Henry Posted September 5, 2016 Posted September 5, 2016 SOUL45COLLECTOR To reserve/buy records: email soul45collector@ntlworld.com or phone UK (0)1724-357147, Mobile - (0)7941 309 081 (9am to 9pm) or PM me. Most major credit/debit cards accepted direct also www.paypal.com payments as a 'Friends OR Family' payment or at 4% extra UK Postage:-Recorded Delivery:- 7" singles; first record - £2.50 for first 3 singles, then 25p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £4.50, then £1.00 each extra item.Special Delivery:-£4.75 extra to the above rates. Overseas Airmail postage:-European countries:-7" singles; first record - £4.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £7.00, then £1.00 each extra item.All other overseas countries:-7" singles; first record - £5.00, then 50p each extra single.L.P.'s/12" singles: first record - £9.00, then £1.00 each extra item.Overseas airmail insurance (where available) is £9 extra to the above rates. Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide! Northern / 60's / R&B Soul Holland,Eddie I'm on the outside looking in EX+/Inc blue Co slv/classic Motown 100 Supremes He's All I Got / Love Is Like An Itching In My Heart EX+/2 superb sides Motown 20 Earls Papa / If I could do it over again M-/demo/2 superb sides Mr. G 40 Del-chords Your mommy lied to your daddy EX-/wol/sm lbl scuff/great Mr. Genius 40 Curry,Louis A toast to you / I'll try again tomorrow M-/2 great sides M-S 30 Variations Shakin' and breakin' M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great MTA 40 Jimmie & Wayne You better believe it EX-/1st label/great Music World 20 Perkins,Joe Runaway slave EX-/w/demo/recomndd Musicor 75 Kittens Three Baby (I need you) / I'm coming apart at the seams M-/multi coloured label/2 great sides Newark 40 Church, Jimmy The hurt EX/w/demo/great Okeh 60 Variations Yesterday is gone M-/w/demo/wol/superb Okeh 30 Vibrations Keep on keeping on M-/w/demo/recommended Okeh 30 Vibrations Pick me / You better beware EX/EX- flip/w/demo/2 great sides Okeh 25 Calello,Pat The things I need M-/w/demo/highly recommended Oliver 60 Steinways You've been leading me on / My hearts not in it anymore M-/sm wol/Inc Co slv/2 classics Oliver 200 Admirations Wait til I get to know you / inst. M-/fantastic One-derful 15 Mitchell,McKinley You know I've tried EX-/w/demo/superb R&B/HUGE potential! One-derful 25 Helms,Jimmy My little devil M-/recommended Oracle 30 Ben Zine Village of tears EX/w/demo/Inc Co slv/great Parkway 150 De Vonns Freddie M-/w/demo/recommended Parkway 25 Four Exceptions A sad goodbye / You got the power M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/2 superb sides Parkway 75 Graves,Joe See saw M-/w/demo/superb Parkway 20 Freddie-Henchi & The Soulsetters Things are changing M-/recommended/rare Patheway 50 Lee,Little Frankie I Gotta Come Back EX/demo/great mid-tempo Peacock 40 Peoples Choice Lost and found / Keep on holdin' on M-/v sl lbl wear/superb/great flip too Philips 40 Williams,Tony How come M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recommended Philips 50 Jones,Buster Down silent streets M-/w/demo/superb Phil-L.A. Of Soul 60 Starr,Brenda Satan, Let Me Sleep Tonight (feint stmol) M-/w/demo/fantastic Polydor 100 Allison,Leevert I want to give my heart to you M-/highly recommended Poncello 40 Adonis I laugh to keep from crying / Cry of the century EX+/2 great sides Powertree 60 Admirals Sawmill EX-/great raw soul-R&B Pulse 35 In-men Ltd Take a look at my baby / The one who really cares EX/2 great sides Pyramid 125 Pinkertones Feat. Eddie Gross Its not the way you walk M-/fantastic mid-tempo Queen-G 250 C-quents Easy for you baby M-/recommended Quest 125 Griffin,Little Jimmy If things don't change EX+/superb R&B R 40 Noble,Beverly Better off without you M-/w/demo/superb Rally 30 Anderegg,Calleen Fool's paradise M-/great RBE 50 Adams,Nancy I wanna hear it from you M-/highly recommended RCA 60 Carter,Kenny Don't go (lite stmol) M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 50 Cavaliers I've got to find her / I really love you (stmol) EX+/2 great sides RCA 50 Cooke, Carolyn I don't mind / Tom, Dick and Harry M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too RCA 85 Hamilton,Roy Crackin' up over you VG++/classic/rarer issue RCA 150 Mason,Tony We're gonna bring the country to the city) M-/Inc Co sleeve/recommended RCA 25 Paris,Freddie There she goes M-/y/demo/Inc Co slv/superb RCA 25 Reese,Della Ninety nine and 1/2 won't do M-/Inc Co slv/recommended RCA 60 Sedaka,Neil Too late M-/w/demo/superb RCA 40 Stacey,Gwenn Lonely girl / How many times can one heart break M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides RCA 60 Griffin,Virgil & The Rhythm Kings I'm on my way M-/recommended Reginald 15 Wilson,Delores Come on shy guy M-/great R&B Renee 50 Fitzgerald,Ella Get ready M-/fantastic version Reprise 25 Rivieras You Counter Feit Girl EX-/superb Rileys 125 Holidays This is love / The love we share M-/2 superb sides Rob-Ron 60 Taylor,Ted Miss you so M-/great R&B Ronn 25 Davis,Curtis Tell me (2 lite x's ol) EX+/mid-tempo magic Ronnie 125 Little Natalie & Henry With The Gifts Teardrops are falling / It's uncle Willie M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Roulette 25 All Night Workers Don't put all your eggs in one basket VG++/highly recommended Round Sound 65 Party Favors Changed disposition EX/great RSVP 40 Wonderettes I feel strange / Wait until tonight M-/1st label/2 great sides Ruby 50 Guess,Lenis Just ask me / Workin' for my baby EX/2 superb sides S.P.Q.R. 60 Wilson,Madeline Dial "L" for lonely M-/superb Samar 100 Buckner Brothers Love you from the bottom of my heart / A change is gonna come M-/2 superb sides Sanla 40 Big Maybelle Yesterday's kisses / I don't want to cry EX/sm wol/2 superb sides Scepter 30 Candy And The Kisses Out in the streets again / Sweet and lovey EX+/xol-flip/classic/great flip too Scepter 40 Miles,Lenny In between tears M-/superb version Scepter 40 Scott,Dean Gotta have losers too M-/w/demo/great Scepter 25 Tiffe,Jerry Hey Watcha Doin' M-/recommended Scepter 60 Williams,Maurice Return M-/WOL/great Sea-horn 50 Williams,Maurice Return M-/great Sea-horn 60 Williams,Maurice Return EX+/w/demo/great Sea-horn 75 Roberts,Tina Snow / My basket (a tisket-a tasket) M-/2 great sides Security 15 Cumbo, Linda Yesterday, today & tomorrow EX+/w/demo/wol/recommended Select 50 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide!Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul Farra,Maryann & Satin Soul Living in the footsteps of another girl M-/great version Brunswick 25 Hart,Randy The other one M-/demo/great md-tempo Brunswick 40 Moore,Johnny Just be for real M-/w/demo/recommended Brunswick 60 Wilson,Jackie This love is real M-/superb Brunswick 15 Anderson,Joe You and I / same M-/demo/superb Buddah 30 Black Satin + Parris,Fred Everybody stand and clap our hands / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Ebonys Making love ain't no fun / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Modulations I can't fight your love / Your love has me locked up M-/2 superb sides Buddah 20 Motherlode What does it take (to win your love) M-/great version Buddah 25 Norman,Jimmy I wanna make love to you / same M-/demo/awesome Buddah 15 Owens,Tony All that matters / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Paragons Oh lovin' you / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 15 Wilson,Bobby Deeper and deeper / same M-/demo/recommended Buddah 12 Bailey,J. R. Love won't wear off as the years wear on / same-inst EX/demo/wol/superb Calla 60 Dukes,Bobby Just to be with you / same-inst EX+/superb x-over Calla 60 Wells,Jean What have I got to lose / Broomstick horse cowboy M-/demo/2 superb sides Calla 40 Ad Libs Love me / Know all about you M-/demo/great/funk flip Capitol 25 Haywood,Leon Consider the source M-/superb Capitol 75 Four Mints You want to come back M-/recommended Capsoul 20 Jackson,Deon You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser M-/2 great sides Carla 20 Santos,Larry Can't get you off my mind M-/superb Casablanca 15 Scott,Gloria Just as long as we're together / There will never be another M-/superb/inst. flip Casablanca 15 Scott,Gloria Just As Long As We're Together/There Will Never Be Another M-/demo/UK/inst. Flip Casablanca 15 Scott,Gloria What am I gonna do / Same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sl/superb Casablanca 40 Scott,Gloria What am I gonna do/What shall I do(Inst) M-/superb Casablanca 40 Winters,Robert & Fall Do it any way you want / Lock me up M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15 Fourteen Karat Soul The trouble with love / Please say you want me EX+/2 great sides Catamount 30 Moore,Jackie Do ya got what it takes / How's your…..(sm stmol) M-/UK/w/demo/stmol-flip/2 great sides CBS 15 Nesbary,Sherm (Reb) Don't make me sorry / All my life, all my love (brown lbl) M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30 T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me / Falling in love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb/great flip too Chess 40 Keyes,Troy See no evil / same (mono) M-/demo/superb Chumley 40 Baker,Johnny Operator,operator M-/great Cisco 12 Gee,Frankie Date with the rain M-/w/demo/great version Claridge 15 Krystal Generations You were never mine M-/superb Crossover CMC 25 I.a.p. Co. Check yourself EX+/superb version Colossus 20 Love Comer, Mary Come out of the sandbox M-/superb CoLove 20 8th Avenue Band The whole thing / same EX/great/rare issue Columbia 25 Austin,Patti Can't forget the one I love / same-mono M-/demo/Inc Co sleeve/superb Columbia 25 Silver,Stirling Damned if I do / Sunshine (when I got you) M-/2 great sides Columbia 40 Thompson,Rick What do I have to do M-/w/demo/superb Columbia 125 Tower Of Power You ought to be havin' fun / While we went to the moon M-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 20 Nat Cole Jr & Teri Carter You M-/superb Comptons Staff 30 Jones,Jimmy Ain't nothing wrong making love..first night / Time & changes M-/great x-over/funk flip Conchillo 15 Banks, Darrell The love of my woman EX-/great Cotillion 25 Hatcher,Willie Have a heart, girl / You got quality (ink stamp ol) EX+/Inc Co slv/2 great sides/rare issue Cotillion 30 Patti & Lovelites Love bandit M-/superb version Cotillion 20 Patti & Lovelites We've got the real thing M-/recommended Cotillion 25 Tony & Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20 Butler,Billy She's got me singing / Feel the magic M-/great Curtom 15 Butler,Billy She's got me singing/same M-/demo/great Curtom 15 Chandler,Gene I still love you EX/recommended Curtom 15 Impressions Wherever she leadeth me M-/superb Curtom 15 Natural Four Love's so wonderful / same-mono EX+/demo/superb Curtom 30 Waters,Freddie Singing a new song / same M-/demo/recommended Curtom 15 Qualls,Sidney Joe Run to me / Same-mono EX/w/demo/superb Dakar 35 Qualls,Sidney Joe Run to me/same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Wallace,Wales Forever and a day / same-mono M-/w/demo/superb Dakar 40 Rumpus My love's gonna getcha (Inc Co sleeve) M-/sm wol/superb Dash 60 Saddler Revue,Reggie So long sweet little girl M-/w/demo/highly recommended De-Lite 30 Saddler,Janice & Jammers My baby's coming home to stay / Inst. EX/w/demo/superb De-lite 75 Truth Coming home / Touch me M-/2 great sides Devaki 12 Easton,Billy I was a fool M-/great x-over Dispo 25 Chymes My baby's gone away M-/great x-over Down To Earth 20 Laskey, Emanuel I'd rather leave on my feet / Same-full/disco version VG+/green label/superb x-over DT 125 Roberts,John To be my girl M-/demo/recommended Duke 35 Swope,Sheryl Run to me / Are you gonna do right this time (SOL) M-/2 superb sides Duo 60 Berdell,Cheryl Giving it all to you M-/recommended Em.t 15 Soul 45's wanted From single items to whole collectionsI buy worldwide!Loads more on the website - www.soul45collector.com
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