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Soul Source Events - Event List Improvements

Some layout improvements for the 'event list' feature in the Soul Source Event Guide 


When browsing events you do have 4 options to view the events by

1. Week View - The default view - the current week ahead

2. Month View - The 'calendar' view - the current month

3. Day view - The daily view - a certain days events

4. List View - A list view -  the next upcoming 100 

the 'list view ' has had some layout improvements

you can now use it to get a list of all upcoming weekenders, allnighters, live events etc etc 

as always a picture says it better



Now fully featured like the other 'views'- eg if you hover over an event you get all the event guide info - rsvps, map, # of comments, address etc 


away you go

The Soul Source Event Guide - free and easy!


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