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Just wanted everyone to know (if you don't know),  that John Rhys collapses having some sort of episode where he stops breathing. 

Here's the email Matt Lucas mailed me earlier today:

"Hi, I just got off the phone with John Rhys and a week ago today he almost died.  His wife gave him cpr for over a half hour before the Medics got there. 

He had to get a Pacemaker put in but seems in good sprits now.   His heart was beating to slow  they said and he has more energy now.

He told me he will be at the Detroit a go go show next year, hopefully."

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John just sent me this :

"Last Wednesday morning at 9:16 am my heart had slowed to less than 10 beats per minute. I had a problem called Bradycardia. I now have a new pacemaker and I feel like an 18 year old. Like Scrooge on Christmas morning. A whole new lease on life."

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