Henry Posted November 1, 2016 Posted November 1, 2016 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! Northern / R&B / 60's Soul Turley Freedom mountain M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Warner Bros 6 Baby Little & Playboys Big time playboy M-/R&B/great Watts Way 30 Sensations Too shy/Please baby please M-/VG++ flip/2 great sides Way Out 15 Springers I know my baby loves me so vg+/w/demo Way Out 8 Debanairs Feel all right/Everything I need M-/superb/great flip too W-BS 20 Hughes,Freddie Send my baby back/Where's my baby M-/first label/great Wee 20 Del-vons All I did was cry EX-/great group slowie Wells 8 Magictones Happy days M-/superb Westbound 25 Lamp,Buddy I wanna go home/You've got the loving touch EX-/2 great sides Wheelsville 35 Experts You're bein' brainwashed baby M-/great Whirl World 15 Powell, Bobby I'm gonna leave you/Hold my hand M-/great Whit 15 Powell, Bobby Thank you EX-/w/demo/wol-flip/great mid-tempo R&B/rare Whit 5 Powell, Bobby What Are You Trying To Do To Me EX+/nice mid paced R&B Whit 10 Damon's Orient Express,Liz You're falling in love EX+/great White Whale 8 Scott,Walter Silly girl/Just you wait M-/demo/v. sl. warp-nap/great White Whale 12 Vanguards I can't use you girl M-/highly recommended Whiz 15 Dubs Just you EX+/great Wilshire 15 Dubs Just you M-/demo/great Wilshire 20 Tymes This time it's love M-/classic Winchester 15 Tymes This Time It's Love EX/w/demo/wol/recommended Winchester 15 Tymes This time it's love EX+/w/demo/sol/classic Winchester 20 Five Stairsteps Playgirl's love M-/superb Windy C 12 Five Stairsteps You can't see/Ain't gonna rest M-/great Windy C 12 Savoy, Ronnie Loving you/Memories linger EX+/w/demo/2 great sides/rare demo Wingate 30 Quaite,Christine In the middle of the floor EX+/recommended World Artists 15 Stereos Mumbling word EX/wol/recommended World Artists 25 Church,Eugene Dollar bill M-/demo/great World Pacific 25 Cortez & Entertainers Life/I sent her back (to to the home she loves) M-/recommended Your Town 25 Johnson,Syl Surrounded/straight Love No Chaser M-/superb R&B Zachron 15 Larry & Rexettes/Johnson,Larry That ain't all/Mercy EX+/R&B/great inst. Flip Zorro 20 Cormier,Myra G O 2 & the rest of it/Pleasant dreams M-/demo/2 good sides ZZZ 20 Peterman, Pat Love the way you do your thing M-/demo/highly recommended 123 30 Bracelets You're just fooling yourself EX/wol/recommended/rarer issue 20th Century 50 Fashions A lover's stand M-/Inc Co slv/recommended 20th Century 15 Lancelot,Rick That's my bag VG+/w/demo 20th Century 8 Renay,Diane Unbelievable guy EX/sm sol-flip/great 20th Century 5 Buck Rogers Movement Take it from me girl M-/highly recommended 21st Century 100 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on EX-/great 4J 35 Mr. Tears (Paris) Don't lead me on M-/great 4J 40 Robert John Raindrops, love and sunshine/When the party is over (2 x's ol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides A&M 75 Tempo,Nino & 5th Ave Sax Sister James EX+/Inc Co slv/2 x's ol/great A&M 12 Tempo,Nino & 5th Ave Sax Sister James M-/w/demo/great/rare demo A&M 25 Dotson,Jimmy Gone, gone, gone/To be your lover M-/2 great sides Aar O Dot 15 Ballard,Flo Florence Love ain't love/Forever faithful EX+/great ABC 20 Ballard,Flo Florence Love ain't love/Forever faithful EX+/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides ABC 25 Barnes,Orthea Your Picture On The Wall/Same As Before M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 50 Bishop, Eddie Call me EX-/wol/Inc Co slv/superb version/classic/rarer issue ABC 175 Charles,Ray Hide 'nor hair EX+/sm ink stamp ol-flip/good version ABC 10 Charles,Ray I don't need no doctor M-/Inc Co slv/classic ABC 30 Charles,Ray Something inside me M-/recommended ABC 15 Cotillions Sometimes I get lonely M-/Inc Co slv/great ABC 20 Dorsey,Jackie Sweetheart baby EX/w/demo/great ABC 15 Earls It's Been A Long Time Coming/My Lonely Lonely Room M-/wol/superb ABC 20 Earls It's been a long time coming/My lonely lonely room M-/w/demo/ink stamp-date ol/superb ABC 30 Elites You'll break two hearts/Tree of love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too ABC 40 Harris & The Vanguards,Van Hey, hey (feel alright Pt. I/Pt. II) EX+/recommended ABC 10 Keyes,Troy Love explosion M-/Inc Co slv/great ABC 15 Lockettes I Love The Boy Who Lives Next Door EX+/Inc Co Slv/superb/rare issue ABC 200 Lockettes I Love The Boy Who Lives Next Door (v sl sm lbl stain) EX/w/demo/sm lbl dmg-flip/Inc Co Slv/superb ABC 150 Marvelows I Do M-/superb ABC 10 Mer-lyn Promise M-/w/demo/wol/recomnded ABC 50 O'Brien,Betty You can't stop me from dreaming/I don't feel a thing M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides ABC 40 Ruby & The Romantics Twilight time (stmol) EX+/Inc Co slv/superb ABC 12 Sapphires Thank you for loving me / Our love is everywhere M-/great ABC 10 Shakers One wonderful moment EX/EX- flip/classic ABC 25 Tams Trouble maker/Laugh at the world M-/2 great sides ABC 10 Tandy,Sharon I've found love M-/w/demo/great ABC 25 Taylor,Rosemary I really got it bad for my baby M-/w/demo/great ABC 15 Top Notes I love you so much/It's all right EX-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides ABC 25 Washington,Jeanette Baby Let Love Go By EX/recommended ABC 60 We Two Way down deep inside EX-/w/demo/wol/great ABC 25 White, Danny One little lie M-/w/demo/xol-flip/recommended ABC 30 Mathis,Lucille Somewhere out there/same M-/demo/nice mid-tempo A-bet 10 Swann,Bettye The heartache is gone M-/Inc Co slv/superb A-bet 15 Wiggins,Percy That's Loving You M-/demo/classic A-bet 100 Hines,Sonny Nothing like your love M-/great R&B Airtown 10 Jackson,Chuck Never let me go/Come on and love me M-/his first record ? Alcar 15 Emanons Look in the want ads/One heart M-/dancer/group-flip/Inc pic slv All Brothers 10 Harper,Willie Power of love/Your gonna pay M-/w/demo/wol Alon 12 Wright,Betty Sweet Lovin' Daddy/girls Can't Do What The Guys Do M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Alston 8 Carl,Carolyn Spend my whole life/same-mono EX+/w/demo/highly recommended Ampex 10 McPhatter,Clyde I belong to you VG+/nice mid-tempo Amy 5 Walker,Anna & Crownettes You don't know/Ode to Billy Joe EX+/demo/R&B/2 great sides Amy 30 Clark,Delores Livin' to please M-/recommended Antares 60 Florence,Tina Too much for me, baby M-/Inc Co slv/great Apt 40 Guy, Bobby Good enough (stmol) EX+/paint spot ol/Inc Co slv/superb Apt 100 Dawkins,Earl & Aqua Lads Ain't Gonna Ride/My friend, the fool (autographed) M-/2 great sides Aqua 75 Love, Candace Never in a million years M-/nice Aquarius 15 Williams, Ken Anytime you want me M-/w/demo?/blue-eyed ARA 15 Mason, Barbara Ain't got nobody EX-/stmol-flip/great Arctic 20 Mason, Barbara Ain't got nobody M-/recommended Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Ain't got nobody M-/"D-J" stamp on flip/great Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Bobby, Is My Baby EX/wol-flip/superb Arctic 25 Mason, Barbara Half a love M-/w/demo/fantastic Arctic 30 Dells Good-bye Mary Ann(demo) M-/DEMO/great Argo 25 James, Etta Seven day lover M-/lite label ring wear/superb R&B Argo 35 Nash,Johnny Strange Feeling M-/great Argo 15 Northern,Tony Covered with money M-/lite wol/superb Ariel 40 Fisher,Shelley Big city lights M-/great Aries 15 Aesops Fables Girl Ive Got News For You M-/w/demo/superb Atco 30 Chapman,Andy Double your satisfaction/Happy is the man M-/w/demo Atco 20 Cooper,Les & Soulrockers Gonna have a lot of fun M-/recommended Atco 25 King,Ben E Amor M-/great Atco 8 King,Ben E The record EX/superb mid-tempo Atco 15 King,Ben E The record EX+/w/demo/superb mid-tempo Atco 25 Lee,Marva Lover boy M-/warp-nap/great Atco 12 Lee,Marva Lover boy M-/tiny warp-nap/great Atco 15 O'Henry,Lenny Sweet young love M-/great newy Atco 15 O'Henry,Lenny Sweet young love M-/w/demo/great newy Atco 20 Precisions New York City M-/great Atco 15 Sharp,Dee Dee Bye Bye Baby/my Best Friend's Man M-/2 superb sides/Inc Co slv/recommended Atco 15 Taylor,Ted River's invitation EX-/great Atco 10 Taylor,Ted River's invitation M-/great Atco 12 Moore,Henry She's a lover M-/recommended Athens 15 Drifters The outside world/Follow me EX/2 great sides Atlantic 12 Drifters The outside world/Follow me M-/w/demo/2 great sides Atlantic 20 Greenwood,Johnny I'm crawling back M-/Inc Co slv/w/demo/great Atlantic 15 Jackson,Deon You said you love me M-/great Atlantic 30 Jackson,Deon You said you love me EX-/w/demo/great Atlantic 35 Jackson,Deon You said you love me EX/w/demo/great Atlantic 40 Jo Ann & Troy Who Do You Love M-/Inc Co slv/R&B/recommended Atlantic 10 La Belle,Patti & Blue Belles Wonderful M-/great Atlantic 10 Lewis,Barbara Don't forget about me M-/great Atlantic 12 Lewis,Barbara Don't forget about me M-/w/demo/wol/great Atlantic 15 Lewis,Barbara I say love M-/great Atlantic 10 Lewis,Barbara If you love her/Straighten up your heart(sm wol) M-/Canadian/2 great sides Atlantic 20 Lewis,Barbara Sho-nuff/Thankful for what I got M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Atlantic 15 Matthews,Shirley You can count on that/Big-town boy EX/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Atlantic 15 Matthews,Shirley You can count on that/Big-town boy (label wear) M-/2 great sides Atlantic 12 Thomas,Carla For you M-/recommended Atlantic 10 Thomas,Carla The puppet EX-/w/demo/wol/nice Atlantic 15 Washington,Ella Bye, Bye Baby M-/w/demo/recommended Atlantic 40 Incredibles Without a word/Standing here crying M-/w/demo/great Audio Arts 20 Velons That's all right/That's what love can do EX-/superb/great group slowie on flip B.J.M. 150 Carlton,Carl Sure miss loving you M-/demo/great Back Beat 8 Carlton,Little Carl Why don't they leave us alone M-/#627/great Back Beat 12 Hinton,Joe Got You On My Mind EX+/feint sm ink stamp ol/superb Back Beat 50 Imaginations Wait a little longer son (sol) EX-/w/demo/great Ballad 30 Voice Masters Never gonna leave you / If a woman catches a fool M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Bamboo 50 Arrows Bring Back The One I Love M-/very slight warp-nap/great Bandit 15 Beaumont, Jimmy I Feel Like i'm Falling In Love EX-/great Bang 8 Rose Colored Glass Can't find the time M-/nice Bang 10 Vic & The Catalinas Talkin about my girl M-/recommended Bar Clay 60 Hysong,Don Baby here's my heart EX-/great Bard 10 Caroll, Yvonne & The Roulettes Stuck on you EX/Canada/2 feint stmol-flip/great Barry 40 Martin Sisters Only seventeen M-/w/demo/nice Barry 15 Rivera,Hector At the party/Do it to me EX+/2 greats sides Barry! 20 Jenkins,Earl Duke Misusin' Me M-/recommended Bee 20 Jenkins,Earl Duke Misusin' Me EX-/w/demo/recommended Bee 25 Jenkins,Earl Duke Misusin' Me M-/w/demo/recommended Bee 30 Attractions That girl is mine EX+/superb Bell 30 Attractions That girl is mine (xol) EX-/superb Bell 25 Bartholomew Plus Three She's Mine/you're Not There EX-/demo/great Bell 20 Dearborn,Billie You Need Me To Love You EX/sm clear sol/recommended/rare issue Bell 50 Graham,Rita Can I go with you M-/w/demo/nice ballad Bell 10 O'jays I'm So Glad I Found You M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Bell 15 Turner,Titus Sportin' Tom EX/great R&B Bell 30 Inspirations Gotta Find A New Love/i Can Feel It M-/previously unreleased/2 superb sides Benn-x 20 Davis,Curtis Your love and my money EX+/demo/wol-flip/great funk soul Bev-mar 40 Occasions There's No You M-/superb Big Jim 20 Johnson,Lou If I Never Get To Love You M-/great Bigtop 20 Johnson,Lou If I Never Get To Love You EX+/w/demo/xol-flip/Inc Co sleeve/great Bigtop 25 Parakeets I want you right now (feint wol & stmol) / I love you like I do EX-/w/demo/great/nice flip too Bigtop 85 Sterling,Spencer Jilted M-/lite xol/Inc Co slv/recommended Bigtop 40 Bitter/Sweet Once again/Living on love M-/blue-eyed mid-tempo Bitter/Sweet 10 Ad Libs He Aint No Angel/ask Anybody M-/great Blue Cat 15 Jones, Linda You hit me like T.N.T. EX+/ink stamp ("NR") ol/superb classic Blue Cat 250 Soul Brothers I got a dream/Keep it up M-/ink stamp ol/2 great sides Blue Cat 15 Brothers Of Love Check My Love EX+/superb Blue Rock 40 Brothers Of Love Check My Love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Blue Rock 60 Brothers Of Love Yes I am VG+/recommended Blue Rock 10 Brothers Of Love Yes I am M-/recommended Blue Rock 15 Chi-Lites I'm so jealous/The mix mix song EX+/2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday VG+/recommended Blue Rock 15 Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday M-/recommended Blue Rock 30 Leaders You are the one I love/It's funny how fast you forgot me M-/Inc Co sleeve/2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Leavill,Otis It's The Same Old Me/let Me Live M-/2 great sides Blue Rock 25 Little,Little Rose Bye bye big boy M-/sl warp-nap/demo/great Blue Rock 15 Little,Little Rose Bye bye big boy M-/great Blue Rock 20 Little,Little Rose Bye bye big boy M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Blue Rock 20 Warwick,Dee Dee We're doing fine VG++/superb Blue Rock 15 Turner,Ike & Tina Crazy bout you baby M-/great R&B Blue Thumb 15 Barnes,Sidney Talkin bout a shindig/New York city (sm ink stamp ol) EX+/sl label wear/2 great sides Blues Tone 40 Pittsburgh Phil Don't tell her lies M-/great Bob Cat 15 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/superb/original label Bob-Joy 40 Velvets,The & Louis Prejean Estelle Parker EX/EX- flip/recommended Bofuz 65 Emotions I can't stand no more heartaches M-/great Brainstorm 10 Lovells Here come the heartaches(ink stamp ol)/My time to cry EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 40 Lovells Here come the heartaches/My Time To Cry VG++/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 35 Lovells Here come the heartaches/My time to cry M-/superb/great flip too/rare issue Brent 40 Tillman,Bertha Lovin' time VG+/feint wol/recomnded Brent 8 Tillman,Bertha Lovin' time EX+/recommended Brent 15 Wood,Brenton Good lovin'/I want love EX+/demo/2 great sides Brent 25 Wood,Brenton Sweet Molly Malone/I want love EX+/2 great sides Brent 50 Fats Domino Work my way up steady M-/R&B Broadmoor 20 Artistics Price Of Love M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Brunswick 25 Barry,Len 1 2 3/Bullseye EX+/UK/noc Brunswick 3 Chandler,Gene & Acklin,Barbara Will I find love M-/recommended Brunswick 15 Chi-Lites Give it away M-/recommended Brunswick 12 Holmes,Sherlock What An Argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40 Sweethearts No no M-/y/demo Brunswick 15 Symphonics Silent kind of guy M-/great Brunswick 20 Wilson,Jackie Since You Showed Me How To Be Happy/the Who Who Song M-/OH SO GOOD!!! The Master! Brunswick 15 Young Holt Unlimited Soulful strut EX+/Inc Co slv/great inst Brunswick 8 Esquires You say M-/recommended Bunky 5 Moore,Bernie Forty-five rpm's EX+/great Burdett 20 Martin,Derek Moving hands of time M-/great Buttercup 10 Maze Chained To Your Heart M-/great version Calla 15 Witches,The & A Warlock Heavenly love EX-/recommended Calla 25 Witches,The & A Warlock Heavenly love M-/demo/recommended Calla 30 Knight,Terry Come Home, Baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 20 Knight,Terry Come Home, Baby EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 25 Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing EX-/great Cameo 8 Orlons Crossfire !/It's No Big Thing M-/Inc EX+ colour picture sleeve/great Cameo 12 Sharp,Dee Dee There Ain't Nothin I Wouldn't Do For You M-/yellow demo/1st issue/#347/superb Cameo 25 Williams,Maurice & Inspirations The day has come M-/w/demo/nice mid-tempo Candi 20 Washington,Michael Stay mine/inst. M-/great Cap City 15 Diamond,Randy I can't live without you/Giving you my love M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30 Drew,Patti He`s The One M-/superb Capitol 25 Drew,Patti He's The One M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 25 Drew,Patti He's the one M-/demo/superb Capitol 30 Drew,Patti I've been here all the time M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10 Hal & Jean Don't tell me lies M-/Inc Co slv/great R&B Capitol 15 Harris,Jill You really didn't mean it/His kiss M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30 Holloway, Patrice Love and desire (promo sol)/Ecstasy M-/w/demo/2 superb sides Capitol 150 Hollywood Jills A good thing baby/He makes me so mad EX-/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 25 Houston,Eddie I can't go wrong/That's how much M-/demo/2 great sides Capitol 30 Jackson,Jerry Take over now EX+/recommended Capitol 20 Jades Ain't it funny what love can do M-/Inc Co slv/demo/great version Capitol 20 Love,Marian The right to cry EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version Capitol 25 Love,Marian The right to cry M-/demo/superb version Capitol 30 Magnificent Men Forever together M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 25 Magnificent Men I've got news for you EX-/superb Capitol 40 Magnificent Men I've got news for you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 50 Magnificent Men Tired of pushing M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 15 Mosley,Robert Crazy bout my baby/Goodbye my lover goodbye EX+/2 great sides Capitol 15 Rawls,Lou You're good for me M-/great Capitol 10 Sam & The Iridescents Without my sugar M-/demo/recommended Capitol 30 Sweet Things Don't throw your love to the wind M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 12 Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/sl lbl damage/great Capitol 15 Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/great Capitol 20 Wilson,Nancy The end of our love EX-/xol-flip/classic Capitol 12 Wilson,Nancy The end of our love EX+/classic Capitol 15 Leon & Metronomes I'll catch you on the rebound M-/w/demo/recomnded Carnival 40 Lovettes I Need A Guy EX/fantastic! Carnival 75 Lovettes I Need A Guy M-/feint wol/fantastic! Carnival 75 Lovettes Little miss soul EX/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25 Lovettes Little miss soul M-/superb Carnival 30 Manhattans I bet'cha (couldn't love me) EX+/w/demo/sm wol/recommended Carnival 20 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide Crossover / 70's / Modern Soul Bell,William Tryin To Love Two M-/great Mercury 5 Black & Blue What I Got/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Mercury 100 Butler,Jerry High Stepper M-/recommended Mercury 12 Carmine & Co What would I do without your love/What's in store(inst) M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great/Inst flip Mercury 30 Chandler,Gene Groovy situation M-/recommended Mercury 6 Del Royals Some Kind Of Wonderful/same EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Mercury 40 Dells Our love M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Mercury 8 Five Special The more I get to know you M-/superb Mercury 20 Five Special The more I get to know you/Part II M-/demo/superb/rare Mercury 30 Heaven & Earth Let's work it out/How do you think you're gonna find love M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Mercury 15 Joneses Name Of The Game (pt 1)/ Same (pt 2) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Mercury 15 Mark IV You're just like a dream M-/nice Mercury 6 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/recommended Mercury 25 Notations Judy blue eyes M-/demo/recommended Mercury 30 Oliver,David Friends & strangers M-/great Mercury 5 Silvester,Tony Soca/pazuzu M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Mercury 6 Taylor,Gloria Unyielding/Yesterday will never come again M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Mercury 20 Band Of Oz Love sickness M-/gold vinyl/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 Band Of Oz Snap your fingers M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 East Coast Rivieras Donna M-/nice mid-tempo Metro 8 North Tower Living just for loving you M-/recommended Metro 10 Jones,Tamiko Cross My Heart M-/superb x-over/rare issue Metromedia 40 Winstons Color him father EX/classic x-over Metromedia 15 Gaynor,Gloria Honey Bee (sm Label Edge Split)/Come Tonight EX-/recommended MGM 8 Gaynor,Gloria Honey bee/same-mono M-/w/demo/sm ink stamp ol/great MGM 8 Ovations One in a million M-/highly recommended MGM SoM 20 Ovations Touching me M-/stmol-flip/nice MGM SoM 8 Bailey, J.R. You pass my love like a moving train M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Coggswell,Alice Hey good lover / You just lead the way (I'll be right behind) M-/2 nice sides Midland Int'l 8 Lords Since I fell for you/same M-/demo/recommended Mikim 25 Weston,Kim Little by little and bit by bit/same-mono M-/demo/recommended Mikim Volt 12 Bay Brothers What Does It Take (to Win Your Love)/same-mono M-/demo/great version Millennium 75 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/same-mono M-/demo/great Millennium 20 N'Cole You're gonna need this love/Thank you for the love M-/2 great sides Millennium 30 Stage IV Just another guy M-/awesome Millie 20 Players Why did I lie M-/superb Minit 30 Players Why did I lie EX/demo/wol-flip/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie EX+/demo/sm wol/superb Minit 35 Players Why did I lie M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Minit 40 Coffee Say it, it's good to you M-/nice MIR 8 Edwards,Dee I Can Deal With That M-/modern version/great Morning Glory 12 Jacobs,Barbara There will never be another M- Morning Glory 8 Bottom & Company Spread The News/same M-/w/demo/great Motown 20 Bottom & Company You're my life/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 15 Cameron,GC You're what's missing in my life/same M-/white label test press/handwritten details/superb/rare Motown 25 Cameron,GC You're what's missing in my life/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Motown 25 Darin,Bobby Melodie (wol) / same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 30 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is (vocal/inst) M-/funky Motown 10 Devastating Affair You don't know how hard it is/(inst-both sides) M-/w/demo/funky Motown 8 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Deception EX/highly recommended Motown 12 Dynamic Superiors One-nighter/Leave it alone M-/highly recommended Motown 15 Hutch,Willie Just another day EX/superb Motown 10 Hutch,Willie Talk to me EX-/superb Motown 10 Hutch,Willie Talk to me M-/superb Motown 12 Lavette,Bettye I can't stop/same M-/w/demo Motown 10 Lavette,Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love) M-/great Motown 8 Lavette,Bettye Right in the middle (of falling in love/same) M-/w/demo/great Motown 10 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/Nothing can take the place.. M-/superb/great flip too Motown 30 Originals Good lovin' is just a dime away/same-mono EX+/w/demo/superb Motown 30 Ross,Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/recommended Motown 12 Ross,Diana We can never light that old flame again/same M-/w/demo/pic slv/recommended Motown 15 Ross,Diana & Supremes & I'll try something new (& Temptations) M-/fantastic version Motown 10 Ross,Diana & Supremes & I'll try something new/same (& Temptations) EX-/w/demo/red vinyl Motown 15 Ruffin,David Love can be hazardous to your health M-/great Motown 10 Ruffin,David Rode by the place where we used to stay EX+/superb Motown 30 Ruffin,David Walk away from love EX/classic/awesome Motown 10 Starr,Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer) EX+/recommended Motown 15 Starr,Edwin Love (the lonely people's prayer)/same EX+/w/demo/recommended Motown 20 Supremes You're my driving wheel/same M-/w/demo/nice Motown 6 Supremes You're what's missing in my life M-/recommended Motown 15 Cameron,GC Don't wanna play pajama games/same M-/w/demo/recommended Mowest 15 Gardner,Don Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy M-/like new condition/superb Mr. G 40 Middleton,Tony Let me down easy VG+ Mr. G 6 Kendricks,Eddie I'm in love with you M-/recommended Ms. Dixie 20 Eviruin,Maye Lady's of the 80's/Same-inst M-/good modern Music International 10 Korla With Klass Stop Before You Start M-/dish-nap/superb Music Master 150 Brotherly Love Mama's little baby (loves lovin') VG+ Music Merchant 5 Solid State I'm gonna make you mine/inst. M-/great Music Town 30 Drake,Tony Lets play house EX+/nice mid-tempo Musicor 15 S.O.U.L. This time around/On top of the world EX+/2 superb sides Musicor 15 Lynch,Frank Young Girl/same-mono M-/demo/superb My 50 West,Paula You're the trouble/Where do I go from here M-/funk Nale 10 Bits And Pieces Did I scare you/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over NASCO 25 Silk Nature boy/inst. M-/2x'sol/x-over/great Nation 30 Five Wagers Until I found you M-/recommended Nation Time 15 Shaw,James Got to get me a wife/Guilty of adultry M-/x-over/2 great sides Nation-Wide 15 Chappell,Eddie/Szkolny,Terry Hey baby/Brother man M-/w/demo?/2 superb sides Natru 25 Poole,Jay I Love You/Funky Music M-/superb mid-tempo/FIRST LABEL/funk flip Ne-bo 25 O'Jays One night affair/There's someone M-/x-over/2 great sides Neptune 15 Honeycutt,Johnny Loving you M-/superb New City 20 Candy Coated People Roads/Time to love M-/2 great sides New York Sound Co 15 Wright,Bill How can I hit the ball (when you won't let me bat) M-/w/demo?/FUNK Note 25 Chi-lites Hard act to follow M-/modern-'85 Nuance 8 Gibbs,Doug I'll always have you there / Cloudy day M-/2 great sides Oak 10 Waters,Freddie I'm afraid to let you into my life/I'm gonna walk right out of your life M-/2 great sides October 15 Lance,Major Without A Doubt EX/superb Okeh 40 Prysock,Arthur All I Need Is You Tonight M-/great Old Town 10 Newday Wait a minute M-/superb x-over On Top 15 Lance,Major I got a right to cry EX+/w/demo/v sl warp-nap/great version Osiris 50 Lance,Major You're everthing I need/inst. M-/great Osiris 10 Pure Velvet Hooked on your love/I'm tired of dreaming M-/w/demo/2 great sides Osiris 40 Entertainers Why ?/Po boy M-/2 nice sides Ovide 15 Masters Of Soul Count The Times M-/bubbly vinyl-plays fine/nice Ovide 10 Parker,Winfield I Wanna Be With You M-/superb P&L 30 Gary Toms Empire Love me right/Same-long version M-/demo/highly recommended P.I.P. 30 Brown,Randy I wanna make love to you M-/Inc Co slv/superb Parachute 8 Brown,Randy You says it all/same M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parachute 10 Clifford,Linda March across the land M-/great Paramount 15 Courtney,Dean It makes me nervous/You're all I've got M-/2 great sides Paramount 25 Two Tons Of Love What good am I without you(lite lbl stain)/Same-Spanish EX+/w/demo/audible scratch-Spanish side/awesome! Paramount 75 First Class Laying my heart on the line M-/nice Park-way 12 Montclairs I Need You More Than Ever M-/superb Paula 15 Montclairs Unwanted love EX/superb Paula 15 Montclairs Unwanted love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/rare demo Paula 30 Robinson,Roscoe Let me be myself M-/w/demo/superb Paula 15 Clayton,Willie Hello, how have you been? M-/demo/nice mid-tempo Pawn 15 Guess,George Do it to death M-/recommended Pearl Harbor 10 Jon,Leslie Never want to lose this feeling M-/2x's ol/great x-over Pelegrin Sands 25 Weston,Kim Danger, Heartbreak Ahead M-/great People 5 Eight Minutes Looking for a brand new game/Find the one who loves you M-/great/sweet flip Perception 10 Perry,Oscar Main String EX/highly recommended Peri-tone 40 Originals The magic is you M-/recommended Phase II 15 Originals The magic is you EX+/w/demo/recommended Phase Ii 20 Bell,Archie & Drells Everybody Have A Good Time/same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 6 Bell,Archie & Drells Old People M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 30 Bell,Archie & Drells Old People M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve/rare issue Phil. Int. 30 Bell,Archie & Drells Where Will You Go When The Partys Over M-/UK/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 30 Bennett,Bobby Days go by M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Carn,Jean If You Wanna Go Back M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/classic Phil. Int. 12 Covay,Don Travelin' in heavy traffic M-/sl lbl wear/recommended Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me/Do You Like The Way I Love EX/2 superb sides/rare issue/stock copy Phil. Int. 50 Ebonys I'm So Glad I'm Me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys It's forever M-/w/demo Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Life in the country/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv Phil. Int. 8 Ebonys Nation time M-/sl lbl stain/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/sol-flip/recommended Phil. Int. 15 Ebonys Nation time M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Ebonys Sexy ways/You're the reason why M-2 good sides Phil. Int. 8 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/UK/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 20 Intruders A nice girl like you M-/German/EX pic. Slv/great Phil. Int. 25 Melvin,Harold & Blue Notes Where are all my friends EX+/recommended Phil. Int. 12 Pendergrass,Teddy Close the door EX+/Inc Co sleeve/classic Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass,Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Phil. Int. 5 Pendergrass,Teddy I don't love you anymore M-/w/demo/great Phil. Int. 6 Pendergrass,Teddy Where did all the lovin' go M-/recommended Phil. Int. 20 Rawls,Lou Groovy people/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Phil. Int. 10 Rawls,Lou You'll never find another love like mine M-/Holland/EX+ pic slv/classic Phil. Int. 8 White,Anthony I`m So Much In Love With You/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 10 Williams,Johnny Put it in motion/same M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Phil. Int. 8 Nobles,Cliff Love is all right/The horse (Inst) M-/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 15 Delfonics Loving him M-/recommended Philly Groove 15 First Choice Armed and extremely dangerous M-/Inc Co slv/classic Philly Groove 5 Storm She comes up M-/superb Pi Kappa 30 Shaker Give me love M-/recommended Pittsburgh Int'l 30 Weiss,Terry Keep on pushin' your love/same M-/demo/great Platinum 15 Buck I can't quit your love EX-/sm wol/v sl lbl ring wear/superb Playboy 12 Lance,Major Sweeter/same-mono M-/demo/great Playboy 10 Russell,Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same EX-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 25 Russell,Sam What's usual, ain't natural/same M-/w/demo/fantastic Playboy 30 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) EX-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 20 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/superb Playboy 25 Weapons Of Peace This Life's (about to get me down) M-/w/demo?/date ink stamp on flip/Inc pic slv/superb Playboy 30 Wilson,Al I've Got A Feeling/Be Concerned EX-/2 great sides Playboy 6 Wilson,Al I've got a feeling/Be concerned M-/2 great sides Playboy 8 Wilson,Al You did it for me M-/sm lbl edge tear/superb Playboy 10 Wilson,Al You did it for me/same-mono M-/demo/superb Playboy 12 Jackson,Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/recommended Plum 20 Jackson,Maurice Step by step/inst. M-/demo/sl label stain/superb Plum 25 Brown,James I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons) M-/superb/Inc Co sleeve Polydor 15 Brown,Pep I Am The One Who Needs You/Don't Blame Me EX+/Inc Co sleeve/superb/rare issue Polydor 75 Downing,Al I'm Just Nobody M-/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 30 Gaynor,Gloria Let's make a deal EX-/great Polydor 6 Gaynor,Gloria Let's make a deal M-/w/demo/great Polydor 15 Gaynor,Gloria Let's mend what's been broken M-/superb Polydor 12 Gaynor,Gloria Let's mend what's been broken/same M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Polydor 15 Hayes,Isaac Love has been good to us M-/a tip !! Polydor 15 Invitations Love has to grow EX-/UK/great Polydor 30 Neville,Ivan Not just another girl/same M-/demo/Canadian/modern dancer Polydor 10 Richmond Extension Let's get into something (xol)/She's everything I need M-/Jamaican/2 great sides Polydor 20 Richmond Extension Let's get into something/same EX/demo/great Polydor 12 Stratavarious feat. Lady I got your love-part 1/part 2 M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/great Polydor 15 Vaneese & Carolyn Let me in/I'm losing you M-/Inc Co slv/funky/slowie-flip Polydor 20 Serious Intention Serious M-/UK Pow Wow 5 Byers,Ann This man is rated-X M-/demo/UK/sl lbl damage Power Exchange 12 Main Ingredient Everything man M-/great version Power Exchange 20 Main Ingredient Everything man EX+/UK/great version Power Exchange 25 Glenn,Gary I need you in my life/Cause I love you M-/great PPL 15 Adams,Gayle Baby I Need Your Loving/long Version M-/w/demo/superb version Prelude 30 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair) M-Canadian/great dancer Prelude 15 Inner Life I'm caught up (in a one night love affair)/same M-/w/demo/great dancer Prelude 20 Silk Ain't no need of crying M-/w/demo/recommended Prelude 15 Lloyd,Hetti If you can't satisfy (I've gotta say goodbye) EX+/nice Pride 25 New Censation I've got nothin' to hide M-/recommended Pride 6 Innervision Honey baby (be mine) EX+/superb Private Stock 25 Innervision Honey baby (be mine/same) EX+/demo/superb Private Stock 25 Warwick, Dee Dee Funny how we change places M-/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Private Stock 40 Black,Marion I'm Gonna Get Loaded M-/great Prix 15 Mcneir,Ronnie Saggitarian affair M-/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir,Ronnie Saggitarian affair/same M-/w/demo/great Prodigal 8 Mcneir,Ronnie Wendy Is Gone/same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Prodigal 12 Brown,Sharon I specailize in love M-/nice Profile 8 Jackson Sisters Why can't we be more than just friends/same EX+/demo/nice Prophesy 15 Philosophers The law of love M-/funk PS 20 Moses Sweetest love M-/nice Pure Silk 10 Helms,Jimmy Don't pull your love/same M-/demo/wol/great Pye 8 James,Jimmy Want you so much M-/CANADIAN/sm wol-flip/superb Pye 15 James,Jimmy Want you so much M-/demo/UK/sm lbl tear-flip Pye 15 Dyson, Clifton I'm giving up M-/highly recommended QS 40 Dyson, Clifton/Gwen Matthews I'm giving up M-/wol/highly recommended QS 40 Banks,Bessie Baby you sure know how to get to me/Same-mono M-/EX flip/w/demo/great Quality 20 Armstrong,Chuck Give Me All Your Sweet Lovin M-/great R&R 8 Williams,Bobby You Need Love Like I Do/Everybody Needs Love Somtime M-/2 great sides R&R 8 Merritt,Richie You got problems/inst. M-/nice R.A.M. 8 Brothers Are You Ready For This M-/UK/superb Inst RCA 20 Brothers Brothers theme/Don't stop now EX/demo/Inc co slv RCA 5 Brothers & Others Now is the time of the season M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Center Stage Someday, Someway (you're Gonna Love Me)/Hey Lady M-/demo/2 superb sides RCA 25 Darcus It's got to be love/Same-mono EX-/demo/great RCA 5 Darcus Who's gonna love you/same-moono M-/demo/nice RCA 5 Edwards,Dee All we need is a miracle EX/EX- flip/demo/recommended RCA 8 Edwards,Dee All we need is a miracle EX+/demo/great RCA 15 Fields,Richard 'Dimples' Woman (let me into your life) M-/nice RCA 5 Franklin,Carolyn You really didn't mean it M-/great RCA 6 Graham,Ralph Changing up my life M-/demo/highly recommended RCA 8 Graham,Ralph What am I to do (wol)/same-mono EX/demo/lite lbl ring dirt/superb RCA 25 Graham,Ralph What am I to do/same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 30 Green,Darren Checkin' on you M-/stmol-flip/recommended RCA 15 Green,Garland Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us M-/demo/superb RCA 60 Hit Parade Kisses never die M-/demo/great RCA 15 Hit Parade Stand by me baby M-/demo/superb RCA 25 Hollins,Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known M-/recommended RCA 20 Hollins,Everett 'Blood' Heaven must have known/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 20 Hudson County Heaven's here on earth M-/recommended RCA 15 Hutch,Willie Love games M-/demo/great RCA 20 Hutch,Willie The magic of love M-/demo/great RCA 15 Inception Everybody loves a winner/same-long version M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 James Walsh Gypsy Band Cuz It's you girl M-/demo/UK/superb/rare UK demo RCA 125 Main Ingredient Happiness is just around the bend M-/great RCA 5 Main Ingredient Looks like rain M-/superb RCA 15 Main Ingredient Rolling down a mountainside M-/xol/recommended RCA 10 Marcel,Vic Won't you come and fly with me M-/fantastic x-over RCA 15 Purple Reign You gave me somebody to love/same-mono M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Ruffin,David & Kendrick,Eddie I Couldn't Believe It M-/recommended RCA 15 Ruffin,David & Kendrick,Eddie I Couldn't Believe It/same M-/demo/recommended RCA 15 Satyr Free and easy/Pity for a fool M-/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 30 Simone,Nina Do what you gotta do M-/Gold Standard label/great RCA 5 Swiss Movement This moment...../Bring back your love EX+/demo/2 great sides RCA 10 Til,Sonny You're all I need M-/great RCA 6 Til,Sonny You're all I need M-/demo/great RCA 8 Tymes It's cool EX-/recommended RCA 8 Tymes It's cool M-/recommended RCA 10 Soul 45’s wanted From single items to whole collections I buy worldwide! 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