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Secret Stash Christmas Goodies Competition

Secret Stash Christmas Goodies Competition magazine cover

As a thank you for the amazing response, support and sales of The Sharpees - Go On And Laugh and the pre reserves on the next release Otis Clay - I Got A Problem B/W Thank You Love due out very soon we thought it might be a little fun and festive to do a little competition to win some 45's and Secret Stash record vouchers which are valid for one issue copy of any future 45 release from the One-derful series, three record vouchers plus 3 copies of The Sharpees 45, so that's three prizes of voucher and 45.

To enter simply send name and details via email to bicknellmark@aol.com will then draw the three winners out of the hat Christmas Eve simple.

Massive thanks to everyone who has supported the label this year, some stunning new releases in the mix to look forward to in the new year.


Mark Bicknell.  


A late PS

We are proud to announce the next Secret Stash/One-derful release after Otis Clay will be an M-Pac double header from The Ringleaders - Baby. What Has Happened To Our Love (Alternate take 28) B/W All Of My Life AKA Sweet Little Girl taken for the original studio master sounding the best it's ever sounded,  to pre reserve PM here via @Mark Bicknell or email bicknellmark@aol.com

Demo £20.00 and Issue £12.00 plus postage, no payment required until release.

The Alternate take of the iconic record adds to the mystique of The Ringleaders, coming soon in 2017.  See below for new 45 flyer







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