Henry Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve EX-/w/demo/great Roulette 15 Caper Brothers Ain't got the nerve M-/w/demo/great Roulette 20 Daisies I wanna swim with him M-/great Roulette 10 Dee,Joey What kind of love is this M-/Inc Co slv/great version Roulette 15 Dee,Joey & The Starliters What kind of love is this M-/demo/pic slv/great version Roulette 25 Dovale,Debbie Hey lover EX+/vsl warp-nap/recommended Roulette 12 Little Natalie & Henry With The Gifts Teardrops are falling / It's uncle Willie M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 25 March,Myrna I keep forgettin' EX-/w/demo/great version Roulette 15 March,Myrna I keep forgettin' M-/great version Roulette 15 Snowmen Sugar Daddy EX+/recommended Roulette 40 Snowmen Sugar Daddy M-/w/demo/2 x's on flip/recommended Roulette 40 Thomas, Tasha I saw the sky M-/Inc Co slv/superb/rare issue Roulette 60 Three Degrees Find my way EX+/recommended Roulette 15 Three Degrees There's so much love all around me M-/recommended Roulette 10 Tindley,George & The Modern Red Caps Don't you hear them laughing / You can dream M-/2 great sides Rowax 25 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/great Rust 20 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours M-/w/demo/wol-flip/great Rust 30 Thomas,Gene My baby's in love with another guy M-/great San 15 Bobby & Walter One, two, three M-/great Sanns 15 Harris,Betty I'm evil tonight M-/recommended Sansu 15 Tenth Dymentions My love for you is growing wild / Bushman (wol) M-/superb group soul/funk flip Sapphire 40 Morisette,Johnnie Anytime, anyplace, anywhere EX+/great Sar 10 Adams, Faye Step up and rescue me M-/great R&B Savoy 20 Big Maybelle Yesterday's kisses / I don't want to cry EX/sm wol/2 superb sides Scepter 30 Buckeye Politicians Girl I could love you more VG++/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Byers,Billy Remind my baby of me M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Scepter 25 Candy & The Kisses Keep on searchin (4 x's ol) EX+/RED & WHITE DEMO/recommended Scepter 20 Miles,Lenny In between tears M-/superb version Scepter 40 Montgomery, Jack Dearly beloved / Do you believe it EX-/2 classics Scepter 225 Scott,Dean Gotta have losers too M-/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Shirelles Wait till I give the signal M-/great Scepter 30 Tiffe,Jerry Hey Watcha Doin' M-/recommended Scepter 60 Williams,Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Williams,Maurice Return M-/great Sea-horn 60 Williams,Maurice Return EX+/w/demo/great Sea-horn 75 Roberts,Tina Snow / My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Saunders, Garrett A day or two (ink stamp ol) / Easier said than done EX/w/demo/2 great sides Serock 100 Henson,Anita Bit by bit / Talk's around M-/2 great sides Sevens International 15 Ad Libs Appreciation / Giving up EX+/Van McCoy perfection!/2 great sides Share 10 Hawkins,Sam Bring it to me EX+/great Shell 15 Larks I can't believe it M-/great Sheryl 15 Chosen Lot If you want to / Time was M-/2 good sides Sidra 20 Clayton, Pat Someone else's turn M-/recommended Silver Tip 60 Brantley,Dan I can't take no more / Please accept my love M/2 great sides Sims 20 Profits Vagabond / Wind M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sire 15 Velez,Martha Tell mama M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Sire 25 Caswell,Johnny Gotta dance M-/Inc Co slv Smash 10 Colbert,Phil That's all it was / Where was I EX/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Smash 40 Domino,Renaldo I'm hip to your game / You don't love me no more M-/2 great sides/rare Smash 30 Douglas,Ron Never you mind / First time around EX+/lite lbl ring wear/2 great sides Smash 20 Douglas,Ron Never you mind/First time around M-/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas,Ron Never you mind/First time around EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Smash 25 Douglas,Ron Never you mind/First time around EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 30 Leavill, Otis Nobody but you / Charlotte VG++/superb/great flip too Smash 25 Sweet Got to have more love / You can't win at love EX+/2 great sides Smash 25 Woods, Danny I want to thank you… / Come on and dance - Part 1 M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Smash 60 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love / I've been lost EX-/recommended Soft 25 Sonny & Phyllis Love,love,love/I've been lost M-/recommended Soft 30 Love,Dave Colalined baby M-/recommended Solid Soul 10 Del Counts With another guy EX+/sm wol/superb Northern Soma 60 Sophisticates Back Up Baby M-/superb Sonny 60 Bourne,Joe The one for me M-/great Sophisticated Soul 15 Ruffin,Jimmy I've passed this way before M-/classic Soul 8 Walker,Jr & All Stars Tune up EX+/1st issue/superb Soul 20 5th Dimension Itll Never Be The Same Again EX-/recommended Soul City 10 5th Dimension It'll never be the same again recommended Soul City 12 5th Dimension Too poor to die EX+/superb Soul City 15 Hutch, Willie Can't fight the power / How come baby, you don't love me M-/demo/superb/great flip too Soul City 60 Wilson,Al The snake (sm wol) M-/demo/classic/rare demo Soul City 30 Wilson,Al When you love, you're loved too/Who could be lovin' you EX+/2 great sides Soul City 20 Wilson,Al When you love, you're loved too / Who could be.. EX+/demo/2 great sides Soul City 25 Whispers I can remember / Planets of life M-/recommended Soul Clock 15 Whispers You must be doing all right M-/recommended Soul Clock 12 C.O.D.'s I'm a good guy/Michael EX+/re-issue Soultown 5 And The Echoes Tell me anything but give love / I've always wanted someone like you EX+/tiny wol/2 superb sides Soultrain 50 Corby,Chuck & The Chances Happy go lucky EX-/great Sound 25 Waddy,Sandy Everything is everything M-/classic Sound Of Soul 20 Dynamic 7 Squeeze me / part 2 M-/funk Sound Stage 7 15 Evaline Think you better leave (xol) M-/w/demo/great R&B Sound Stage 7 30 Hunter,Ivory Joe Straighten up baby M-/w/demo/great Sound Stage 7 15 Monarchs This old heart M-/R&B Sound Stage 7 15 Simon,Joe Don't let me lose the feeling EX-/great Sound Stage 7 8 Simon,Joe I got a whole lot of lovin' M-/superb Sound Stage 7 25 Simon,Joe No sad songs EX-/recommended Sound Stage 7 8 Simon,Joe When EX+/recommended Sound Stage 7 10 Jo Jo & Outcast Why baby M-/great soul Sound-O-riffic 10 Turner,Duke & Chi-towns Let me be your baby sitter / same-continued EX+/forgotten classic/superb Spinning Top 50 Appreciations She never really loved me / There's a place in my heart (2 sm x's ol) EX+/w/demo/2 superb sides Sport 100 Richardson,Johnny Every Night The Same Time EX+/great R&B Sprout 50 Knight,Jean Anyone can love him M-/great Staff 20 Martin, Trade She put the hurt on me VG++/scuffs on flip/clean labels/plays well/classic Stallion 175 Jenning,Lee Just Keep On Loving Me / same-inst. M-/superb version Star Track 25 Astors Candy (sol) / I found out EX/2 great sides Stax 20 C.L. Blast Double up M-/lbl damage/recommended Stax 10 C.L. Blast Double up M-/vsld/recommended Stax 12 C.L. Blast Double up M-/recommended Stax 15 Delaney & Bonnie It's been a long time coming/same M-/w/demo Stax 12 Cordells You do a thing to my mind M-/great Steel Town Sound 30 Berkshire Seven Crazy kind of feeling M-/great Stop 20 Berkshire Seven Stop and start over EX/tiny wol/superb Stop 125 Hunt,William Would you believe EX-/w/demo/superb Streamside 40 Blake,Cicero Don't do this to me M-/recommended Success 15 Lee,Bobby I was born a loser EX+/sm scratch at start/great Sue 10 Lee,Bobby I was born a loser M-/great Sue 15 Superiors I'd rather die M-/recommended Sue 15 Turner,Ike & Tina I idolize you (sm ink stamp ol) M-/recommended Sue 15 Turner,Ike & Tina You should'a treated me right M-/ink stamp ol/recommended Sue 15 Washington,Baby Either you're with me / You are what you are EX-/2 great sides Sue 20 Washington,Baby Hey lonely one EX-/lite stmol-flip/highly recommended Sue 25 Washington,Baby Hey lonely one M-/highly recommended Sue 30 Washington,Justine I can't wait until I see my baby EX-/great version Sue 20 Washington,Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/sm wol/great version Sue 25 Washington,Justine I can't wait until I see my baby M-/great version Sue 25 Storm Sweet happiness / Going going gone M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sunflower 25 Williams,Patti Because I love him EX+/w/demo/recommended Sunflower 25 Marcels No love left M-/superb/highly recommended Super M 15 Little Oscar I tried / The message M-/2 great sides Supreme Blues 15 Malibus Strong love / A chance for you and me EX+/demo/2 greaty sides Sure-Shot 25 Richards,Lisa Mean old world EX+/demo/recommended Sure-Shot 25 Williams, Bobby Play a sad song EX+/demo/recommended Sure-Shot 25 Joey & The VIP's Would you believe (xol) M-/w/demo/superb Swan 60 Johnson, Rochelle Playing the field / Gypsy ways (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Swan 35 Sevens, Sammy Everybody crossfire / You better watch your step EX+/w/demo/superb version/great flip too Swan 40 Showmen The honey house / Please try and undersatnd EX-/2 superb sides Swan 15 Swans You better be a good girl now EX-/stmol/great girl group Swan 12 Teddy & Twilights I'm just your clown EX-/sm wol/great Swan 15 Valentino,Mark Walking alone VG-/lbl tear-flip/2 good sides Swan 10 Valentino,Mark Walking alone/Push and kick VG+/wol-flip//2 good sides Swan 15 Valentino,Mark Walking alone/Push and kick M-/ink stamp-flip/2 good sides Swan 20 Corvairs A victim of her charms / Love is such a good thing M-/w/demo/2 great sides Sylvia 40 Moody,Joan We must be doing something right M-/classic Sylvia 20 Vows The things you do to me M-/great Tamara 30 Gaye,Marvin Little darling. I need you EX+/great Tamla 12 Gaye,Marvin & Tammi Terrell If I could build my whole world around you / same M-/w/demo/superb Tamla 20 Gaye,Marvin & Terrell,Tammi Two can have a party M-/superb Tamla 10 Isley Brothers I guess I'll always love you M-/classic Tamla 12 Miracles If your mother only knew M-/wol-flip/Inc black-gold print Co slv/classic Tamla 40 Miracles I'll try something new M-/sm wol/sm sol/recomnded Tamla 20 Miracles I'll try something new EX+/recommended Tamla 25 Miracles Whole lot of shakin' in my heart EX+/v sl lbl stain/twin globes label/superb Tamla 15 Weston, Kim I'm still loving you EX/tiny inner hole edge chip/superb Tamla 50 Wonder, Stevie Nothings too good for my baby EX+/superb Tamla 10 Gaye,Marvin & Weston,Kim It takes two M-/UK/classic Tamla Motown 3 Andrews,Dee Stop! You're hurting my heart M-/w/demo/recommended Tangerine 25 Gunter,Shirley Stuck up M-/ w/demo/recommended Tangerine 30 Joy,Barbara Do this do that M-/sl warp-nap Target 12 Wally & The Knight Hang on little mama M-/superb R&B Tarx 20 Reid,Clarence Along came a woman M-/great Tay-ster 8 Little Joe & Latinaires Hey pretty baby VG/wol-flip/recommended/rare Tear Drop 20 Fawns Bless you / Girl in trouble M-/2 great sides TEC 12 Tko's Dancing with my baby / Getting into something EX+/2 great inst's Ten Star 15 Little John, Johnny Can't be still M-/great R&B Terrell 20 Soul Exotics Baby It's true / Darlin' M-/superb/great flip too Terri 125 Incredibles All of a sudden / Standing here crying (wol) M-/w/demo/2 great sides Tetragrammaton 15 Matthews, Joe Sorry ain't good enough / You better mend your ways M-/hazey marks on vinyl-nap/2 great sides Thelma 25 Metrix Gonna have to put you down EX-/great/rare Tiara 35 Metrix Gonna Have To Put You Down M-/great/rare Tiara 40 Bright,Larry (I'm a) mojo man M-/R&B Tide 30 Willis,Nicole & Soul Communicators If this ain't love (don't know what is) / Inst. M-/Finland/yellow lbl/fantastic Timmion 6 Willis,Nicole & Soul Communicators My four leaf clover / Holdin' on M-/black label/fantastic Timmion 6 Williams,Clarence I know about love M-/R&B Tina 15 Johnson,Syl I've got to get over / Falling in love again M-/2 great sides TMP-Ting 15 Bull & The Matadors I can't forget / Move with the groove EX-/2 great sides Toddlin' Town 8 Bull & The Matadors If you decide M-/superb Toddlin' Town 30 Chandler,Deniece I don't wanna cry / Good bye cruel world M-/awesome soul Toddlin' Town 15 Padded Cell Mister misery EX+/sm sol/classic Toddlin' Town 150 Thomas East & The Fab Playboys I get a groove EX-/funk Toddlin' Town 8 David,Kal & Exceptions Daydreaming of you M-/recommended Tollie 30 Miller,Hal & Rays An angel cried VG+/great Topix 20 Miller,Hal & Rays An angel cried EX-/great Topix 25 Miller,Hal & Rays An angel cried M-/sol/great Topix 30 Priscilla Page & Rony Darrel You did VG+/dull vinyl/great potential to go big! Topper 50 Priscilla Page & Rony Darrel You did (sl haze on vinyl-nap) EX+/great potential to go big! Topper 60 Blandon,Curtis I need you EX+/w/demo/great/CLEAN LABELS Tower 30 Champions Three blocks away / In the ring M-/2 great sides Tower 20 Ford,Mary One in a million M-/nice version Tower 15 Marlynns My heart is yours / The break (wol) VG++/yellow label/2 great sides/rare Tower 75 Miller,Mary Here comes the heartache M-/nice mid-tempo Tower 10 Passions Without a warning / I can see my way through EX+/superb/great flip too Tower 25 Hamlin,Billy Somebody please M-/C910recommended Toy 15 Royal,Margaret I'll never go away M-/sl lbl stain/highly recommended Tra-x 35 Adams,Lindy A bird in the hand M-/great Tri Disc 15 Du Pont,Shelley & Calendars Stop driving me crazy M-/ink stamp ol/great Tribune 12 Du Pont,Shelley & Calendars Stop driving me crazy M-/great Tribune 15 Gardner, Don Ain't gonna let you get me down M-/superb Tru-Glo-Town 25 Moore,Joe Nobody loves me / Hang right in there M-/2 great sides Tru-Glo-Town 50 Sandpipers All over but the crying M-/w/demo/great Tru-Glo-Town 20 Symphonics Our love will grow M-/great group soul Tru-lite 30 Lee,Carol I'll buy you gold M-/w/demo Tru-sound 20 Fantastic Vantastics Gee what a boy EX-/great Tuff 15 Treetop, Bobby Wait till I get to know ya EX+/very slight warp-nap/tiny lbl scuff//classic Tuff 225 Dynamic Tints Falling in love EX+/great Twinight 40 Guild You've got the cutest smile M-/w/demo/nice Twinight 20 Williams,Johnny Breaking point (2 sm x's ol) EX-/w/demo/recommended/rare DJ Twinight 25 Williams,Johnny Maggie / Breaking point EX-/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Twinight 30 Stan Gorman & The Revolvers I love lovin you EX+/sl marks ol/recommended Ty Tex 50 Bobby Jones & The Para-monts Beware a stranger / Check me out (sm stmol) M-/tiny warp-nap/2 superb sides U.S.A. 25 Everett,Betty Unlucky girl M-/recommended Uni 15 Everett,Betty Unlucky girl M-/demo/recommended Uni 25 Green,Garland All she did…. / Don't think that I'm a violent guy M-/2 great sides Uni 10 Lovelites This love is real / Oh my love M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 nice sides Uni 15 Mirettes Ain't you trying to cross over / Whirlpool M-/recommended Uni 12 Barnes,Billy I'm coming to see you VG++/w/demo/great United Artists 15 Barnes,Billy You'd Have To Fall In Love M- United Artists 8 Crystals My place(xol)/You can't tie a good girl down EX+/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 30 Crystals My place (xo) / You can't tie a good girl down EX-/wol/w/demo United Artists 25 Davis,Joyce Moments/Superman EX-/great/R&B flip United Artists 12 Davis,Joyce Moments / Superman M-/great/R&B flip United Artists 15 Elektras It ain't as easy as that EX-/w/demo United Artists 20 Germaine,Denise Unforgotten yesterdays EX+/w/demo/great United Artists 30 Johnson,Marv All the love I've got M-/recommended United Artists 15 Johnson,Marv All the love I've got M-/w/demo/recommended United Artists 20 Johnson, Marv Come on and stop M-/Inc Co slv/recommended United Artists 100 Johnson,Marv Don't leave me M-/great United Artists 20 Love Chain Sensative vibrations M-/w/demo United Artists 20 Mimms,Garnet Look away M-/recommended United Artists 15 Smith,Roy I can remember M-/demo/recommended United Artists 30 St. John,Rose Mend my broken heart / And if I had my way (wol) EX-/w/demo/2 great sides United Artists 100 Thomas,Gene I'd rather not talk about it EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb United Artists 45 Thomas,Gene I'd rather not talk about it M-/w/demo/superb United Artists 50 Lorri,Mary Ann I wanna thank you M-/w/demo/recommended United International 40 Mintz,Charles Running back / inst. M-/re-iss/with pic. Sleeve Up Look 12 Intertains Gotta find a girl / I see the light M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Uptown 30 Lewis,Debra A million tears EX+/recommended Valiant 20 Lewis,Debra A million tears M-/w/demo/recommended Valiant 25 Lewis,Debra You stole him EX+/w/demo/ink stamp ol-flip Valiant 15 Radiations Shaking up the nation M-/great group Valise 15 Brenda Lee Jones You're the love of my life / Thread your needle (stol) M-/Italy/Inc EX- Colour pic slv-2 cellotaped seams/stoc-back/superb Variety 75 Chandler,Gene Check yourself (sm ink stamp ol) M-/w/demo/superb Vee-Jay 30 Everett,Betty Trouble over the weekend / The shoe won't fit M-/w/demo/2 great sides Vee-Jay 15 Flemons,Wade Watch over her M-/recommended Vee-Jay 25 Hughes,Fred You can't take it away EX+/great Vee-Jay 8 Jackson,Barbara Second best EX+/w/demo/recommended Vee-Jay 30 Jones,Bobby A certain feeling M-/great Vee-Jay 20 Jones,Bobby A certain feeling M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recmnded Vee-Jay 25 Rubies A Spanish boy / Deeper M-/recommended Vee-Jay 15 Velasco,Vi I don't want to go on M-/xol-flip/great Vee-Jay 40 Velasco,Vi I don't want to go on EX+/w/demo/great Vee-Jay 50 Soul Sisters A thousand mountains / You got 'em beat M-/recommended Veep 15 Washington,Baby Think about the good times M-/w/demo/superb Veep 50 T-birds Nobody but you / Have you ever been in love before M-/up-tempo/deep Vegas 15 T-birds Nobody but you/Have you ever been in love M-/w/demo/up-tempo/deep Vegas 20 Ethics I want my baby back (sm stkr removal lbl tear) EX-/lite lbl ring dirt/highly recommended Vent 50 Ballads My baby knows how to love her man EX+/recommended Venture 15 People's Choice You're mine M-/recommended Veroneeca 20 Ashford, Nick California soul M-/y/demo/sm wol/rare yellow demo Verve 40 Chantels You're welcome to my heart VG++/VG- flip/demo/great Verve 12 Chantels You're welcome to my heart EX-/great Verve 15 Chantels You're welcome to my heart M-/demo/great Verve 20 Chantels You're welcome to my heart EX+/great Verve 20 Fitzgerald,Ella You're driving me crazy M-/great Verve 3 Prince Harold Born to please EX-/great Verve 15 Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Johnson,Jessie Be your man / same M-/test press/80's modern Electro Sound 15 Callier,Terry Sign of the times / Same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc co slv/modern dancer Elektra 10 Collins,leon I just wanna say I love you / Knowing I love you M-/BUBBLY VINYL/slight noise/2 great sides Elf 6 Berdell,Cheryl Giving it all to you M-/recommended Em.t 15 Fox,Tony Give it all up tonight M-/demo/recommended Emerald City 15 Devaughan,William I've never found a girl (to love like you do) / Be thankful...(sm wol) EX/UK/recommended EMI 12 Jones,Gloria I ain't going nowhere M-/UK/great version EMI 15 Pickett,Wilson Live with me M-/recommended EMI America 15 Pickett,Wilson Love of my life / I want you M-/2 great sides EMI America 12 100% Pure Poison You keep coming back M-/UK/superb EMI International 100 Black Nasty Gettin' funky 'round here / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great funk Enterprise 12 Hayes,Isaac Rolling down a mountainside M-/recommended Enterprise 15 Hayes,Isaac Rolling down a mountainside M-/demo/recommended Enterprise 20 Lewis,Barbara That's the way I like it M-/demo Enterprise 15 Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late (Orange label) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15 Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late (Yellow label) M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Epic 15 Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 12 Essence Lovin' you comes naturally / same M-/demo/recommended Epic 30 Final Touch I'm ready to give up my love / same-mono M-/w/demo/sl warp-nap/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 35 Final Touch I'm Ready To Give Up My Love/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 40 Freeman,George I'll be long gone (make my life shine) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 12 Jackson,Randy How can I be sure / Love song for kids EX/Inc Co slv/superb x-over/nice flip Epic 30 Jeffreys, Garland What does it take (to win your love) / same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb version Epic 20 Johnson,Alphonso & Diane Reeves Love's The Way I Feel 'bout Cha / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Epic 10 Joneses In love again / Rat race M-/2 great sides Epic 30 Joneses In love again / same M-/w/demo/ink stamp ol/superb Epic 20 Joneses In love again/same M-/w/demo/superb Epic 25 Joneses Who loves you / Lies M-/2 superb sides/rare Epic 75 Labelle,Patti It's alright with me / same M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Epic 15 Labelle,Patti It's alright with me/same M-/w/demo/recommended Epic 15 LaVette, Betty You made a believer out of me M-/Inc Co slv/superb Epic 75 Mothers Finest Love changes (love will make you oh so happy) M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Epic 6 Sons Of Robin Stone Let's do it now / It only happens in the movies M-/Inc Co slv/great/rare issue/sweet flip Epic 30 Strong,Barrett Stand up and cheer for the preacher / Inst. EX+/funk Epic 15 Wild Cherry 1 2 3 kind of love / same-mono M-/demo/recommended Epic 15 Haywood,Leon There ain't enough hate around to make me turn around M-/great Evejim 10 Godfrey, Ray Come and get these memories M-/superb version/great flip Event 5 Douglas,Ron I'm in love M-/demo/xol/great Excello 15 Washington,Jerry In My Life I've Loved EX-/nice Excello 5 Ware,Leon What's Your Name M-/recommended Fabulous 10 HE3 Project Just like magic M-/clear vinyl/superb modern Family Groove 75 Blackbyrds Whats On Your Mind M-/dancer/great Fantasy 10 Checkmates Ltd Take all the time you need / same-mono M-/demo/sm wol/superb Fantasy 30 Hoodoo Rhythm Devils Gotta lot of love in my soul M-/demo/UK/fantastic!!! Fantasy 20 Hoodoo Rhythm Devils Gotta lot of love in my soul / same-mono M-/demo/fantastic!!! Fantasy 15 McWilliams,Paulette Don't give your heart away EX-/recommended Fantasy 12 Muhammad,Idris For your love M-/demo/UK/superb Fantasy 10 Simmons,David It's a shame / Will they miss me M-/UK/demo/superb/awesome flip Fantasy 25 Three Pieces I need you girl / same (mono) M-/demo/superb Fantasy 25 Simmons,David Will they miss me / same-mono M-/demo/superb Fantasy WMOT 20 Sweet Thunder Baby, I need your love today M-/class-mellow Fantasy WMOT 8 Two Tons Never like this / Same M-/demo/superb/hard to find Fantasy/Honey 20 Murray,Clarence Please accept my love Please accept my love M-nice mid-tempo Federal 15 Merriweather, Bill That's love VG++/highly recommended Fee 25 Welch,Lenny I thank you love M-/recommended Fig 12 Ambitions When the fuel runs out / Same M-/w/demo/superb version Firefly 50 Cole,Freddy If I had your love M-/nice First Shot 12 Ross,Jackie Don't change your mind M-/w/demo/great Fountain 15 Yuro,Timi When something is wrong with my baby EX+/great version Frequency 25 Green,Bob I've never found a girl M-/pale blue lbl/great version Fretone 8 Green,Bob I've Never Found A Girl M-/white lbl/great version Fretone 8 Taylor,Pat Fold out girl / same EX-/demo/great Fretone 8 James,Willie Sweet lips and sensuous hips / long disco vers. M-great Friends & Co 8 Long,Eddie Mo jo workout M-/funk R&B/sm wol-flip Fun City 10 Gene Middleton & Funk Factory No one to love me (label sl off cntr) VG++/superb Funk Factory 60 Alexander,Margie Keep on searching M-/nice Future Stars 8 Carter,Clarence I couldn't refuse your love M-/great mid-tempo Future Stars 20 Taylor,Hersey Ain't gonna share your love M- Future Stars 10 Valentino I was born this way / same-mono M-/w/demo/great x-over Gaiee 12 Williams,Lenny How can I forget you / Feelin' blue (xol) M-/DEMO/superb x-over Galaxy 40 Intruders Devil with an angel's smile / same M-/w/demo/great Gamble 8 Guthrie,Gwen Family affair M-/great modern (1983) version Garage 12 Thomas,Vaneese Heading in the right direction M-/demo Geffen 6 Notations Think before you stop M-/recommended Gemigo 15 Notations Think before you stop/same M-/demo/recommended Gemigo 15 Jemison,Mike Bright light lady M-/funk Geneva 10 Edwards Generation School is in / Someone like you M-/recommended Ghetto 15 Bell,Archie & Drells Ain't nothing for a man in love M-/recommended Glades 15 Bell,Archie & Drells Dancing to your music M-/recommended Glades 15 Love Committee Cheaters never win / Where will it end M-/2 great sides Gold Mind 15 Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE KAPP LABEL) EX+/great/orig. label Gordo 20 Eric & Vikings I'm truly yours/same M-/w/demo/great Gordy 20 Eric & Vikings I'm truly yours / Where do you go (baby) M-/great Gordy 20 Militello,Bobby & Carn,Jean Let's stay together M-/flip lbl edge folded under lbl/great version Gordy 12 Militello,Bobby & Carn,Jean Let's stay together M-/w/demo/great version Gordy 15 Militello,Bobby & Carn,Jean Let's stay together M-/great version Gordy 15 Reeves,Martha & The Vandellas Love Guess Who M-/neat drill hole next to middle hole/fantastic!!! Gordy 20 Reeves,Martha & The Vandellas Love Guess Who M-/fantastic!!! Gordy 25 Undisputed Truth Save my love for a rainy day M-/great version Gordy 6 Undisputed Truth You got the love I need EX+/superb Gordy 15 Troutman,Tony I truly love you M-/stunning mid-tempo Gram-o-phon 15 Gaslight I'm only a man / I'm gonna get you M-/superb version/great flip too Grand Junction 20 Love,Jill Baby My way or hit the highway M-/great Grand Prix 10 Starr,Edwin I'll never forget you M-/superb x-over Granite 15 Brown,Sammy Got to leave this town M-/recommended Grassroots 15 Gerrard,Donny He's always somewhere around EX+/classic Greedy 8 Debra Can you remember M-/recommended Gree-jack 12 Williams,Bette Now that I'm gone EX+/demo Gregar 10 Caine,General All about you M-/sl lbl wear/recommended Groove Time 12 Caine,General All about you M-/recommended Groove Time 15 Exceptionals Unlucky girl / What about me M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great GRT 30 Liberation Don't spread your love around / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb GSF 40 Liberation Little green piece of paper M-/2 good sides GSF 15 Smith,Barry That's all that's required M-/great GSF 20 Etoria, Tony I can prove it EX-/UK/Inc Co slv/highly recommended GTO 10 Hines,Perry Stay M- Ham-Sem 8 Shields,Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man) EX+/superb Harbour 20 Shields,Billy I was a boy (when you needed a man)/same EX/demo/sol/wol/superb Harbour 20 Redding,Gene This heart M-/highly recommended Haven 15 Righteous Brothers Hold on (to what you got)(sm wol) / same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Haven 30 Righteous Brothers Hold on to what you got/same-mono (wol)) EX+/w/demo/superb Haven 30 Hot Ice Lady / Isn't it lonely M-/great/sweet flip Heavy Duty 40 Las Vegas Connection Running back to you / Can't nobody love me like you do M-/2 superb sides Hep'me 200 Chapter One Money won't do it, love will / Loan shark M-/2 great sides Heritage 15 McClure,Bobby Love trap / Was it something I said M-/demo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Hi 20 McClure,Bobby Love trap/Was it something I said M-/highly recommended Hi 30 Teacher's Edition It helps to make you strong VG+/demo/nice Hi 12 Brandon,Cal I kept on smilin M-/recommended Hit Man 40 Numonics Got to give love one more try/It's so easy to be mislead M-/good sides Hodisk 15 Numonics You lied / Forever and a day EX/2 great sides Hodisk 40 Larry & Accommodations Love is the answer M-/demo Holiday Inn 15 Cloud,Michael Check your direction M-/recommended Homark 20 Adams,Bobby Is it too late M-/ Home-Town 15 Moore,Bobby Call me your anything man M-/great Hot Line 10 Lee,Laura Wedlock is a padlock M-/UK/great Hot Wax 8 Lewis,Jimmy Help me understand you M-/nice mid-tempo Hotlanta 6 Mandells Don't turn your back on me / Now I know EX+/2 great sides Hour Glass 15 Evans,Margie I'm on my way M-/dancer/great ICA 8 Austin,Lee (The Burner) Missin' you / same M-/w/demo/sl label stain/great I-dentify 8 Meli,Debbie Take my love EX+/demo In 10 Hicks,Marva Looking over my shoulder M-/UK/superb Infinity 25 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 15 Nature's Divine I just can't control myself/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Infinity 20 Sir Wales Wallace What ever you want / I wish I could say… M-/recommended Innovation II 12 Thunderfunk Symphany Forty days (& forty nights) / Time to discover M-/w/demo/funk Innovation II 15 Glass House Playing games VG++/wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 10 Glass House Playing games EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/sl warp-nap/highly recommended Invictus 12 Glass House Playing games M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Invictus 15 Hunter,Ty I don't see me in your eyes / Hey there lonely girl M-/2 great sides Invictus 30 Payne,Freda You brought joy/Suddenly it's yesterday M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Invictus 3 Chocolate Syrup The goodness of love / Stop your cryin' VG+/plays well/wol-flip/great Ira 15 Christopher,Gavin Love has a face of its own / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Island 10 Lovemakers When you're next to me / same M-/w/demo/superb Island 30 Whitehead,Charlie Love being your fool M-/great Island 5 Arnold,Calvin Satisfy my woman M-/recommended IX Chains 8 Arnold,Calvin Satisfy my woman/same M-/w/demo/recommended IX Chains 10 Beverly,Charles Stop and think a minute / same M-/w/demo/awesome soul IX Chains 15 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine / inst M-/highly recommended IX Chains 25 Words Of Wisdom You're a friend of mine/same M-/w/demo/highly recommended IX Chains 30 Smoke Have I really lost you M-/classic x-over J.bridge 15 Nature's Creation Let's fire it up M-/w/demo/disco-funk Jamtu 10 Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa Never gonna let you go / same-long M-/fantastic/2nd press Jan 15 Freddie Hughes & The Chevelles I've got my own mind / I just found out EX-/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/2 superb x-over sides Janus 40 Sample,Hank So in love with you M-/recommended Jay-Walking 15 Sample,Hank So in love with you M-/w/demo/superb soul Jay-Walking 20 Otis,Johnny Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/labels reversed/highly recommended Jazz World 15 Otis,Johnny Show Hey boy! I want ya! M-/highly recommended Jazz World 20 Sir Charles Hughes You say you're leaving / Love me today M-/fantastic/great flip too Je-ena 150 Jones,Sammy She didn't know M-/recommended Jenesis 20 T.H.A.T. Lady, lady / What goes around comes around EX+/2 great sides Jeree 20 THAT I've got to have you / All I need M-/2 great sides Jeree 25 Brown,Charlie 'Cole Black' I've got your love M-/great x-over Jewel 8 Watts,Wendell Grooviest thing this side of heaven recommended Jiminie 30 Blendelles La la,the magic song EX+ Jotee 10 Controllers Feeling a feeling EX+/recommended Juana 12 Livin' Proof You and I M-/superb sweet Ju-par 15 Voices Of East Harlem Cashing in / I like having you around M-/DEMO/classic/superb flip too/rare demo Just Sunshine 100 Dobyne,Robert I can't get along without you EX+/sm wol/superb Kama Sutra 25 Dobyne,Robert I can't get along without you VG++/demo/superb Kama Sutra 25 Jones,Albert Unity M-/w/demo/superb x-over Kapp 40 Jones,Albert Unity M-/'SAMPLE COPY'-sol/wol/superb x-over Kapp 30 Two Tons Of Love Brown and beautiful (SEE GORDO LABEL) M-/recommended Kapp 15 Waters,Freddie It has to be love M-/wol/mid-tempo Kari 12 Facts Of Life Caught in the act (of getting' it on) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Kayvette 15 Jackson,Walter Touching in the dark M-/great Kelli-arts 10 Four Tees One more chance / Funky duck M-/recommended Kent 20 Four Tees One more chance/Funky duck M-/w/demo/recommended Kent 25 Jones,Jeanette The thought of you EX-/wol/label ring wear/w/demo Kent 10 Barnes,Myra Super good / Part 2 VG+/funk King 10 Brown,James World Pt. 2 / I Cried EX/tiny slight warp-nap/2 good sides King 3 Cherry Blend Warning of danger M-/funk/w/demo King 20 Edwards,Gloria Need nobody to keep up with my man M-/w/demo/recommended King 25 Samson & Delilah Living in a world of trouble M-/funk King James 20 Dash,Sarah Come And Take This Candy From Your Baby EX+/very sl warp-nap/great Kirshner 8 Clayton,Willie Love pain M-/superb Kirstee 15 Ingram,Luther Trying to find my love / Get to me M-/2 great sides KoKo 15 Tate,Tommy I ain't gonna worry/same M-/w/demo/great Koko 6 Tate,Tommy More power to you/I ain't gonna worry EX+/2 great sides Koko 10 Tate,Tommy More power to you / same M-/w/demo/great Koko 10 Tate,Tommy More power to you/same M-/demo/great Koko 10 Tate,Tommy School of life M-/superb Koko 10 Tate,Tommy School of life/same M-/demo/superb Koko 10 Phillips,Esther I've never found a man(to love me like you do) EX+/great version Kudu 15 Table Of Contents Wrapped around your finger M-/great version/recommended Lake 40 Williams,Willie The baa-baa song / Psyched out M-/superb/up-tempo funk flip Lakeside 30 Esquires Ain't gonna give it up M-/recommended Lamarr 15 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/wol/recommended Lamarr 20 Star-tels Falling in love with you girl M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Star-tels What more can I ask for M-/recommended Lamarr 25 Cutchins,Bobby I did it again M-/superb Lasso 10 Cutchins,Bobby I did it again M-/Inc pic. slv/superb Lasso 12 Zetterberg, Sven Heartaches was all you got EX+/Sweden/superb Last Buzz 60 Hebb,Bobby True I love you M-/recommended Laurie 20 Beck Family Falling in love again / Can you feel it M-/2 great sides Lejoint 10 Beck Family Falling in love again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Lejoint 8 Laws,Ronnie Stay awake M-/great Liberty 8 Allen,Vee Love is all around me/Don't go to strangers M-/great x-over Lion 25 Allen,Vee Love is all around me/Trying to forget EX-/great x-over Lion 15 Allen,Vee Love is all around me / Trying to forget M-/w/demo/great x-over Lion 25 We The People You made me / Right now EX/2 great sides Lion 15 Family Feeling what you wanna feel / Trump tight M-/w/demo/x-over/funk flip Little City 15 Family My song to you/Music M-/great slowy/funk flip Little City 8 Washington,Harold I want you back M-/recommended Little House 30 Dyer,Louis I wanna make love to you / Lonely drifter M-/2 superb sides Little Star 10 Humphrey,Paul/Cool Aid Chemists Cool aid M-/great funk instrumental Lizard 6 Hardie,Celeste Thank you love / inst. M-/nice Loadstone 8 Elbert,Donnie Where did our love go M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great London 5 Sease,Marvin I belong to you M-/nice mid-tempo London 6 Price,Lloyd Love music / What did you do with my love M-/2 superb sides LPG 10 Price,Lloyd Feelin' good / Cupid's bandwagon (2 x's ol) M-/2 great sides Ludix 20 Jacocks,Bill You are the one / Fickle finger M-/2 superb sides Maggio 25 Jacocks,Bill You are the one/Fickle finger M-/Inc promo sheet/2 superb sides Maggio 30 Jackson,JJ Let me try again M-/highly recommended Magna Glide 10 Crumley, Ray All the way in love with you / It's uncanny M-/German/Inc EX pic slv/highly recommended Magnet 25 Brown,J.T. Like taking candy from a baby M-/superb Mahogany 30 Brown,J.T. Like taking candy from a baby / same EX+/w/demo/superb Mahogany 40 Huff,Terry Just not enough love M-/recommended Mainstream 8 Huff,Terry Where there's a will (there's a way) M-/great Mainstream 8 Perry, Linda It's all in the back of me now M-/superb Mainstream 75 Vaughan,Sarah I need you more (than ever now) M-/superb Mainstream 40 Vaughan,Sarah I need you more (than ever now) / same M-/w/demo/superb Mainstream 30 Formula Five Back to love M-/vg++ flip/nice m-tempo Malaco 5 Moore,Dorothy Girl overboard M-/recommended Malaco 8 Moore,Dorothy We need more loving time) M-/A TIP !!/recommended Malaco 10 Bailey,Jr I'll always be your lover / same M-/demo/nice Mam 15 Gomez,Jesse Lace / Baby I'm coming at you VG++/DJ ink stamp ol/2 superb sides Mankind 50 Gomez,Jesse Lace / Baby I'm coming at you (wol) M-/2 superb sides Mankind 75 Hill ZZ Chokin' kind M-/nice Mankind 10 Martin,Hazel Out of my life M-/recommended Marco 30 Johnson,Al Too late / I'll do anything for you M-/great/awesome flip Marina 10 Kirton,Lew Do what you want… / Come on with it M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Marlin 10 Washington,Baby Care free M-/recommended Master Five 10 Washington,Baby I've got to break away M-/great Master Five 5 Faith Hope & Charity So much love EX/great/label damage Maxwell 5 Garner Jr.,Emmett So much better M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic x-over Maxwell 20 Sophisticated Ladies Check It Out M-/highly recommended/what A Voice!!!! Mayhew 8 Cheatham,Oliver Something about you M-/Inc Co slv/great MCA 5 El Chicano One more night M-/Sweden/Inc EX Pic slv/wol-flip/woc-back/superb MCA 60 Hudson,Al & Soul Partners You can do it/Same-mono M-/w/demo/classic MCA 6 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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