VG++, 50.- Euro, on hold
Way rarer then you might think. Earyl Detroit R&B thumper by Harvey Fuqua, co-written by Berry Gordy.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/harveycomeonan_1.mp3

EDDIE BO: Woman * RIP, VG++, 50.- Euro
Serious rare early Eddie Bo R&B mover.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiebowoman_1.mp3

DUKE DANIELS: Backfire * EASTERN, M-, 50.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dukedanielsbackfired_1.mp3

HODGES; JAMES, SMITH & CRAWFORD: I'm In Love / Nobody * MPINGO, M-, 50.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hodgesjamesiminlove_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hodgesjamesnobody_1.mp3

Not widely know 80's Caroinas dancer in Mint unplayed condition.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/huntingtonbarbershakeit_1.mp3

OCIE SMITH: Everybody But Me * BROADWAY, promo, M-, writings on label, 50.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ociesmitheverybody_1.mp3

THE INTRUDERS: But You Belong To Me * MUSIC VOICE, promo, M-, w"x" on label, 50.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/intrudersyoubelongto_1.mp3

THE INSIDERS: I'm Stuck On You * RED BIRD, VG++, 50.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/inclinesstuckonyou_1.mp3

J.J. DANIELS: Mr. Lonesome * SURE-SHOT, M-, 50.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jjdanilesmrlonesome_1.mp3

THE SWEET THREE: I Would If I Could * CAMEO PARKWAY, promo, M-, 50.-
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sweetthreeiwould_1.mp3

PAUL KELLY & THE ROCKETEERS: Since I Found You / Can't Help It * DIAL, M-, 50.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulkellysinceifound_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulkellyicanthelp_1.mp3

AMBROSE DONALD: Who's Number One * EMERSON, M-, 40.- Euro + shipping
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ambrosedonaldwhosnumber_1.mp3

EDDIE CARLTON: Wait / Kokomo * CRACKERJACK, promo, M- 40.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiecarltonwait_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiecarltonkokomo_1.mp3

DEE DEE SHARP: Let's Twine * CAMEO, promo, M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deedeesharpletstwine_1.mp3

THE UPTONES: Dreaming / Wear My Ring * MAGNUM, M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uptonesdreaming_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uptoneswearmyring_1.mp3

SIR JOE AND FREE SOUL: I've Got So Much Trouble On My Mind * MANTIS, strong VG, 40.- Euro, sold
1st local Washington, D.C. release before GSF took over for national distribution.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sirjoequartermansomuch_1.mp3

RON FLOOD & SUNDOWN: Tell Me * SCORPIO, VG+, 40.- Euro
Rare 1980 modern soul winner from point nowhere.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronfloodtellme_1.mp3

MAGNETIC TOUCH: Ain't Gonna Be A Next Time * P&P, M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/magnetictouchaintgonnabe_1.mp3

REGGIE GARNER: Moon Maid * BOB G, VG+, wol, 40.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/reggiegarnermoonmaid_1.mp3

THE GATURS: Cold Beer / The Booger Man * ATCO, promo, M-, 40.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gaturscoldbear_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gatursthebooger_1.mp3

B.B.S. UNLIMITED: B B's Law / dance With Me * PHiliPPE, VG to VG+ with light marks and full luster, 40.- Euro
Disco funk rarity from Arlington / Virginia, that seldom comes to market. Two great sides!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bbsunlimitedbbslaw_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bbsunlimteddancewithme_1.mp3

RODNEY TROTTER'S EGYPT: Jackpot On A Cosmic Ship (Las Vegas Politics) / Space Nig*a * GREEDY, M-, 35.- Euro
Spacey funk from 1977, the best record George Clinton never made!
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rodneytrotterjackpot_2.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rodneytrotterspaceni_1.mp3

MARY WELLS: The One Who Really Loves You / I'm Gonna Stay * MOTOWN, Vinyl: VG+ / Sleeve VG to VG+, signs of a removed sticker and tape repaired from the inside to fix a damage exactly on Mary's face (check the picture carefully), 35.- Euro
Rare 1962 picture sleeve issue of this fabulous Motown double sider.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellstheonewho_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellsimgonnastay_1.mp3

IKE AND TINA TURNER: No Tears To Cry / A Fool For A Fool * WARNER BROTHERS, "x" on label, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 35.- Euro
Super rare promo picture sleeve issue from 1964. Almost impossible to find with an intact sleeve nowadays
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ikeandtinaturnernotears_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ikeandtinaafoolfor_1.mp3

FLORENCE BALLARD: Love Ain't Love * ABC, M-, 35.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/florenceballardloveaint_1.mp3

DOROTHY BERRY: You're Driving Me Crazy * LITTLE STAR, M-, sticker residue on lbl, 35.- Euro
Wild and wicked R&B mover written abd produced by H.B. Barnum.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dorothyberryyouredriv_1.mp3

GOODIE WILSON: The Door Bell Rings * TITANIC, M-, 35.- Euro
Obscure 60's popcorn westcoast dancer.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/goodiewilsonthedoor_1.mp3

MAURICE ROGERS: Coming In Out Of The Rain * DOUBLE SHOT TESTPRESS, M-, 35.- Euro, sold
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mauricerogerscomingin_1.mp3

KERRY ADAMS: Fast Talking Lover / I Just Found Love * CALLA, M-, ringwear on lbl, 30.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kerryadamsfasttalking_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kerryadamsijustfound_1.mp3

LUTHER INGRAM & THE G-MEN: I Spy (For The F.B.I.) / Foxy Devil * SMASH, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lutheringramispy_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lutheringramfoxydevil_1.mp3

IKE TURNER & THE KINGS OF RHYTHM: The New Breed * SUE, M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/iketurnerthenewbreed_1.mp3

SCIENTISTS OF SOUL: Be's That-A-Way Sometime * KASHE, M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/scientistsofsoulbesthata_1.mp3

GEORGE (Wild Child) BUTLER: Jelly Jam / Axe And The Wind * RONN, promo, M-, sticker on lbl, 30.- Euro, sold
Action packed R&B mover on a shiny mint promo in it's original birth sleeve.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgebutlerjelly_2.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgebutleraxeand_2.mp3

FIVE KEYS feat. RUDY WEST: Stop - What Your Doing To Me * LANDMARK, M-, 30.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fivekeysstop_2.mp3

EL COUNT EXECUTIVES: I Want To Thank You / I Want To Thank You (Firme) * RADAR, M-, 30.- Euro
Cannonball with their sublabel 'Radar' strikes again with an excellent previously unissued 70's dancer.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elcountexecutivesdance_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elcountexceutiveslsow_1.mp3

SMOKE: Oh Love * MO-SOUL, M-, 30.- Euro, sold
1971 Barry White production
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeohlove_1.mp3

ROY MILTON: Change Your Ways * SPACE RECORDS; M-, 30.- Euro
Totally under the radar funky R&B mover
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/roymiltonchange_1.mp3

OSCAR WEATHERS: When You See What You Want * SIRLON, M-, 25.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarweatherswhenyousee_1.mp3

BOBBY FOSTER: Get Your Love Where You Find It / This Time I'm Really Leaving * SoUNCOT, promo, M-, 25.- Euro
One funky and one deep side by Memphis artist Bobby Foster, recorded at the legendary Sun-Studios.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyfostergetyour_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyfosterthistimeimreally_1.mp3

RAZZ-MA-TAZZ: On The Disco Floor * RADAR, Mint stock, 25.- Euro
Unissued 70's funky mover from Butch Williams one time member of The Heartbreakers on Italy's Radar label. Sold out directly after it's release.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/razzmatazz_1.mp3

soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/anthonybutlerkattys_1.mp3

GINO WASHINGTON: Out Of This World / Come Monkey With Me * WAND, M-, minor wol, drill hole in lbl, 25.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginowashingtonoutofthis_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginowashingtoncomeonmon_1.mp3

CLARENCE WILLIAMS: Royal Queen * CHANCELLOR, strong VG, near VG+, 25.- Euro sold
Soulful slice of midsixties popcorn soul, comes complete with it's nice looking Chancellor birth sleeve.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencewilliamsroyal_1.mp3

SHUGGIE OTIS: Hurricane * EPIC, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/shuggieotishurricane_1.mp3

LEE JACKSON: Ordinary People * JAS, promo, VG+, 20.- Euro.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leejacksonordinarypeople_1.mp3

HELENA FERGUSON: My Terms * COMPASS, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/helenafergusonmyterms_1.mp3

THE FAWNS: Nothing But Love Can Save Me / Wish You Were Here With Me * CAPCITY, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fawnsnothingbutlove_2.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fawnswishyouwere_2.mp3

KITTY LOVE: The Power Of Love / You Gotta Change * DADE, VG, wol, 20.- Euro
Great playing VG copy of this two-sided 60's midtempo soul jewel.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kittylovethepower_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kittyloveyougottachange_1.mp3

THE PERSIANS: I Can't Take It Anymore / Detour
GWP's CRESCENDO, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/persiansicanttakeit_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/persiansdetour_1.mp3

JOEY IRVING: Masterplan / On My Own * CONQUER, M- 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeyirvingmasterplan_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeyirvingonmyown_1.mp3

SON'S OF FUNK: From The Back Side * KING, M-, 20.- Euro
Excellent Macon/Georgia funk instrumental in superb condition.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sonsoffunkfromthepart1_1.mp3

JIMMY HUGHES: Lovely Ladies / Try Me * FAME, promo, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyhugheslovelyladies_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyhughestryme_1.mp3

REUBEN BELL: Action Speaks Louder Than Words *m SILVER FOX, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/reubenbellactionspeaks_1.mp3

JOHNNY NOBLE: You're So Smooth * VEEP, M-, 20.- Euro
Oddball Philly 60's Northern Soul produced by George Wilson and Philly recordman Phil Gaber.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnynobleyouresosm_1.mp3

ROCKY ROBERTS: Just Because Of You * DURIUM, Made in Italy, M-, 20.- Euro, sold
Italy only 100mph Northern Soul stomper on the first Durium label
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rockyrobertsjustbecause_3.mp3

LITTLE CARL CARLTON: Two Timer / Drop By My Place * BACK BEAT, VG+/M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlecarlcarltontwo_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlecarlcarltondropby_1.mp3

BOBBY POWELL: Who Is Your Lover * WHIT, promo, M-, 20.- Euro
Powerhouse uptempo R&B
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbypowellwhoisyour_1.mp3

GREAT EXPECTATIONS: Welcome To The World * PHIL-L.A- OF SOUL, promo, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/greatexpectationswelcome_2.mp3

JESSE ANDERSON: I Got A Problem / Mighty Mighty * THOMAS; M-, drill hole in labl, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jesseandersonigotaprob_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jesseandersonmighty_1.mp3

CHARLES LATTIMORE: Do The Thing * SHOUT, promo, VG+, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charleslattimoredothe_1.mp3

FOUR TEES: One More Chance / Funky Duck * KENT, promo, VG/VG-, 20.- Euro
Cali group soul dancer with breathtaking harmonies. The flipside plays with crackles and pops
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourteesonemorechance_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourteesfunkyduck_1.mp3

JACKIE WILSON: Love Uprising / This Love Is Real * BRUNSWICK, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonloveuprising_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonthisloveis_1.mp3

BENNY SHARP & THE SHARPIES: Music (I Like It) * MIDAS, M-, 20.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bennysharpmusic_1.mp3

THE NEW PERSPECTIVE: Stone Outta My Head * MAXWELL, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/newperspectivestoneoutof_1.mp3

CHUCK RAY: Reconsider / I'll Be There * GEMIGO, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chuckrayreconsider_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chuckrayillbethere_1.mp3

THE POETS: She Blew A Good Thing * SYMBOL, M-, 15.- Euro
Unplayed stock copy of this mighty fine 60's groupsoul dancer produced by Juggy Murray.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/poetssheblewagood_1.mp3

MARVA JOSIE: Crazy Stocking's * CITY, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvajosiecrazystock_1.mp3

WILLIE HUTCH: If You Ain't Got No Money (You Can't Get No Honey) * MOTOWN, promo, VG++, 15.- Euro
Nice looking and even better sounding mid 70's Willie Hutch funk goodie, that explains capitalism in a very simple way.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williehutchifyouaint_1.mp3

SKULLSNAPS: Ain't That Loving You / Al's Razor Blade * GRILL, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skullsnapsaintthat_2.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skullsnapsalsrazor_2.mp3

LARRY BIRDSONG: Digging Your Potatoes / Fairly Well * REF-O-REE, M-, 15.- Euro, small label tear on flipside
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/larrybirdsongdigging_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/larrybirdsongfairlywell_1.mp3

THE VIBRATIONS: Ain't No Greens In Harlem / Wind Up Toy * MANDALA, M-, 12.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vibrationsaintnogreens_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vibrationswinduptoy_1.mp3

BULL & THE MATADORS: The Funky Judge Vocal / Instrumental * TODDLIN' TOWN, M-, 12.- Euro
Cool Andre Williams penned funk 2-sider.
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bullandthejudgevox_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bullandthejudgeinstr_1.mp3

NOTATIONS: Think Before You Stop * GEMIGO, promo, M-, 12.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/notationsthinkbefore_1.mp3

SONNY GREEN: I'd Like To Be There * MHR, M-, 12.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sonnygreenidliketobe_1.mp3

JAMES REESE AND THE PROGRESSIONS: Joker (Where Did You Come From) / He'll Never Go * NAJMA, M-, 10.- Euro
Previouly unreleased 70's soul gem
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesreesejoker_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesreesehellnever_1.mp3

OHIO PLAYERS: Varee Is Love / Walt's First Trip * WESTBOUND, M-, 10.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ohioplayersvaree_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ohioplayerswaltsfirst_1.mp3

JOE TOWNS: Down And Out World * TOP DOG, M-, 10.- Euro
Detroit tearjerker on the iconic Top Dog label in perfect unplayed condition.
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joetownsdownand_1.mp3

HI records special

TEACHER'S EDITION: I Wanna Be Loved / It Helps To Make You Strong * HI, promo, date stamped on label. M-, 30.-
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/teacherseditioniwannabelo_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/teacherseditionithelps_1.mp3

VENIECE: Trying To Live My Life Without You / I Still Love You * HI, VG+, 15.-
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/veniecetryingto_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/venieceistilllove_1.mp3

GENE ANDERSON: Your Love Must Be Voodoo * HI, promo, M-, 15.- Euro
Funky psych soul from 1975 not really a typical Hi sound
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/geneandersonyourlovemustbe_1.mp3

GENE ANDERSON & THE INTERNATIONAL HOOK-UP: Congratulations / Mixed Emotions * HI, M-, 15.- Euro
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/geneandersoncongratulations_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/geneandersonmixedemot_1.mp3

ANN PEEBLES: Come To Mama * HI, promo, M-, 12.- Euro
soundfile: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annpeeblescometomama_1.mp3

PHILLIP MITCHELL: Oh How I Love You / The Same Folks That Put You There * HI, VG+, 20.- Euro, on hold
soundfile 1: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phillipmitchellohhowilove_1.mp3
soundfile 2: https://www.hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phillipmitchellthesamefolks_1.mp3




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